i Salem General Gaining New Prominence ; Salem Institution Now One of 12 in Oregon -Measuring Up to "Grade A" Standard of the American 1 .1 College of Surgeons - , ' Salem General r hospital Is tak ing another forward step in keep ing op with the steady adrance of medical scten.ce. " This hospital, yhich, belongs entirely v to - this J -"-unitjr-and .la operated. In Its ilwfrest. Is now one of 12 In Ore gon which measures up ; to the "Grade A' standard of the Amer Jian College of Surgeons, and this means that under their, supcnris ion the Interest of the patient Is tbe first consideration. This wing will proride more room so that any one desiring to enter Jthe hos pital msy always find the kind of room or ward desired and to pro vide" surplns space so that no snr- f ceon or physician in this commun ity need ever find it necessary to offer bis patients anything less than the rery best hospital faclli- $ ties ooiaua Die in uregon. - ! the east wing, which , will suppl I 34 addtional beds, an X-Uay room, an adequate laboratory ' room, a solarium, and a lot of space to be used as nurses' and maids' rooms, with much better quarters for the superintendent. ' ; The constractloir will follow ex actly that of the main unit, and, being a continuation; of the same job, the contract, was let; , to Cuy- Lift 0ff-N6 Pain! V DoWnVJmrttbn bit! Drop a little "Freezone on an -- achine I corn, instantly, that corn stops (nurung. then shortly you Hftit right oft with fingers. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of .."Freefone"' for a , few cents. sufficient to remove everr hard curiowii corn, or corn mivmi r-l f68' n 166 root - Allea. wttiiirfit soreness or irritation. dT. I! 1RE1IT Ik Y&ur Greatest -Why Not Use It? .And pay' out of your Keep your savings - day:- a . . -.. - -.v, MADE TO SUITS MEASURE $3:7:5.0 Choose your" material, of, leisure, . . J then select a , pattern best suited j 1 for . your . individuality.; -We11 ' V mjike it' to fit you That's how I tobuy asuit ; ; -VX Use , our -12 payment plan t. . .... '.428 State Street Hospital )er Van Fatten. i The contract price, including all archltectual work. , the building larger' than originally painnetl, turned brer complete In every 'detail, ready to furnish and . move into, is 33 445. , It is proposed to have it finished in about four months. . The - hospital management has authorized a 3100,000 bond issue, 165,000 of which Is to be paid now, the money from which will be used to pay a floating debt. Due to the fact that not enough money was raised by the citizens to complete the main.unlt at the time It was built, the unpaid Gl ance of which is $21,431.63. this will be paid and enough will re main from the sale of the bonds to build and equip a laundry in a separate building.! - In time Salem ,will require the room to be made available - by building the west wing at which time the balance of tho $100,000 may be issued and sold without delay or" added cost on account preliminary details incident' - to preparation for anr bond Issue. " It will now be possible for the good people of Salem to.. interest themselves in tproUblng these new rooms and such other new equipment as may be required In the interest , of. the most 5 modern and efficient service for that is what the managers strive : tor, Much must always depend 'upon cooperation of the medical staff, which In. the case of the , Salem General hospital comprises 31"' of Salem's leading ' physicians and surgeons. Another essential thing is that everr citizen of this com munlty shall feel a personal inter est a proprietory Interest,1 if 'you" please in its further growth and success. Visit it and become ac quainted with the very efficient superintendent and her staff. Per haps they may be able to convince you that some things necessary to be done In. a standardized hosptal may not be popular but are al ways In the best interest of the patient. - -- -, . Wheeler-rElectric cannery be ing built for canning salmon and blackberries. Mr. Used Car Buyer- Hare you seen the real buys at the Capitol Motors. Incorporation? See. Biddy Bishop, 350 North High St. () Canby New Liberal Water Co Incorporates to complete Canby irrigation canai. - Myrtle Point Old Mast hospital being moved, to make room. for new- $25,000: buUding. . - ; . v incom for a rainy ' YOUR - - W. V. -ET.ir.IONS - x1 y ' ''.. : . ' I i If v. II r . i 1 i ' 1 11 . 