The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 14, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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: Starting Thursday. morning and to continue as long
j; ; as our stock lasts '
Thelroly. economical way to buy stationery is ty the pound provided you
get full sixteen ounces of writing paper. OUR JtAVELSTONE POUND
PAPER is an exceprfonally good quality and each package contains 1 pound
sQld1iet.of white deckle edge paper, which we regularly sell at 59c.
We have received a NEW SHIPMENT OP THIS STATIONERY from Ofl
the.OWL DRUG CO. and it goes on safe Thursday at OV C
A pure white paper that
?i.uu. xma saie at
Onifs the Best
- $6evrs
The Weather
Fair; temperatures above nor
mal; moderate northerly winds.
Maximum yesterday, 86; minimum
r9; river, 2.2, stationary; rain
fall, none; Atmosphere, clear;
wind, southwest. '
License Is "Issued
A marriage license wag, Issued
in Salem Tuesday to George P.
K. Moorehead, 425 Kearney street,
a teacher, and Jennette Francis,
435 Vandervort street, a YWCA
GciblerIs Acquitted
Charles Gelbler of Detroit was
acquitted by a jury in the circuit
court Tuesday afternoon, follow
ing his trial on a charge of being
the father jofr a child born to' his
unmarried niece. The triaL lasted
two days and was' presided over
by Judge Tercy R. Kelly.
Save Money! Buy Your Piano
' .During our sale.- Moore's Mu
sle House.. , . JIG
i V
Mill' City Man Fined
1 'Alfred Ward of Mill City was
.fined 10 in. the justice court
hera Tuesday by Brazier C. Small,
justice of the peace, when he en
td a plea of guilty to. a charge
c-leaving a camp fire unattended.
Every Davenport Must
Hence big reductions in
Hamilton's." "
Arrested for Threat
B. Lavett of Brooks was arrest
ed Tuesday afternoon by Walter
DeLong, Salem constable, follow
ing the issuing of a complaint
against him, charging him with
"a threat to commit a crime with
a dangerous weapon." The com
plaint was "sworn to by Herman
Sears who declared Lavett threat
ened him.with a knife. Layett
demanded a hearing in the justice
court and was released under bail
of $250.
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Gelse-Powors
Furniture company. 20tf
Mill City Guest
Mrs. Merle Anderson -of Buck
ley, Wash., who has been visiting
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E,
Glenn In Milt-City, has departed
for her home. ' "
Small gold society pin attached
to chain. Please" retf rh to States
man for reward. ? 3tf
Baby Is Born
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Htilbert of Buena
Vista recently.
Goes to Portland-
Mrs. W. L.' Boull8ter of Silver-
ton has jroneto Portland for a
Garter Belts for Warm Weather
Howard Corset Shop, 165 N. Lib
- - ' jl4
Girl Scout Picnic
The girl scouts troop No. 2 of
Silverton held a picnic there Mon
3 Victor, Records for $ 1.0O
. Regular75c sire at Stiff's. J14
Birtchet Funeral Today
t George -W; Irtehet,"5 father of
Hubert Bi&chet of Salem, died at
Dever, near Albany, Monday, ac
cording to word received here.
Funeral services, will be held at
Albany today atU2 o "crock. Mr.
Birtchet was native of Oregon,
having been born a.t Butteville in
1861. He Is survived by his five
chjyren. Hubert, G rover "Bittchel
togota,it;olombia;4 Mrs. Alice
Underwood Typewriter Co.
Direct Factory uran en
510 Court Bt, Phone 2d2
Typewriters-Rented, Bold, '
Special rental ratal to Students
107 D Ctreet Teler&OM 31S
envelopes to match, (pkgs. of 25) .19c
Containing 1 quire paper and 25 envelopes.
Regularly 50c. (3 colors) OA
This sale J ZSjC
is above the ordinary and sells
' '
Daniels of Portland, George J.
Birtchet of Dever, and TjValter
Birtchet of Portland, who was
formerly chief of police at Salem.
