THE OREGON STATESMAN. jSALEifhftCflQlT ? SUNDAY MORNING; JUNE 6, 1926 y: HOW "THE ROADS " AREi Sheridan : WiHamlaa. ";! i Grand Bonde, Hebo, Tillamook; Part f 'paved ;' balance macadam. " t ti":'Mt. Hood Xoop; Highway v Portland. Government - Camp, i Hood River: Pared toGresham? . S balance macadam. Oiling Opera . Uion under way between Govern- 1 mnt c&mo and Patkdale. I i t owon, Washington Highway PendletbiC:piiotrRockVliiabn7 Heppner, Heppner Junction: M cadamized except between ..Vinson and Lena which is under construct tion. , ' ' Crater ITJghway Vv : Medford, Trail, Prospect : -" Ma cadam. " , .- . .I. Prospect, Port Klamath: Closed on account of snow. . ;, ' -Redwood Highway Connecting With .Road to - U v. --, Oregon ' Caves Grants f Pass, iKerbyWaldo; Graveled road In good condition. Kerby, Oregon' Cares; . Road 4n good ndition.Oregon Cares now open to public. r.i , ' '4 i J i : vMcKeiiie' Highway ' ; t. Eugene, -Belknap Springs, Sis ters, RedmondBend; Macadam. L " Bonesteela Motor Co., 474 8. Com!,' has the Dodge automobile (or yon. All steel body. Lastsa lifetime.' Ask i Dodge owners. They will tell yon. . () EXPERTS Sill GG" TIED OF GAS; OIL - ' - ... 1 t Pendleton. Washington, State ,1 I Une: Pared. 1 fc Future Automobile rFuels , Being Closely Checked-:1 v '- for Price Details ; i - THE SPFHTAT. RlV ? 4.DOOR SEDAN : ?JlKUiW Ts1fa.ollsifiItifciti-; P?iTjTTh'l7,1, r bk foil Urlooo res and S due wheel Indadcd at do extra coat.-i (I 'r"!? -5V0 r-.S old & " O V Jt '.-4- Here is. quality ; ill -appenceo1 quality in constructipn, i&d ES rl?EGIALLY quality -in perform ance and the LOWEST PRICE ever placed on a ash' 4-Door t . 4... . . I 1 ' ; Kirk wood Motor Co. - , , '311 N; Commercial Sf. Telephone 31 1 I. ! I " v CLEVELAND, Jnne 5. While all gasoline, kerosene and fnel oi! prices are materially "higher in the refinery market in sympathy with crude and tank wagon price In creases, interest in .the oil trade is beginning "to shift to a study .of some of the underlying' factors U the sitoatlon affecting prices and market tone a month and 'r two months hence. 1 ? ' ' ' - Best Informed Interests in the trade are beginning to regard the natural, gas gasoline situation as being of rital importance ta the future course of the refinery gas oline" market. A- brief surrey of the situation will show the reason for this, f :' , ; - Cracked gasoline admittedly has foe some time been nlarinr a ma jor . part in the mideontlnent i in dustry, and in -the' industry else where, as ' wellJv Output of gaso line ' by ' cracking has reached a orlame where it comprises jtso large a percentage of total output that anything .which would affect -continued .'operation - of cracking would affect the gasoline situation as a whole. ' Of the estimated 350,000 ibar rels of daily cracking capacity in the mid-continent It is-estimated that only 90,000 barrels daily Ca pacity ,1s of 'the. three types lot craecing iunus, w&icn are creguea with being able to procure gaso line capable of coming up 'to motor easoline's .'rrftVUr - snecification without the addition ot an outside ajencysy lariioe majority,, or bout 250,090 barrels '4aiiy tcapa city Is said to be made up of crack ing installations which require ad ditlon ot such a, high gravity gas oline as natural gasoline to bring up to-the grarity of the finished product. This as outlined by , well- informed courses," constitutes a reason - why . natural gas gasoline will, be placed in a stragetic po slUon. .A ': v Thla fact is further emphasized by the fact that the natural gas gasoline market has been strengthening" materially: ' The Square Deal Hardware Co.. 230 N. ComTL Most, elegant and, practical lines of mechanics tools, uilders' hardware, cutlery, etc Go there and save the dlffreence. ( IN NEW BUILDING ;4 "' , (Coatianed from pas 1-V t runwayTorarampf the company has the most completely equipped Sho jTthat could be installed. A car may be finished in lacquer hy the 'ale brush method, or enameled or Varnished. Across the front'ot the new. building here "are three finishing tooms com pletely -air-r tight, and haring Ught on thenar f