The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 24, 1926, Page 7, Image 8

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    "5 "
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L idlem SoeietjiiMemn-
" " By. AUDHED BUNCH 'Pliczi 1C3 ?
- aaana m mmmmm mmmmm
Beautiful Wedding Is
Solemnized .at Walcher .
Home , TFcdnAscfay Evening j.
. An Impressive 'Jane wedding
yru solemnized at the borne of Mr.
Mrs. B. TV. Walcher on Wed
hsday - evening ; at ; 8: JO o'clock
when their only daughter, Helen
Irene, became the bride of Charles
- M. Stevenson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
-Henry Stevenson of this eity .
The rooms -were softly lighted
rlth a ' myriad of pink candles,
; and 1 attractively ;ilecorated with
nink "and white sweet peas. : An
arch, of tall t palms, and tiers of
lighted pink candles was embank
ed with beautiful baskets of pink
and white carnations. V ;
y 7 ' of white georgette trimmed with
bands or.aaun riDDpn. er yen
of white tulle, an heirloom of Mrt
. Stevenson's family, was " worn
with a wreath of orange blossoms.
The bride's bouquet was a show
er of Ophelia roses and pink sweet
.peas, which was4 given to "her
I grandmother ' immediately follow
s ing v the ceremony.
tThe bride's . only ornament was
' a. strand of. pearls, a gift of the
groom. , She descended the stairs
to the strains of Mendelssohn's
.wedding march, .played by John
'Riley, and was met by her' father,
mho gave her in marriage.'
The ceremony was performed
.under the lighted arch with Rev.
B. C. Whittaker, pastor of the
First Christian church, officiating.
Immediately .preceding':, the cere
mony Mr.-Claude Stevenson sang
"I Lore You Truly."
- . .The bride's only attendant,' Miss
Martha "Wood, wore a gown of
yellow . georgette - and carried ' a
1 ".bouquet of 'yellow ; snapdragons;
Mr. John Stevenson, - brother of
the groom, acted as best man..
Following the ceremony refresh
5 menta were , served in . the j dining
'room, which was also attractively
"decorated with pink . sweet peas
j and candles. -
The :bride cut the cake, assisted
by Miss Mildred. Hansen, who pre
' sided at the, punch -bowl, and Mrs."
- uons jonnsou, miss ueorgia Wil
liams and Miss Reed Car tar, all of
whom wore white. - - ;
" Mrs-Stevenson is a graduate of
YsSalem r high school -with the' class
. of 24, andr for the past two Tears
has been employed in- the' insur
ance commission at the -state
house, "V : :, !i
. Mm Stevenson, who . was also a
"student ofSalem high 'school, was
prominent in social affairs. Torty
r - relatives and -intimate 'friends
. were guests at the wedding, the
company including an aunt -from
. Denver, Colo., an aunt and cousin
Martin, or Marcola, Or. '
Mr. and Mrs., Stevenson lefton
. TLidnesaaT. evening for an extend
I c honeymoon. and on - their - re-
iturn-rwtU make their honie'ln 'Sa-
.Past Matrons' 'Association '
"Members of . the Past Matrons
association will, meet at 8 -.o'clock
this evening at the home-of 'Mrs
Ida Godfrey, v The hostesses will
Include Mrs.: Ida Niles, Mrs. W.
rM. Smith and Mrs. Paul H.-Haus-
Miss Leavenworth '
'Late Summer Bride
'One -of 'the-prettiest weddings
vV"v ' late summer, will be at the home
LT - . of Mr. and Mrs H. C. Leavenworth
v N ' when their eldest daughter. Mar
tha Sarah Xeavenworth. -will be-
om the bride of Victor Hicks.
