The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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The Weather
: - .... TTARMElV
Fair, somewhat -warmer) in the
Interior; moderate northerly
winds. y ...
YesterdayVttatiniura, 8S; min
lmnm, 46; river. -2., stationary;
ruHfall, none; atmosphere, clear;
r2l4, northwest.
Judgment Awarded " ,4 '
The Circuit Court has a warded
a judgment to the Commercial
Corporation from Henry D. Koeh
ler. - - '
98c for Asli Can "Saturday
H. Li. Stiff Pur. Cov"
Money Froin Home
The mother of Roy Hunstmatt
of San Francisco has sent a tele
gram stating that she will send
money for his fare home. He was
arrested - fcy 1 he1 local police re
c.utly while in company with Ena
Rucke, also of San "Francisco. '"
Tires, Vulcanizing. Retreading
See Rus: Smith; Miller Tire
Shop, 197 South Com'L jXl
Indian Blanket Stolei
A red and brown Indian blank
et was stolen from a car on North
Commercial street . Wednesday
night, accordng,,to .a report made
at -police TieadciuarYers. by N. J.
Sstes of Albany, the owner.
Furniture Upholstery 0
And repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture company. s20tt
Drives OvefHc&e---s " '
Henry -Boedigheimer of Salem
tv as fined 15 in police court yes
terday on a charge of driving over
a file.nbBe , ,
Fire Extinguished r-
A tfmall fraf hi ch (Carted in a
manure piltf'alf'tne Meadowlawn
dairy Thursday, and threatened
for a time to destroy the barn near
K, was put out by the Salem fire
department ' with chemicals and
water before it had a chance to do
any serious damage, There was
no loss, 'according to JUre depart
ment officials.
Wanted Experienced Waitress-
At the -Grey Belle.
Adopt Pl. July 13-
Firms bf architects which pre
sented tentative plans for the new
Tuxedo'Parlt school house at the
school boar4 meeting Wednesday
night are 'Jcnes & narsh, I.. L.
Dugan, and Knlghten & Howell.
ese complete' the Ifet of archi-
cts to W Interviewed by the
board. The; final uate for making
a decision on the plans is -set for
the next regular board meeting,
July 1Z:'-
Ladies Do You Ttnow
You can get a Lanoil Perma
nent wave at the Marlnello Shop
for $15 N. High, J29tf
Delivery Speeds Up
, The Western Union, company's
practice of abolishing the taking
of receipts' on delivery of tele
grams is proving successful, ac
cording to Eric Butler, the com
pany's Salem manager. . The cus
tom speeds up delivery, he says.
Suit Is Brought -
F. Burroughs has brought suit
to quiet title against Ruth Wil
kins and others.' .
Eotel Martok
Dollar dinner served 6:45 to 8
ivery evening, , 2tf
Return From Visit
F. E. Fagan and
family of
Woodburn,whave returned from a
visit to Mpro, Oregon.,;.,,
Leaves Hospital
Mrs. Nettle -Olson has been dis
charged from an Independence
hospital following a major .opera
tion, y '
Falrmoont JH1H . Lots
30 to choose from. Becke &
Hendricks, 189 N. High St, J8tf
Steps on Nail
; John McGregor, son of J. H.
McGregor, Chemawa Indian school
Ruperintendent, injured his foot by
stepping on- a rusty nail Wednes
day. He'is expected to be around
in a dayotwo.
Underwood Typewriter Co,
Direct Factory Branch
810 Court" St. Phone 283
1 Typewriters Rented, Sold,
Repaired .
Special rental rates to Students
Wood Wood
;i YARn;
107 D Streef Telephone SS1S
Treated by Osteopathy andT the
latest Electrical Therapy In
cluding 'Dr.' Abram's Electronic
System A ' ; -
No Charge fez: "
' Physldaa and Snrgeot
10 8 U. ttBink Building
. .r Csltm, Oregon
Leave on Tour-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Irvine and
family, of Independence have left
for a three weeks vacation in
Southern Oregon.
Wood Of fered Free
The piles of wood that bare
accumulated around the new
building at State and; High streets
are free to anyone ho will take
them away, according Ho Frank D
Bligh, owner.
08c for tt Imported--
i .Mixffig bowls, Saturday. II.
Stiff . Fur." Co -U.
