THE OREGON STATESMAN.-SALTTt. OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 1926 WANTED MHiT OM VOSJ. s room house partly. furnished sea itobi ok . . 87j2y COM. t - ' ' ,A rHEKKT PICKERS. I TRAI LER8 B ERR Y TRAILERS. C WASTED -r J 00 Ci Fheael atercisl aa stock trailers of all ki - . Cemaee P'L Vice M I r. . cWm SI 695 MittSt. Shoo. 87j24 aw -a tiara. PICK ISO I - . i r nR 8 CENTS M '"l" wanted. Rt. 8, S''WaTl abo.l 5 btofk of Four Bex $D. " A toad, onth aide. onrse"- 19 ' ' : fOR SALE - CoapUU Tsleanising outfit la good eoodition at bargaia. .. - MAC DONALD AUTO CO. " ; '' - ' ' - 37a39tf '? Sala Idwestoak 39 ri& 3f.WIS- VETERINARIAN 529 8. Commercial. Pkaaa 1198. Re.' ' Phone" 1846. -i - , SmI3tf T nipflOV TOR EXOAYATINO, SEE J.LA. l808-W. 44 Wd for Sal 43 ..nau PIIVIKO. "iff Phona W. BASEMENT i 72 r 19ml4tf CITY AND: COUNTRY WOOD SAWING, , :Ti v" fh? nww Bros. Phone ' - ' 43jl3tf . -n. rmnnf TJ VIS WkiMm. csrs o 16-IXCR OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH ?B 72F2. L D. May field., - - 1 : . . ...... 43fltf pajval moataa. Ity aad mist. reside"- roomiaf kous at daring aasuaa . . . A ' V l( ' r any position ai reponsiu r.a"",.,.. Bo 637. Tor Bemt HOC8E FOE frosad Road. REST1947 .PAIR TOR RE-NT HOUSES. ASD APART iMDt. U Wd. 341 bt.U St t - BKST CRADB OP WOOD Prr wood. " Oraea aai wood. ' I'T aorood (Towth ftr. -pr -4-U. ah. and Oak. '. l'REIi E. ProhlDt dalirerr anil rMinnWi ,Im tap South Cfturch. Poa 1542. 43H8U lo-IUCH BLOCK WOOD, 85.75 PER iM, toaoa 814.00, aUo dry tit pad oak, pay UtirU. : Chaa. Ckritaa. Pkoao 14. , . 43alUI "N PURSI8HED APARTMEST WITH Oar 4a. 13fl W. 41k. , . 81184 NEW BC.V0ALOW; 5-ROOlt HOUSE; fornlvif aparuwaia, in $23. Pbooa 30. ljl PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14 Bf 1 IS Tordinfc "For Raat," priea lOooati ieb. Saiwoia-. Baaiaeaa Offlep. area ad floor. " - ' -,- t , FOB REST - 1S-ROOM PT7BXISHED ADt. aaaaa. "Q : 7-rmua kouaa. eioaa In, 123; S-room kooap, 23l "W. L. I Uatoa. Ar". 07 Orcgop Hldf, 81jl7 j ' Tor Hamt Apajrtaaamta 23' ' SAI.EM FVEL A; TRAN8PKR. 7S8 Trada Street. Wood. Coal. BriqncU, T raaler pad Maniac. Phooa 53t. - ' 43n20t ie-INCH If ILL WOOD PER LOAD. 82.75 la-ia. Sad til per Uad, 88.75; 16 lac a old fir per toad. 84.25. Prompt r delivery, i To. 3318. , Traey Fp1 Yptd. 10n7 D alreat. . 49a22tt OO0D COAL DRY WOOD, ' PROUPT DELIVERIES. , HILLM AN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. 43jZ9tl Itlaaellaaaatta 51' ATTEACTIVE Stata. APART3fXXTS tsss 23j30 11111 l Mil , l NEWLT AND B E A L'TTFTJLLT PUR - aUkad B-rooaa apartment, at 858.1 Lioarty. Pkaaa 1790 ior appeiatmaat ' -' i s,'- . , SSatlStt, THREE ROOM MODERN APARTMENT, partly faraiakod. Reasonable rent. Oom la. 288 K. Catuta. ; 23J13 KIOILT FURNISHED 8-ROOV APT Dowaatairs, prrrrtP bath. 1183 Courj St.- t- " -i 23o2tt ORE Y MARE CAME TO MY ' P&EM laaar. .Ovaer mar kaa aama by paying I ior ao. . k. lucxara. atiip warn Nortk HowaU aekaai kovae. S8J17 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BY TH IK wotdin. "JUofflii to Boat," price If caau aaek. , Statesman Baaiaaaa OUka ::. "i Tr Rat Hamaaa x- Z7 " FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT 4 ta 4 Bkontba. All modora eoaTeaioseop. laonire SUtaanaa offiea. . 2TJ14 1 I TWO-ROOM HOUSE. OARAGE. OAR, . ' tea, Cira blocka ta paper aaUl. - Call FOR BENT A GOOD CLEAN lO-ROOSI fnraisked koaaa an Ckaaeketa fit. , CJase- ia. A bargaia a $40.00 par . atestk. Ulriek a Roberts,. 122 h. Coai'L' Pkeaa 1354. 87)lfl FO' HKNT FIVE - - AOOM8 AMD aleeaiap aorek. Water, liakta pad tale- - akoaa freax $15.00 per montk If , o. w. uaiiar, aio w- 8Tia BOY'S BICYCLE Pkoae 13F2I. ' ; FOR SALE CHEAP. Sljlj HAVE PIANO THAT I WILL LET. RE sponsible, party aae dnrina summer far 4ray sge aspenaea i Tel. . 644-J 51jl5 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE oairinc. taiese-rowers a-nrauara more SECOND MORTGAGE 9400, at toad discennt. Baie iareat aaaat. . . VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. lat auad F 93: LOST -YESTERDAY 12x14 TENT BE twrea' store aad fire miles ot aa Jafferaoa kirka-ay. Reward offered to finder. Noilly H. L. Stiff Faraitora Co. - 58jlJ Maaar ta Ii 57 YOU CAN NOT LOSE OS OUR. LOANS Any amount yon need. Prompt serr lea and low rates. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. 147 N. Com'l St. Pkoae 577. . - 57il3M - - . FOR -SALE . '- : 5 BeresTsU aoroa pranes, gaod koUd- iDfa. 8 miles oat. tiz&ii. 6-rooos aew bnaraWw. east front, pared trot, 450O. T - - i . 