s I' ''' ' THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING.': JULY.,14, . 1926. ; HI By AUPRED' BUNCH . Phone i 10S Salem Men's Chorus to Sin$ Tonight in Silvqrton A group of Salem men who mak up thei personnel 'of the Salt-m Men's choras of vhich Dan I.anMherg Is director, will pre ni midsummer concert this . vening in , Silver ton,. , The, ,con oi t is being presented a a bene fit performance under, th auspi a's of the American Legion auxil iary. ' Wis Marian Emmons, , who is s pftndJri&the summer in Salem, will Jjive assisting violin numbers, with Miss Ruth Bedford-playing lit-r. accompaniments. MfSsClaud-i-i .Lew'is will" accompanjCfor the Itoctis numbers. The vocal s'olor is of; the evening will fee Martin 1 oerffe'r. fn Che following program has been r.iiounced : i a") Proudly as the Eagle.... Spohr b- t Gathered a, Hose.... ....Lee Chorus. (d) Deep River Lucas (b Silent Recollections-'... Pache Chorus. 'a) Forsaken ..i....r.v.,.Jvoschat il Swing Alo C-.'.UaiiiA Cools . ;ch'oraa.i v a) La Gitant-...j:..' Kreisler ib) Hale Ioon...,.Ioan-Krei6ler ( ) . Minuet. J..4.Porpore-Kreisler ... Marjjyi. Emmons.; ( al rfce,fJ4c.?. i..." Squire (b)Invictus Huhn (c The Iast Hour Kramer Mr. Doerfler. iai Praelulium .... Sitt ibi Berceuse Juon i i Arabesque No. 2 .'..Debussy i) Habanera Sarasate Marian Emmons. Woman's Union to Meet All members of ttie Woman's I'nion of the First Congregational Lurch are asked to be present at i home North y. The 'clock. The afternoon will be devoted to County Guests at" j , Terwilliger Home ! Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Glllman of Heppner, Or., we the house gnests at tneVG. K. " Terwilliger home; Mrs. Glllmaiv is the past depart ment' president ' of the Wproen's Relief corps. Mrs. Kinseyx Visiting Relatives in Salem Mrs. L. C. Kinsey, nee Lois Moorhead and Miss Ruby Sooth of Sisters, Or., motored j over,; the McKenzie, Pais to Salem where ihey. will be house guests of -Mrjs, fotjiey .mother, Mrs. G. lit. Moot heai. . I , Ntfhiw'sh'e is f n Salem Mrs. Kin sey will attend .the. wedding of her hro"ter;lvfr;. George Moorhead. Mrs, Lucy . licGreere, bister of Mr. Moorhead, in also visiting Mrs. ft R. Moorhead. and will attend I ho Vandevort-Moorhead wedding Thursday afternoon. Qfregbn Honor Winners at. the Sesqui Z 1 1 " 7 ' 1 X fwing for the. Marion H ( tjld HealthDemonstration 1 V tscation at Newport Dr. and- Mrs. Prank E. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Edwards J hare returned home following a two weeks' vacation "'at Newport. jMlas Benita Edwards and Norval Jfdwards spent a week-end period ith thoir parents. Motor Trip Up McKenzie Mr. and Mrs. T. S. MacKenzie have returned from a most inter esting motor trip up the McKenzie higk Ty. going as far as the Mc KesiJV bridge. The MacKenzies raade contacts w4th hosts of tour ists, many of them having come froni California to camp in this rtiajestic "playground" in the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Kenzie were accompanied by their grand-daughter, Doris .MacKenzie of Seattle, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. MacKenzie, are expect ed to arrive in Salem today after two weeks in Del Monte, Cal. Smith & Watkins for tire serv ice at a lower cost. Vulcanizing J M, and retreading, tube repairing. If )fit you have tire trouble just call 44. k c V i At Shipley's the ladies of Satem have satisfied themselves that they can get the finest spring and sum mer frocks, coats and dresses ever shown in this city. () Clarkes Motor to Seattle Mrs. W. D. Clarke, left Tuesday morning -for Tafcoma where the win Join Mr. Clarke, They will motor to Seattle where My. Clarke will attond'a highway convention. They expect taeturn home Mon day. ;.jr-v. jh H Mrs E." VS.i If aynes of Portland is spending two : week at' the filarke home?. Mrs. Smith Attends Convention Mrs. Lizzie W. Smith returned recently from Coquille, Or., whejej she was the house guest of he& niece. Mrs. Smith was also in at;i. tendance at the convention or ne Women's Relief corps at Marsh. field. ! i Mrs. Rodgers Leaves for Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. George P. Rodgers left early in the week for Vancouver, Ji C.. where she will spend seve ral weeks as the house guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mfs. James G. A. Hutcheson t Margaret Rodgers). .Mrs. Rodg ers was accompanied north by Vher sister, Mrs. Fred Wiggins; of Top penish. Wash., and her uncle, Joseph Holman, who have been "her house guests. Vandevort-Moorhead Wedding to be an Event of Thursday Three hundred invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Jenelle Vandevorjt, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Vandevort, to George Mporhead, White House Restaurant, 362 State St., where hundred of peo-. pie prefer to eat. All youwant to eat for less than yon can eat at home. Quality and service. () H. F. Woodry & Son,! 