"Y" Directors to Meft
Committee reports and routine
business occupied the attention of
the YMCA board of directors at
Us meeting yesterday at 12
o'clock in the YMCa building.
Rev. Babcock was a j guest of the
board. Among those who report
ed "were Geferge Hiigfof the physi
cal department,' Paul- Wallace of
the building committee. Col. Carle
Abrams of the furnishings com
mittee and. socretary of the board
of control, R. J. 'Hendricks of the
employment committee, .Dr. F. E.
Brown of the coninitytee cooperat
ing with Marion county work.
Walter Jenks of the religious work
committee, Ivan White of the
Junior board and others.
Billy Sunday
Hear him at Chauuqua. Exact
date given as soon as ascertained.
A reserved seat, available with
spason ticket, at Pattdn's and Hart
man's, insures a comfiJriabtS. fif
Ine. There will be a packed tent.
Don't risk a failure to hear him.
I 19
Visit in Auburn -4 -
Mr. and Mrs. Westfall and Mr.
and Mrs. Hernetton; of Portland
have been visiting in Auburn.
Family Reunion Held
The Hewitt family- reunion was
held on the Adam Hewitt farm at
Unionvale July 3.
Salem Couple to Serine
Mr. and Mrs. H-C Eggleston
will make their home in Silverton.
Thev we're recently married in
Dance Tonight (Friday)
Crystal Gardens, Syncopators
playing. j9
Case Is",Dismissed 1
The "action brought by Albert
Decker 'against the j Silver Falls
Timber company was dismissed in
the circuit court here Thursday
without cause and prejudice, un
der stipulation of attorneys for
both sides. The case has been
pending in the courts for some
time. The order of dismissal was
signed by' Judge Petcy R. Kelly.
Get Marriage Wccnse
A. marriage license was obtain
ed here Thursday by Anton C.
Winther, service station operator
of Eugene, and .Margaret Cries,
also of Eugene.
Tires, Vulcanizing, Retreading
See Russ Smith, ) Miller Tire
Shop, 197 South Cqra'l. jU
Marriage Take Place
Miss la a Dei uevoe ana uweii
Holliday, both of Unionvale, were
married' there. Saturday. They
eftt to Mount Hood for their
wedding trip.
John Febvet Dies f
John Febvet, formerly of Port
land, died in Strasburg -June 17,
according to word received by his
brother, Emil Febvet of Dallas.
Marinefio Shop-
Has .two lady and one man bar
bers. Appointments made, for
cuts. 245 N. High.! J?9if
Will Inspect Road
In an effort to assiiage much of
the opposition they have met with
In the dispute cverf!tne Gerv,als
Pacific highway intersection mem
bers of the Marion county court
announced Thursday that they
would inspect the property with a
view of making a settlement of
the controversy. It is planned to
improve the intersection this sum
mer. ' Mike Keppinger, A farmer
in that district, whose land ad-
Joins the intersection, 'declares
that the present plans would in-
Mike Paneck's Brake Station
275 South. Commercial Street
Bml Ssteto Ia Ixamuamse
ftoxvty Bead.
,. P. EC. BELTj
S20 XT. ft, Bank Slag, rseae tm
LADD & BUSH Bankers
Established 1868 1 ;
: General Banking Business
- Office Honrs front 10 a. m. to 8 p. nu
jure him in that it.would take part
of his land without sufficient
Collision Reported
Cars driven by William Wash
brook .and " Mrs. W. Rannow
collided in Woodburn Wednesday?
The right front wheel of; Mrs. Ren
new's car was smashed and the
frame of Washbrook's was sprung.
No one was injured. 1
Picnic Is Held
' A swimming picnic was held by
the voune.DeoblesVsocletv of Trin-
evening. A wiener roast was held
in conjunction. j
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Geise-Powers
Furniture company. i20tf
Clifford Brown Home Burns
Fire- brokeout yesterday in the
residence of Clifford Brown on
State street just east (of High
street, but was put out by the
fire department before it made
p uch . headway. It destroyed a
part of the roof and attic. It is
thought to have been started by I
from the chimney. The !
loss was slight, according to fire
department officials.
Appeal Threatened
A motion fof a new trial will
be made against the judgment se
cured by E. M. Barr 'against Yam
hill county for $1000, obtained in
circuit court. If this is not suc
cessful, an appeal will be made to
I thor supreme court.
