SUNDAY MORNING; MAY-.23.' 1926- TV t -PHi'M lit. LI i -billman" fuel ja ' TELEPHONE 185S. 4829tf : Poultry and Eggs 45 '.- MINORCA CHICKENS. 63F15. ' 45)7 Nursery ' Slock 49 . PLANT V "OMWj THaT FIXER , varieties of annual Bad PwmW ; pleat. Now U the time to fill. porch tM.- Lt H ptaat them; tor joe. We furnish everything, Mll.tor . .1.4 deliver. -Give aa a. call st pHf - kHM 1201 D BLr phone $80. Open a a. .,. p, mj Alee Sunday. Lots ; I Rlneo nnrsory. 4m8 Miscellaneous , 51 furniture upholstering and re- oiu.Pawm furniture 8 tor. "." - - SlsSOtf Lost and Found 53 LOST GOLD PEN tall leather" ea. tors to Wilwmn. AND PENCIL IX Finder plrase' r- Rewsrd. 63ml ltf Personal 55 BEFORE TOO MARRT WRITE : EVA. , B-1022. Wichita. Kutti. Lady worth ,150,000.00.-,,; Lonely. ) , i 65m23 ', ju'ARRT IP LONFXY: JOIN "THE 8UO. t t ceoeful Correapeadeace Clan.' Reliable; y description Ire, .box oo,- tsKis, California. - " - 65m23 i Money Loan, r IP, TOO XIIT THAT-..YOU COULD borrow aaoaay n year residence and la eat' of yoarJ deethv the mortgage Won Id be eaaeelied, yoa' wonld he in ' treted w.ulda ' t yeat I make enea mmi. interest. Can. Hudkto. Tar M tier's Store.' Paoae to. 7mlltf FED tKAJi- FARM .LOANS H. F. JU Weoi41 State St. - ' 87m7tf CCi: Wanted Loans; 59- VtBtf , loh fool, real MUt M- - n W, H. OiABEKHORST, 4 CO. r V ' KoaJtoro.;- V; i---- '?!?. 5 184 South Libortp St.- ftseee' 61, SOnlStf Ikisfnes Opportunities 61 WW,' SELL ALL OR PART OP E3TAB 1 4 haaittMe antomobtlo iiae. Will , 'teach, yen baninoea.. A money maker. ' Addre. bee 63 car State. 61a23 ro saLe--cafetesu. cosfectiom- , ery -nd r fouatain ; growing toww of i0tt iabaMtnt, alo 3W0 to 400Q amdnU,' fipuO wU -handle,, an at ; trtietjty boy. - Boa v24 BUtt- -.,rH ;-Vi-.'-. :t- ..;..lnM bI:8IX ES8 - Op EO RTtTNITlES v ; Second hand orj reetanraat. Kroeery ioek' and fitf area, r Apartnieat nooae. Rooming .3tonite, store building and wr houM. Gem.JPrPaod, S41.. State 8V V.V' 'jL-'-'-i rs'7??yMiXlt - SEX THIS 8XAP i ' The beat paying revtaarant' and eow feclioaery in Shalom. t-W ell, loea ted and doing iino'boaln.-. Wilh aaerifieb for 9 1 500, eoma tormn SALEM RE ALT X CO, 463 State 8W' -.. lm23tf ' BUSINESS LOCATION RIQHT T!V UUb . -aea diktrict. rood bonae. C7SOO. Oer. I i at. ag4 4 toviage st. i5teal fetate Directory "62 "' - ""BECEK 1 S. High , HEKORICKS .; :-r TeL 19 -. A. C BOHRSSTEDT 14T N. CemaareiaL Tot T7V BUeSELLE ASPINWALL -122 .N. Comarcil. Tel. . CH1IJ5S A BECHTEL ' ISO Stat Sa V TeL 17JT, f -FLEXIKq REALTY CO. 41iHtaU Room 7. TeL SOS. Vv Q. KLRTJXOER lT . CosVLRm. 1. .-. ..ToLHT. OERTRCDITJ, U. PAGE 49J K. CotUr. - TaL 11S8. ' SQUARE -DEAL- REALTY ' I V. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 470. ! WELLS TALLVAH SON " 21C Vaaonie .Temple, : TeL CIS. - TIBBITS A ELLIOTT 14t SUU. Room X, " ' TaC 03; - TRIAKOLE SIS S. Libertyv ; CO. TeL 951. 1M H. OomniarriiiL T,l IMi 'Real Estate 63 .Own ; Vouir S.FOR 7 SALE A FEW CHOICE.VIEW ini mi liOBsai Fork Hill oast of iJeKJsley tcheol. no view ia ' Salem icruiey. tcseoi, bo TwV ia ' 81 " aqaala it, rsa ih the. moun tains, 1 : ley. , and eity Electricity, city ws : and ' ao rock.. " Also fiao new st val- rater atone atuceo hdnr low. 5 room, both.' nook and garage, atrictly modem. !- CHA8.;fi CONE, Owner.. 'Phono. 1597. -r 3'm23 " $3QflO-,t rooms. . Good coustructin. and cooditien, 3 garage. , SsOOB-room bouse on Court street, just -Tedeel la price. - ' i . t $5.Ja. aew .6-room boo Booth, this Is r y ' -artistic -and haa a good i',' : View of the moaataiB. Every . , -modern teatuna. - . . , .$705X1 7 rooms. Oaka Addition, comer ' . lot. Priced tight. m J50 8 room. FairmounC HiIL we- - uotisi .nw ana a geoa vara, $9000 Beautiful homo eloo . in. ' i - - on ina fc 4 WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. J0 3 1 $ Oregoa . Bldg, -; -; -. -, v t.: 03m28tf CAN YOU. REMODEL A SOLID PLAS tared home' wtth cement baaement. Oa ;: fine large -lot. --Ail. aa la, for $3300. . Terms. 1427 Fairmouat street. Becke Uondrlcks 189 N. High atreet. 'ved 4AR- j"ok diat $7MtsO Attractive tuicco liuiu D Fair . mount Hill, wonderful buy, mod ern ia every, way and a besuW- - lul location.; LET US WRITE TOUR PI RE INSURANCE. .'. .. , W. H.'GRABENHORST COL '-:-r- i " Realtor.; ; ' 134, 8outh Liberty 8t. 63m25 FOR BALE SEW 4-B0OM BUNGALOW at 1480 N. - lerh. Hardwood floor, built-in bed, fireplace. . wired . for doe trio rang. lights, plumbing.pevemen and sidewalk. Only $100.00 down, balane $30.00 per month Including in terest. Be owner, 1540 N. 17U. v-t;; vk.