r ? i r UriiohsRoster HOD CARRIERS AND BUILDING XA; i. borers Loesl No. 441, siesta Wad. I P- vu 17H tor sea. OA PIT AX. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION Ho. President, O. P. Evans; seo retary, M. t. Pilkentea. Meets see and Saturday, 8:00 p. at. CARPENTERS UNION KO. 1065 Meets Tora Ding. Arthur Tucker, preaidff; Was. Pot tit, secretary Skilled jsoehnaiea furnished Phone 179 CULLINART ALLIANCE MEETS FIRST and third Priduy, 457 Court. Hasa Pierce, secretary. ' SALEM UNION LABEL LEAOUR Maets at Labor Hall oa can of preai 4 ant. F. W. Bears, sscrstary, Boa 44 S, Balem. re. Lodge Roster PRATEDNAL ORDER OP SABLES. Boat every Wednesday. Fraternity Holt, 8 M. Willett, Seo'y. TeL SaP-fe. KNIGHTS OF" PYTHIAS MEETS AT Frstcraal Hell avery Ttjeaday evening Visitors invited. P. D. Vinson, a C; Walter Lenoe. K. of K. . tXfce 9rrgon eStattfiman Published arary morning (except Mom da; ) at Salem, tho capital of Oregon. Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or Sunday 3 eeota per ward One time Tbree timea eenva per word ecata per word Six timea 1 aaa. daily aodSus. soconta per wore In order to eara the more than one time rata, advertisement matt run ia consecutive issues. No Ad taken for. lata tbaa 25c Ada. ran Sunday ONLY charged at one-time rata. , Advertisements fescept PeraonaU and Situations Wanted) will be taken over the telephone It the adTertiaer ia a subscriber to phone. The Stataamaa will resolve edvsr tisemeata at aay lime8f tba day or night. To insure proper classifies tiona ada aboald he in before ? p. m. TELEPHONE S3 OB 83 Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE T. K. PORD (Over Ladd A Bush Bank) ADVERTISING HONEST ADVERTIS1NO These cot tmi moat bo kept free from anything of a questionablo nature. Misrepresen tations will not be tolerated. Infor mation showing any questionable in tent on the part of tba advertiser aboald bo reported to- this newe paper or tba Balem Ad elnb. Aato Top fcEE US FOR TOP AND FAINT WORK O. J. Hull Ante Top and Palat Shop, 267 8. Commereial. Kal6tf j General Markets I LXVESTOCX , PORTLAND, July '. (By Associated Press.) Cattle alow; receipts 2055; rslvea 235. Steers, medium $7.50 8.50; comons $6.25 (sJ 7.25 ; cannera end cutter sleenW56; heifers,- common and mo-diuu4-.50a7; news, good $6.25 6:50; common and 'medium $46,25; cannera and cutters -$24; bolls,, good beef (yearliaga ecluded) $56; eommon and I medium (cannera aad bolognaa) $4(ff d ; calves, medium to choice (miik feds ex cluded) $9 10.50; culla and common $5.50$. ealers, medium to ehoica $11 12; culls and commons $6.50 10. Hogs active; receipts 540; heavyweight (250-300 pounds) medium good and choice $14 15; medium weighta (200 to 350 pounds) common, medium, good and choice $15(315.75; lightweight. (160 tr 260 pounds) common, medinm, good and choice $1315.75; light lights ()80 to 260 pounds) common, medium, good choice $ 15 15.75; packing hogs, ronga and smooth, $ 1 1.50 13.50; alanghter pigs (90 to 130 pounds) medium, gord ' . and choice $15015.75; feeder and stock ne er piga (70-lao pounds) medium good Y7 and choice $15 17.25. (Soft or oily ) hogs and roasting piga excladed in above uurtations.) . ... . V Sheep, steady;, receipts 885; Iambs, f medium to choice (84 pounds) $ut$iz; ' . lambs, culls aad common $8(10.50; yearliag wethers mediant to choice $8 ft 10.50; ewes, eommon to choice $4.25 5.25; culls and cannera $24. GRAIN PORTLAND. Julv B. (By Asoeited Pre.s.) Wheat: BBB, liard white, July $1.40; August $1.39; bluestenr, Saart, leueration. atoit wnite, Jui i.0; .ia- ust $1.38; western whito. July $1.40 August $1.37; -bard winter, northern spring, July $1.36; August $1.84; west ern red, July $1.85; August $1.93. Oats. No. 2 wkite feed,-No. 2 gray, July, August $37. Corn, No. 2 EY shipment, July, August Millrun, Standsrd. July $22; August $21- S HAY ' "" PORTLAND, July 8. (By Asscciated Press.) Buying prices: New crop, tim othy $174418; alfalfa $18.50; oat bay $15: oat and vetch $1450Q1S; straw $7.508 per ton. Selling pricea $2 a ton more. DAIRY EXCHANGE PORTLAND. Jaly 8. (By Associated Press.) Net prices i Butter extras 87 He; standards 36c; prime firsts line; firsts 34 HC. Eggs, extras SOe; firsts 29c; pullets 25c; current receipts 26c BUTTER PORTLAND, July 8. (By Associated Press.) Steady; extra cubes, city 37 He; standards 36 Vie; prime firsts 35 Ve; firsts 34c; prints 41e; cartons 42C. NOTICE OP HEARING OP FI- V NALt ACCOUNT Notice ia hereby given that the final account of C. E. Mason, ad ministrator of the estate of Pheba y.' Mason deceased, has been filed it the County Court of Marion countv. Oregon, and that the 10th day of 4Augnt, 1S26, at the . hour of 10 o'clock a. m. thereof, has 1 i-en duly appointed by such court fi the' time for the hearing of ob jections