TIIB OHEGOH OTATESHAN. SALEM, OREGON - -.' -.-. . - , T , , f. '-,.. i .... FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 192G : 5 3 Ilia Bldom of Bsauty: Can be brought to your cheek at will with the i i.new Colleen Moore Cosmetics. i. Colleen Moore complexion: powder in the "Youth Bloom', shades will give'your skin the glow of transparency at sixteen.,, , . . t. v "Colleen Moore' Rouge, Spanish .tint; vivid and enhancing, and already-a ' . craTe- among smart Salem people.-'. : : v... 1 . r Colleen Jiloore lip stick to match rouge' and powder gives-your, lips a - ripefreshnessinfinftely alluring ' "T " . jy . : - .;C;- . v ' (SelUngthis week at $19 an ounce.) 7v t. Other Colleen Moore cosmetics are Rerf ume, Bath Astrin- vjvgent Bath Talcum, Toilet Water, Talcum Powder AU these preparations are exquisitely pure so scientific is their base thaV ? they protect as well "as enhance. v. : V:,V .-. '",'" Sold'in Salem Only at . ' :' !' !V . Oil. ;thc . Sest ' i ' ' " STATE S TRL r VBlftTT' STORE J.H.WUctt , PRODUCTS Gcbd Vni 0::J:nJ . ' . - , s Yon know good huy when you , nee - a 1923 llndaon .cocn, good pAlat, good tlre ..j lot ot extra and r a flae - running motor for 575.00 Doa't mhm seelas this pap '1 ' " llii-lllTT T-1T'""' ''U r t ions will be on hand.r B. W. Sleeman.' business axent for th district v council-, of carpenter la Portland and other prominent Ter Bons, lncloding C. UTajrlor of tbe Oregon State Federation of tabor, aad Ben Wilson, lecturer, will be present.' ,-.- t , , CiyF-. NEWS- IN BE IMF The Weather. UNCHANGED - ft v Fair 'with ' cloudy or fo near tb'e Vast. i "Normal 4 tertperaWre, light to moderate wet nd otth west winds. Thursday Max.6SL min., 52; rliter: -1.4, stattonaryf ramtalfc noneCStiaosphere.clottdy ; wjnd. AnthtresUJ:,! &-- KamboarLt Faneral Friday" - -Tancral services' for : John N. Kambouf is-wlir be held today. June 'IS. at Broadacrea." Inter- faeBr-wlll be if )-.Clty lew ceme tery .; ::-j.';'Trv- father, William Fox; sisters, Mrs. Anna Hirtxel, Mrs.. Nona Roberts und Mrs. Lillian Rowley; brothers, Luther V-.Fo and XeRo;R: Fox. all of-Portland. 4 Funeral erTices and Intenaeu. wll be in Portland on Saturday.' . , L fjr-f 'Y", '." . . Dont Miss Seeing the Pontiac " ; Z Cut-Away Motor thte week at Vick! Brothers, v: ; i 4 JIS Rwmship Tfcketa'to Calif omia--Via Admiral ; Line. X Salem TraTel Agency. iifvre., Phone 534. - s,?- ; - f J 1 MUler Picnic IMd - xtiiinr Mtrcuntile comnany'a an- i friends was heitt at pagers, grove Wednesday etntng,72 persons br . in g present, v B. vK. Sis8onr neaa - of -the Salem store, - was - host. Swimming, games and sports t ;eat- f, are th entertainment, and a din j ner was served. Transportation was by automobile. . V n VoM Storage for Furs Suits and rags. Morgan, furriers. 318 j's Art! M i War on Weeds to Start ; Attention.: pt .Salem .'. residents tqjtha-fact lhftt the weed r waance season Las arrived and that a earn jjaign ag&tnst' thera should start ajt once, -was called by "Walter Jw. streettcommisaic-ner. ,. Action A the'paVtvOf , citizens will save city from doing- the work and assessing the cost' against property owners.4- The clty 'will thereby be made more attactite for visitors. Wanted. 