The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 01, 1926, Page 9, Image 9

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    Tin: 0HEG0irstATi3iiA2T;sALELi; onzGo:;5'
Former Friends of Rev. "
adiMrs'Hl T." Babeock .
Ffqn Picnic in Their Honor
those who were members ef
th First Presbyterian church dar
ing the pastorate of ReT. H. T.
Babcockl InEalemlflereral--r years
ago are.'inrited to ineet, together
with other friends, on Friday ere
niag for a picnic dinner, honoring
Rev. and Mrs. H. T. Babcock and
daughters of Eagle Rock, Cal..
who are house guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Otto . J. Wilson. The picnic
will be held at Hager's Grove,
with each' family asked to come
with a filled basket.
fond,' Mrs. Walter U. Hembree;
Chautauqua, Mrs. " Itoaina Font
Krana, Oregon City; .federation, ex
tension, Mrs. Charles H. Castner,
Hood River ; Oregon products,
Mrs. Rhoda B. Hayes; resolutions,
Mrs. A. Jober; reTision-of con
stitution, Mrs: Ida B. Callahan;
Mrs. Charles H. Castner, Mrs,
Saidie f Orr-Dunbar; ; Mrs. O. J,
Frankel: newspaper publicity, Mrs.
Ronald M. Hopkins; club institu
tes,, a newly created department,
will be headed by Mrs. Dunbar.
Garddn Supfcr at
Gatke Home
Prof. ' and: Mrs; R. M. Gatke
were ghosts at a delightful air,alr
of .Tuesday evening: when they en
tertained at a garden supper along
tho.v banks' of the stream at the
Gatke homo, 230 Richmond ave
nue The, affair was planned as a
particular; compliment to v Miss
Frances M. Richards, who ia leav
ing today? for Adrian, Mich., to
-spend the- summer. A-swimming
, partV preceded the dinner, after
' which the group met Miss Helen
Pearee, who arrived .home from
Cambridge. Mass., on the Shasta
late the same; evening.'
"In the '. group for the dinner
were . Miss Frances-, M. Richards,
the honor guest,. Prof, and , Mrs.
J orrace Williston. Prof, and Mrs.
2. T.. Brown, and. the hosts. Prof.
aid. Mrs R. M. Gatke. .The tablet
was lovely; with a-- centerpiece of j
purple velvet petunias and orange
marigolds. J
East' evening Prof, and . Mrs!
Gatke had as" their dinner guests
Prof essor1 Burroughs and Mr." and
Mrs. Phillip-Mexrian.
Leaves for 'San Francisco
....... ..-o- . -
' panted by. her. son, Wallace, left
ou Sunday by boat; for San Fran
cisco; taking passage - on the Ad
miral Farragut. ; Mrs. Hug will
be in attendance at the national
convention of the 'Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority which opens in
San Francisco today, j Wallace will
enter a boys camp at this time.
OAC Club to Meet
Today at Pearinine Home
The July meeting of. the OAC
club will be, in the .form of a pic
nic gathering this -evening. at the
home of Mr. and. Mrs. Ixsster Pear
Ern at their home on the River
J rwad. Officers for,- the 'new year
will also be named at this time.
State" Federation -of v
Wofa&tiPlub tbMeet
Next, X ear at t vena
Bend. Oregon.'jwas chjbs'ea as the
meeting, place for; then927 con
vention of tne'Foderatea -Woman's
clans of , Oregon, The official
choice was made; by the state board
at a recent meeting: in Portland.
The following i chairmen: have
been named to (head' committees:
American home,! Mrs. Jessie D. Mc
Comb, Corvallis;' education of
adult citizens, Mrs.- C. W. Hay
hurstt department of : forestry,
Mrs. F. A. Elliott; art, Mrs. E. P.
Mossman, "La Grande; music, Mrs.
