. THE OREG ON STATESMAN SALEM, OREGON ! , - 1 i ; 1 i ;? J; rl :irivn 228.432 I m.V 1 l X liuVV kI LJlVlLil 1 Ill "wwl f i L FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE lB,Yo2ri - ' 3 - Auburn Mr. and fare. eter' Richards honored their cherry pickers -with a social evening," when they InTited in a number of friends to cele brate the completion ot their har vest Thursday;" . Ice ""cream , and cake were serred 1 acid a, pleasant sptial evening wa: enjoyed by all. The guests were Miss "Alvjna Schurman, Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Mage and family, Mr. and Mrs. A.jjftv' sI4ndbeck and, family, Mr. FrS&f Cirod,. Mr, Lloyd Qirod and Mr. and Mrs. Peter. Richards. It has been - decided to hold Sunday school and preaching ser vice every other Sunday for the summer at Auburn. ; Rev. Culver will preach June 20. Let every one be present for an hour of wor ship and praise. ; . Turner r some weefes .agpl Jn camp, ' ia -able to drive his car.' ;' 1 Friday evening the last meeting of the - Wfllardti Community club was held in the church. ;- A piano solo by Donald Allison, and a vocal duet by the "Misses 'Edwards and Adams, all of Salem, were greatly enjoyed.; Rev. Stover of the. Con gregational cnnreir of Salenv gave an address m.Tha Art j of liv ing', which, everyone says was pnv &t. the finest. talks the dab has ever had,, .WRl Jones. pf Macleay gave a report of the state grange convention and talked on the in come tax bill ."which, the grange will sponsor. ' After games, ,the ladief served Ice team and 'cake. Thtr meeting, adjourned for the summer to, take up operations -the second Friday , in October. I Ball brothers expect to start their flax puller 'in aboflt ten days. Mrs. J. T. t.yle is home after three weeks vteit'ln Portland and a trip to her old hon in Idaho. - C. A. Bear has returned from Indiana, where he -was "called on account of the, deathof his father. On the return he) visited1 la daugh ter, Mrs. R. E. Stewart at Spring Valley Minn. - . t . T. JB. Ftinstoij, and. Scott Fun 8tOA.and.Fif spent Saurday af ternoon in Salem. r i ' vSurpriqe, grange met Saturdays, The attendance was- uot larfce oit account of the busy season. Mrs. Ol Baker, acccnbpanied her daughter, Mrs, G. Grover.aad fam-i ily to Newbergf, gafl$ay? - Mrs. M. A HUT entertained the W. G. Ts Vi wotniindJ friends, Wednesday. nlghC "- Miss Hall ie Thomas of Portland spent several days ..with . Turner . friends. . George Farris enjoyed his stay in Baker in attendance, at th'f state grange. -; V . Miss Bessie Davenport left Sun day for her home near Toledo. She was a member of the Turner high , School graduating class. -. ? y'f T. M. Bear and wife were here v" itrom Crawfordsville Tuesday. - leo Dymitt and family have .tnoved to Salem. - - . , Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Watson are home after a trip to Idaho where they visited their daughter. The Christian curch gave a children's program Sunday morn ing with a speacial service in the evening in honor of "mothers and daughters." . The Robertson annual ?, "picnic was held June 13 at th,e Taber nacle grounds. . , .; A number of Pringle folks en joyed the Annual Sprint : Exhibit and Forest Court Operetta, at the State " institution for the feeble mfcfrfed on the night of June 9th. Miss Erma Meeks returned home from -her school work at OAC and ta helping- harveet the fruit. . - ' - ' Earl Meeks of Oregon City an toed home, for a sn.ort visit at the weeks end. ' ' i J., D, Alexanders are enjoying a visit from their daughter and son-in-law from- California. ' " ' ' ; Grandma Qnimby is" feeling the effects of a fall, fehe received re cently. -r " Among those who have very fine loganberries this yekr, are J. r. Alexander and Wm. JPrjobst.;. , School meeting notices are posted for June '21. " '" KLiinore -Florence .Vidor v and Adolphe Menjou In ."The Grand Duchess and the Waitar." - iJ:.t. ' " i i Oregon- Laura la Plante, Har ry Myers, Kate - Price in "The Beautiful Cheat' from the Satur day Evening Post story ".Doubling for Cupid," by Nina Wilcox Put nam. ' ' ? ' Bligh Sid Chaplin in Charley's int." i. ' . Aunt. Helen Carmaci returned Monday from Newberig, where they at tended the Friends yearly ; meet ing, v- " . --.v :;. Mrs. Taylor of Salem visited her sister Mrs. W. E. Way Sunday. C. A. Cole had his mother and other . relatives visiting him last Sunday. , . : :. Miss Laura Carmack completed her year's work at Monmouth and returned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hadley and Miss Elizabeth motored np from Portland Tuesday evening. Cnterview-yergreen Mrs. W. J. Habipfiy. accompanied her daughter, MfsaJdiidred to Cor vallis last Tlinrsdayl .where Mil dred. took her last examination of the year.' -V-:: . " ' Mr. and Mrs: William Haver- nick were the guests of .their son, tra est, at OAU daring commence- Xweek. Ernest was gradu- f kViJith the 1926 class. T. O. Rue has about 20 pickers in his loganberry patch. The crop i is large.7 , - . - . , Mr. and Mrs. Edson Comstock have as their guests some former M innesota - friends, Mr. and .Mrs. JCarl Conklin . anJ two children. Mr. Conklin is a postal employe at f Oakville.-Wash. Friday the two S. i families, accoiripanied by Mrs. S. ' J. Comstock of Silrerton and Mrs. J J -N. V. Campbell of Portland, drove I to Philomath where they, visited Mr. and Mrs. A.' A. De-Franqe, al ao former Minnesota friends. ,Mr. and. Mrs. L.-B.Haberly are ppending twb i weeks "In Ellens brg, WdkSlv. visitlHg relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel doMe. are stay ing on the farm-durJiuLJ.ueir:'jib-sence. " v i , Mr.' and Mr.- Ted Ffet&y are're Voicing over the. jlittlef daughter, born June 3. v " ack Tabert, whowaahiared i Walter H. Zosei, automobile tires, tubes and accessoriCB.,. Vul eanlxing that holds. High Quality. superior service. A trial makes a customer. 198 S. Com'L ( White, Honse Restaurant. 362 State St., where hundreds of peo ple prefer to eat. All you -want to eat for less than-you-ean eat at Home, quality And service. ( ) (J- Don't Let- That Cold . -Spoil Your Vacation Takeu . . SCHAEFER'S HERBAL COUGH CURE Sold Only at Roseclale Mr. and Mrs. Porter and Miss Mrs. H. - P. StlOr - m 1111n.rV. Most beauuVal hats in Salem; all Bhapes and colors; full stock from which to make fine selections. Best quality. 833 State St. () First National .tanV. ttiA hnnV of .friendship and belpfnlpess -in nme ot neea. . interest paia on time deposits. Open an, account and watch.-your money grow.' () O. J. Hull Auto Top' and Paint Co. Ratlator, fender and body re pairing. Artistic painting adds 100 to the appearance fo your auto. 26? South Commercial. () Hairjfc & Eoff Electric Shop, 337 Court St. Everything electric, from motors and fixtures and sup plies to Wiring. Oet prices And look at complete' -stock. - '() ' H. L. Stiff FttiTiltn re Co., lead era in complete; hnrUe furnishings, priced to make you the owner. The store that studies your every need and fs ready to meet It, absolutely ' () C. P. Breithaupt, florist and decorator, 123 K. Liberty. Phone 380. Flowers, bulbs, floral, de signs for all occasions. .Pioneer and leader in Salem. () TJuster Brown Shoe Store. High class, stylish looking, comfort giv ing, long wer.rlng shoes for the least money. Go and "be convinc ed. 125 North Com'l St. () D. H.'Mpsher. Merchant Tailor, Is turning out the nobbiest and beet fitting tailorrxnadenits .to beasure. 1 0 0 business and pro fessional, men. buy of.Mosher. () 11 the Canners and Packers of Salem Are Very Much . r Rushed With Work r f On Tuesday and Tuesday night, In a 24 hour day, the- Hunt Bros. Co. cannery in Salem paeked 9518 cases, which means 22 8, "4 3 8 ana, 24 to the ; case.