V SOCIETY v PIS - - XContiased ",wm Pf 8.) 4 Til ..-.'i ?t- ,-, ? ' ' " Mrs. WUUara Brown, Mrs, Martha J... Browoell. r Mrs.; Roy- Burton"; , , Mrs. -W. B. Bnrt; Mn. E. T. Ba aelle, Mrs. W H. ByTd,' Mrs. J; Carson.-MMTRimfff Cartwrirht, MrtrrRuasell t CatUa, -fr.-.John Canrhlll. Mrs. B.' Carrier, Miss , Leora Carrer. Mrs.,: A. M...Chap- i maa, Mrfc J.-Ai Charchiir, Mra; H. U M. jChadwick,: MrsU.C: . C. Clark, fMrs. H. J. 'dements, Mrs. L. O. Clement,' Mrs.W. D. Clarke, Mrs. H. V. Compt'on,. Mrs. Ralph uCool- ; j er.;Mrs. CurtU B. Cross, Miss Mar- ws, MratrcH Iarl)y, Mrs. rle M Dane. Mrs. JoaeDhlne Ta- rsl Mm. -J?' M.DeTrerl,;Mrs.' ''-WrC. Dibble. Mra.,'lcril.I)odd, Mrs, Domln;r,Mrsi';Ff r.Horbln, Jilrs. i 8. iSusenberry, Mra,- J. B. EaJln, f Mrs. C. Ebserir Mrs'P. Al' Biker, Mrs. V. A. Elliott, Mrs.4 E-E. El liott; Mrs. 8. M. i Endtcott, Mrs, H. C. Epley.Mrs. FVank-M. Erlek son, Mi Wm.-IV)rdyeef Fargo, Mrs. Clifford Fanner,' Mrs. .Ray 1 Fanner, Mrs. Martin Fereshetlan, Mrs. E. E. Fisher, 'Miss Ethel M. Fletcher, Mrs. Lura Cass French, MrsDan.JFrriSr,, MrsH.8. i Gile, Mrs. RonaldjC. Glojer, Mrs. JT O. Goltra,; MrsT Homer Goulet i Mrs? Lewis "DrGrifffthr MfsrHar- wood Hall, Mrs. CS.' Hamilton, Mrs. Wm. Hamilton,' Mrs Edgar Hartley. Mrs. Ray- Hartman, Miss Edith Haxasd, Mrs. Harrf Hawk . ins. MrsUPaul HHaoser, Mrs. R. J..' Hendricks. Mrs. Panl Hendricks, Mrs.?Byron B. HCTrtck; Mrs D. A. . Hodie, Mrs. .Edwla, M. Hoffnell, . Mrs.' Helen 8. Howard; Mrs. Alton I !. Hurley, Mj,C; Hawley, ' J Mrs. Florence Irwin, Mrs. Seypour i Jones,' Mrs. Ronald' E. Jones, Mrs. K..'C. Kafonry,'Mrs. W. C. Kant t ner; Mrs. Thomas B. Kay. Mrs. C. A.". Kells, Mrs. S: P. Kimball, Mrs. j Walter J. Klrsr. Mrs. wniiam E. Kirk, Mra. "C' E. KnOwland, Mrs. I S. A. Kose, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mrs. f . E4A. KurtsMrs;Frelerlck tam r port; Mrm. JP." .E I4nv Mrs, H.X lxTe, Mrs;" J.' Rhea ; L.uper,- Mrsl "f C.J-A. " Lytle, -;Mrs.-AlrfFr MarU8t Mrs. Carey' F. Martin, Ifs." Iiran y Martin, Mrs. ,Roy H. Mills, Mrs. ti O. L Moll, Mrs. Arthur Moore. . J Mrs. ; A. M. Moores, - Miss; .Elja Moody, Mrs. Henry E. Morris, Mrs. I W; B. Mott Mrs. W- S'Mott; MraV 1 Frank Myers, Mrs. William Mc I Gilchrist Jr.; Mrs. L. H. McMahon, I Mrs." J. z H. - McNary, Miss r'NIna J MeNary, Mrs. J MJIash, Mrs. J. I C .'Nelson; ;Mrs.r P. ti. Newmyer, 1 Mrs.'Merrmp.Ohling;,-Mrs:RrKi I O hi inc.' M rsH.-H. Qlinger, Mrs. I Arietta M- Page, Irs. Gertrude .' J I M- Page, Mrs. Rollin Page, Mrs. I "frr, M, Page, .Mrs., Walterl J .Page, I irs. 1345. Parr, Mrs. E. Cooke Pat l ton'Mf. IIarDJt7Patton, nttr. tqrcrJReiMfceVjaM Dorothy Pearce'.-Mrs; MortoaiE:' Peck,- Mrs. , J..erry:MrWEA Pierce,-Mrs; llPeareyiMrs.WlnnIAPetty I JohnMr.: VE. Price ,-Mrs. I-Mr Vl."" Tlae -Miss ;Elliabeth-Putnam, ktsW:rIiPhiIlipsMrs.