X ,. . ' ITXC QREGON STATESMAN, SAU3M. OREGON ' - " , yEDNESDAY MORNING j JUNE 23, 1026 ' , - WEDNESDAY MORNING,! JUNE 23, 1026 DIES WHILE SWIMMING MABSHFIELD - MAX.- S.V MKETS ; ; DEATH IX RKSKRYOIR ' I L MARSHFIELD, Or.4, Juna 22. I J Term an ' Strobmeler, 35, was ' drowned - this afternoon while swimming in .the : Coos "bay com pany reservoir. lie leaves a widovr and two children! r f ; ? . - . v , -, , Seaside- Ten-mile section of Roosevelt ' highway, ' Hamlet to Cannon Beach; to be rock-surfaced. - - ran; o f scans li (Fl YSi (T i E Rl ALL" ALONG, THE LINE FROM SOUP TO NUTS Not on one or two items, here and there, just for bait to get you in and make you think you are getting bargains but all along the line, a definite saving on virtually every item. The following items wil ; convince you of v the sound economy of placing all your grocery, orders' 'with us: YV ' '. 'ri'r'.'r-:. This Dandy' MUFFIN PAN and 1 lb. of CALUMET Baking Powder For Fig BarS Chocolate Covered, lb....... 25C Lima Beans 2 25c Beechnut Prep., 2 cans... !l)C Spaghetti Oysters Very best, 5 oz. cans 2 for; 25c Fancy Shredded,' lb.. 20c Jeil-Veli 3 package, for. 25C Pineapple Sliced or Crushed Fancy 15 oz. Can 15c Campbells 3 cans for 25c COffee high grade, 47c lb. 3 lbs.. ... $1.35 As Pete would say: "The cup that cheers but does not 7 ' inebriate!" .V ikftTOtM' Phone 1-2-6-3 899 N. Commercial St. , . 285 Feet of Parking Space $5.00 Orders Delivered Free UNITED GROCERS OF OREGON STORE NO. 100 Troup Six, Sponsored by Ki wanisj Reviews Tender foot Tricks f . A demonstration of Boy Bcout work by members of troop six featured the Kiwanis club lunch eon In, the Marlon hotel yesterday moon.' Troop six. which war or ganized March 10, Is sponsored by the .local Kiwanis club. '. Among the scout work given were the scout law, by Jay Burl eson; scout sign, by Clifford Glea son; scout salute, by William Gahlsdorf, Jr.; scout handclasp, by Howard Pugh; history and sig nificance of the American flag, by Robert Utter, and the scout oath, by Wm. Gahlsdorf. Jr. - A first aid demonstration by Pat Carabell, Russell Rankin and Paul Hauser created considerable Interest. It included several ban dages, two methods of ! making stretchers, and artificial respira tion. Samples of knots learned by the boys were made by Jack Bush, William Bush, Paul Hauser and William Yarnell. . All the work demonstrated con sisted of things learned by the boys for taking a Tenderfoot scout examination. . f The next appearance of troop six will be on the state house lawn July 10.' The boys will establish a camp and give other demonstra-' tions of scout work. Director's Department Store Is building up a reputation for guar anteed merchandise; conducting a real department store; makiox steady progress, too. ' ( ' i " W. O. Krueger, realtor; progres sive, fair; equitable. "Crowing city and country make possible buy that will make you good money. Complete listings. 147 N. Com'l. C) PAHS' III 5 COUNCIL New Constitution and By Laws; Recently Redrawn, Are Placed in Force The value of the union label to organized labor uuions was stress fid by C. U. Taylor, secretary of the Oregon Federation of Labor, at a meeting of the Salem Central Labor council last night. He' told of what the label stands for in Improved working conditions and high quality goods in shops where it is displayed. Valu6 of. educating children in knowledge of labor conditions was also stressed by Taylor. Otto Hart wig, ex-president of the Oregon;, federation, ;spcke jpn the purpose of iho federation .and the work it does.' v : " ' . - , The local painters' union; which has recently withdrawn Xrom , the Central council, was re-affiliated last night; - A committee from