The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 07, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    -jtUft ,
.?n 4Ji
7 fi-JLJ;
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1 if ft
Scratch Hit Cheats Guard
Hurler Out of No-Hit,
No-Run Game
w. l. ret.
DeMolay S 2 .714
Post Office . '. 3 2 .600
P..E. P. Co 3 4 .429
O..N. O 3 3 .500
Arriving at the last possible
moment after several time allow
ances had been given I - the Oregon
nationar guard team, eeraped nine
players together and blanked the
P. E. P. 6-0.
, For a few minutes it looked as
tuough the contest wonld. be for
feited but Jwhen the soldfers fi
nally arrived the P. E. P. could
not get together and only a
scratch single through short
, cheated' Mann inp, barter for the
Guardsmen, out of a no hit, no
run game, the ambition of every
sandiotler. Both pitchers hurled
a fine game, only three hits being
made oft. Merriqtt the losing
pitcher. The P. E. P. catcher had
trouble with the sun In his eyes
and six men who had struck out
reached first because of passed
balls. This cut down the effect of
Merriotts strike outs, although he
registered four . as did Manning.
For a five fnning-'contfest the game
was slow, taking, one' hour- ' and
twenty minutes ta worry through
the five frames. ""'
This was the. last schooled
game forJitaJwKu&Uh(miL,Lt
is claimed, there, sre" .some post
poned contest; to 1e playedThese
will be played at the end of the
regular league schedules.
The Guardamcn -did not bunch
their scores last night, there being (
only one inning that more than
one mi crossed. They scored in
every inning, but would not have
piled up such a one sided count
had it not been for eight bobbles
by the electricians. Promiscous
base stealing by the soldiers fea
tured the contest, 12 stolen bags
being registered for the game.
Before the end of the week a
- schedule will be arranged for the
playing of postponed the
Twilight and Commercial leagues.
This schedule will be announced
by Saturday or Suaday. :r
The lineups: ; ,T
it aoning. p.
Vafron. lb.
BaTa(, If. ...
K.II7, St.
KUchn. Sb.
OarrMccf. -Hoyt,
rf .
Vuiftr. Sb.
Cai pester, c.
Lorell, H.
Miclcel&cn, lb.
Barnfaolt, ef.
Bortaas, 8J.
Merriott,. King, rt ,
CUrk, If. tu
Stow, tb.
HooTer, eI '
"flatted for Saraf ia third.
Umpire! laird, Edwardi.
". " -T
V Nash Furniture- Co. ..take the
lead with low prices 6n chairs,
rockers,- tables. wood ; and stefel
beds, springs, mattresses. Bares
you 2S . .219 N. Coml. ' ()
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co., lead
ers In complete home furnishings,
priced to make you the owner. The
store that studies your every, need
and Is ready to meet it, absolutely
" ' ()
St, Louis. WincwThree Game
Series WitfUDefroit by
. v SfcoreCdfi53t5 2 P
Chicago 8; Cleveland 0
CHICAGO July . By; Asso
ciated Press. -Chlcag -hunched
fhits today and shut out Cleveland
8 to 0 in the' final game- of the
series. c '
. Score It. it. E.
Cleveland ............. 6 . 8 4
Chicago . 8 Z 2
Karr aad L. Sewell; Blan ken
ship and McCurdy,
fit. Louis 5 .Detroit 2 i .
DETROIT, July -(By Asso
ciated Press.) -St. .Louis, swept
the three game' series wlih De
troit .today by winning 5 to 2.
Fothergill. Hailmann and
hit; home runs. - j
Scores R.
SU .Louis .-' 5
Detroit 2
H. E.
7 0
9 2
. Wlngard and Sebang;
Collins and Man ion, Hay worth.
'. D. H. Hosher, Merchant Tailor,
Is turning out the nobbiest and
best fitting tailor made suits to
Ibeasure. 100 business. and pro
fessional men buy of Moeher. )
Ptoclfie Coast League
Portland 12; Mission t.
Sacramento S; Oakland 1.
i- I National League '
C Wcago S-2 ; Pirates . 0-3. .
Cincinnati 6:. St. Louis 2.'
, j American League
Chicago 8; 'Cleireland 0: V
St:-Lduis 8; Detroit 2;
1 1 1
Left Leg Taped, Harold 0s-
born -Retains Title ofrAII
Around "Champon!