to said final account and 1 bet, settlement thereof. All per sovi Interested in said, estate arc hereby required to appear in said Court at said time and place and Khaw cause, if any they -have, why ff Id final account should'not be allowed and' approved by said. Court, f - -i" - : C. E. MASON, Administrator of the Estate of Pheba A. Mason; Deceased. WILXJAM A. TRWDLE, Attorney for Admlntstrator. " . Jnly V 1. . . a6 Breaks Glass in Street v Joe Bush ot BIlTerton was ar rested Saturday and fined 25 and riven 20 days in the Sllverton Jail for breaking, glass In. the streets, and running away from an officer. - THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALE?.!. OREGOT? ' Help Wast tost ' WASTED BUNDLE TEAMS FOR thranhiBf. K.. L. HooekJ Greenwood. 8 ani lea west of Balem. ' , 8jl I WANTEDSOOO HOP PICKERS, Horit vf registration oooig are flow open. 600. acrea of clatter hop. ! Ka gutter in person at ranch office or phone 1642-R Salem for- particulars. E. Clemens Horst Co.. Independence, Ore. 9jltf Wantad-EaiploTaieBt 19 WORK WANTED ON FARM. BY MAN and family. Pro it preferred.' Frank Ziebort, Rt. 1; Sllverton, Ora. . 19j9" WANTED WORK BY DRIVER OP twelve years' experience. H. P. Gervet, 555 Marion. Phone 1524. 19jl0 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT digging and team work. Phone 72F2 ! 19ml4tf YOUNG MAN WANTS TRUCK DRIV ing or garage wcrk. Wll educated, reliable. Box 18309 rare Statesman. 19jl0 PAINTING, PAPERHANGINO, TINTINO. Keaaonablo. Phono ,2451-W. Ijlyl7 YOCNG MAN. CbLt.eOE GRADUATE desire position where hard work will bring -adranremect. Box 18308 care Statesman. 19jl0 NEAT APPEARING YOUNG MAN OF 28, wishes to become permanently as sociated with some well-to-do family in aay capacity. Am a first class, all around crod mechanic, nood driver. willing worker and will do absolutely! anything for my employer. Box 253 Statesman. 19j2tf Tor Rami I 21 5 ROOM HOUSE FOR REJtT. in. Inquire 485 Division.) CLOSE 2Jj9 A HOUSE. FURNISHED, IN; MILL CITY, six blocks from post office. Box 286 Statesman. 21jl0 FOR BENT HOUSES AND APART menu. F. L. Wood. 841 State St. 21ml2tf ONE ROOM AND KITCHENETTE. S 15.50. Two- rooms and kitchenette 4J5.Q0. Oarages extra. Close in. 555 Marion. 21jlQ PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 Bf 7 IN. Wording, "For Rent." price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, ground floor. FURNISHED APARTMENT den. 1896 N. 4th. -WITH Oar 21m24U FOR, RENT 5-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, with or without gar arm. Adults only. Call at 345 Marion St. or W. A. Liston. 307 Oregon Bldg. : 21j3tf For Rami ApsLrtxnexita 23 ATTRACTIVE State. APARTMENTS, 1335 23jl4 PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14 BY TH IN wording, "Booms to Rent," price It eents aeh. Statesman Business Office ground floor. For Roxtt Haaiei 27 SEVERAL HOUSES, DESIRABLE. $25 Mo. See BUSSELLE, 17$ 8. High. i 27jl0 For Beat T 29 I HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED e'ARMS for rent. P. E. Thomaaon, Turner, Ore. Phone 6 XX. j - 29altf WaUkted MlscelLnxt eons 35 CARPENTER REMODELING. TINTINO. Prices reasonable. Estimates free. Phone 1787-W-l. Evenings. 85;lyl3 WANTED A GOOD YOUNG JERSEY cow. recently fresh. Phone 79F14. 85j9 FURNITURE PACKING I FOB SHIP- meats. Gisse-Powers Furniture Co. 35s20tf -f- WOODRY. THE AUCTIONEER BUYS Furniture for cash. PBQne 511. 85atf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB farm loans. We hsve several epplica tiona ' da hand. 1 Hawkins A Roberts Inc., 205 Oregon Bldg. : S5dl4tf For SaUe 3T GOOD HORSE SUITABLE FOR LIGHT farm work. Box 329 Statesman. 37jll HONEY AT 12e PER LB. (H. M. MEAD. Phcne 8F5. ' 37a PERSIAN KITTEN. THONE 44F14. I 37jl0 FOR. SALE STOLL CAMPING TEN' and bed; camping stove, folding table. excellent condition. 1'oone 244I-M. I . . 37ill FOR SALE OR TRADE LOTS 21 and 22. blk M West Salem. Addresa 1787 Railroad St. Hillsbdrp, Ore. I - . . 37J10 FOR SALE CHOICE OAT HAY. $10 ton in field. mi' north Vauev PscVinr plant oa Pacific highwsv. M. u. amcaeii. ; 87jii FOR SALE GOOD REMIXGTON PIANO at a sacrifice. 1185 Madison, 87 j9 FOr TRUCK. FCI.Y EQUIPPED with license and a 20 ihorse traction engine. Priee reasonable. John H Seott. 305 Oregon Bldg. Phone 254 nr 0Z2. 37J11 PIANO FOR SALE NKAB SALEM. Well known Eastern Piano - factory wiakes instrument sold at once. A real boy in a high grade piano and terms $10 monthly to good party. ' If inters ested write v. F. Hendrick, factory adiuater. 413 North Bonn Ave- Seat tie. Wash. 87ily9 TRESPASS NOTICES. SIZE 14x9 INS printed on good 10-ounce canvass, bear ing the words. "Notiee Is Hereby Given That Tresnnasia? Ia StriCtlv Forbidden on Thjeae Premises Under Penalty of Prosecution." Priee 15c each ar 2 for 25c SUtesmaa Pub. Co.. Salaas. Ore gon, i S7atf For 8aUo Id restock 39 FRED W.