40 Cherry Packe . Report lor ; duty - 7-'-o'clock this cvenlngprYbtjng" Kt "Wells ware- house. cast'Vdd Pofir(io. bridge.' .Phone 24tST - ' V J17tf Takes -Trio Souths - "W;1L Chase -left yesterday ' for" jjan .Francisco by way of the Reo woods highway., lie; will be gone ;abouVJhreeaoQth . ; I S FwrnltttTr-Pplwlstcry'- -- I ! And repairing. Oeise-Powcrs I v Furntturecpmpany. .;j I WTH u.o:iilT",s ..lis i ? I y ' Among Salem visiters yesterday were Mrs. L. C Cary of 'Hiibbard and Effie L. Oray of Iudepen device. - i'. '-y i-. Everything for- the .Camper " , 1 At StCItTStif f TnriiltuTe Co.tJ18 '. ' Members of3Uie Marion county v- court i will go to Niagara today to ;v Inspect the 'new piece of road e " tween that "place and Gates. The new route Joins on . to the govern meat .highway at Niagara. They will return" this evening. .7 I- Ml A i s - Furniture Fpbolsterx - 0 ' And repairing.- Glese-Powers Furniture-cpmpany.- . sSOtf ; ' ' Three licenses Issued : ' Three marriage licenses were applied for here Thursday.- They were taken true byGeorge IL La th ro p, truckmun. and Helen Phillops, both of SalenrrrLeo-'AT Potter, manufacturer ' of : Eugene, - and Marian Cecil, 'Kerns of fialeml Cecil ,Wrcatherif-66d 'and " Goldiel t.fj Kichatda. jaqth of Mill Ciiy Lost or Strayed ;,lt,jr - .' i Boston bulldog, license No. 2481.' Phone 75. ' ' "VjlS Funeral on Saturday. :-r; ?' ! Mrs. ilabI B. 'Jones -4 4 years o)d died -Wednesday, , beirfg sur vived i oy her husband " rt -l Jones a daughter. Betty Alta, a 4s if. UndehyoddTynewritcrCo. i : Piret Factory Branch 19 Court SU rhone 2S2 i TpewrjCera Jlented- Sold, ' t ' - .'--Bepalred ;t.--special Tental Vales' toStudent 1 THACYfS FUEUsT 1C7 D f'rect 'TTcI 13 Attends Convention ' . . i MisS Elm a Welter, Salem music teacher, will leave for. Portland today where she will attend a two day convention pf music teachers of the northwest. t Women Wanted : - U ' To work In cannery- nt" King's plant. f " W ' .;, - -- ' J22 SS.000. W T. Van- Slyke was issued a permit to repair the cne story dwelling at 151 South Four- teenth street, to cost $300: W. Li Phillips took out a permit to con struct a two' story concrete" dwell ing at 195 West-Lefelle street, at a cost of 110,000. f r. . :; ; ' ' , 1 - ? 'J, Big Dance Saturday Kite -; t' !; -i Clemen's Dance Pavilion Good music. ' Good floor. Well ventn- Jadsei ITArcy Presldi - Charles B. Moores, a pioneer of 1850, and past ' president, and Judge Peter, H. D'Arey. of Salem, past president. of the Oregon Pio neer association,' were present at the 54th annual reunion of the assoclauon in- the public auditor ium at Portland last night. The program . opened at 1:30- o'clock and. occupied the remajinder of the day and-evening. Nearly 800 persons who came to or were born m the Oregon, territory prjor :to its ' admittance 'to statehood in IS 59, attended the meeting. Judge D'Arey presided. Here on Business -; F. A. Rigley of Portland spent Thursday in Salem on business. ated.. - Seek Homes for Dogs ' The Salem humane society is looking for' homes -for two dogs now in its rare, One is a female Airedale, th'e other a male Aire dale and Ccllie mixed. Anyone wanting the dogs may get in touch with rr, Moorhouse of the humane society. , - '- v ' Z, : -A- '. Ride on Sidewalk, Fined ' . Cecil Jackson and Frederick Smith, both boys of this city, were arrested Thursday by Officer W. O; Edwards and -charged with rid ing their bicycles on the sidewalk. Each, was lined fl by. Judge Poul- . , ... . - -. , , . FiUrmount IIUl Building Bite 75 by 150; owner wires to cut price from $2100 to 81600 cash. Fronts east, trees, sewer, no" rock. Be first on -this. Becke & Hen dricks, 189 N. High street. jlS Buescher ;Iastrument , f Demonstration every -evening until 8 . p. m. Moore's Music House, 499-15 Court St.. : J19 Young People's Class Meets Members of the "young married people's class of the First Baptist ehurebnnet at therlrome imr their teacher Mrs. J)l R. Peterson, Wed