( By Associated Press. ) Finish
Ing the last three events -with bis
left leg "bound in tape; ;due. to a
muscle strain, Harold m; Osborn,
bl6nd-halred star of the Illinois
Athletic clnb retained his title as
pion today after a strenuous all
national all around athletic (ham
day battle with ten opponents.
Osborn set the pace from; start
to finish in the ten event program
making up the decathlon which
shared the spotlight with the re
lays in the closing day of the na
tional senior AAU traek and field
championships at the municipal
Stadium. In approximately eight
hours of steady competition he
amassed a total of. 7,187,832
points, nearly 400 more than his
nearest rival and clubmate, Harry
Frieda, who finished with a jscore
of 6,820.346.
Clifford Hoffman of theOlym-
pic club, San Francisco, finished
third and prevented a clean sweep
for the four Illinois AC entrants.
These pupils' of Johnny ehr.
IAC coach romped off with j four
of the first five places, Pete Wal
lace and Paul Jones taking fourth
and fifth -places to supplement the
performances of Osborn ' and
Osborn won first place In only
one event, the high jump, but
finished second in three others,
the javelin, 110 meter hurdles and
the broad jump, besides scoring
well up in all others except the
1S00 meter run in which he was
Hal Ik & Eoff Electric Shop, 337
Court St.. Everything electric.
from motors and fixtures and sup
plies to wiring. -Get prices and
look at complete stock. ()
.Walter ,H. Zosei, automobile
tires, tubes and accessories. Vul
canizing that holds. High Quality,
superior service. A trial makes a
sustomer. 198 8. Com'l. : ()
California Team Starts SOut
Stronk But Beavers Come
Back to Victory !
.Beavers 12; Missions 9 i
PORTLANTJ. July .6. By: As
sociated Press). The Missions
drove fiauntgartuer.out of the box
with six hits, good for five runs,
iri the, first inning, but Pbrtiand
came back with three runs In its
half and, four made second. The
wild game - see-sawed back and
forth until . the ' eighth, when
Catcher Berry of the Beavers lift
ed one of Eckert's slow culrves;
into the left-field bleachers -with
two on. This4 last spasm gave
Portland the game, 12 to 9t. t . ,
Store- R. H. E.
Missions .... .T. . . . . 9 ? j
PdrUaud . . ; . . . . ; . . 12,-43. j
Plllette, Christian .Eckett land j
kMurphy; Baumgartner, PAyne,
ftachac and Beiry. 1 5 -
Senators 8; Oaks 1
SACRAMENTO. July 6. Sacra
mentc started its three week
home stand by. winning from jthe
second place Oakland nine" today
8 to i. . ;
Score R. HI E.
Oakland?,.; 1 71 1
Sacramento .. . . 8 17i 3
Delaney and Baker; Martin and
Koehler, . i
ti-a W. Torgensen, 190 S High
St. Parts roraii mares of cars.
Best equipped auto accessory store
in tata sections "Proinxit and i, re
liable service the rule. - C
; CORVALLIS. Ore., July 6 By
Associated Press) . Major Jphn
L. Griffith, athletic; commissioner
of the Big Ten cohferunce, arrived
today from Chicago, te open eitwo
weeks' course in organization : of
athletics and. physical education
at the Oregon. Agricultural l:cpi4
lege summer' session, .''-.. ipi
1 , Mrs. Griffith. and.son.wbOjare
now : in . California- wur.ioin;the
major here the last of this week.;
curing tne world -war Major
Griffith was In charge of all ath
letics at army posts.and-fied
ctfnips. 2 He is aJs)' known lasUhe
fcuttfler of the Drakstrelay J
" C A.. Lutny: Keiiasie welry
store. What -you are looking for
In iewelry.wherei s.clilU-ean Jiuy
as safely as a man or woman. Re
pairing la ill lines; ' "
Teams. Divide Honors in a
Doublehe&der;;Rajn Halts
Second in Fifth
Chicago. 3-2; Pirates 0-3
PITTSBURGH, July' 6. (By
Assocfated Press. V Pittsburgh
and- Chicago divided a double
deader today. The Pirates took
the second 3 to 2 after Blake
Scored a shutout in the opener
3 to 0. Rain halted the second
game at the end of the fifth in
First game R. It. E
Chicago 3 9 3
Pittsburgh 0 4 ,2
Blake and Gonzales; Bush and
Second game R,
Chicago , 2
Pittsburgh 3
Osborne and Hartnett;
ows and Smith.
