The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 06, 1926, Page 22, Image 22

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Measuring and Testing De
' "vices Are Brought Up for ;
Final Checking
,(A.X.2t.vServlce) '' .' .
From A.' J.' Si .WasMngtea Bure'.
lem ot - state sealerof wweights
and : measures ; itu regard , to ' the
proper; measurement. of gasoline',
as lipenEei by thousaods of fil
ling stations , the transmission me
ter for taxlcaos, and' testfn. de
vices for overloading; of motor
trucks, were .'brought,' to: thor fore
at ' the : national conference - on
weights and measures.- Cr-
State officials from twenty-si
states ' and" from . sixty 'J or - more,
cities and. counties are. attending
the conference; which Is being held
at ; the United," States bureau of
standards.' Dr. George K. Burgess
direeto6f the bureau il president
of the organization. : , ,
. t One of the most Important mat
ters was a s peech by Capt. Georges
P. Austin; sealer of weights and
measures of Detroit; who approves
of the transmission drive for taxi
meters. 't : j y 1 .s '
: He , said' - that further changes
would be necessary in the method
used used In. testing a meter wlA
O i l! A
nt w
Oeiseventh the cost of running a low-priced car far. less
thaacaxf are . or- busf are , unquestionably , the slowest cost
pdwer travel;;- : i - ' :. r ' . f , .;-!
that'steHariey-Davidsori Single, the new type of indiyid-j
ual transportation -lor everybody ; , - , S--.'
A motorcycle, yes, but? unlike any other. Easier, to ride and
control, jnan a:ticye. saie. Ampie power xor au iraixic
and road conditions. " Simple to handle. C!omfortablef' Park
to the country on holidays and save money every miletv :
, Low priced -complete with, full electric equipment, 9265:oo at Salem;
. " "'TTe- caaoffer : convenient Pay-as-m-Ride Plan-
.t - ' - .'
. . Il w Come .in and let" us tell: yon- more about this neSf: ' '
mrytroe transnertatlon. : ;- - -s
a 5 tranmssfoa drivej . siting j,th'e
road.' bench and wheel tests.
. ' - "Ob Jec Won .. has C heen . raise d
against the transmission. drive for
I Uxicabs," - Capt- AtiBtln" ' ' sa itf.
'.claiming ;;'the chauf f eur could
greatly increase the earuing.jower
6f hfs "cab by spinning the . rear
wheels oni .Ice andsnow - covered
streets.' " 1 ,
: "It - would require 'tti revolu
tions of, the cab wheels in actual
travel to register-one charge unti
ori 10, cents 4 on the. meter. Only
one' wheel will,slipat the- same
time, and a . sildinr . whel driven
through the transmission would
require twice as many, or 422 rev
olutions, 'before ,lt "would register
on the-meter. -? ; . v
I ' ."Cab owners have reported that
(he change fromthe" front - wheel
to the' transmission drive for taxi
meters' has resulted In a' saving of
hundreds of dollars in the upkeep
nt fiotv' Burl fid4 A a! r tia &Vk-
scence or rcaoie trouoie ana ine
laying' up of their cabs during the
pro-cessr-trt .repairs."-,.
Thirty-one of eighty-six gasoline
stations were found to be giving
short: measure In St." Louis.- Cllf
ford. lUIey of St. Lonqis reported
r B-.W.-Ragland o Virginia stat
ed that JHchmond has a quality
test for' gasoline, based on .the navy
speculations, ana is woramg on
a rpecification.for lubrication oil
similar: tp thkt ia use in Call
f ornla. ' .;"-' " , ; t. ,
' .It'KEates, of Flint, Mich., read
a paper on the measurement test
of . hottles for, the sale of lubrlca
tlng oil 4t: : subject 7 of Interest to
motorists. . -
. Built-in false tanks., in automo
biles for checking gasoline deliv
eries .was 'the subject of 'a paper
bvlTheodore A." Seraphln p of PhlT-
adelphia,i and Thomas Flaherty of
'an Francisco. "'j ? .
j Speakint;tforjJhtghway en
gineers ov inev country jou i. u.
