The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 15, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    " ir.i. - .1 . I I . I' I 1 - . . - .
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IB 1 . V
Society, News
viiit In both Dulnth and Winnipeff.
She will make her return trip orer
i the Canadian route. - I
Writers to. Meet-
The writers section . of . the Sa
lem ; Arts league wilt ; meet this
evening as the .gtftesta of - ferry
Reirelman. 9 4 0 Mill streets ..i.
Miss La Bout to " J " the state and .national reaera- . . . ,
Rv---7?Vfo - tion luncneon. to oe neia aiuraay uesie y . n. Mi
n f h ot attractive noon " ine "oiei j iitCCt- VJJtcers
wv , - , . A 1 1 nA T , lf.1y.HA. j H . V. liflnM 1 ' . . . ' . .
K-lo. .4M Tuna cooimtl aura A. mwuusj yi. . o, . MrS. Mason BlSIlOD Was leClea
i. ir-,i T o i"iu-uv, yiMiuiS. dMt af'thg womui Home
whosertarriaget to Mn GUbext, of Leslie Meth-
WNiii will h imlemniaed at 7:10'.u,uMsr. odist church at a recent : meeunr.
rtr-lnV hia ataii nr In tBA rtLT-
yonJEschen;"? "-.-Jt i 1'::.:
Business Women Continue
Plansr for Sixth' - ..
Annual Convention ' 'V . ,
aunti Mrs. xra -T. Mclntyie. es-iret or tJorraaus, ana mr. A. usje,
M.ha ' th' willam-1 Dudley-Martin or Salem, s
c tte uniTersIty commencement ex
r The Commercial Book Store has
everything yon need in hooks and
stationery and supplies for rthe
- i - j . I t . f T. t T-T- '
nave rviarneu irom a iiu,mjro
Mount Hood Loop Trip
. !the state federation last year, who with other officers naned as f ol
nave - as ner susject -fiuc- iOW8: Mrs: E. A. Rhoten; ?vice
; Miss Moselle? Hair -of -En-1 Pesident. Mr A. n Bohrnstedt.
gene, second vice president of therecordice- fiecretarT: Mrs." W.' H.
ste federation to'talk on "Club Aertzok, treasurer; Mrs. John
and State"; Miss Adelia Prichard," Berjelson;' corresponding secret
past president of the national fed- tary; Mrs. El'E.'Barcus, mite box
m t Inn " wIia w!11H4ti LmMSlfA .-..r " r r"-v'
PTnortml torhii iltendancs iinana onering secretary i .
r -SI "i'i Mrs Josephine, H.' Miss XUy Pollard; leader' of Home
Profelsional .Women's 222S Lo,n S S SB' lDf
. .1 al federation for the past two lQueen Esther leader.
a: i li uh w uicu - w as a uuvaa . aaa vnci. x a i . . v
Friday and continue through Sun
tional Federation.! ' l Grange to Meet at
Miss Mary; stewirt of Washing- Macleav on Wednesday
ton, D. C, legislative chairman f An attractive program Is being
the national federation, 'will give arranged for the county meeting
the address of the Opcasion at ;the jot Pomona Grange at Macleay on
annual .banquet Saturday -night at (Wednesday, June 16. In addition
the Hotel Astoria, JM Iss 4 tewart to the tegular business, the Sa
ls a' woman of 'national promin-hem team will put on the fifth de-
ence and one of. the most' active I free and initiate a large class as
workers in the national federation j Pomona members. The big dinner
since its birth in 1919. She: is lis one of the most important feat
director of the Junior division of lures of the day. The afternoon
land and a trip around the Mount
Hood Joop. . Mr. and .Mrs. . J, - T. 1
Welch, Russoll-vWelch and Mrs.