-,-h 63m27 TAKE POSSESSION XOV of thia atrlet ly mode wall .arranged SOUTH 8A- LEM home good street. - Wonderful planting and brubhery. 94750. Try . tRIIS'OLE REALTY j Real-Trier. ' 818 N.-Liberty. U 3m23tf FOB TRADES- O SEE BUS8ELLE ASPIXWALL O 00 . . - O ' ;J ' 4 O M " ' :: , bj . f2000 eqity in : 6 -room O - bottae N. Salem, trtda ; for mU homo. Must ' A " " ctoor. ' . t ; . ' ISO acre oot front Bil- eerton, 96O00. trade for rooming bona or - hoUU ; " 160 cra- timber Jack eon Co.: $1500. trade - -for Salem, property, - will iiuim. -r r 320 acre Tatthill Co. t 1 'aboat H nnder plow. - tor amaller improved nereage. -.. , Smnli hoaao in SiWer , ton. Tor Salem home. will 860-aero roach 8W of - - Eugeno, for Salem or . - Port lend property to : . s $18,000.' '. " 1 ''' ' Kew 'houao on S" aero. f.j , '4 mile oat, tor house ' 'to $8000. , . S-room bouse iu Albany, ; . for farm or acreage to '. . $5O0. A tlx - ' v - ;.'-I ' 8-room house on 5-acre near Salem, trade for -cattle ranch, wiU no- e . sumo some. , ... . .- - ' New , S-room - f modern ' , Zt'i t hoaao . Ia . 2L; Salem, , .- , will trade 92500 "- equity aa- payment amall bat good farm. ' , , : i .1-, : ' 1 Cohi ia and tnatclrnp j4what yoa want for what yoa havo. BCSSEIXE A ASPINWALL V... - I , .. . 222 5. Com'l St. Phono SB. : . " i' 03m23 3- O - FOR TRADE 8 O SEE BCS8ELLE A ASPINWALL O LARGS DAIRY FARM EQUIPPED 230 acres with -stock 4 and. eoaipment for $100 aa acre.. 10 miles south -of Salem oa jpaving to Saleax . Becke Hen dricks, 189 N. High street. - 3m23tf 4)5500X0 $500.00 DOWN BUYS NEW modern buugslew. Fall cement, case ment, faraaco, fiwplate. dutch hitches, hardwood floors aad : garage. ' BO acres fia land all la- crop. Will trade for 84000.00. , town property. . Value On of the bet oarage tn vney for sal or trade for Salem property. Oa paved highway. -Doing a line bast s aes. : 1- ' v-.-i'f :- Modora new .- 4 room ' atuceo bunga low. Close ia for $3200.00. $500.00 . dowa. v . - . $5000.00 $500.00 down bays a mod ora aew o-room stucco bungalow. Cloaa Apartment bouse close in.4- Netting ri$fr on investment, r $4000.00 8350.0O down. New noe ern 4-room bungalow. Pall - .cement basement, fnrnace, fireplace, dutch kit chen, hardwood floors, window shades nnd garage. - .. - - - One of the best ehlckea ranches la the valley.. Fully equipped," Priced right for Quick sale, v Netting na in come for $500.00 per month... WH1 take Salem residence ae first peymenW - - SEE G A SKILL A EARLE : FOR PROPERTY 166 8. Ulierty St. - Phono 2243 -' 1 -. . 63m26 Mice I Mr . IorW- ;-17u'ilI smov ASWWS '...llgfcSg?!e&Sg&& MISSING: ..: Ttus miss AlpTv-wsteV WBff.VS)SSJi2i? aKUR--'-'rij.mL'Mtf vmTMce s .'imen; s,. srMt 5?;v TrS TnARKAEiE RETURN - r-RAyD,- v : - U - ' '' '-' " JVi ' JJf tif VOU FlEHD - POfHT UBTO M .. A T TtUt "700 ANT3UST ifTS TH .PROP ESSORJytaS El,'! tel i VJHStE IS MS ? VIHAT HAVBy f JS BOTV4 - MAVBS tTHOCVBt HUEN S STTrOV KNOW A Y? MINION Red Eatate 63 , MIXED AO 10 dowa and 10 per month "far a r ".nice lot clone to Patrgrownda . caa line. N. lKn,' Price auO. 10 dowa and ' S10 per month for fin east treat lot oa S. 4th bU Fine oak grore. ; Prlea.9450. CO dowa, balance monthly, good lot ' i- on 8. High ' SU - pariag paid. Priee S500. f 250 down, balance monthly for a 4- roem aungaiew. piaaioreev , fine hat.. Price SIMM. Will eonaider lot or light ear.' f 200 dowa, balaaeo jaenthly for a 5- roem . oaagajow ia ev. oawB. full baaemeat, ftreplaeo. garage, - paved BU Prieo fSlMM). .- 93200 ukoa a now modern 4-room bnngalew, boaement. ' famaee. fireplace, paed - atreet, will aell on aoldr'a boons loan or ' take light car or track on firat 1 - ' payment. , , ' $17,000 iota fine Sl-arre farm, IT acre fun. bearing prunea, 4 aer yoaag orchard, 7-room honao, good bara. Arrer. chicken boaae and brooder hoaao, 600 will ' aaadle. Win Uke hoaao ia Ha - lem oa first payment. ' $8000 to loan on city property. MELVIN JOHNSON X 109 8. Commewial 8U- Phono 559. - To trade -year,.. Salem property for , Portlaad property, aeo a. A new. fnltp modora baagalow ia Portland to trade for a hoaao ia Saloa. , Hot yea ia mind to bay a new mod era 4 room bnngatow and "garage for $3400; $S0O down, baUnco liho rat at 4. See ua nt once. And you nay want to trade pour hoaae tn town for & acres with, new bona and bam, at $4000, 4 miles , from Salem. . . ' . To . aell or trade your property, see as. Wo hare 40 acre a with fully mod era house and bare. - A fiao piece. Hold to the Idea of owning a farm of i- yoar own. . 