5-raoai bungalow," 128S0. ' --r - ' ""W. A, LI8T0JT, Xgtmt. SOT Qragok.Bldf. - . ; 3ji7 w WANTED '-"'GOOD CANADA LANDS. aiaerta - preferred, im - esebaaco for Willamette ralley forma. Also - city property, far cloa la aereace, (Uloia prapeny wasted -la axekanga far a fiap noma ia YaneoBtar. Waaklactoa. Bra ad awvjtonsoa far sale oa vary easy terma. Barraiaa an axekangoa Sea Barber. ZOO Gray Bid. 83m2tf 660 CASH TAXES S los, cast frpnt. East Salem. - $3000 takes 3-raom bungalow, baaement, firo place. and furnace, cement walk. East Solera. F. L Wood aad Geo. Pe4.v841 Stata St. 68jlltf WILL TRADE Oft SELL ICQ CITY 6-rooa, all aiadera bona borderlnr Portlaad'a Boat aacnsip aad fastest rrawiar aak-dlriaiaa Mock CraaC Thia la a aaerifiea baraaip at $3400.00. WUl sraap jr las or seas is watem. -BULGIN A BULGIN 375 SUtp St. BSsaSStf 17-ACRE TRACT MILES OUT. PAVED i rasa, bid ft., frutt, creak. Umber. Saap (9W. - . ... ' 20 acres praaa ttrckardt heaty crop. will aalf . pay for place thla year. $7500 terma. -160 -a ere fans. 20 ta eultiratioa, lota timber; dear. $2000; want reaideace. 25 aerea. 4 acres bearing prunes near ackool.-$330O. aaay terma. Largest E. Salem, pared St. $800, tak ear for part. Good, iaceme property for farm. 2 nice aaaarbaa kooea for raeideaeea. Several pica bungalows aa aaay pay snsat plaa. PERBINB M ARSTERS 212 Coat. Clob Bids. , 63jl0tf Raal Estata 63 ' . -LOTS LOTS LOTS - $10 down and balance $10 per moot bay a $ f ia tat oa Madiaoa street ; Just across tb street from tko aew U iea atilW Priea $3SO. 'iatoreat $10 dowa aad Valaaco $10 per saontlij aaya a lot ia btf aeooaa aoa tiaa. PrUea S150 ta 3250. $10 dowa aad baXsaea $10 par month . kaya two fina lota aa south 12th street. Pirtea $500 for Jut. I. W. II. GRABENHORST CO. - Realtor. ; 134 & Liberty StreeU C i C3JI GREATEST TRADING OltOANtZATlON ! ; ON THE PACIPIO COAST 1 : ' We harp arar 8000 properties listed f far pxekaaga. Erary klad at property. , every price, every location, Wa aaa nstch ,m, .irhian FYAPTT.T . If ; you we14 iiie to trade year property J Known a good sheep ranch. 087 aerea iuua 1, come ia ivuti. , oee . t - J A SKILL a EARLE, Roaltara. Successors ta Parker Realty Co. I 108 8- Liberty. Phooa 8342. ' - - - V "- 3aml2tt FOR -SALE 5 ROOM COTTAGE ON Washiagtoa 8t.r north front, splendid location, for 82JKW.G4J, gaiO.OO cask aad balance Bionthly. "W. A. Liston. 807 Ore. Bldg. . .. L e3jl3 "' . ' 1 -' ' ' ' Let- aa show ya a 8-room koaaa ia fine ronditioa, good corner lot aa 8. Liberty street. A aery gaad ky a 83000, $SOO wilt handle. Yoav miad will not bo settled aatit yea get that beoatifel 7 -acre aoharbaa home north Salem, at $12,000 or wui trade. 1 . . WsbU can be aatisfied if yoa bay a aaw fatly modern' 5-room baagalow, oa paved street, at $3O0. $300. cash balance like rant. Bp : avro yoa aoo n l-ecre tract 7 miles from Salem, all ia f rait on good road, at $1100, easy pay meats. . Wa will show it. ? 'BOMETHIXd GOOD - Store baildiaa 24-60 with S living I rooms in back, soda -fountain and fu tures aaaa with baildina. - PltUnc sta- tioa in caaaoetien. : 4 goad lota ant 2 cabins. Located a the great Rooao velt highway. , A giveaway pt $4500. See as auickv Salaia Realty Co 462 SUtp St. if 63j6tf with new fally modera house, e lee- trie lights, place all well footed tar sheep, county road ta place, at $aS per acre, or will trade for etty property ar grain land, eaay terms ULRICH A "ROBERTS, -I2N. Corn L Phoae 1354. - 3j17 Heal ZUtata Trstdaa 65 SALEM HOMES PsttCSD RIGHT ' a-reeas koaaa, 4 lota aa pavsmaut. Priea S8000X10, half cash. 5-rpoai kaw koaaa. a good ana aa Market street. $8750.00. Tama. . 7-reom Falrmoant HiQ beawUfnl view. Priea $5,200.00. Terms. 7-roem good faoma ia North Salem. arrtea wv,uo. t TJCTOR BCHNEIDER RaaJior. i Losd Insurance Pkaaa 877 -I4f k'e. Coauaercial St. eSmJOtf "' " " - " ' 11 1 1 ' : - V . MIXED AD. " ; Close ia apartment bouse priced right. Will take rasrdeace. General store close ta Salem, good paying- pro posi tion Oils and three fourths ecree of fhaA Ja city Umtta of Salem $1500. , A bargaia. i- : . . ,". - - Psur aerea : of land close ta - Salens. titan f - One acre close ta ad Pacific highway, east front, $1300. A beautiful homo aita. . ; ; . . Bt-aer . farm, good buildings, 17 aaraa- fail bearing prases, 4 aerea yen ag orchard, drier, chicken koaaa aad brooder. - Three-room boa ga low, east froaV corner lot $1500, $150 cask, bsl aaca monthly.. Money to loan. MELVtN JOHNSON 109 8. Commercial St. Phone 659 : . . . ' , 03J15 IP YOU KNEW THAT YOU COULD ; borrow moeey on yonr reaideace aad la eaca af your daath, taa mortgage , would aa eaaceuea, yoa woaia oa ta lerted wouldn't ywal 1- make aaek loans. 8 in t sett. Ckaa. Hodkins, aver Millar'a Store. Phone 9. 57mlltf FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5. P. L. - Wood -841 StoSeSt. S?m7tf Warn ted Lokaa 59 tafcea sooa nKA2nMEaBaaasnsauMSB3auuss : i - ra Rami ranu . - z I llAvif SEVERAL IRRIGATED ARMS for . reat. : P. K. .- Thosaaaaa, Turner. Or Phon 6XX. - 39al ; r W'amtadlIlacUavmaovaa 35 rrisNiTURB 5 packino for SHip- - aieata. W fiieta-Pawera Furniture Co. -. t;v ; iv. s, .- r .