rem erery, side. jjrJ9; & nee rooms may be heated to any temperature for: the he'st re sult. 1st the finishing of 'the car. Eren for, the Duco work, better re sults are obtained with erenly reg ulated heat and freedom from dust and air currents. The forethought of Mr. Wood In this installation was highly praised By ; B. W. Phillips, Pacific Coas aerrice representatlTe ifor4i the snerwin-wuilams Taint "company. f hiuipr declared xhe new, shop is equal to any In'he Pacific north west J :""?;- ' pt'-P S; . Already the paint shop is going lull blast and Mr. Wood has- had more Inquiries about painting than ia the past month at the old stand. f "BIll-'Anlbal weU-known auto painter who has been doing Sa lem's painting for years, -: is in cnarge oi this department. -. f The new plant is also, equipped to completely rebuild a ear body either in the open or closed mod- (s. Wrfecks may be transformed and reshaped and - rebuilt , until they are equal in service and. looks to a. new cax. I . 'i. - C! 2 f ' - a I. II i n t . 1. I .r,- 11 f 'I 2 ...n. mm v. , 98 miles from Salem-easily reached by auto, stage or traih-excel-; lent accommodations , -' ' '; ' 1 - - " - - J ' C . : . SURF BATHING, ROCK OYSTERLDIGGING, BOATING ON THE BAY, FISHING, HUNTING, AGATE HUNTING, DANCING . e .- t s . - r (rf. ; 1 V t Hi 1 I . l hi v; v Wis " GS. OllS' 1'OtMML ' Tlfc. Tnka. AerauarlM.. Eta. - - - WOOD?1 RSMH OAK Ann. " - - Fireproof v CHEVB.OLEI AGEXCT -V l Oor Fatron Matt B SaUsfied. 1 TA91SA fltMS , ITaHmT ' t . ft ffvwjwM wwmww. x.,,-. 1 . , , Agate Beach : Service Station and Store, gas oline, oil and accessories. Fan cy and staple groceries'." Lunch crnnTa Itarifni-rf nm..:Pmiwi Otter Rock Hotel r f - Pietnnkq-M Location, " . , r ' BentUul Scenery.- ' O. J5. DAKXJUro. Pro. . Tent Cottsce with food floors- f ur aitbod with NslepJng quarters for S tMStflO. . .. ' -.J ABBEY HOTEL1'" NEWPORT'S FINEST llOTEL , Strictly , modern Hot 'and i' cold water.. Steam heat'p In all rooms. Newly ,ren- J ' s orated. : Opposite Boat 'Land Ins on v'w -' .Front Street 'v; ; J. J." TOBIN, Manager 1 3777 1 Agate JBeach Inn AmocieM' Pla ; i ; Home" Cooking -a 'SpccfaTty Wonderful View of. the Ocean . . St . r cl- r-J i.'0ia--" ' 1 roBti-0r tho BeA- - ; ' Wood, Light, Water, Auto Shed Opea"U tho year. Writ for folder. 1 : Casino Garage : STORAGE--REPAIRIXO I Midway between Postof flee, and -Ny Beach , . ..;-. ' ' 'Newport, Ore. r !' ' . f The Log Cabin i 1 , Dancing, Meals tod x " Lunches: "- ; Newport-''.Qregon:, I Cherry City Cottages ""' :'' - ii ii". ' i i" r I - j'-''-1 -i-. . - - h"-.,t v - r '- " Two and four rooms. Near, .the beach. Wood, light and rwaterV autO'Shed Every-, thing furnished but linen silver .'and top. bedding. ' - : 'GEO.G. SMIT1I ' , . . NewDort, Oregon ' At the NEWPORT CAFE -. Also co) rootii Ilomi eon forts. ; Catty Corner from fottolfice. - Mxa. A, Tansdfold. Prop. ' ; eadnaKery;: , conrecuonery ana ueais . - Home Made Bread-and: Pastry : At Nye Beach. Newport' ; R. Kasbohm, Proprietor PRITATE FIRE IROOF -7, Garage V :. - ot kr at , , : ; Tlioreas Sourenlr Store : Newport, Oregon r- rAs You Iike'Itr Grffl 1 - TJade tf unacomoot ' . ' .W. U BCSII, propriotorr ' . ? Sea: Fxds Our Specialty ' It Rooms and Coafectlonery Nye Beachv Newport,' Oregon 1 4Mk. . .i ..... - -, . ... . ,4-. . - . J- , w v . j . - ' '. . . . . . ,. . i . . . , - , - ; ... - -; . Eiker Auto Co.. Ferry at Liber ty St. ' Autos stored, and bought and sold.-. Cars washed, day , and night. . Low 'prices and service will make long friends. v () SEESHffiOF: DISCARDED RUBBER turer of tires and tbes, and want those tires so modei as to provide -dfta." But Not Tor Manufacturing of -Tires, Says Head of Gen - eral Tire Company f ( Autoinotlre: Daily News ) : j ; BOSTONJuneclatoedj mvuvi uo us auTsawgeii, sccoru- Ing to William O'Nell, president ot the General Tire and Rubber com panybut not in tho. manufacture of urs. ;..