-LANOE. VETERINARIAN Office 529 S. Commercial. Phono 1198. Roe. Pbone 1666. i 89m23tf p Bswawaawmw iaiiii lams Party Is Surprise j A surprise party was held at Stayton Tuesday to celebrate -the birthday of Byron Robertson. - Gold Beach. Clayton Mark will bjaild 1500,000 railroad, to log Port Orford cedar' MINUTE MOVIES FUUER f5odocec By , tAttC&ll. MlllI ? FLASR GOT .MAD. SHE AHD ". $---7 K t -a - 43 14-INCH BLOCK : WOOD. f SS.7S PER leaa, 4 loaM I14.UU. aiao ry nr aaa oak, aay length. f Tnnn, Cbriateni j' none iz. ! 43alia 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and nib. Pboaa 72F3. M. D. Uay field. . -..i 43UBtf BEST GRADE OP WOOD -4 ft. and lO-iaom Dry mill wood. Groan mill wood. Dry aeeead growtk fir. . Dry 4-ft. ash, and oak. FRED E. WELL8. Prompt delWory and reasonable prices. S80 Soatb Chare h. Phono 1542. 43f 18tf CITY AND COUHTBT WOOD SAWING. Also old boards. Fisher Broa. Phono 1819. 43jl3tf SALEM FUEL A TRANSFER. T52 Trade Street. Wood. CoaJ, Briquets, Transfer and Moving. Phoaa 619. 43a20tf 16 INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD, 92.75 16 in. 2nd fir par load. 43.75; 16 inch old fir -per (end. $4.25. Prompt delivery. TeL 2313. Trnoy Fuel Yard. 1067 D street. 43n2Xtf OOOU COAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. 43j29tf Miacellnmeowa 1 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE Dai ring-. Giese-Powera Furniture Store 61s20tf r)R BALK FURNITURE 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR KENT llOL'SE FOR SALE. 1231 CENTER. . -x SljlO FOR SALE NEW CONCRETE MIXER and 2 horse power engine used oaly one week. Guaranteed. Iluild your own foundation or side walk. Have no use for it. Tske it at 885.00. A. WHITE, "2173 State. 51J7tf Iost aUad Foud 63 LOST LADIES TAN COAT ON Mc Minnville Road, Saturday night. Phone 1168 R. 53jll FOUR-ROOM FURNISHED APART ment, two bedrooms. Call 2324 M. 23jll LOST BRINDLE DOO Phone Petland. 656. FRMALr: 53jl LOST JULY 2. BETWEEN MON moath and Corrallis. Kelt of bedding. Please notify A. 11. Page, 246 N. 17th St. 53j9- LOST U. and rim. S. FORD BALLOON TIRE between Salem and Marion. Substantial reward. Bo 18 care States 53 j 9 man. LOST 6 MONTHS OLD GERMAN Po lice dog with harness on. Return to 445 N. Commercial and- fecieve reward. oJjll FEMALE AIREDALE. LOST THURS- day, 10 a. m. Sheared from back to front-quarters. Name, Nellie. $10 re ward. E. E. Nickel!, 65th Ave. and 65th street, Portland. Phone Sunset 1908, or Box 11137 Statesman. 53jll Personal , 55 SPIRITUALIST, MEDIUM AND PAL- mist. Consultations daily. If in doubt about your affairs, see the man who knowa at once. Prof. St. Clair, Riverside Auto Park. ' West Salem, Ore. 55j9" Money to Loaxt 57 WANTED LOAN OF $1500 ON TWO new bungalows. Soeolofsky, 341 State. 57jlyltf FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6 H P. L. Wood. 841 8tate St, , 57m7tf YOU CAN NOT LOSS ON OCR LOANS. Any amount yon seed. Prompt serv ice and low rates. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. 147 N. Oom'I BL Phono 577. 7JV3tf MONEY TO LOAN ON MONTHLY PAT- ment plan. Also, private money for straight loans. Lowest rates. Chas. Hudkins, over Miller's store. Phone 96. 57j2tf "Worn ted Texts 59 WANTED Money to loan on good real aetata se curity. W. H. 0RABENH0R8T CO. , Realtors. 134 South Liberty St. Phone-518. 50ml8tf Business Opportunities 61 VERY PROFITABLE CAFETERIA AND Confectionary, located: in "best college town in Oregon, (Corvsllis) doing a first class business and can be made to do much -more. . .Total priee including nil the fixture, strck nnd a $3500.00 soda fountain, for $4500.00, and a pay ment of $1200.00 gives you possession with good terms on balance, This is S splendid chance to buy a good business cheap. i SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. ' 6Ij9tf Real Estate Directory 62 BECKS HENDRICKS 189 S. High. TeL 169. A. C. BOHBN8TEDT 147 N. CommereiaL TeL ST7. BUSSELLB. Rwaltor. 175 S. High., , . Tela. 36 or 1935. CHILDS A BECHTEL $20 State -St. Tel. 1727 f- W. . KRUEGER 147 K. Com'I, Km. l. TeL 217. JOHN W. OBR. 826 Oregon Bldg. , TeL 2485. GERTRUDE i. M. PAGB 492 N. Cottage. TeL 1189. SQUARE DEAL REALTY V. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg. TeL 470. WELLS TALLMAN SON 216 Masonic Temple. . TeL 612. TIBBITS ELLIOTT 841 State. Room 7. TeL 80$. TBIANGLE REALTY CO. 218 N. Liberty. j TeL 651. ULRICH A ROBERTS 122 K. Commercial. : TeL 1254. ATJX2VTXXB E. T. PIERCE Anmsville. Oreron. CXLVERTOX LUTHERAN HOMESEEKERS AGENCY 4s Biivenon.. uregos. . k ; r PWTJWJr . AS AHA NaT BOIL- HIT THE CEUN(3-, buT'THAT? WASKjT ALU ,HE WANTED Tc?HlT- 13HAT TX VOVJ "THE OUKC Of Wood Foy lala! 'And nqioAsthe j SCENE -SHlFie I SAVS f "THE . 