The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 01, 1926, Page 14, Image 14

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' : - . , r-- 1 . '"itj i' - - ii,tu;
5 . HTirTTNH
V It,
tfbatHa Gone Before : " .
SYLVIA THORNE; motherless
but -with a father who live in MI11-
ersburgy Pa;; has risen from 'extra'
Kir to small parts in the mortea.
Before -she went Into-the movies
her name was Mary Mckenaa She
Xeep house -in a small bangalow
In Hollywood with . ,
C JEAK KTINialso in the mo
ies. In love wttb SylTla la
business Jinan of MiUersburg, who
wants her ' to' marry - him and v re-
tarn to Mlllersburg to live. Syl
yia's friends In Hollywood are the
hard-working, quiet people, while
Jean travels in'a rather fast set.
Chief among Jean's admirers is
r SYDNEY HARMON young art
director; a married flirt. - His wife
j 5 ISOBELJftARMON, has suffer
ed mad) v from his affairs. Syl
via expostulates ' with "Jean con
lernlng the latter affair with
Harmon, telling her Mrs. Harmon
may make trouble.
In'ornatlonal - Picture Co. calls
together all its younger actresses
.to make- tests for the leading role
pi aZblg new picture, The Mir
acle' of Notre Dame." Francois
Vernay, its author, in Paris, in
play "Celeste" "f rom," scenes for
warded to him i Both Sylrhv and
Jean talte the tests ,
-Howard 'Bennett comes to Hol
lywood to see Sylrla and again ur
ges his suit. Harmon, coming
home with Jean while Bennett And
Sylvia are together., tries to maVe
love . to. Sylvia, , and-: Howard' Is
jealous. After the men have gone
Sylvia, again warns Jean that. If
she continues to let Harmon come
there she will break, with her.
Now Oo-oa .Wltli.the Story.
Sylvia came Into ' her dressing
room, began to remove the make
up from her face, with a sigh. It
had been an unusually tiring day;
she had sat through six hours of
it waiting to ppear in a scene
which, owing to a last-moment
change in the scenario had finally
been cut out altogether. .
Working she loved, . but these
Interminable 'waits when directors
and scenario writers, authors and
publicity men consulted and
consulted and fought; suggested
new - Ideas and as promptly dis
carded them, discussed motiva
tion and psychology and what
the censors might think and say.
eists on selecting the actress to wearied beyond her endurance.
on anything
- -
rVis exactly, that kind of a finish. It
.- . . " won't torn- white; is-unaf f ect-:-'(--
i cd; by hot or .cold, water; can
l;;,C';r be, usedlon inside or outside
" '- ' ; work;' autos; boats, etc;, dries
:" : -'. ;to-'the ioncK oyer night ; can
' . .; be Tubbed and polished, if de-
' . Get'a.can today and use it for any var- 1
;. , ishinr purpose You will be well pleas
: ' ed with. itv : We- sell paint brushes.
Werwill use this bargain day tp clean up our stock. The
; r i bargains will, be on display. "Lota of them.
:cj .Ladies'
House Dresses
Bargain Day
, Feather Ticking
8 oz. Blue and White
Striped -Bargain
yd; 29c
Table Oilcloth 1
Regular stock. Our 34c
; vi-; Grade' -Bargain
Day '
v yd. 27c
50c Fig Voiles.
Nice fine Goods Extra
. Special ;
Bargain Day
yd, 19c
Pillow Slips i
'-v"' 45x36 vsV'':
Bargain Day
32 Inch Gingham
25c Quality
Bargain Day
- yd 14c
v3(T Inch Suitings
Striped .Colors, "56c- Goods
A Bargain Day
Wllfyd.25c- V -
iBargabDjayV :
36 Inch' Suitings
Renfrew's Fast Colors
Tubf ast and Sunf ast
"Bargain Day
Union Suits
Bargain Day
& S fe RinXINEI .
V i g .irls Hats-Values Up to $3.00 -
- IfelSSfcP'Ssa Day 95c' . ',
She-' had J liked the little scene;
here had been nothing in. It, so
?ar as she could see. to bffend the
most. puritanical fi upllfters, and
yet, because of a fear that some
Til" minded" person . might read
Ideas of strggestiTeness ' into It; It
had --beea. takea out, 4 . -
I Sh harried Into Jier street
clothes.. . Experience bad taught
her the value of physical exercise
s aa. antidote' .to ; ojrer-wrought
nerves ;ahi would walk, walk, un
til; her nervous vitality, bottled
up all day, had been consumed by
bodUy fatigue.