nesday evening. Is; After a delight ful supper out on the lawn, games were' clayed -ufctil dusk; ; when a huge bonfire was' lit around which the lrosincsrTneetmr was heia. , ;. Yardley'iOW ' line Bond8tfcet i ouec Aructes,--'- wown r " Store;' :- u.' - j JJ1 -Lu- .G. Anderson -ot Eugene IWas arresfedThursdayl hy- OtflceriW. O. Edwards, and charged-; -ffth speeding "and" reckless' driving. V ' Vick 'Brothers' IhvMe on f ' '1. Tr m!1 at .ihir aalMrooms 'and see the Pontiac: Cut-Away PioVeVr Plants -j . ... , q. nReokletwrIng 'Cltargcd . f ' R, JELFaUises- of . route s. Sa- lent -waSrrestedX, Thursday by Of t icer W Or Ewarda and charg ed with reckless driving; He was cited to appear iorihlr hearlng- thls afterno- f &t.4 o'clock. Bates: TIe- J3ye.Ja, - I . Wit 'i 1) u raett jjr oar- Jewelers. "UtV- TT-v-r: i . J 1 1 B. A. Forson," 5l9 Court street, has 'reported to . local police that a large double decked black' leath er grip;was stolen from his car Wednesday night while it was parked on ,C$utt street. . Fur Cleaning i -t And cold storage.' Horgan, Fur riers. ? ; J18 -C.-&T. , ;.- : .j vj p- Occupies Donoy Ho: Prof. R. Dl Burroughs, assistant in languages .at Willamette uni versity will more into the home of Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney for the summer, during their ab sence in the east, j-vj-': - For Tjaae - - : New income business property. What have you? Also,- for sale new house $2100,; f 50 down, bal ance- monthly-; 'Best buys in lots In Salein, tiOO to $810. Lone Star Realty Co., phone 620:, . m27tl .vT. v. - - . Recovering Fjnm prration . Irene andiljilda Mernert, who recently had tljelr sonsils removed, . &evuiiB xona nicgtjr. Ant Ique " TabTeaT Chests, Beds s Etc; at Mrs. Fletcher's, 1385 N. 1 4th.SLw ; :.tS:s..4t9 Bicycle Brought Jn S ' ' Carl nvhlto-of . this city "found the fama oJji.Dayton i ibicytie a Nineteenth and Ferry streets and brought it,, to the -local police sta tion , Thursday'j 25- per Cent, Discount On bed room and dining, room furniture. H. L. Stiff -! Furniture llotel WiafaBltf' t Dollar dinner. 'serred' 5: 45 to" 8 ivery- evenIng.U ; - ; . 2tf Building Permit f-'T sined '7 , - Three bu1Idhir permits ' ere Issued Thursday from .tho office of the citr recorder. Gi . DaTis tooktta-lsrpfmTin:ocdnstxuct; a one . story dwellings and garage at flip Myrtle arqaye at j a cost of Vf ; FARlX LOAIs-S J PROMPT SERVICE EMl Eatat Xa Xarua . i ,w'4.., euroty JFondft. i t ' ' . Pr li. i:i:ll -. e:a r. s, saakx;i. nans 8174 i Swimming lastractor Arrives Pat Patterson, of the Crystal Pool at Seattle for the past , f e w years; and holder ot the northwest record for tho 22'-yard and halft mile 'Bwimsirrlvea r from Walla Walla v yesterday to assist M.. H. Douglas as Instructor at the Crys tal Gardens pool hero, - - WlntoTt, Rtign Offered . In- tlas Giese-Powers advertise ment' in Thursday morning's pa per, the phrase "Wilton Rugs" should have read "W'nton Rugs.,: , : J18 U. G. Boyer'ni-. " : U.- O. Boyer, county clerk. Is 111 at his home with pleurisy. (Why Is 'Pontiac Leadings A '? In .the light six' field. vSee th Pontiac Cuf-JLway'Motor at Vick Brottfere the you will know. J18 .":!, - ' -' - -i - ' Carpenters ; Picnic June SM " Plans were declared complete yesterday for the carpenters pic nic to be iheld. at Jefferion on June 0. - Portland Silverton, ' Salent, Corvallls, i Albany,, Independence, Dallas ana" McMtnnville delega- Ta Att4eneVAVeddins;.r.;:,;: President Carl Gregg Doney and Mrs Doney; left lor Chicago yes terday where they will remain for approximately six ; weeks," return? lng here on August 1. "Dr." Doney will perform the wedding cere mony of his on, Hugh Doney. at Chicago 'on Friday of next -week. His eldest son,' Paul, will be pres ent at: the- wedding and may re turn With his parents for a visit. '.i'.