ID 5 V ft-. v WANTED TO IJSBE. - ;ry pickers Pb 5:U. X. JIXTY. Loais -BEfar pickers a sieUBg. www aw waisr ; runted. 1252-B, Route 1 Lex 17. m21 Wanted Eiaployacat 19 MATERNITY - OASES BY PRACTICAL ior'oa&cm plowing, basement figgiit tssm.werk. Pheae 72F2. I9ml4tf For Rent 21 MODERN ROOMT 9-ROOM APART- , Private beta. - Oarage, Adalt. f lMoiN 127 Union. 21m23 FOR RENT HOUSES AND APART now, t) State Bt. . . . .. i . r - zimizt. J-UK3USHID APARTMUTT WITH Oar- dea. 1S Jt. eta. v IBMD j-bui i w yanuo! sua ee s J wonunf, - JTor Kat . ' ne to Mats eeea.- But mi Basin Office. FOR RENT MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE, I 940. ?t 138 a. Cottage at. ., Modern ' rb fit am -3-room- at' 4 .University tor 927.50 I and a 6-room, 245 8. 15th for 925 I month. : Keye at C-UU A Beehtel. t : Realtors, 220 State St, 1st door rait of Bum bank, iimiun For Rent ADartments 23 Sfc ArmOsf niRNXSHEO. DOWNSTAIRS: 4 7 rarer. 412 N. lt. 23m21 m ! VURNISHED S OR -UNFURNISHED urtiuaU. 1811 Court. : 23m32 nrWLT ' AND BEACTWUIXT PUS- .;.h.j a-iMsa mrtmnL at 850 M Liberty. P"- 1100 ppoistment. , . . . . 2Snil2tf stcm t 3rRNI8HED S-ROOM APT. Downstairs, ortveta beta.. 1188 Court L -.'-.- -33a22tf ' PRINTED CARDS. 8MB I' BT 1W L , wordiaaV "Room U Beat.' r eaau rack. ' Btateamaa Basis Office '- frm flaw. ' " " " For Rent Rooms '25 , 3 ROOM FURNISHED, DOWNSTAIRS; as rare. 412 N. 21st. r""am I TWO nTTUDENT8 MAT HATS ROOM I witk sleeping porta privllego. txt mo- era imm, U eoBTaafant taetUti. A $ ra A. D- rar Steteaaiaa.. t8f2tJ ROOK TOR RENT TOB GENTLEMAN, im ataAara heat. On la. Bafa AAdraa Haia ear Btataamaa. For Rent Farms 29 HATE SEVERAL IRRIGATED PARK I far ran, i r. b. Taaauaa, mrw; fOra. Pbaa TX.- 29ltl UVanted Miscellaneous 25 WANTED HEIFERS. V BEEF. MILK cows and : Teal. "Phon 101FS1. : -I- . '"85m22 i . , in ' . p collections ' or too lots. Poatag BiSBM . espocwuy anfiui . anveiuiwa. , Boa 2508i Statesman. S5m21 FURNTTURE ' PACKINO FOR SHIP meats. Giese-Powers FaraUor Co. - - ,. 96s20aj; WOODRT THE AUCTIONEER BUT! aod faraltar lor cash. Phono 51L . . : . 85tl WANTED PRIVATE MONET FOB farm loan. vWe bay seraral appliea tioaa oa head. Hswkia A Roberts Ine.. 205 Orogoa Bldg. 35dl4tl For Sale 37 NEARLY NEW FOCR-ROOM BUNOA V. low - with eleetrio rang .foil be . meat 1835 N. Com'l St. . 87m 8 MONTHS OLD WELL DEVELOPED raag raised Leghorn pullets. 91-00 r-i.. R.C Shepard. 63 PI 4. S7m21 . CLObS IN SMALL TRACTS OF LAND - for Ule by the wner. Route 8, Bos SUBURBAN GROCERY GOOD ESTAB Iiahe4 trad bargain.: 005 N. Capitol St. : - : - --.-A ..; 87m26- "BT OWNER, HOUSE AND LOT AT - - bargain... On Uaioaj betweea High and '- Liberty. Would consider taking vacant lot a part payment. Term, roone -888 or 1877-J. SNAP.-9 ROOMS, ATTRACTIVE, NORTH , furnsee, inn basement, tfsys. . duii : las; eioee to school, churches, atorea '.and highway; paying Bad ail asaem meata paid. . Bargain priea. 83700, , term. Owner. . IOCS Market St. Phone 22B4-W. S7m28 - - '. FOR SALE Complete yulcsnlaing outfit Kditloa at a ba renin. - MAO DONALD - AUTO CO. 8Ta29tt CONCRETE BLOCKS. 1000 FOUNDA tta eeaerete blocks tor ', spocial ., low-Brie. All er part. Call st the i fair ground, or phon 489. y . S7mlU rOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. TEN coat baadl. CircaUtioa dapartiaaat Oregoa Btatesmaa, 5-.i,,. rRESPASS NOTICES. SIXE 14x8 INS, r Tinted as g4 10 -ounce eaayasa, bear ng the words, "Net ice la Hereby Cirea That Traspsaeiaf I Strictly Forbid dan ' on The Pramiee Cndr Penalty of Proseentio." Prie lite oark or 1 for 8&. ntalaamaa Pah. C Salem. Orw ' Son. , ' -., - f. i. - r"- - ; t1VL ELECTRIC BROODERS " Poouisrt woll-hnowav aask. .Thro of them now. never u Berated, sis 150. 250 and 500 chicks. Will malataia a aif orm heat at lew et. Yry -iepeadabl a ad ao trouble te operate. Will aaU at a discount. Oan be see at thia akfftco. Bttema Publiaa- : lag Company. - . - -rfr 87al4tt ' FINBT BIUVEia ' riiSI B, TOW jjsoji - almost bow C saxsvaeiie ftt a aaerifiee. Boo it at 9 Rural A 87m21tl For Sale Livestock 39 ! J BLACK HORSE 1200 ' LBS., WORKS wngl or dosbl. Abe riainf. Als r m I . eoo lbs. eld lor as berry wire. 11. K. ft Bcholx. Rout - 1 A mile- eaat oa S9m24 , 5 FRED "W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN . Of flee 520 8. Commercial. i A.. m mm m . . Phone 1188. Re. Phono 18AA. Wood for Sate 43 ti'uin nv aivm iv r.x-VfJTW HU.f .MAN FUEL OO PHONE 1955. CTTT AND COCNTRT WOOD SAWING. 1 . Ame bid beards. Fisher Bros. Pheae I 1919. . . - 4Jjl8tf J8-INCH OLD Fl R SECOND GROWTH t . eak and sea. Pheae 72F9. M. S. May 1 flald. i 0t.'fH": . 