82 acre f bottom land for $1600: ,. Cash. $400, -- balaaeo time at 6. . A " ' a-room plastered honao' oa 8. Lib erty. . Ptae condition. Corner lot. A aaao at $3200. Kasy terma. Homo oa 1 acre ia North 8alem. A beautiful modern homo. See it. Prieo $14.000., Terras, Of . course w will bo glad to ahow yoa a 20-aere prune ranch in full bear ing, for $7000. Easy term. Tour choice of '- many - bargain. A room house on a paved atraet for tlOOO. $300 down, easy terma oa alaneo. . 'House reata for $20 per month. :,.,--"...-" Owa . 10 acre all la fruit. Good soil. Prieo $1100. -ULRICH AND ROBERTS 122 N. Com'l St. Phono 1131. . ' . 63m23 FOR SALE' OR TRADE -s 5-room hoaae not -far oat, near car line, $1800.00. $200 cash dowa, balaaeo 'term. v . ' - S APT. HOUSES FOR SALE AT A BAR gain. may take a tittle trade. 80 aerea aear Spokaae to trade for Salem or. vicinity.-- Prieo ..right. - 15 aerea lino land close 4o Salem to dose on etUte at a low figure. 5-roomv honao oa paved atreet, very fine ahepo,-$1 COO. . - 40 acre oa mile from town, all - ander cultivation, fine soil, good bldg. Will take - part ia city property. $8000. ' Make loans, write insurance. See mo for' trade.. ? . W. LA FLA R, 4ltf Oregon Bldg. r . 3m21tf LOOK THESS OYER. FROM THE OUT aide, then aeo me. A maat, ' modora, - 840 North 20th; 4 room strictly mod ern, basement, 2390 Brooks Ave.; ? rooms modern. 1155 Gaines; a rooms modern. 1187 North 16th; k-room cot tare. 529 South Commercial Street: 6 rooms strictly modern, new. 1150 Madi son; ; 13 rooms, , furbished, income. 8140 per -month. 486 -North Liberty; 7 room, strictly modora, - aew, 998 North Capitol; 13 - room, modem, 488 North Liberty: 10 room, modern. 4SO -Krth-Liberty.. -Wo -ao a largo bating and can pleas yoa. can oa ne, 8oeolofsky341 Stato.r '-. 63m23tf TOUR DOLLAR HAS 100 CENTSV North Saletn ' 7-room good -home, east front, paved street, close to school, has, A good bap at $3250.00. terms. . Northeast .flelem. S-room house, ear- c aer lot, aasi front, paved atreet, eloae . to pua,' hqis aaa.,DsioBs center, - Price dat S 2 S 00.00. terma. - . , . Eact Sajcm; i now eteeco honao, aost froat. 4 room aad, bath, electric equipped, paved street, 'close tev r. Price $8500.00, terms. V - FAIRMOUNT CHILiXi" BEAVTtFuX view. 7 room, modarm la every way, garage, paved streets. Priced below value et 50.0. Soma terma.; VICTOR SCHN EIDER, Raaltor. , ' . .. -Loans, Iasaxanee.' 147 Ha. Can't 8L , .Phono 677. 63m1tf GROCERY STORE. STOCK:- "FIXTURES! Trade mad - furniture $1000. Trade 1-2 aerea. with shade, fruit tree. room largo . f ronUge oa hlghwy, $7500. ; Trade equipped ehiekoa ranch - for Salem propertyv Trade gaaolina swuoa 'sses sewa lor saiem prv Krty. '- Trade - f utaiehed 1 aevea room B:,' large corner let for .small house . cJo&a, ia. ' Apartment 'bonae 8T500, ;xraihea apartment baas, $5800. '' r Ftrraiahed-. roomiac house, - good bd. East front, $7500. Attrac tive corner residence oa North 8nm mer street $8000. Close ia property large rooms at very attractive price today. ' Beaptifni residence close la $20,000. turner tot aad small aouse, 81650. doe ia. easy payment. 21 . aeree, e4l in fruit and eoiipped, trade for Salem-property 8B850.- Wa write Fire and 'Auto Insurance. GERTRUDE J. M. -PAGE 492 H.'-eottara -Street.---63-s-12U. ' ' STOP STOP . r ' That rent leak I Get ahead hy seear ing a home of your own, - Here are a few good homes with a mTI paymea down, balance less taaa rent. $850. ,Coy 8-roora house, electric ; lights, wood shed, largo lot, aear mar i et street..- enap. - -c; . . , . . aiOOO. WaM built r era re bonae. ha: ' a chimney, city1 water, paved street, north lnta. SnaD- - $900. -Hon and 2 lots, plenty of fruit. West Salem, baa ,8 rooms, trio lights, sewer, snap. - l NEW MODERN BUNGALOW - $2850 and another one for $3000:, strictly saodera a rooms oacn, one ta ti Balem. one oaat aiem. - . , STILL BETTER ONE I ' $4260. Brod bow doable eonstneted, 4 larre rooms, nook. All the built- - ias; hsrdwood floor, fireplace, furnace. - A real homo for $4250. - - - LOTS LOTS I - Jnst a few choice bargains. $1000. Paving paid. N. Capitol street. 