The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 23, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    - i
- ,-. . - i -
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Lunch arid v Speaking at
Aumsville at NoorvTour
in the Forenoon - '
To studyMhe . fctoilems of fiber
field five production will be the
purpose of a field tour and picnic
srldiiled by the AaxasTUIe Com-
y ciqd to De neiaron Satnr-
dkfwnne 26. V; fj r; .?
Arrangements- tor -the-program
hare been completed, according to
A. E. Bradley;-Amsrille farmer;
who has been attire in arranging
the tour. Those;paraclpatina; In
the eVent will assemble at 10 a. m.
at Aumsville -"park In Aumsville,
from which the caravan will leave
1 on an Inspection tour of a. number
i of fiber flax fields. Some very
' T excellent flax is being -grown in
VI Aumsville district this year and,
1 according to .some, lq as. good as
lias ever uccu . yiuuutva in me
Willamette..valley. , .
The forenoon will beJevoted to
inspection of a number of these
fields together with experimental
plantings being conducted by the
OAC experiment station. A num
ber of varieties of fiber flax will
be seen, together with the advan
tages or disadvantages, of various
methods and rates of seeding. The
vajBe of commercial fertilizers In
connection with fiber flax produc
tion will also be observed y
"Many notables have been fbVlt
to participate tn t&odn. day
program and includerJtlooV Walter
M,;, Pierce, governor; it L. -letter-son,
republican candidate' TorTgov
erkor ; Thomas' Kay. tata treas
urer: Frank " Dutbin, prominent
local business man and .farmer;
James T. Jardine,' director bt .the
OAC experiment- station.
A basket lunch will be served
atthe Aumsville park at noon,
and every one Interested In fiber
flax production In Marion county
Is invited to bring, a basket - and
spend the 'day In ',. studying fiber
: flax production and facts pertain
ing to it.
William L. Teutsch, district ag
Yalttvral agent,- has been asked
p conduct the field" phase of the
v or, while Charles Hein, presl
Jput of the club, will preside dur
ing the afternoon program.
Chaa K. Spanidlng flogging Co.,
lumber and - building materials.
The best costs no more than In
ferior grades. , Go to the big Sa
lem factory and save money. ()
j- The rug and carpet department
lot the Hamilton 'Furniture Co. is
one of the most complete in the
i state. : All rag prices below regn
I lax list. ()
I Supreme Court Rules Stock
? i .4 holder Has Right to In- .
I . . . spect Recodrs
; . A stockholder has a right to ln
' Bpect the books and records of his
i company even though it-is. for the
IV , purpose of bringing an action or
f fault against the corporation, ac
cording to an opinion handed
down by the supreme court here
yesterday v The opinion, written
by Jagtice .Belt and concurred ih
by Chief Justice McBrlde and Jus
tices Bean and Brown, affirms
the decree of Circuit Judge, Tuck
er of Multnomah county granting
to Carl Bernert a writ of 'man
damus requiring the Multnomah
Lumber' & Box company in which
he is a stockholder, to produce its
books and records for his inspec
tion'. v;.;;- . ' ;
The only time an ; exception
might be made, to this right of a
stockholder to inspect the records
of his company; the opinion holds,
would be in .the- event it were
shown "that'ajBtockholder in de
siring an inspection hasa sinister
design or an ulterior. motive which
may-esultTln in j ury . to ' the cor
poration in which event "a court
in ttha exercise of his discretion.
should not "aid- him." -;
' Since no such: "sinister design"
nor ulterior- motive" was shown
to exist , on the part of Bernert
the court holds that he Is, entitled
to inspect the' books, and records
of his company. ' v.
In commenting upon books and
records of corporations, organized
lied under the laws of Oregon the
opinion declares that "the right
of examination is not limited to
stockholders,. t but! includes: Tany
person interested there in and ap
plying therefor. , Nor is it pro
vided . that the .purpose' of the in
spection be, stated. The only re
striction is the inspection shall be
made t reasonable hours.
, "The effect Of the statute is to
give stockholders , an absolute le
gal right to Inspect the books bid
records. of a "company in which
they are-interested 4Jt was en
acted fortneirxprotection." &-''
i. .1
.. Pearcy -Brci &aT -ti finest
garden, lawn and flower seeds.
Poultryr-supplies i and - fertilizers.
Lowest prices. Seeds of high
quality. 17S S. Commercial St. ( )
The Bake-Rlte Bakery.' Baa)
every .day supplying best homes
with bakery goods of all kinds;
baked in a kitchen clean as your
own. 345 State St, . ()
Mrs. H. P. Stlth, millinery.