43fl8tf BE ST .OIL DE OF WOOD - 4 ft, and 16-inch. 1 Dry mid wood. Greea mill wood. a - Iry second growth ftr. T ,. , . ' I ,- -.- Dry 4 ft. ash. aad eak. - - iS:- . ' v - i ,:' - yum E. WELLS - '" i ? Prtrt delivery aad reaaonable prie. I 990 t th Chnrch. Pbon 1542. 43f 16tf BBi; 1 THAT LEAVE NO ASHES. XIILLMAN FUEL CO. - 1 ' dSaSltf 6-INCH ( BLOCK WOOD, 33.75 Pa Wad. 4 .loads 314.00, also dry fir and sk. any leaglh. . Chaa. Christen. phoaf 142. f- .. - : 43allU COMPLETE TUEL SERVICE : ' t TbLavPHUNSI 1S5 SniiUR FUEL OOMPANT 43Blltf WOOD 8AWINO. PROMPT AND sARLFULLY. HILLMAN FUEL CO. COAL ALL THB BETTER K1TD8. tilLLMAN rUAJU CO. PliONK 185&. .. i 4Ja21tf SALEM FUEL , TRAMSPEJC ' TS2 Trad Btrfc. Wood,- Coal, Briqaata, TMulw 4 airia. FatM 62a. 16-WCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD, 12.75 -le-ta. Sad tit per iaad, 81.75; la lack old fir wr foai, 94.25. Proaipt dalWary. Tat 3818. Tracy Taal Yard. 1047 S Btraa. Sa22tf OOOp OOAL-DRT WOOD. , PRflSPT DEUTERIES. EILLMAK FUEL CO. TELEPHONE1 18S&. 485tf Poultry and Effgs 45 To MINORCA CHICKEN8. 93P15. 45)7 Nnrsery Stock - 49 LANDSCAPE OARDENINO AND - DE SIGNING MAKING LAWNS ESPECI ALLY. ASK ABOUT OUR TERMS. TEL. 1411-M.' . - 1. 4artl PLANTS WE GROW. THE FINER Tariatias ' of aaaaal and paranoial ptaata. Now 1 too tbao fill yoar poraa box. Lot a plaat tnaa for yoa. W fnraita Tarytninr, call (or and dativor. GIt as m call at fraaa .koaso 1201 D St. or phon 980. Opm 8 a. am. 8 p. am. Also Saadays. Lata A- Riago anraory- ' - ' " 4m25 BlisceHaneons SI. PURNITORE CPHOLSTERIKO AND RE pairiac Gioaa-Powar Tarafta ra' 8 tor. ' - " 51a20tf Lost and Found 53 LOST GOLD PEK AND PENCIL IN , small loathar eaa,. Finder pleas ro tum to Statesman. Voward. SSmlltf Personal 55 CATHOLICS WISHING 1 TO MARRY, - wanting introdaetiona. i write, C C. Clnh. Grand Rapids, Mica. S5m21 Honey to Loan 57 IP-TOU . KNEW THAT TOO COULD iboaiuo money on yoar raaidane and ia ' ess of ' your death, the mortgage wouux do eaaeeued, you would be in . teres tod weulda ' t yoat I make rach loses. 6 interest. Ckas. Hodktns iwr MilUr's Stora. Phone 09. 57ml ltf FEDERAL FARM LOANS ftm. F. U Wood. 841 StaU f)t. C7m7 Wanted Loans ' 59 WANTED Money to loaa oa good real estate se cant r. W. H. GRABENHOHST Jk CO. Realtors.' 134 South Liberty St. Phone 515. - !51Hi1tf Business Opportunities 61 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Second hand store. retauraat, grocery stock and fixtures. Apartment house. Booming houae, store building and war house. Gee. F. Peed, 841 Stete St. 81m21tf BUSINESS LOCATION RIGHT IN BUaU- bob district, good nonsa, 97SOO. Oer. trad 1. M. Page. 42 N. Cottage St .... -.. - 61-m-12tf MEAT MARKET Completely equipped. slaughter houae, good "room home in good town. Only market. Doing fine business! REAL OPPORTUNITY for experienced botcher. Priced to sell er will exchange for fsnn. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 218 N. Liberty. i . Phone 651. 61m21tf Real Estate Directory. B2 u, RECKE HENQS1CXS - 189 & High. TelTm. - A.- C BOHRN8TEDT .147 N. Coaunereisl., ,-h TeL 577.' BC6SELLE A&PINWALL 122 N. Commercial. , Tel. 86. CHILD 8 BECHTEL 920 State St. - TU 172T. , - FLEMING REALTY CO. -841 State. Room 7. - Tel. 80S. W. O. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'l, Km. 1, Tel" til. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 482 N. Cottage. r Tel. 119. SQUARE DEAL, REALTY U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldgl , Tel. 470. WELLS TALLMAN A SON 218 Masonie Temple. , TeL 618. T1BBITS A ELLIOTT -941 State. Boom 7. TL 90S. TRIANGLE REALTX CO. Sit N. LibHy, I TL 951. ULRICH ROBERTS -122 W. Commorelal. Tel.1 1854. Real Estate 63 Own . Your Home 500-ACRE RIVER BOTTOM FARM. 400 ere ia crop. Offered first time at 980.00 per acre: - Good terms. Good bop ranch. SALEM REALTY CO. Phono 1004. - ; 63m21tf FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE ' 84 acrea cleared, fair buildings. 82650, 9250 cash balaae 920O annual ly w-.t boat interest. 80 acres, cleared, feaeed, barn, eloae to saiall sown,- SO minute drive from Salem. 93000. 9300 caah, balaneo 910O aaauauy at 6cs or will exchange. 2 00 -acre improved Pelk county ranch want acreage near Ha lent r Stlem income er retideac property,' price 922.0OO term on 311,000. : - - 87500 apartment hoeao. want hnnga low not oyer 94500 a part of the con : Sideratioa. SOOOLOF8KT, 341 State. ' ..., 63m21tf MINUTE MOVIES - MISSING MEN WE KcSCUc EPMA , 'm lAVVN, A rlrC3AN AND Dr. hunt MANAGES TO HAVE 'A TEW , t, XJfTW KISS! SRAfcPE.i FOR SALE- A PEW CHOICE TIEW lota on Be a Lomond Park Hill aat of McKialay aeaool, no iiow la Balcta oqaala U. eta Sao t aaeaataiaa, val lay. aad city, Electricity, eUy aatr a ad a rock. Alao a fiao at atoa staeeo oaaoalow, 5 room a. Wtk, aook Dd garage, strietly modara. -CH48 CONE, Owner. Phona 1597. ' . 