-Moller .of 'the? tiatftc Apartment
oT the District of, Columbia re
quested 1 the '; ctKofraJidin 1 of . the
wettthts and measura
the .testing of the "portable devices
which are now - being generally
h used i f ox tbef weighing of loaded
automobile trucks on ; the streets
and highways.
r ; : "THE CYGEE MANVp . ;
The Capitol' Motors.. ' Oldsmo-i
bile six coach and sedan are sur
passing , beauties; finer perform
ance, ' lower . prices. - Look them
9 ver. Biddy Bishop. . : (
" .. -'i" m i li an i iKN ii ii ;ii i in J -r
How much do poor; roads add to
tire cost? : ' : '
' An answer has just been given
by Professor S.' SStelnberg of the
National' Research: Council's high
way research board,, through a se
ries of teats' In which . an autbmoi
bile was driven over different
types 05 Toads: ' -r.
It was found, says Popular Sci
ence Monthly,- that , concrete or
hrlck-roads caused 'the least tire
wear; the loss in weight of each
tire being about one ounce' for a
5 00-mile', ruii? Theewek caused
hy ; gravel roads was,' .from two ito
Seven" times as great,: white that th
macadam was from - ten to- fifty
times;T The tests also proved that
the swear on frontt tires Is T-troih
City: to. 'seventy-five per ".cent less
than or rear tlrea,' - --"
Off fcials of; League ofNar
tions Choose Dodge-tori
i :Trip:ThrougtfSyria'
When, officials -of the .League
of f Nations left Geneva recently
to visit the Near East and obtain
Information at first hand on the
growth of the poppy plant, from
whlch.opIunt is produced, Dodge
Brothers-motor car played -an In
portant -part .in the dangerous and
highly exasperating taski
The League "officials had. ,been
aar out to rathe'r all available
data on this' -i seductive J product
and"' f'ormulatg , plana fdr.:" the
Leagues.CbntroI of f its distribu
tion. Persia was '-their v first jih-
jectlve. r They traversed the Med
iterranean 'Seai landing at Pey
routh:- in Syria,' several hundred
miles from the point1 where' they
were to begin their' actual' labors..
i Major. BOurdillon, high, com'
missloner for- Iraqi realized that
the League members' faced a jour
I neyof terrific hadshfps over des
erta -and ..mountains that, might
make it almost ' Unbearable' to
those" afoot or -atop the . hack of
beasts of .burden.-, , "
f But Major ' Bourdlllon owns 'a
Dodge ' for his personal' user He
knew what 'it could' do on appar
ently impassable ' terrain- in the
Inland sections. Accordingly he
4enf:a message to F. A: tCettan-
eh; of the Eaiterh,' Mdtor Com
pany, vtoo hurried " to Bagdad,
;wfiere' a!.flteet 'of fDddge vehicles
iras . obtained, This fleet, con
.sfsted of a DodgVsedan. a tourin-r
car and a screen" padel ' commer
clal5' car. J TheaeL were-, driven
from Bagdad across, the lower end
of turkey to Beyrouth,! rem which
point t the journey! across Persia
raa undertaken. '
" The party . completed its long
dlLTlcult . task, traveling several
taousands of miles, in these- Dodge
cars . without f any. inconvenience
or ; injury to tthe members, entire
satisfaction being acclaimed by
the officials' when they returned
to Beyrouth- . ' - V'
. "Major . , Bourdlllon informed
members of ; tha-? League Mission
on their .arrival in Beyrouth that
the .nature of . the country over
which they, were to travel in Per
sia, was most difficult,": .writes
F; A. KetUneh, in telllngr of 1 tne
adventure. - "The hair pin curves
and; the dangerous mountain pass
es were pointed out id them and
major., Bourdlllon assured these
officials .that, ronly,; Dodge car
ceuid give them the" - service de-
sirecL - The members were highly
pleased at the' prformance- of these
cat 4 and assured" High Cottfatis
loner Bourdlllon that they appW-,
cistea mis tnbughtfalness in prd
viding motor cars of .such sturdy
character, for them.M
t -
, ; Advanced Feature
. r' Ofl Titer - CmoIim Film - Re
; J vvnwkbly Eaty $aripg Uphold Jv
t?' . awry ln'Laspft'Mod - Clear-'
, - Vkiea Bodies SpaeialOiie-PMee
- f Db CanoliA Gauge1 Strong;
x RigvJ Frame ; - Htavy, Rigid
' ;; , Owikshaft - Spacial Vibranoav.