-'John trf Rand, ."Mrs. A. M. Reeres, Mrs. E. I ,C. Richards, : Mrs. ' Zadoc Riggs, - MisS Frances M. v: Richards, Mrs. '- ' J63n J Roberts, Mrs. Thomas A- l Roberts, Mri"rT. ft Roberta Mrs. ! C: rH.1 Robertson, Mrs. Merle -Ro8e- crsns, 'Mrs.' Charles E. Roblln, ,Mrs. ,W. W. . Rosebraugh, Mrs. ; Frank Rosebrangh, aMrs. D. H. r Ross. Mrs. G. E. Sehuneman. Mrs. Aj.' A. Siewert,' Mrs. Ida Shade, Mrs. G. W. Shand, Mrs. U. G. : Shipley, Mrs. Mark Skiff, Mrs. Ray Smith, Mrs. ;Homer Smith; Mrs, Guy O, Smith, Mrs. W. , D. (Sinlth; Mrs. Brwin Smith, Mrs. Siarles K. Spauldlng. Mrs. Walter j Spauldlng, Mrs. Frank Spears, J4rs. B. N. Speer, MrCJP. W. Spen cer. Mrs. W. I. Staley. Mrs.:R. E: Xjee! Steiner. Mrs. W. H.' Steusloff. M. H. L. Stiff, Mrs, Walter StoU. .Mrs. E. J. Swafford, Mrs. Claude sSteusloff, -. Mrs. Frederick- ,HH1 Thompson, Mrs. S. W. Thompson. Mra. Lowell Tweedale, Mrs. A. A. Underhlll, Mrs. R. J. Vallton,-MrB. Arthur M. Vassal. Mrs. George R. Vehrs, Mrs. ; Marie Von Eschen, M". A. L. Wallace.' Mrs.. WUliam alton, Mrs. C. B.. Webb,' -Mrs. Harry Wels, Mrs. Charles' WeHef, "Mrs. Lenta Westacoot, Mrs. R-1.-White, Mrs! Elmo S. White, "Mrsl' deorge A. . White, -jMYs.1 Harley White, Mrs. J. T! Whittig, Mrs. H. L Wanted Health If 80 keep : your outside clothing, as clean 'and sanitary as your under xlothing. , : X 1- . i -t . Cherry" City v Cleaners f231NcrthHiaH J." Wiedmer,.Mrs.xq. Rj .WiUiams,, Mrs. w. E. Wilson, Mrs. Walter WlnslowrMrsrlL- Rr WorthrMrsH Datid.-Wright,, and .Mrs.. Mary Ynckey.' i, . . , Advanced Pupils in ' J " . Vocal Recital ' " r- . - Miss MInetla Magers' has. an noanced' plans 'for ; recital Son Monday cYenlng; June i Ti at ' the First Baptist church-..w?fen ;flTe dranced -papils will be presented Including 'Kenneth Allea Eleanor Moore, of Turner, Arbutus Rudy, Dorothy iTweedale,' and .Lawrence Deacon. Clarence Wenger will ibe the accompanist for the "pololats, while for the vftSemMe. nambrs Miss Lena Medlef w.ill accompany. In addition to a solo by each, par ticipant, dnets, trios, Quartets and quintet wIl be giren. A special feature will be tha singing by each Tocalist of one song in a foreign languge.V"-"'4 Chapter1 of" PEiO' , jaias urace, qsborn .will be hos tess on Monday evening lot metn- bers of- Chapter. AB of the PEO sisterhood, Visitors Inortland : ; i H v Mrs. J. Rhea Luper. Miss Edith Bragg and Mlfis Eloise Prudhomme motored to Portland yesterday) to Returii Frtim We&iinTrip DrC and Mr. H.-D." Redmond hare returned homev after, spend ing a short honeymoon in Port land, following their marriage on Mar 19.. Km- -- : Benefit Card Party ' '- on aionaay t : 3 v .;: A benefit card party will -be gitealn the Masonic " temDle ' on MondayJ night; ;sMay 24,"-at 8J O'clock. The 'proceeds -will go to ward the furnishing of the child ren's dormitory at - the Masonic temple UffForesf : jrore:pai Ma sons, 'Eastern ftStaYs, and f their mends are most cordially invited. The committee In charge in cludes Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Pratt, r. and