93m23 FOR SALE NEW 4 ROOM BCXGALOW at 1480 N. 18ta. Hardwood floor, bailt-ia ood, firepiac, wired for aloe trie raago, lights, plumbiar, psTomeat aod sidewalks. Only 9100.00- oowa. bataae 930.00 par asooth ine hiding ia tsraaU, . Boa ownor, 1540 M. lTth. year . Portland property, sea us. A new, fully modern bungalow; in Portland te trade for a bouse in Salem. - Have yea in mind to bay a new mod ern -reom aaugaiew ana garage for 93600 ; 9 3 00 down, balaae like rent at 6. So a at one. And yea may want to trade your boose la town for ! 5 . acres with aew hoase and barn, at 84000, 4 mile from Balam. - T. - sell er trad your property, see as. We have 40 acres with fully mod era hoase and bare. A tine place. Sell or trad for city Property. Ho old: to the idea of ewe tag a farm ef year own. 22 seres ef bottom land for 91600. Cash 9400, balanca tins -at 6. - , v. 6-room plaatored ltoaaa on 8. Lib arty. Fin condition. Corner lot. A snap at, 93200. Easy terms. Rem on 7 aeres ia North Balam. A beast if al modern horn. See it. Price. 81 4.000. Terms. Of ' coarao w wilt be clad to show yoa a 20-aero prone ranch in fall bear insV for 87000. Easr term a. Toar choice of r aaany . barraiaa. A 6- room kos a a paved street for 91600. )300 down, easy term oa balance. Hoasa rents for 920. per month. . - - Own lO acres all ia fruit. Good soil. Price 81100. ULBICH AND ROBERTS -123 N. Com'l St. Phon 1354. 63m23 FOR SALE OR TRADE 5-room nous aot far oat, near car line, 91800.00. - 3200 caah down, balance terms. - 8 APT. HOUSES FOR SALE AT A BAR- gain, may take a little trad. 60 aeres near Spokane to trade for Salem or vicinity. Price right. . 15 acres fine land cloae to Salem te cloao as estate at a low figure. 5-room houae on paved street, very fine shape. 91800. 40 acres one mile from : tows, all under cultivation, fin soil, good bldgs. Will take a : part in city , property. 980O0. . ' Make loans, write insurance. See m tor trade. G. W. LA FLA R. 410 Orego Bldg. ' 63m21tf FOB SALE-f MODERN FIVE-ROOM bungalow, non-reaidant owner in town Saturday. 185 North 13th St. 63m22 "TOUR DOLLAR HAS 100 CENTS" North Salem 7 -room good heme, eaat front, paved street, eloae to acheol, baa. A good -Day at 3zau.ui, sarm. Northaat Balam. 5-room house, cor Bar lot, east front, paved (treat, cloae to baa, acheol ana business center Price dst 32500.00. terms. East Salem; new stucco boas, east front. 4 rooms and bath, electric quipped, paved street, close to car. Price 33500. OO. terms. FAIRMOUNT HILL. BEAUTIFUL view. T room a. modern ia every way. garage, ' paved streets. Priced below vain at 95200.00. Some term. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. Loan. Insurance. 147 No. Com'l St. Phono 577. 63m2tf LIVING COST LESS If yon own a home of your own. with a amall payment, down, balance like rent. Why pay rent It! JUST A FEW SPECIALS 9 200 down. 5-room. price 9850. 9 200 down, coxy new 4-room, lights. Water, two lots, race aisou. 9 30O down, dandy 4-room plastered bungalow. - Price; lOOW, worth more money. SOME BETTER ONES New and ap to date, easy term, nifty stucco -resins2j.u. for 93000. 4n 9S7&0, , Othera at 9400O to 97250. BEAUTIFUL LOTS PAVING PAIT 9526 600 T50 8850 91100 91650 -Fia apartment house site. ' Choice . warehouse site. , - Houses for - Rent. Real buys ia farms any site. For Property See " , 1 CHILD8 A BECHTEL. Realtor 320 State St. 1st door east Bash Bank. - . 63m20tf OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKC; K FOR SALE I " Ik Strietly modern 7 -room house. - K K K K K K K K K K K K Large lot; fornace : flnhplac; K tiardwaod floors. jsaet . Iront. j Price 98400. cash. K Owner leaving Salem, must K ell at once. , " K SEE K -KRUEGEB. Realtor,. K 1471. Com'l St. - K Phon 217. " . K K 63m20 K OKKKXKKKXKKKKKKKKKKKKKO GROCERY STORE. STOCK. FIXTURES, Trade end furniture gloOO. Trade - 6 1-2 aerea with shade fruit tree. 4 room - large frontage on highway, 97500. Trad quipped chicken ranch ' . for Salem property. Trade gasoline station- ia good town for Salem pro party. Trade furnished seven room hoase, . larg corner lot for amall houae , clot in. Apartment house 97500, . Parnisbed apartment bona, 95800. Furnished rooming ' bouse, good- bay. East front, 97500. Attrac tive coraer residence oa North Sum mer street 98000. Close in property large rooms at vary attractive price . today. - Beautiful residence eloae i 820,000. Coraer let and amall house, 91650, elose in, easy paymoBta. 