Senators E'osi To . Kelso tUAJUn Third - i 4 -' ft 1 L IS DEFEATED BYSCOREDF 9-1 Nine.' Fence Busters Face "Bishop's Men,', Out to Jurn - Tide In Final r r .By BOB BISHOP ."" Playing against a lineup of nine "fence busters the Salem Senators dropped , their ' third straight ;; to Kelso'. 9 toll, at Oxford park last ' i. night. - .The Timber W o 1 v e s smashed-three Salem Thurlers for I twelve -bingles including a four ' J base' clout by Nixon and two bag 1 ger by Ccmmr, Nixon and Schoon- - oyer. "The Senators i only extra I base" hit was a double by, Keene ' wnich . resulted in Salem's lone 1 tally- "l .Fresh from their 12 to 5 win I over the local club last week at tfetso, the Wolves started with a r Hang la the first. This hit and run inning gleaned five hits off ; " IJusseL Prentis took a fast ce ' I la the back and forced In one run. four others crossing on base hits. ' I The" second -frame was quiet for both nines, but Kelso, put,, across I two in .the third on two singles .and a double, one not counting as Worth m I Nixon was tnrown out trying 10 Rentfrow 2b" . m ; ' . A a A. I etreicn nis smaso 10 miu a ; Rioitorv 1 h . , . ror, was sacrificed 4 to t bird. And scored on an overthrow- '5: In the seventh which was a blank' tor Kelso, Keen doubled and scored the Senators'- run on Baird's single to right.. This end ed the acoring for the contest. Commy, shortstop for the Wolves, sprained his ankle badly while sliding back' into first. Jones took short and Friel went Into Jones' right garden. Tonight the same clubs will play again at Oxford park, and a much better u contest, Jrom the fans viewpoint, will probably re sult. ; . ; .." ' jthe box Bcore of last night's Salem AB R ' Benton 3b . .' 5 0 Bairdlb 5 ft. Reid rf . 4 0 Riding ss . .i 4 -0 Maples If . . . 4 0 Proctor 2 b . . 4 0 Quinn m .... 4 0 Edwards c . . 3 0 Russel p . . . .' 0 0 Keene p .... 2 1 Bishop p . . . . 1 0 Burton c .... 1 0 Barham ... 1 0 Totals . : . .38 1 P f -H PO 0 0 '2 "0 1 1 ,0 0 0 u 1 '0 0 0 12 1 A E 2 1 0 i 0 -0 1 ,0V 1 1 2 1 .0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Los Angeles '.. Oakland ....... -Parlflr Coast .......;.5l 30 .. .44 87 Sacramento ......45 -v 4 1 Mission .......:.. :.....:42 40 Seattle ....U.. . .42 43 Portland .Lfc. 40 4 5 Hollywood 1 3S 47 San Francisco ;.' 34 61 ; " ' National League ' ' ' W. L. Cincinnati .. 43 27- Stl, Louis .39 30 Pittsburgh -34'-3tT Brooklyn 35 '31 Chicago .,.-....34 34 New i York J... .1U...3 4 35 Philadelphia ;26 41 Boston ...25 42 Pet. .630 .543 ?.512 .512 .494 .471 .447 V00 Pet. .614 .565 V531 .530 .500 .493 .388 .373 American League 5 21 8 2 Kelso AB R . 5 1 H PO 0 0 triple 'k-V-- . f . ". . " In the Kelso sixth, Friel walked I and, Nixon clouted' cue of Keene's fa$t balls over the deep left field I wall, scoring Friel ahead of him ,W.ortb? reached-second on .an er- j Acid Stomach j S "Phillips Milk of Magnesia" rf o; ' Better than Soda s J . - , Hereafter, Instead of soda take a little "Phillips Milk of Magne tsia in water any time for indi , tgestion or soar,, acid, gassy stom 4 ,ach, and relief will come instant- v For flfty years genuine "Phillips i Milk of Magnesia has been pre . sc'red by ; pliysictans' because it 'overcomes three .times as much -" facid in the stomach as a satur ; "ated solution .of bicarbonate of ' Isoda,- leaving" the 'stomach sweet and free from all 'gases.; It neu- : ttralixes 'acid fermentations in the : -bowels and gently urges the sour ihg waste from the system with- 'out. pargtng. - Besides, it is m'ofe Spteasant-to take than "soda. In- fsist upon "Phillips." Twenty-live cent .bottles, any drugstore!-Adv. 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 4 3 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 I 0 3 2 2 3 - 6 0 A 0 2 0 & 0 ,0 9'i0 0 4 U0 1 1 tl 0 13 4 2 Jones rf . . Schoonover c . Prentiss 3b ... Commy ss, . . NUen If Fitterer p . . . Friel rf . . Totals 43 9 12 23 10 5 Batted for Russel in 4th. Took Commy's place In 3rd. Took Jones' place in 3rd." Summary: Innings pitched by Russel 3; Keene 3 2-3; Bishop 2 1-3; Fitterer 9. Credit defeat to Russel, victory to Fitterer. Hits off Russel 8; Keene 3; Bish op!; FJtterer 5. Runs scored off Russell 6 ; Keene 3 ; Bishop 0 ; Fitterer 1. Struck out by Keene 2; Bishop. 