- Both young persons graduated
from -Willamette-university with
.the class of '25, their romance
dating back to days on the cam-
-pus. Miss Leavenworth was em
-ployed for two years as secretary
-of the Marion-Polk Realtors' asso
ciation, and for the past year has
been teaching In the high school
at Prineville. Mr. Hlckfrig-a pro
fesaor of seienee inthe tTnlversity
pi asauxgton, t
.Marriage Solemnized 1
it Priii n7j. -Y?rfc 1 i ,
x- A large circle .of friends of Miss
Zllliah Alena Gilbert and 'William
--"Joseph -Nee will be Interested in
- additional details concerning their
marriage f on Saturday, June 19
at t;30 o'clock in a beautiful
woodland near Prlngle creek. Mrs.
isee is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W;iL Gilbert of 1345 Broad
way 1 street, -while . Mr. Nee is pf
Roseburg. '
The ceremony, on Saturday, was
Be- ;
about: the source
of' the milk you
gi v e your chil
dren, -.v. '
More than four hundred selected dairy
rmen bring us milk daily. Care in hand
Jling' the milk is one requirement before
;it is a:ccepted at our plants i
performed by ;Rev. ' J." C. Spencer
of .Portland.' - Attending the young
couple ' were 'Miss Gladys Gilbert,
sister of the bride, and Merle Bon
ney, , fraternity , brother : of the
fTOOm. '. ' ' ' " '
Both Mr. and Mrs. Nee were prom
inent in the social and student life
at Willamette nnlTersity. : Mrs.
Nee, while in attendance s at Wil
lamette, was a member of the' class
ot '25, and belonged both to the
Beethoven society and the ladies'
glee club. She was also a member
ef the i Palladian literary .- society;
Mr. Nee, a Websterian and a mem
ber of ? the Sigma Tau fraternity,
was prominent in the men's glee
club. 1 Recently Mr. f Nee ? became
assistant ? secretary at the ." local
TMCA1 : Mrs. Nee is a graduate of
the Oregon normal school. . ,
"The young couple . will " make
their home at 760 N Church street.'
Guests at Shaw 1 - ' '
Home Wednesday . '
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. , Shaw of
South Commercial , street enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and.
Mr. and . Mrs. Gibson, motorists
from Orange", Cal., in, their home
this week. 5 The touring party plan
to enjoy the' scenic points in Ore
gon . on their way to Washington
and British Columbia.
Mrs. Christiansen 7 'Honor
Guest at Attractive
Bridge Tea
Mrs. P. D. Qulaenberry and Mrs.
Richard Slater entertained ' jointly
on - Monday ot this i week - at a
charming a affair 'complimenting
Mrs.: Claude ; Christiansen who
only recently came, to : Salem to
make Jier home. Mrs. Christian
sen was formerly Viola -Husted of
Corral! is, an OAC : graduate and
member of the Pi Beta Phi soror
The living rooms of the Quisen-
berry home, where the bridge tea
was held; were s lovely vwith bas
kets of larkspur,' clarkia and Can
terbury bells. '
Bridge was the diversion Of the
afternoon, with Mrs. Gus Hizon
winning the prize. f
The guest group Included Mrs.
Christiansen, Mrs, Josephine Stew
art, Mrs. Frederick Deckebach,
Mrs. Breyman Boise, Mrs. Robert
Newton of Sacramento, Mrs. Karl
Becke, Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mrs.
Donald Young, .Mrs. Gus Hixon,
Mrs. Bert Ford,' Mrs. Ben Forbes,
Jr., Mrs. . Claude Steusloff, Miss
Grace Holt, f Miss Helen Rose of
Astoria, . Miss ' Amelia Babcock,
Miss Dorothy-Patterson, Mrs. Wil
lis Roughton and the hostesses,
Mrs.- Slater and Mrs.- Qulaenberry.
Bridge Club Meets
at Carson -t Home i '
An attractive club event of the
midsummer days was - the -bridge
tea" at which Mrs,: John U. Carson
was hostess lusher home on a re
cent -'afternoon 6V. members of"
her club and additional guests.
Mrs. Henry, W.'Meyers won the
bridge prize tor the guests, while
the prize among the members went
to Mrs. Orr4s Fry.