1 eeree, all in fruit and equipped, trade ' for Salem 'property 96850. We writ Fire end Aato In sera nee. . OERTRUDE J. M. PAGE - 492 N. Cottace Street. ; 63-m-12tt. NEW MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW.: 1 acre ef ground, paved street a fiae new home, 94750. good' term, 9-reem bens larg coraer lot North- Salem, only 91800, oaay terms. 9H acres mil town, eVrooav houae, barn and ponltry hoase, 93,000, oaay terms. Portland :' home te exchange for en in Balem. Larg ateek reach all stock aad ma chinery, te exchange for eastern Ore gon or Washington wheat ranch, ' for bargains or - exchangee, - - : . i BARBER. 200 Uray Bldg. ' ' . . .-63ml 4tf 64 ACRES, 5 V& MILES FROM SALEM 39000.00 : 80 sere S V miles from . Salem. 94000.00. Reasonable cash '' payment and easy terms of payment ea balance. Excellent district. . v A. C. BUHILNSTEDT 147 No. Com'l St.. Salem. Ore. . ... - 6Sml2tf -TPArAf SUCCEEDS v PROF. SURCM SHALLOW - AFRAID VfcRE. UPAJAlr4ST ? KEEP OUR A ME "lb fROltcT, I 71 4VT (FRS3rTEMl OWNER MUST SELL Cote pri"95O0. 4 rooms, : full cement basement, aew garage, lot 5Oxl60, fine shade and fruit trees ia North Salem, handy te school 'and bus. Price NOW 93000. " TRIANGLE REALTY .COMPANY 4 218 N.rLiberty. . - Phone 451. ; -f - - V-V- .. 63m21tf 5 ROOMS. NORTH, FURNACE, FIRE- place, garage, 93500, easy terms. Beaatifnl acre tracts, restricted, 9750 an acre, temas. - 370-ner farm, mostly equipped, about 18-boad stock, mast be anerificad at once at. 950 aa acre.. 911.000 first mortgage at SH eu be assamed. 150 acre fine saw timber, 220 ia cnltiva: lien.' , - " -, - . oleosa nous on paved street, 3160O, down payment 9100, balaae a month. .,--. - - - WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. 216 Oregon Bldg. 63mlCU - MIXED AD ' I 10 dowa and 910 per month for a .nice lot eloae to Fairgrounds i - ' car line, N. Salem. Price 8400. ;9 10 dowa and 810 per month for fine east front lot oa N.-4th St. Fine eak grove. Price 9450. f 50 dowa, balanca monthly, good lot , on 8. High , St. paving paid. ; - Price 9500. - 9 230 down, balaneo monthly for a 4 room bungalow, plastered, bsth, .fia lot. Prie 91500. Will .. eeasider lot er Light ear. ' ' i f 200 dowa. balance monthly for a 5- room bungalow in S. 8alem, fnll bssement. fireplace, garage, ) paved St. Prie 93200. i. f 3200 takea a bow modern 4-room . bungalow, - bssement, furnace. fireplace, pnved street, will ' - sell on aoldier'a bonus loan or take light car r truck oa first payment. 917,000 for a fin 51-aere farm, 17 acre j full bearing prunes, 4 acre yoaag orchard, 7-room bouse, good barb, dryer, chicken house , and brooder house, 96000 will handle. Will take house ia Sa lem on . first payment. t 96000 to loan oa -city property. -MELVIN JOHNSON 109 8. Commercial St. Phone 559. 63ml9tf HOMES AND INVESTMENTS " 8 -room plaatored i home N. Salem, 7 fine lota, paved street, 95000, 91000 down. Good modern borne 8. 15th St. 92650, good terms. Meat market, stock, fixtures, lease, good location, good business, 92000. Good - Portland Income property, 915.OO0. for good farm. Good 20-aere bearing prune orchard, near Salem, 98000, want reside oe. 3 good, bouses for rent. If yoa went to bny sell or exchange See PERRINE A MARSTERS ' 212 Com. Club Bldg. . 63ml6tf We Will Build You a Home ON TOUR LOT. TOO PAT FOR IT LIKE RENT. Bulgin & Bulgin 275 State street. 93al9tf GREATEST TRADING -ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST ". We have ver S0O0 pro parties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If yoa would like to trad your property TODAY, come in TODAY. See GASK1LL A EARLE, Realtors. Successors to Parker Realty Co. 166 8. Liberty. Phon 2242. 63ml2tf FOR SALE LOTS ON MYRTLE AVE bus, 9450- to 9700. Easy terms. Also, two sew houses, 8100 will handl cith er. Phone owner 520. 2025 Fair grounds Road, Lone Star Service Sta tion. o3a21tf Real Estate Trades 65 SPECIAL 25 aero most sll in fruit, bas good buildings, near Salem, will trade for a .good home 2 k acre . close ia 9750. Some good timber- close - te Salem wa paved road, - will trade 7-roem hoasoi I large 'lot, paved street, -trad' fosatoM , tract, acres stock ana- equipment. -saumevawaMeMnni'- . n i m1 jvt. . -i THOMASON. 3lV-fltate-8t. 65ml9tf WE HAVE SEVERAL HOUSES TO trad for farm, also have soma good business'' opportunities that --we. can exchange for good farms. Come ia and aak a .host thM. BUSSELLE A ASPINWALL 222 N. Commercial St. Phone 36. 