1; Fitterer 4. Base on balls off Keene 1; Bishop 1; Fit terer 3. Hit. by pitched ball: Bouton by Fitterer; Prentiss by Russel. Home run. Nixon. Two base hits, Keene, Commy, Nixon, Schoonover. Sacrifice hits, Bon ton, Reid, Rentfrow, Fitterer. "Umpire Laird. At Shipley's the ladies of Salem jive satisfied themselves that they can get the finest spring and sum mer frocks, coast and dresses ever shown In fbis city. . . St. Helens Third-sjtory addi tion to " C0IdmT)iaw county court house will cost $27,500. W. Li. Pet. New York . 4 8 22 .686 Jhicago .. ..... .I :...40 33 .548 Cleveland 38 34 .528 Pniladeiphia ... 37 34 .514 Detroit..... ;.37 34 .514 Washington ...H. ....,..34 34 .500 St. Loui3 8 43 .394 :oston ... : 20 48 .294 EVANGELIST' LEAVES ONuMYSTERY QUEST (Continued ffora 1.).-. T . .,- - - not making an official investiga tion of,, it. The letter read,: ? '.'Dear Mrs. McPhersOn ' "Just a lijie to le Vu l have no hard feeling about - you getting away. from. me! ' In fact I am glad it is all over with.' If you could only forgive me for the part I played in this unlucky ad venture I would be satisfied. But will you? Oh, please, do. "I shall ask nothing more than Just your forgiveness. I have lost my share of '. the money and I sure needed some. But that part is all right as long as yon will forgive me. pray for me even if I did make you suffer. I have suffered also, after you were gone. . "Steve and Jake almost killed me. I am not afraid to get ar rested for nobody knows, me here and Steve and Jake are in EI Paso. They had everything mov ed and their tracks covered be fore morning. - Now once more will you forgive me as you would like to be forgiven. . "Your jailer, "Rose." V ' The letter was written with pencil, on .lined paper and many of the words were misspelled. STABS; SCORE 36 Hollywood Loses to Beavers When -Johnson ; Cracks Out; Homer try Ninth Beavers 0; Stars' 8 PORTLAND, June 30 By As sociated ' ; Press) Ernie Johnson as first Portland batter in the ninth Inning knocked the ball over the fence for ja homer and the winning run of1 a wild game in which the score was tied or the advantage shifted, no fewer ; than six times. Final score was V' to 8 for Portland, and; the Beavers used six pitchers and Hollywood two. The final Beaver f linger. Baumgartner, pitched two innings and got credit for the win." Score ' R. IT. ; E. Hollywood 8 11 3 Portland ! . .. 9 12 1 Singleton, Mulcahy and Peters; Meeker, Lingrel, Mangum, Payne, Rachac, Baumgartner and Tobin. Angels 5; Senators 4 LOS ANGELES. June 30 Los Angeles staved off a Sacramento rally in the ninth and made, it two straight victories over the Solons by winnihg ' today's "eon test, s? to 4. V ' ' , ; Score i' R. H. E. Sacramento ..K. 4 9 0 Los Angeles .......... 5 8 2 Keating. Vinci and Koehler; Wright. Yarrison, Hamilton and Hannah. Missions 3; Seattle O SEATTLE. June 30 Bert Cole held the Seattle Indians'to 6 hits today and the Missions won. 3 -to 0. The teams play in. Vancouver. B. C, tomorrow which is domin ion day in Canada tomorrow.- Score R. H. E. Missions V. 3 It I Seattle 0 6 $ Cole and Murphy; Elliott and Jenkins. ; Oaks 6; Seals 3 SAN FRANCISCO. June 30 Five hits, a couple of bases on balls and Marty Griffin's marks manship in hitting two players, gave Oakland a 6 to 3 victory over San Francisco today. It all hap pened in the sixth inning -ami proved too much for Griffin who threw down his glove and walked from the field with none out. Score - R3X. E. Oakland a , '7 1 San Francisco . . 3 4 1 ruett and Baker: J Griffin, Moudy, Lang and Vargas. t- f - l POWERS' BOth 1 1 r memoes for Ba -' 0 am" -1 At Big Reductions Throughout the Entire Store E .- FOR FRID A Y ONL F Special ',. j 2 27 Inch by 54 Inch Tapestry Rugs Special f brFri day Only each A ,1 9Sc You are entitled to credifreverifat these special prices " T . ; Ve Charge K Nb Interest- POWERS : j;, furniture 1 (fcrhpumj i Use Your : ':- i -Credit 1 j-H r .1'. DOUBLE IIU IS : SPLIT IN 1THL i - Honors Shared by Cincinnati and Chicago in Two Games Pirates Defeated Reds 3-4; Chicago S-O CHICAGO. Jpne 30. (By As sociated Press.) Cincinnati and Chicago divided a double header today, Cincinnati won the first game 3 to 2 by bunching their hits in two innings. Chicago took the second game, 9 to 4, by pounding the, ball to. all corners of the lot. " "Score--( 1st game.) R. H. E. CineinhaU, 3 9 1 Chicago: ... . .2 7 0 ' Luque and. Hargrave. Picinich; Milstead, Huntzinger and Hart nett. " " - 2nd 'game Cincinnati .......... Chicago . -J. : May, Lucas and Piercy and Gonzales. R. H E. 4 8 4 9,12 1 Picinich; Sc. Ixuis 6; Pirates 2 PITTSBURGH. June 30. Home .runs by Blades and Bell featured St. Louis 6 to 2 victory over Pittsburgh today. Score R. H. E. St. Louis . . 