-- -35420 WA VrEJk.. PRIVATE MONEY FOE ff 7m.laaB. Ws tin tereral apU4 WAXlED Private money ta loan oa goad real 4w. IlarIbiInhoest A CO. ( 184 8, Liberty. St. 59jl WAKTBD 'J-'-i": n " Meaey ta laatt aa good rest rotate aa- - eartty. . - - - ' 1 ' .k - : , W. H- GRABENHORST. a fco.7 ... Realtor. . ' ' . ' ' - 114 South Liberty Bt t "B15." y;- ' :- ' "e - ; 59ml8tf Basiacas Oppertvaities CI.,; - f en. oa hand. - HaWkiaa : las ,205 Orego Bldg. Roberta 85di4tf WOODRt THE , AUCTIONEER BUT8 Faraitora for cash. Phoaa 511. 83atf FOR SALE'' r-.1-'- - V-- Pint mortgagea 4a real aetata araW tag aerea per- cent interest., 2. W. H. GRABENHORST-A CO. 134 B. Ukerty St. . 61J16 Tot Sala 3T POUND. UK l u 87J19 RHTTBARB t CENTS A Mi. JAagaaafflart . . BUT, BANK POTATOES, $1.23 PER 8ACK , aVwaTakoaaa. Pkaaa 717. .. 3Tjl8 , WU'KIvH- BABY . BUGGY. RUBBEJl ferea Reteraibla body." $15.00. - T54 tf:daAoiH; ; : 37il8 OriheUm N6. 1 Bante fthbk tot. ai 'a sacrifica. Tai DANDtt CAMP OUTTIT FOR 'FOUR for sale cheap.1 , Tent' with foldag ' aprtag bed and. mattress. - Inside ante ; bed and Urge food bos. Phoae 1093-W 5 ar- 67.7. - - - - ?A.-C oOHKSHTBirr ' fa. Com'l 8t Silent: Oreron. , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES , Secend headtOre, restaurant,' grocery stock aad latares.. Apartment boase. Rooming house, store -building and ware house. Oeor P.-Peed. 841 8tata St. . . i : - i ia)2ltf r. All 1. 1 ' . . Brick baildinr oa splenaid" eoraer payr ing g-e-4 Jaeene.- -tTice- tt.,mra. . -W. H. ORABSNHORST CO. ' 134 Bv Libert St.. ' v Oljl Heal SataU Dlraatsry 62 - BECKS A HENDRICKS , 189 S. Hlgh... TeU 169. . . A. C., BOHRNSTEDT-. - - 147 N. Oommercial. t, -TeL 877. ' BC88ELLE. Realtor. 22$ N. Oommercial. , Tot. 8a.- r " CKTLD3 BECHTEL 820 8uta- . 4- h ' TaL 1727 NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. - KICEXT ftiliM. - Woodshed ana carafe. v - W. Walker, $08 N. 24tb. 8TJ18 FLEMING REALTY CO. 841 State. Room 7. TeU 303. FORD TRUCK GOOD Call T2F8. COEDinON. 87il5 W. Gs KRUEGSB 17 N. Com'l, Km. 1. TeL 217. NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. NICELY favniabed. Woodsheds W. W. Walk er. 808 N. 94th. . ... 87JI6 JOHN W. ORR. 82ft Oregon Bldg. TeL 3485. WILD - BLACKBERRIES! PHONE 37jl7 GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage. "TaL ll$. i FINE SILVER PLATE, GOLD BELL, Imut aew G aaxpohoea at a aaerifiea: So it at 849- Rural -Ave. - 87m21tf TRESPASS NOTICES, SIZE 14x9 INS, , printed aa rood 10-ounee eeavass, bear tag the words, "Notiea Ia Hereby trlveo That Treapassir is BtrieUy Forbidden aa These Pramiaea Under Penalty af : pMuntiH.f Price 15e each or 9 for . atiiMM Poh. Ca Salem. Ore- i ' ONE USED WAGNER ELECTRIC , Bihir. It k. a- 118 r. a. as. Single ahaaa 60 crele with aUrter. Price 8 J2 5-In 'good rohning arder.. Gideon - PtM. Co. 87il7 RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor. 141 N. Coot'Li Rav 8- TaL.217. SQUARE pEAL REALTY S. Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 470. ' WELLS TALLMAN A bON 318 Masoaia Temple. TeL 618. ; TIBBITS A ELLIOTT 841 State. Roost t. . Tel. 803. . TRIANGLE REALTY CO., -318 N.-Liberty. JSoL til. ULRICH ft ROBERTS 122 N. OommercUL TeL 1854.. AUXSTZZXB E. T.' PIERCE Aomrrine, Oregon. .flLVXETOS LUTHERAN- HOMESEEKERS -.-I . Silver too. Orpgoa.: . .1 w i. 1 11 v. i - - Notice Is heteljy glren tftat lhe I , -annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the State Saving and Loan Awodalion will ; be held at, the C"j said '"Association on 'the nice leenxn aayor j nur 19 s ( ai the hur of two -o'clock In the atternoon, ., for the pnrpose 'xt electing, directors and . for .the transaction of Such other business thi t-. inasr properly come before the; rfleeUnK. :'-."-?.--.-: , j ;CHAS ,W1PER, Secret? .piun'iii ri Pistols Carried in First ; 'Grid.Game at Georgetown GEOnairrowN. Ky.Aa-oclat- i-WslT football player fINUTEr MOVIES lotjn? .wiui irearmB was ed. to feaye the firitme under a rul ing; - iadei ' by the; referee in the firstifterconeglate football'came in I wllch -.' a ; Georgetown College ' JThe abie J was stopped "and a search; made of all players of both sldeSvj -Tw0 plajers .were" found with 1 ristols ' and; weraUruledf f the grjdlron. AGENCY v : V ' WHY PAY RENT S-roaai S baagalow. basement, hna dry rtrays, furnace, fireplace, bookcases, hardwood, floors, built-ia kitchen, 8 liaea clossts. 8 bed rooms with closets, garage, berth past Salem, 83750, $250 cask.. 38 aad iatereet iCoathly. 8 rooms, modern, $ lota, garage, lots ai fraiti $3000, $150iash, baUaea $25 aad iatarea monthly. $0 acre -all good lead, improved, $3000, $300 cash, balance $15 par month. " 29 acres fine timber, close to town, $1260. $100 cash, balance $25 month ly without Iatereet. Soeolofaky, Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. 341 Stata. . 63Jlltf loBOTTOM Acres all tillable, e aerea strawbarriea, k balance alfalfa. . right close . to Salem aad a , snap for 5 acres fa fnlt worth 31500 aad wui trade tor eoatetatag larger. - aa un proved. r- . : 10-room house, splendid laeoaaa and I worth 8800 for email -farm -close. IO pieely improved aerea all ia fruit. aa Bird way for aaly 8650Q. McOILCHRlST ft PENNINGTON 208, U. S. Baak Blda. Pkaaa 140- EXCHANGES ' 30 acres close in, want vaant ota, residenre, or sell oa easy terma. 