65m21 WE HAVE TWO GOOD INCOME PROP. erties to trade for small farms close te. Salem. , W have a aumber oi 'farms to trad for Salem- homes. We hsve 93000 private money to loan. MoOILCHRIST A PENNINGTON. ' 809 U. B. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. "; '.-.-, ... 65m20tf WANTED , -V , To Bell or Trade Close in suburban homes for eity Ttroverty. : Dandy A . acre, berries ' and' fruit troee.. cosy 4-room bungalow.. Prie 91800. Will pay difference. BEAUTIFUL 5-ACRE TRACT Rich deep black loam poll. All kinds ef berries and fruit. . Fine garden. : llonao, bam. garage, chicken -. aouae. Good well water. Electric light, rar den tools, cow, all 'for 93600. If "you have any property to trade See CHILDS A BF.OHTKI Realtors. 820 State St. 1st door east Bash bank 65m20tf Real Estate Farms 67 FARM - BARGATN. 260 ACRES 120 acres clear, all aew land, lays fine no iws, about 40, acres of fine oak tim -r, balance cut ever, spring - water. mu -men fenced, good nve-ieo.i .... bare 24x40. 960 per acre and wilt taka soma eitv nrmrtv: Am f " 341 State St. - C7m21tf WELL EQUIPPED SMALL RANCH IS "cre..Weal "-Snn"uer Ham" fishing and banting, 2 'acres cleared. tmgatioa system in, water piped to bouse and barn, 92500 suaau.. ua. Graves, Black Rock. Ore. 67m24 "DO TOTJ BELIEVE IN OREGON f . - We Specialise ea Farms. j 10 acres of good land, berries, -fruit aad garden ia beat ef Condition. 6-room plastered, modern houae, garage, poul try house, barn, drier, live water. Oa food reads, pbon line, close te school, good home for -those growing young sters. Price 94500. OO, some term. 86 acme la beat of condition, good halldinr oa good reads, all la crop. ome irrigated, cloae to good trading places. A real bay st 99000.00. Half esth,- Balaae eaiy. Sea oa for nburbsa borne tite and Ureron taTma. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. , Leans, Insurance. 147 No. Com'l 8C . Phone 577 . . . .. X" . - 67m2tl EVtLLWNOUS PpzcrESSoa AJDUJ LEADS HUNT AJSD "UC LITTLE . tnEAeOSRAPKSR. PURPOSELV IN THE MRONS DRECTlOAJ w . ( pftOF SUfcCH - ) ( OHVJrCH, V Where are i hallooo W) We Have Cash Buyers . For Lots . ! List Now 'for Basalt. ' Busselle & Aspinwall 222 N; Com'L Phon 36. - - 71ml9tf ' Automobiles Wanted 77 BEFORE YOO TAKE THAT TRIP, LET me grind year valves aad tana up year motor. The eld bas will have hew life - and you'll eav the coat on gaa and oil. Mike Paaok, Brake Specialist, 275 B. CommirciaL . 77j7 cash PAJp Ante Oe. FOR FORDS EIKEB 77ml2tf Used Cars for Sale. 79 1818 OAKLAND FAIR CONDITION. 950.0O cash. 225. 8. Church in rear. , - . - 79m21 Specials 1920 Dodz Tonrin .9225.00 1924 Chevrolet Touring 1822 Chevrolet Toarhsa' .9350.00 -9175.00 .9 60.00 1920 Chevrolet Touring Newton Chevrolet Co. 7ml6tf Valley Motor "Co. Fords THE FOLLOWING CARS HAVE THE GUARANTEED TRIANGLE 1925 Touring, balieen tires 9345 1923 Touring, extras,, a well-preserved ear , 9265 1924 Touring, new balloon tires. This is an extra good bny 9295 1924 Touring, fair rubber ...9Z6 Early 1928 Coupe 895 worth of repairs. Will give hew ear serv ice . 9286 Early, 1924 Touring, looks like new 9275 1924 Coupe with balloon tires .33j 1924 Rosdster, 9150 worth of extras '. 9295 1925 Coupe, 9280 worth of extras 9450 , Valley Motor Co. Guaranteed Fords Berries Berries Cherries, Etc. . Haul your own crops te the market. we nave a lViJ Chevrolet delivery. In fine condition, - All overhauled. ptse wheels . 9250 Ford delivery 9 50 Dodge Screen, 1924 . 9625 Dodge Delivery, A-l shspe 9175 1 Vs Ton Republic Truck, good tires, runs good 8825 Dodge Graham, 1 ton 3550 Ford Roadster. 1925 Model 8335 "Under the Big Tent" BONESTEELE MOTOR COMPANY Center A Commercial. Balam, Ore. 79m20 Used Cars Dodge Touring -9 75.00 Light Six Stndebaker Sedan ' A-l shape. Special Six Studebaker Tour ing. Ford Touring. Buiek. Rosdster : 9475.00 Maxwell Tonrinr. .fiaaex Four, A-l shape .V ...3275.00 mem over. Otto J. Wilson 388 N. Commercial. Tel. 220. 79m21 WE ARK OFFERING YOU A VERY complete stock of reconditioned good used cars at exceptionally low prices. Fords both open and closed models. Jewett Couno. at Old Conne. " . "j Chandler traffic transmission. Podge Tourings. , -i , o TOvrl4nd "Touriaga. rtj. - J a mm VI ehVrlet Tourincs, Buiek Enclosure. We alao have many ethers at prices --that will pleas you. "Alter w Sell We Berve." F. W, Pettyjohn Co. 365 N, Commercial St. Pbon 1260. Cadillse Hudson Esses ... - r 79ml6tf ;.r' Vick Bros. '1'' - ' Q ood Used Cars One of the - wixest moves you can make ia to select a good used ;' ' cat from -thia ' column. v7 ,1925 Flint Touring, glass en closure, .t "; 1924 Oakland Touring. 