Tim oitr:co?i stATisiiAii, SALn:i."6nrGon SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 26, 1925 fV 1 1 n r. i t . f i V r :t li '--to s Union Roster HOD CARWEBS AND BUILDING LA feen Locsl No. 441 wMi Wad. p. a.; Call 179 (r bm, . V , ; -JAPITAL TY POO RAPHIC AL UNION ...No. 810 Pnudmt, O. F. Evaaa; Mo re try-, a. A. .FiikamtM. MU aee end Saturday, 1:00 p. a.? ; , CARPENTERS UNION NO. 1065 Meeta Thars. evening. Arthar Tucker, prestdeat; Wm. - Pettis, aecretary. Skilled mechanics famished Phone 179. COLLINARY ALLIANCE MEETS FIRST and third Friday, 457 Court. - Ha sal . Fierce,, secretary., .... . .. ! SALEM UNION LABEL. LEAQUB Meet at i-aftor iiall a call el presl 4tn(." V W.- Soara, secretary, Bo k1m, Ore. Lodge Roster FRATEDNAL ORDER OF CABLES, meet every- Wednesday. Fraternity Hall, 8 M. Wtllett, See'y. TO. 889-R. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEETS A3 Fraternal Hall every Tuesday evening Visitors invited. F. D. "Vinson. C. C.; Walter Lenon, K. f B. 8. - t tstt Ortffon &tatt$man . Published every moraine (except Man day) at Salem, the capital a( Oregon. Local Rates vl For Classified Advertising : Dally or Sunday 3 eeata par word a aaata par ward 8 eeata par word Osa Uu Three timaa Bix timaa 1 mo, daily andSan- 20cent par word la order to ears, toe more taaaoBt tima rate, advertisement nut run tn consecutive Uaaaa. t- No Ad taken for lea i than 25e. . Ada. ran Sunday ONLY charged at one-time rata. . -, - ... Advertisements f extent Personals a ad Situations Wanted) will ba take a over tba telephone if the advertiser la o. subscriber to phone. . .. - The Suteamaa will receive edvsr ti semen te at ear lima af the day or night. To injure - proper elnssifiea tieas ada should bo in before 7 p. B. I TELEPHONE S OR 583 '.; Money to Loan OK REAL ESTATB T. K. FORD ? (Over Ladd A Bush. Bank) ' ADVERTISING -H0XE8T ADVERTISING These ool nt must be kept free from anything of a questionable natare. Miarepreeen tationa will net ba tolerated. Infor mation enowing any questionable ia- : tent aa the part of the advertiser should be reported to this news papar Mr the Salem Ad slab. Auto Top Y.t US TOR TOP AND FAINT WORK , O. J. Hull Aato Tea aad Paint Shop, r27 B. CoatatareiaU Saletf Hela Wanted 9 1; WANTED, LOGANBERRY PICKERS, $ immediately. Phoao 108F31. Roy I Ohnvtrt. . 9js4tf f BERRY PICKERS WANTED INQUIRE I at Sannyside Grocery atora. 7 mi lea I aonth oa Jefferson highway. . 9jly2 j Help Waaiod Male 11 WANT A CARPENTER TO DO SOME "remodeling Sunday. Call Sat. a. m. ' Sea BUSSELLE, 223 Commercial. ' . V.;;..-- , . 1IJ28 BCP.FRIENCED'ifTJBSERY- BUDDERS J XA Jf TED. Work to begin Jaly fth, lakfAg aboat 60 days. Waabhurtot : Help Waated Fomtalo 13 - EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS WANT 'aaMEaBBasaKaLaanBBaaaaaaaas AUTHORESS , KILLS SELF MOUNTAIN LAKES, N. J.. June 25. -By. Associated Press. I Suicide was the verdict of Coron er Volker after an tnyestigatfon of . the " death of Mrs. Kate Jordon Vermilyea, ; aathoress and play .wright. whose body was found in the woods here this morning. Be sides the- body, was found a part ly drained bottle of disinfectant Mrs. .Vermilyea . wrote ... under me name' or Kale Jordan. . Her books included: Time, the Come dian," ; "The Creeping Tides," "-against" the 'Winds," and the most recent "Trouble The House." published in 1311. - " ADMINISTRATORS s BIN All ' .Vv'NOTICB- .r7: :S" , Notice is hereby giren' that the undersigned administrator has filed his. final account of the es tate of Michael CNelU, deceased, with the cletkof the county court of the state of Oregon for Marion Cpanty, and ' an order has : been made ; and," entered - by. the said court fixing the 17th day of July, 1926. at tea o'clock in the fore noon as the time for hearing ob jections to said final account and th settlement thereof; and that any creditor, heir, or other person Interested in said estate, may, on or. before said tltfle, show-cause why' said account should not be settled and approved as rendered. Dated this 17th day of June, 1926. :.:.;;v . JOHN BATNE, ' Administrator of the EsUte of Michael O'Neill. Deceased. ' m, . T to r tf OTXCE OP PINAI RTATinncvT so wuom ii may concern:. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned adminstator or. the estate, af John Hendrickson. for. merly Jknewaas John Raffael Pasanen. deceased, has filed his final account of his administration of said estate with the Clerk of the County-Court of the State of Oregon : for Marion ' County.' and that Wednesday, the ,1 4th day o Julyv 1925, at the .hour of 10:0 o'clock a. m., of said day. at the GfyT court room la the city of f'm. Count yof Marion. State of Oregon, hare been appointed by said county court as the time and place of hearing said final account and objections thereto, if any, and cor.in, determination of the ques- a : - m m - . uoa oi legal heirship to said es- tate. ' TJated and flraf v.r,Ti " . MWUVWW IU1Q 12th day of June, 1926: I R. M. PIERCE, AdmlnUtratof of the Eg tate of . . John Hendrickiou. Deeeaied. ; T. :;Jane 12-18.26 July 2-10 . .... Salsntxk WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to call oa banka aad merchants ia Ore ron, Waaaiaftoa aad Nortaera Idaho. Alaa with - car preferred. Connection - - with permanent crowiac baaiaeaa ia cl- fared to the right ntn. Address P. O. Box 91S, Saleai. Ore. - ISjSOtf WaJtiooL aaploraant 19 CHILDREN TAKEN OARE j, OF ; BY experienced yoenc lady while parents are away. Phone 1459-W. ttw.r. i a Atpsnw mn n.iiviTinn . fradiar aad dirt. i Phoao 180S-W. 446 ' 8. Charea. i ..: i v,--f '.5 19jIyC PRACTICAL NURSING WANTED Dcctor's referencea faraiaaad. Phone FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT difgiaf aad tean work. Phoao 72 Ft - -r 1 : ---.r-? ai4tf PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, TINTING. Reaseaable. Pboae J451-W.. 19jlyII CHILDREN TAKEN CARE- OF BY experienced yoaa; lady while parents are awey. rixm uaJ--W. . For Boat 21 l-ROOAI HOUSE PIIONE 1V04-W. FOR RENT HOUSES AND APART aieau. P. U Wood. 141 State St. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 ltd fU IV ."WordiiioV "For Rent." price 1 enU ' . each. SUteamaa : Baaiaeaa Office, (nrasa iioor. . , 'i t. 1. "-:.: FURNISHED APARTMENT WITH Gar den, ia N. 4th. . - y 21m24tf WHY REND TnPB rtVTHFa rr THf Isnndry when yoo can rent a waahiag : machine for f 3.50 a month. Phone UK- YiDDert ana Todd. 181 Booth High St. ,lj29 For Host Apavrtmoats 33 FOB RENT 1 CHEAP; SHADT COURT apartment aad store . baildtag ,- Ncrth .Salem. Beautiful' place .to lira and . run atora or- confectionery. - Sea owner . 155 N.: 17th 8t, ' , S3jly8 NKWLT AND BEAUTIFULLY : FUR aUhed 8-rooat apartment, at 8S9 N Liberty. Phone 1700 for appointment PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BY IN. wordias, "Kooms to Rent," price 14 eeata ach. Su teaman Baaiaeaa Off tea aas2Kaaan3aaaaxxaoniaE3BBKaaB V ' Tor Roat Booms .25 PLEASANT ROOM IN NEW HOME FOB ntlemMTlJjW25ia7 Fof Boat Fatrau , 29 I HATE SEVERAL IRRIGATXDARfMS 1 or real. . f. is. Tnomaaoa, . Toraer. Ore. Phone 6XX. 4 SBaltf Waatod Mlseollaaooaa 35 FURNITURE ; PACKING FOR SHIP- menu, uiaao-rowars . raraitara vo.. 'V . S5a20tf WANTED AUTO - IN EXCHANGE FOB per uiu(unr or carpenter wore, or what hare yon t Box 1898 Statesman. ..I. 85J2T WOODRY .THE. AUCTIONEER BUYS jramitnre tor cash. Phono all. 85atf WANTED PRIVATE MONET FOR farm loaaa. We bsTe aereral eppUea tiona oa hand. Hawking Roberta Inc, 105 Oregon .BJdf. - S5dl4tf FURNITURE WANTED. .WILL " PAY cash for fairly good, furniture as I want to re-furnish a 5-rrom house. See A. White. 2I7 State. 85iS0 For Bale 37 HEIFER CALF FOB SALE. JERSEY ; Phcao 111F14; . - J . 87J26 NEW BURBANK.. POTATOES. u" J588 . Chemeketa. e?hone 910-B. r, ; 87J30 BURBANK s POTATOES. 8 L25., PER sack, at warehoase. Phcno 717. 87J20 BURBANK " POTATOES, - fl.OO -PER j. sack, at warehouse. Phoao 717." , FOR SALE CONCRETE MIXER AXD engine, praetieally new; only used one week. : Gnare'nteed. Coat S140.00. Will .accept. 885)0. See it at 8178 State St. . ...... 1. .-- - ;37j3 TRESPASS. NOTICES, SIZE 14x9 INS, , printed on good 10-oaneo canTaaa, bear ' ing the words, Notice Ia Hereby bivea That Troapassig Is Strietly Forbidden on These Promisee Under Penalty of - Prosecution." Price 15c eeh or 3 for , 85a. SUtasmaa Pab. Co Salem, Ore gon. . .,.S7a MEAT MARKET FOR SALE IN GOOD -district of Salem, addresa 109 care ' SUtesman. : ., 87j22tf .t- FOB SALE Complete t Tnieaaisiag outfit in good condition at a bargain. MAC DONALD AUTO CO." ; -, '-- --1 ; -.-: . - y . ; ; -- 87a29tf FOR SALE A 5 HORSE OAS, ENGINE also a 20-horao traction engine for sale. Wilt give terms' or take wood or lite stock. John H. Scott. 305 Oregon IBldg. I - - - 7j 7 '- For Sale xareatoek 39 FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN Office 629 S. CommareiaL. Pheae 1198. Rea. Phoao 1866. - 89m28tf Wood For Sale 43 16-INCJf OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and eta. Psoas 72F3. M. D. May ' ifiald, : ;.. v-.' ".; 4Sfl8tf CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD 8AWING. Alee old boarda. Fisher Bros. Phone 1819. , ... .. s.t,.:. . - 43il3tf ;- BEST. GRADE OF. WOOD ; 4 ft. and 16-inch Dry still wood. Greea mill wood. . ' Dry aeeead growth, fir. .Dry 4-ft. ash, and oak. : .: FRED E. WELLS. Prompt delivery sad reasonable prices. : 280 South Chares. Pboae 1542. 43f 18U 16-INCH BLOCK WOOD. - $8.75 PER load, 4 loads $14.00, also dry fir aad oak, any length. . Chae. Christeneen. Phone 143. ; 43alltf SALEM FUEL TRANSFER. 752 Trade Street, Wood. CmL Brinaeta. Traasfer aad Moving. Pheae 629.- M i- -.. . A - i . . - 43a20U 16-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD, $2.75 16-ia. 2nd fir per load, $3.75; 14 inch old fir per toad, $4.25. Prompt delivery.