- "v ; - -.V "I am a director In a rubber re claiming plant," stated Mr, O'Nell, nut primarily I am a manufac- tires or reclaimed not propose to maximum year.., We containing shoddy robber, and we do do "so. .. . ;'; - "Wo 'ovKATtmantail '. Uh flint . , W .AV. IjbU..' . W VMk - proposition years ago In the course of our research work, and reached conclusions then that hare been confirmed and verified recently hy the . - United i States '. Bureau of tardards. , " , ,-'-,:v t ' . ;-; "1 ;There i's a blg Ield in which reclaimed rubber can legitimately be used. It does very well in so- caed . mechanical goods, where the. problem ot resiliency, heat. flexing and abrasion is not present as It is in tires. ., "One -really needs no technical research men to e3l him that old rubber tires and' snoes," from, the bacs yards and the dumps- rub ber. that has li red ts life and un- i&eiUugue a&u -Uttler- loration that go with! a. ife.eop; 95 r pleted cannot be restored , by . chemicals so, that, Jti wljli .tH compare in usefulness; with fresh, 1 rital,aew crude trttbbeB (recently , . Uken from Jthe trc-e."! ijl ' " "The exponent' of a' jpamphiet I for' reclaimed. rubber in tires says in . his accompanyingletter: 'Re claimed rubber can, is and :wi!l ; continue tobe 'used jla tremend- ous rolume in' tho manufacture of ' tires. Selfishly,, we hope so." . . t j Pomeroy Keenie. - Jewelers, never fall to lre ydu 100 on the dollar, Watches.1 clocks, pins, charms. SUndard ' high grade 1 stock In' all departments. C) '-'- ' j1; " ;- ick Bros, are selling ; he Oak- , land and Pontiae carat . Agents, Tor, 4 V the valley counties. , jPloneer firm . Oakland coach now only ' 11250. 280 S. High St. ? ' (..) i: i - i : i '. ',' .1 ;', L V ( 4 . XAYr DEVELOPS XEW ENGINE A two-cylinder ailcraft engine using heavy oil has been developed bjr. the navy department.. If : it proves as successful as tests seem to promise, according to Popular Science Monthly, a more powerful engine of. the same type will be constructed. . The new engine, in vented by A. P. said to he Of special value for dirigibles because its fuel. Is nearly inflam mable. " , . F. W. Pettyjohn. ;J5 i. Coml., sell the Hudson car, giving the greatest six cylinder value. Hud son $1379; Brougham 11639. ()j Smith & WatkinsV - Court and High . Sta.. auto tires,, tubes and accessories. . McClaren and Fisk tires; Offer the.- most miles for the least moneys () - - ' J t -.'V 0T' :"" '" ' Vf. -'"'" .;L a 0,(i1, iIiim!1, ' -.VM'-'M fill. .r.o: ." ,- - " 4 t- "... ' J" V I ; v - '-' Fireproof Storage -T- Fuel --- Transfer if Coal and Dry Wood at Reasonable Prices Cratmg Local and Long Hauling Moving 143 South Liberty - i-- ' U'V.' ?1 .u ilJ W Telephone 930 - ? i I ; 4 1 i c. I', 11 ! 1 T 5 'i ' ' mmi nit, Li tTPHlS NEW Willys-Knight Six. power plantti steadily" wearing if?r. to greater power and effiaency while v " " "Seventy" will outperform any jJV other car near its price or classThe 5 . r motor dcvelopsgreater horsepower ' per cic inch piston displacement throughout its entire range, than any Other stock, American built engine." From a boredf'yitt inches and a stroke of 4 inches t4ie actual pow er development is 53 brake horsc power. - In termsof performance : this means a speed ability well in i I excess of 60 miles an hour startl- ''T 'J ing hill climbing ability amazing V ; v acceleration. . . . 4 r other motors are "wearing but.' . Standard equipment I includes four wheel, brakes, of the jtypeused by of the finest of European cars, accepted by leading engineers as the safest and best type of brake that can. be used. j -t'i . ; i: I; ..Try this car test it invery way compare its great performance with 1 that of any other carlyou have ever '? tried. Examine its quality construc tion: the : graceful bodyt- lines, the deep wide- roomy seatmg space - . In service," this motorduplicajtes the v ;you will realize that it is the creatcit 4 V "':v '-. i I 1 . TOURING s 1295 , COUPE J1395 v, r 4 , . STANDARD SEDAN t39S ' " . F. O. B. FACTORY ' 'i ' .t Jr. 1 1LT '? ' - Vj ', x . - Ji DTVUgo toe ivcw . v 1 : Willys Finance , rPIan r ; - Dujuuscuuafmaueraown 2" V v i payment & smaller month y Y- ; : . payments; the lowest credit cose in we maascry fulfil .j- . -' 1 r. , Is? - -. t.H 4 r . - Cottage and Ferry Streets . Telephone 409 '1 v- V . .r: ' I