19i2 Dodge Coupe. 1924 Overland louring. 1924 Star Touring. 1919 Franklin Touring. Ford Coupe. 1924 Ford Coupe. 1925 Ford Touring. .1921 Ford. Touring. We have several cheap ears that' - - will give good service aad are worth more than we are aakiag. , Vick Bros. 280 & High Street. Phone 1941 79m23 Mutton Stew Removed From Table by an English Tommy ETAOIN SHRDLU . -and mandad 4 tLO.NDO N. - (Bf Associated Press.) Mutton stew, along with lamb chops and roast mutton, has been crossed oft the menu of the British" army, as a measure of economy. ' ' '' ' " :- By ceasing to supply mutton. the war office, has found that it f can, .save thousands of pounds a year. This kind of meat will not appear In the army mess araln un til it beconres much cheaper. Roast and. boiled beet and sausages will be served instead. Careless laundries are what keep the button factories Koins. rOEAMVUHlLE IVCK AT CAMP, DP HUMT ANl MISS SHARPE LET ; a . . . HIM -TrvlNVTHATTHE BELIEVE WIS STDRy OF PJJdf8. Ctranse d1sappea15ance. WE TRADE FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS GOOD BUYS NOW , . 1926 Ford Roadster. - ' 1924 Ford Touring, Ruxstall doable shocks. Boah aad Btromberg. - 1925 Star Sport Cpe, like smw. -1921 Dodg Touring, new paiat. J924 Study Lt, Tearing, snap. . 1923 Maxwell 4-Psaa; Coupe. 50 MORE TO PIC Kl'ltOM We trad and giva term. Open Evenings nnd Sundsy. ' CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR 353 No. Church, h No. of P. O. Phone S82 or 883. .--7 9m 2 3 Choice $50.00 :Look ; Look Prices Fall on Used Cars " ; MacDonald Auto Co. 5 Paaa. Maxwell Touring. . -. ' 5 Pass. Chevrolet Touring. 5 Paaa. Dodge Touring. - 5 Pass. Ford Touring. - Choice SS0.00 They are ready for-yoa te drive away. . Many other good cars in all models aad makes te choose from. Come and ee us before yoa hay. Our slogan ; In Service We Grow MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage and Ferry. Phone 409. Open iHvaainga and Sundays. Msrmon Willys Knight Overland. ! 79m22 Eiker's Guaranteed Used Fords 1925 Touring 1923 Coupe . .3315 1.9255 -945 1933 Ford Sedan 1923 Roadster 1925 Touring . .3220 .9345 1925 coupe .9445 191S Toaring 9 70 Stock complete. 92 ether ears to choose from. Some aa low aa 945.00 - EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street et Ferry. Phone 121. 79a23tf Reliable Used Cars We bav a ' omplte stock ef good standard make at aU times. It will gay yoa to look them ever before yoa "''Fred M. Powell ' Motor Cars 950 N. High. Telephone 2129. 79m9tf Used Car Bargains BNT - NOW SAVE - MONET OUR PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU MacDonald Auto Co. 8ALEM, OREGON 2 pass. 1928 New Or ' land Landaa Coupe never driven. -8 pass. Late model Master Buiek Six Sport Rosdster. ' 5-pasc. Light Six 1924 Studebaker Se dan. 6-pass. Special six Studebaker Touring Grusa Shock abaorbers, and glass inclosore. 5-pais. Late model 4-eylinder Willys Knight Sedan. 5-psss. Late model 4-eylinder Willys Knight Sedsn. 5-psss. Buiek 1'ouring. 5-psss. Overlsnd Touring. - 5-pass. Msxwell Touring. 6 pass. Franklin Touring. 5-psss. Cleveland Touring. 5-pass. Maxwell Touring. 5-pass. Chevrolet Touring. Liberal and convenient terms. MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage and Ferry. Phone 409. Open Sundays sad Evenings. Salem. Oregon. Marmon " Willys-Knight Overland 79m8tf NEW CORPORATIONS I ... 4) The Sandy Boom company with headquarters at Marshfield and capital stock of 2500, has been Incorporated by A. K. Peck, J. T. Brand and J. F. Anderson. -Other articles filed in the state corporation department Wednes day follow: . varick Investment company, Portland, 85000: George L. Bui- and. Andrew Koerner and Henry F. Cabell. ' C. L. & Company, Portland; notice of dissolution. . Kerr Investment company. Port land; capital stock increased from 25,000 to ,350,000. The Rogue Valley .Golf club with headquarters at Medford, has been incorporated by J. D. Russell, W. E. Lydiard and II. C. Egan The club will receive Its support from 'annual dues collected from members of the organization. .' - Other articles filed in the state corporation department Thursday follow: "e ; C. ; it E, - Fruit company, Med ford, $10,000; R. W. Clancy, J. E Edmiston and F. E. Edmiston. . Radio Transportation corpora tion, Astoria, $50,000; Ole Solelm, E. TiEdison and Enoch E. Mathi The dentist released the man In the chair and after spitting - the Mood and water out of his mouth, the man sputtered: "H-how much you going to chbange me for pulling that tooth?