Ruby; Hayes and daughter, Laura
Frances, accompanied the Duns-
ford on 'the loop trip. :;
Miss Jennison
Beturns Home
--Miss Edna Jenr.lson, who has
been teaching at Mill Plain.' Wash.,
has - arrived f home to spend 'the
summer vacation with her par
ents.' '' : ,
RUTLAND, Vt., June 14
A.P.)Ralph Pearsons, son-in-law
of Attorney General Sargent,
died here at 11: SO tonight (East
ern standard time.) I
years, who will tell ,of "The Out-
ST tT 'SS S rT'101 :-.Na- Marion County Pomona
- .. ' .Itinnftl Federation." ifirann tn Meet at
preparing ior ine convention ana
is In readiness to entertain the
state officers, dub off leers;" ele
gatesr members and -vIsUbrs.t
, " Mrs. - Louise Hacker Turnert
State president, will preside at all
sessions with the' exception of
Saturday momlnir meeting devoted
to round ; tables .and reports from
the chairmen of the standing com
mittees of the state, which, will be
nrpBidud o?erhv'. Mlaa Mavme
Ziegelman, first "vice president, the United SUtes department -of IfieBsIon, which t convenes at 1230
Missrelia Qvln". .-The Dalles? labor in Washington, ; p. ,C.; in! o'clock, will" .center around the
Ktat toelslatlTo cbalrtnan 'durlna which capacity she has charge of general Bubject 'lood ! Health,"
the past year, wilt give a talk f on tlo national jnovenient.for ,the,yo Dr.? Walter IBrown of the health
"Property-Rights of vWomen - in caltb'nal guidance and placement demonstration, who has Just re
OreeoniV; dnrlnc the Saturday of juniors of legal working age. turned from the 'east, will talk on
morning imeeting. til V"H oiJZlLir'
M. 111111 rvStlWIKU
The . picnic .which members of
the Lucy Anna' Lee circle of the
First Methodist" church planned,
has been indefinitely postponed on
account of the variability of the
Flower Mission Program
Members of the WCTU wtil
meet at z:30 o'clock this alter-
noon in the hall for a flower mis
sion program.
J,oy Turner Moses, -
Announces jtecizai uaies
Joy Turner Moses has announc-.!
ed Jierpiaao and, violin recitals
for Jnne 24 and June 25 at the
First Congregational ehurclu
Barbara Frietchie
Sewing Club' ,
Mrs. C. M. Lockwoo win be
hostess on Wednesday afternoon
at her home, .2117 S. Twelfth
street, for. members of the- Bar
bara Frietchie Sewing club. ,
Four women 'prominent 4a 5 fed
eration work will be the speakers
' Parker ft Co., 444 S. ComL
Don't fall to see Parker about Tre
palrlng your car. Expert me
chanics at your service. All work
guaranteed. -
The Vanity: Hat' Shoppe June
sale still ' continues . on , millinery.'
Let us help 'you select your next
hat. 38? Court street, ()
- v Sodlal Calendar
- Today j , . ,i '
"The " Relation of the Demonstra
tion to the Community." Special
music will be rendered by tae sa
lem quartet, arid several - local
granges will assist with readings
and amusements.4 The ' various
masters who' hate returned! from
the" state grange meeting will be
called on for their impressions of
that great gathering. The after
noon sessions aro always" open to
Needleoraft Chtb -
Members of the Needlecratt club
were delightfully entertained at I the public;
hofi- Init mpctine at the home of
mm. oeoree Martini liso S. 14th I Silver Bell Circle.
street. ; Dainty refreshments were J Neighbors of Woodcraft
Writers' " section of the ' Salem
Arts .league. - Perry I&eig'elman,
S40 "Mill street, bost. ' - ,
WCTCU. , Flower mission pro
gram; ftiall, . 2:30 o'clock.
' . Wednesday
Loyal Rerean , class. " Mr; and
Mrs. Ben "Hawkins, 9 S3 f North
2 2nd 'street hosts.'- -
Barbara Frietchie Sewing club.
Mrs.-i.C.1 M. Lbckwbod. 21 17 South
12th street, hostess. ;'
Mf f Jon- cpunty Pomona grange.
County jntittg-Jar'Macleay; ,
served at 4:30 o'clock. In ; the
group were Mrs. L. C; Brotherton,
Mrs. M; C. Moyer, Mrs. L. Bechtel,
Mrs. J. ' W.f LaBare, Mrs. F. ' G.
Stearns, Mrs. E. E. Cllllara and the
hostess, : Mrs. George Martin.