- : The same day, the combined output of their Salem and Albany canneries was 1 3,8 1 cases, or 331.584 cans, or at the rate of about a million cans every three days: , " T About three years ago, .this same reporter was able to record the fact that the Hunt cannery in Salem had made a record, run of 5000 cases, or 120,000 cans and that seemed at the time a stupen dous day's work. Well, one of these days, when ' things get thoroughly limbered up, most any day now, the output of this Salem cannery will be 10, 000 cases, or 240,000 - cans,, or twice the record of the former year. And even then W. .G. Allen, the manager for the Hunt people will not be "satisfied. . He will probably feel like he has done a decent day's work when , he gets up to a million cans for the Salejn institution. " 1 , " All the Salem canneries :; are vety"busy. The Hunt cifanery is on loganberries, black' .ahd red raspberries, black and Koval Ann chArries, with - sbtee'strawWrxies coming in; "in considerable' quan tities from the hill yards. Full 24 hour shifts are at work. The . Oregon Packing comp&nv is probably not far if any behind on total pack, but the reporter was not given the figures. They are using night forces on logan berries, and are busy on cherries, raspberries and strawberries. Paulus & Co. are running full handed in canning loganberries, and dehydrating both loganber ries and black cap raspberries. They .want all the black caps they can get. ;Ubby, McNeill & Libby are taking . great quantities of logan-, .berries' Xrom that plant to their eann?tJ iaC TJ16 Dalles- also .some strawberries yet. ' " ,. - The? Ndtthwest cannery Is work ing4, 6 4 - loganberries, , raspberries andeHerries ; working some forces at night. The West Salem cannery is running ?till 10 o'clock at night; busy on loganberries, Royal -Anns and raspberries. Drying some black cap raspberries. Sending some black caps to the dryer. They are canning some Bings and Eani berts. ';; "'" The Producers cannery is busy on slogans, and finishing cherries and black caps. Running some forces at night. 4 i The Starr cannery is Tunning two shifts, day and . night, on loganberries. Getting fine. "ber ries. ' Baker, Kelly & McLaughlin are full handed on logans, with some strawberries from the hills, at (hefr "Salem barreling plant, in the Salem Fruit Union buildinn. Running their plants with small forces at Lebanon and Albany. Black Cherry Shippers. The black cherry shippers are aff covered up with over supplies. Young &. Wells, at the end of the big . bridge, foot of Center street, need 40 more women for a night force, for packing Lam berts. Shipped three cars yester day. Snowed under with Lam berts. Vvli1 ft .: h i - Denny & CofiF snipped three ears of Lamberts .yesterday, running till 11 o'c,locc;;iasV nigW.'' V.!"' " T.' '' The cherry ; Jpoof people are covr ered up. Shipped ' .ope cajr'y(estejr 4ay. H.ope f tQ h'lp . two today". Wp.nt an extra force of women for packing. Are getting some Bings and ,m Black Republican; mostly. Lamberts. At the Pacific Fruit & Produce company plant. The Drafer Fruit company will commence putting dried loganber ries into cartons today; ready for the markets. muffler ; .. LIFE SAVING STAR Will Instruct at Red Cross Institute at Seaside Next Week CCH A EPEH'Q DRUQ 'STOBG 2Jtrinal Yellow -Front PHOJE 197 . Pertiar Store : Cooperatiori-the first principle of success Alf Union "Men - and Women, v your Friends and Families, are requested to be CONSiSTEfS' ' PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY and "LOCAL MERCHANTS. The following BUSINESS INfER-!. ESTS of our ity solicit the support" of all Working People and, together with all firms employing ARMY, ?AfVWi& OtB; Army. j& Onttng Stores ' -189 X. Oommercial Phone 1 J&8 ACTOMOBIXE PEALERS. . Glnpich Uotor & Tire Co. -515 S. Commercial Phone 635 MacDonald Auto Cp. 6S0 Ferry ' - Phone 400 i Marion Antomobile Co. 235 S. Commercial Pbone 302 Newton Chevrolet Co. 523 Chemeketa "Thone 1000 Valley Motor Co. ; 264 N. High Phone 1095 - Tick Brothers 280 S. High Phone 1841 BAKERIES : - -" ' ' Better XetJBaking Co. .