20 acres timber, what kave real 40 acres . Kandolpk county, AU far Oreraa. " 12 rooms modern, consisting of two flats, want ranch. 5 rooms, modern, want 5 acres near Salem. SOOOLOFSKY. Real Eatata. Loana. Insurance. ' 241 State. 65jl3tf FOR SALE OA TRADE 8-raaoi modern hoase with, acre of laad ia Jefferson to exchange for Sa lem. low orice. Mi-aore prune raach. big crop thia year, ia amau town near Solata. Good balldiaga. Priea $4009. x 13 aeres. fise land, north of Salem. aador-f paced and improved. . Oa good terma, price $1000, ta close aa estate. 820 acres lying close to the ail fields la Montana, good baildiaga. hard wood floors la the house, about 100 under cultivation, what have Tea ta trada ia Salem or vicinity It's all clear of encumbrance AUgat .assume soma ar trade. Prised richL - A brick building and 810.000 stock af goads ia Los Aagelea, hardware aad furniture, to exchange far good farm . aear miesa. . 1 make loads aad write up all kinds af insurance. ;''-'. n . - u. n. uuiisn. eiu vragoa xtiag. sjjvw PORTLAND FOR 8ALFJM MODERN buncalow nearly new: fall cement basement. Gasco furnace, breakfast npok, etc Accept modera Salem home to 835O0. ANOTHER 5 room plastered bouse; baaement, furnace, paved street, near Peninsula Park. Accept good Salem home and assume or oar cash differ ence. Trr TttlAKQLK REALTY. 218 N. Liberty. . 5jl5tf Real Estate Farms 67 EXCELLENT DAIRY AND OENERAL purpoae farm ia Turner Aumsvi..e district. Exceptional laad for flax. Lots of buildings $6,500.00. A. C. BOHRNSTRDT. . 147 No. Commercial St.. Salem. 07jl3tf ; - - Sr-ECIAL PRICE - ' For quick selling by tha awaer, with small ..dowa payment. With terms. Maka aa affer Far Sale ilO-aerd ranch, well Improved, close to- mtiam oa, oavea rugaway. f ractlcaliy aew hoot. Other bulge- in ine Condi tioa. Prase orchard and berries, ,alscf grain. Black soil,' worth $5750. ' Prtee. only 450r $506 down, rest terosv -Will aoastder Ealeat xear 'deBcg for aTty af , 2950. c t - . J - Far Sale 8-roeia kungslow,' aoadera,- aa fiertb Vepitol 8t. acre ground. 14W feet froatage. Pared Bt, Worth $450O for quick , sale. ' Priee $3930, $500. rest easy terms.' - , ,',-.. Far Sals New-butigalaw, garage,' 2180 Market St.- Lot 4xlB7. ktaa JocsUty. Price oBly $8&0, pay littia cask, reat For Sila'e iebiatet. vaeahfWs trap and .clear an -Martet t. Priea -only $393 aaeh. . Special fries ta quitk buy en WIU rta.t 4aaj-tely. Will x chaage' for sqoitv ln.amall house. : For Sale 4-roo Aoaas.- 2173 Btate St. with almost. H--acre groundv Otd house remodeled, - a. beaatiful looaHty. Priea oaiy-a?7d0.aa(K.- tteat term. . au tha " abeve are - aay porsoaal pro-pert y. If you want simtthiag good see owner, 31t3 Stata St.- -Aar -tiaie. day ot evtnlng Wtiag far Calif oraia, i k4 quick k yon went something good at low special price make bop. an oner. .1 FA, WHITE4 " '. 2173 .State St. ' ? . . 83J18 WONDERFUL BUYS Modera Bungalow 6 Room Only small paymeat dowa, balance like reat. Price $3000, just for a few daya. Ideal location. Immediate passes- ess 10 a. , Another One Vf o rooms, lights, bath, garage, price aziuw. New Stucco 4 Rooms Has 2 bed rooms, living room with osk floors, fireplace, garage, fruit. Paring paid, dandy location. Priee for a few days f850. - $2500 Hoase. 9 Rooms Only $500 dowa, balance $25 month, Property is .well located, and well worth $3500. Owner away, will sell at a sacrifice. - CHOICE LOTS -Just put aa the market. Price $750 for inside lota, corner lota $1000. an South High, corner ot Cross street. .To Bay a Heme Whether id the eity or Conntrv . See CHILDS A BECHTEL.' .Realtors, 320 State St.. 1st aoor east Bush Bank Bldg. 63jl5tf A CONFECTIONERY ..PAYING FINE aiviaenus. ssauu. 11 vmr Quarters - ro with it and lease with rheaa reat.' Sev- -eral fiaa fruit farm that will consider. city property; yies will pay areUbat owaed by eaU?-people tkroagh in heritance, and WOWten who hava Inst their hnsbaad. . Beaotiful Ertriish home south, 8 rooms, furnace, frreplsc. Mou bJa. rarags.. oak . floors.-, xcslleat 4ron- i atructiep. fine view of the mountains. ouuo.- Bsverai now modera .hemes thi. cah b purchased with aaty-dowa payment snd remainder Uka rent, $3500 ap ta whatcvr-yon waat la a home. Several: rsk( properties aad aabarbaa aeraag In half sere ip la - restricted district, $730 "an acre, close ia and aame-aaaaaal features. Let me ahow xats. - - . - . . . WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor - 316 Oregon Bldg. 63jl3tf 20-ACRE FARM, CLOSE IN. GOOD roads, berries, fruit, timber, pssture. Price 94500 oa esay term. 80 acres. So better farm any where, tiood" soil, new buildings, roads aad priced right at $9000. Some trade. 68-aerea on paved road, best of con dition, modera buildings, and equip ment, price 8 Trade for Sa lem home. Bur, set, trade, borrow or loaa through VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. 