Mrs.AJiC.HSmthrranit Mr. and -Mrs.: Pant Hauser, Mr, and MrsiXlLCDarby, Mr. ahdfrs.' David : Wright,: Mr., and: Mrs.: Lou Grote, Mr. and Mrs; Ralph Thomp-1 son, and Dr. and Mrs. Cv A. Olaen. Judge Spurlin Compliments miss atarrett at- ; , League Meeting ys V Judge Mary SpurUh. presiding officer at . the Salem high school debate which. ; was. glyen In, Port land on -Wednesday before the atate meeting ; ot the League- of Women V"oters, paid the following interesting compliment' to .' Miss Edith Starrett,-member, of the af f lrmatire teami Vlt would, b.a ,if ntult ; to', Tlsualize the future bf a girl at i this Jage has the ideals and: the 40Fer of express! Ar wa have here seen In Edith Starrett.; branch! motored ito4 Portland on Wednesdayt attend "the ;islate" meeUagr'TheTaf fair" waa, held Tn tnnewdthingroonr of tlrCoTi-; gress ; hotel, with more- than ope j On Special ay w.v -I : a. A i y-.jf i .. ' i 1 1 , . . ' .. . . t ... . JsuNlJAx MUKNINiirMAY 23. 1)26 ' ? 3 hundred, prominent t women In at tendance, v -. At the-elect ionrof -officers Mrs Rex Sanford,- president ol the- 2 lem league, and recent delegate to the -national : conTentlon; In- 'St. Louis was made one of the direc tors .fin the 'state organization. The complete list of officers in clodest 'i ; rt : President, .MrslCharlest Carrer, 3T.V Tice president,; Mrs. C. CB, Simmons,- Mrs;. W. B. Ayer; -Mrs. J.' 'A, Churchill; recording secre tary, -Mrs. vR.i C. 'Hager; corres ponding secretary; ;yMrs.? A. I A. Kno wltdn ; . treasurer, Mrs.. E. B. Caldwell; dlrectorsrMrs. Elliot R. Corbett, - Mrs.P J, B. k Montgomery, Mrs. Ret Sapf ordJdrs,; J C. El liot King," Mrs. Norman: T.; Cole man, - Mrs. 'Einathan'-' Sweet, rMrs. Sarah H. Erans, Dean Kate W. Jamison- - ' " - . ? ? ... ,r r ..... .4. ?, Octagen 'Club. Meets. : . -. Id rs.AibertA Anderson, was lids' tess oh Thursday afternoon for the Octagen Bridge club, -with sweet wniiam and tbses decorating: the rooms. ;Mra,:H. p. JMason won the high score of. the afternoon. Mr. J R.. Humphrey -and Mrs, H. r.H. Perrill jwere. 1 guests . of the :ccar sipjj, Club members W the group included Mra.: James Jennings, Mrs Richard Meyer, -Mrs. Paul Burr is, Mrs-Albert Gregg Mrs-Lester F.earmtaeMrs, H G., Mason, Mrs. Kavenah and the hostess, Mrs. Al bert Anderson.- - Mrg?$Vjli?j&oH Is HostessH Honoring Seattle Visitor a, A delightful affair' of the past week was ' the four-table bridge ;, I . W I. Needham wishes to an nounce that he has purchased the Atlas Book' and. Station- . S., i . . ' " -. ' ery Store, 465 State Street, v where he will be permanent- hr located from'tidw otf.1, ;-.'.-.:; AD Dress and Novelty , These crnprise our stocks of medium and? highest quality - coats.t oome are .straignt line. . moaeis . wirn - (7;.-. bell ' sleeves' l emDroiaerea;iwitn siik aridmetalic braids. - ' I I - . 