At the next meeting of the club,
on Saturday, of . next week, Mrs.
Homer Egan .will entertain.
Summer garden flowers, decked
the rooms of the Carson home for
the afternoon. At the tea. hour
Mrs; W. H. Burghardt was an ad
ditional guest;
The group included Mrs. Burg
hardt, Mrs. Hugh McCammon, Mrs
Fritz Slade, Mrs. Dan J. Fry Jr.,
Mrs. Henry Meyers, Mrs. William
Lytle, Mrs. Walter Barsch of Oak
land, Miss Mabel Robertson, Mrs.
Paul Hendricks, Mrs. Clifton Ir
win, Mrs. Donald Young, Mrs.
Ofris Fry, Mrs. -Clifford ? Farmer;
and the hostess, Mrs. John H. Car
son. .
Return to British Columbia
Mr. and: Mrs. William iKUtx ot
Vancouver, B. C. left the first of
the week for their home following
a delightful visit at' the homo of
Mrs. Klltz mother and sister, Mrait
H. W. Thompson and Miss Louise
Thompson. ; yr;V
. On Monday evening Mr. ajld1
Mrs. w. Connell Dyer entertained '
Mr. and Mrs. Kilts at dinner. They
were honored at -a number of at
tractive social affairs during their :
Salem stay.
Enoyable Family Reunion
Held Last Sunday
Particularly enjoyable among
recent erents was the annual re
union of the "Kelly Clan," which
took place at the country home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Q. Savage,
on the Silvertonroad, .last Sat
urday.; At noon a delicious 'picnic
dinner was : served, with ' games
and music the dire rid on of the af
ternoon. Three out of five 'Sis
ters, Mrs. J. C, Long,' Mrs. George
O. Savage and Mrs. W. N. Savage
were present for the reunion. The
other - two 7 sisters, one belne - In
the-east "and one in southern Cali
fornia, were not able to be in at
tendance . on account of i the dis-'
tance. , . t t
Canterbury bells "were used in
decking ; the? table where tha .2
o'clock dinner was served. ;, a
In the group: for the day were
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lang. Mr. and
Mrs. J. Kelly and son James, 'Mr.
and Mrs. E.;F Kelly and daughter
Ethelwyne -and json Don, Mr. and
Mrs. James Chinn and daughter
Glennice .Rae. -Mrs.- Mattie Kelly
and son Lawrence, ana Jimmy Mc-
Intyre, all of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. Raw W. Lang and. son Rob
ert of Vancouver, ' Mrs. -Stella
Bridges and . son Bobby, Mr. j and
Mrs. W. M. ; Savage and Mr. ; and 1
Mrs'. George' O. Savage, all of, Sa
lem. - : . i'
1 ir : i '...-,
Presbyterian ; ;
Missionary Society ". ' '
The .Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society, of the ' First Presby
terian church will meet at 2:30
o'clock this, ' afternoon -in the
church parlors. The hostesses of.
the afternoon will be Mesdames G;
W. Shand, H. Bayton, Minnie Lew
ls L. A. Chambers, Mary Darby,
J. B. Parker, - H. S. Bosshard, Jo
seph H. - Albert, N. '-M. Finkbiner,
S.. J. Lasky and Mrs. - Dallas.,
Live Wire Picnic Friday
- The' Live -Wire class , of Leslie
Methodist church will sponsor , a
swimming party at Woodland .park
this evening. 'After a picnic lunch
the class , will; hold their annual
election of -officers. They will: be
accompanied by 'Mr. ' and Mrs. A
C. Bobrnstedt, Mr. -Bohrnstedf be
ing teacher 'of the class. 1 . .
- i . ' ,
Miss Walcher Becomes Bride
Miss Helen Irene Walcher, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. w.
Walcher," became the bride of Mr.
Charles N. Stevenson at " an ; at
tractive wedding at 8:30 . o'clock
last night at the home of the
bride's parents on South Commer
cial street.