147 No. Com ! St. Phone 577. 67jl3tf 1 FOR SALE 62 . seres sll ia Cultivation, weU fenced. New bari good 4-room bouae, fine location, immediate possession. Crop included (a bargain). Price $87.50 an acre. F. L. Wood, or Geo F. Peed. 841 State St. 67jl5 Tor Sale TJaad Cars 79 -.-!. .- .---USED -- - .' - . Trucks LIGHT AND HEAVY 'r Berry and Fruit. Dodge. ton. pneumatic tires all overhauled C. , $225 1Q23 Chevrolet ton, disc wheels aew transmission, aew rear pad $225 Dodge taa acreea 1924, good sa .new : 9385 Ford Panel delivery 1924, sew body . and tires - , . . .. $285 Republic I1,, ton. gaad tires, good shape ; $323 Traffic 2 ton. pneumatic tires, a dandy track, 8 new, aU aver. , hasted . 8425 2 k toa Republic, aew aolid tires, AI ronditioa. Sea thia ane $750 Graham truck 114 too, good value, - pneumatic front, aolida rear....$ 550 We sis hsave soma top values ia ased cars ia both open and closed models. 1923 rrd coupe $250 1926 Ford eoape, ruae 20O miles, fully equipped $625 1928 Fard roadster, balloon tires, water pomp, Bosch ignition $375 1921 Dodge touring $275 1924 Dodgd roadster, balloon tires teg-tons paint, guaranteed g625 1923 ' Dodge touring, all aver haaled - , .$450 A USED CAR OR TRUCK IS AS DEPENDABLE AS THE DEALER WHO SELLS IT BONE8TEELE MOTOR CO. "Under the Big Tent" Center and Com'l Streets, Salem 79jl6 F. N. WOODRT ' Salem's Leading: Expert Livestock, Far . niturs and, Re! Estate Auctioneer aad Appraiser. j Kea. sad Store, 1610 N. Rammer Street. Phone all For Hale Date. Established Siaee 1918. a6tf June Sales USED CARS MANY MAKES FOR MAY PURPOSES SEE THEM AT Kirk wood Motor Co. Ml N. Com'L TeU 311. 79jl6 Stop Foot Pains QUIT WALKING Ride in a Ford We Have Them . Cheaper Than Shoe Leather FordsFords These cars hava had up to $100 spent oa them ia the way of repairs. You ar safe ia aelecting one of these: 1924 Model Touring $275 1923 Coupes , . $245 to $265 1923 Truck, complete $265 1923 Touring, oversize tires $200 Pordson Kebutlt Tractor $275 up to $375 1924 Star Roadster mske us sa offer $50 to $123 Antomotjilea See these for good knockabout cars , Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oregon 79jl3tf A SIX CYLINDER DELIVERY CAR roadster front with delivery back.' Will haul big losd. Guaranteed overhaul 10b. Just the thing to hsul berries Corns fa sad look it over. Priced to sell. Squaaa Deal Welding Co. 345 Ferry St. 79i.l6 USED Buicks OKKKKKUCEKKKKEKKKKKKKKO K ' FOR SALE!. K" -. . s -Kv A Nw..;4-rooj Jiaasa.- - Owwr' K leaving Salens Prlco $175 for equity, bal.'fiS, a. month includ ing intnest. - 7-reom kouso ia North Ssleta.' Coracr lea48xl83. Price $2260. Will exchaaga for small house sad 1st Or acreage. Loaas. KRUEGER. Realtor, . lasaraaea.. 9-147 Ji. Com'l St.. Real Estate, f Phone 217. 63il5 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K OKKKKKKiKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO TOURJ8iP jAMP-ON MAtN "HIGHWAY, store, cottages, g station, $8500. ' 10 aerea ; all equipped ready tar asaasseeplag, 90000. 10 craa aa highway, ask. trees, - praaes, strawberries. : ruaaing , water " $6500.-: ;:: 15 aeres aa highway aad beautiful aama 815.000. Wall located rroeery atora, flxtarta and fsraiture, $1650. -: 8-roons kous N. Summer street " 86000. " - 5-rooat aew .English type sons cloaa a foaw.' - - Apt. kaasa, large corner $5800, fur aished. v . . f t . s Koominr a oats' fsrnlshed sips in $7500.- .-:. 5 Let close ia $1200. w s- hoi dose ia, $3000. " GERTRUDE J. U. PA0E. 492 N. Cottage Street, v ea'9U 1 1 Clasalfied ' ads Brine Resalta. will build, to Suit purchaser. lo ia. Laurel Park .addition , have not eounv 11 price, 47 ta 97QO, you choose Tyour lot shd kaase plans aad wa will,, buifd year home -and ell on terma yea can handle. Becke A Hen- drtesa, J89 Si; High. v . 63jl8tf s' BARGAINS llT Hnurs -, $1650 Xsarly mew Joar-raoat home with nreDiace, plastered, located ia H, , galem. , -Easy .terms. ,fcy .yooa ire-room Bouse ia N. Ss .'aw Cf," WP't -EH Term . ttuvu siva-roooiFDaaiP -ioeatad - an tared Si. Aad kaa line, $50 dawn alaaea .$25 par atanta. $3100 Klne-rOom home located close - i aa soraer at S. Commercial . aad Bush HU. Terms. . -$3000 Nest 3 -room bun galowt splendid - "f.f "cshea aa , Fairmouat Hill senaa. : $2650 KeW 4-room bungalow with -aard wood, (loors, paved St. and : J' v sireplac. $280 down, balance '"" 11 kp rent. . - - $3650 New five-room home modern ta every way with . garage, baee et, -(araaco aad. fireplace. $500 dowa, kalance like rent Located aa pared St. aear school aad baa Una. $4000 Nest new English home, mod era In every way with garage sad paved St. $500 down, bal 1 anea ssoathty. Immediate pos- aesaiea. $3500 Good aix-room home with two leu located ana block off State . St. Terms, Farad street. $3730 Attractive alne-room bungalow ' homo, well located with fine view aa Fairmouat Hill, lot 50x150 oa Pr,Ted St. r Terms. 