At the next meeting of the club
That Slhrer Bell circle No. 43
Neighbors of Woodcraft, Is a live
and growing order is indicated by
the fact that a large class of can
didates were initiated into the
mysteries of woodcraft Friday eve-(
ning. June 11, at the hall in the
Found Omnery Work Too
;;i;-: " Tiring ; l-'
' Tns fertile valleys of Oregon help
to supply the tables of America.
(This is possible
thru -the magic
bf the humble tin
" In one of the
canning estab
lishments, Julia
Schmidt was employed..--
It was
because ' she. did
sealing arid other
parts of. the
work.; It was
strenuous work arid she was not 'a
strong girl; 'Often she forced her
self to work when she was hardly
able to sit -at her machine. -At times
she would have to stay at home for
she was so weak she could hardly
walk!-' :.Tor five years she , was In
Sho-trled. various medicines. -At I On StX' WeeJcsTrip
last, a inena or oere spoke of Lydia
E. Hnkljam's Vegetable Compound
and Miss Schmidt a -trial.
"Everyone says I am a healthier
and stronger girl, she writes. "I
am recommending the Vegetable 1
Compound -to all my friends Who
,tell me. how they suffer and I am"
willing to answer letters from
women , asking about it."" Julia
Schmidt's .address is 6S2 North j
Front St.. Salem, Oregon. - For sale
by air druggists.
I . . . :.
Li J
Mrs. J. W. LaBare will be the boa-J Fraternal temple, making the fifth
large Initiation thus far this year
Guardian Neighbor, Mrs. Teezn
being absent, the ritualistic work
was put on by Mrs. Sadie Jepson
ably assisted by the other officers
and members. ' Following- the in
Itlatory jatork the. members Joined
the Woodmen In the latter's hal
where the following interesting
program was rendered:-- '
Vocal solo, Mrs. Hansley; read
Ing. Mrs. Hare; a short drama en
titled. "Not a Man In the House,
with Mrs. Sadie Jepson, May belle
Turner, Frances Greenwood, Mar
tha Novak and Nan Pettyjohn as
the cast of characters, created con
siderable merriment. Following
the program the members adjourn
ed' to the banquet room where
bountiful - feed : was waiting, the
occasion being enlivened by after
dinner speeches by Mrs. Blackerby,
Mrs. Shaw, Mr. Stebbins kn dith
ers. A feature of the occasion was
the presence of 22 past council
commanders of the Woodmen or
ganization. ' "' .
tees. - . . .
Grax Club Honors
Loretta Parley
Miss Loretta Tarley was the in
spiration for an enjoyable line
party last Fridaynight at theEl-i
sinore whoa the. girls who are
members of the Grax dub enter-
tained for her- pleasure. The re
mainder of the evening was spent
at the Varley hoe, with Mrs. R,
Varley and Miss Xillian Rowe act
ing as hostesses. "
Music and the opening of the
birthday gifts entertained the,
guests till the refreshment hour. ;
Lavender Canterbury bells . cen
tered the. long table where covers
were placed for Miss Loretta V ar
ley. Miss' Marian Wiyman. Miss
Erma Meek, Miss TIra Franklin,
Miss Lucille Davis, . Miss Ruth
Stam, Miss Myrtle Smith, Miss Ma
bel Savage, Miss ; Esther bleffen
oach, Miss Evelyn Hebel, Miss
Pauline Welch, Miss Mary, Peck,
Miss Imogene. Gardiner, Miss Ber
nlce - Roberts,. Miss Constance
Krebs, Miss Roberta Varley, Miss
Lillian Rowe and Mrs." R. Varley.
Jeffreys Visit in Salem .
Rev. J. R. Jeffreys and daughr
Iter, Miss Lucme Jeffreys,' -were
' among the out-of-town guests ' at
i the Willamette ' university, torn
mencentent exercises on Monday.