6 8 0 Pittsburgh . . 2 7 1 Haines and O'Farrell; Meadows and Gdoch. ' , Brooklyn 11; Philies 9 BROOKLYN, June 30. Brook lyn tarried back the Phillies today. lit o.-9. Harper of the visitors driving out a pair ot home runs. . Score -V' R. H. K. Philadelphia . . . .... 9 f 1 6 , 3 Brooklyn . . . . - .... .'.11 17 1 Pierce, Baecht, Yarnell, Knight and Henline, Jonnard; Barhes, McGraw, Ehrhardt and Har-greaves. New York 7; Boston fl NEW YORK, June 30. The Giants nosed out the Braves 7 to 6 today, Kelly's sacrificed fly scoring Liadetrom with the win ning' run in the 15th inning. Score R; H. E- Boston 6 13 1 New York 1 14 5 Genewich, Mogridge and J. Tay lor; : Gibson; Barnes, Scott and Florence. ' . The Scotch Woolen Mills Is a first class store to order yonr new spring- and summer suit. Suit hold shape and color. Best dress ers wear 'em. 42.6 State St. ( VIbbert & .Todd Electric Store. High at Ferry SL .Everythinf electrical. Good service and low prices are bringing an Increasing trade to this store. () Cross Meat Market. Biggest, busiest and best in Salem, Choic est steaks, bacon, hams, sausage, lard, eggs, milk. Absolutely san itary. 370 State St. () Mr. Used Car Buyer: Have you seen the real buvs at the Caftitol LMotors IncorpoTattoh?. . See Biddy Bishop. 350 North High StT .Tyler's Corn Remedy take-the Soreness out of those cOfA& you've been trying to rid yourself ot for months: " Sold only by Tyler's Drug Store. () Pacific COast , Portland 9;, Hollywood 8. . Los Angeles 5; Sacramento 4. Missions 3; Seattle 0. Oakland 6; San Francisco 3.' -9. Nat ional -League Cincinnati 3-4;- Chicago St. Louis 6; Pittsburgh 2. Brooklyn 11; Philadelphia 9 New York 7; Boston 6. American League " Philadelphia 5; New York4. Cleveland 11; Chicago 3., . i Detroit 4; St. Louis 1. ' Washington 8 ; Boston 5. A. H. Moore, 235, N. High St. apartments, and store where you can get high quality furniture and furnishings for every room In your house. " C) Capital Bargain House, Capital Tire Mfg. Co., Mike's Auto Wreck Ing. Three In one. Bargain center of Salem. Thousands of bargains. H. Steinbock, 215 Center. () W. G. Krueger, reattor; progres sive, fair; equitable. Growing city and country make, possible buys that - Willi, make you good money. Complete ' listings. 147 N. Com'l. Eiker. Auto Co., Ferry at Liber ty St. Autos stored,, and bought and sold. . Cars washed day and night. Low prices and service will make long friends. () Portland was second city; In west in volume of May building. t Blanche &iveez uoi8 wiison Ben Lyon . ' ' IN ' TODAY ONLY TheiElsinoro 4 14 , : . ... . .. .. . t - : , " -,.... -r ufi I : three. TkerehaVKbeengreatstaftersiTim' - . , " - - ' . V V No sprinter ever succeeded without ALL' three. There wive been greatstattert; run ners who moved mnth txrrfcct rhythm and. i no waste energyt arid men who finished I with irresistible force. But the CHAM PION has had ALL. THREE. i " - . -. i - - v ; , ? Start three, finish ft -' i Charley Paddock, the world's "fastest buntan" getting away timultaneoasly with the crack of the pistol. Paddock Is the present holder of 37 out of a . possible 40 world's sprint rec ' . ords and the only sprinter to ran 100 yards in 9.5 seconds. erraaaoc s ays a chaiiipion must have all start -stride- These same essentials irv jifect co-ordination quick start, the tilllstride W and force sustained to the very end fjfinish are necessary to good gasoline Associated, through its distinctive range of boiling points, insures this kind of a performance ;"no sputter when . you step on the .starter, no miss when you give ' , her-the gas, and always a smooth supply - adequate power from itart to finish. That's why Associated is Champion Associated is always associated with fmore miles to the gallon." - - - Jt , f -.. stride M 6 Finish ASSOCIATED pit COMPANY ' Sustained Quality Products '- ,4 . . . M -OR E ;M I L : E S T 6 T 'H E G ATTEND rJ ANNUAL CAUTORNTA STATE f ACPAUFNTO. Sn-TTMBrRH TS iNcujsn A, L L ? . O N I h r - i i r .A-