He has been ill since last No
vember. 1
Hotel Marroi,
r Dollar dinner, served 6:45 to 8
very evening. J2tf
New Ijee Warehouse t -. .
A new warehouse is being
erected at the hatchery of jfcloyd
Lee of Auburn. 8
Picnic on Sunday
A large number of Woddburn
people picnicked at the Silverton
park Sunday. .
Real Piano Sale
At Moore's.
Visit in e Parents
Mr. and Mrs. Yale Smith of
Eugene are visiting at the home
of ,0, T. Bjornaas in Woodburn.
Mr. and Mrs. Bjornaas are Mrs.
Smith's parents.
On Short Visit
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Paujson and
family of Silverton have gone to
Idaho for a two weeks' visit.
Halik & Koff for Klectric Fans-
Eight inch fans $6.50. jl5
Services Come to End '
The evangelistic services being
conducted by Teddy W. Leavitt of
Eugene at Mill City came to an
end Monday. Approximately 200
have been converted while they
A action Tonight
7:30 p. m. at F. N. Woodry's
store. Summer and Norway; furni
ture from 4 Salem homes. ; jl4
Enter Hospital
Elmer Johnson of Silverton,
Miss Rose Wiesfenfels, and Mrs.
W. Fry aYe in the Silverton hos
pital. The first two had their
tonsils removed and Mrs. Frye
suffered a nervous breakdown.
Davenports Reduced
For July clearance sale.
Visiting W. W. Masoifc ;
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole f Port
land have been visiting at the W.
W. Mason home in Mill City.
Marry In Albany-
Miss Lucille Howe and J. E.
Preston of Mill City were married
in Albany recently. j ' f t
The Salvation Army
Can make good use of your cast-
off clothing, etc. Phone 1$20. jl7
Riches Funeral .Held ,
Miss Eliza Riches of Turner,
who was born in Oregon In 1854,
was buried in Turner Monday.
She died recently after a short
illness. i
Truck Plunges, Two Injured-
Mrs. Joseph Heston, formerly
Miss Ida Arrell of Independence,
was injured when her husband's
truck ran off a 50 foot embank
ment near Wheeler Sunday. Mrs.
Heston was thrown from tbe truck
Mflce PaneA's Brake . Station
575 South Commercial Street
Sal Zstate Xm X&sarsass -f
8rtjr Boats. - j
P. n. BELL j
829 V.' S. Bank Efctg. nUS t7
mm BUSH Bankers
' V Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office nmn from 10 a, m. to S p. .
regularly at
and severely cut and bruised: Her
husband was also injured.
Real Piano Sal
At Moore's
Team Runs Away
Lee Ridgeway of Buell was in
jured Sunday when his team ran
away. His foot was hurt.
Vacation at Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Webb Hakins of
Silverton are on a vacation at the
Take Marriage License
Marceline Farlow, 19, of Salem,
and Alex Calibe, 26. of Portland,
have been granted a marriage li
cense at Vancouver, Wash.
Thomas Campbell 111
Thomas Campbell of the' public
service commission is ill at his
(Portland home.
Furniture Upholstery O
And repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture company. s20tf
Guests in Kal cm-
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Dorkes were
guests in Salem recently.
Five Day Encampment
The Evangelical churches In
and near Salem are sponsoring a
five day encampment at the Quin-
aby park camp grpunds beginning
today. Rev. W. " I. Shambaugh,
for 20 years a missionary in
China, will toll of his experiences
there. Evangelical church serv
ices will be dismissed Sunday for
the occasion.
Church Picnic Held
Elders of the First Presbyterian I
church held a picnic last night at
the Brush College picnic grounds.
A basket dinner and session meet
ing were on the program. Rev.
H. T. Babcock, who will leave to
day for his home in California,
was a guest.
Will Conduct Classes
Dr. Walter Brown, head of the
Marion county child health dem
onstration, will conduct classes in
health education this morning, to
morrow and Friday mornings at
the OAC summer session in Cor-
75c Victor Records 48c
Or 5 for $1.90. Get your rec
ords now at this big reduction.