6 Room Modern
Being built right j-Hardwood
floors, furnace, fireplace, laundry,
two toilets, jtc. Finished to suit.
$t?50 Complete. North on Tama
rack street. Block to car. Becke
& Hendricks. 189 N. High St. j-8tf
Auto Camp Filled
About 60 cars spent Wednesday
night in the Salem auto camp,
every one of the 16 tent houses
being occupied. About half a doz
en parties were turned awaybe
cause'of 4ack of accommodations.
lieaves Hospital
J. H. Freeland was discharged
lfrom a Salem hospital Wednesday.
He has been there fori about two
weeks following an operation.
Don't Miss "Ligtnin at
Chautauqua, and 11 other fine
programs. Reserved seat sale
Pattons and Harlmans. j9
Wing to Go Up
The new Salem hospital wing
will be erected soon, the contract
with Cuyler Van Patten for con
struction having been signed Wed
nesday. The wing will cost about
$33,9-00, financing to be done by
the sale of bonds.
Enters Hospital-
Mrs. Bulteer of Pratum has
been brought to a local hospital
because of heart trouble.
Flax Tour Coming-
Directors of the Oregon Linen
mills are working out plans for
having from 60 to 100 prominent
business men of Portland visit the
flax fields and the linen plants
Back From Law School
Earl Shafer has returned from
Cambridge, Mass., where he has
been attending. Harvard law
Leaves Hospital
II. W. Reintz of Route 3 was
released from a local hospital on'
Wednesday. j-
Editors to Pass Through -
. About 4 Qj editors, members of
the National Editorial association.
will 'pass through Salem about
July 19 on their way from Cali
fornia to Alaska.
Telepltone 3(!
Public Stenographer, General
Insurance. Helen Corey. W
First Flax Received
The first truckloads of flax
were received at the Stayton re
ceiving plant of the Oregon Linen
lMills, Inc., Wednesday, Consider
able activity is expected from now
on, according to R. O, Snelling of
Salem, manager.
Woodburn Woman Dies-
Miss Elizabeth Hlggins, 80, of
Woodburn. died Wednesday at the
home of her niece there. The
cause was heart trouble. She
leaves one brother, George Hig
gins. In Rosscommno county, Ire
land, three nephews, Albert Hoi
Telaphsn for when yon bv tet
tory trmbl. No txtra chargs
tor this some
831 Court St. . Phone 108
We have 1 good Oakland
touring, 1924. model, glass
enclosure and everything in
the, line of accessories. This
is k real good buy' and our
price is f07i.00. ,
mes of Am boy, Wn., and William
Holmes of Aberdeen,' ,Wn-. and
three nieces, Mrs. Amos Elliott
and Mrs. J. L. Wood of Woodburn
and Mrs. Ross Iolmes of Port
land. Mason Funeral Held .
The funeral of Mrs. Rosa Mason
of Mill City, who died there Sat
urday, was held Tuesday, burial
being in the Fairview cemetery.
She leaves a husband and three
children, Harry G., Charles M.,
and Helen Ruth, her rather and
mother in Findlay, Ohior Three
sisters, Mrs. Katherine Beech of
Jenera," Ohio, Mrs. Mary Beilser
of Salem and Mrs. Pauline Smith
of Vancouver, Wash.," one brother,
John Latz of Findlay, Ohio, be
sides nieces and nephews and a
host of friends, j
08c for 2 Qt. Icej Cream Freezer
Saturday. H. Li Stiff Fbt. Co.
Funeral Service Held
Funeral services for Jacob Mor
ris of Woodburn were held at the
Methodist church there Thursday.
Rev. B. Waddihgton of;-Rainier
Tree Falls on Ca
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gardner of
Stayton narrowly escaped death
recently while out motoring when
tree fell on j their car, barely
missing them.
Asks $ 10,000 Damages-
Mrs. George Wittmyer of Jeffer
son has filed suit to recover $10,-
000 damages from Athillion Coyer
of California as a result of an ac
cident in Jefferson resulting in
the injury of Mri Wittmyer.
Chorus Will Sing
The Salem Men's Chorus will
sing at Eugene Field building's
opening in Silvferton Wednesday,
July 14. Mips Marian Emmons,
concert violinist, will give selec
08c for a White Enamel
Bread Box, 'Saturday.