97900 hr stucco homo, modera la every detail, located aa Fair meant Hill, A-HOME MOST ANY ONE WOULD BE PROUD TO OWN. Terma. $18,500 Attractive 7 -room home well lo cated oa State St. Modera, ia every respect, and a real buy .. for tha money. 11 IT' 8 A GOOD , HOME YOU WANT TH18 WILL SUIT. $16,300 New ap ta dots aiae-roaat name tea corner l pad N FARMS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE $14.700.00 248 acre located near Kickreaii, an in cultivation. 2 seta Of buildings. a real bargaia for' the price asked. 1 6,000.00 Buys 40 aeres located 4 miles: oat on the Garden Road near the Swegle school, no buildiDR. $11,500.00 Buys well improved fruit ranch on paved road south of Liberty, 8 acres of Itslisn prunes 2 acres of petitea. Sty aerea of cherries, 2 seres ot Loganberries, 4-room modern bunga low with basement and furnace, will tske modera home ia Salem sa part payment. $15,000.00 - Buys s gool '75-sere farm lees tea pear Woodbura, 55 acres ia eulti ' ration, large house. A real farm for the money, owner will accept eity property as part paymeat. g $ 8.500.004- ; Bays a : good 60-acr river bottom farm, geod' baildiaga,. 40 acres ia cultivation owner will take home ia Salem as-part payment. $13.M0.00 Buy a good 105-spts farm near 8c k, owner will accept house and lot in Salem or small aeresgs. $ 8,600.00 ' . Buys a good 43-acre farm located 4 mites east on Silver-ton road. 'all ia cultivation.. 5 -room house, 2 barns. IF YOU WANT TO BUY, TRADE OR SELL? SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., Realtors, i 184 S. Liberty St. Phone 518. - . , 67jl5 - -'" H 1 ' ' T v r - 1 1 . Raal Batata-1 Sa par 6& OSE ACRE CLOSE TO" CAR. SCHOOL. .sad store, good boil, lots of fruit, ber , ries. Fiae view. 6 room, hou mr electric ' lights, wster ' ia house, chicken house, ' garage. Accept Salem heme around 83000. Tr TRIANGLE REALTY. 218 N. Liberty. Phone 651. 69jl5tt 10 ACRES WEM, IMPROVED SUB urban. Lota of fruit and berries. Mod era house. Psved road 88.000.C0. ,80 acres clone in.. Some excellent peppermint land. Creek- and spring AC. BOHRN8TEDT 147 No. Com'l SU. Salem. Oregon. , 69jl3tf . Wasted AratoaaebUea 77 CASH PAJP Anta Oa. FOR FORDS RIKRR 77ml2tf Far Sala Used Cars 79 lacat Summer . fits. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. -- , LET, US WRITE YOUR FIRS - i INSURANCE , t ,i W, H. GRABENHORST ft CO.' ' ?r . r vf - Raaltors, - ...--" 134 South Llbertr St. ; Phone 513. FORD. LOOKS GOOD RUNS GOOD 950. Cash or terms. Iaquire 1655 N Capitol. after. 5 p. m 79jl9 Buy Now Unusuallv fiae stock select ased aato- blle. Attrsetive ia sppesrsnee both iasid aad out, displsyed ia neat clean salesroom waere ooarseaoa represeuia- Uvea will tell yoa about taeaa. Dodge Touring. - Stadebaker Roadster. , 'Essex Taoring. aew palat, ; Ford Coo pes. ' . v Hudson Cosch. - Ford Sedsn. ' Used cars, percussed at our. salesroom nave the habit of pleasing me ouyer . H 1 pirn, ar rwmwvmmvwm F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 858 Nartk ComwTcial Street. ; Phoaa. I960. CArrfr:An uudson ESSEX 'V t 2 : : ' -- ''-. 79j 12tf Roadster, lata modal. Msster Six 4-psssenger coupe. Buick enclosure 1925 Master Six. See these offerings today, whether you buy or not. We will appreciste the op portunity ta show tneas cars to you. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 356 North Commercial Street Phone 1260. 79jl2t( Eiker's Guaranteed Used Fords 1923 Touring , .! . $31 1933 Coupe . $235 1923 Ford Sedan , . $245 1923 Roadster $220 1923 Touring . ; : . $325 1925 Ooupe . $445 1919 Touring jt,. $ 70 Stock-complete. 62 other care choose from. Soma- aa low aa $45.00 EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 121 79a23tf CLASSIFIED BUSCIESS' DIRECTORY - Of Reliable BnsirMa aad Profeiotutl Firms Arranfcd In . :AIphabetIcaI Order Tor Qttlck Reference r; ;; f r AUCTIONEERS NURSERY STOCK: II. F. WOODRY a SON v Apctioneer Pay a Cash for Uaed rarnitara. ' 271 N. Conimercial. Telephone 75.' FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES fearey itiwa.j 17" - s.oaamerciai. ' - -: ' ? PACK3NO AND SHTPPINO FOR EXPERT I FURNITURE PACK I NO aad - shipping, call Stiff's . Fnraitare Store. : Phone ' : ' PAPER3ANOINO AMP PATNTINQ -PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. 'ACCOUNT ANT PIANO TUNERS G. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor, 331 H State. - Phone 2093 K. I all'26 BATTERY AND EXECTX1CIANS ! EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piaaa tarter. Leave orders Will s Maic Store. PRINTING R.-D. BARTON f' EXIDE BATTERIES. tarter and generator wors; 17,1 South ' Commercial. FOat STATIOXKRY. CARDS. PAMPH lets. programs books or sny kind ot printing. Call at the Statesman Pnot-, ing Department, 215 S. Commercial. Tel. 583. Phone 198 COURT ST. PLUMBINO JOEfWlLLIAMS PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Oraber Bros.. 154 8. Liberty. Phone 550. f!9ff BICYCLES AND REPAIRING RADIO LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI- 1 cycles and repairing. 