1? SCENE SHIFTS r I'LL MVF?Ry "THATOLD DUKE, WELL.UST - tlMT AKir OBpll w-ii - www. n 1 CIHB OFFICE OF "TUB OASCO' Lavjuyer "IMiriUtito" 63 Own Your Home COMPLETED HOMt-fS4850. F.LEC- tnc. range and larnlsaeo. wuics poa aeaaion. 11 Cask. Oa paving sooth Church. Back Handrlfcka,-189 N. High street. - : ! S3j25tf 3EST BUYS Honsea Lota Karms- Small Tracts. Small payment down, balance like rent. 2800. Bungalow ( tt rooms, bath, lights, basement. X.j Cottage street. Owner in Canada.. Must aeI- Hon built a year age. . why pay Bent 8200 dawn. $15 pear month, buys a nice neat little 4 rtxtn bungalow. If that ia too much we biave a good house and lot for $eOO, Only $200 dawn, $10 month. SOME CHOICE. LOTS $175 $250dX50. Others cn pave streets with paving! paid. $550 and nP" DANDY ONE ACRE TRACT With a rosy new 5-rocm bungalow. best of soil, good well water, eleotrie lights. Not far oat. j REAL SUBURBAN HOME $9000. Beautiful 5-acre tract High state of acoltivatioa. with strictly mod ern 6-room bungalow. Electric light, water sratera. Furnace, fireplace. List your real estate bargains with Childa Bechtet. Realtors, 320 State street. 63j9tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Apartment he uses, both large and email. Large bouse on good corner. 96x100 feet, in Albany to exchange for Sa lem. What have you f New five-room house on North Lib erty street, at a low figure. G. W. LA FLAK, 41(1 Oregoa Bldg. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. 63jlyltf NEW Colonial bonne, $9,500. BEAUTIFUL home on Summer street, Id.ooo. SIX ROOM modern' bouse, close in. $6,300. NEW Spenish house, tile rocf. $6,250. SIX ROOM house dose in, garage, good . buy, $4,750. NEW bouse close in, $4,500. NEW bouse close In, $3,500. NEW 4 loom, plastered bouse, garage, $1,400. Easy payments. 4 ROOM house, $1,750; easiest pay ments. . 11 ROOM furnished house, close in; can easily be made into apts, $7,500. MEAT MARKET in splendid location, $1,000. ONE of tho largest corners in Salem, beautiful trees, choicest fronts, $15. 00O. i LARGE corner lot. $5,000. LOTS, $800 aad up. 15 ACRES on highway; well Im proved; splendid investment, $7,500. Come and aee ns about these. It will be worth your while. Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 N. Cottage St. 63j30tf HAVE A 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON paved street, right off State north. A real buy at $3000.00 $500.00 cash, and balance $30.00 per month. The best modern residence in Salem for sale at s sacrifice: if taken at once. 140 acre dairy ranch, stocked and equipped. Will exchange for gcod Sa lem residence. a - Best psying gsragt in vslley. Ask ns sbout it. Fully equipped chicken, ranch, net ting sround $500.00 per month. Will trade for Salem or Portland property. One of the bet paying groceries in Salem priced right for. quick sale. $1800.00 $200.00 down buys a new 4 -room house. Art k needlecraft shrp doing a fine business. $3250.00 $500.00 down buys a new 4 -room stucco bungalow. Close in. One of the best meat markets in Sa lem. Will sacrifice for quick fcale. If you have property for trade, call and see us. We. can exchange what you have for just what you want. SEE OA a KILL A EARLE FOR PROPERTY 1C6 S. Liberty St. Phone 2242. j 63j9tf GOOD HOMES 5 -room new on Market Ct modern la every war. terms. 1 $3750. 7-roora good homa large lot, fruit ana wsmuis. lerma, sauuu. 5-room sew, modern, near Parrish school. Terms. $4250. 5-room good location, and the prioe in right. $2S00. Let us finance or build your home. V1CTUK SCHNEIDER. Realtor. 147 No. Ccm'l Sk Phono 577. i 63j20tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANOEr-6 KOOil house with M acre grcund, 2 garages a lot of flowera and Shrubbery, beauti ful home place, only! $2750. A little cash, rest terms. See owner, 2173 State. ' j 63jl3 THE SALEM BEALTT CO. LOCATED ep Bine St.) nas several ""very line acreage tract, to : eaonange for city property. Stop in atid let us tell you abcut them, you may' be interested. 63j9tf WANTED TO DEAL i DIRECT WITH owners of small acreage tVact, with small buildings, close to Salem. Must be reasonable for cash. Addresa 205.1 N. Front, Salem or Pbone 398, ask for McClelland. 63jll A SUBURBAN HOME ! WITH MODERN equipment on paved market toad close to Salem. 10 acrea. j Lota of fruit and berries. - An ideal bome with, ideal surroundings. Some terms. Small city residence accepted as part payment Price, $8,000.00. j - . A. a BOHRXSTEDT 147 No. Com'l St.. SaleraAOre. i 63j7tf FOR SALE NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE AT 1290 Madison St. Box 180 Statesman 63jly31 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K LOTS ( Good east front lot facing the new Kay Park. : Lot 50x137. Price $450, for quick , ssle. Terms. i Good lot on corner of Jeffer son and N. Ccttsge St. Price $600. East front lot in Richmond Addition. Cement jwalks. "Price $450. Terms. 