-. 264 X. Commercial Phone 544 - Model Bakery 121 S. Commercial Phone 1657 . Peerless Bakery " 170 X. Commercial ' Phone 308 BRICK AXD TILE . Salem Brick & Tile Co. Tile Road Dr. O. Tt. Scott' 256 X. High -7 : Pbfflld ST. CLEANERS AND, DYER$ 1245 State Phone 703 Ifillpot & Son- i "' -305 State X. Ladd & Bosh Bk. Rostein & Greenbanmi 240 X. Commercial Phone 973 COAL AND WOOD Hillman Fuel Co. . 1243 Broadway Phone 1853 Xariser Transfer Co. 143 S.JLiberty Phone j03O CREAMERIES 'Capital City CooperatiTe , r . : . . Creamery 187 S. Commercial Phone 299 !(.- k. - . ....... . 1-. ' -i i HarfoA. vreamery m i 206 8. Commercial , Phone 688 ' ! :DAIRIES , - Pairmount" Dairy 910 S. Commercial Phone 723 Salem Sanitary Milk Co. . 1857 State Phone 816 DEPARTSIEXT STORES : C. JT. Brelcr Co -XoTthOonnucn iai Directors nrparf ment Store 188 X. Commercial Phone 400 Worth Department Store 177 X. Liberty 3 Phone 133 .. . - . cSfJ-C-tore , , jPTorth Commercial DRUGGISTS Nelson & Hnnt 198 X. Liberty Phone 7 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Portland Electric Power Co. 237 X. Liberty Phone 85 FILLING STATIONS Harbison's Stations Capitol at Market Phone 1930 West Salem s Phone 1792W3 Commercial at Owens Phone 1247 FLORISTS C. F. Breithanpt 123 X. Liberty Phone 380 FUNERAli DIRECTORS Webb's Funeral Parlors 205 S. Church Phone ISO FURNITCIE Glese-Powers Furniture Co. 357 Court- Phone 464 GROCERIES" ASTJ MARKETS -'-J-4':Z:Zf. Ii.-lfiBslelc Sons - - van. jwncrau :i383 CSBWT Phone 37 - tr-Z ... jGooley Pearson ; : 21 IN. Commercial - Phone 1371 . r Pade & Krueger 1 1 OO S.knamercial hone 763 1244 State . Phone 649" ..Simpson Grocery; ; f; 155 X. Commercial : Phones 48 ami 49 -:" ' SkagRs No. 37; 102 N. Commercial-' Phone 478. State Street Market . ' , v 1256 State 7 ' JPhone 574 v GARAGE - TOWING -.TIRES. . Lebengood Garage - .'.V. " Phones; V Day 564 Xight 131-W ' r IVilson and S. CommerdAl r HARDWARE.- - . . .-. -.. . . ; Doughton & Sherwii. 280 N. Commercial Phone 039 V ' - . , ' i t .. Ray L. Farmer Hdw. Co. 204 X. Commercial Phone 191 : Salem Hdw. Co: 120 X. Commercial Phone 172 Square Deal lldw. Co. 220 X. Commercial Phone 1650 " ' ice "companies " : iVa ; i. City. Ice Works 1441 Center " t Phone 73 JEAVE LERS 844 Court Phone 533 LEATHER GOODS F. E. Shafer 170 S. Commercial Phone 411 LUMBER Gabriel Powder & Supply Co. 175 S. Commercial Phone 728 MATTRESS FACTORIES Salem Fluff Rug & Mattress Factory 13 H amLWilbur Phone 1154 MUSIC STORES Moore's Music House 415 Court Phone 983 MONUMENT . DEALERS Capital City Monumental ", Works 2210 S. Commercial Phone 689 PAINT STORES Gabriel Powder & Supply Co. 175 S. Commercial Phone 728 PLUMBING AND. HEET METAli'."' 5 ,'" V Nelson BrArWva 355 Chemeketa .-Pfcfl30OS - - ' f REAL ESTATE AND ' iAi Vv INSURANCE : I Becke & Hendricks 189 N. High Phone 101 - ' nU SA.SII AND-DOOR MFG. . :. Hansen ALilleqafift 563 MU1 i. lPhikrie344 ft SHOE DEALERS "p 1 i Buster Brown'Shoe Store 125 N. Commercial 'PhoneTi' Price Shoe-Co s- 326 State " . , Phonb'tflO' 1- - John -J.. KotUe -Ib-wo- t 413 State ; r, Phone ?lltt- - -yvt f TAILORSil' D. II. 3Iosher m-m aat .Mkwaa' ' m 1 474 Court -C.: JhonO 36Q - ... , . nr.. .if THEATRES The Elsinore. ,.Jr : ' - TTBES'AND REPAIR . . -. v G. W. Day , 294 N. Commercial Phone 66 " Zosel's tfire Shop 198 S. Commercial ' . Phone 471 Salem Vulcanizing Gol 474 Ferry , : , Phone 364 TRANSFER"-COMPANIES r . D.' A. Larmer . 