Stiff Fur. Co.
Sanders Home Bum
Fire destroyed the residence of
T. L. Sanders near Stayton Wed
nesday. No one was injured. A
defective flue was given as the
cause of the fire.
Wheel Comes Off
Lloyd Hadleyj of Silverton and
Carl Yost of thei same place were
inured slightly rwhen a wheel
came off a car in which they were
riding Wednesday.
Order Loganberry Juice
From J. E. Crothers, Tel. 112F4
liii-d House Wins
juiius tiuiiKer was awarded a
S5 baseball glove as first prize in
a bird house contest at the Lin
coln playgrounds yesterday. The
contest was for the most original
and best bird house made by the
boys. The winner is 9 years old
The second prize, a $2 baseball,
was won by Nornan Sieforth, also
9 years old. Judges were E. A
Miller and Avis iE. White. Prizes
were donated by!
Anderson's sport-
ing goods store.!
was over 80.
The attendance
P. T. A. to Picnic
The annual Mountain View Far
ent Teachers Association picnic
will be Saturday, July 10, on the
Orchard Heights; road at the High
land church. ;A good program
and sports are promi&ed by those
m charge.
Use Our Service Car
Russ Smith, Miller Tire Shop
137 S. Com'l. j jll
Theft of Flowers-
Several large hydrangea blooms
were stolen fronk the plants at the
F. S. Craig home, 310 Bellevue
.treet, late Wednesday night.
J ust previous . 6 the discovery of
the theft, a xnaU and woman were
coen running around the Craig
residence to a
Ford touring car
f parked nearby.
A similar occur
rence recently happened at the J
B. Craig home on South Commer
cial street.
Gabbert Cuts Meeting
J. R. Gabbertj, real estate com
missioner of the stale of Cali
fornia, has writien to Will Moore,
state insurance commissioner
here, that he will not be able to
take - part in the annual meeting
of the Northwest Realtors asso
ciation to be ; held at, LaGrande
July 23 and 24. j Mr. Gabbert was
scheduled to give an address at
the conference. I "f
Accldent Reported .r V v
; A warrant haa-been sworn out
for the arrest of J. L. Blodgett of
Dallas on a reckless drittag charge
following a naccident whe&'BIod-
gett forced a stage to take to the
ditch Tuesday. The accident oc
curred between Dallas and Rlck
realL . . . . .
Tour California
Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Godfrey
of Independence have left for a
vacation In Southern -California.
08c for White Enamel
Bath ' stool, Saturday.
Stiff Fur. Co.
Dallas Report Given
- An old fashioned meeting wan
held by the Dallas chamber of
commerce Wednesday. N. L. Guy
commented on the prune situation.
Fully 50 per cent of the crop In.
that vicinity -has been sold, he
Barn Burns Down
Fire destroyed the barn of Ken
neth Clark, near Falls City, Tues
day evening. Loss is estimated at
$150. The cause is unknown.
Visiting Falls City
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McClure
of La Monte, Wash., and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Clarke of Klamath
Falls have been visiting in Falls
City recently. ,
Visit at Chemawa
Mr. and Mrs. M. Daugherty of
Yoncalla visited In Chemawa Wed
Use Our Service Car
Russ Smith, Miller Tire Shop.
197 S. Com'l. Jll
Church Repaired!
Extensive repairs are being
made on the Lutheran free church
in Silverton. A new parsonage has
been built next to the church.
Business Meeting Held
The Trinity Lutheran church
Ladies' Aid of Silverton held its
regular business meeting Wednes
day. A lunch was served after
Visit In Mt. Angel
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith of
Tacoma have been visiting in Mt.
Is Water Superintendent
Cecil Libby has been named
water superintendent at Jefferson
to replace L. H. Knight, resigned
Eye Is Injured
Jack McKenzie. 5, of Silverton
had one eye severely injured Wed
nesday by a firecracker explosion
He was taken to Portland for
Goes on Vacation-
Miss Vivian Cramer 6f Silverton
has gone to Gearhart to remain
until the latter part of August.
Visit in Roscburg
Mr. and Mrs. Henry , Schulalber
and Mr. and Mrs- Selmar Larson
all of Silrerton, have been Tlsit-
ing in Roeenurg.