- "if " I I I , f - -. -i- , : 7 - ' : Drive to Pendleton-- Charles Kay Bishop, accom panied by Carl D. Gabrielson, su perintendent of the automobile dl Tlsion of the state department, left yesterday for Pendleton,- making the trip by autd. ? - ' ;; -U- i : - r . ; : -; Will Select Delegates : Representatives -of Capital, post Noll 9, American Legion,- at the satta legion convention at Marsh Geld,' August .5 "to 7, will be se lected on' Monday, night, Vic Mc Kemie. po&t commander, announc ed. Approximately 25 00 Leglonr naires - are expected., Eleborate entertainment Is being planned by posts at Marshfleld and I North Bend. A fund of 5.000 has been raised there, to .meet Tntertaln uient expense. " The .Legion auxil iary and the 40. and 8, Jhe "joy or, der," will also hold sessions. Doc Lewis is planning aa, enterialtttr ment for Capital post-:; Monday nightr which will culminate In a Joint session with' the auxiliary.-- .'' ii rl ' rndercoes Major Operation ; . Dorothy Shafer of 515 South Twenty-first.; street, , was given a malor operation ' at a local hos pital. ti In, Ground jFIoor i The district' north of 100 mod ern new homes. Laurel Park lots will sell for a good deal more in two years. , Today, $475 to S VO 0. Terms if desired; . Near school, In' dustries,. car. stores," and Pacific highway. ' Becke & Hendricks, 1 88 K. High street. ; , H 8pends Day Here-'"' ' William R.' Hughes of Portland was, in Salem Thursday. , j.. - . - - irtVfi.t-i Construction Starts Monday . Construction or t he oxrhead crossing ,on, the county road ;b tween J eff ersoa and Marlon, will , start Monday, according s to , an nouncement yesterday; , District Attorney Carson went tooTtland Thursday to make final -arrangements with the Southern Pacific company and Contractor Pierce of Portland, who will supervise the work, spent the day here. 1:V-" . .... .. . '.- t Frisco Man Here , Z " f T. . Wilkins of. , San - Francisco visited In Salem yesterday, j Portland Men Here - . E. , E. Rich of Portland visited Salem yesterday. H..S. Finn, also or i'oruand, spent the day in this city. - - - Attending Convent io ."47; C; Chapman, editor of the Oregon Voter, and Mrs. Chapman are attending the state newspaper convention at Prinevllle. Accepls' :few IPoslUon " !- T-J . B. H. -Wagner has accepted the position of assistant manager for the season at West Moore ranger station-at Harbor, Or. He -lives In Saleca. ' BE1CEES -V 4 - Parks Overtime W. W. Bellamy ot this city was Cned tl'byJudge Poulsen Thurs day for having parked his car over time. . . -' i Park" all 'Xlghr, Fined - The .following were fined $1 each by Judge Poulsen Thursday for Saving parked tSeir cars over time: ! HE. Maurice, 'F..B. How ard and L. Flannery. ; Plans to Arrive H. S. Gile. head of the Satem hospital board, announced Thurs day that plans and . specifications for the hospital's new. addition will be; completed 'and 'delivered - here tomorrow. As 'soon as the plans for the additions' are' to be had. bids will be called for. - Gervais Woman Recovering , Mrs. Ed Allen of Gervais, route i, critically ill in a local hospital earlier in the week, is reported to be considerably .better now. Gasoline. Store f&25 Two .Burner Special offer .far short time. H.. Stiff Furniture Co, ; -: :. jig RUtrnihTVIafa , - V.,A: r Frank Roaebrough formerly of isaiem and. a member of old Com pany M, spent' Wednesday in Sa lem; (v.f.,..'