9100V. Asbrasta near vapitoi street. . $1000. E street, bas a garage. - $ 850. Oa D atreet. A dandy. ' ' IP IT'S ACREAGE TRACTS " Vi hve them any ise. With or without Improvement at lowest prieo. -Ta oafs -mMh rae, propeety See CHTU)$ A BECHTEL. Realtors, 820 State St- 1st door E. Bash bank ; i,, . " it -r; 63m22tf 63. HOKE. BARGAINS $2050 New four-room homo with ftre--. place, paved street and cement t ' walka, oak floors, Murphy bed, ' ; built ia ktteheav UXAXiX. i TO occcpy. $4750 Modem rive-room homo located oa S. High, garage, owner t anxJoaa to aJL Keo this homo : ' today aad got a bargain. Terma. $5TS0 Attractive home oa Fairmouat i hill, with oaat front and spten ; ; .did view, terms. Lot as ahow yoa this homo today. , $5800 Jaat completed, aew .eix-roocn i . homo with 'all moderh eenven - v tences iacludiag,- baaoment, f ur r aaee, fireplace, - maadry ' eraya, : paved "street aad garage, $2300 dowa, balance payable $40 per month. $8900 Complete - homo," located sis - block oot on earner lot, d looms, fully modern with double ' ' garage, aeo . it aad judge for a. . yourself it a bargain. Lot na write yonr FIRE INSURANCK -- W. H. UHAsiKNHCMtST CO . - Reattora. fc' - - . 134 8. Liberty 8U . . 63m23 CONTRACTORS ATTENTION WK have . excellent building lota north where yoa want them. - We- ran make yot attractive proposition oa - group of lota.- hfodera house district. Re atrietioa. Beek Hendricks. 189 N. High street. . . 63m23tf ' HOMES AND INVESTMENTS - - 8-room- plastered - borne N.- Salem, T fiae lota, paved atreet, $5000, $iOOO dowa. ' - --- - Good modora home 8. 15th St. $2650, good .term.: ; r Moat market, stock, fixture, lease, good location, good busincse, $2000. Good : Portland . Income property, $15,000. for good farm. ' . ' Good 20-eere bearing prune orchard. . near tsaiem, aoouu. wan residence. - 8 Vood house for rent. - If yoa want to bay sell or exchange So PERRINE MARSTERS ' 212 Com. Club Bldg. 63ml 6tf We Will Build You a Hoirie ON TOUR LOT. -.TOO PAT FOR IT LUCK tEXT. Bulgin & Bulgin 27S State street, r 63al$tf ROOM FAIRMOUNT HILL COTTAGE. $700.00 cash. ' balaaeo like root. $3,200.00. 7-room modern Pairmoant Hill residence. A aaap. nt $5,200.00. 4-room nearly aew North Salon eottageC Easy terms, - sibso.uo. A. C. B0HRNSTEDT, . Realtor - Loans Insurance. 147 No. COm' 1 St. Salem. Oregon. 63ia22tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST . Ws have- over $000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. W can match yonr exchange EXACTLY. If pea would like to trsd yoar property TUUAI.COM ia TUUAT. Bee -G A SKILL EARLE. Realtors. Successor to Parker Realty Co. 16 8. Liberty. ' Phono 2242. 63ml2tt Real Estate Trades 65; GOOD SIX ROOM HOUSE TO TRADE for Salem property. W. L. Osborne. Phono Black A-21. Silverton. 4 65m23 : - EXCHANGES 1 S-room furnished apartment, want bunralow of about $3500. and assume. price $7250. 200-acro improved ranch. 1 Polk county, want acreage near tw - lem. price 8 22.000. 5 aerea. fair im provements, want Salem home, price 8350O. New amall bungalow wanted for Hudson Coach and cash. Soeoktfsky 341 State. - s eamaa SPECIAL 80 acre of good saw timber, wilt trade for bouse or "amall tract. We have some good income property to trada for a good improved farm and a f ina prune farm , to trade for a atoek or dairy farm.' ' S 'acre- with stock, crop ad eqaipmeat . for house aad lot. THOMPSON, 831 K Stat St. , ..;.----., - -;:. ' : : - 65m23 GOIXG TO' PORTLAND SACRIFICE 7. m . . . . , i, . . J : . I. BUOBroan noun practicBiiy mwiern wm a aero, oaat view, (rait, near school, store and car. "Act Now" TRIANGLE REALTY; OO. iReabTriers,'' 218 N. Liberty. Phono .631. . 65m23tf WE HAVE TWO GOOD INCOME- PROP- ertie to trade for amall farms close to j. Salem. . , We have a number of '-farm to-trade for Salem home.- Wo ,- have $20O0 privnta money to loan. . , McGILCHRIST PENNINGTON. , 209 . U. 8- Bank Bldg. Phone 140. - - ' ' ' ' - 65m20tf Real Estate -Farms 67 THIRTY- PRODUCTIVE ACRES 5 mile - of -Balom, i good - a-room - house, nemo fruit, equipped for chickens. All la .. crop that YOU GET if- taken NOW. Ac cent , amall improved - acreage. TRIAN ftf.R REALTY. 218 N. Liberty. Phone FARM . BARGAIN. I 200 ACRE 8 . 120 ... acre clear, all aew lead, lay fine, no .rock, .about 40 acres ot fine oax tia ber. balaaeo ' eat over, spring water. - all well fenced, good five-room house. - barn 24x40. . $ao per aer , ana - win take aoma city Drooerty. Goo. T. Peed 841 -State St, - 67m21tf WELL EQUIPPED SMALL RANCH 18 nere. ideal for Bummer Camp, good fish lag aad h an ting. $ acra cleared. Irrigation , system- In, . water- piped to bona and bara, $2500 cash, Geo. T. Graves, Black Rock. Ore, 67m24 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO K : . i FOR SALE K K ' - K K , 2-ser tract aear 8. Com'l K K street esrline.". Good 4-room K K bouse, barn, ehieken-hons, well. x K K - All kind of fruit. Price $3000. K K No trade. k. - , - IX K Let us KRUEGER. Realtor. K K Write yoar r 147 N. Com'l Hi. K K Insurance , Phono 217. K K ' - v - ' 7m23 K OKKKKKJCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO "DO TOD BELIEYK IN OREGON t" " '' i We Specialise on Parma. . 