5 . , Others included in the 7 special selling or ; tne nnest r quality, beautifully made of the t best cloths and lined with I plain and figured crepe. Whatever your, need may be; in : the way of a coat you win find it , here at a reduced , price. 77 ! . 5 . S . ; tea at which Mrs. Y.'iliiam B. Mott was'' hostess "on Wednesday vwhen -J sbe-entertalned-for- the pleasur e4 'of her, slater, Mrs. -Lloyd-Mott Af Seattler",who has been - her: house snest for the greater part of. the month: " ' ' - r - ' - - - ; itbvely bouquets of garden flow ers were ' used ta decorating 'the rooms" where .bridge waa in play. The high score of the afternoon went to Miss "Lois Wheeler.-'the gueBtprlie, to. Mrs, Lloyd Mott and the consolation award! to Mrs. Car! M) WebB; i?t 1-0 2"', iU , ; The hostess was assisted by Mrs. R. ,L. Edwards, and "Mrs. -, Karl Becke. - . 2 Guests at bridge and tea in Mrs. Mott's honor werei: 'Mrs J Lloyd Mott,1 Mrs. Carl Webb.-ltfISs Lois Wheeler; Mrs.,'Frank Myers, Mrs, Ri -L. Edwards, ,Mra. W. S. Mott, Mra, .Lloyd Farmer. Mr,r4Cllfford FarmerrMrs. D. F. Prdctor; . Mra; Karl Becke, Mrs. F. W. Poonnan, MrsP-TP. -D. Quisenberry, Mrs., Dan Ji Fry Jrij Mr. ,E.' V MeMechan, Mrs. -EdgarJierce Mrs. Ronald EJ Jones; Mra, Walter . J: Kirk,, Miss. Bert "Egkerlfn; Mra- Jt. J-" Gilbert- son Mra. T. E. "Rilea, Mrs. Donald Toung .' and the hostess, Mrs. 'W. B.Mott.,.. ; . . ! t--' .-- '- e- Mr. and Mrs. C: Curtis r. Entertain, Sttverton Guests r.Mry.andMra. J-C ;Currie -enH tertained :with s dinner I dance a group' Jot.T Sftvertbh friends i at their , attractive 5 . country homeJ last - Thursday -, ) evening. - f The rooms were beautifully decorated with snap-lragons, and roses. Paul's Pied Pipers orchestra' f ur- T : - - . ooucn - , ana elaborately: are cb3 i BBSSBBBBBK III '1"l - i...im 7M 1 L -. . i :-"- . .. ' . . ... A.. ' ' -. - - ' 11 . - ... .. .. . .. ... -im .. ... , . i-... , ..... .. l. i nlshed. j music v for the- dancing. Later . In the evening " cards were played. Those, present .were -Mr., . and Mrsi M C; , Woodward. ' Dr. and Mrs. : Keene,j.Dr. and Mrs. Lear, Mr, And Mrs.. Richardson, Mr.' and Mrs. rjans Mf and Mrs." George Hubba.' Mr. and Mrs. Lonis Fish- ir; Mra, Camran, Miss Roselia Richardson and Mrs. Jack Balan- tine of Kansas' who has been j guest of. Miss Richardson since early 'spring, ahd "the hosts, Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Curried Annual Violin Recital" ' . Miss Elitabeth- Levy will hold her; annual .violin recital on Wed nesday evenihg, ; Jane at the First, Congregational- church. The date was originally announced for May 14. v i . , .... -::-y: j .,1, - ' ' ' " '' ! "B p fc: -4 . v Ml JJfl' "r " r' -:-;775. 