UKBff Maehinad Cooibuauoa
"' ; '5'.'v' Chambers,
: Hupmobue Six
- Sdaa. ve-pjanxer, iour-door,
$IJ35. Coupe. Cwo-paaetif; .
wah ramjbia aeat, $138$. Tour
tax, EvpaaNncer,$132S. Equip-.
neat toe kick 30 by 5 25 balloon J.
tirca. loatr-wbesl brake. All prices
; Lo. b. rjcooix, plus rewnua tax. ''
: . , ' r
' - . Hnpmohile Eight
- 8Jn,'Jive-peBfer, $2343."
Sedan, . Beriioev $2445. Coupe,
with rumble teat,
$2345. RoJter,- wkh rumble
eeat,' 2045. Tourmg, five paa
anger $1945. -Touring, aevao-
Ciaaeef er, $204$.'. Ail prices .
o. b. Detrgiti plua reveaue us.
i . , . - r -
;OuJ oawT car are ood bum
.the are aoia witk tout
mrmiKtim firat ia aund.
Evcrytvhisitliitt its inciustry
anclamongrthe? public wHch really;, f
knows motor cililisHunTiMlrife t
' Six; is spoken of as a jclefinitef -cri;
gineering advanced It is smarter and ;
smoother-in action than any six
,at anywherd heir ita price, v A real -
beauty; too. in line and in- finish"1 .
a? big-valueV f our-door, . com- : l
ypletely equiprjed sedan that looks- j
aKd perfonns far: afiove its price.
t. -1
.r-I f
W---'-fm rM f El
k. -' ' nrTT 1 - I
- - . . ' , . -1 ,,?-, ..... v . . . I .
jr, ;:-;;3H n; Coniraercial ' :'r ' . Telephone 311 ' ,
that they dcr cot, atthept-esentj
time,, have the , snap and ' beauty
off heW next larger cousins. j.
IliShl cetliags ; and? two j. etory
n4 a half, houses have -changed
in the past few years to the bunga
low" type' homV'aud the result 'has :
been a" distinctly more ..agreeable
looking"' vista ; in our residential
districts. ? PeThaps '-the; new . type
small car will bring something of
the bungalow type - of f decorative
appearance to. that portion of our
motor-car population which' rep
resents i better than - 60 - pert, cent
of all-the acrs in use at the pre-
en" time.4 :-.;',
i c. . . P." Brelthaupt,1 florist and
decorator 123 ,N." JLIberty Phona
380. jTiOwers, duidb, .gnu ue
sizns for- all occasions. Pioneer
add leader in Salem: . . ()
.i u u a w
'T01IIII5 01
illU rui
- hi
Knickers for,; Film Figures
, Oniv; Athletic Shortees t
i-Popularr Writer'SBSt
;. Problems of Jthe.woman-on-tour
have been - much simplified - for
this season,' according to Mrs, A
Sherman Hitchcock, who discus
sed the complete equipment Jthat a
woman ftneeds for a two .month's
tour. . in the : June ; Issue ot Ulotor
In luggage, toilet: accessories,
and-apparel bf VariouV sorts,' those
cat'rih's'to' the femlne .trade have
been redesigning their, products to
meet the convenience !ot .lherpar
tieular rtourist.- - ... r. ,
; Milady has discovered ', that, the
outdoor life presents special diffi
culties ,if r she Is to -exercise-, her,
accustomed- charnv and if ' her at
tire, ia fca suit the mode of travel;
? Knickers, In (the view of Mrs.
Hitchcock?, for - the . slim' figure
only;' but -durable travelling skirts,
capes, and . other designs
vive for those who "Wish cos
tumes accenting length of 'line.
"The' k neTjr chic . athletic ; shorts
ees," says the. writer, "are one of
the' best. things I have seen for
snorts' underwear, in many a day
There -are oth the. bodice-top and
built-up . shoulder models. They
will wash oht "quickly and eaafly,
a- consideratipn of great Value ta
her wh6 is; camping' ,; . . .
1 As many Campsites have' swim
ming fa.cllitles,- the.bathinff suit
Is one of " the, most useful -items.