387 Court. CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DECK I M. HUM " Chinese Medicine Company- Help any known diaease. 420-426 State. 1 i sSOtf I CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. SCOFIELD. P. S. C. 828 Ore gon bldg. Fbone 2194. DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC, CHIROPRACTOR zoo J. men. Phone BZs-K or 87. HEMS TIT CHIN Q APRONS. LUNCH CLOTHES. HEM- stitching, buttons and stamping. Over Miller'a store.! Room 10. st2tf- ELECTRICIANS DOME8TIC ELECTRIC CO. ELECTRICAL WORK 263 S. Commercial. Telephone 1720. ! a21tf FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980 171 Court St. FARM PAPER IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send 15c to the Pacific Homeatted. Ssiem, Oregon, for s three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. i POULTRY MEN r SEND EIGHT TWO- cent stamps for special three months' trial for the bef.t and eldest Jonrnal in the west, j The articles and sdver-' tisementa are bf specie I interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poaltry Journal, 211 Com mercial street. Salem, Oregon. FINANCIAL INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN ON SA lem homes, business blocks and apart ment houses. I P. H. Bell 520 U. S. Bank Building. Phone- 2474. FOR SALE riRST AND SECOND Mort gaged. TruHt Deeds, Contracta on houses Will net 6 to 30.. BKCKEia HENDRICKS Heiliz Bldg., 189 N. High St. ! ixtr I FARM LOANS -r- PLENTY OF MONEY '- to loan on good farm security. . CITY LOANS We are loaninr Pru dential Insurance Company money on city residences snd business nrbnertv. -at5te, plu4 commission, Hawkins Roberts,. Inc., 805 Oregon Building. ' . '- I d-14tf FLORISTS FERNS. CHOICfc ROSE8, GLADIOLUS, perennials, ahruba, weeping birch, iris, etc Bennett Nursery Co. Fairground Road. Tel. lj80. . . fl5-'26 Radiolas For Every; Purpose Every Purse All 'standard Sites of Radio Tubes . IIALIK A xEOFF ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court St, Phoaa 488 - RRAX. ESTATE 'r.-': IF YOO HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if yoa are looking for a kama, farm. or business 'property, see as. BECKE A HENDRICKS - " 169 N. High St.. Heilig Bldg. j8t REAL. ESTATE GOOD 5-ROOM COTTAGE and ' 3 east. -front lots each 50x185 at D and 22nd; . cement bssement; paved street; high . ad well drained; fiae raise at 34000; -easy terms; owner will trad for any thing he can use. EINE CORNER 75x125 at Lsmbersoa and .Capitol i near Parrish high school;.' row. of ornamental trees; choice, roomy - beautiful; unexcelled location; $3000. 1 TWO-THIRDS commission to say licens ed broker making sale. - HARRIS, Masonic Bldg., TeU 795. 2440-J J15 - eawjaaaaaaaaawsaaBmBwaBBBeBaai . SCAV ANGERS r CITY GARBAGE CO. OFFICE PHOXE 35. 157 S. Commercial. Res. Phoaa , 2290. I SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED j EVERYTHING I CLOTH ing snd shoes. Best prices paid. Capi tal Exchange. 342 North Commercial Ptiose 1868-W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAXRINO 8TOVES FOR 8ALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kinds of wov en wire fence. Fancy and plain. Hop .. basket and hooka, logsa books. Salem Penes snd Stov Works, 250 Court St. aaaaannnnBaBBBaBaSpaaBB TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OF AL T kinds. PBona 72FZ. i WE MOVE STORE AND SHIP HOUSE" hold goads. Oar specialty is piano aad -furniture moving. Wa also make eoun- ,. try trips. We handle the beat coal aad ' . T wood. Call aa as for prices. . Wa giv .v "" good measure, good quality aad good service. LaTmer Transfer Co. Phoaa 934 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER C. - 228 Stat tttr; pnone 983. .- Distribttting, forwarding end storage our specialty. fi Get aar rates. WELL DRTT.LTNO Reliable Used Cars Ws have a complete stock af good standard 'makes st all times. It will pay you to look tkcm over before yoa buy. Fred M. Powell Motor Cars 350 N. High. - . Telephone 2126. .. . v 79m9tf CCT FLOWERS; "WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, daroratioas. C. F. Breithaapt, florist. 123 N. Liberty. Phone 380. 1 R. .A. WK8T. Phone 110F5. road. BT. a. BOX 103-E. 2 mites east aa fisrdea WATER INSURANCE LOANS. REAL ESTATE, GENERAL In surance. G. - W. LAFLAR, 410 Oregon Bldg. i . Summer Bargains JUNE CLEARANCE SALE OF REAL VALUES IN USED CARS. LOOK HERE MAC DONALD AUTO CO. BEFORE YOU BUY. . 7-Pass. Stephens Sedan. 5-Paea. 1926 Cleveland Sedan. 5- Paaa. Special six Studebaker Touring, glass enclosure. Gross shock absorbers. 2-Pass. Buick Roadster. 2-Pass. Overland Coup. 2 -Pass. Ford Coup. . 6- Pasa. Franklin Touring. S-Paea.Clevelaad Touring. 5-vPass. Mooa Tearing. S.Pa'ia- ftuielr Tonrlnv. 2. 5-Psss. Studebaker Big Six Touring, a t Ki nA . 5-Pass. Dodge Touring, 3200.00. . 