9 1
Reds 5; St. Ivouis 2
ST. LOUIS, July.G. (By Asso
clated Press.) The Cincinnati
Reds rallied. In 11th inning for
three runs -anddefeated the St
LouiCardlnals today 5 to 2.
Score-- '"f ' . . R. H. E.
CinciuhatfJiV.t!:... 5 12 2
St. Louis iX .1. . . 2 5 2
. Mays and Piciuich; Alexander
and Vick, O'FarrSll
F. L. Wood . and Geo. 1, Peed,
real estate, 344 State. Farms and
city property. They bring buyer
and seller tosether. for the bene
fit and profit of both. ()
Pacific Coast League
W L. Pet.
Los Angeles 55 .33. .625
Oakland ... ....48 41 .539
Seattle . ... 47 45 .511
Sacramento 47 45 .511
Portland 45 48 .484
Missions 44 46 .481
Hollywood 41 51 .446
San Francisco 37 55 .402
National League 7
- W. L. . Pet.
Cincinnati .... . ... 47 31 .608
Pittsburgh .... 39 33" .542
St. Louis 40 36 .526
Brooklyn 38 35 .521
Chicago 40 37 .519
New York 37 39 .487
Philadelphia 32 42 .432
Boston 27 47 .365
American League
W. L.
New York 50 26
Philadelphia 42 35
Chicago 44 36
Cleveland 41 38
Washington 38 36
Detroit 38 40
St. Louis : 34 44
Boston 21 53
Sunburn, ugly and torturous.
prevented and cured by sanlseptlc
lotion on sale at the Crown Drug,
332 State. St. Get some before
that trip to the beach. ()
V. V.. Rhafrs Karness and
Leather Goods Stored J702a.JCbtt'L
Suit cases, Talises;"pbrtf olios, brief
eases, gloyek aad mHteus. 'Large
stock. The pioneer store. ()
-- . .
(Continued from ,Ke i.)
. . . - .
man W. W.-Rosebraugh, C. O.
Engstrom, and Watson Townsend,
who have power to act.
An application by W. McGarvey
to install a curb pump was grant
ed. Petitions for paving Madison
street from Capitol to the S. P.
tracks, Virginia street from 19 th
to Oakhurst, Myers from Fir to
John, Fairgrounds road from
Hood to Summer. Cross from 12 th
to 13th, and Oford from, High to
Church were granted.' '
A petition f6r vacation of a part
of Fairgrounds road between Cot
tage and Winter streets was not
granted, while one for, the chang
ing of the sidewalk' line on a part
Laf Liber ty.'street In the .north side
of town, was granted. Two; sew
W petitions were laid on the table.
L . A soft drink license vaa given
.to Mrs. Arthur Rice, and oy H.
The petition of D B. BrOxn to
erect an electric -sign Onv ;.Che
meketa . street" was jantedJv"
The report of the ; street im-
fprovement-committee tor: the im-
I proTement" of several 'streets "Was
adopted. V v- " ?-7 ". '.
A motion of ,the street improve
ment; committee to. allow Walter.
Low, street .co'mmlssioner, a sal
ary of $75 for eight rnnth was
granted,-", without ( any dissenting
argument; . I' 'f-' . "i '
i Th 'Quarterly!, report of the
gajai7atpagmd.. A
otier.HporG giten .byHte "city at
torney.;ovn'.Vt1ro sewers.- was re
f erred to the-committee on, sewers.
Areport given" by ithe city at
torney, on, he;c"aln ofMrsJl. ti
Tracey tor damages received In
an accident April 30 j was read.
The claim Was denied.
The application Of Charles
Brandt for building a service sta
tion on South Winter street was
granted. i
A petition for a sewer on South
Winter street was referred to the
sewer committee. j
A petition by A. Vokhok for a
permit to erect an electric sign
was referred to the committee on
A petition for a service station
on Capitol and Market streets
was referred to the new planning
and zoning commlssionjwhich will
be named by the mayor.