Mrs Mclntyre. to Leave -
1 Mrs. Ora F. Mclntyre will leave
in the morning for a six, weeks
trip east, going irst' to Spokane,
then to Great Falls,' Mont.; and
thence- to Chicago.' - After a visit
in Chicago, Mrs. Mclntyre wiir go
to Niagara Falls where she will
visit her paientsl 1 She plans .to
Don't Let--
JjL Spoil Yourf
The Midget -Meat Market never
fails to give you the finest meats
and fish.' There is but one place
in Salem to get tha finest fish. The
Midget Market haa lt or yon. ()
. Picture time is here. For your
films and kodaks and kodak sup
plies see Nelson ? & ' Runt; ' Drug
I gists, corner Court and Liberty
I street. Telephone, 7, - (
Director's Department Store is
building up a reputation tor guar
anteed merchandise; conducting a
real department store; makioz
steady-progress, too. ()
The Pixie Bakery leads on high
class -breads, pies, cookies and
fancy baked, supplies of every kind
Best by test. Ask old customers.
439 Court St. (!
.'-- , '
John - Barrymore now starring
In "The Sea Beast," the Warner
Bros; classic of ' the screen attthe
Elsinore' theater, originally sug-t
gested that Moby Dick" written
by Herman Melville, be adapted to
the screen.'
.This was Mr. BarrymoTe's idea
of the greatest story that America
had produced .for screen material;
an epic, of .the days when the Am
erican jailing ships .commanded
the seas; a Story of the tumultous
less lives of thW sailors of 1840;
a drama of the courageous lives
of -heroic menjf Inrfdentalry, r the
sailor herotol ("Moby Dick-' af
forded Barrymore wlti the great
est role of his - kcreencareer,"
"T MrrBarymbSre has, always been
interested in the sealiHe has ,a
yery " f iqe5 collecjtlon.,, of .books
picked up in (xndon' - and "New
York; dealing (with the sea and
particularly with the romantic and
adventurous occupation of whal
ing as it flourished In the days of
1840. This is Ithe tlme .of '.'The
Sea Beast,"; which has as Its locate
picturesque New -Bedford, as'well
as Java, the largest ' and most
beautiful of the . tropical east
fc Indies. ' '
Pomeroy tc Keene, jewelers,
never fall to give you 180 on
the dollar.1' Watches, clocks, pins,
charms. Standard high grade
stock in all departments. ()
When you tHlnk of cards then.!
think of Pattoris Book Store. Any
stvle of Greeting Card will he
found there, and exclusive too.- ()
The regular committee .was as
sisted in the serving and arrange
ment of the banquet room, by Mrs.
Ireland, Mrs. Putnam, Mrs-. . W
comb and Irene Blacker by.
The WOW picnic will be ' held
at Woodland park Friday" night.
June 18. ' s r
Daughters of ; the Nile
Postpone Meeting:, ;
The, picnic which,, tne. SSaiem
club of the Daughters of the Nile
planned for, Wednesday,! une 16,
has "bean postponed one week on
account of the grand lodge meet
ing in Portland and will be held
op June 23, Instead. s
Miss Sibbald is Guest
Miss Jean SiDbald of Kelso,
Wash.,' is "the house guest of her
Doris Hicks
Compliments Coustn
Miss Doris Hicks was hostess at
a delightful affair ot-Sunday after-
neon and evening 'When-she com-1
pllmented ner . cousin, , jjb .if'Y A
irenia JTischer. , who is; leaving ior
Albany to, make her home, . with a
swimming and. boating, party at
Spong's Landing, touowed by a
dinner party at Midto's "Chicken
Roost" on the Jefferson road.
in the group ior tne iwo aua
were Miss Eugenia Fischer, the
honor guest, Miss Pauline Jphn-
on. Miss Josephine Albert, Miss
Jennie Delxell, MlsSiHelen Aschll-
man." Ted Shanks, -Charles Clag-
gett, Dick Weatherford,. Ralph
Puivine-, Edward Siegmund; Ho
mer Lvons and the hostess, Miss
Doris Hicks.
Loval Berean Class
The Loyal Berean class of the
Court Street Church of Christ will
meet Wednesday evening, June 16,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Hawkins. 9 S3 N. Twenty-second
Felicitations Beceived
Mr- arid Mrs. H; V. Compton are
rneeivine felicitations upon y the
birth of a son, Stewart Henry, on
June 10. The little lad weighed
eight pounds;
Beunion of Martin
and Hewitt Families
An enjoyable family reunion
was held on Sunday at Rickreall
by members of "the Martin ".and
Hewitt families; .