1 f . ., ! . .. ' r ciikbuildiiig pu5teb starts Top Floor Entirely Lathed, Will Be Completed About . -. August 1 - Plastering and lathing work has started on the new structure be ing built on High street between Center and Chemeketa for Cham bers & Chambers, local .furniture house. The top floor has been en tirely lathed, , and tbe plastering work has begun there, while the lathing has " also teen started on the balcony, I - Tbe building will have three floors, and, a -full basement when Xinisfied.' Chambers & Chambers will occupy, the lower floor while the upstairs Is being lifted for the Capital Business College. The work is keeping up with the. original schedule, which cal led for completion by about Aug ust 1. The plastering' is expected to be finished in about 10 days. Work on installing the windows and some of the finishing was started last week. "; The 'upstairs is being fitted for the use; of classrooms. Blackboards and other necesary , fixtures are being installed. ' Several of the blackboards' are' already in. Win dows are installed at frequent in tervals, 'while skylights are also present In several rooms, giving enough light for school work. All the men being; used in the construction work"! are residents of Salem. Six carpenters were at work' last.: week,- while more will be employed after' this. Sir." or seven plasterers are also at work. together with plumbers, electri clans and. men of other trades who are working at top speed to have the building ready for occupation on scheduled time. Cal O. Engslrom Is the contrac tor. - Freeman & Struble, a Salem firm, were arhcitects. - Laureen Toilet Articles sold by the Vanity Hat Shoppe, 387 Court St.. beldttit to an exclusive line and are sold with a money back guar antee. ... () Tearing Down Show Window to Begin Monday, for Improvements Tearing " down ' b'f " the present show window of the Shipley store on Liberty streets between-Staffs . 1 SHIPLEY RUSHES STORE CHANGES 7 --w wmm- and Court, which is also known as the Eckerlin annex, will begin 6n Monday. - The hew show window" which is to be 2S feet deep, will be finished in the most modern and up-to-date style. Island cases and arcades, such as are seen ' on most; of the high class stores In targe cities, will be installed, giving a show window which is expected to be one of the most attractive in town, according to Mr. Shipley. . Remodeling of the rear part of the store Is nearly completed, A new balcony has been installed, on the north side of which is located the offices. '-. " . v: '. Remodeline of the office rooms will also helD increase the store's ef f iicency, it is thought. ;A ': The other side and the rear or the new. mezzanine floor will have a ladies waiting room, .lavorator iea and a waiting room tor the girl i employees of tbe store. A millin ery department will also be in stalled there. i , New style ventilation has been obtained for the remodeled fitting rooms. A nerw-basket system, for handling cash has been installed and the work of waiting on cus tomers is expected to be speeded up to a gfeatxtent by this means. New display tables and more aisle room will result in permit ting a greater amount of goods to be displayed than has been possi ble before. ' , August ,! . has been set as the final date for completion of re modeling, including the new dis play window. Forest service closes 8,300 acres Mt. Hood national forest, because of fire hazard. ' $420 Kimball Bungalow ..Type . Special! ; iCQIQ Sale Price....:. $Dk& ; :4So Merrill Upright Spcciaf - ' " (DOOb ale Price...... $00. ?525 SiCimball ,; Bungalow Type Special yil Q Sale Price. iO 3575 Kimball Full Size . Special -Sale Price. .. . 5550 - Kimball Made Harrison Player Piano Special Q Sale Price .. lO 5575 Davenport Treacy Player Piano Special1 v Sale Price..,;.. )tOO :c 5750 r W'-- - - -p .vKtobair-y'V Expression Player ;; Special f jCOQ SalelMce....:. ij)pOal :1250 - Whitney! Baby U : r-f Grand . Electric Expressior v . i t;r Player- Special 7QO Sale Trices. -VivO 01750 ' 4 Kimball Baby ( ; ' Grand! :A iElectric Expression ' 'h: . Player : . Sale Price $1479 52475 TV- Kimball Gr&hd; -Electric Welte d 'Jtigtton Reproducer Sale Price OiVlO Kanos i ... BUI BIB IS BIB FIST Thirty-two Office Rooms to Be Built on Second Floor, Plan - Work' on the new Bligh theater b"11diag being crocted at High and 'State streets is progressing rapidly keeping up with the original schedule. Terra Cotta , and brick -work will be started next week The plaster will be down from Portland by