Motor Trip' Over
Mount Hood Loop f
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Dr.
Kenneth Power of Chicago, Mrs.
Frank Power, Miss Florence Pow
er, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baker, Mrs
J. A. Mills and Mrs. Waldo Mills,
Jr., and Mary Ellen made up a mo
I MtH rr l" .
: This Acme Quality Paint and Varnish Service Station is being conducted
to, your benefit. Take every possible advantage 0f it. ' Gome in today.
Salem Hardware Company
; : 120 North
Social, Calendar
I ir Junior and - intermediate ! pupils
of Joy' Turner, Moses. First Coni
gregational church. .8:15 o'clock;
f Woman's Home Missionary soci
ety. Annual meeting. ? First Meth
odist church. " . -- i
Junior pupils of Professor T. Si
Roberts in recital and Dunning
demonstration. '505 N. Summer
street. "
-Woman's Alliance of First Uni
tarian church. Guests of Mrs. J,
H. Ackerman at Monmouth. Meet
at 10 a. m. at church. . - i
Past Matrons' association." Mrs,
Ida Godfrey's, , 8 o'clock.
Satarday s- $
Pupils of Mrs. W. R. Bush and
Miss Marjory Walker in piano and
vocal recital. Leslie M. E. church.
8 O'ClOCk. ; 'f ; :t -. ' :'
t r!rtn1r1 tnnA aula T.adlAa nf tha
rimt PTAohTirf(1tiinrch. s. p.
ticket office, 184 Jtf. Liberty street.
Live wire class of Leslie M. E.
church. Picnic at Woodland park.
tor party ; for the Mount Hood
Loop trip on ' Tuesday. The ex
cursion was planned particularly
to honor Dr. Power.
, On Sunday Mrs. E. T. Barnes
entertained at a delightful dinner
in Dr. Power's , honor, - with cov
ers placed for seven. Pink snap
dragons and larkspur centered the
table, -while" pink candles --burned
in crystal holders.
.i .... - -.j, ,
Pupils of Mrs. Walter Denton
Presened in Three
Distinctive Recitals
The pupils of Mrs. Walter Den
ton were s presented in three. dis
tinctive recitals at the Center
Street Methodist church last . Fri
day, Saturday, and Monday eye
nihgs. -".r .-. '-.rt t
Talented pUpils of Miss Carol S.
Dibble's, school of expression, as
sisted on all the programs, pre
senting their, readings, pleasingly.
The programs on Friday ' and
Saturday were contributed, by Mrs.
Denton's juniors and intermedi
ates, each young participant play
ing with definite skill and charm.
An . event, deserving mention by
itself, was the third 1 musicale in
which Miss. Elizabeth Lewis was
presented, on Monday. Friday's
and ' Saturday's program - were as
Apple Blossoms Klickmann
Maxine Gahlsdorf.
Curly -Locks, ... - Orth
Bonnie Baldock. :
Babes in the Woods Maxim
Ila Mills.
Calumet--because it
quaUdes tlian anyomeribi
cive it a trial "and be
Instead of letting rust and decay " get"
them, Jim safeguards all his buildings, also
his tools and implements with Acme
Quality -jPainU He -says 'neglect is an ex
travagance he won't stand for, and that the
not only protects but beautifies his i property nd
makes it .worth more. Be sure
Quality, the paint with the 40
making goodJ For all outdoor and
Commercial . w :
Audry LaDuke. I
Morning . Prayer ' . Streabog I
Lolita Skipper. ,: ' I
When Teacher Gets Creea
June " - ' I
Ma's Physical Culture, v I
Lucille HacketL
The Jack Tar Maxim I
Young America J Jenkins I
. Dean Ellis.
A Summer Rererle (for left hand
. -. alone ) . , . : Bliss !
Alia " Minuetto . . Riviere
. Doris Barnett.
Harp Tones ' Jl Spanlding
Frances Ellis. . .
Le Chanson Du Ruisseau.