William Kraasig, Oregon City;
press- and -publicity. Miss Vella
Winner; cooperation with war Tet
eratta, Mrs. M. H. Lamond ; Doern
becher hospital,., Mrs.; Sadie Orr-
Dunbar: endownnt fund; Mrsi. Af
thar Johnaton; BCholaYship 16an
Attractive s Piano and ,
Violin Recital Is Given j
Joy Turner Moses presented her
Dunning intermediate vlotin and
piano pupils in recital Friday night
at the First Congregational church
Oh Thursday night the advanced
violin and piano pupils were pre
sented.. The stage was banked
with art baskets of ocean spray,
Canterbury bells, delphiniums and
gladioli. An appreciative audience
greeted the performers. Misses
Lorraine and, Joan Evans, vocal
ists, were the assisting artists.
." The program was as follows: .
liove's Old Sweet Song.Molloy
Effle and Nellie Gray.
Up the Mountain Read
Eileen Goodenough.
Promenade -March Lawson
Barbara' Barnell.
Sing, Robin. Sing. Spauldlng
Rosy Checks polka' Emerson
, Maxlne Case.
Devotion Gruenberg
Laura Embree.
Apollo March ...... - Devaux
, Inez Sacre. -
1 f Dreams of . Home Greenwald
Hersel Peyree.
o a3r6wn.Thurah , Virgil
Maxlne Hill.
Water Lily ........ Ducelle
Olife Josephine Anderson.
Rosetta Danse Italian....Antbony
Maxlne Ross.
Dream Waltt . Vogt
Maxlne Hess.
Birds in the Woods...... Virgil
Helen Worth.
Valse Barcarolle, from "Tales of
Hoffman" Offenbach
Ellsworth Fletcher.
Sunshine - Carey
Margaret Mochel.
A . Little Caprice .... Besthoff
Bernice Peyree.
On Wings of . Song Mendelssohn
Lorraine Fletcher.
Mmnie'a Polka .... Upham
Margaret Patrick.
Voice of Spring Anthony
Rhea Mae Huber.
Cinderella Kuhn
Llda Hanna.
Happy Fisherman u Anthony
Margaret Burns.
The Mountaineer's CalI..Spaulding
Fay, Pendleton-" " ;,
Barcarolle . . . r.. Dancla
Gordon EbberU
In the Egyptian Moonlight. .
Ah..,. Anthony
Inez. Sacre.
Meditation.: i Sawyer
Rachel Howard.
Dawn Weaver
Joan Evans.
Bowl of Pansies -..i ... Reynard
Winifred Ebbert.
Poupee Valsante Poldini
Bernice Winegar.
Spring Song ..... Mendelssohn
Glenna Hiltlbrand.
Funeral March Chopin
Maebelle Wander, Grace Parker.
Picture .time Ja here. . Forryour
films and kodaks and kodak sup
plies ; see Nelson. A , Hunt, .Drug
gists, , corner. Court . ana Liberty
street. Telephone 7. A ()
Salem Girls Plan
Trip to Calif &rnia
. Miss Ruth E. Ross, daughter of
C. F. Brelthanpt florist- and
decorator,-123 N. Liberty. Phone
S80. Flowers, bulbs, floral de
signs ; for .all , occasions. Pioneer
and leader ia 8alem. ()
Al Glbrious 3-Day Holiday
: Over The Fourth!
Take, advantage of the extra days and take a trip or
attend, a eood, old-fashioned Independence Day
Portland arid returrx 2.20 Aloany $1.15
Corvallis $1.65 Eugene $350
V HiUiboro $2.95 .
Tickets on. sale July 3, 4 and 5 Return .-limit' July 7
JUg S-Day Seeqnicentennlal Celebration ,
CSrcaav Ball Games, Parade. Many Bands, Parachnte Drop,
Dancing and "many other features. DONT BUSS ITI
, a.' Biv Traliur stop- t" Shate. Parle .. .
' O. IL Trains leave att. - -Eastbound
7:10A; BfA lOtlp A. BL, 1:05 P. M.,
4 P.JU 5:30 P. Mn 8:20 P. - V
Westbouad-10 :00 A. IU 12 :55 P. 4:15 P. BL,
. 4. 8:10 PBL;4 r -
- Hckelar, further informationi etc of ?
t : t: F. KNOWLTON, ; J. W.; RITCHIE; ;'
' Trav; Pas. Agent.. ' - 1 Agent 1 .