-' "Five dollars.'! answered the dentist. '- . ? "But lut I understand ihat you only charged one dollar for pulling teeth," said the man. "Well, generally that Is my f price, but you see you yelled so loud that yoa scared away the oth er four dollar customers that were out in the . waiting room." - Quick .e most look fop . . . F . . . AT ONCE. SURBLy HE CANT BE TAH AWA mW t -a . - . a1 it r JQHlLE FAfS AUA . ON THE. EANV4 CTTrlE STREAM INTO U'HtCH HE VJUASTHROJNt THE MISSING SCIENTIST . RESA1MS " GREAT DARWIN IT'S THiy ; I mi c ci m re. iitJ'd ...i.. 1 missing- CONSCOUSA)a?S CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECT0I1Y Of BellaUo Bameam svsvd ProfemmkmsU Flrttva Arnmgjed ta AlpaaaOMfUcml Order '- -t - - - -- - AUGTI0NEEE8 F. N. WOODRT g ales, and steel Estate Aactionaor aad Amislssr. I Ram, aad Store. 1610 N. Summer Street. Pheae 511 For 83 Date. Established Sine 1916. ' eSU a i a ACCOUNT ANT O. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aad iter, 831 Va State. . Phone 8099-R. - S al7-,6 BATTEBT AND XLBOTBICIANS R. D. BARTON EXIDB BATTERIES, tarter aad generator Work; 171 Soata - CommereiaL - ' - i - ' Pbon 199 COURT "BT, XXCTCLE8 AJTD EtTATRTTfQ LLOYD E. RAMSDKN COLUMBIA Bl cycle aad repairing, 997 Court. CHINESE REMEDT L. U DICK L. M. HUM -Chinaao Medicine Company Help any known disease.: 420-436 Stat. sSOtf CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. SCOFIELD, P J 8. O, 928 Ore gon bldg. Phone 2194. DR. U. L. 8COTT. PSO. CHIROPRACTOR - 256 K. High. Phooo or II, ELECTRICIANS DOMESTIC ELECTRIC CO. ELECTRICAL WORK 263 6. CommereiaL Talephon 1720. 1 nUltf FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. H0U8E wiring by hour or eontrset. csumatea forniahed. Phone 9804171 Court St. FAXMC PAPEX IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper seaa jc toe rnciiic Homestead, Balam, Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mentioa this ad.'-'. POULTBYMEN SSND EIGHT TWO- cent stamps for special three. months trial for the best and eldesf Journal in the west. The articles aad adver tisement are of special interest to the poultry breeder ef tna Morvnwv Northwest Poultry Josrnal. 211 Coi mereial street, Salem, fOreren. FINANCIAL INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN ON 8A- lem homes, business blocks and apart ment bouses. P. H. Bell 52t U. S. Bank Building. Phon 2474. FOR BALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort go. Trust Deeds; Contracts -Will net 6 to 30. BECKE A HENDRICKS Hilig Bldg, 189 N. High St. Jl-tf FARM LOANS PLEirTY OF MONET to loan oa good farm iseeurity. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money ea eity residences aad business property, at 5V, plus a commission. Hawkins A Roberta, Iae 205 Oregon BuUdia-g. d-!4tf FLORISTS FERN 8, CHOICE ROBES, GLADIOLUS, perennini. anruoa, wewpisig oires, etc. Bennett Nursery Co. Fnirgreuad Road. Tel. 1280. I 115-26 3UT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, decorations, v. r. Breithaupt, florist, 128 N. Liberty. Phoee 880. ! INSURANCB LOANS, REAL ESTATE, GENERAL IN- surnaee. u. w. umr, siu wregow Bidg. 1 Insure .Tear bom er ear new Phone 181 ' - BECKE- A HENDRICKS . Heilif Bldy.. 189 N. High St. Jt-tf LAUNDRIES , THE NIW- SALEM LAUNDRY THE WE10ER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. j .208 S. High. SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 269 8. High street. Phone 25. eldest, larr eat and beat. Eatebibned 1889, TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry. Phone tit. leap o eireet. jiiu CAPITAL CITY tAUNDRY Th laundry of pure materiars." Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway. ULDIES' TATliORTNO D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. V- UATTRXS&X8 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THb Capitol City Bedding Co.. 1180 North ' CapitoL Called for and delivered. At. work guars a teed. Phone 19. f!9t MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. 