-4?. f vt ;--! V .: uiu Jjccture Friday ';.f. frer - ueorge B. Parker . wB talk on-diatetics and home-economics Friday, evening at 7 rSO o'clock ' fn the chamber'of comC merc.e..audltorium . The lecture- ia intenaed-primarlly for those - who cannot attend the lActnrAbf tt.. daytime. He la brought J.o-Salem beangle Btores ,5 Parka. Overtime . ? ' '--'i-' ; Fred. H. Albera f this K city 9M. oj Judge Poulseq .Thursday fer having narked hi Cedar Cfcests f 1.00 Dowb- Balahce easy terms at Furniture Co. Stiff's j!8 Special Sermon Sunday sJUsoecial sermon will he preacn- ed at the First Methodist church Sunday morning by Rev. M. A. Marvin. D.D. of Seattle. .He is in Salem giving a 'group of lectures in Kimball hall to members of the cn rrt m or Kh-.n1 nt thenloarv. "HOW Christ round Me" will be his sub- ject.; ; - ". " -. - m . .. Minor Operation Performed - Mrs. Olive Green' jof. 745 North fapitol street underwent a slight operation at a local hospital. Miss Agnes Morgan of Salem also 'un derwent a major, operation at a Salem hospi tal ..Wednesday. . Belonged to Pioneer Oregon Families; Born in balem, : - ; ' Studied Here : In San Diego.-Cal.,- on Monday, June-7th, j 1926, at 1?40 p.' m.. Bernice Frances, eldest daugnter of 1 the late Walter . P. and ; Ella Royal Williams, and wife of Lieut. John C Wemple, U; S. M. C., pass ed away, after a long illness. . ; She. was! born, in Salem, Oregon, but- the greater; part of her . life wasi spent! in the east, where she was' educated, attending the puo Ilc. school -la Washington D. CL, Belvidere seminary, iieiviacre, J. for four years, a short time in Peace Institute in Raleigh, N. C and a fyear In Willamette uni versity In jSalem. Her earliest at tendance Was in the kindergarten and primary school conducted by Miss Ballon in Salem. r: r' r' j She attained distinction as a writer of ; short stories - under, the pen name of "Bernice. Francis, many of her writings appearing in current magazines. Life held great promise, for the future, and her going has left a void tnat none other can! fill. She Was laid to' rest In Mount Hope cemetery on Saturday. June 13 th, interment being strictly pri vate The funeral services neid in the chapel Friday, were conducted by iRev. Ward of the Episcopal church, .being attended by inti mate friends and officials of the marine corps. . ; -14 ; . t Beside the. bereaved hu3baad. she Is survived by her mother; and only sister.'Mra.' Merle' Hereey of New York, and a little'niece. Dor- poison cause of death ery- wlthirLm reli; ,t- - - - - . tives in Oregon, the families ,of MYSTKRIOrS POWDER FATAL J1 M 1 iI" of the state. Amidst the beautiful flowers of California, our little white rose tell asleep peacefully smiling as she passed- to her rest. Portland papers please copy.) - i- -i Mrs.; W. P. Williams, the moth- Lretnre Delive"ed ' lD, fMarvhr; lecturer and for merly connected with the 'College ctfuget- Sound,' is delivering a series', of lectures in the chapel icpmof Kimball school of theol- ogy inv con junction, with the sum- ner school' session. - The lectures. toiWhifh -the 'public is invited, start each evening at - & o'clock. Last night he spoke on "Versailles Treaty." ' Following are' the sub jects announced for other lectures: Tonight, "The World Court." Sat urday, "The Dawes Plan." Mon day, ' ' The Locarno Pact." and Tuesday "England's Labor Party." Guests From Idaho Mr. and Mrs. C. H.. McDonald are visiting relatives in this city. They arrived Wednesday from their home In Meridan; Idaho, and will remain for several