Catches Jackrabbit
John Cornforth, of Salem
Heights, declared he had broken
existing speed records when he
exhibited a jackrabbit caught
Thursday. " Mr. Cornforth did not
exactly say he had run him down
WCTU to Meet
Dallas will be host to the an
nual Polk county convention of
WCTU organizations Tuesday
July 13. A business meeting
luncheon, and program will fea
ture the meeting.
Ladles' Aid Meets
The regular monthly meeting
of the West Salem Ladies' Aid
was held Wednesday. Mrs. J. R
Bedford was In charge. Flans
were laid for an ice cream fasti
Radio Man Sails
E. G. Henry of Silverton has
left Portland on the steamer
Dewey for New Zealand and Aus
tralia. He went as chief radio
Globe Trotter Car Here
The Buick car which has al
ready completed. a trip around tha
world and which is now calling on
every Bulck dealer, in America,
will reach Salem today, it was an
nounced by Otto J. Wilson, Bulck
dealer. According to Mr, Wilson
the car has circled the world en
tirely alone without a permanent
driver or mechanic, making the
trip in less time than that con
sumed by the Round-the-World
Fliers, The speedometer will reg
ister approximately 61,550 miles
when the car pulls up at the Wit
"Prove It"
Prove the" value lChiro
practics to yourself- Where
ever, the spine is "&t fault,
we can do the work. ,
DR. SCdFfiL)
ess Oreeoa.TlZz -,"' CZlex
son salesrooms today,. it la said.
t will be on display lo the pub
lic ? . ,7 v
Will Attend Conferenee
Governor Pierce and two daugh
ters will leaver here July 0 for
Cheyenne, Wyoming, -where the
executive, will , attend the annual
conference, of." governors from all
states : in tbevIUnlon. Governor
Piercer - is c slated to give an ad
dress during the convention. , Gus
Moser of . Portland,' president of
the state senate', will act as gov
ernor "during tke- absence from
the state of .Governor Pierce.
Pierce Attends Bin
Governor "Pierce 'epent yester
day In. Seattle .where' he attended
dinner given In. honor of Jeffer
son Myers,rnewly appointed mem
ber or the united States shipping
board,: - R waa said that a number
of other iprWBiBer4t:. Oregon men
were Invited to1 participate in the
function, v . "
Visitors Reported
- in Salem
Mrs. G. R. Mason, and son of
Med ford visited in Salem Thurs
day. . ; , ...
Mrs. A. L. Blampus of Portland
spent Thursday night in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Roe ot Eu
gene iiwerei. Salem visitors yester
A. R. Johnson and family of
North .Bend spent Thursday night
Jn Salem.
T. M. Bake, of Portland was in
Salem Thursday.
Charles F. Gieberer of Detroit,
Oregon, was in Salem Thursday.
J. W. Flannery of Portland was
a Salem visitor. Thursday.
J. S. McDonald, of, Portland vis
ited in Salem on Thursday.
J. Kemp- of Portland spent In Salem.
Mrs. F.W. Treado of Detroit,
Oregon, was a Salem visitor
Thursday. "
H. Sears was & Salem visitor
Thursday. He resides In, Portland.
George F. Stevens, coming, from
Eugene, spent Thursday night in
Judge E. E. Howell of Jeffer
son will administrate the estate of
J. G. Fontain and family of Jef
fersoja,. have, returned from a va
Ed Siegmond - and family of
Garibaldi fnave,,, been visiting in
Stayton. ... ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Withers of Sil
verton have been visiting in Mc-
Minnviile. ' ;
Mrs, S, , Smith of St. Paul has
returned from a visit In Wiscon
sin. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Knight and
son spent Thursday night in Sa
More life! a prophecy
Is In that thirsty cry. If read
aright; '
Deep caSleth unto deep; Life
O souf, awaiteth thee!
Lucy Larcom.
W. T. Rigdon & Son
Hot Weather
Cliquot Club Ginger Ale
and 6-Budwiser
For the-combination
" 'yotrsave 45
Durino; this hot weather
you will find it convenient
to make up a meal from
this department.
Shrimp' Salad, Club-house
Salad, Macaroni Salad, Po
tato Salad, 'Prepared Jello,
Cottage Cheese, Sliced Jel
lied Tongue, Boiled and
Pressed flam, Beef and
Veal Loaf, Prepared Souse,
Sliced Corn Beef, Green and
Ripe Olives, Dill, Sweet and
Soar Pickles, Kippered Sal
mon, Home-baked Beans.