Included- in . the group were:
Mrs. Frances Hewitt Branch of
Salem. Mrs. Eftfe Hewitt Gage of
Oregon , City, Mrs. F. G. Hewitt pf
Independence., Mrs. , Fred Hewitt
of Independence, Naomi Hewitt of
Independence, Amos Branch of
Salem, Mrs. Bertha Womack and
son' Wade, of Salem, Mr. and Mrs.
E.. L2 Rucker and son of Wallowa,
Mr. and Mrs. John II. Trent of
Salem. Mr. and Mrs.. M. C. Wol-
verton of Echo, Oregon, George
WlNett of Shedd, Oregon, Mr. anc
Mrs. Ralph Bloom of Salem, I
Dora Verard, and Rachel Bloom
of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Alvla Sav-I
age of Salem, Lloyd Savage; Lois
Belle Savage Mr;: and Mrs; J. M;
Martin of Macleay, Dee Hlmes Of
Macleay, Mr. and Mrs. Miles I
Branch of Airline, Oregon. Loeta
Branch, Beverly Branch,' Delbert
Shelley, dt Oregon City. Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Branch of Salem. Gweri
Half ten Mrs. Elsie Fbtiisiand two 1
children, TheOdore-rfttd Eucllle1 of
Portlands Belle .Canaan' of Oregon j
City,' Charles and Allan. Canaan of
Oregon, Ct, : Mr; rnj j .Mrs, M.
scapieion oi uaiias, tiaroia sta
rlet an, Hal Stapleton,; Virginia
Stapleton, Mr.' and " Mrs. O. I
Martin and daughter, HazeU Mrs.
Christel Coffman and daughter.
Daisy, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. .Bales
and daughters, Irma; and Marga-
At Shipley's tne ladles of Salem
ve satisfied themselves that they
can get the finest spring and sum
mer frocks, coast and dresses ever
shown in this city.
Hartman Bros.1 Jewerry ' store,
Watches,: clocks, rings,- pins, dia
monds,, charms,- cut" class, silver
ware. Standard goods. State at
Liberty St. . . , . .
Closing out Hats Sale..' One lot
?1.95 and one lot 2.95. ' Child
ren's ' straws at big reduction.
Coolest straws in town. Salem
Variety Store, 152 N. CpmX ()
; :i n linn nm miwm , -;
How-long since you -have had a
good slice of bread. You will find
the Better Yet" Bread very appl
tlzlrig arid healthful. ; For sale by
ail grocers. , ()
! -
: .
: Li LsiJ
., 1
Sold Only at -
- ; ' - -
' Original Yellow Front
ening strengtlir-CLlways - tne sam? in
. . -' -: - --. ; -."fv -? I
: . Penslar Store
123NcrtK Ccnnrtercial.
i. A v V . .V- t
f v.
r ;
rj3 ,y, znzz-z c? aiiv c
Proper Methods of Displaying the American Flag:
1. The flag should be displayed only from
' sunrise to sunset or between such hours
as may be designated by proper authority.
..It should be hoisted briskly, but should be .
lowered slowly 'and ceremoniously. I The
Flag should be displayed on all National
and State holidays and on historic and
. special occasions. However, being the
'' emhlem of our country. It ought to fly from
every flagpole every day throughout
year, weather permitting. . 1 .
2. When carried In a procession with an
other flag or 'flags, the Flag of the TXS.
should be either, on the marching right, I.
e the Flag's own right, or whn there is
a line of other flags, the Flag of the U. S.
may be In front of the center of that line.
, . ' : j - ' -
Every HdmeStioiild Display
ie American Flagl
To Display On
' ' . - ' I
Every Reader of Jthe Qxegpn Stetesmein ,
Can Have a Flag
i I ;i O "IL iT srv"? I . .