days. er, who is. employed in one of the government departments at Wash ington", D. C., was called to San Diego - by telegraph, r-.but; she-ar rived too late. , The sad message of her daughter's death was re- . layed to her on the train. WHEELER AND REED MEET ACROSS. TABLE (Continnfd from paft 1.) expenditures, during the past six years. Mr. Wheeler4 placed the receipts for last year roughly at between 8150,000 and 8200.000. Frankly stating that -the' league-made a fight :inf both the -primaries and the -general elections for the se lection of legislators favorable to -its cause and . conceded ' that : It took a hand in prohibition prose cutions, j f..:;... " Senator Reed Insisted on calling this "Interference" with the action ot the. courts, but' the dry leader L took vigorous exception declaring that what the league did was to gather the facts and present them to the "prosecuting officers with" such suggestions as It thought warranted. -. . " ; Where the dry officials thought a federal . agent .was : being "framed" the district attorneys were'so- informed, the witness said but where the evidence indicated that such 'in officer had "gone wrong" the league was anxious for prosecution. , - Explaining that he was' trans ferred to j Washington eight years ago from. Ohio, Mr. Wheeler said his work as - legislative' superin tendent in addition to that of gen eral counsel encompassed the ef fort to have enacted ' legislation favorable' to the prohibition cause and to defeat wet bills; -i wm Kreacn sermon , - - vv Rev. M. B.'Parounagian of 348 South Twenty-third street, work lug with the Near East Relief, will deliver the sermon Sunday yen in g at the -First' Methodi6t thurch. '. . ' I Annual Piailc IYklay-i-i... j -' The annual picnic of the men's Itible class "ot the First Methodist church will be held on .Friday eve- rnlog at the hQme of, I. T. Moore, 119 DivIsiod:street t The mother's 1 Bible class 'wfU meet at .the same piace; a. At , waeeiwriftni is i,ne teacher andrR K.Qhlinr ia pres- f . . ... . -- r-T I, ,r in 1 1 . i . i n i -... y Plans $10,000 Home ' I , Wi- Li : Phillips . of the Valley lptbr company; wlll erect a new residence ; costing approximately $ I o;o 0 0 C.and" coutaTnlng eIht'or riine. rooms. The 'new home will itand 4t 301T Lefelle street and will of "relnforeed . concrete .-with tcoflnfshy-t--- high, ITeatiag will be by hot water furn ace and fireplace. ; A tile roof .will be laid and floors finished in hard- wood. IO IX)RO CARXARVON &VN FRANCISCO, June 17. (By Associated Press) The death of Lord Carnarvon, famed Egypt ologist," long - unsolved. - has been traced directly to a poison coating on the casket of King Tut-Ankh Amen, Dr. Frederick H. Cowles, noted Egyptologist and fellow of the Royal : Geographic society of Great Britain, said upon his ar rival here from the Far East on the stecmer President Wilson. The death of a number. of .other evca- vators at King Tut s tomb has been aenniteiy tracea -to tne same source, Dr. Cowles said. He is on his way to Seattle, for a visit. "What the poison: was has not been determined." he said. "It's Composition, like the gold furni ture t and engineering - of the Egyptians, far surpasses anything la modern civilization. 'The poison coating of the cas ket' crumbled into dust with the year but apparently .did not lose any. of .its' potency. - Inhalation of this dust was fatal to Lord Carnar von and several laborers and had caused the acute illness of Howard Carter and ethers who continued, the excavations'.,"" . " ; H MARY E. SAYLES; PASSES Mrs. Mary Sayles 79, mother of Miss Marr. B:Sayles, a Salem teacher, died :at at local hospital yesterday. She is survired hy her daughter and'ason, A. .A. Sayles of Wichita, Kansas.; Funeral an- nohncements ,Wilvbe made later. ( DISEASES Treated hy Osteopathy and the latest. Electrical Therapy : in cluding Dr.