10 aerea of good land, -berries, fralt ana gnraoa ta at at eonoiuon. o-room pi altered, modern house, garage, poai try house,' barn. ' drier, lira water. On good road, phono lino, close to achool. jl good homo for these growing yeong - stars. ' Price $4500.00. aom terma. 80 acres la host, of condition, good buildings oa good rood, an la crop, omo irri rated, close to srood trading place. . A real buy at $9000.00. Half sb, aamneo easy.- See a for suburban home siUa aad Oregon farms.' ' VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Raaltor. Loans, Insaraaco. 147 No. Com'l fit. - Phone 577. i - J- $7a2tf Real Estate Real Estate Farms 67 -u" ' FOR SALE $8000 bays a fine improved 10- - - aero home located oa the -v Garden road, good 6-room v boase. barn aad fruit, $1,- , v 5M)down. balance terma . 6. . - i t $6000 bays a fiao 40-acre tract ' .- located oa paved road : aear tha Swegla achool. first class soil. . ' $4500 bays a fine 12-acr tract I - nearly all iw frait,. $500 - dowa.- balaaeo int. t $2500 buy 5 acre. all ia fruit. ' small hoaae. good road -! - and eloae to paved road, , terma to suit, f $1 1.0OO buy lcro tract lo ,eated - close into Salem. .: 1 10 nees prunes. 20 acre. fiao timber, running wat- . ( - -- er;. would make tine auto ramp ground site, $4000 down, balance 6 int. $4500 bay a fine improved acre tract located close ia. -- -sightly location .overlook - -- ing Salem - an! Wiltam- ett valley, good 6-room - - i bungalow, basement, far--asre, $700 down. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtor. :. 134 S. Liberty St. . . 67m2.. SO ACRES IMPROVED FARM IX TUK- ner-AnmsvUlo- District. Soitabla for flax and air farm crops and vegetable Two silo. Larg barn. Several small buildings, $0,500.00. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT. Realtor'- Loans Insurance . 147 No. Cora l St.. Salem. Ore, - ' 67m22tf Real Estate Suburban, 69 .FOR SALE,- . ; $ 50, down and balance $10 per month will handle nearly 1 acre local . ed south, of Salem, beautiful view, of Willamette valley and -, Caaead mountains. Prieo 850, interest 6. . $ 10 down aad balaaeo $10 per month will bay. oo-lOO of an acre lo cated on the corner et N. 20th nnd Madison streets. Price $600, intereat 6. I I) flown and balance gio. per moron wiuvaaBOie z ft aerea io-- t eated on gravel road near main paved Silverton road. Price $875. interest 6. $ 25 down snd balance $10 per month . will handle nearly. acre1 lo cated on the Pacific highway north of -Salem. Price $800. in terest 6. W. H. GRABENHOR8T A CO. ' Realtor. 1S4 8. Liberty street. 69m25 LOOK THESE TRACTS OVER 12 aerea in limits close to n, school. $1800 cash. Should be worth $6000 to $10,000 in ten year. 2 Two beauty aerea north ' on high way with large modern buildings, for $5950. Terms. 3 Jour aerea mile from limita south - - for $3200. Bldgs, Some fruit snd ? on Pacific highway. 4 Five nere modern bldg. on gar den .road cut to $5000. 510 acres garden road -with -good bidgs.,' aazoo. ". 2 m - si. . ft lO acres bearing cherries for -$700Q, No bide. , . - .. . -r-.; , 7 16 acres mostly - fino logon' and filbert with small bldg.. for $4200. Every one of these tract has aeea personsily inspected and appro reod. Tney are the best tract buys we know. Lot as ahow. Berke A Hendricks. 189 N. High atreet. 69m23tf Used (Cars for Sale 79 WE TRADE FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS GOOD BUYS NOW 1926 Ford Roadster. - 1924 Fdd Touring, Rux stall doable shocks. Bosh and Strom berg. 1925 Star Sport Cpc like new. 1921 Dodge Touring, new paint. 1924 Study Lt. 6 Touring, snap: 1823 Maxwell 4-Pasa. Coupe. 50 MORE TO PIC KFBOM Wo trade and give terms. - Open Evenings and Sunday. CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET . 255 No. Church, y. No. of P. O. Phone 882 or 886, . , - 7m23 Wanted Real: Estate 71 WANTEDTO HEAR - FROM OWNER of farm or an improved land for sale. sv. ttawipy tfaiawtn, wis. iimji We Have Cash Buyers ' For Lots . LUt "Now for Rosalte. BusseUe & Aspinwall 222 X. Com'L Phono 88 71ml9tf Automobiles Wanted 77 BEFORE YOU TAKE THAT TRIP. LET me grind your valves and tone ap your -motor. The, old baa will have aew, life and you'll save tha cost on gaa and oil. Mike Panek, Brake Specialist, 275 8. Commercial, v - ki "J CASH PAIP' Ante Co. FOB FORDS BIKER 77ml Stf Used Cars for Sale 79 A FINE CAR PRICED RIGHT TO SELL, O. I. Hull. 267 8. Com'l St. 70m23 1918 - OAKLAND FAIR CONDITION, $50.00 eaaha. 