. - : -'1 '. ' . .... , the oregon-statesman: salki; oitEGoit n RIVF XECTURES IN SALEM tOie Theatres .Prof. George E, Parker Com ing Wednesday unaer MUd"" pices Ot Saiem aiuit. ' .i. -. ' . I pmf fiirre E. Parker, one of America's greatest dietitians, ag- The Elslnorc John Barrymore and Polorea Costellotln Tbo Sea Beast" ' from the atbry,VMMoby Dick," by Herman MelrUle.. Qregoa-Rin-TIn-Tltf In "Below tne xane." -Jr w,-u: Bllgh Sid ChanUn In Charlev. Aunt," - - .- ; . cil Into conference on 'my om tnitiatlre. Blfltd J) Madam Morrow, former-1 N i ne only member oi the coim-i- iSa octtP science teacher 1 9" spoke to-me with reference VtJt TT-ttt Ireland. Will I w 'forkinr ' our street naTine ViW.W -,... A wi 'i..r k1t -a Mrlea oi tree mui w3 awit Ue ehamber of commerce and!tor: "derdth, I told Mr. Wen innVCon tlberty street,r,tartlnr foth. IS.tt Vaa found adTlsable WdnedaT June lo. ana ronuo- muujai a ireei miwiV th t of the weeiu -ine i committee - wouia lectures will be given irom z w so aneua 4 o'clock and are under the aus-l - This couTersaUoai: took place pica of the Triangle Stores Co., j on Saturday! morning of .last. week, of Salem. - 1 told Mr. We.nderotb t would con- i"We are giving this sertes oflfer wlth some.of'themembers of Srtnrea free to the housewives of Lthe J council and thd bankers" the this community in orderthai they Jflrst of the present week and then SrjaT .become more .proficient. In I If we deem it 'best, we woulA i I the art of cooking;cannfn and I call a meeting fit the council to L? ..x.rainir nnri that thevm&vhAi discuss the matter. Ul ODC1 SUB ' ' W t ' able to serve a properly balanced I . "There is not cne word of truth diet, consiating bf the Tfight;pr6- J in the statetnent thatrl refused to nnHinnR of Droteins. fats and car-! call a meetlnx of 'the ouncU. or bobydratea," the .company, slates, j that I said" I did not want to 'com- On Friaday night at 7:30 a I Promise' my administration. special lecture, will be giren for those who are unable to attend the afternoon series. ;a of- FlIIIIT 111 OIDffl f - - ., The Eight Saierri Canneries Packed 25,000 Cases 1 in 24 Hour Period. First National Bank hfi bask of friendship ' and helpfulness in time of need.; Interest paid v on I tain factions to rush the city par- The first,'- information I had that' & call was being' circulated for a special. meeting of thecpun- cil was when informed of the fact by a - Statesman reporter.- ' The finmrent -' s rm8 of cer- time deposits. Open an account' and watch your money grow. MILITARY TRAlmriB urn kllil RAPPED CHURCH ing to a point where 1 the- utmost in efficiency might not be obtained was said to be due to a desire to improve certain sections of the city now - being exploited As for tbe statement that the plan wins favor," referring to the double shift plan, Walter Low, street commissioner, i who la -conceded by those- familiar with, the situation, to know .more about the "Pity's paying -than any other in- ) triendS OppOSed tO. UOTPpel-j dividual, is against the idea of a r . ing Students to Take War instruction. At v sASEWBERO, June 14 The S4th double shift,, it was. said. Com miasioner Low, who, has acquired a reputation for producing a. high quality pavement ' for Salem, is of the opinion , that the -paving "situ C . . ' n -v l- ration is well under hand and that Miellngiiof .the ?Friemia Church- .J closed iast night. - The wbrk- of eW?y or de" n.t.1. ..1 1- - i i i 9cr p ,MMf J rrya Drue Store, 280 N. Coml. today. . . . , . I yht nlmiAair itora. R-rvthtTi tor The anpunl reports of Pacific I TerTbodT In the drue snnnlr line. college' showed a yery . successful I with standard goodi, and uallty year, the chief .feature of which j service always. t vT () has been the recognition of the college as; stanaard college' oil Haiir jcom Eiecme enop, zsi Oregon, both li.tha tTnited States I Court St.; Everytmnr electric, bureau pf education and the bUte tom motors and, fixtures and sup- Prfident Ivlf'erir'.laston ouN the college next ear; and 5told of Most beautiful baU in Salem; all the' iogress of tne snanciai cam-igbapes and colors: full stock from bav and of" the raisins of at which to make fine selections. Best maUnauce fund of 45.000 per I quality. 833 SUte St. v . () vear. jnore than half of which has already been secured. ; i J Smitn waams, court ana . i mtn Kts.. tnia tires, tnoes ana Kir thia T,tino. VA4nBt accessories. TlcClaren and Fisk - r-o l ., a nlA fni. . A 1 , . 1 . . . t -' ; .