"For , the ' average - woman, even
when she swims really, well, there
is freedom , enough, - and i much
more beauty. In the; slip, truck
costume,",; this.- woman. .- tourist
V. . ii. -.Wood and Geo. JV Peed.
real estate; 844 State. 'Farms and
city property They bring buyer
and "seller together for the bene-.
At ahd profit ot both. ,)
5 The Commercial Book Store has
everything Jon need in books and
stationery- and - supplies fof r
school, of f ice or home, at the lo; 1
est possible! prices. ' ' . ,
, , ;.y c ; ; y tt , , 'v- J,v nv -' ' i -. . )!- :
The Scotch' Woolen Mills ' 1 a V
first class store to order your new
spring and summer suit.- ' Suits
hold shape and color.- Best dress
ers wear em. 42$ state St. ()
Max O. Buren, rnrnlture, ear
pet; ererythlniT. fdr the home.
Most beautiful Axmlnster rugs.
Beautiful line of pictures for your
home. 179. N. Com'L (?)
, seem in automobiles
t.. tOeatintted from page 1.) -
several Inched an"d:it'is Hke'ly that
bAdy construction ot the future
ofcn&e small caw, will not be over
five feet1" eight -inches from the
ground to the 'top of j the root
There is no particular reason
why such a body, height could- not
be made to 'offer the. head room
to which we have been accustom
ed. Canges fully as radical as this
have come in our larger trs which
are now much lower tharr they
were a few years back.-After all,
body height is as much regulated
by spring suspension and the me
thod of installingf the body on- the.
frame a sit is by the Inside di
mensions, from the floor: of the
body-to the roof..; . : t
The use of standard tread would
enable the 'designer to .give the
same amount of width Jna.Uw
bodied, light car, as we get in our
present' models A total heigth -of
around, 45 Inches- from the floor
to the roof,: Inside. of the sedan
body would -be ample for anyone
provided the seats jtere low,' in
accordance with the'. present trend
In ,aeat': construcUon .and this
would; give bod designers an In
teresting dimension front which to
work out bodies that would be ex
ceptionally pleasing in appearance.
' The "European built 'email cars
are' trim' In " looks ioxt our body
designers , would very. likelj? -show
a ; development, of "rather ' greater
beauty . than' that 'shown by the
foreign makers who have, not yet
yearned the lesson of real grace In
body lines. " : , - ..
, Smaller , Hres' than '.bur present
rather' standard 30i inch .type ar?
also likely to appear as equiament
on the.Jiewer type' of small car
when It la presented. The gener
al accettanee of the balloon type
.tirewould permit of, the use of- a.
nit; yt iromuwD to inree incnes
smaller 'diameter - than we have
beenusing. Such attire would give
increased stability on the -. road.
and would aid materially, in keep
ing tne Doay peignt flown.,1'.-.
..There-has beea-UUla-hanga-ln
the. appearance,. of our - smaller
Thousands 6r motorists Have talceri advantage of : the additional savings
offered during thisvsalib," : Buy iiorthe? tires you. Will; need summer.
RemfernbH every tire cmes "tWe a teiaAutWV. irbrclad
v-guarariteftpf satisfaction.:
"Mo --.
; h - ..... V,
aw? W''T-mfj
; '-rfs Iff : . I P t,
m - SHIJ . y , m t; m war w r K m 1 1 i
VesVernrwP ' .
t Jit.
Slse ', .
33x4 -. . ,
8 (Oversize .
34x4 '" - ' i
3 (Oversize) .
3x4a.; ; ..
SS (Oversize).
SS (Oversize) .i
Standard weight taind standaVdr oversize in? a Cord1 Tirje that, QUaki many
standard Cofds-oh thei mart.t and oets from;-.tO'$M;Pafr;(Tfcas, ac-
coroing to me, k : .--,-.,
8U , " ! SalePriee...
Clincher ... . . . . .1 I aw w
CM Fuir Oversize. ;. : .'. vJaC9
38 (Overafxe) . . . ..... S12.90
SS (Oversize) ;.
SS; (Oversize).. . . . .316.95
...... SI 7.75
SS (Overaze)....