143 S. Liberty Phone 030 VULCANIZrNG WORKS i j-Salem . Vulcanizing. JTorka- .I 474 Ferry , ' Phone" 364 LIST ME BSE F, Burns Details Value of Rer tainjng designations for Products Morethan a million and a half Americans have witnessed demon strations of first aid and life sav ing methods performed by Com modore W, E. Longfellow, national swimming expert of the American Red Cross, who, together with Ed win H. Carroll of San Francisco, life saving director for the Red Cross vestern t6rrtory, will con duct the Red Cross institute at Seaside the week of June 20 to 26, inclusive. Commodore, Longfellow is one o.' the best known authorities on first aid and life saving. At one time lie was a semi-invalid, wtigli ine only 1C0 pounds, and com pelled to wear a plaster cast for two years, during which time he nsed to direct from a rowboat the training of life guaids. in the New York life guard, service. He now weighs 280 pounds, and by prac tice and application has perfected his simmicg technique so t'u&t, among many, other remarkable things, he can tow two people at one time, bring upaind! land 40 pounds of iron, .fiat anbsupport on his chest a .six-year-old cnild. .Fry's Drug Store, 280 N. Com!, the pioneer store. Everything for everybody in the drng supply line, with, standard goods and quality service always. () The Electric Restaurant serves elegant meals and lnnches. Try them; yon will come again and bring your friends. Best in Salem. 479 State St, () One of the inost valuable as sets to any business is its trade name. F. Burns told riembera of tne saiem Kotary ciud wean . . o.aUnud la.pwt.t.) diy noon." Burns is secretary of Hue .Northwest Canners associa tion." . y t ' i J I It is by the trade name that the quality of a manufacturer's goods becomes known to the world he said. Burns stated that a com pany should have its trade name registered as well as copyrighted. The copyright merely protects the sales value of the nime, that is, a! copyrighted label can not be imitated in design. But to pro tect the name itself, it is neces sary to register. . ( That the registration of trade ; .... t ' To CALIFORNIA By PICKWICK STAGES 30 HOURS TO SAN FKANCISCO Throaiffh Reclining Chair I Car Service Three Schedules Each Day With Stop Oyer Privileges Leaving the Terminal Hotel 10 A. M., 7:00 P. M., 1 :35 A. M. ! SAN FRANCISCO One Way . U, $15.50 Round I Trip ... $30.00 LOS ANGELES .$27.35 One Way Round Trip . ... ; , .$50.00 For Infonnatiort Call At TERMINAL HOTEL , or Phone 696 sSsmSSiwSSssSSSSSsn w ' . ....... -T - . I i35;North C6&zm TH6NIZj3j:YOUR i r HOIilE MERCHANT it Take advantage of the 'Big"Open Spaces" that nature has provided. Camp outfit's looon and the least expensive We are ihwii a window of camping necessi ties things that make your camp just as convenient as home yet it gives you that V big open space, care free feeling. - 'A ! 3 SEEiOUR EAST WINDOW We have tents of many shapes, sizes, weights, colors. If you will need a tent either wall or auto style see our selec tion. . a 1 4 t A V X XXX T.Tt -x- A 1 ; : . : ' 1 - J ! I STOOLS ! TABLES, i CHAIRS ! COOKING I UTENSILS r . 'r."v In fact everything b u t t h e (groceries are here u Miller Cozy CamiiBecl i-uu.m ii I ,aw f S rTW S S. S S S S Xm- ' v- ' - Mill 4 "v. er Cozy Camp Beds Are Sleep Pr'odocers r 4 ne most essential tning on a; camping triij is the ability to lie down at nicrht and Jrj really rest so that ydu rean get up next ; mornmg; resiea ana reaay to taKe m na-ir-l tiire's theatre of unending scenerjr.. Have a salesman demonstrate the flexibility and rigidability of these Miller beds. - x The Goleiri&n Camp 'Stove ; - Atiet you have used a Coleman to cookpur" trout nd , bacon on you'll never go baclc to the f ingW ; burning 'iainpV.' iire. Clean, safe and fast, these stoves add a lot of pleasure. " I i tr - - . - : r l y. ill I -J. ( 5 i,L ' T777 i V ; The Store Vith the Friendly Spirit Ci