Mr. and Mrs. G. Ed Ross, and Miss
Barbara Shanks.' daughter of Tier:
and Mrs. - E. IL Shanks, plan4- to
leave in' the' morning on a .f two
weeks trip to California RerMr.
Shanks win , motor the - girls as
fa; as Eugene. Miga; Ross and
Miss Shanks will o aa far soaLb
as. Los Angeles. While there they
plan to attend sessions of the Bai
list Toong People's society, meet
ing-in national conrentlon.' 5
Salem People
Return From Trip ' ; i
Mri' and Airs. B. Daughtrty,
accompanied by Miss Frances Able
and Mr. Grant Fronk of Portland,
and the $ Misses Leona Park and
Alice Shuts of Salem, returned re-
Fry's Drug Store. 280 N. ComL
the pioneer store. Everything for
everybody in the drug suddIv line.
with standard gooda. and qualltyi
service always, v t )
cently from a two weeka"; trip J to
Breitenbush Spring, Government
park and Camella lakev ;
; I A special feature of the trip was
the 93-mile hike which members
cf the party tookl " -
Guests at -Pacific City, f .
- Mrs. Jamesj Nicholson and son,
Jimmy, spent last week at.Pacifle
City as the guests of Mrs.;5.; V.
Chamber af the-Steusloft summer
home. ....... S
Dr. and Mrs. Downs s
Spend' Weeh in Canada ,
Dr.- and Mrs. C. A. Downs have
returned hom4 following a week's
motor trip into Canada where'
they were in attendance at the na-
The Dixie Bakery leads on high
class breads, pies, cookies, and
fancy baked supplies of every kind
Best by test. iAsk old customer,
439 Court St. 1 i . !
tional ,ir ting of the 'A Canadian
MedlcaL "association which con
vened during i the ' past week in
VJctqr ia. :' Dr. Downa was present
for the; entire session ?
Motor to Crater Lake
Mr. and Mrs." Thomas B.s Kay
returned earlier in the week from
a f oar-day ' motor trip to Crater
Lake:: National park. . While in
southern Oregon they visited the
encampment of the national guard
at Med ford.
Supifner in Michigan . :
Miis Frances M. Richards; plans
to, leave this evening for southern
Michigan, where she will' spend
thp summer at the home of her
The Opera House Drug Store.
Service, quality, low prices, friend
ship give increasing patronage.
Old' customers advise friends' to
trade here. High and -Court. ()
sister, Mrs. II. IL Laws, at Adrian.
En route Miss Richards -plans one
daf stops at Ogden, Utah fand at
Chicago. . She' willl return I to Sa
leni Sept," 1, i over the Canadian
Pacific, j , "...
Mrs Churchill Honors
Mrs. Teller at Luncheon
Mrs. J: M. Cox of Telia. Iowa,
who is1 making an extended visit
at' the home of her niece, Mrs.
Frank E. Churchill, was the in
spiration for an attractive one
o'clock luncheon last Saturday af
t. rnoon. Sweet peas and rose
colored tapers gave an attractive
table motif.
. In the living room yellow flow
ers were uaed. Mrs. Churchill was
The Cherryf City Baktar Co,
bread, pies and cakes are of high
est Quality. One of Oregon's most
sanitary bakeries. Visit it. Worth
while. A Salem show place. ()
assisted' by Miss - Margaret ' Smith.
" Covers- at the" luncheon -were
placed for Mrs." H. E.' Bolinger,
Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist,' MrsJP.
J. Kurtz. Mrs.'F. P. Frizzell; Mrs.
Herbert Trent, Mrs. J. E. Huffn in.
Mrs. William Hughes, the ho i tor
guest, Mrs. J. M. Cox, and he
hostess. Mrs. Frank E. Churc iill.
Guests From San Pedro
. Mrs. Rae Holland Tracey is ;n
tertaining her. son's wife, Mrs, A.