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. 114
Dental Clinic Today
A health clinic and dental clinic
will jbexheid at Hubbard today un-
dear the direction of Dr. B. A.
Douglas and Dr. E. L. Brunk of
the Marion county child health
Leaves After Visit
Ted Henry ofOregon City has
left Salem after visiting friends
here the last few days.
Picnic on Sunday
M. D. Pilkenton has announced
plans for tbe regular meeting of
the Willamette Valley Typographi
cal conference at Brookside auto
camp Sunday. A basket lunch and
picnic will be held.
Leave Hospital
Mra S T TIslvIar and her vnunr
child have returned to their, home
from a local hospital.
Health Workers Swim-
Members of tbe Marion county
child health demonstration staff
were entertained at a swimming
party at Silver creek, near, Silver-
? Bttry t.nd I '
- Electrie! Berric
631 Court St.
We have a real! bay ln-a-102.5
Flint tonrlgl e w
paint, tew rubber, Irith glass
enclosure, b m pi e r, spot
light, automatic swipe ' and .
several other extras. This
car has run but fery little
and ran be bad at a Tery
low price. I
ton. last night. The hosts were
iMiss Ida Twedten, a nurse In the
Silverton district, 'and Miss Mar-'
tha Harrison, nurse in the Mount
Angel district. j ,
Undergoes Operatioi
C. B. Harris underwent an op
eration at a local hospital Monday.
Real Piano Sale
At Moore's.
Lumber Company Working
The Hammond Lumber com
pany's logging cam pi at Mill City
started work again Hdnday after
its Fourth of July shutdown.
Funeral Service Held
The funeral service' for Joseph
Friar, who died In Dallas Satur
day, was held there! Monday.'
Auction Wed. Nlte, f7:80 p. m.-
At F. N. Woodry's store, Sum
mer and Norway, furniture from
four Salem homes, j ' " . J14
Church Duties End
Re-. John T. Myers of the
Church of God in Woodburn has
resigned his pastoral duties at the
church but will retain his position.
of mail carrier there.
Annual Picnic Held
The family of Peter Kurra held
its annual picnic in Helmlch park ,
at Independence Sunday.
See What You Can Buy
A good davenport for. Hamil
ton's clearance sale, j J14
Surprise Party Given
A surprise pariy was given mru. i
Martin Tompkins of; Grand Island
on her birthday.
Loganberry Juice;
The Humphrey way. &c. cnau-
tauqua entrance. 'ill
Will Build Home
D. L. Bond has been granted a
building permit to erect a one
Rtorv dwelling at! 1410 Market
street. The estimated cost is given
at $4000. J. R. Anderson will be
the builder. j
The lire wnicn xiesiroyea wirw-rperea
tle and other property owned by
the Silverton Lumber company
was under control Tuesday, ac
cording to reports received at the
offices of the state; forester. No
green timber was destroyed and
most of the camp equipment was
saved by the fire fighters.
Ttnv Vnnp TtArnrdH Now!
Practically all Victor records
' . it
erpatlv reduced at Stilt's Furni
ture Store. Ji
Kxams End Today
Between 75 and 80 applicants
wrote in the annual bar examina
tions held here yesterday under
the state board of Ib&T examiners.
The examinations I will continue
until tonight.
Ruild Overhead Crossing
The public service i commission
yesterday issued an order author
izing construction of an overhead
crossing in the city lof Klamath
Falls. The cost of the imDrove-
ment was estimated t .$124,000,
of which amount the'rallroad com
pany will pay $6t,0q. The fe
rnainder of the cost will be paid
by the city of Klamath Falls.
Real Piano Sale
At Moore's.
Agreement Rechcd-4-
Contracts between; the irriga
tion districts relative to repay
ments on the Owyhee. - Vale ana
Uaker projects have been approv
ed by the government and work
will start on the two former de
velopments as soon ag the districts
approve the contracts, according
to Elwood Mead, commissioner of
reclamation. This! information was-l
brought here yesterday, by Rhea,
lauper, ctate engineer, who held a
conference with Mr. Mead at Spo
kane. Government money now
I available will be ise4 for the pur
chase of water rights and construc
tion of a drainage system for "the
vale project, Mr.! Mead said.