Delicious . Xakes such as
you, would make yourself.
Angel, .Sunshine, Prune,
Chocolate, ; Nut, Cocoanut,
Lady Baltimore, Mocha.
For Your Sunday
' . Breakfast '
Butter Horns, Tea Sticks.
Fresh Shipment Just In
"60c pound
' Hard Candy Special
lem. ' They are residents ot Hood
River. "s' t--KU--'- ' " ' W-
Mr." and Mrs, i.' H. Burnap of
Co rvallis visited In Salem' Thurs
day.. ..-. ;;,'. C:,..
Miss Dorothy Oxford, sister of
Mrs. Lynn Cronemlller, is a, Salem"
visitor. - . "i - ;r .
A. R. Nolan and Mrs. Anderson;
both of Silverton, visited Salem
Wednesday. ; -
Roy Kendall was a Salem vis
itor Thursday. 1
J. T. Webb Of Tulsa, Oklahoma,
Is visiting his parents, Mr., and
Mrs. J. S. Webb of Route 8, Sa
lem. .
Earl Bice of Dallas visited in
Salem yesterday. -
J. Nollin of Gates visited in Sa
lem Thursday.
Salem visitors from Dayton
) f tISliA Siren
A?A' W ! of Babylon.
IV 'AV The First
J) KtSSS 7 Black Sheep.
J) J A They meet in
r' I 5 V 'The Wander-
-ir 'o er" and-!. .
n AT POPULAR PRICES ..... , i"!
(Quality First Groceries
and Meats) 1
Order your meat with your'
groceries, one order, one de-l
livery, one account. j
Apricots for Canning
The Tilton Apricot grown
at The Dalles is considered
the best Apricot for can-j
ning; not as large as some
varieties but of extra fine
flavor and deep rich color.
This week is the peak of
the season. Buy them now
at this special low price, j
22 Pound Crate !
1.65 I
.. - i
Mason pints, doz..l 73c
Mason Quarts, doz. 85e
Mason Half-gal doz $1.20
100 lb. sack Cane Sugar
. $5.97-- ;
25 lb sack Cane Sugar
At these low prices on Ap
ricots, fruit jars and sugar
it will pay you to put up
several crates of this fine
fruit. - r
It Makes Your Jelly Jell I
3 for 85c
- 1 ; . " j
Roth Grocery Co.
Phones 1885-6-7 : b
I : ;i:ThirtyiaAunt;
Service -v-v ?
No , charge ,f or delivery i
Tuesday Included J. Paxton, Mrs.
W. S.i Hlbbert, and Major and
Mrs. Miller.-
- H."C. Taylor waa"fA Salem
Wednesday. He la a resident of
V Irving Schnelll visited his sister.
Mrs. Ed Krebs, In Scio recently.
Mrs. A. W.-" Blackburn: of Cor
rallis was in Salem on a business
visit Thursday, i .
Chester Coffey. Salem photograph- ,
er, with his family were visitors
in Scio Thursday.-1 r"r
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mumper and
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lous, all of
Scio, attended the auto races here
Monday. ; .
; Fred Bilyeu of Scio. ..visited in
Salem Thursday. .. , - . -
R. II. Bassett of Salem visited
Scio on business Monday.
In pure Olive Oil
2 for 25c 6 for 73c
Extra small sardines
in olive oil -15c
6 for 85c
The last shipment of water
melons ar really good, firm
and deep; Jucious red.
3c Pound
Ice-cold' if ' you wsh.
Ice-cold Melons 5c lb.
Casabas 5c lb.
Cantaloupes 15c '
Florida Grane Fruit 20c
Oranges 40c and '70c doz.
Peach Plums 15c , Basket
Pears 40c don..
Blackberries, Raspberries
: : Strawberries
Apricots. Basket 40c
Apricots 22 lb. Crate $1.63
Loads of fresh, 'crisp
; . ; Vegetables
String Beans, Peas, Toma
; toes, Cucumbers, Gr. On-.
Ions, Radishes, Lettuce, Cel
ery, C a b ba ge, Carrots,
; Beets, Sweet Corn.
Fancy Large New Potatoes
1 10 lbs. 25c
Fancy Large Table
35c bas!:ct
Medium Peaches
25c bcs.ct