Description of Flag
This flag is 3x5 feet alid is 'made of specialiy selected cotton hunting, has
sewed stripes (not printed) and fast colors The yarns used are 'tight,
strong, yet they are sufficiently light to permit the flag .to float beautifully
in the breeze. ' I -'-
How to Get Your Flag
Clip three flag 'coupqns (which will be pHshed dai
this paper and hand in or mail to ; i he statesman ornc,: togeuier
with 9Sc: and take-home your flag .or have it mailed tp y otirself
or a friend. ' ' ' " T - . - -
".r k.' l' . HJK
Three I diF these coupons and 98c when presented ; at - or
, . . , j. . . .1 I m . . . . ...... 1 i . . .It f 51 . ' 1 '
mailed to the dtntesman or rice, a i o oouin ,vomrnerciai
i St., Salem Oregon , entitles you to a beautiful American
Flag, size 5x3 feet as advertised.
r Name...:
E . . tea
' ; Address.;.
.......j.... .........
.-5 A
; aOIU fai is tolbe'mailed add 10c additional fdrcost of rxa
" - flagr will be sent postpaid to tho addreoj ciTexu.
UnioxV Roster
eI No 441, meet Wed. ! au UU
. 179 for am. , . ? ---4 ' .
- ' - ; ' - .- .
. aiw rrcBiarat. O. F. Ertni; (ee
TreUry, M. D. l Pilkentoa.- MmU ee-i
. nd Sttirdtr, 8;00 p. w. ' , .
cabpisters Union ko.- ioss
-t TUttrtu Temur. ArUtnr Tnek.r,
preside nt ; Pettit. aeeretary.
Skilled mMbajct fnrnikhed Phen. ITS.
and tmra Tiay, 457 Court. liaxel
HeU it dot Mail n call t btciU
j rst ixr ; 43 t. .
Lodge Roster
every welnedify, rraternity tuii. 8.
M. WHUitt, Secj'y. TcL, 889-R.
Frsteraal Hall; rry Tbm4j -eaing
f VUitora iaritea. ;. .J?, D. Vinafl-,,0. C;
w alter inon. i. i a. a.
(Die Orecron Dtattsnun
Pnbliahed eTry morning (exempt ktn-
: Local Rates
For eiassified
Advertising;, : .?:
f Daily or Sunday
OBBtime 2 centa par irord
T-e tim - 5 centa p.r word
8ix times- b teat per wora
1 mo. d-lly (UuiSan. JOeMtt pr wora
1a order to earn ta. mora tnaa on
tim. rate, adrertisement tansti'rBa la
eonseenbra la rues. -
No Ad .Ukea lor Jeia - tbaa -5.
Ada.' run Saoday ONLY charred at
on.-tim. rate. i. - '
AdTertlteme-ta Jfexeent Peraonaja
and Situatio-ii Wasted) will be Ukc
owr tl;e telephone if ta adTetUer.V
sabarriber- to ptu ma. . .
Tha Utea F-U receive ader
tiaemeati at ajoy.Vjnie of tb. .day or
-ight. To'l-auro proper -clumiifira'
tiona ada. at-mid. e,a-a-wra 7 p. is.
TELEPHONE ,23 Oft S8 J . ;
Money to Loan
ok rkal Estate '
. T.iK. rOJbUO- ,
(Over "I.add ft Bnsh" Bank)
-. iiiBq
tuns moat b."kept free from- anythioc
of a ratlonabte nature. fiareproaea.
tationa will' not be tolerated. . Inior
- mttoa i-mrilir aij qoeationabie in
tent oa the part' ot tho adTertiaer
ahonld be resorted to . thia awa
paper or the 6alon Ai ;lb. -
Anto" Top -' ' S '
O. J. Unit Ante Top. and Faint -hop.
267 8. Cottimereial. ' - ' - Sal8tt ,
I -General, Markets I .
; . . .
POETLAKD. June 14. fB- Aaaoeiat
d -Preaa.h-CattJe lwipta 100: calreO
625;.'15c to:5o highaK. i CattU and
caWes common 67 ; - eanaer and cat-
4t . ).