(iris Leave Today
The local Saltation Army corps
will send five yoltng girls to the
Army s state summer camp for
ypung people to bo held at Cala-
pooya Springs from July 14 to 23
Their names arej Wanda and La
v erne Dancer, Etta ! Vlekers, Lil
Han Gipson and
Isabel Pickens,
and they leave Salem this morn-
DeLongs Entertain Visitors-
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. DeLoner of
lloy Chemcketa street are enjoy
i s r
ing a visit with Rev, and Mrs. M
D. Reid of Long jLeach, Cal.. who
are motoring through to the Can
adian line and- enjoying the Orev
Bun tuuuii; Bretu.ijrj Xr.. lieia In
a brother of Mrs.j DeLong. .
Home From Vacation
N. Woodryj Salem leading
Mlnnt.or with Xri WAttn
tamUy, ' returned '-las -njgia
irom a ,i aay . inp tnrougn-iii,
Oregon caves, Critcr; and JJlapxpnA
i ! akes, ; and horn eward : bx. way bt
Bend and through McKenxie Pass.
fishing was: first class: Mr. Wood
ry saw two fine-specimens of. the
muie-tan aeer pn me trip,, and -
member of the party saw a Iarre
gray timber wolf at Diamond lake.
For three successive mornings the
coyotes Rare out their peculiar
brand of noise. : Residents inform
ed ,Mr. Woodry that there is a
great deal of bear and other wild
game' in the Diamond lake district.
As Mr. Woodry. ls a hunter and
fisherman, he was especially in
terested. The . party had a very
enjoyable trip.
Steinway Piano, Fine . Condi tioi
$533. Moore's Music House,
415 Court. J16
Club WUl Swim. -
The Salem Motorcycle club will
go to Silverton to swim in tbe
park, 1 earing Harry Scott's at 6. SO
You Oueht4o Have.
V A MAxeTecTrIc"Khge in your
iome. Hamilton's. 114
Bowden Return
,Mlss Ivy and Violet Bowden re
turned heme Sunday from a two
weeks visit at the home of Mrs
Arthur Pepin in- Chitwood, who
lived here In Salem last winter.
They spent a few days at Newport
and otter Rock beaches.
Posts 150 Bond-
Fred Signet, arrested recently
on a charge of possssion of intoxi
cating liquor, was-released yester
day on posting of 160 bonds.
Guests Visiting
Mrs. Blanche Somerville oi
Portland is visiting In Salem at
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cut
ler. Mrs. Somerville and Mrs.
Cutler are cousins. '
Out on Bail
A. L. Spaulding was released ou
$500 bail yesterday. He was ar
rested Sunday on a charge of
drunkenness "and , driving while
drunk. -
Real Piano Sale
At Moore s.
. . j r i
ACCldent IS DlSCOVered Only
When Supply of Logs
hails to Arrive
George Barrey, 21, employed as
a pond man at 4he Salem PuId &
F'aper company's plant here, was
drowned in the nond yesterday
morning at about 7 o'clock. The
drowning was unobserved, so the
cause is unknown. Although it is
thought that he slipped off a log
sxnd was unable to rise, being.ham-
by n Is heavy boots
The body was . recovered at 9
o'clock witb. a grappling hook by
Walter Gerth df West Salem, who
las recovered 16 other bodies from
the Willamette. .'Although re
suscitation was carried ou for
more than an hour, it was unsuc
cessful.' ' v '
The man was hot; missed until
the logs lie was supposed' to sup
ply for the mill ceased coming.