The application Of Chester G.
Murphy to bond the property
owned by the Lord estate was
granted. j 1
Bills for construction of side
walks on portions of (North 5th
and State streets were adopted.
Three bills for improving alleys
were passed. A bill fo accepting
the donation of a parcel of land
from Oscar Redfield j for con
structing an alley was accepted.
A bill for assessing money for im
proving Brooks avenue was
passed. A bill for paving part of
River street near Water street was
Capital City Cooperative Cream
ery. Milk, cream, buttermilk. The
Buttercup butter has no equal.
Gold standard of perfection. 137
S. Com'l. Phone 299. ()
C. F. Breithaupt, florist and
decorator, 123 N. Liberty. Phone
,380. Flowers, bulbs, floral de
signs for all occasions. Pioneer
and leader In Salem. ()
"Shiek Bandits Telli Tale of
Killing in 45 Minutes;
Grilled Severely
CHICAGO, July C. (By Asso
ciated Press.) Earnestly and
quietly with an occasional smile
playing across his palej features,
Martin J. Durkin told in 4 5 min
utes today the stor of the
shooting of Edvn C. hanahan.
federal secret service dgent and
the events surrounding it.
He testified for himself In his
trial for the murder of Shanahan,
shot to death last Octobe 11 when
he accosted the youth in a South
side garage to arrest him for In-.
terstate transportation pf a car
the government said was! stolen.
For more than three hours he
stood upon his story and embel
lished it under a rigid cross ex
amination by prosecutors nor
budged from his first outline of it
as he followed the state's! attorney
through a labyrinth of interroga
tions covering his life from the
time he joined the Canadjian army,
at the age of 16 until thb time of
his arrest three months after the
Shanahan, he thought to be a
holdup man, Durkin testified. He
never suspected he was sin officer
until he was told after the shoot
ing that he had 'shot a revenue
man." He thought Shanihan was
a' holdup man because lie "stuck
a gun on me" and because he
reached for Durkin's 'motey pock
et." He lived in some fear of
holdup men, he said, for wasia
bootlegger in Chicago and Califor
nia, and carried large sums of
jmoney, which he always protected
with a revolver " I
Max O. Buren. furniture, car
pets; everything: for thS home.
Most beautiful Axmlnster rugs.
Beautiful line of pictures for your
home. 179 Com'l. I (
Chas K. Spauldlne Logging Co..
lumber and building materials.
The best costs no more than in
terior graaes. uo to tne big Sa
lem factory and save money. ()
Don't Let
That Gold
Sold Only t
; . . - "j
Original Yellow Front
i Penslajr Stereo
135 North CkmrnerciaT
M m M
Champion Featherweight Is
.Forced'to Relinquish Title
: - on Account of Weight
MERIDEN, Conn., July 6. (By
Associated Press.) Louis (Kid)
Kaplan today relinquished his
world's featherweight champion
ship crown. Inability to make the
class limit of 12 6 pounds was
given by Kaplan as the reason for
his action.
The crown will be returned to
the New York boxing commission
which sponsored the elimination
tournament which resulted In
Kaplan fighting his way to the
Manager Denny McMahon said
tonight that Kaplan would seek
championship laurels in the light
weight division. This campaign
rs expected to get under way early
in September with a bout with Ace
Hudkins, Nebraska, "Wildcat"
and the conqueror of Ruby Cold
stein. The match probably will
be staged in a New York Jtall park.
Parker & Co., 444 S. Com'l,
Don't fail to see Parker about re
pairing your car. Expert me
chanics at your service. AH work
At Shipley's tne ladies of Salem
.ave satisfied themselves that they
can get the finest spring and sum
mer frocks, coast and dresses ever
shown in this city.
O. W. Day, tires, tubes and ac
tesorles. Has the Goodyear tirea,
the standard of the world. Mr.
Day can give you more mileage.
Corner Com'l and Chemeketa. ()
A. H. Moore, 235 N. High St.
apartments, and store where you
can get high quality furniture and
furnishings for every roam-' in
your house. ()
1 1
1 1
f i
OIL T , ... i . . - 5-1
LaFayette Traded for Wash
burn in Texas League;
Cash Also Given
PORTLAND, July 6. (By As
sociated Press.) George Ia Fay
ette, first sacker for the Portland
club of the Pacific coast league,
has been traded for Royce Wash
burn, first baseman of WlcHita
Falls, in the Texas league. Presi
dent Turner of the Beavers an
nounced tonight.