the painters discussed the .reasons for the ".reunion.' ,,v;;i . ,The constitution and by-laws of the organization, which, had been recently revised, were adopted by he council last night. One thou sand . copies will be printed , and distributed, to members.: Hart man Bros, jewelry store. Watches," clocks, rings," pins, dia-. monds, charms, cut glass, silver ware. .Standard goods. State at Liberty St, - (?) C. A. Lutny. Keliable Jewelry store. What you are looking for in Jewelry. Where a child can buy as safely as a man or woman. Re pairing In all lines. () 1924 DEATH PLEA ELD NO Tell Progressive- Civilization League That Petitions Are Too Old HUB TO PRESEWT: EDUCATION TALK Will Take Part in Conference at Eugnee Set for June 25 and 26 -0 'G. W. Hug, superintendent of schools, will take part in the pro ceedings of the educational con ference to be in Eugene June 25 and 26. . Mr. Hug will discuss a speech to be given by Dr. B. W. DeBusk on "Scientific Measure ment and the Improvement of In struction." Dr. DeBusk is direct or of research for the Portland public schools. Other speakers at the confer ence, which is under the auspices of the University of Oregon sum mer session, are Dr. H. D. Shel don, dean of the University of Ore gon school of education, and Dr J. II. Baker, clinical psychologist of the Detroit public schools, and Dean Marian A. Brown of Univer sity high school, ; Oakland, . Cal. Members of, the , summer session f a c u 1 1 y and educators ' from throughout the state will present problems in education. ; Gabriel Powaer .supply Co., lumber, building materials, paints and varnishes, roofing paper. . Get prices there and make a big sav ing. Office. 175 S. ComT. ( .. . i f At Shipley tne ladles of Sales) .ave satisfied themselves that they can get the finest spring and sum mer frocks, coast and dresses ever shown in this city. Bonesteele Motor Co., 74 S. Com'l, has the Dodge automobile for you. All steel body. Lasts a lifetime. Ask Dodge owners. They will tell you. .(.) H. T. Love, the Jeweler, 335 State St. High quality Jewelry, silverware and diamonds. The eold standard of values. Once a buyer always a customer. () 38B;S81 PEIHTS ISSUED DRIVERS ! i Mar-ion County Stands High With 25,724, Polk: Re- : ceives 6,695, - Motor vehicle drivers permits '.'.! M bv the state dpartmeit since July 1, 1920, total 380,561.. Thej law became effective on tnac date. . Permits Issued to ; special operators total 921, students per- mita 370, and duplicates to re place originals that were lost or destroyed, 4i,4S6. ' The number issued by counties Is ai follows: BaKer. 6334; Ben ton.l 6996; Clackamas, 15,933; Clatsop, 8291; Columbia, 6712; Coos, 11,144; CrooK. idu; uurry. 1156; DeSchutes, 7225; Douglas, 9443; Gilliam, 1C50; Grant, 1C74; Harney;" 1340; Hood River, 4751; Jackson, 13.R12; Jefferson, ii3or Joseptiihe47P3r"Klamath, 8S7C; Lake.1562;Lane, 20,270: iinl coin, 2081r LInn,H,G0fi; Malheur 8125; Marion, 25,724; Morro 6695; Sherman, 161&; Tillamook 4873; Umatilla, 12.681; Union' 7 662; Wall6wa. S 4 3 4 ; WaW il32; Washington 12.137; Wheti cr. 609;yamhill, 10,167. ' Cross Meat ' Market. Bigg, busiest and best in Salem. Choi est steaks, bacon, hams, sausage lard, eggs, milk. Absolutely Ban! itary. 