Frances Huston.
Mrs. June Prospectus ..
The. Nightingale and Glow Worm
Why Cherries Grow . .
Katherine Ellis.
II Trovatore j: - Doro
William Gahlsdorf.
Russian Dance .-
Elizabeth Lewis.
Why Was June Made
The Three Old Ladies
Why didn't Betty Laugh
Virginia Pugh.
Japanese .Dance Engleman
Helen Darby and Elolse White
Dance Caorissioso ....... ..... Cadmus
Dorothy Stafford.
Caprice Etude de Loots
The Mountain Brainerd
liersrers et Bereers .J3odard
Mildred Brunk Greenbaum.
Drlftine ...... ..... Friml
Laura Crabb.
Russian -Sone ; . Smith
Helen Darby.
Love Sone - Cadman
Sunbeams - Lieurance
Elolse White.
Arabesque Arnold
Katherine Elgin. H
Sunday MO'rning and the Cow..
Elizabeth Woodridge
Katherine Goulet.
Serenade ..1... .- Jeffery.
Spanish Gypsy Dance.. Mowry
Helen Ashliman.
Scheol Mackaye
Greetings for Two . Foley
Mrs. S. H. Van Trump
Valdk Mokrejs
Margaret Steiner.
Mockery ?RIggs
The Suicidal Cat . . Wells
Grace Elizabeth Holm an.
Reverie Atherton.
FliceLHart,Ast el...'.
Petite Bolero .... Rlvian
Helen Darby.
The Traveler's Joy Ketchum
The Voice of the Flowers.
. Lord Dunsany i
. Mrs. Rex Russell.
Midsummer Night's Dream .
. Mendelssohn-Smith
Laura Crabb.
has more good
t see
you, too, use Acme
- year reputation for
indoor purposes, use
' ; - alem, Oregon
. ; Doris Haley .
Cachoutha Caprice - Raff
Mildren'Brunk Greenbaum. :
IHow - Cpuld l Be ForgettlBg..
" ;"" 1 Ben UnrLampman
Ivnee Deepin June Riley
' i?ra aDD V. ' ,
Rnnhlinr Rnrlnr . . Kin
The - River of Stars 2..Noyes
j Lorene Hideout.
Cooked Food Sale '
The ladies of the First : Presby
terian church will hold a cooked
food; sale, on Saturday,! June 26,
in the S. P. ticket office on. North
Liberty street. . . : f r . .v . ..
Miss Johnson Leaves
Fcr CaUfwrria V rf
Miss Leila Johnson, an instruc
tor. In English at the senior, high
school, left this week for Los An
geles to attend- the summer ses
sion at the University of Southern
California. - Miss Johnson's cousin.
Miss Thelma Johnson, a - student
- Unusual Features
Oil Filter - Gaaolina Filter - R
, aukably Ems Saeerins - Uphot
rery in Latest Mod - Clear -Vtakx
Bodies - Special Otae
piece VWon-VentiUtiiig Wind
ahield - Dash Gatoline Gauge -Strode
Risk! Tram - Haavy,
Rigid Crankshaft - Special
Vibration Damper Machined
' .Combustion Chambers.
Our rtmi cw ara cood but
air tmuw ta7 an baraakw,
a mo bicigii thq urn aoM wltb
aattasactiaQ ant ia
r. . .... : ....
311 'North Commercial
TO THOSE-rwho have not already' discovered ' it, we wish to ;make. it ' known
that we have constructed -a first lass ahingle mill.: ' We can now supply
owners, builders, contractors, and dealers any quantities of our. own manu
facture of - . . . .
tar A Star. 90 vertical grain
'5to2Clear$;90 verfcalcrain ' - - ,
"1 8-in. Perfection. . vertical tirain . i -. !
The (ruth about
Cedar Shingles
.. A roofing material has yet. to be dis--coTered
that compares with good cedar
shingles in comBinirtg low cost and long
time durability. ' They are easily laid,
stay- put, and may be stained or painted
to - harmosise with ' any surroundings.