225- 8. Church vin rear, ' ' ' ' . 79m21 1924 Chevrolet Touring, $375 . . " Completely overhauled. - Looks . and ran like a million. 1922 Chevrolet Touring, most every extra on It in excellent Condi . tion. -A wonderful buy tn a used car ;.. ni 1920 Chevrolet Tourinr ... .;.$ 65 l9i9.Ford Touring.' No starter, bat ran rood. - :- NEWTON CHEVROLET CO, Opposite City Hall. 7m22tf Trucks and Deliveries -' -' AT TOUR SERVICE WORTHY VALUES WITH MILES P TRANSPORTATION . Chevrolet Delivery, 1923, A-l ...$250 Dodge Scrnea Delivery, 1924, A-1-4600 Ford Delivery, starter typo .,.$ 50 f lodge Delivery attachment, A-l $175 - Ford Panel -Delivery, a real value, i 92 4 model, new body ..$825 Republic 2-ton all reconditioned 1 nearly aea- solid tires. 100 ia ' a new truck? : ..$750 lH-ton Republie, Handy Hurry up small track. - Reasonable ..:.$325 " I ton Dodge attachment. - All overhauled. - Now ring, pistons guaranteed ..$225 "Under the Big Tent BONESTF.ELE MOTOR CO. r- Center and Commercial Sta. 79m23 f Used Cars for Sale 79 ; Valley Zilotor.'Co. Fords THE TOLLOWINO CARS HAVE THE GUARANTEED TRIANGLE 1925 Tooriag. bariooa tire $345 192$ Touring, . extra, a well-pro- - kerved ear -. '. $265 1924 Tooriag, now balloon tiree. This ia aa extra good buy .$295 1924 Touring, fair rubber .-$20 Early 1923 Voupe $95 worth of repair. Will give now ear sore-" ice .$285 Early 1924 Touring, looka : like new $275 1924 Coupe with balloon tires ....$385 1924 Roadster, $150 worth of - extras .. .. . $295 1925 Coupe, $280 worth of extras $450 Valley Motor Co, . , Guaranteed Fords . EXCEPTIONAL PRICES - ' ON 'v - RECONiDITIONED USED . AUTOMOBILES Ford Coupe, $275. 1925 Dodge Tearing, excellent shape. Chandler Touring, fiao finish. 1925 Baiek Enclosure. Light T oaring cans $75.00 aad up. ' See-these offerings, at our sales of fice. - Too win be pleased wtth the select stock and the condition of all cars. -- . F. W, Pettyjohn Co. 865 North Commercial St. Phone 1260. Cadillac' Hudson . Essex - " . ..--;.T9m28tt WE ARE OFFERING YOU A- VERY complete stock pf reconditioned good used ear at. exceptionally low price. Ford both open and closed models. Jewett Coupe. Old Coupe. - . ., Chandler traffie transmission. Hudson 8peedstr. - JJoago 1 onrtngs.- . Auburn Touring. , " Overland Touring. Chevrolet Tearing. Buick Enclosure. W also have many - other at prieo that will pleaae yoa. "After W Sell Wo 8ervo." F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 265 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260. Cadillac Hudson Eases 79ral6U Vick Bros. Good Used Cars no of the wisest move yoa oan make ia to select a good used car from this column. 1925 Flint Touring, glass closure. 1924 Oakland Touring. 1912 Dodge Coape. 1924 Overland louring. 1924 Star Touring. 1919 Franklin Tonring. 125 Ford Coupe. .1924 Ford Coupe. ' . 192$ Ford-Tearing. . , 1931 Ford TouriBc. , We have aeveral xhvap. ears that will give , good ir'rvu' and are I worth mor tha - e are asking.;kiros. 280 S. High Street. Phone 1941 79m28 1- Eiker's Guaranteed Used Fords 1925 Touring -$313 1923 Coupe ..$255 -$245 1938 Ford Sedan - ,. 1923 Roadster 4925 Tearing ,.. 1925 Coupe 1919 Tonring Stock complete. " $2 other -$220 -$335 -$446 -$ 70 choos from. Some low aa $45.00 ElivEH AUTO VU. Liberty Street at Ferry. Phono 121 - T9a2Stf rReliable Used -Cars Wo have v a ' complete stock of good standard make at all time. It will pay yea to look them eve before yon any. - " . Fred M. Powell Motor Cars $50 M. High. Telophoa 312$. Y9m9f Week End Specials General Clean Up StantJardil Makes i and h-adels-;,:' ' MacDonald Auto Co. '- 2 Pas. 1928 Oakland n Landau Coup. . this is a new ear never driven. r 5 Pats. Light six 1924 Stndebaker St dan. new paint, fin upbols ' tery nnd good tirea. ' 5 Paas. SDecial Sis 8tudebaker Tour : ing, baa glass . anctoaure, and grass shock aoeoroers. 5 Pass. Late model 4-eylinder .Willys- j . - . Knight Sedan. ' . 5 Pasi.-Buick Touring, newly painted, ' ft Paaa. Overland -Touring. - - .. . - '; 5 Pass. Maxwell Tonring, disk, wheels. r 5. Paaa. Franklin Touring. 1 5 Pasa. Cleveland Tonring. '. 5 Pass. Buick Touring. ' Look v Choice $50 Look I & Pats. Maxwell Touring.. t S. Pass. Chevrolet Tonring. . f " 6 Pass. Dodge Touring. , " . " : S' Paaa. Ford Touring. v - All are ready for yoa to drive away. If yoa are looking for bargain w have I them. .-.., -y-'r'.