271 N. Com'L St., furniture store. Bar gains in furniture of all kinds. Agent for Lang ranges, best made. Also auctioneers. () Vick Bros, are selling the Oak land and Pontiac cars. Agents for the valley counties. Pioneer firm in autos. Oakland coach now only 11290. 280 S. High St. () Tyler's Corn Remedy takes the soreness outof those corns you've been trying to rid yourself of for months. Sold only by Tyler's Drug Store. () "Let Staples See to your Sight" I" Dr.- Edward E. Boring Why are people so curions? fa "There isn't any secret about my recipe," she replied, , to ., iier friend's question. " "But you seem so 'much, 'more ' attractive." " - ' "And more than that,V she re plied. "I am : rid; of Uat foldl trn- ; sightly pair of glasses that both "ered me fco muchpvi 'J , , - How did yoifHverd tt?' She then told her friend about ' -the differetUtyiei fttglakses and: how the proper 'frame and style . iiforr, each; arasleA jt? I$t ? attractiveness. t " LET STAPLES SEEt) : 4 YOUR SIGHT? K I I ? ... r. r 5 1 ( : 4 ft fid ; ; W. f? fop; -- Motor to Southern California ' Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kennell and children, June and Junior, left yes- t rday. f or ji six weeis motor trip into southern California. Visits in Tillamook : Mrs. James T. Matthews, wife of Prolesbor Matthews, of Willam ette university, returned yesterday from a vacation at' Tillamook w here- she was the, guest; of her sister. Mrs. Matthews made the trip to the coast by motor. Visits in PorUand , Mrs. Walter A. Barsch (Cather ine Carson) of Oakland, Cal., was a guest in Portland last week of Miss Katherine Stanfield and Miss Mary Johns. , Portland People Guests of Mrs. Bfiggs Mr. and, Mrs. Ben Briggs of P,ortland; were guests last week of Mrs. Briggs' grandmother. Mrs. Mary Briggs of South Nineteenth street. Mrs. Ben Briggs is the daughter of Mrs. Minnie Monroe of Port land, former department secre tary of the Daughters of Veter ans. Friends of Mrs. Monroe will be very grieved to hear that she is serio"usly ill. :. . . At Tha3 Theatres- Social Calendar ' " " Today ' Guests at Marsters Home Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Marsters en tertained as their guests on Sun day and Monday Mr. and Mrs. A C. Marsters of Rosebure who con Klsinort -Columbia. Ladies Or chestra of 20 people, and ' Pola Negri in "A Woman ot the World"- Oregon "Grass, from Merian C. Coopar'a famous book. Bligh Priscilla, Dean in Crimson Runner." "The lend. Mr. Marsters', a Roseburg banker, who is a member of the state fair committee, will return to Salem for a committee meeting on ".the 17 th. OAC Club to Honor Mr. and Mrs. Pearcy The OAC elub is sponsoring a delightful affair of Friday ever f.ing when the members will meet at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Parry Pearcy (Vivian Marsters! for. a reception and house warm ing. Mrs.. Pearcy is the . retiring president of the OAC club. - Her marriage was an event of June. Babcocks Return to California Rev. and Mrs. H. T. Babcpck and three daughters are leaving o War. Mrs'i O, JP, Olson, 1714 tf. Ifitu" street 2:30 o'clock. ! . -. - Lawn social. Mr. aird Mrs. Fred Smith. Front street. West Salens F Beginning at 4. o'clock.? Benefit of; West Salem church.; ' j i t ; i dtnixlay Wedding, of Miss Jenella .Van devort to Mr. George MoorheBd. First Methodist church,-4 o'clock. . Friday . Wbraan's Union, of Firsts Con gregational church. Mrs.lda Bab cock, 749 N. Commercial street, 2 o'clock. ' House warming at home! of Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Pearcy, 8 o'clock. L. A. Scheelar Auto Wrecking Co., oldest in the Willamette val ley. New and used, parts and equipment. Low prices and quality service here. 1085 N. Com'L () The Peerless Bakery, 170 N. Commercial. Sanitary, up to date. Prompt delivery. Bakers for those wuueu meir journey nortn to fort-ing patrons tell the tale. () today for their home in Eaglei", Rock. Cal.fbllowing ft two wecka:, vacation in Salem where ; they.. a hare t many . friends. .The Babr . . cbcks have. been, .the house-; guestf,.; during their Salem visit of Mr. . i and Jlrs. Ot to 'J. Wilson. f- -. : Rev. and Mrs. Babcock ". hire been entertained at numerous ' a t- i tractive, affairs,' Mr and Mrs. Otto-" J. Wilson sponsoring trips both to Newport ana around the Mount " Hood loop,' with luncheon attlb'ud -Cap Inn for lheir pleasure. Trob' ably the largest event was the' picnic reception, which members (Conttand on Army and Outing Store. Biggest ' . bargains in clothing, shoes, underV ;, wear, hosiery, gloves, valises and ; suit cases. The working ; man's -store, 188VN. Commercial.. "()" " : ' -. . .' - , . 1 ,-. I ' 1111 ii i . i n ii i i - in ,.i, .,, , Orejson ripient. of tho American Youth Award and tlie American Teacher Awartl of the Sesqui-Centen-n la I Exposition. Edith Iouis" Starrett, No. 107 South 14 th street, Salem, Charles Sunnier Campbell, No. 107 Washington street, Dallas, and Miss Leoita L. Ijarrloe, teachnr. No. 773 verton street,' Port land, reprewented the youth and tcacherhood of their state during AmcrVan Indepenijence week aL the cradle ot American liberty and in Washington, 1. C, where gold medals were coqferreI uion them by Prsident Cotlidge. rtanist," Carol Robinson, and coaching, with Carrie Louise Dun ning. Miss Weller's- study with Miss Robinson will be unusually pleasant sinee Miss Weller and Miss Robinson are fast friends. Miss Weller will remain in the east until the middle of October in order, to enjoy the opening of the concert season. Miss Weller will make the trip east by the Oriental Limited, stop ping for several days in Chicago to visit at the F. N. Rodgers home. which will take place at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon,. July 15. The wedding will . doubtless be the most elaborate to take place in Salem this summer The cere mony will be performed at the' First Methodist church with Dr. Richard N. Avison and Dr. Fred C. Taylor officiating. Chambers Visiting in Portland Rev. and Mrs. H. D. Chambers are visiting this week with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Handel of Portland. Vacation at Newport Mrs. H. C. Storer. Mrs. E.-vE. Elliott and Bel.6tt 'kre' W.; joying a ten days vacation at New port. " ,r Salem Girls Enjoying Eastern Trip -'Miss Anna Mclntyre- and Miss Violet Teeters of Salem are en-; joying a two week's' vacation .lm Minneapolis. The trip will include a visit in Wisconsin with' Miss Hermina Klause, formerly of Sa lem. 41-. They made the trip by traijn' through the Canadian Rockies-and"- will return by way of the Statps Miss Weller to Study in the East Miss Elma Weller has comple ed plans for an interesting period o study in the es f rssTWtWt' will leave tomorrw'rjNew Y4$ city where she wiH.'ktudy pia.no with the distinguished American Auxiliary to Meet ' L ; Members of the auxiliary to the Veterans' ! of "Foreign Wars will neet at 2:30 o'clock this' after: noon at the home of Mrs. O. F, Olson, 1714 N. "Sixteenth street. Fprmerly Eastern ORPHEUI HEADLINER Today 4 AND Thursday Vs. FOR APPOINTMEJCTl,. PHONE 1200 ' - Q CORNER STATE AND HI Gil STREETS Salem, Oregon. . I, - , . ; rv-' r In Connection With Red Croea Drng Co. I'M t- i n v a gvv-wii.- .rr rzl r - pivn i a-wi rr,': r jA i'X, aP OS 8 t k" w This "All Artiste" Or chestra. 20 in number, is rated as the finest now touring the coun try, j (Performances at 3:15 -j 7:25 anH 9:20. and a Ml f WORM AT REGULAR PRICES! MATINEES EVENINGS Come Todax . and Thursday- ..... : , .,. , ,,,L ,. , LIM1IL L , , , ik. - .A !'KifN -mm wmmi .' !: Ail. :''A:-..A " .. .- : - rvrvrf'-'-.VfiH''-' " v i". ' r ... ."'i1fl,.pif":i j "'""" I grass Himm , Story by JJe an angry r 1?h v I GRASS l GRASS Directed fcS;v S l ! . by Fate. I !' GRASS it Staged by Destiny in a land blasted by, the thdmb print of Disaster. GRASS' A nyer-; tp-be- : forgotten motion picture. -tt ALSO , . Oli0 LLOYDS BEBE DANIELS IN.. . . j . "Swat the Crobk , TODAY and THURSDAY 1 ' ".. i AT OCR SUM3IKR PRICES : :MATINEES , 25c - .. . , EVENINGS 33c V t ! i I1