.... . -. -.- . . , . i .
Shingle roofs require lighter raners
,and ; nnder-structure than ' any other.'
type' of roofing. -1 r
An Important point, too often over
looked Is the false economy of 'using
low grade shingles when a high; quality
; tingle can be. secured. t v. I . ; .
of OAC; is accompanying her-as
far as Santa Cruz. Miss Johnson
will . visit . with relatives and
friends on the way. In San Fran
cisco . she (will ; be entertained " by
M lss Frances iHrubets . and ' Miss
Ethel McGilchrist, who left earlier
in the - season for California -.
Attends punning Convention
- Mrs. T. I S. s Roberts was among
the . musiq teachers - of Salem in
attendance at the Dunning Music
System convention la Portland
late, last week. .v., -:: .: ;
Motor to Crater Lake ; ?q ;
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jennison are
enjoying la week's .vacation . at
Crater Lake. They made the trip
to the resort by motor. ; f-
-."-; " ' :-:':f':7s;
Camping Trips ' to Mt. St.
Helens dnd to Government ,
Springs ls Arranged ft
Miss Edna Jennison and Miss
Alice Sykes left yesterday after
noon for Mill Plain, Wash.,' where
they will join a company of friends
That's tHe word the industry Has about this ;
Hupmobile Six- and that is what you ' will
say when you get behind the wheel and try
it out You'll actually thrill to its performance .
every time and every, mile you drive it. Here
you have all the sound engineering values .
for which Hupmobile is noted, in one of the
smartest, best finished sixes in the field. Fur- .
thermore, its unusually complete; mechanical t
equipment includes such important features
as an oil purifier, a.' gasoline filter and a .
vibration damper. .
Hupmob0 Six
8Un. Ew-nwmtr, loar-dxx. Q8t
. Coao. Uu liwiniir, witi rombU (,
SU8$. Tariss. SvapaMMr. SI33S.
EqwtpaMBt laclaa 30 by $.25 bmlleoa
tin. fovr-vhMl bnkas. AU
tio. b. Dooit. rfo '
Motor Go.
Telephone 311
i ... ... : .... . v,.
; , You can how biiy ";
Spauldin Shingles
' manufactured in
our own shingle mill
for two campiHg-trips-1 eee to" Mt.
St. Helens and tha second to Gov
ernment Springs. ' . Both .;Ml3S
Sykes; and ; Miss Jennison have
been re-elected to i teach at .Mill
Plain the coming year. They, plan
a two weeks' absence on the camp
ing tripsr- Vs . .v
Professor Kantner, Former.
Salem Boy, Presents New
Idea in Music Reading
i A large circle of friends ot Prof.
(Clifford . W. Kantner , of Seattle,
son -of Rer. - and Mrs. W. C. Kant
ner. wll be interested in the gist
of a new systemotmuslc reading
which. - he isrpre irarin g for -.publication.
irjYTot essor Kantner s at
tractedconsiderable attention Jast
week ax the Washington State Mu
sic 'Teachers' convention; in Ever
ett j when he presented his discus
sion, ."Twentieths Century Mnslo
Reafimg ST - -
Jthl the fwords of the Everett
Dally Herald, v who prepared, an
! f t iContlnaed on pf iO) '
n rv
8ds. tn.iHue,' SZMS.
BtfUaw. S244S. Coop, wmmi'i.
-with rombi ant. S234S. Kcdur,vtta
inaMMi,t2MS. Tavria. -p-
S3MS. AQtwicM L b. DmsoK. pim
- v; "
. -v' j , , . 1 1 1 a r i .
; Sheathing
? Roof Paint
00 Stains
Colors in oil
- '-Zff'r'' ''t:
.7 ''"'J .--y i jp (S Mm y 1"''" ' -i
Vouslas TirLumb
- Telephone
.. .... i ., - y- r - T-.---J1nw V.
f ' ,