An unnamed amount of cash
went with La Fayette to the
Wichita Falls club. President
Turner said Washburn would re
port here in time to play against
the San Francisco Missions Fri
day. He has hit the ball this sea
son at a .3 6 8 clip.
Capital Bargain House, Capital
Tire Mfg. Co., Mike's Auto Wreck
ing. Three in one. Bargain center
of Salem. Thousands of bargains.
H. Steinbock, 215 Center. ()
Held By Police
Fred Schaffer was arresfpil by
the local police on a charge, of
drunkeness yesterday.
Typewlffr Stolen
An Underwood typewriter was;
f-tolen from the Methodist Episco
pal clufrch at South Commercial
and Myers streets yesterday, ac
cording to a report turned in to
the local police.
Kilwanls Fnjuys Trip
Cecil Edwards,, former hiRh
school associated student body
president, banishing a finger bad
ly crushed, refused tb comment on
his injury last niht, though h
talked enthusiastically about the
beauties of the river trip from
'oalem toward Portland. In com
pany with L'rederick Arpke, also
and the
YOU know them, bless their hearts. A pair of
youngsters, really, in spite of their self-reliant air
and their fast-vanishing teens." "The girl slim, clear
eyed, merry; the boy flippant, a bit arrogant, full of
secret, earnest plans for success.
They like each other. They go to the movies to
gether, dance, quarrel a bit. They don't believe in
early marriages. But her eyes shine when she speaks
of him. "Me and the boy friend."
One of these days, suddenly,' they'll be grown up.
Man and wife, those fearless youngsters. A home to
plan, life to face. A budget, a savings account,
They'll make: mistakes, tut they'll learn quickly;
She'll begin to Be ciirry in the spending of money--to
question prices and -values. v She'll . begin to read
about the things she plans to buy, tp find out all she
can about them. She'll become a regular reader of
They'll help her to become the capable, wise house
wife she wants so much to be. They'll tell her what
clothes are best and what prices to pay, for tnem.
They'll tell her about the foods to buy, the electric
appliances, the linoleums and draperies. They'll help
her, as the advertisements in tnis: newspaper can help
And she'll meet her responsibilities andf ulfill- her
duties easily and well. She won't become a tired,
flusteredrinefficient drudge. ? Because her hbrne will
be modern, attractive, well-run; she 11 keep' youhg
through the speedy years she'll reWn Imuch of' th
shining-eyed, merry freshness. She and the
friend." 1 - 1
Advertisement are wise cotuuelors for
housewives, young and old
cf Ralem. i'duni Edwards was tak -
ing the trip when the shoal was
een. Endeavoring" to shut off the
motor in their boat; ne was
ROSTEli! t
Cotton Blankets
64x76 Grey or Tan
The Pair $1.95
8 o2. Standard Blue and White Striped
Yard 32c
ART TICKING Beautiful patterns, excellent quality.
Yard 42c
ART TICKING at 39c, at 35c yard
STRAW TICKING prettv patterns, Yard 19c
All linen Big- Assortment - Best Grades " .
Yard 21c, 23c, 25c and 29c
Good Grade Daisy Brand " ,V
Yard 15c , i
. , r. - ' '
Berkley Bleached Cambric,' Yard 25c
9:4 Sheeting, Good Quality, Yard 50c
. r t i'
PARASOLS Oiled paper, very pretty atjdJdnrable
Small sizes 65c, and 50c. -i La nje sizes . ; .
$1.69, $1.25t $1.00 "frfad- 9Qc; I : :
$1.00, $1.25, $1.75 and $2.00
Neat Serviceable Low Priced
Tug of Wrar Sdtt $7.50
Best Moleskin Suit $9.50
Gaberdine Suit $9.50
boy friend
1 -
J thrown, Ms finger 'rVing. crushed
! by the motor.' "He declared last
j night that .the injury was not par-
I ticularly serious.
Cotton Blankets
1 72x80 White
The Pair $2.59
LIU 11
: f