-. ... aeciarea tneir.oenei iuii.it unjaai t Va'A n in C.n ! Vm-rrr .1 T.1hrw to compel -jruuais umB wuu uuu. 8 AutOS Stored, ft&d bought conscientious scruples against war and sold. Cars washed day and j preparation to violate his i-con- J night, - Low prices and service will i Science or forego the privliege of 1 make long friends. V - t'J r education In the Terr Institution-1 ' 1 . ' Jwhich his own taxes help to sup- L .. Tn.e P"0 wotora. . viiasmo or -...,-,.-,..1 bile siX'Coach'and-sedaa.are'-aurH passing.. beauties: - liner pexiorm- ance, lower pricesiiLook. them over. Biddy Bishop, . ; (v One day last week the eight Sa lem canneries packed 25,000 cases of fruit. In terms of cans' run ning 24 to the case, the size famil iar - to the housewife, that . was 00,000 cans - m And it is submitted that that la some cans; a long row of them; a good slxeVi -mountain of them. ? It is not easy ' to get i definite statistics concerning the output of individual canneries, to say noth ing of the whole group of eight canneries. But, it may be stated with confidence that the 25,000 cases were" put, up by the eight Salem canneries . in one 24-hour periodlast week. It is also true that at least one of the Salem canneries is putting up about 8,000 eases of fruit a day. Perhaps two of them have each about that outnut. :. Several of the Salem canneries were . running 1 night shifts last night, on account of the immense receipt of fruit over the two-day period of Sunday and yesterday. The Hunt cannery is using strawberries, Royal. Ann cherries. and .also- Bing and Lambert and other varieties of cherries; putting thenT into cane ; also loganberries and red and . black, raspberries. That cannery ' was running the Whole night last night; With a full force. There are other operations using a vast amount of fruit; besides the eight Salem - canneries putting up cases and: cans .of fruit, t There are. -the.. : barreling con cerns, ana tne concerns that are nrkjng shipments of ''ereen'' fruit In cold storage. TheUv. several of the - canneries are using , a great deal more fruit than they are put ting into cans. They are carrying oaf large operations in. the barrel iug ,ui uuuj Bome-pi tne , largest operations of this kind being car ried on in connection with the canneries. Then there Ts "the 14bby, Mc Neill & Lioby concern, buying and shipping to their big cannery at The Dalles jnanxJiundreds .of tons of -strawberries and loganberries. from Salem. t - It was predicted at the opening of the 3eason that the pack of the .Salem canneries would be a- mil lion cases this year. It will be i Kreat deal . more, t nd the .biggest days will -be when they are , work ing on prunes and pears and ever green blackberries. , , The Marion Automobile Co. The Studebaker, the world's r greatest automobile value: Operating .coat mm a If y : r trrm a. - .are? : standard coach 1415 - DUEL CHARGE REFUTED KLA3IATH MAN v FACES TBIAL . ON-SERIOU8 CHARGE , iiort. A letter was directed to' Iresl- f dent. Coolldge. commending,- him 4 for his attitude which prevented the establishment of Armistice day as national defense test day, and Crown -Drug Store," S 3 2 State St., has many new. articles to snow protesting against the pushing of 1 you. Every conceivable thing in compulsory military training, as i the way ot arugs ana arn store tendlns- to develoo a'Tnilitaristic I epeclaltles are there i - () spirit in our ;.own .people: -and,to a. ouse fear ahd suspicion on . the part of other nations, i-s Walter H. Zosei. t tsntomobile Ures, tubes and accessories. Vuh eaniring that holds. High quality. superior service. ; A trial makes a utomer. -.1 9, 5 S. .Com'i. ?; i r 1 j ' - , , t n i -i i i. - f tlnliuutuiil , 1 1- ISSUED BY r.lnYOR The Electric Restaurant serves elegant meals and : lunches. ' ?Try them; 'you will come" again .and bring font friends. Best In Salem 479 State St-?. - , i.- .I?) , .. , ..m , .., & O. J. Wilson, for 21 yeara the Bulck man in SalemiWben better cars .are ' builtj Bulck will : build them. The better. Snick a bere for" yon and your family.-.