- I Our Slogan t In Service We Grow MacDonald Auto Co. Colts gs aad Ferry St. - Phono 409. Oucn Sundays and Evening. Marmon Willys-Kaisbt - Overland 79n28tf t Brickbat: The most popular form of arg-nment employed when the brain' refuses to function. ' L Respectability: Fulling down the curtains before starting a fam scrap. CLASSIFIED DUSIIIESS pIRECTdllY Of IWlable Uoalnesa aat4 ProfesaloitaJ Firms' ArrmngpG, la AlpIutbeticaJ Order fop iulcM, jierea j AUCTIONEERS F. N. WOUDRT - a Loadiag Export- Mvootae. Far- aitar and Real EstatoAacuoaoor-aao RoadStoro. 1610 K. ' Btroot. Phono 511 For Salo to .- . - Established Since lV ': aU AC COUNT AST O. ED. ROSS, AOOOUNTANT AND Aad Itor. 8314a State. Phoao fc"--7..t6 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES, starwr aad generator work; 171 Bout - Commercial.- --s.-j Phono 19$ COURT ST. T ewTLXiaMs BICYCLES AND AIRIXG LLOYD K. RAMSDC: OLUMBIAv Bl erciae and repairing. 8 Court. CHUTESX BXMCRDT, . L. L. DICK U,M, HUM 2tiaaM Medicine Company-- fT.1 knasra disease. i 420-428 State r " w..- . ! 30tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. SCOFIELD. P.S S. C, 328 Ora- gon bldg. Phono 2194: r - DR. O. L. SCOTT. P8C. CHIROPRACTOR 258 ft. High, fhona aaa-j or 01. aansnmmnwJsBBnahnBOSsawawennm EX2CTXICIAS8 - DOMESTIO ELECTRIC CO. ELECTRICAL WORK aas-CL CnnmuelsL Telephona 1720. - '. i - ,aitf m.TKHER, ELECTRIC CO, HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Kumatas furnished. Phone '980-171 Coort St. FARACTPAPFJt IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm pper ed le too x-aeuic Homestead, Salem, Orcgen. fer thro month' trial subscription. , Mention this ad. . .- . j - - . POULTRYMEN BEND EIGHT TWO cent stamp for special tnroo monua trial for the beat and oldest Journal la the west. The article aaa aaver tisement aro of special interest to th poultry breeder of tb Northwest Northwest Poultry Josrnal. 211. Com morcial street. Salem, Oregon.. FINANCIAL INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN ON HA lem home, business block snd part- meat bouse. P. H. ;Bell 520 U. 8. Bank Building. Phone 2474,, . FOR SALE FIRST ANT SECOND Mort gage. -Trust Deeds, (Jontraeta aa hous l r n sins .7J .w 0.-7.. BECKS A HENDRICKS .I. , . , . . ,AM Pteilie- Blde 189 N. Hikh St. - FARM LOANS "PLEITTT OF MONEY to loan on 'good farm iseenrity. CITY LOANS Wa aro loaning Pro dentist Insurance Company money on city residence and basinesa property, at pins a oomatisstoa. Hswkias Roberts, latv, 305 Oregon Building. - - i d-l4tf FLORISTS FERNS, CHOICE ROSES. GLADIOLUS, poreaaiaia, sarnos, weeping oircn, ma, etc. Bennett Naraary Co, Fairground .- 2 as, ia. . s u- 3UT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS -Funeral wreath, decoration, u. r. Breithaapt. "floriai; 12$ H. Ubortyt Phone 880.' .- - ! ' - : - - STTRAJrCB LOANS, REAL ESTATE, GENERAL IN- ouraoco. O. V.. lliar, aiw vragoa Bldg- s..; r' A 4- Insure - t Toar homo or ear bow Phone 181 -BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. ft-tf LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDKR LAUNDRY Telephone 25. '. : 2o3 8. High, SALEM LAUNDRY . COMPANY 168 .8. High treeC Phone j 85, oldest, brg 3 est aad best. Established 1889. a TRY THE .HOME WET. WASH LAUN- dry. Pbono 171. 135$ a Btroot. jxih CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY - "The laundry of pure materials." Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway. LADIES TAILORING ' D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN - and women-; 474 Court St. - - MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THk .. Capitol. City Bedding Co 1190 North CanitoL . Called for ahd delivered. "AH work jruaranteed.- Phone 19. fl9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM CQUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. 4 1CUS20 STORES GEO. " a WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sowing machine, sheet music and piano stuoies. n-epairuxg paono grapha and sowing machine. 432 Stat street, Salem. !"-'" N - - - XTEWSPAPSRS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM.. SALEM . Agency Tha Aea. TaL 23 . 4, -. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS . nor month delivered to . yoar hems : early eaeh morning. I Tet 28 vr bj NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros.. 178 8. Commercial. - PACKING AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING aad shipping, eU ;8tiff'a Faraitan Store. Phono 941. 