His hat and pike pole floating on
the water were the only evidences
of his disappearance. A crewo!
men started searching for the body
immediately, but it was not until
Gerth, a veteran river man. hid
been summoned that it could be
Barrey is survived by his moth
er, with whom he lived at 2100
North Commercial street. He was
Afternoon Frocks
of Rayons
These new fabrics are
the foremost park in
aresses tnis year, lvenairjg- an
air of quality and holding -their
lustre wonderfully under -
the strain of frequent tub- St
- - lx
Highway Commissiori Asks
5. rvto Help Meet togene
' 'BridgeCost,
The state" highway 'commission
yesterday filed in the office of the
public service . commission' here
an answer 'to,,h, petition of the
souinern facinc company ior
permission to replace its street
csrs between .Eugene and Spring
field with buses, in which it urges
that such an order' of; the public
service commission should con
tain a proviso that In abandoning
its streetcar tracks the Southern
Pacific ' company should be made
to participate In any. expense in
volved iln the construction of
new Driaga ana . overhead cross
ing a short, - distance'? north of
At the time of the hearing of
the application of the. Southern
Pacific company at Dogene. re
cently the SduthernPaicific of
fecials indicated that In event the
street cars were; replaced with
Duses tbe street car -tracks and
right of way 'between Eugene and
Springfield: would be used as a
part of theV Natron cutoff. It was
said that approximately, 3 steam
trains w6uld be" operated over the
abandoned street "car . tracks
daily. ' ' ,
In order to accommodate these
trains the highway commission set
out in its answer-that it wou4d be
necessary to reconstruct the pres
ent bridge on the Eugene-Springfield
line and erect an overhead
crossing. .
The Proposed-New One Is i
Poultry Cannery With a
Good Business
. ' .: .'
- W. F, Smith & Co f:ol McMinn
ville, Oregon, have the only large
exclusive poultry cannery on the
coast. The company isTrported to
always-have ita' annual-"pack sold
In advance. V
It has only1, been in ? operation
two or three years, . but last year
put up and sold, between 20,000
and 30,000 1alf; p6iind-cans of
chicken products; -C. -
This chicken cannery handle?
about 1000 chickens .-a, week and
at the present time employs seven
people. : p.ji',.
Its prod uetBare Wade-marked
"Mione" Minced Chicken. Boned
Chicken, Chiclfen Giblets and
Chicken Soup, of. Broth and is a
very fine prodttct. vC.tV- .
The company plans i on adding
canned turkey, to Its product In
the near - future! These products
afe found very, convenient for pic
Olc parties, luhches, sandwiches,
and for", the ,-' general household
emergency .shelf. ; .
- Mr. Smith informs the writer
: V J1 V.J, f. ' ,
Treated by Osteopathy and tha
latest Electrical Therapy In
cluding -Dr. Ab ram's Electronic
8ystem "
No Charge 'foe
Physician aad Surgeoa
SOI U. S. Bank Building
. &alem. Oregon
and Mopacs 1
- j -
: t
1' - ..
Then, too, there are the polka
dot voiles and printed tissues
.'that .are ideal for the real
warm days. . r,. '
$'3.48-!', $9 -75
fc o1-
1 t -V X
i - co v.- :
that his company has about out-
ITown. if s .presents quarters , and
capacity, and 'before making any
more addutona. or . expanding in
iny way will probibly consider s
lew location with improved power
ind transportation 'facilities, and
they, loot very favorably upon
Salem as the most " central, and
convenient location for their new
modern exclusive poultry cannery.
Their product fills a long re it
want in high class canned goods,
and they meet 'with remarkable
-success in ' marketing their pro
duct, which indicates a large and
readr demand for It. The business
-ould be operated upon a much
larger seal with ..correspondingly
increased 'profits and should grow
into a large, successful and prom
able enternrlse.
Here is a chance "for the Salem
Chamber of Commerce to get busy
and by bringing this poultry can
At the late home, 18j)3 South
Thirteenth street. Madelene Rund,
age 65 years. Survived by her
husband.' Peter Rund, and three
sons. Leo of Stayton, Edwin of
Oakland, Cal.. and Joseph of Sa
lem. The remains are at the Sa
lem mortuary chapel. Announce
ment of funeral will be made
George E. Bairey was drowned
Tuesday morning. July 13. He is
survived, by his mother. Mrs.