'" ., For some reason) she : had felt
out of sorta ever since Howard
Bennett left for home, Bome two
weeks before His visit had been
a short and not very satisfactory
one; Howard had persisted in
his wooing, his demands that she
change her mind, up to the very
Sylvian , was thinking of that
as she pulled ion her hat, started
down the corridor v with it long
row of . deserved, rooms.!; Z&a. ahe
turned the corner a. boy from the
administration offices . in the. ot-
er wing ,o the building, hurried
up. placed a slip ef pink paper, in
her hand. . Sylrla glanced at It
listlessly; it was a message to the,
effect that Mr Sollberg, vice pres
ident of the company, and under
Mr. Hirsch in New York its ex
ecutive head, desired to see her
at once.
" "WJiat's the excitement, Jim
my?" she , asked, as they walked
down the. long, hall-which led . to
the other wing pf the building.
"Search me," the boy grinned.
"Mr. Sollberg must 'a' forgot to
tell me."
Her contract, in all probability,
Sylvia reflected: crumullne the
moment of his departure. It had I nf nanar .'tn tln n,nV Sall
been dlfHrnlt tn l-onist him. Jit I S " "
times; she had finally sent hlmjl.1 .ut tWO week! t0 ru
away with the promise thatghe
would arrange for a short visit
home as soon as the picture' in
which she was working, was. fin
ished, and give him his answer
then, since he refused to accept
it, new.
Howard .was optimistic, always
sure in his mind that no sensible
girl could possibly resist the com
bination of wealth, position and
security he had to offer her, had
gone back by no means discour
aged. The fact that he believed
Sydney Harmon a keen admirer
of Sylvia's charms only served to
whet his own eagerness, to stim
ulate his own admiration. Com
petition acted as a spur. Sylvia
could not have arranged matters
better har she tried. His last
words were characteristic of "him:
"You're going to marry me
eve'ntualy, you know, Mary,' he
told her, as the train was about tp
move out. "So why not make .Tap
your mind to it? Nothing can
ever change the way I feel
O-. W. Dar. tire a- tubea and AO-
cesorles. Has the Goodyear tires,
the standard or xne wona. sir.
Day can give you more mileage.
Corner Com'l and Chemeketa. ()
Should she suggest an Increase in
salary? Or now that Aline Du
vall was going! to Europe was she
going to be let ou? The . latter
seemed unlikely, so long as Paul
Lamar -liked her work. And dur
ing the tests of the "Miricle" pic
ture he had gone out of his way
to compliment her.
It was not until she stood at
tihe threshold ,of Mr. Sollberg's
office that she realized that
something more important than
the renewal of a contract de
manded her presence. Mr. Soll
berg, tipped back in his chair, the
invariable unlighte'd cigar be
tween his teeth, was regarding
her quizzically. And with him
were not only Paul Lamar him
self, but Allen Somerville, the In
ternational's chief publicity di
rector, and the studio manager,
Mr. Kling. They all stared at
her in.sO curious a way that Syl
via flushed and her hands went
to her breast in a queer,
child might have used on behold
ing its first Christmas tree, very
Pomeroy &- Keene, Jewelers,
never fail to give you 160 on
the dollar. Watehes, clocks, pins
charms. Standard high grade
stock in all departments. ()
simple and natural, Yery 'compell
ing! ' ' ,y, i
' 'Mr.iSolbergiook-the cigar from
ills mouth., ; . "
, "Sit down. Miss Thome,' he
said. . I On ; the lot he called hei
ay iviai, dui ii was ciear mat me
occasion' was too formal for that.
Sylvia! sank, into a seat, her knees
trembling. Was it possiblewas
it really; actually possible?.' "
"Miss Thorne,, Mr. Sol berg
went on, taking a slip of .yellow
paper if rom his desk "we have
just received word from , New
York that Monsieur Vernay has
made hisdecision regarding the
role olj Celeste in "The Miricle ofj
xsotre ; JJame. iiis caoiegram
reached Mr. Hirsch today. It gives
me great pleasure to tell you
that you are the one he 'has se
Sylvia gasped out something.
she never knew what. A great
lump seemed suddenly, to gather
in her throat and unaccountable
tears gathered in her eyes, slipped
down her cheeks" like lost pearlsr
Paul Lamar snapped off his eje-
classes and came over t6 her
"I'm! not a bit ' surprised,-Sylvia,"
he told her, laying a hand
on her shoulder. "You "have
something a great charm that
Isn't loist, in the camera. I think
you and I are going to make a
very wonderful picture."