DeLacey Holland, and child.; en
Maxine, Jacqueline and George,
of San Pedrp.. Cai. ; Mr; Holla: id,
a warrant offieerx in the navyi is
en route to Puget Sound with 1 he
Pacific fleet, . and expects to f J in
the family herd for a few days'
visit later in the summer.
Capital city Cooperative Cream
ery. Milk, cream, buttermilk. The
Buttercup butter has no equal.
Gold standard' of "perfection. H37
S. Com'l. Phone 299.1 )
Miss Geer to be
Married in Medfordr
Miss Lorena v Geer, attractive a
daughter . of Mr.5 And . Mrs. L. S.
Geer, 5 will become the bride of
Cecil Thompson t oh; Sunday, July
4.- , The ceremony will take place
at" high, noon at- 1 the Episcopal'
church in Medford.
The Atlas Book and Stationery :
?o.. 4 6 estate St. High class litera
ture and.: fine stationery. Complete
lines. Ton will appreciate the low
prices. . j : - ..- ()
' Mrs. H. P. Stlth, mUllnery.
Most beautiful hats In Salem: all
shapes and colors; tall stock from
which to make fine selections. Best
quality. S33 State St. (.
White- House Restaurant, 3 SI
State St., where hundreds of peo
ple prefer to eat. All you want to
eat for' less than yon canr eat at
home, quality andr service. (),-
' tl
i ' : . ..' : :
it ..
Breiers Great Pre4th: Selling Campaign has so far been the greatest event ev
the Northwests Now for the rest, of this week we are quoting still more s
sational values, just to give Breier customers additional proof
of the great savings Breier stores offen
Fit yourself out for the 4th now, at these price
Dress up for the 4th .j
Only 2 days left
Young MenVand conserva
tive models. Both light and
dark- cokws.-- Fabries : asH
Worsteds, ' Cheviots, and
Cashmeres.J You must see
these to appreciate their
Lot 1
$28.50 - $32.50
Metfs Oxfords
Tans, Blacks and Browns. The Cfi
latest Balloon Toes ;...... Pt43 aPUeiJV
Dres Hose
i. s - i -
Fancy Plaids and Checks. You'll want a pair
when you see them f
Black, Grey, Browri and Fawn
3 pair . : :
. $1.00
Boys Caps
i-A large variety of patterns QQ - Cf Cfl
and styles - ' JJOC ?1.JU
Fancy striped Madras and fig
ured brocade with or without
dollars. Braid trimmed..
$1.75 - $2.00
I : li
Short or Jong sleeve, ankle length
Ecru color ,
Grey Random Mixed or Ecru color
Ribbed Union .... .
... ! ...
95 c
Ladies Summer (Joats in
finelPIrot Sheeh embroiderc
fur trimmed; Sport Coati
plaids and fancy weaves.
Group 1
' Group 2
1 . ,
Season's popular shade,
fancy . or plain bands.
Bound edges, neatly lined
em's Cap
Fancy Fabrics ' tf IC. CO' k
new. patterns a....
Ladies? sSilfe
Colors as Black, Sand and Brown,
Friday and Saturday only.
Black, Sand and Otter
Special l , ... Jl
Hose .
J 79c
ill T . .. . ' : '. -
i 1 r i ni'
Blue, Khaki and Blue Stripe
Ages 2 td 8........
- ; . . .
i V" - ii !
.... J...-. f i '
am -mt
It t
Ideal for kitchen and
cahners .....
51.10 $1.10
One Lot'
1 4 Men's Shoes arid Oscf ords,
: Black and ; CQ'flQ
r Brown ... ........
One Lot
Ladies' Patent . one-strap
Pumps, Black or n ft.
Tan Okfbrds"
: p. mi
" "''" " '
Reversible arid washable Oval Bath Mats - V
V SpeciaL -
i -
tuLi.Ljniuui.ii.inw" "'" I'nurm iikt ninr rt ihiii tiiiitiiiikiuiIi nuiinnmin m in--im--i-n,i i mi i t fr-r r 1 r'"ir 1 r 1 iiii.ii.i.nmiiMiiiuiiuwMwiii.. .jiaMki.r.-w. mi..',..".'""
- i, -