4 . By Ed iWheelan SEP PAPERHANODfQ AND PATXTLYO) PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOOSS aoeoraxtag, paper hanging, tustlag. ate. Reliable workman. - - PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP1 EXPER1ENCKD Plane tuaer. Leave order Will' -Music Store PRINTING FOR 8TATI0NERT. CARDS. PAM Pit let, program, book r nay hind -t printing. Call at the Statesman Print lag fDeparijmeat, -216 ' 8. OomaMrrtat. TeL 583. ' PLTJxCBrNa PLUMBING i AND GENERAL RKPAIM ' work. Grater Bro 154 8. Liberty Phono 650 J flail RADIO . Radiolas Far Every Parpos Every Pars m -mnaw All SUadard 8la af Radle Tube ' HALIK AiEOFF ELECT RIO SHOP 337 Court St. rTiooo 48W REAL ESTATE IF TOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL a if yoa are looking for a homo, far, ar baeine property, oeo as. DECKS A HENDRICKS - , 189 N. Hirh St.. Heilig Bldg. 5t REALv ESTATE , . . ;- jTOUNG MAN . . , , , V if yoa are thinking of getting mar ried and have found the girl- v-.. And if yoa both' have the quality af common sense that prefer, a - happy little home! of yoar own to a bench of rent . receipts " If yoa. and the girl of., yonr rhoico. are capable of basiling if yoa havo " health and the right outlook yoa can , live bapniifr and more economically- : married tljan ' single, no mater what ' yonr preset t financial condition. - ,: Le me shot , you, ' ; .. HARRIS, Masonic Bldg, TeL 795, 1942-J - i m23 iSCAVENOERS CITY GARAGE CO. OPPICR "PHONR . 35. 167 A. Commercial, Res, Phono . 2290. : T . . ,: - - ! FOR GOOD SCAVENGER SERVICE Cat 167 Salem Scavenger, Coasmlao an Trotter. 1 SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED I EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing aad shoes. - Best price pid, Oaph tsl Exchange. 342 North Commercial Phono 13A8-W. - t . TRANSFER AND HAXTLXNG TRANSFER (AND HAULING OF - kinds. Pnoo 7212. f ; j WE MOVE STORE AND 8H1P HOUSI - hold goods. Oar specialty 1 piano tn) furniture tpoviag. W alee make ooua try trips, i Ws handle the boat coal ant 'wood. Call oa a for prices. Wo givg good messure, good quality aad goo4 - eervieo. Larmer Transfer Oo. Phono 931 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER OO. 321 Stat St. Phono 933, Distributing, tot warding std storage oar specialty. G ' anr rates, j . . . WELL DRILLING B. A, Wat. RL 6, Box 108-E, Psa mile .est t oa, Gardaa road J,10F5..S2 , WATER SALEM WATERv LIGHT POWER CO, OHlce 804 Boatb (jommercasl St. Ttq per cent diaoeunt oa-' domoatio fla) rate pad in advance. No dodaetio ; for absonca or- any cauae aaleaa watev, is shat off yoar premise. :, TRAVEL ' Sfly, J Swiftly . and Comfortably i . ia base of Ua Parker Stag Liana,' Stag Leave for Silvortoaf7 a saw 11 a. am. K p. at, Mt. AngeH-ll a. at, 8 p, as. -Dallas 7 ia. m. a. aw 11 '-3S a. m S:10 p. m4 6:15 p. m. . Fall Citw T a. at, 1:10 p. v.. S:15 p. taj -5-'----" ' Independence 7 - a. ' nv, 9 a. - st, 11:15 a, a4- 8:i0 p. m, 6:15 a. s. Sunday only 8:80 p. m. Mon moat hr t- a. m.. 11 :1S a. saw '' 8:10 p. m, 5:15 p. as. Suadsy aaly, ' T:10 p. ml, 8:80 pvm.t McMIntvrUlw-:30 a. mu, 3:10 p. aw,' 8:15 p. mi - - -. . Newberg-t3:S0 a. sa, 3:10 p. aa. v:l3 p. ml - ' , Ttllamook-r-S:80 a.' at, 2tl0 p. aa. -CJ1 222 ar 696 for information. , I ' - - d2f Air Burrlpitis" Is Malady ! : of pilots Flying Ranges CHEYENEWyfL(By As8o- elated Pr4ss. ) r Travel InK across tlie continent in a mail airplane Is not as comfortable" as. riding the t;oft cushiong" of a railroad car, . several pilou of the air mail ser vice hare learned. ; - - A - new malady has Tlslted the pilots ,whi traverse thoi Rocky mountains in daily flights -air bHmpitls.j Its effects are imises. and sprains of the back and of tea, the limba. . Recently two pilots, after flyine: through l heavy ,wlnd and "rough weather" lorer the eontlnentlw di. videivweri obliged to go to bed for ', I"estf The bumps, produced sir currents from dissimilar terrain, probably are -worse over the Rocky mountains than In any other section of the transcontinen tal mail route. - Winter Radio Reception Most Erratic as Summer CH1CA0O. 111. (By Assodatetl Press.) The period of dinter re ception, touted In the past as a paradise jTor long distance seek ers, has reversed itself. The sea son which; closed with the official advent, of spring, was marked Ly listening ours as erratic as those tn the summer. Numerous thebrtaT' have be'en advanced one of the latent attri buting reception dlfficnlti toenn spots. However, such thtnss ps the anrota borealia nntlile hn rometrie conditions, fjuirkly ris!n and . fallins temperatures ni storms, all have takea a certala part In the discussion. ' Sclentlfcts explain sun spots p due to girling storms noon Hp sun. Thae storms are believed f -1 raake thinRelves .felt - upon V v earth In the form of' "n-,irr.-; ' disturhaf'es, which sho t. etert thfough ia; n - t - .- - 63mS3U