- TeL 2312. Tracy Fael Yard. 1067 D street. ; 43a22tf MINUTE MOVIES : M0J EX.. EPISODE-, tb . . : "Ulti ESCAPE Joe fkjHT5 cellar: - And GKsa&y . V,? A v wOOWM . "TAE4.B; ' 43 GOOD COAL dRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES. ' HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. ;- - : - - -- " dS29tf Mlaeellaaeoas 51 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE pairiaav Giese-Pewera Faraitare Store. ; - if v.. ; ,, SlaSOtf SECOND-HAND BRICK. CORNER LIB- arty aad Bute. Sea Fred A. Erizon. ' - ' " - :-- -- J ; - 5li24tf Xjost aad. Fomad v S3 LOST 3-YEAR-OLD LIGHT JERSEY heifer. Will ealre aocn. ;Wa- seen ' early Tuesday morning on Cross street. - Phone 98S-J. ' - 53j29 Money to Xoi ST. FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5Vi. T. U Wood 141 SUte St. , t ; 87mTtf YOU CAN NOT LOSS ON OUR LOANS. Any amount yoa aood. . Prompt serr ice and low ratee. - . VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. 147 N. CoaVi St. . Phoaa 87T. IF "YOU KNEW 'THAT YOU COULD borrow money on year residence and ia case f your -death, the mortgage wouta do eaneetiea, yon wenia bo in terestedwouldn't you! " I make such loaaa. - 6 interest. Chae. Hndkina. over Millar's Store. Phone 96. 57mlltf Waaiod Loaas 59 WANTED Money to loan on good real aetata ao- . W. H. GBABENHORST CO. 1 Bealtors. : 1S4 Sonta LiiMrtr St, , Phono S15. " 59ml8tf Baslaess Opportaaltloe 61 BUSINESS CORNERS SUITABLE GA8 stations or stores. 81550 and 81000, Becke a Bandricka, - 189 N. High street. v - ,t . Sljsotf MEAT BUSINESS FOR SALE. ' HIGH class store in. excellent valley town, .large modem residence included. 9100 a day business. - Totaf price 98500.00 Some terms. Becke At Hendricks, 189 N. High street. 61j25tf . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES r- , Seeond hand itore, reiUarsnt, grecery stock and fixtures. Apartment henna. Booming home, atora building and ware house. Geo. X. Peed, 841 State St. eimaitf - Seal Estate Directory 62.- BECKE HENDRICKS ; i 189 S High. . Tel.' 169. A. C BOHRN8TEDT ; 147 N. Commercial. - TeL 5T7. : ' ' ; BUSSELLE. Eoaltor. ' 222 N. Commercial. TeL 88. CHILDS A BECHTEL 8S0 State St, , , Tel. 1T8T , FLEMING REALTY CO. 841 State. Boom 7. Tel. 80S., W. O. KRUEGEB 14T N. Com'L Km. 1. Tel.: 217. . JOHN W. ORB, 829 Oregon Bldg. ,. TeL 2485. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage. . TeL 1188.. . - RICH L. BEIMANN, Bvaltor. -147 . N. Com' I. Rm. 8. TeL 217.; SQUARE DEAL REALTY. Ut 8. Nat' I Sank Bldg. Tel. 470. WELLS TALLMAN bON 218 Maaonie Temple. Tel. 618. .. TIBBIT8 A ELLIOTT 841 State. . .Room 7. TeL SOS. TRIANGLE REALTY CO. H. Liberty. - , .. TaU 651.; J " ULRICH a ROBERTS T 132 N. OemmareiaL - TeL 1854. ' ATMS VXLLB E. T. PIERCB- ' Anntaeille, Oregon. 8LVRT0M LUTHERAN -HOMESEEKERS AGENCY - SiWerton. Oregon. Heal. Estate 63 Own t Your. Hofrie COAST LAND BARGAIN 1 . 900 acres, aix million feed saw timber. ' Joins railroad station and Sittsalaw river.: Near HocseveU Highway. Fine for subdivision. Level, and the : very richest of soil. Only $23.00 per acre. -' No trades. -.. Some terms. O. L. Fos ter, Florence, Oregon, 63j27 . GOOD HOMES 5-room now ea Market St, modern In every way, terms. - $3750 Z-room good home, large let, fruit and walnuts. Terms. $4000. . "- 6-room new, mcdrn, nesr Psrrith School. Terms. $4250. 5-room good location, and the price ia right. $'2500. , Let aa finance or build your borne. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. 147, No. Ccm't St. Phone 577. a.; 'i-f .. ' --.63j20tf BUSSELLE. the Real Estate man, mrves to 175 S. High. June 26th. 63j36 NEW HOME 4 ROOMS, FIREPLACE, , furnace, garage, corner lot. paved atreet, 8360O. $500 cash, will rive yen a home to be proud of and than pay. mams use rent. r . Attrsetive 5-room heme, new and modern, i garage, 94500. - Will ex change . for good house and several acres, near Salem. .Corner, lot near1 Parriah Junior High tc exchange en good house. 4 -room i south farnsee, well located, east front, $2500,, $400 cash, will , ' handle.-. -: ',-.. ..... -Several gooll cphying business eppor tnnities .including confectionery wfth living qnartera 'for $3500, garage and filling atation, residence in connection, - $5250, small r re eery and pool hsil. ,. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. 216 Oregon Bldg. - 63j20tf COMPLETED HOME $4850. ; ELE Ci tric raaga aad f uraished. : Quick poi ses ion. 1-3 cash. Oa paving south Charch. Becke Hendrfcks.. 189 K. High atreet. 63j25tf A REAL BARGAIN LARGE ATTRAO- Kme well lneatel with fine view, ea Fsirmonnt hilL - Will salt at a real . bargain if taken at case.. Price $5750. . H. Grabenhorse a Ca.,134 South Liberty atreet. ; 63j2f . r (COMS ON n A -rlERC FElTtRS AJ0UJ TT . ' AMD SEEK To FROM REACH ING Trie Wood For Sale - - fe w"; - &9 l - "'V i tls.s T C i Cl7 -. : ag 63 ONE OF THE FINEST RESIDENCES IN : city of Salem. -Strictly; modern, close . ia location.' , For the . man who wants - a beautiful residence this place' has them all beat. ' . - , Hare, a 6-room modern hooie ca pared street. Right off State North. A real hay at 83000.00,. 