Most beautiful hats In. Salem; all
shapes and colors; foil stock from
which to make fine selections. Best
quality, i 833 State SU l
' and
Conway Tearle
Clara' Bow
A. H. Moore, Z35 N. High St.
apartments, and store where yon
can get high quality furniture and
furnishings for every room in
your, house. ()
poughton & Sherwin, Hard
ware. ,288 N. Coml St." Hardware,
Builders Sapplies, Paints. Varn
ishes. Give ns a call, youli find
out prices reasonable, . ()
' Also
1 ! . J . - ....... . ., - -rm ,
-r , today and" Thursday i i
? 1 ; ift
I t -"71 .
U -
' - wilv
- t,u i
1. X - I ' I
"Dancing Mothers," New
Paramount Release, Stars
Corrway Tearle
T New York City has been pictur
ed in song, story, and fable. O.
Henry, one of fiction's most lov
able characters,' always spoke of it
as his "Bagdad-on-the-Subway."
"Dancing' Mothers, the Para
mount picture, playing at the Elsi
nore theater, shows the other side
of a great city. ' It is a tale of the
bright lights, and the persons who
heto ta keep. them. UU V If y oMTe
ever wanted to see the lnterfor .91
a night club or Che Interesting
lives ) its enfcensT-nQW is
your chanced. The sordid side has
been omitted, and the sort you like
to see is there. "
Herbert Brenon directed ""Danc
ing Mothers" for Paramount, , It
was adapted' from the" Selwyn
Goulding stage success by Forrest
Halsey. "Conway Tearle, Alice
Joyce and Clara Bow are starred.
Pry's Drug Store, 280 N. ComT,
the pioneer store. Everything for
everybody In the drug supply line,
with standard goods and quality
service always. ()
P. I. Wood and Geo. P Peed,
real estate, 344 State.- Farms and
city property. . They bring buyer
and seller- together, fox. the bene
fit and profit of' both. ' x i )
Annual Pig Crop Proceeds
Fall 44 Per Cent, Says
The higli mortality in young
and new born animals constitutes
one of the chief drains on agricul
ture and is responsible for many
farm failures in the opinion of
Dr. W. H. Lytle, state veterinar
ian. In a report issued here yester
day, Dr. Lytle points out that a
recent survey conducted by the
U. S.DeDartmlnt .ot tAgrlcultnre
has revealed a loss of 44 per cent
in . the annual .pig crpp, of the
country through, disease, exposure
and ' mismanagement.
"This is ' a great drain and,
while not altogether avoidable. Is
of such excessive, magnitude that
the percentages may, with care
and caution, be. greatly reduced,"
the report reads.
Similar losses are experienced
among colts, calves and sheep al
though the mortality among the
latter is much lower than in the
case of other animals.
Better housing facilities at foal
ing, calving, lambing and farrow
ing time with ' warm dry sheds
and thorough disinfection of the
barns, corrals and yards, is rec
ommended in the report as means
of reducing this loss.
- -V
Pat O'Mlley : and Virginia
Valli Featured in New Pic-"
turet Playing Here
"Watch "our Wife.' Universal
Jewel co-starring Virginia Valli
and Pat Q'iMalley, is the current
attraction at the Oregon theater.
It ts a photoplay that is certain to
cause much comment wherever It
Is shown. It goes behind the scenes
ef home life and reveals the many
, : ; ' i" ; ' - 1. : J. . ; ' "I
littie difficulties that beset has
band" and f, w ite. "Watctt Your
Wife offers . something new Tin
motion picture plots. It is: clean
and entertaining throughout. :
t Miss Valli plays the wife of an
author made irritable by his work.
O'Malley is the author. Quarrels
are frequent. The wife fs just as
high-strung as the husband.. Di
vorce presents the only .way out,
and thQ . two separate. Eut the
husband ' finds that home without
a ,wife j is not much; the wife's
jealousy is awakened when .' she
sees her husband in the company
of another woman. The has--band's
-'Jealousy is aroused when
he sees his wife with another man.
The husband's companion ; has
been "rented ..from a social ser
vice bureau;, the wife's admirer is
a fortune seeker. I,
As Exclusive Agents for the Products of The
OWL Drug Co., we offer our Customers--
i, gj ;
f flu
To make this Anniversary Sale a notable one, The OWL
DRUG CO. has placed behind us its enormous purchasing
power. Read this advertl ent. Notice theprices and the
variety oTuseiulerch up the list of
aifticles jufint and come asxpii canj We have
bnuffht larere auantities. but cannotli thatiour stocks
of everything" will be sufficient.
1.. . ti
' . ... '" I - J-'i
Owl Ameroil, 33c
A 16-oz. bottle of this well known
mineral oil for internal use. It's a
wholesome, efficient regulator. " f
' Owl Agar, 33c
Many persons prefer Agar as a regu
lator. Owl Agar is as fine as it is pos
sible to obtain.