5 lots on Laurel Ave. adjoin ing Laurel Park restricted dis trict. Price $350 each. Ab stract with every lot. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K See K K K K K K K K W. d. KRUEGER, 147 N. Com'l St. Pbone 217. 6Sj9 K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO EftN ByjNSViXiNCr NU15ANCB AND ED A CHANGE OP U!fiCtEft.ANL HE HA3 uir- u r I WATER. On AND r ORTHERMOftE rt5UR CPARfTE.t UNCLES i)ILL SAY5 I1 HERE By KAHQJJEATH My ENTIRE FORTUNE TO MV VJUAWAJARP NEFVEW.PPOMIDED - -m-f t 'fRir yws else V WW g.' g llM AH a JT AbAss . . afnaU'V V Oar' SW SaJ JT - aT' TJ- VV a 1 1 I I 1 1 a ntT .1 11 ,1111 1 M,,M,MLMM?M-OiilMiiaiii I 1 J f waaTg , . ear- FOB . SALE-e-4 1 "VACANT LOTS IN good location, free and, clear, will sell , cheap cr exchange nil or part for Ha--lorn resideaee and nasnma. Sea owoer. A. White, .2173 State St. 03j7tf WHY PA.TVM0RE WHEX TOU CAN bay . a. gd properties for lets. 7 rooms, all modern bat basement, nil in first clasa condition, garage, coop, bearing fruit, shade, lot 90x137 feet, east Salem, $3500, $500 cash, balance to. suit. , , . . - 4 rooms. Tisth, ncak, baaemeut, new bearing fruit, shade, east front, $3500, " $500 ca.sli, balance to suit. 5 room trietly modern new bunga low, basement, furnace, trays, fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet in dining room, nock, built in ironing board, woodlift, Dutch kitchen, only $4004. $500 cast), ba'ance. like rui. $50.U0O r close to Salem fruit an-i general farm property want Salem in w or residence, will assume, what hate yoo r i SOCOLOFSKY Real Estate, Ixians, -Auto and - Fire Insurance. 63J8tf FOR SALE 10 ' ACRES, WELL IM pioveS, ' near SalSm cn paved' road. Black soil, good . buildings, all painted Prir nnlV ti&o nnn terms. Snap for somebody. See this I before you buy or wti exchange for Salem residence. See owner. A. White, 2173 State St. - 63j7tf FOB SALE .5-ROOM, COTrAGE. NORTH front on Washington - street. This week rnly at $250O. Terms. W. A. LISTON, Agent, 307 Oregon Bldg. i3J15 FOR SALE . Inccpje- property showing 17 on purcbsse price. (4000,' will handle it. Terms on balance. Five-room bungalow with basement, eh Fajrmoat Av4.,'' $2850, plus pave ment. Three-room bungalow and balf acre with bearing fruit trees, outside city, close to car Jine $1800, will trade for home in city.' 60-acre. firm located cn the Paeifie highway North, good buildings, price right. U. V. Peed or F. L. Wood, 341 State St. 63j8tf WANTED GOOD CANADA LANDS, Alberta, preferred, in exchange for Willamette valley farms. Also elt property, for close ia acreage. - Salau freprty vented la exchange for 4 a ina home in Vancouver, Washington. Brand new homes for sale an: vary easy terms. Bargains aad exchangee. Sea Barber. tOO Ofay Bldg. 6m29tJ SIX ROOMS AND BREAKFAST NOOK, furnsce, fireplace, oak floors in living and dining room, excellent plumbing and electric fixtures, built ins, closets, concrete terrseS "steps and walk, bast of construction, new, paved street, east front, English atyle and very attractive. Price $5,000, , terms. Phono owSer. J748 R. 63J30tf BARGAINS IN HOMES $2900 5 rooms, almost new bungalow basement on bus line close-to school, $100 down. $3150 New 5 -room bungalow, base ment, fireplace, garage, paved street, good locstion, $100 down. $4500 7-rootn bungslow, basement, fur nace,., fine location, $750 down. $3600 8 -room bungslow, bssement, . pavipg, elese to school, fine -location, $500 down. $3750 Close, in home, basement, ga rage, paved street, s'ome terms. $ 375 Lot in N. Salem, 50x216, several-trees.. - " $ 400 Fide lew ia esst Salem. Terms. $ 600 "Lot :fi 5 blocks Parish school, o fine fruit trees, east front. If it's a Infuse or lot ycu wsnt see MELVIN JOHNSON. 109 B. Commer cial St., Phone 559. 63j8tf $350, FULLY EQUIPPED DRESS making parlors, owner " leaving state twr women employed. 2500, 4 rooms, furaaee, excellent location south, $400 cash aad easy contract. . $3200. 4 rooms new, south, fur Be, best construct ion, 9200 cash and In balance like rent. South High, 4 rooms and nock, ga rage, $500 cask, balance $23 a month and interest. . $5500, 6. rooms strictly modem, very close in,, good terms. Homes ia every part oi the city np to $20,000 and on terms that you eannri afford to rent. WINNIE PETTYJOIIN. Realtor. 216 Oregon Blag. 6jS0ti INVESTIGATE THESE BARGAINS) Nice )7 acre suburban home sear Balem, new bungalow, creek, timber fins soil $6000 terms, take rsi dance.'- . - Fine, large hit mederr Bungalow, nice loontion fsoou, f.eo turns ea aoce.