3500.00 cash, aad balance $30.00 per month. : Best, paring, grocery .in-Salem, A - aaerifico for quick sale.. Best paying garage in, valley. Ask as aboat it. . - - . W hare oaa of the baa( retail meat markets la Salem. Will aaerifico for qaiek sale. , . - A f ally - equipped chickea ranch net ting around fSOO.OO per month. Will , Uka 'aome trade, eitBer Salem tr Port land, balance terms. - - - ' i 832500)08500.00 dowa. bays a. new 4-room modern bangalow. Close in. -' $5000.00 8500.00 dawn buys a new 6-room modern' bungalow. Cloe in.. . - Art craft "and needle ahop doing n fine business. . If .yoa hare prcperty to .trade call : and see na. . We can exchange what yoa t haiV for Juet what yon waat. ' ..f , SEE OASKILb a CARLE f- FOB PROPERTY . 166 S. Liberty L- Phone 2242.' r : - 63j25if BEST BUYS 8500 cath. 840 per month boys brand new strictly up to-the minute. Price $4000. -Tbia- is oanal - to any. ether $5000 to $6000 heme. $100 cash. $25 month bays a good borne. a rooms, i-nco Z4o. Wow, r scant, tmmeaiate possession. $750 cash, balance ' $20 month Inclad lag interest. Price $3150. buys a dandy 5 room bungalow completely $200 cash, $1Q mcnth. Price $800, good s room nouae. owner leaving city, " SOME TINE LOTS V ; " $300 and op in N. Salem. Largo lot jjepot aaaitton, 9I75-955O-$00O on psvea . asrees. paring paid. -FARMS Fine 79 acre farm 40 acres eultlrated, : bsl. timber aad pasture. Good buildings. iuu per acre. Kai buy. 165 a. crop, " stock - and Implements, $100 per acre. Fine-10 n. farm, high i" atato of enltiration.- rocd bnildinea. : Price 88SOO. -Fine 3a a. tract, no ! Duuaings tor f iioo. ueet of terms. . i To ,Bny. Bell, Exchanre Property Sao OHILDS - BECHTEL. Bealtors, alio Bute St. 1st door E. Bush Bank . 63j23tf f ' 5-room . ccttsge,. on lotlf St, near .ngiewooa school. ssy terms. 5-room modern bungalow, at a bar gain. Best of terms. - 7-room home, 2 lota, gocd location Terms. , 6-room house and large lot. ' to ex change for 40 to 160 acres. Mast 'have large, spring. Bungalow near Los Angelas, for im. proved acreage. - 'New brick, building, fcr hoate in town. - 13. acres in Polk Co., . for Salem borne.' 0 , - . . 5-room cottage in S. Salem, for. im proved acreage.- - W -A Wa A. LISTON. Agent. ; 307 Oregon Bldg., . 63j26 " FOB SALE, NEW HOMES ' $2650 New 4-room home with fireplace, oak floors, paved street, one block from bus and echocL $250 . down, balance $30 per month to . include interest. $3650 New five-room home, modern in every way, on paved street, will soon be ready to occupy,' $500 down, balance like rent. $4000 New fear-room English style - home on paved atreet, with large : east front lot, modern is. every way. and wall built, $500 down , will handle. Immediate possess . sioa.' $5000 New six-room home well located la aonth 8alem, ready to occupy, terma. Let as ahow yen this home. YOU WILL LIKE IT. Let us write your FIRE- INSURANCE W. H. GRABENHORST a CO., Realtors. 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 515. - '" 6SJ27 INVESTIGATE THESE BARGAINS - Nice 17 acre suburban home near Salem, new bungalow, creek, timber, fine soil $6000 terms, take resi dence. - . , . Fine largo, all modern. Bangalow, nice location $4500, $250 ' down, bal ance, monthly payments. Several fine lots, good locstion. . - 5-sere anbnrban home close in, fruiV coed bldgs. v $3500. rood terms. Your -choice, of 8 good dairy ranches stock, machinery,- -crop tar Salem In come or residence property. .FOR RENT. 4 good modem hemes. Fine ; nil modern ' bungalow home. Fairmonnt- HilL Bargain price. PERRINE a MARSTERS 21 Com. Club Bldg. - - . - 63j22tf FOR SALE 80 ACRES. WITH WATER : right, cn main highway, southern Ore : gon, mil fenced, four-room house, bam. some cleared land. $1500. Five-room bungalow, fireplace - aad furnace, $3000. Easy terms. Seven-room bungalow $5000, will , trade for Corvallia home? F. L. Wcod or Gee. F. Peed, 841 8tata St. 68jl7tf ON FAIRMOUNT. A NEAT HOME $4250. On Sagieaw. modem large home $5300. Largest close in comer, $23,000. This ia A-l investment. Another large east front ctr-, $15,000. 2 lota having 2 8t. entrsnees, $11,000. ' Garage bouses for sale, $750 to $1500. : Lots, close in sbsolntely a good , buy. 4-room house 81850. - GERTRUDE J, M. PAGE 492. N. Cottage St. , 8J17tf . GOOD BUYS 9 100 down, $20 month will boy s v 6-room bangalow, bath, garage. . and in good eondltlcn. Price $1700. $ 100 cash and monthly payment will - bay a new 5-room bungalow, ... basement, fireplace, garage, aad paved street. Price .$3200. 