30x31 Clincher
;.jyctt?rn Junior
: v.; Cord " -c
Our Western Junior cord,
a .guaranteed, - serviceable
tire for light cars, but not
as heavy as ? our Wear
Well , or Western Qiant
: Guaranteed Gray '
' i . Tube
SOxiV SaU Price $1.7S
30x3 H Sale Pric4w$1.9S
31x4 31 Price $2.60
: $.5
OUr Wear-Wellf balloons
are, full ; oversiate, . full
standard weight and fully
guaranteed. 7,.
Prf " -Take
SI 2.75 $2.95
$18.40 $3.55
20.95 ' - $4.05
$23.70 ..$4.70
$27.80 V $.2S
V -.u (Uevv nii-rvJAMIiirftCULVTYPe.' .
EzfrS Overslse, extra I weight, ; extra mlleafee,"- In . a i Cord bullc . for. heavy
truck? and bus use, or extra- hard passenger, car service,; at a low price ,
n gale FHee h SU I - thklePrlr
i - . eaie ne
-Sir. 8ids...M
Str. Side
Str. Side
Str.- Side. .
53x4, ;
31x4 ,
Str.' Side..'
..4..; 05
30x3ya Extra j , . Z O R
Oversize Citather..',, V.I Li'wJ
Size C
Is "
w-preBSure. tifeVith.hijrlk-pTeBfiuTO wearinr: qualities t Coi f ortatle,
ed. lone warinsecdnomlcaU Heavy, flat tread -means, long: lira, and
N wear. ' - j - " ' '.-' '" V- i - 1 y-1 ' ' ' "
, . ... ! 'SaleWee'-. fiSUe' - ; ' etTtie0 '
A low
Giant Balloon..
Giant Balloon..
Giant Balloon..
Giant Balloon...
Giant Balloon... v L vJar.
30x5j7 r ' : r?r n f n
Giant Balloon...,.., awa, LI
Giant Balloon... J
Giant nauooK... w
33x6.75 - , . . rr - r.
Giant" BaIloen. Ja I l
Youroppor- 1
Wnvonveiiieiices needed to give you inore solid comfort-rto:make
i iiiiii.v ill I'liiniiimi- w liii - uubuu vw w ,- "--r j . -
. - - -; - - S. t.1 .1
your camping trips more enjoyable.
Three ond-gallon cane red !f or gaso
line, blue 1 6rf oil. frs.y; for water. ;
This unit will save you a world -ot
grief n the strlpv--.'Bgrular-. price,.
IY.4S. Sale price . eA avlt . .
? : Atjs-STEEL BED
This bed is 'er"y
strong i6 substan
tial: : It . folds Into a
smalr compact,-'
;ily carried pka.
Reduced fromjll&
Vdash of any tfit. Aclamp -wlthj-
two set screws Is proviaea.
ular- price .$176 Sale prioe f 1.31
Williaroa Jr. potliZh
One of the best knajam spots' on -mjir-kAt.
Verv lasy tn 'an..
j pearance. Reduced ,rora I3.4&
Sale price tZSS. . , . f
Drum Typ Stop Signal 1
ATd6 aad-,twater','proors!irnal's
J that fastens to either lallMirht or
I license bra'cxet: Rgrular- price i
2.40-S ale" price $13. f , -v ; j
'Lazy, Back" Chairs
Every article ia aranteed.
Cfeai lisbfer' t ' EXTBA..SPECIAL! - -
xjoof on permits psry t tr&ts or
exit at all times. Well n.aie. ' Price,
Includes two, jointed poles, ropes and
stakes. - I .
.i. ! . mm. i m . i I .:
or; the extra LatfcZ
v.- 4
It clamna r to. the running-
toard' of the car
thereby,! savinar1 , ton-'
ahouia include one; Uzy back chair 4 i lfr i pisienfen. j ." 1 l M
iJReiruiar araqe reaucea to v
for f every "rnember of 'thin naVtvi
4k R'iTi0 I3J5t 9 Hfl f lussxi carrier;1 extra' Quality,' reiac6d to
rt' bale price . .... yiiiUw ! $2.19. - ,-, i , -;j . .
. ri :
For 'Auto: Supplies;
; 4cdsonei, Tires, V
: tCailipin&JEquipiiient
It's Frcelr '
Salem: Store- Corner Court andIU-h
Telephone 700 ; ,'r r; -
. i
. arTWfll (jfHih.'at . r-
Stored Open Sdiiifddy
r. mghtVntil