Agnes Bairey, four brothers, Ray
of Salem,. Iva of North Dakota
Earl and Aries of Salem, and by
two sisters. Pearl and Mary, both
of Salem. .Announcement of fun
eral will be" made later Jjy the Rig
don & Son mortuary. Rosary will
be held at fhe home. 2100 North
Commercial on Wednesday, July
, In this city. Tuesday. July 13
fie in hold Monroe, at the age of
I years; son of Mrs. Elsie Monroe,
brother of Douglas Monroe. Fun
eral services will bo held Wednes
day, July 14, at 2:15 o'clock from
the Rlgdon & Son mortuary.. In
terment will be fn IOOF cemetery.
Funeral services for Otto Kader
abek, who died in this city Mon
day, July U 2, will be held from
the Rigdon & Son mortuary on
hursday, July 15, at 1:30 o'clock.
Interment will be in City View
O yet we trust that somehow
good ...
Will be the final goal or ill,
The pangs of nature, sins of
will,- - '
Defects of doubt, and taints of
That nothing walks with aim
less feet;
That not one life shall be de
stroyed, Or cast .as. rubbish to the void.
When God hath made the pile
Tennyson. "
W. T.; Rigdon & Son
' " for
r & llfflniflvrli Kit USA ?
It Has the
Vacuum Packed
, Sold by
All Triangle Grocers
Distributed by
Willamette; Grocery Co.
Salem, Oregon .
- 10 Rooms High
- f. Starts 10 A. M. Sharp "
" 260 Center street, near N. Commercial
" Including: -
' Wood, coal and! Gas range, heaters, 11 beds with steel
'' spring and - mattresses, ..Davenport, Dining Table and 1 8
chairs,- rugs, congoleutn rags, walnut buffet, rockers., stand,
tables. . .dressers, t' draperies; ; - curtains.' - "pillows, I bed
' ding, dishes, kitchen utensils,: garderf tools and everything
: to furnish 1 0 roomed bouse. Every tb fog In this sale is
real good. Beds are tbe latest design with' steel springs and
I good tnattresses. r sj ' - ' .
I Miiie You 1 '-' ' 1 & - AVocdry
Owners 260 CenUrSUfeet v :-y ti the Auctioneer
;Thi3;ijTthfe rVtdry'LVerybodr Ili -s-plcns 511
nery to Salem add more variety
toour already large cannery In
terests here. " '
'f Th-wrltF kf Tib iKnva will Ka
pleased to know ' that the SaTem,
Chamber of -.Commerce is already
at 'work on this proposition, and ' '
will lend every help in securing
the location of the proposed new
cannery in this city. Ed.) ;
Visitors Reported
in Salem
Mr. and Mrs. S. .Simon of Spo
kane have left Salem after a two
weeks visit.
Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Wilson of
The Dalles Visited In "Salem yester
day. .: . ' -
Bernard Simonton of Independ
ence visited Salem Monday.
. R. O. Yocura of Corvallls visited
Salem Tuesday ,,J. ..
Mr. and Mrs..M. Si Stanley were
Salem -visitors, . Tuesday, Their
home is In' Astoria, i
' . Miss Dora McClain of Eugene is
a Salem visitor.' 1 ; J ,;
Burgess Ford of Amity visited
in Salem Tuesday. - i
Rev, Monroe G. Everett of Cor
vallis was a Salem vilstor yester
day. -; - .
Chiropractic f
That Science .Which deals
entirely with the nervous
systems-' ;j ; - " - l.n.fe
Your Nerves Control.!
' Your4 Body
The Beit in Chiropractic
828 Oregon Bldg.
F. If. V&dry'i
3iimmef and
and .
Furniture from the
Homes of
Mrs. P. E. Moore ,
Miss Margaret Myers
Mrs. Ll 'A. GoIdale
' Mrs J. S. Mills .
, Buy Where Your Money'
.(s:i.Buys the -Most ,
'Only One Store"
Summer and Norway
' - ' . -Y2:"
If you have? anything 'to
sell, Phone 511'
The Summer St. Woodry
The Woodry . Everybody
- " Kiiows
Grade furniture