-tooothlf peymeets. . . SovdraLMna lots: nood leeatten. - &-sfe raburhaa home eUiSe Is, fruit, rocd bldgs $3500, good terms. - V Toot choice of 8 good dairy ranches stock, - machinery, . crop for salens la some er residence property. FOR RENT, A good asodera hemes. Fine sir modern bungalow hems FairmSnnt-Htlj, Barfaia pries. PERBINE MARSTERS 2J2 Cos,'CMu Bldg. 63J22tf GREATEST TRADlNftT ORGANIZATION t ON THE PAO1FI0 COAST " We save over 8000 properties listed for exchange. Every klad of property, ' -every prise, - every location. We san V match your exehangs EXACTLY. If yon would like to trade yur prepartj uivsi, some ts ryusj, nee -A8KILL A EARLE, Realtors. Successors to Parker Realty Oo, 169 8. Liberty, -v Phoaa 2242. .- - ' SSnlStf Real Estate Trades 65 FIVE ACRE TRACT , ON PACIFIC highway. Good soil: 2 acres fruit -creek, dandy building site. Will ex change for old house, grage house or vacant iota. , TRIANGLE TIEALTY CO. 218 N. Liberty. - - ' Phone 651 ' 65j7tf WANTED A DAIRY FARM. HAVE 80 sere farm ; - 35 acres - under plow ; 22 acrea Jn hearing prunes 1 45 acrea eld and second growth fir. All year creek and two living ', springs. Five-room house; large barn; two chicken houses: full Una of farm machinery. Will trade for stocked dair farm around Salem, Dallas or - Silverann. - What hsve yon! TB1AXULE REALTY CO. 218 N. Liberty. . Phrne 651, 65j7tf WJLL TAKE UNIMPROVED TRACT Ott city lets top to $1500.00 towards semi mod ern 7 -room house. weH located ia splendid neighborhood ; close to school. close to car, walking distance. -Full f trice 94500.00. Some-ether good buys a hemes. Call at 1340 N. Cottage or Phone J1P5-W. . ' 85j9 SILENCE Vpp TUUEatt. CH,LD ?I . I'VE SEEN VERX PATlErHT VflTH VOVR RcCk- THE LES Uy-BUT XI?'. V4E rTARRlE- S ANP S&TTo-co DOWN FRIDAY' MORNINGrJlJLYrlD26 Real SatAte Trade C5 j BRAND NEW R-ROOM HOUSE. JUST j being coanploted, ideal location, paved j street, bout-tan, run cement Basement, furnace. garage,' fire - place. S300 handles this. Baanca less than rent. Sea V j Buselle .175 8. High, Ground Flcor. Phones 36 or 1935. 5j9 WE HAVE 35 MIGHTY GOOD ACRES tr trade for unimproved acreage close. 5 well improved acrea worth $5000 to trade for a. farm. 10 splendid river bottom acrea 3 miles of Salem in" berries sad alfalfa for only $lOOj no well improved acres very fine soil and worth $90M-to trade fir Salem home. M;II.CHn:ST & rn.SNINGTON 20M 1. fc. Bank Bldg. Phooe 140. WE HAVE A PARTY THAT OWNS 320 acrea of land in Minnesota and naa up to ten thousand dollars to exchange fcr a good farm in this valley near Salem. Wonder who can offer him a good match. See the Salem Realty Co., 462 State St. 65i9tf Reel Estate Feu-ma 67 GOOD FARMS 20 acres. A-1 berry and dairy place. Easy terms. 94500. 5 seres, small buildings, berries, close te sen no i. -terms. $1250. , Farm Ixans. Insurance. VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor. 147 No. Com'l St. Pbone 677. 67j20tf Wanted Automobiles 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER 77ml2tf Ante Oe. For Sale TJaed Cars 79 MidSumtner Choice OF x DEPENDABLE USED CARS SOME WONDERS For quick sale Hurry Dodge Touring, 1923 $450 Ford Tcunng. J921 12. Chevrclt-t Touring. 1922 $135 Dodge Roadster. 1924 $50 Ford Coupe, 1923 $250 Ford Coupe. 1923 $225 Dodge Screen, 1924 .! $625 Overland Touring, 1924 432' Hupp Touring, 1921 $275 Dodge Sedan, 1924 $8 "Under the Big Tent" BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. Salem, Ore. 79j9 And Under Special 'offerings in used cars. See them today or is the evening. Look tnein over and drive them. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 856 North Commercial Street. Phcne 1260 CADILLAC HUDSON ESSEX 79j6tf When When better Fords are built Henry will build them. When better bargains are offered we will offer them. . Right Here F. O. 'Bl Salem 1923 Ford Rosdster, new paint and upholstery, nearly new rubber. 1922 Coupe, wire wheels, double Haa slers, speedometer, sutomstic swipe, good rubber. Ycu can resist this one if yon wsnt . . reneenaule'prieed coupe. 1916 to 1920 models, good running, "knock about," ears, $45 to $60 40 cars to pick from. VaMey Motor Co. . Balem, Oreg. . ' . 79j3tf MacDonald Auto Co. . . . WHEN YOU BUY THAT USED CAR YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND JT WILL PAY TO LOOK OVER OCR GOOD USED CAR IN OPEN AND CLOSED MODELS. OUR PLEASED CUSTO MERS ARE THE BEST ADVERTISE MENT WB HAVE. 5 pass. 1926 Cleveland Sedan nearly new. 5-psss. 1926 Overlsad Sedan nearly new. (j 5-paas. Maod Tearing. .- , 2-pass. Bnick Roadster. 2-psss. OverlsndCeupe o 5-nsss. OVerland Touring. 5-pasa. Templar .Touring, extra equip mentt Wonderlul mechanical condition; . Specially priced. Service with all ears. MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage and Perry. Phone 409. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. Marmoa Willys Knight Overland ' . 