Owl Analgesic Balm, 33c
An efficient counter-irritant, invalu
able for, neuralgia .headaches, etc.
The 17c saving is worth while.
Owl J3eef, ,Iro4 &jyine, 67c
This tonic, made iniie Pwl laborator
ies, is worthy'of our; unqualified rec
ommendation; A palatable builder of
strength. . .. -
Owl Milk' of Magnesia, 29c
Everyone recognizes the value of Milk
of Magnesia. Here it is in its purest
. form. . : 'N; i;-
Owl Cascara Tablets, 17c
One hundred chocolate-coated tablets
a mild, pleasant-tasting laxative.
Owl Peroxide, 14c
; ' -Ar REGULARLY 25c
We have stocked up! heavily as, at this
,sale price, we knowthe demand-will'
be enormous. -! . .
Rubberset Shaving Brush
. - i , - .
Face Powder, $1.10
Peter Pan Opal Hue
K. C. L. Tooth Paste, 27c
This is a popular dentifrice at the
regular price of 50c. -" We recommend
it. V '
Rim Tooth paste, 27c
Another excellentaentifrice. You'll
want a liberal supply at the low price
of 27c nearly a saving of half on
the regular price.
Todco Tooth Brushes, ,33c
Made especially for The Owl Drug ,
Co., and genuine values at the regular
odco Denta
51.39 Hair Clippe
Tx&pf Dental Floss, 10c
Owl Witch Hazel, 29c
16 oz. of the best quality extra
strength Witch Hazel.
Owl Corn Paint, 17c
Owl Insect Powder, 23c
Almost; a household necessity. It
helps keep your home free from in
sects. ;
Owl Cleaning Fluid, 27c
Saves its cost many times over; It is
easy to use, safe and a true economy.
Audemard Olive Oil, 39c
A. fine French olive oil, for which The
Owl Drug Co. is the exclusive agent.
, , Palm Olive Soap
r4 Bars for 25c - :
Ravelstone Paperv 39c
Apound of good writing -paper at
way below, lie regularly low Owl
price.' : '-" -r. - '
' Ravelstone Envelopes '
pkg. of 25,19c
Sylvia Stationery, 47c
25 sheets and 25 envelopes of good
stationery in choice of three dolors. -
o Todco Hair c rushes, 73c- f
Pullman styte brushes, ventilated!
vebonrback, good bristles. A typical-
Owl value.
i . 1
i. ' i ' 3
Ivory Combs, 23c
Bobbed hair combs in several colors.
Todco Powder Puffs, 13c
REGULARLY 23e r - 1
These are ,3 1-2 inch velour puffs,'
nacked in individual glassine envel
opes. 6 different colors to choose
from. ; t
Hot Water Bottles, 51.19
REdULARLY f 1.9 i t
Made for the Owh This means f reshj
rubber and good design. Holds 2;
quarts. 1
, - - v;-- 1
Fountain Syringe, 5110
Another Owl specialty a 2 quart
Last-Long Fountain Syringe' com-!
plete with 5 feet of tubing. . ' ' t
Todco Absorbent Pads, 39c !
' REGULARLY 594 ' 1
. . . ' . . '." ' ' '' '" t
. . i
Shaving Cream and Razor,
1 Palm Olive Shaving Cream i..
' The Two, 35c- rf- w- '
Owl Theatric:! Z T tV
ream, oc.
One of the most famous toiletr'.i )
made by, the Owl. A thorough clean-
ser and guardian of the skin. We sell
a great deal of this fine cold cream.
Owl Lemon Lotion, 32c
A real saving on a1 good skin lotion
with a cocoa butter base. Invaluable
for rough hands and face. ':
Owl Borated Bay Rum, 29c
r RGtLARLY 45c 7
A shaving comfort containing men
thol and boracic acid. This item is
popularwit,us at thejeular price
of 45c. " - - 4 -
l: OwllUibcoKbl, 32c
Used as a massage to stimulate and
refresh the skin. Men like to use it
after shaving, too. -
Owl San-Ora, 29c
A refreshing mouth-wash. Owl San
Ora is effective in helping keep the
, teeth and gums in healthy condition.
Owl Lemon Cocoanut
Oil Shampoo, 32c
A concentrated shampoo with lemon
and cocoanut oil base. It cleanses the
scalp and hair thoroughly.
! "Owl Sldn Cream, 39c
Todco HandbrusHes, 17c ,
: ' " KEGULARLY 25c "
Alarxh Cloclis, 0129
Hartford : -
' REGULARLY S7.0O . ; ;
Electric Curling Ircna
A tQnlf. the fiesta J'H.UMctt
i f fniccmsTfiC OWL OOOG Ge. eapoocrs
98 c
:. . - tit ft '
r t - . m
El'tinee 25cK. . . ... Eyeninsr 35c