-r ) - iKLAMATH- FALLS, Or!, June 14. (By ; AP. ) N. Rs Woode house, prominent - bee -culturist of Klamath coonty,n trial-charged with havlng-cballeneed hfa neixh bor, Sv EL Icenblce, to a duel with 20-30 rifles, took the stand today and denied having, made the chel Mage - v .r,y -. . ' He quoted himself ai saying to Icenblcet- . I suppose since you have attacked me with a hammer and .a pitchfork your next move will be to - invite me out on the road to shoot It out with 30-30 rifles.;, -. - v ' . , ? , " The defendant was arrested last week on 'complaint of Ieenbice who charged that the challenge fol lowed a dispute over bees on his place Wbich Wopdebouse as coun tyoee inspector had condemned. r Previous "to Woodehouse'a tes timony, four-witnesses declared on, the stand they had beard Woode- nouse issue ine .cnaiienge. Fen alty possible on the dueling charge is irom one to ten years in prison. Complete 'line of red and black rubber hose at- wholesale 'prices. Malcolm's .-, Tire Shop. .205 N Commercial. Mr. Giesy Is Not Opposed to I v Calling Special, bes- 1 " sion oi Coucil. - V : - V ' . .v ' - An emphatic denial, that he was ;; Jrjproached by a couucIlm4"nabouE ' matter bf putting on a double paving shift, was voiced Monday i night by Mayor J. B. Glesy. H ! j Attempts of certaIn..factions to 5 embarrass' Mayor Gicsy by Inslnu- !" atlns that .be had refused to call; such, a .special meeting "on the ground that he did not - wish ."to compromise his administration.'! were met with jthe statement ihat. as yet he had received no petition for a special meeting, although Al derman Watson Townsend, -who is reported jto have started the pe tition, had, plenty of time to In form him about it Saturday after noon. :.,;.; ".v-;;;''W.'r,; . , , Z have at all limes been pleased to confer with the members of the councIUon all matters of Import- aeciareu. . k ua taiui; occasions x fave called members of the coun- OREGON 1 j fD Matinee . 23c ' I BatTimesTbday 5 : s , Vwhite House Restaurant 362 State SW where hundreds ot peo ple prefer to eat. , All you want to eat tor teas man yon can eat at! Jboine. quality. and aerricet. ' . Betten Yet Baking ,Cp., 264 N. Commercial, y manufacturers . of ' Better Yet Bread for sale at all gTocrs. Tou.1l . like -it fresh trery day. , i) w mm0m : . ppe jV ar -. - V s - Offer PROF, GEO. E. PARKER IN A SEMES OF LUJLT 11 1 - 4. V! JUMiZ iff3f,J and VO, Inclusive .;.;. ;,; , 2 IP. Rfl. IN THE NEW COMMERCIAL CLUB ROOM -4. , . ; '':t For Those Who Cannot Attend the Afternoon Lectures We1 Will Give One- Special Night Lecture at 7:30,; O'clock - Friday DUTETICS AND HOME ECMQMICS AND PASTEURIZATION OF FOOD PRODUCTS 1 "4 - .... 1 - Save the Vitamines So Essential to Health sari 331 M- -r . . ? o .rrr- . ..V -;-r - 't rv- V ? v. t ;- - "' . ...-;t.-;'-v. ; f- . . . a1" 't ,"v' f-- 0-.. H - , ' i: - ' 0 -r A , t'" T'-J U - 1 1-'. -7: :... .:.. 14 -- 1 'L. ' . J. - . ....:--.-..v.; !?r:'---V ;.,;-:-; -'y..:,-.- " , - . - s - . -M- t-i v , -" -c :' -X J . ' s z "l-- ---l'-- a- ,..,,..- jrfw, ..-.-.-u-r 'r ...C .... . .i -. . , . . us. I. -r Are You Corpulent? Do You Want to Get Thin? vOr are you anaemic and'want to get fat? These are questions Pasteurizing your food products instead of sterilizing them, thereby thousands of people are askjfig themselves. After hearinjg this series preservingr the vitamines so vital to the correct regulation of : your V of lectures you can eat Vrhat you want and yet grow thin. You will body. These and many other interesting facts will be told at this know ho.w you can do it. ? series of five lectures -r The Triangle Stores are offering this course as. an educational feature. .The Tri angle Stores feel that Professor Parker has- a . message that Salem people should hear and that he has facts that they should know. lhere is nothing to sell-involving no obh- if :: housewives who attend these free lectures v !Any womah who misses this course' of lec- will be getting at no cost at all, a series of 5 tures will be missing something of Vital im- lectures for which the usual charge ik$15. . p?1?an! 9. t0 her ,am?y u). 'ft ,he Th Triangle Stores are ab?oVbirnr 'ftlt cn?ts "erp-e inga xoia wimouc cnarge . ; lhe mangle Mores are aDsoron u costs t . . H . - iiSft'f ram at'v - ft ' Mtion whatsnPVPr tViP nnrt nf thnf wbn sources, anu it is ail so simple, fto onesnouia . '1 attend.: 4 ,v f5 4-. . wives cjf -Marion; and. PIkcounties.--f v-; -pass qp thi opportunity to hear-Prof. Parker..' ?- v . .--" ... .. , . . - . - 3 : & r i - .' " ' . . " . . . . ' ' - ' I , ..... . .. ' ... - - y r - . . , T i i f iqCES HAYNES I ROTH- GROCERY j I FOSTER & BAITER! .. ? : " a jm. prley;. j : J.C. PcHARPORT &C0y ' D. LSHRpDE; L- (S 1 w;:H;claric . - v: f DAUE&SON : WIGGt:! iVIGGINS - 'ferny V', C ! .I--."- ...A-X . Vs : v. ::y v A " :v i i ij , il i - 4ll: ' - JA - v i A J'' !