1CQ8I0 STORES GEO. a WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, aewiag machines, sheet music and piano studies, i Repairing phone graphs aad sewing machines, 433 Stat street, Salem. i . NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, BALEM Agency The Ace,- TeL 989. . THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTF per month delivered te your home early each morning.! Tel. 28 or 58S HtrRSERT STOCK FRUIT, NUT AND 6HADE TREES Prey Bros., its h. fjommercist. PACKiva and! sHXPrrsa FOR EXPERT FURNTTURB PACKING end ahippiag, call j Stiff's Faraitan . Store. Phone SAL - - By Ed Wheelan COAC , TLL SHOW VOU THE SPOT VOUEfcE HE VAhMSMED. I5 CAN 1F1NP IT AOAlM To-' "' Z . JOiWllXLhM8 i i,m ii i - - i for OOcfe Refc - -' - i SAPERHANaiNO AXS PAJJITXaiO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR AtOUSE ..Vr"B PePer aaagiag, tinting, at. Reliable workmaa. PIANO TTJNESS EDWARD WTELP EXPERIENCED Pteae taaor. Leave orders Will's Muate Store. fpRXMTZNO FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPli- programs, oooss er any klBd uf ttrinlin f.m ) 1 . ft k . Q . . - . . aeaiaiHo m I u,- ng Departamat, 215 : 8. Cemmercial. g el. DBS. rLTTMRTNO PLUMBING AND GENERAL KEPA1K work. Oraber Bro,. 154 8, Liberty. Phono 650. j .11 9 IT RADIO Radiolas For Every Every Purse All Stendard eiaos' ef Radio Tabes HALIK A EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP 937 Coart St. Phoae 488 REAL ESTATE IB TOU HAVE PROPERTY TO BELL r If yea era looking for a heme, farm, ' er basinets property, see vs. BECKS A HENDRICKS .189 N. High 8t Heilig Bldg. 3tt REAL! OWNERS I have buy rerh for close-ia Salem bus! and - would be glad te -have. neaa property know what yen seekers I hsve attractive business openings in ' Salom for .men or women with from S40O0 to lt,0OO. I have prepiitioa fa rfarmer of small mean. ' Honor and working record are the main credentials necessary. HARRIS, Masonic Bldg.. Tel. 795, 194S-J ' m-21 JAVENOERS CITY GARAGE '- CO.; OFFICE PHON1 . 1ST B. Commercial. :, Roe. Phei . xznu. FOR GOOD SCAVENGER SERVICE CM 167, Salem Scavenger, Cummins ami Trotter. - SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ' . iC ad shoes. Best prices paid. Cap tai Excfaangei 842 North Commereiat Phone 1368-W. ' - TRANSFER AMD HAULER a TRANSFER AND HAULING OF hinus.- rneae 72F2. - WE MOVE STORE AND SHIP HOUS1 hold goods. Our specialty ia pteae sua f urnitur moving. We alao snake eoaa) try trip. We ha ad la the heat coal an wood. Call n as for prices. W give good measure, good quality aad good service. Lartper Transfer Co. Pheae 98 CAPITAL CTTT TRAN8FER OO. 221 -State 8L Phone 939. DUtribatiBC fee warding aad storage our specialty. Gd our rate. I . . WELL DRIXZJMO RL A.- Watt. Rt. , Box 103-E. Pheat iiurs t ailM nut ea Gwdea reed WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER cq uuice eve couth Jommercial Bt, Tat per cent discount -ea eemeatie fl rate paid in advaace. N dedaettei for absence or any cans an Wee wate, is shut off your premises. -- " t TRAVEL1 . SsfSly,- Swiftly aad Comanrtablp In buses of the Parker Stage Liaee. Stages Leaf for ' Silvertoa T, a. at, 11 a. aa. 8 y. as, Mt. Angel ll w as, 6 p. am. Dallas 7 .! m. 9 a. bu. U:5 a. pj,: 2:10 p. m, 8.-15 p. as, Palis City f 7 a. as, 1:10 p. ss, 5:16 p. m. - - . . ' , Independence 7 a. aa 9 a. m 11:15 a. m 8:10 p. m, 9:15 s. as. Sunday only 8:80 p. m. . Monmouth 7 a. bv, 11;15 s. as,. 8:10 p. m, 6:15 p. amTmaaday ealy, p. m, :M a. au 4 , MeMinavilia :80 a. as, 10 p. aa,' ' :15 pas. -- ' . Nwbrg 9i80 a. ss, S:10 p. m, -'- :15 p. at. i . . -. ? Tillamook 8:80 a. m 2:10 p. mm." CaU 222 'or 696 for information. -' " - ' ' - - - - dvirtt ; 1' j V S&lem LlarkeU ----! ORAJJI No. 1, wh est. white 4 No. 1, red, sacked White- oatet H. Grsy eat ' Barley , -, Barley , : , ... v -41.84 1.21 - .45 -41 .43 TRKV ArDTTOlf AMD REEF Top bogs' Sowar;, 9HCS.10 .19 : Dressed hogs . .'Top steers Cows i .06.07 Bulla . lUhl "; 'Spring lamb aader 80 tK- .134 Heavier - - - ' Jl POUXTKT Llrbt bean , J18 8 ' Heavy bene' Old roeatera , Broilera J025 EGGS, BUTTER AMD BUTTERFAT . Butterfat - .40 Creamery batter .42041 atilh. ewt. - , -Medium errs 8.44 Jl dtnadard aggs .38 Chinese Fittingly Bury ; Dead if They Must Starve PEKTNOJ ( Associated Press. ) ? Parpo ' Proper" respect must be paid the Chinese dead eren j If the livingj relatives must starve. y 1 ' A funeral in China, where an-; cestor -worship prevails, is an af- fair of 'gravest importance and be-;-comes a calamity, especially to the poor. Certain f easts must be pro-. Tided and religious rites observed.' A proper casket must be obtained., regardless ' of Inaocial ability to purchase it j and a certain number of bearers and banner-carriers are'., eqaled for Tfc pigeon."" 1 : The: mother of a Chinese: em-; "toyed by an American organiza tion recentlr died and he was com-, pelled 'to borrow $40 to provide', the traditional rites. He proposed .. to pay it biek. two or three dol lars a month out of his wages, bat the company donated the sum as a consideration for his long and faithful service. A poor tin!"" to" make-love 13 when the Esa Is running. .X - -- 43m31tf (9 5-13