270 State St. (j ",i : .; - ' 1 .', . ' ' The Electric Restaurant serrea elegant meals: and' lunches. Try them; you will come agaMtan,! bring your friends. Best lnVSLin 479 State St. ft ' I A. Scheelar Auto Wrecking Co., oldest in the , Willamette t&i. ley. New and used parts and equipment. Low prices and qaai. ty service here. 1085 N. Com'l () Signatures secured to an initia tive petition circulated in 1924 to place a measure on the ballot of that year can not be made use of in initiating a measure to appear on the ballot at an election to be held this year, according to At torney General Van Winkle. The opinion of the attorney general was given-to Secretary of State1 Kozer in connection with the at tempt of the Progressive Civiliza tion ' League to revive petitions which bad been circulated in 19 24 in "Order t oplace an anti-capital punishment measure on the ballot at the election in November of that year. First National Bank, the bank of friendship and helpfulness in time of need. Interest paid on time deposits. Open an account and watch your money grow. () SALEM ITED Powers' 60th rUDAY ALE Continues AT t Store Giese-Po wer s Furniture Big Savimigs on Home, gs Throughout the entire store You are welcome to credit on iany purchase you make even at these special prices t . i Credit i furniture Company Interest ! i ' . j - ; i . , , . - f i ' '- - r- t . i i TO JOIN ft EllfJG Twentieth Annual Confer ence on Religious Educa tion Set June 29 Salem delegates are invited to attend thfc convention of the Polk county council of religious educa tion to be held in the Methodist church at Dallas June 29. This convention will be the 20th an nual gathering of its kind. H. J. Elliott 13-president of the council, and his wife. Mrs. Elliott, is secretary-treasurer. District presidents include E. A. Tedrow, C. A. Peterson and Mrs. C. H. Gii iam, and P. C. Ewing. The program ia full is as fol lows: Praise service, Mrs. Ray Henton; devotional, Rev. F. . L. Cannell; leadership training, Mrs. Jean M. Johnson; educating the primary, Mrs. B. Y. Allet.n; "How to Handle Mixed Classes," G. A. Peterson; "Dramatizing the Bible Tor High School Age,1' Mrs. Jean M. Johnson: questions. Noon, a oasket dinner in church basement. Afternoon Meeting of officers, pastors and superintendents, to plan year's work, including budg et; " Working with the Begin ners," Mrs. Elwyn Craven; report of Birmingham convention, Mrs. Jean M. Johnson; week-day social problems of youth, Rev. L. H. Wtllard; "A Balanced Sunday School," Benj. J. Kimber, and business meeting. ' WATCH FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT AIJJD WAIT FOR A ..... - i Jf 3rade Ctothing AND Furnish fill Goods WHERE YOU HA VE A SELECTION For months we have planned for this occasion, and very willingly many large . Manufacturers land Jobbers have cooperated with us, enabling us to now offer the public q matchless showing- and unequaled selection of i it MEN': BOYS' CLOTHING AT PRICES THAT, UNDER ORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES, WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE R EMEMBER THE Saturday, June 26th to Saturday, July 3rd AND THE PLACE, YOU ALL KNOW SO WELL' BISHOP'S CLOTHING and WOOLEN MILLS STORE l !TTiJJi.a-P mMm v rr - r USED -Powers' One Week Sale NlTILi T PIECES FOR THE LIVING ROOM, BEDROOM AND DINING ROOM GAS RANGES RUGS IN EVERY INSTANCE FAR BELOW REGULAR USED PRICES A drastic clearing of several hundred pieces of used furniture bedroom, dining room and living room piec rrodd occasional chairs and dining chairs gas and wood and coal ranges rues- kitchen cabinets--in fact every wanted item for the home. A large department crowded with bargains scores and scores of nieces re- l duced to new loW levels for quick selling in many ins tances 25 to 5 0 per cent below regular used prices. Ow v ing to 4the f aqt that quantities are limited on most of these items many being one-of-a-kind in stock all i ad- -IOP EARLY! , " items are subject to prior sale, f SI You Are Welcome to Credit on Any Purchase You Make-- nvei qx inese special if rices USE YOUR CREDIT rtfiirr? WE CHARGE NO INTEREST , 4 - - . -j. ( - L - P.t il . - - - . '. -a- -I