that time; so lathing and plastering will also start. Roofing Is already done on the store parts on the first floor. Pour ing of the gallery f raining for the theater, auditorium will begin Monday, according to a statement made by the superintendent fn charge of the construction work.' The auditorium will be highly decorated. A total of $45,000 is being spent to make the inside of this big room one of the most beautiful theater interiors in the state. Corinthian columns will be used for the organ grill at the side of the. stage. A" great variety of plas ter decorations with carylng pat terns will be used to give the de sired effect to, the walls of the room. These castings are expected ,to arrive this week so that the work of installing them san begin immediately. The1 foyer will be finished -with marbie sides and floor to be in ONE MONTO REAL learaece of New an! Used Pianos I Fall is near and with it must come new stocks. The present stocks must be turned : into ready cash. Hence this slash in prices." EASY WEEKL Y or MONTHLY PAYMENTS It does not take a lot of money to own a piano $650 KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO . for . J $517.50 Just think ! You can have a player that is new at a saving of $132.50. The first ... t mi v-., 4-u i arrival will have the,1 chance to snatch up 1 L ' 1 : T" 9 a. mis mtTKaiii. xJKtu t delay get it for' . Yourself. t ; n MOORE keeping -with the luxuriant and highly? decorative effect of the whole ' theater interior." . " " " ' Office rooms numbering 32 will be built on the second floor. These rooms ' have - individual lavatories; and all of the offices are connect ed with each "other. They will be mahogany trimmed throughout. 1 The exterior of the building will be ' of Willamina white - cream brick. It will be trimmed with ter-i ra cotta. Marble bases will be in stalled in all store entrances. Work, on putting in these, features Is expected to begin soon." on hnd"ed an ! three sen are working on the building at present fin order to keep tho: work up to top speed. It is expected to be fin ished by September 1. or as near that date as possible. Tranchell and Parelius of Port land are the contractors in charge of the co.ntsruction. The total cost Is expected to bo more than 3200,000. J: CUNDAE-C ' ajU And CoM Drinks- Z , S - JM Original Yellow Front y 133 North Commercial St. June 28 to July 28 tire $800 BUSH & GETS BABY GRAND for $593 This well - known - grand sells now for . $800. -You cant ! afford to miss this chance to get one - v, at such a great . t saving. Come early: 1 us we nave oniy ? , f this piano at such a saving. h j , -4 409-415 - Court Street v'-:- u cin POOL ODES rioht oil pue The cherry pool people, at the plant of the Pacific Fruit St Pro duce company, shipped a pre cool ed refrigerator car of black cher ries, mostly Lamberts, to the' big eastern city, markets yesterday, end had chough boxes packed to fill another car at quilting tlaiel i . . . . -. ... r oi tne sccona sniit last nignu .. They , will be getting cherries for several days yet. "Fine" ones, too, mostly. - - -v "-" - ' ' Young & Wells are through re ceiving Lamberts. The'canneries are all still run ning full up on loganberries; dou ble shifts for th'ose that have been nsing double shifts, and 24 hours STE1NVAY UPRIGHT for $533 You have always J wanted a Stein way ! -Well, here is your ' opportunity to et ohe that looks like, 'new. at'a big reduction. I You can only blame , i Yourself if you forego this chance. ' , - . XJ. : : fi ? Sal Of $1050 for the Hunt cannery. The re ceipts are expected, to slow down a little now; ahdi perhaps the-Hunt cannery wlli:rle ; able to ; .get through wunoui iuii pisqi buhw, after this. Cherry City Cleaners Pressing, Cleaning As you like it done . .::- Try us before you V buy ntw clothes. ; Cheny City 231 North High St. ' L Telephone, 934 f. 5 i . 4 Jewett UpHght Special j 01 GH Sale Price !..;PlOi JLucore Special Cl Q1 Sale Price 10J ' ; 7 Foot I Ghickerihg I Grand f . ' - ' ' Special ' CO)t Sale Price )00 Richmond f Upright Perfect Condition Special CO(Q Sale Price ... . tJU CI Steger & Son ' ' Player Piano Sale Price .. Steinway Square Fine Condition Special Sale Priced $125 5725 Haddorff . ; Special-. ; COP Sale Price' .0O 01250 W&Ck Fischer :,;v". v" ' i - - Electric Ampico V IJepirpducer Specials 4,;'. f7f Sale Price1 i.O i 1-. - Krciicr - v SpecfalJr.vOlVI!; Sala Price:! a Use(1 0 Pianos -4. i I 1 p S xl i I I 1 $