-Abram's Electronic System.!51 ' : - .. - No Charge for . Consultation . DR. B. H. WHITE Physician and Surgeon 808 B. S." Bank Building' I Salem, Oregon Round Trip All Summer car overtime. OBITUABX" JOE WILLIAMS j -- . TV OlT ' , ta ( arn 531 CkmrtXt.iwCJPboa6 1C3 Cr:: Honrs froii 10 a. pa. .to C p. m. . : - . : i ..J! : I m lit n wt i --Jt""r' "JrB t At loc.al nospiul; Wednesday, June 1, Julia M. BntiAr a Zt Bhe 19 survived by her.hus- vurence a. Butler of Eu gene; her father, G under E. Wing er of Silverton; two brothers, Ed ward and Lewis Win Oregon, and ' four sisters, Urtb James Myers of Portland. -Mm George Laundershufen of McMInn- vuie Mrs. H, A. Ellis of Marsh field and Mrs. Clarence Jarris ot Marshfleld. Funeral services wfll be held in the Lutheran church at Silverton on Friday, June 18. at 2 p. a. Rev Hendricksen will Offi ciate. The Webb funeral parlors is in chargeV, . 4 I .' -4 - V Jam.. " i t ' - r . ; In this city, Wednesday. June it, Mir. jiiDle B, Jones, age 1 44 years.. Wife of BertrL. Jones, and mother. ybf Betty Alta -Jones; daughter- ofWllriam Fox., sister ot Mrs. Anna Hirtxel.-Mrs. Nona, xvuucria, - airs. x.iuian KOwiey, Luther W. Fox and LeRoy.RFoXk all of Portland. The remains. are In care of the-Rigdon & Son mor tuary. Funeral services - will' be held In Portland Saturday, Jnne II, at 2 o'clock. Interment will be in the Rose City cemetery. FCXERALS Funeral serrlces.: for John N. Kambouri will be held; Friday, Jane IS. at 2-o'clock-at Broad- acres. Interment will be In Hub bard. The "Rlgdon'ft Son mortu ary Is in charge. ' - - i . t : A COMFORTING! THOUGHT , TIa sweet as ear by year we Friends out of sight In faith to -. muse ; i -m i v How v grows 1 la Paradise '' our - store. -s-j. ; y John Kebla a W. Tl Ridden Cz Son 4- Ei?KarGrbttpi r - ASfSVAli v Sunday, June 27 I- K .- , Place and details'will be aa naanced in a few day, T H.r KTf Crawford, " Ralph Thompson aad R. C, Stevenln, committee. msvdh you know . TSLm . ...... . tiavor comes o - - - 4 -v - ' , BMmt HEALTH 1VJL ILILib ' for yourj :- , ; Health's Sake! But "fee. sure its "pure T milk, .You won't, go wrong if you 'Order from J . Et Di Beta Tw Plaa Trip East. Ck Sel-C t Krpma, fhtliiJrlplUa, OptM jtaw 1 ROUND TRIPS V Tvat ea ato dailr bcataaiae St; rtrn limit Oct. M. St. Paul f St. Louiit $87.65 1 y , Chicago- $92.35 i v . t , , . - . New rjforfc $153.73' . . . , Washington $147.91. Otker Palata la PrartU' - ; Tea foll tk rrrat ttlaaVU rlw water naAa. " w cMw tw ibm ana iaftiy appelate tnuaa. Oriental Limited Ndrth Coast limited a, p. a a. a. sc. c bl a a. s r. a . r r. & a o" ' Uafa St. I t a. av T Lr. Zvtom siaTTj av v.. Wila o-ilaata aarrleraaa Cataasa K ' : i ; jull Details,! etc., of - 1. P. KNOWLTON, 3. W. RITCHIE. - Tr4v.Psffr. Agt. . . , . : : - Agent 1 PHtyXB 727 OREGON ELECTRIC RY. - I ONE WEEK STARTING ? , ' t . . MONDAY, JUNE 21 - ''- . ' . - A , - - i i i " - Cleanest Carnival oh Earth Positively the Only ' a ' a ' : t . COMING TO SALEM THIS SEASON , " -"- -- - - - ; f- .-- -. -".I . - - .-" . - - ." " 8 NOVEL RIDES 8 12 NEW SHOWS 12 f KropIE RIDES 3 200 Courfeoiiis People 200 CIRCLE OF DEAT ! i FEATURING ULijANT LA FRANCE, THD 1 1 . 1 4 ?GIRL :WII0r FLIRTS ; WITH .DEATH" f ' fShow Grounds at 14th and 12 Streets i -ff -"ill-- ' I'i i Auspices Veterans of Foreign Wars. Plenty cl