4, w T-mYrirfw'f TPiinii-f- at Giese-PowersI, Aj sale of Upholstered Furniture Samples . . . . - 11 , irom sucn weu-Known ' Davenports -two arid three-piece'suites-arm chairs occasional chairs and rockers pieces of the better 7 grades in fine frames- and coverings. In fact, aa assortment of upholstered livinjfroom pieces in Tapestries,-:?h Velours and Mohairs in such a wide. choice of type that even though they are one-of-a-kind in stock, selection. V ' :'- wilLbe easy. ; :. . . 1 yy, ,.ie-y..y.i -i:4:y: i , , 7- v ' : - ''y' -l ''-y.:xJ7 i " 7 "';': - i f --H-1 - '---s. 7.' 7AI1 thought of former piecing or rightful value haV been dishegarded-in this sale. New prices become i'r ; effectives-prices so low as to assure immediate clearance of every piece included., Make your selection early. 7 y y'f. 7-. i cs' -:.--v-vr-".! - ' -! . : --Jjv :'Yyy'yT $'''( I1SZ.&0 .?Birchtield' overstuffed 'Davenports with hard- - , J87.B0 "Birchtield" Davenport covered inJflne &E7 Eft 7 . wood-frames, spring backs and "spring filled, loose cush ion 'seats ;wJth spring filled pillow arms. - n r A Upholstered In Jacquard Velonr. ....... )11 1 OU, t J 13900" "Karpen Taupe Mohair with silk Damask reverse ; CQT Hfl cushions deep spring seats;. ...... ... . . .vavHvU 1225.00 "Bichfleld" Davenport in figured and plain -Mohair. Deep spring' seats and backs with pillow fri CH Eft arms .... ... j . , . J17S.0O-f"BIrchfIeld" Datenport" covered In Ifrt ..Mohair. with silk Damask reverse cushions ; v a O X 0 U ? 1 65.00 "BirchfIeld" Davenport covered In- figured orplala--' . Mohair with Tapestry reverse ' x ; (Jri ?1 Cft , cushions , . .. . . . . , I,. , v . -. - ' - : - S1S2.50 "Blrchfield" Davenport lnp1aln or figured TH6hkif - . This davenport Is of the same sise but very (Jl in rtrtv. ? f Mdai ati 11 1U.UU 1105.00 "Birchfield Davenport covered in fine, grade-of, Jacquard .velour, rose! and taupe. jor ? . CTQ 7C -blue" and taupe .:. . . ; . . , ... . 7 v iv , .8 0 "Birchfield" Davenport covered In fine ' (J A" , jf . graae jrrencn Tapestry, t .1 Vso;Your;t ,:. Credit, - Pythian Sisters i Convene in Corvallis Eighteen members of Centralist Temple No. 11 -Pythian Sisters of Salem. Ore., attended the conven tion -at 'Corvallis May 1 S. Helen Wrightman, : grand - chief, gave the principal address. ; J t This session which was instruct ive and interesting,, was very much enjoyed by all. I Officers of Cen tralia 'Temple No. 1 1 assisted In the ritualistic work. The conven tion will meet In Salem next year, 1927. " ' r . V j.. r j ..... x. Piano Program Given y , The. piano pupils of Mrs. Clif ton Mudd gave a program of mu sic on Thursday evening for v the pleasure of - their: V parents and friends.. ' About fifty ' were in the guest group. 1 Assisting on ' the program were Mrs. ; Fred Fargo fc'7.77' y7.- "riV .i.7 .. ' odd overstuffed daveripotts two and three-piece Suites cit radicalbprice rmuc ..pieces 1 ' TT ' TI 1.I.1J majcers as .varpeii, .Diruiuieui, Davenport and chair -to match Sa ; Gold- ?xuouv nnneara ; value at., vu v .. QISSE-ROWERS j and C. E. Mustoa. each- giving a group rot vocal " Inumbers." Mlas Jas.Wstt delighted -with a, read ing. The First Baptist Sunday school 'orchestra, which is under the direction of klra. Mudd gave several en Joyable? selections. : Pupils taking part werer Joy Gregg, Elenor j jvBirth, Victor BarthLeona Starf.'