9 800 down. balance monthly will bay a new -r six-tom - bangalow, basement, furnace, fireplace aad garage. Price $3750. $1000 dewn, balance monthly, will buy a modem 5-room bungalow on N. Capitol St. Price $5250. 9 S00 down, balance monthly, will buy a 6-reem English -style bunga low, basemenC furnace, garage. 9 750 down, balance monthly, will bny . aw i -room oungssrw, oaaemeni, furnace. fireplace, breakfast nook, laundry trsys. etc, fine i locstion. Price $5000. $1000 dowa, balance to suit will bay a 6-room furnished honte. fine - ' lot, some fruit. Price $20. Money to Iran en city property. ' MELVIN JOHNSON t ; 109 S. Commercial St. . Phone 559. . .. , 1 ' . 63j20tf 'SOL CELLAR. RKT?. CMS PpRi5U" Zawaa1' A, - H -TUE.' .Toe ' Heal Fataio i Sl" 1 63 OLD HOUSE FINE LOT. $3300, ANY - reasonable terms. Vacant at ' 1427 Fairmonnt. Becke Headricka, law N High street. 63jS0tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION " osi PACTFIO COAST We hare ever $000 properties listed for exchange, - Every kind of property, every price, every locat ion. We nan match your exchange EXACTLY. If , yon would like to trade your property TODAY, corn ia TODAY. See- wASklLL a EARLE, Realtors. . . Successors to Parker Realty Co. 166 8. Liberty. ; . Pheae 2342. ' .-V;; '-;: 68ml2U , BARGAINS IN REAL PROPERTY , 3 'rooms, flue corner lot. North Sn lem. JIOOO. $100 cash, balance $20 end interest monthly. . .. .. 3 rooms, new, modern, . Sungatnw, garage, .fcnodaUon and basement rn ' on same lot for another house. $1603 $400 ' aaaa. balance monthly to suit. 6-room bangalow, -acre tot. gars re, all aew. East Salein, f U00, $600 cash, balance monOily. . 4-room naodera bengalcw. Seatfev 8a ; lom. 82650.. terma. 'Fine, lot corner E'aad N. Summer. 80COLOFSKY . Real Estate, Loaaa, lataranca 841 State. , ... . , 63j23if LARGE GARDEN LOTS $150 ON UP. lenst. Coming improvements close by will, increase values. See between Proas' and Howard . treats, between Summer aad Yaw. - Becke Haadrieks. lev . High. . . 68j20U WANTED r- GOOD CANADA LANDS. Alberta preferretL ia exchange, for ' WiUnmetta valley farms. Also eity property, for close to acres ge. Salem property wanted ia exchanre for a fine home ia- Vancouver, Washington nreu new nomas lor saie ea . very easy terma, -jsarxatna ana exensnroe. See Barber. 200 Gray Bldg. 6Sm29tf COOL IN SUMMER Warm in -winter-Hollow, tile atuceo bungalow 4 good rroma Full basement and furnace A dandy fireplace ' Garage, paved street A nice gsrden and shade trees East, frput too i I And, the price. Oh! Boy! ." Only. $4200. .; f . Hewv'oasaS't ,.: V .V. Owner- leaving atate ' " -" Triangle Realty Co. "Of . Course.'.' 218 N. Liberty. Phone 651. . ' v . .68J26tf SOMEBODY IS GOING TO BUY A FINE home in -very- desirable locality,' 7-rcom modern, furnace, garage, toe large for ' as to roam around in, gcing to selL House at 1930 8. Church, drive by if it .suits call or see us. 740 N. 15th. St. We might be per 'aaaded to sell a little less now than 80 daya later. . $800 takes a desirable north front lot, 62x100. ' , , Cell at 1340 N. Cottage or phone 1105-W. 63j27 MRS. JUNE BRIDE SAY DKAREST have you noticed the ad Bobrnttedt, the realtor, has been running abent a near ly new 4-room North Commercial atreet cottage for fl.850.OO with a small payment down aad balance like rent! Mr. June Bridegroom No, what aboat ltt Mrs. June Bride Let's look at it. Why not -begin on car own home in stead of pay rent? Gall 577 or go aee. - A. C. BOHR N 8TEDT 117 Ko. Com'L St., Salem, Oregon. X 63j26tf FOR SALE OR TRADE -40 acres fine bet torn land to trade for eity property or what have you f 820 acres Canada land for land or "'city property in the valley. I have farms both large end email to trade for city property or small sereage. Come in and tell me yonr wants. G. W. LAFLAR, real estate, loans and insurance, 410 Oregon Bldg. 63j24tf ... WILL TRADE OR SELL EQUITY 5-room, all modern home bordering 'Portland s most exclusive and fastest ( growing sub-division Mock Crest. This jis a sacrifice bargain at $3400.00. Will -trade for lot or noma In Salem, . n BULGIN BULGIN 275 State St. ftm2Stf Real Estate Trades 65 WE HAVE 5 ACRES OF BEARING fruit worth 81500 to trade for an ua imprrved farm close to Salem. ' 88500 income property and will take .small farm as part. We have 60 well improved seres worth- $9000 for Salem residence. Four unimproved acres in in edge of , Salem for bouse. . 10 bottom acres in berries for $1900. 4 rich acres for $1250 close. MeGILCHRIST PENNINGTON 209 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 140 65j20tf TRADE 4 ACRE8 BLACK LOAM SOIL ana n-roora bungalow, Mrs, wcodshed end chicken house. Will trade for small Salem or West Salem borne - to $2500. ; . - TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 21$ N. Liberty. . Phone 651. 