7j30tf Eiker's Quaranteed Used Fords 1925 Coups .1933 Coupe 1924 Touring 1923 Touring 1921 Towring 1920 Touring 19J7 Touring .$865.00 .$220.00 ..$235.00 ..$145.00 J 95.00 ..$ 86.00 .9 45.00 KIKE lER AUTO CO. Liberty Street st Ferry. Phone 121 79jl9tf Splendid Offerings Especially gced used sutomobiles. At tractive jprieea sad surprisingly easy . Riekenbaeker Sgdan. Hnpmobila 8edan. Buiek Coupe. -Jordan Eight In Line. Buick Master Six Couoe. Call in and look these care over. Yon are welcome whether yon buy or not. The cars are gcod looking and the display room is kept is order conven lent to the public. F.W.Pettyjohn Co. 856 North Commercial Street. Phone 1260. CADDILAC , HUDSON ESSEX 79j6tf 7 impossible: SUJ'RE GCmG ID WARfcy THE TUKE -Vfjy'RB GOING TO MIND' WHAT-1 fty V&URE OUVJG TD CUT OUT THIS 3AZZ- THIS S IMA AKOVJN L i "THE END Hi MlGQSH - WAT AM I GONWA Enough , To MAKE: -r ANV.plZZ VOwTH, DIZZIER. STA 1"N. A VMIK CLASSIFIED Ot Reliable Business and Professional' Firms Arranged la v Aiptiaoetlcal order i J. ATJCTIONXERS F. N. Woodry AUCTIONEER" The Woodry evA-ybody knows. Cash paid for used - furniture. Bee. aad atora 1610 N. Summer St. Telephone 511. , - - . ". ' -i 1 11. F. WOODRY i A SON .. Auctioneers Pays Cash fur Used jrnrnJtsrs. 271 N. Commercial. Talepbono 15- ACOOTJNTANT O. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND And iter, 831 H state, rnooe sous-it. . BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS I R. D. BARTON EXIDK BATTERIES. starter nnd generator wora; I7t Booth Commercial. ' J I Phone 198 COURT ST. JOE WlLl.lAMS BICYCLES AND BBFAXBJaTO LLOYD E. UAMSDEN COLUMBIA Bl cycles and repairing. 3B7 Court. I CHINESE REMEDY 4- 1 L. DICK L. M. HUM j Chinese Medicine Company- Help sny known disease. 420-426 State. - - ' aSOtf OHXBOPRAOTOB DR. H. B. SCOFIKLD. P. 0. C, 328 Ore gon bldg. Pbone 2194. DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phone 838-R or 87. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING, - BUT- tons and pleating. xtoom XV, over Millers. Phone 117. ELECTRICIAN 8 4- FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Eatimntes furnished. Pbone 980 171 Court St. FARM PAPEB IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five 2 cent stamps to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a three month a trial subscription Mention this ad. - j POULT RYM EN SEND EIGHT TWO- cent stamna for special- three months trial for the best and oldest Journal in the west. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest- Northwest rouitry joui-osl, -411 una mercial street. Salem, Oregon. FINANCIAL INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN ON 8A lem homes, business blocks and apart' ment houses, Jt. !1. Hell ozu J. Bank Building. Phone 2474. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mart gages. Trust Deeds," Contracts ' on houses Will net to 90. BECKE HENDRICKS Bailia- Bide.. 189 N. Uieh St. Jltf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pm dential Insurance Company money on eitv res i dances nnd business property. at 6, phis S commission. Hawkins Roberts, inc., sua Oregon ouuaing. d-Mtl FLORISTS FERNS, CHOICE ROSES, GLADIOLUS, perennials, shrubs, weeplsg birch, iris, eta. Bennett Nursery- Ce. fairgreund Road. TeL 1880. .i .,yu - :y? fJ-26 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS v-r unerat wreatns, seeorattons. u. r. BreiUaupt, florist, ,123 N Liberty. rnooe sou. IN8UEANCB LOANS. REAL ESTATfi. GENERAL IN sursnee. G. "W. LA FLAB, 410 Oregon Bldg. . - . Insure - Ye'nr some ores ngw , BECKKA HENBRTGKSw Haillg Bldg.dBa N. High St. jt-U SEE 8O0OLOFSKY AGENCY POR real estate, - loans, . tire and sate In surance. LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY ' "The laundry of pure materials." Telephone 165. iz 04 jsrosdwsy. THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY Telephone iiTZ - 2 High. TRY THE HO MR WT WASH LA UN dry. Phone 17 1. 1356 B street. tlTti LADIES' TAILORING 'D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN end women. .474 Court St. MATTRE9SES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol" City Bedding' Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. flttl . MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REM EDI Phone 517-W. ' ' aa 1 1 1 gx3m MTJ8IC 1TQBXS- GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machinea, sheet musi and piano studies." Repairing phono grapha and aewiag machines, 432 State street, Balaam, j ';. rrl -1 NEWSPAPERS ' - . j .' THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency The Acs. TeL 939. j THE OREGON STATESMAN, 60 CENTS per month Selrver.o; to your some enrly each morning. -1 Tel. er rose NTJRIEBT STOCK , FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearey Bros l Uommereisu , . By Ed Wheelan W'l Mr IWD tSHOlwU PXWJ Mini t-w e- do you 1 HEAR": THESES . PRISE K?R"Tv;& VN FRT tns.tT rVTkOOl .weT or r-T .er 1 ,M . I W Mm dwnss-1. uamt anvdne BUSINESS DIRECTORY f lor huck isererence . PUBLIC BTENOORAPHEB t CBLIC STENOGRAPHER. OENEK4I, lnso ranee, tleh-n Corey. TeL"tb-'; " PACKXNCT AMD, SHTPPIBO r . t : , ' FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKIXts end shipping, call. Stiff a Furniture Store. Phone 941. - - , PAPBSHAKGnrO AND PAINYTBO PHON'E GLENN- ADAMS FOR 1IOUS8 decora ting, paper hangings tinting, eta. Kwliabl workman. - p - 7 - PIANO TTSERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Plane tuner. Leave orders Will s Male Store. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, CARDS, PAMPH- lots, programs. booSa er aay kind of print uig. Cnll at tho Statesman Print ing . Department, siv S. Commsrtiat. TVL 583. . PLUMBING PLC KB ING 'AND 'GENERAL REPAIR work. Ora bar Brec 154 aV Libert r Pboaa 550. f tvt RADIO Radiolas - - For Every . Purpose .Every Parse . AR Standard Sites f Radio Tubes J3ALIK A EOFF ELECTRI0 SBOP t 337 Court St. Phone 488 . REAL ESTATE IP- YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SKl.L or if you are looking (os a soma, f srns, 1 ar business property,-see as. , BECKE A HENDRICKS 189- N High St., -Heilig Bldg. ftf REAL ESTATE HARRIS OTTERS ' Tell me year needt. I know property and people ia Salem . aad caa : sural y lielp work out plana to meet your re quirements. Homee, little nnd big. . in- -vestment and harness openings in Sa-lem.- a city growing ss never before with out-look promising is the . ex- tremc. The time of all timea to bar er " 1 inven ia the present. " HARRIS, Masonic Bldg.; TeL 795, 24Q-J" ' , - - - SCAVAKGEM CITY GARBAGE CO. OFFICE PHONK 85. 157 S. ComrosreUL Bed. Psoas 2390. ' - 8EC0HTJ HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IX CLOTH , lag and shoes. Best pricea paid. Ca pi- ' tnl Exchaage. 843 North Commercial Phone 1368 W. , . , STOVES AND STOVE BEPAIRINO STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT ANO " repaired by expert. All kinda of wov ' en wire fence. Fancy and plain. Hoj . baskets and hooks, .logs hooks, .-Bale A Fence and Stove Works, 250 Coast gt; ' . X. , , . TBAySFER AND HAUIDIO ' . "", TRANSFER AND HAUXJNO ip AU kinds. Phone 72F2. -. - 1- . .77. 'f WE MOTE STORE S vn amp nnnci hold goods. Our specialty ia plane an f' " furniture moving. We also make eou . try trips. We hasdls ths host eosl ate wood. Call ea ss for prices. W gr w measure, goa qussity sea gr gerrice, Larsier Trasfr,Co."Phoue fi CAPITAL -CITY, TRAF8FES -0. ' Ute Sk- Phone; 9J4.. Distribtln Get eur rates. - . i .; . - " wm. DBTxixsra ; R " A, . WE8T, '-. RT. 4. BOX . 10S-J , Pbone. 110F5. . 8 miles east on GardA rned. - -'- . SKaS9aswJausBsnssnmBvBBBSWJsssesnsxssnwMasanei salem .Water libht a pfiwm rw Office 204 South Commercial St. Tet' Jl per cent dhtoosnt en domestic flat rates paid lo -Advance.. No deduatiea for ah $ene or aay cause unless water ia kkd offyooipremeav- , . -" . "TRtYCXt T-v . -t -. - Safely, . Swiftly and Cosafortabtir to busses of the Parker Stags LinsH. . . Stages Leave for : ; - -. ; y Sllverton 7 a. au. XI a m, f p.sn!.V'. Mfc Angel-ll n. m-S p, s7 , ... Dsllns-7-7 s. m, s,m ll:if ' mt,- :iu p. n. :u p. m. Palls : Cit; 5:15 n; ss -7 a. m.,2:10 Independence- 7 .::m'9-. aV. 11:15 . m, 1:10 p. is, 9:12 a. n. Sunday only 8 :90 p. pa. ' . Monmouth 7 s. m., 11;I5 s. a 'J0 p. nm, 9:16 tv st. Sundsy snly, TtlO p. as.. 9:80 p. sn. -' - 'V MeMinnyille 9s80Ti, s4 jl0 p. sn 5fls( pa, - r . - Newberg 6:0 o. m't .:sK Tllla ntesW2 :90 a. sW 1 ,10 p,. csu . zx? 9? . 919 tot lnjoramsvlien. e f ?n Bend Brooks-ScanJan 1 Lnraiezv Cc.' ships 15 cars lumberfa day.-' LI Sfslexn Xlapiets I No. l.v wheat, whits Red wheat, sacked - . I,H ! . I. Uata. per on. Hay. ostav vetch, per ton PORK. sTUTTOH AKP $XXP-. , " Top hogs . ..9 .14 H oowe ... , , 10WiaJ.il Dreesc4 srgs Top steera Ccwa 19 i t .' ?.s Bella Sprt "' 1 j- ing lambs, ander tbs, .pvij r too Dressed veal " .16 . Dressed hogs 20f. f : Light beas. -; Heavy M Vyp. 8priag .. - Boosters -, , -, , Hsa vy fry .2212.24 a4.2a f , Jt3, , Per pound ' Dnttertat . - Creass batter : .4 VEGETABLES. rX7JIT Apples, par pes Vegetable boats, sacked .unions, SOS. bncekas - ... . KaisBea.-des;piinchM. . . Celery ... ' . ViQl,i5. . Lcesl Ictwcs n.'. ' .60 coms honey, per dos. new p'ff Hi. 11 j. String beans Old potatoes 62..V C hemes' 910 Local sew potatoes WsUnnelloa K . ." t9Has.S Cants loupes , ; TWO FPIES REror.TI3 1 Two4lvc3 Vere rcrortcA-'la tl:a"'"' Cascade Rational IciciV tciay. ' ' ' both; presumably t stariely the' : lixhtnlng of Itonday L.'ittrEot!! are ob" the divide betw-ftn "Win- . berry creek ' and - the r.orh; fort . ot the Willamette. , ; Ilea '.hara been sent out to fight tic 3. ? - S.-l! li