.Leodice Mer rils. Elenor ' Henderson, ' Echo Hall, and MUdre Zahner. '.' ; 1 r -. ' Many Reservations Made " for Attractive Ijridge Tea r at Lachmund Country Placey ; ' Elaborate .'preparations hare ibeen; under" -way Iduring the past three weeks for what. promises to be one Of the most delightful and distinctive benefit; affairs of 'the entire social year. The affair., a forty-table ; brldg; tea,.Zwfll be glyenton Wednf da,y; afternoon . 7 -7." j. 7 . r - occasional chairs that are one-of-a-kind in stock - .- . ' .'.'! ' - v -T etc. grade Denim trimmed in bine i ' :" " i ; -yy ::--y ,:: -,f 1122.50 "Kroehler" . Bed Davenport covered tin beautiful i shade of blqe velour. We are discontinuing (JOO Pn i all "Kroehler" Davenports, Whence the price. vOfOU Odd Fireside Chairs and straight chairs an rockers at 25 TO- 5- PER CENT DISCOUNT 7 ! 7 V ; : And last but not. least, we know when, better overstuffed i furniture is builtvrill b BIRCHFIELD" 1132! Birchfield',' overstuffed Davenport, ufj fl Q f? A holstered In" mulberry velour . . . . , i; . : i v Jo0U S180 Velour upholstered Davenport shaped IA flfi r tront style, with wide arms,' verp special . .-V iUUU - 1145 . "Birchfield" JJavenpon in flgnr Baker velour, a spring! back, loose cushion -CTTfY 'tf ; seat number, for...................;.. OilUU 71195 overstuffed Davenport 'covered in ' fine bl i? A A A 1 mohalr-xtra large site, for.....,.;. dlOtMjU $175 Davenport in mohair, -. deep springs back'' and seats, ; reverse side; of cushions in silk -j 4 fi f tapestry . 4 . . . .V. -MiyiytV' $350 "KarpenT overstuffed Davenport with oVft flft 1 carved base.jcovered in plain n - from 2. to -4 o'clock, at the Lach mund country' place, fivev' miles' f north of Salem n tfreHRlver- read. with Mrs. qLula Lachmund, rMrslf ' W,' H. LytU, and , Mrs. J. RHea Luper, the bostesses. The benefit: is befng sponsored for the direct v benefit, of the Junior GaUd, of 6t.' Paul's jjplsdopal church 1 " - . A. number, of. parties, including both men and women,. are. t!an ning to motor' out - to , the f Ltch mund place -between four and six, when tea will - be served 'on the tennlscourti : 'r.'itp'v' t ? . -sa Mrs. tAma Strong, Mrs. Joseph Baumgartnef Mrs.: U.-G. Shipley, and Mrs. if D; Cbambera: Irave been a.skd to preslde .at'lhe urns. .' Assisting In the' serving will be Miss Elisabeth; Putnam Miss -Helen Robertay. Mlsa Nancy ThieK y. ' " mi Wi i: i-' A ". ' rTtnMitn mn.M MfWr" 1 :f ;7r'Cr" M;v' :';:U I ' '' ' '' '. ' - arid rockers j. w-, ; VIOWS: discontinued patterns ...... velonr. .. ,. I vJi uU ; ; v mohair,' for.. vlVtUU . YfeiCtizirzQ Ilolntdrcit - 7 7'!' c ! f in I y 4 V I :!;;v 7l': 7 V ,1