63j26ti WANTED MODERN 4 TO 6-ROOM house. Mutt ba in good location. Want to exchange 2 or 4 vacant lots, free and clear. Will assume. See owner. A, White, 2173" State St. 6j30 - TRADE 1 TRADE! TRADE! Good paying service station end 9tt fectionery oa best highway location, . M small - boose or- dose in acreage. - See BU8SELLK. 222. N. Com'l. 65J26 SPLENDID SEVEN AND HALF ACRES, line .aeven-room bouse with nil the city eonveneincea. ? rood out buildings, - ail kinds of fruit in paying quantities. only mile from city on first cists highway. Tc exchange for Salem . or Portland . residence property. More than a thousand dollars' worth of fruit on place now. Better see this at once. Salem Realty Co.. . No. 482 State St. Phone 1004. 65J26tf KKKKKKKKJCKKKKKKKKKKKKS K K K EXCHANGES I K k K K- Ncrth Salem comer lot -and K K 8-room bangalow to exchange for K K ' higher priced honse. , K K K K - We have several clients with K K : city property to exchange for K K small close Jn tracts. What K K have yoa I . K -: ' K K..- Also city property to ex- ,K K change far ranch-. K K See FAUGHT at K K Room 1. .K K . ' " , 147 N. Com'l St.. K K- - Phone 217. sv K -' asin v OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKiCKKKKc Bolomi S : FlAT,1HT . upArt or Real Estate m a s&n a a a". as vw-z. mm I JT ' a V -$ ka. ' 1 QWCK.TONY. CALL THE poLlCE IU .Real ZUtato Farats 6T. - GOOD FARMS t 20 acres, A-l berry and dairy place. Eay -terms, $450Q. - , . 5 acres, small build in rs, herriea, close to aehooL. Terms, f u 50. - Farm . Loans. Insnrnnee. VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor. 147 Na. Com'l St.. - Phono 577. , -r . f : --: 7j20tf MODERN TRACT 5 - - ACRES $5000. Good bangalow in excellent conditio a. double garage, barn. Fruit and ber ' riea. On. pa vine cloie schcoL 8 milea to Salem. Another - South with small bldgs. for $3200. Becke a Hendricks. 180 N. Hick street. 67j20tf : Waated Amtoaiebllea T7 CASH PAID FOtt FORDS KlKER Ante no. ? ; T7mtf -Used C T9 Special f orthis. Week MacDpnaid Auto Co. Now' is the time to buy that rood " need, ear, for that , trip : tc- the; Beaches and ' Mountains, at a ; great reduction I for this week, be sure and see vs be- lure yon ouy. - r . 6 Pass. Cleveland Sedan. 1926 model. nearly new. 5-Paaa. Overland Sedan, 1926 model, --:',..' nearly sew.'" ,- "i- - 5-Paas. Studebsker Touring, glass en closure, and Grass shock sb bcrbers. greatly reduced. 5-Pasa. Moon Toariag, ' .t . 5-paaa. Cleveland. Tearing. ' j 5-Pass. Ford Touring. 5-Pass. Overland Touring, -3-Pasa. Overland Cooper. ' 2-Pass. Buick Rnedster. Convenient and liberal terms. Open evenings and Sundays. . MacOofiald Auto Co. Cottage and Ferry Stw ' Phone 409. Marmon vWiIlys-dCnight Overland. 79j25tf FOR SALE; A FORD TRUCK WITH license nnd- n 1924 Ford Sedan in splendid condition. Will take wrod or live stock for- part. If yon want a J'ontiae or an Oakland car aee me, 1 can ssve yoa money. John Scott, 305 Oregon Bldg- . 79j27 Fords-All Kinds-Fords Help Yourself Cash and Carry, or Well Carry You Wsit "on yourself, pick out yonr own - Ford, start it up, try it out, sell your aelf . THESE FORDS WILL HELP YOU "DO 1TI 1924 Ccupe, newenamel, balloon tires, lots of . extras.': Yen will hardly be lieve you- eyes when yon see how law priced, this on is. Touring with elbow starters $20 to $60. Trucks $125 to $335. Fordor Sedan juSt like new at 6 big re daction. 1924 Star Roadster, make na an offer. 1923 Overland Touring, ditto. Valley' Motor Co. Salem, Oreg. 79j22tf Vjcfc Brothers Good Used Cars We have an ever stock of used cars and must sell at a aaerifico. A reduction in price on all used cars gives yoa a chanee to save money. 1924 , Oakland (glass enclosures.) 1923 Hndhon Coach. 1023 Willys Knight Touring. 1924 Overland Coupe Sedan. 1924 Star Touring. 1919 Franklin Touring. , 1925 Fcrd Touring. 1934 Ford Coupe. 1924 Ford Tudor Sedan. 1924 Ford Touring. We have seversl other ears at reduced prices that are exceptionally good val ues. Vick Brothers OAKLAND. 280 South High St. PdNTTAC. Phone 1841. 79j27 USED Buick - late Model master six 4-pass. coupe - F. W. Pettyjohn Co. " 856 North Commercial Street Phcne 1260. . 79jl9t( Eiker's Guaranteed tJsed Fords 1925 Coupe 1923 Coupe. $365.00 .-$220.00 1924 Touring 1923 Tearing 1921 Touring 1920 Touring 1917 Tonrinsr ,$235.00 .$145.00 $ 95.00 .$ 85.00 $ 45.00 EIKER AUTO CO, Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 121. 79jl9tf Reliable Used Cars . We have a complete stock of good standard makes at all times. It will Say yea to look them over before yoa ny. Fred M. Powell Motor Cars 850 N. High. Talephoaa 2156. 