, She looked at him - gratefully,
struggled to her feet. "You and
I." It was like him to share his
greatness wih her: to suggest
that she, with all her inexperi
ence, could work not only under
him bu with him. Coming from
one of the really big men of the
screen it was infinitely flattering.
She grasped his hand, her cheeks
like June roses.
"With you. to direct- me," she
whispered, "I fell I could do
It was more than she had in
tended to say, implying as it did
iicobbs & Mitchell. Co.. lumber'
and building materials ror every
purpose Get estimates, loos at
quality of material, then you will
order. 349 S. 12th St. (
' Stolag - Fubl - Tran
Coal and Dry Wood at Reasonable Prices '
Crating Local and Long Hading--Moving
. 143 South Liberty ! Telephone 930
t"' C
WacDonald Auto Company
'tis. jBuMpeo9 &3Qir& itaF&9
. . -I' ' . ;
With Every New 1926 Overland Touringr
Equipped With Balloon Tires
Demonstration o Overland : and Willys-Knight
, , - rHrJa 'li All Ti ' !
rip hi nn?fi in P"7 hn(3
ft .', l : . .(
0. CEp
4 Corner Ferry and Cottage Streets
I MARMON ; W : hVFRi Aisih
a huge - confidence' in her " own
ability, and for an Instant she re
gretted her words, but- It did not
matter.; Nothing mattered bow.
She listened ' to Mr. Solberg in a
dase as he outlined plans for the
nation-wide publicity: campaign
which would be launched, with a
lew to making the personality of
this new star In the screen firm
ament known to. every picture fan
in .the country.
(To Be Continued)
- H. T. Love, the Jeweler, S3 5
State , St. High quality jewelry,
silverware and diamonds. The
gold standard of values. Once a
buyer always a customer. ()
Lela B. Sanders, Ralph Bail
ey and Wayne Leland
Get Mention
gene. June 30. (Special.)
Three Salem students. Miss Lela
B. Sanders, Mr. Ralph R. Bailey
and Mr. Wayne Leland are
named on the list of students re
ceiving exceptionally.; high-' grade
at' the UniTersity of Oregon dur
ing., the spring - term." 1 The lUst.
which names 10 9' students, 5 7
women and '5 2 men. Includes only
those who have received no grade
of less than 11 In all studies, phyi
sicai education and military, tran4
Ing excepted, and has been com
piled ' from the grade sheet, or
"scandal" sheet whloht has just
made Its appearance. ? ' j
' Miss Sanders ia a. freshman la
English and has throughout t:. 3
year uppeared oa the honor roll.
1 M. . Bailey :1s , a senior: In eco
nomics and a member of the graduating-
class, also : receiving hon
orable pcholastlc mention.
J ..Mf. Leland Is a senior In Jour- ..
nalhim jand alsoa member of the
graduating class. yDkrlng his seni
lor year Leland held the posltrt
of editor of 'the; annual publi;f
tion, the Oregana.
Becke & Hendricks '
Insurance of All Kfhds Tel. CI'
Helig Theater Lobby, 189 N. High
Have You Have l a FMa
To Display On
Every Reader of the Oregon
Can Have a 3 ft. by 5 ft.
ican Flag for only 98c i ! r
!''' ,
All that is necessary is to clip a coupon from this , paper '
and bring it to The Statesman office together with the 98c '
The flax is full 3 feet by 5 feet witb sewed stripesr
Fast colors '.
Description- of Flag:
This flag is 3x5 feet.pnd is made of specially selected 'cotton fcrmtin?, has
seyred stripes (not printed) and fast colors, i The yarns used- are tight, ;
strong, yet they are sufficiently light to permit the flag to float beautifully;',
in the breeze. . ' ; - ' '
Clip three flag coupons (which will be, published- 'daily); froni'
this paper and hand in or mail to The Statesman T of f ice, together
with 98c and take home your flag or have it! mailed to yourdslf
ota friend. . : -
Three of these coupons and 98c when presented : at : or
mailed to the Statesman office, 215 South" Commercials
St., Salem Oregon, entitles you to a beaiiUfuT American'.
Flag, size 5x3 feet as advertised. s - - ,J, ..
Address . . : . .
NOTEIf flag is to be mailed add 10c additional for cost of rvr" rA
: . . : T Aflag.wm be sent postpaioUo the address tdxevu : , " -
- t;
. v -
-I 3
i t
1 I
t. k- 7
4 I -
1 -