5-Pssa. Haxnea .Touring. - 875.00. Our Msny careful buyers, know that they always gt aatiafaction ia sal mobiles bought from aa, convenient terms and easy payments are arranged to suit our bnyer. MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage snd Ferry St. Phoae 409. Ooen Sands vs and Evenintra. Msrmoa WUlya-Kaight Overland. 79Jlltf NEW YORK. Every new mod em Improvement eventually runs up against a snag, until more Im provements are- necessary. Thus, for, lo, these many years the fin gerprint system of identification has been considered practically air tight. But Benedetto Arlia, bricklayer has ruined the happi ness of finger print. experts.' Insure Your home or car now Phone 181 BECKE! A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. 189 N. High St. Jt-tt SEE SOOOLOFSKY AGENCY FOR real eatate, loana, fire aad auto in surance. 5 LAUNDR1E8 SALEM WATER. LIGHT- A POWER CO. Office 804 - South Commercial St. Tea , per cent discount an domestic flat ratea paid ia advance. No deduction for ab sence or any causa unless water is sbat- off your premises. . - 1 - .i. - ' V ' TRAVEL ---' r . Safely.i Swiftly and Comfortably - 5 ia bussea of the Parker Stag Ltaee - Stages Leave for-- rt - . .t 811 vert oa- 7 a. m.. 11 a', S p. aa.'...i ? sis. angei ii a. m., i p. m. CAPITAL CJTY LAUNDRY "The laundry of pure materials." Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway. THE NEW 8ALEM LAUNDRY THE WglDKR-LAU.VDKY Telephone 25. j - . 263 S. High. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry. Phone 171. 1356 B street. )17tf LADIES' TAILORING Dallas 7 a. m., 9 a. m.. 11:25 a. at. 2:10 p. m 5:15 p. m. Falla City 7 a. m.2:10 p.. as 5 :15 p. m. iBdependeace 7 a. as 9 a' ss 11:15 a, m.. 3:10 p. m, 5:15 a. as. Sunday only 8:30 p. as. Monmoutta 7 a. 11:15 s. ww 8:10 p. as., 5:15 p. m. Sunday only, ? 7:10 p. m.,. 8t30 p. as. MeMiaariIla8:30 a. m 2:10 p. an- -s 5:15 p. to.. . . - 'Newberg 8:30 a. ra, 2:10 p. as.. 8:15 p.'sa. - ; - Tillamook 8:80 a." m 3:10 p. at. -Call 222 ar 696 for information. vf-, i-.- .- ... . tuatf ' f d23tt D. H. MOSHER TAILOR -FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES Salem. Markets T MATTRESSES f RENOVATED BY . THE Capitol City Bedding Co.. 1190 North Capitol Called for aad delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. - fl9tf ICESICAL GRAIN No. 1, Wheat, wkita iva. .1. red, tacked Wkita oats Gray oats ., BsrHy Barley MOUNTAIN BALM Phone, 817'W. COUGH REMEDY MXTSI0 STORES i 1 - GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- grspha,9 sewing machines, sheet music , aad pisno studies. Repsiring phono graphs and sewing machiaes, 432 Stata street, esalemw ,$1.33 . 1.23 ,45 .80 -PORE; MUTTON AND BEEF ' Tap koga ; ..,".,'-., .,: : A 3 Sowa . ... ,. . . 9H.1Q Dressed f koga .18 Top steers - - , - : - " .06 .07 vows Bull Spring lambs ander 80 Ika. iiaaTier vl- NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM : Agency The A- 7 Tel.- 939. ' . .:. r t THE OREGON &TATESM A2V, 50 CEXT8 per month "delivered ta yoar home early each morning. Tel. 23 ar to US. Light kens Heavy- bens . Jta roosters ' Broilera w-; POULTRY 3.00(34.00 IHt4 .13 - ,U - 4. 2: ''J- I By Ed Wheelaxi 180.22 .... 68 EOOSr BUTTER AND ETTTEKFAT Battarfat i AO 42.4l 2.44 .31 .23 Creamery batter Milk. cwt. Medium ggs. c-taedard ecs 7bE tetovcst-MZ . ; RAWCT MECHANIC, PASSES" GLADXT cxL TOCHER : --VM IRONT Or ;f Gtt ,It GrV&.AHyTHING- lb rAEtT THAT GIRL SUCH - w a Goes TO ? FIAT ABOVE TO FIRMER ;r?ATC i. THE TROVJoLc EAJTALLI GET . LAV N6kT'i HAS TOHNy NOISES' i L HrfeCiAHCE INTO 3XS BVes HAS, i en MCSr AH IM , I-yr-r- e? I DM V ON HSS VWATA SPlENDIO; IrTfTWdlMG MAH - I rpfTAlNLy AW0ULD EN307' METlNGr J n is XOTICE OF SCHOOL EXECTXON SH&S MET FRAtAVC -3DLONl,WE. tWHTEBFEiT EFa?; V.W0 HAS FALLEM CS FEF?AmyiH LOVE vnH -HSR-- HOUJ DO VtU tO, r4r?.liOiJDN r ) 1 owe in rstonse 10 It . r ' f ar a-T- " a- J ' aPPV ; f Ol I At "V ' "I .TW r-r-Jl I ir-11 1 TVERAiV GLM "T&.l PLASE. lT0r4ViT Meah;hiiwe ItTTLE TDlAV CDUMTEHr:ET ; "610 Bills TO HIS RASCALLY FATfER -s:rr ( papa MMtxs Y .StJJv - Mr VUM& in I tTv4 . " 'I rn SHORTT &H- ' 3ce Finds f TriAT -xne . - . rlAWOtS CpUOfc ALU RKSHT . (W.tTcS as ALL S AMt MOM1 JOSTAUCCD aWJT DejJClOUS C45H TVKf DC MAt. trf TWClNO A Notice. Is hereby given to the legal. TOters of school district No.; 24.' of ' Marion county, Oregon. that the . annual election tor said ' district will be held In said dia trict to begin at the hoar of two . o'clock p. m. on the third Monday In June, being- the 21st day of t June, A. D.,'192S, and holding un- til seven o'elock of said day. for : the pnrpose of electing two direc- ; tors to serve for the term of three years. , ' . -:; - . j J - . , , TOTINQ PLACE "Ramp Memorial hall on the ' southwest corner; of; South Com- . mercial and Perry streets. Dated this 10th day of June, 1928. " H. II. OLINCHIt. Chairman of Board ct Direct :rs, W. II. BUItGIIAn DT, - District CUrk, . . J 11-15-20 i ,