79m9tf Brand 'New Offerings in excellent nsed sutomo- biles. - Look them over new. Honest ly, priced, honestly repretenWd. Maxwell Coupe, Esaex Ccupe. Ford Coupe. , ' Overland Touring. . Essex Touring. Hupmobile Sedan. Overland Sedan. Ford Sedan. Star Tt curing. ' i Ford Touring. Rellin Touring. Jordan 8 in Line. Hudson Coach, Surprisingly easy terma en these auto mobiles. Stop in at our sales room and see them today or ia the evening until 9 o'clock. ' . F. W. Pettyjohn Co. t 856 North Commercial StreeO . - TELEPHONE 1260. e ' CADILLAC HUDSON ESSEX 79J24tf I love you A Meanwhile the pduce Tte PLACE THey ABE 15 BAto SINCE DA FIRST IW MDU COME SEE ' 5C sBSwawW-lS-- -a 1 S" 1 " I CLASSIFIED DUSU.ESS DIRECTORV 5 Of Reliable Business and Professional Firms Arranged ia -v Alphabetical Order for Qvica Reference 'AUCTIONEERS F. iy. Woodry, AUCTIONEER The Woodry everybody knows. Cash said for ased . faraitare. Res. aad store 1610 . N. 8a er St. felephone 511. 1L Tf WOODRY a SON . '.( Auetioneera -Pays Cash for Used raraitare. 371 N. CommareiaL , . Telephone 75. ACCOUNTANT O. ED. ROSSt, ACCOUNTANT AND And Itar. SJ1A BtataC- Phono 2098-R. - v -V' a!7-'26 BATTERT AND ELECTRICIANS ' H n. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES: . starter aad generator wore; 171 South Commercial. - ' c Wiiism p ' JOE WlLLlAM Phone 198 COURT ST. AM8 BICTCLE8 AND REPAIRING LLOYD -E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA Bl cyclea and! repairing, 987 t-iourt. CHINESE REMEDY' 1 sV' DICK L. M. ITUM. (Thinnsa Medicine Company Halk idt known diseasa. 420-426 State. 1 - s30tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. 8COFIBLD. P. S. C., 828 Ore gon bldg. i Phone 2194. - DR. 0. L. 8COTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR j. . . , ... . ... ama n HEMSTTTCHINO APRON8. LUNCH CLOTHES, HEM stitching, buttons aad stamping. Over Miller's store. Room 10. ai29tf ELECTRICIANS FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE . wiring by: hour or contract. 'Estimates furnished. Phone 980 171 -Court St. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST 'farm paper send five 2 dent stamps to the Pacific H&nestead,. Salem, Oregon, for a three month's trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN 8END EIGHT TWO cent atamoa for sneeisl three .months trial for the best and oldest Journal in the west. ' The articles and adver tisements are of specisl. interest to the poultry . breeders of the Northwesa Northwest Poultry Journal, sti-, uom mereial street. Salem, Oregon. FTNANCIAL INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN ON 8A lem homee. -business blocks and aoart- raent houses. P. II. Bell 520 U. S. Bank Building. Phone 2474. FOR SALE-HP1RST AND SECOND Mort gagee. Trust Deeds, Contracts en houses Will net 6- to 30.. . BE0KE HENDRICKS ' . Heilie Bldc.j 189 N. Hick 8L ! . . Jltf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY . to loan on rood farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pre dential Insurance Company money on eity residences and business property. .at 5 , ! plua a commission, Hawkins a Kooeru. xae zoa Oregon iiuiiaing. d-14tf FLORISTS FERNS.' CHOICE - ROSES.' GLADIOLUS. perennials, shrubs, weeping birch, iris. etc. Bennett Nursery ue. r sir r ron no Road. TeL 1280. fl5-'26 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wresths, decorations. CJ. F. Breithaupt. florist, 123 N. Liberty, Phone 880. 1 INSURANCE LOANS. REAL ESTATE, GENERAL IN surance. ! G. W. LAFLAR, 410 Oregon Bldg. . ! c j Insure Yonr home or ear now e Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. 189 N. High St. Jt-tf SEE SOCOLOFSKY AGENCY FOR real estate, loans, fire . and anto ia saranee. i' LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The laundry' of pure materials." Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway. THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY" THE WELDER LAUNDRY Telephone '25. 268 8. High, TRY THE I HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry. Phone 171.- 1356 B street. jl7tl LADIES TAXLORINO ' D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN and -women. 474 Court St. - j 34ATTRESSES . MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THl Capitol City Bedding Co., 1190 North CapitoL j Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. . fl9tt MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH ' REMEDY Phone 817-W. MUSIC ' STORES GEO. C WILL PIANOS, PHONO grapha. sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies.' Repairing phono graphs and aewing maeaiaea, 432 State street, oaiem. . ! . NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency irhe Aee. . TeL 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENT? per - montn Delivered to year home early each morning. Tel. 28 or f588. JTUBSERY STOGK FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES . carer vrv.. iio.B. commercial. By Ed Wheelan rrs the &A2r Mer CT- "tfJ&T rTewT. st?drb TrW m& ewer HHPsE 'Z.nl 111 ' w f3 C-Z FACKXHO AND SHIPPINO FOR- EXPERT FURNITURE PACKIN'U and shipping, ; call Stiff 'a Faraitese Store. Phone 941. . ssaB33s3asaascaaBaaB83aaBaaaanaBaaaaaaBBaawan FAFEKHANGXNO AND PAINTINO :" PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSB decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman f 'PIANO TUNERS . , .. . EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano -tuner. Leave orders Will's Musie Stove. , PRIMTINO ' ' FOR - STATIONERY. - CARDS, PAMPH lets, programs, books or any . kind of firiating. T Call at the Statesman Print nr Department. .315 8. Commercial.' TeL 83.- " PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR 1 work. Graber Bros. 164 8. Liberty. Phone 550.- . ftatf RADIO Radlolas , For Every Purpose Every Parse . All Btaadard Siseo of Radio Tubee- . t HALIK EOFF ELECTRI0 SHOP . x r 887 Court 81. Pheae 488 , REAL ESTATB IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if yea are looking for s heme, farm, " Of- business property, see as. . . . BKCKB a HENDRICKS 189 N. Hign St.. Heilig Bldg. itt REAL ESTATE HARRIS 0ITERS TWO-THIRDS ACRE on PaeiHe Highway ust ' south of. city Mmits;. 148x200 feet; 6-rrem new eottsge; aatomatie electric pressure wsterj bath, toilet, garage, ' woodshed, young fruit snd - nuts j - $4000, easy terms or will a " change for home closer in, . ' . ,. NEAT $ ROOM COTTAGE -N. -flamma .. : and Jelf arson: bath, garage, lot 65x73: : . house, practically new; bargain .at $2800 terma. - i '- -v I'-.- . ; - , ' - v . . , HARRIS, Masonie Bldg TeL 795. 240-J . SOAVANQERS CTTY GARBAGE CO. OFFICE PHOXB . 86. ' .157 8. CommareiaL. Res. Pboae ' 2290. . . , ,T.,. . . - . -f SECOND BAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Capi- es. - re." 84 ' tai Exchange." , 842 North Commercial Phone 1868-W. 1 STOVES AND ST0VB REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert.- AH kinds of v en wire fence. Fancy and plain. -Ho . baskets and hooks, Iocs a hooks. Saleai Fence - aad Stove Works, 250 Coun ' 8t. - ..... TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OF All kinds. Phone 72F2. WE MOVE STORE AND SHIP HOU8I .. " hold goods. Qor specialty is piano an faraitare moving. We also make count try trips. We hsadte the best eonl ao4 ' wood. Call on us for prices. We gi good measure, good quality and goei service. Lsrmer Transfer Co. Phone 93f CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER O. , A . State St. Phone 983. Distribntina ' forward tar" and - n 4t..i.i,. f Get or rates. WELZ. DRILLING R. A. .WE8T. RT. 6. BOX. 168-1 t-nene lioj'J. 3 miles esst oa -Gardes rosd. . - WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT a POWER CO iruiee soe south Commercial St. Tet per cent discount en domestic flat rates psid in advance. No deduction for eb ' aeneo or any eanso unlees water is shut off -your premises. . , . '' "v TRAVEL . " ' ' -Safely, Swiftly -and Comfortably In busses of the Parker Stage Lines, , Rtsges Leave for - ' Siivertoa 7 a. m.. 11 a. m, 5 p. as.' ' ML Angel 11 a. m., 5 p. m. Dallas 7 a. m., 9 a. m., 11:25 a. m4 2:10 p. m., 6:15 p. m, - , ..... Falla City 7 a. nu.2:10 ,p. m ,, " 6il5 p. m. . Independence 7 e. m., 9 a. m 11:15 a. 8:10 p. mJiJS 0. as.', . 8uadarenly 8:30 p. 4 J . Monmouth 7 a. m, 11T5 a. m, 8:10 p. m. 6:15 p.. m. Sunday only, 7:10 p. m., 8:30 p. an. , .- McMinnviUe 8:80 a. as 2:10 p. m ' 6:15 p. m. . . .. - v . Newberg 8:30 a. m 2!10 p, as- ... 5:15 p. m. . j ---...v!.'.. ... T-.'f. " Tillamook $ :80 a. . ! :10 p. m Call 22$ , pr 69$ for . information. , ' ' . :' " " 423'tf . .i r ... . . '-d2att ' SENATE IN QUANDARY '.-. , J OVER; FARM MEASURE . (Continued front page 1.) f burst of oratory. Senator McNarr. republican, Oregon, sapported the Watson- motion; Senator need,' democrat, Missouri, spoke In sup port of Robinson's tariff proposal. and Senator Fess argued for. hU plan, i A: vote on the Watson me Hon finally was blocked when Senator Willis, republican, Ohio, got the floor and held It until S:32 o'clock1 when the senate recessed nnder a ; previous agreement. ' Before; thp .maneuvers crystal- Ilzed, the senate "had rejected the Morbeck' export : bounty r amend- -ment by a rote of 55 to 16,. and ' moved- on tr.e Lenroot farm loan hubstitute for the McNary bin, re jected yesterday. ' - "in endorsing the Tlncher-. bill, which, would, approximate 100, OCO.000 to.be loaned to farmers through cooperative organizations to export surplus crops, the presi dent said lie favored "this type ot legislation,' as he was "convinced that Immediate .acl ion along such lines will profoundly - assist the farmers.- )''- I, , I have - advised the "congress from time to time of the necessity of further assistance In order that the farmers'' position may be An ally and fully restored upon a per manent and sound basis,.' lie add-' ed. - "I sincerely believe that legis lation; making possible -this. Im portant and effective further step n better ;orsanitatlon of market ing, in the control of the farmers themselves, will bring these re sults rwhich we all. desire. - Such legislation Is of great Importance to the country.' ' '. r : .-; :' - ICInf Valley plana union UjH icaooi lo 59$ . IjC 00,