-tedinat M.SOt; 0.25 ; cowa common and.
medinm 946; canners antfenttcra $2 dp
: bulla good beet (yearling excluded;
$5 6 ; common to medinm' (eanner Had
; bolornai) j4S calve ntediom to eoe -
(milk teds exelnded) S89; cnlla and
common S5.50(i-8: realera aoediam to
choice $9.50ia50; cnlla and 'common
f6(3.50.e . 1 - . - - , --
non Keeeipta -&40. 1 1000 tflrotj rn ) :
tronj- to 15c irber. - Heavy - weight TJ,
J 350850 lb.) medinm - rood and eboice
1S.50O15: medium weihta (20O-85O
onda common and eboice $141S.60;
igbtweicbt ( 1C0-2OQ poaada wnnn
i mediant, coed and choice 915 15.65;
lifbt lifbt (180-280 pound 4) com in on 1
median nod and choice $14.?515.65.
Packing hoftt. rourb and smooth 912 if
l.SO; slaughter j pica (80-180 lbe.) me
dinm good-and eaoUe 9 14 14.50: feede
ana atoc er pig- t tu-30- pounds ) - me
dinm to choice. 915 15.75; (soft or oily ,
hog and roasting pig excluded in above
quotations.) , t, ?
sneep and lamo . recetstf 23S5 fnrae-
tically all on contract). Lambs madium to
choice 84 poaada down 911 18 y iambi,
cnlla and common 881L Yearling
' wether medi-ns
canqers 92 Sa
to . choice 88610.50:
choice 95; cnlla and
PORTLASDr Jnna 14.-Br JUtociated
ed Press.) Wheat. ' BBB, hard' white.
Jane $1.39; Jaly 1.30; hard white. DS,
Baart. Jnne 81.30. Julv 81JIO: edra
tion Jane 81.38. July 81.30; soft white
wune si.iv, Juiy ai.aa ; western white
Jnne 91.39. Jo 9 8; hard winter
Jane 8T.35, July 91-"S0: northern spring
Jane J9135t July.. western Jane
fJ..o. niy t. .
- Oat No.'. 2. ; 30-pound feed. Jupe
127.50; Jary 370. Ko. "'.', 3d ponnd
gray Jane 1-7.5C. July 91X0. . ,
- Corn Ko', EY shinment. Jnne
$34 J0., July 934.25. -
Hlrun SUadard. Jnna 824. Jul
924.25. , , : 7
PORTLAND. June' It. fBr Ataorited
Preaa.) Baying j prices; Valley t-fcv
lis.5Wi; do aatra Oregon 931S
alfalfa 918.50X9 ;. oat hay 915; oa. and
vetch 917U18; straw 8 per ton. Selling
price 92 a toa more.
' tAIB,T' EXCHAKGe' . - 'jl
PORTLAND, Jnna 14, (By Associated
Preae.') Jlet price ; . : Batter, extra) .
-8 c; standard tie; prima firsts 37 H
first 90 He t eggs extra Sic; f irate 29c;
pallet -tic; current receipt J7,' " J
- - - SCELX -. '
PORTLAND. Jaae 14. (By Associated,
Press.) Best. - churning cream . 89e . pen
pound ; net shippers truck ia !-- ion ' 1 ;
cream delivered Portland 41e per pottnAj
raw mil- f-.U: eww, i. o. .. i-oruana , ,
Cross Meat Jret, Blrgest,
busiest and best In Salem. Choic
est steaks, bacon, hanut, sansage,
Iard, eggrs, milk. Absolntely sa a-
Uary. S 70 State) St -r - :
a ii i
HAi.DiCAPppp eoTTlifei;
SEVERE inental and physical
accomp-ay Rectal and Coioa ailnients.
these re3ex co3i.on$.'. An4 Lhcy CAJii"
-- i yuiur .cuTirr1
eot8 with "cuack" remed! ar.i tUTl
i ODeralionl. Mv thmianHt
rul cases tn xav vears rract ' -e P!?nvT?
-I. Further, I wiU CUAANTE3 Cf
VVKXTLNG to cure any case of lles or re-
5 ' a - d! S , . . . . - -
i 1 t ta riicrit-s Li r.
f-gw . cor. w-t. oranoa-
,.t. 'v cr auttne
V -v
1 operanoat-