The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 19, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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I : r;
Jfambow Assembly ; 4 .
iwteWs New Officer v
jyjth .Miss Mary. .Capper, ' the
charter .worthy .advisor of Chad
wick Assembly. No. 3, Order bf
. the Bainbow for Girls, as Install
ing officer,' new officer In the or
ganization were f ormally Installed
on. Satarday evening. ;
, Those taking office include:
Worthy advisor. Mildred Iugh ;
assistant' worthy adrisor. Lena
Medler; charity, Pauline Findley;
hope.' Eloise Wright; lalth, Dor
othy .Bosshard; secretary, Kathar
ine Elgin: treasurer Josephine Al-
- bert; chaplain, . Helen Kafouryj
choir director, Lucy - Brown; or
ganist, . Zelma Lathy; drill loader,
" Bertha Babcock; inner -observer,
Margaret Morehouse iouterob7
server, Margnerite ? JElalJey ired
t ray, Loletta Robinson; .orange
t ray, 1 Opal Be vans; yeliow. ray,
Edith " Jenks; . green rayv Edith
Finley; blue ray, Julia Query; in
digo ray, Billy Cupper; violet ray
Loretta Robinson; choir members,
Wilma Coursey, Florence Powers,
Carolyn Lambirth, I Marrell ,-.'- Ed
wards, Irene Green oaum. Dorothy
Martin . Xrireiniaf',BergeV Mariorie
Church, Pauline . Johnson, Miry
Cupper, Esther . : Wood,... "Grace
Thompson, Charlotte Martin Rose
Dickenson. Jennie Delsell, Delorif
Mills and Helen Kaf eury. :: .n
Daughters of Vie Niieto"Meet
The Salem clnb of the Daugh
ters of the Nile will meet, today. In
the Masonic Temple for. the last
regular meeting of the spring sea
son. Luncheon jwiUjbe ajred $1
neon, with sewing for the Shrine
hospital in Portland the day's ; di
version. -i i
V.', ' -, ;-v. ? i 5 : f - ' 1
Business and Professional
' Women Meet Tonight
tot. Annum tsanquez, v m
t The , Salem Business- anH Jro-
f essional Women's clnb will meet
at 6:80 o'clock this evening at
the Gray Belle for the annual ban
qust.v ; Harry N. Crain, chairman
of the city zoning ' and, planning
- t -1 I' v. T W
commission, ana r miss nuis x
S ales
;''r.ll-T-: 't
; This is a sale for ahderella feet and'if yoU afe "afflicfed"
With suchrwe invite you especially to attend.The sizes range
from 3 VB to 4B because they represent a salesman's sample ,
line. The finest art in shoe Shakinsr will be found among these.
" Extra high grade kid skins, patents, satins, : calf kins;-6imu--
1 lated reptUesetc.v yoaTl'waiit: two or, thre: pairs bf these
when; you see them. High, 'medium and low neels Step-in,
i pumps, straps and over the instep styles-built in archjoxf ords
welts dnd f ihe. Witeon sewed: soles.; Come t early for best
choice. It is the first sale we've had including pumps As small,
?as3B. THese are on "display in Shoe. Section. "
aVT,r i: JO f i
Parfrott, ttrsti "president, t, the
Roseburg club, will be among the
speakers. , Miss Jufia K." Webster,'
president of the clnb, will be, Hue
toastmlBtresf of, the jevening;!
r Miss Cartotta tCrowiey if chair
man of the committee in charge
of thie ; erening. t "Special musical
numbers , are being, arranged : in
addition to the speeches.
Visitors, From Los Angeles. ,
Mr. and 'Mrs.- HolHBter Cham
berlain (Olive Metcalf) and little
son, jilart!n4 of Los " Angeles,' Catt-
xornia, are visuing; in t Baiem as
the . guests .of '.Mr, . Chamberlain's
mother Mrs. Rose W. Chamber
lain and lila annt." Miss Elma-Wel-?
ler They will alsd visit in Port
land . and Seattle before return
ing to California. ' The Chamber
lains "made the trip north, by -mo
tor, 'v. t
Genevieve Campbell ;
Salem'fflends'wlll le Interested
in the. news of the marriage of
Mjsa Qeneyleve Campbell and Ray
G. Lucas which took place yester
day in . San" Francisco, Caifdrnia
Mrs.. Lcas is the granddaughter
of. Mrs. Jabis Godfrey, Mr. Lucas
Is the son of Mr. and. Mrs. 8. F.
Lucas of. Salem. Both the ' bride
and , the. groom .are graduates of
the . 6alem high school. . They will
make i their- home in: Oakland,
Pre-School Child Study v'4i.
Group Molds Banquet .slC--:
AtGf ay Belle ,
"Covets were Dlaced for twenty-
foini a $e Interesting banquet
sponsored on, Monday evening in
jlhe lUse Room' of, the Spa b mem
bers- of tae pre-ecnooi cnim stuay
class of the American Association
otJ.IUnlversIty. yeomen. Sarah
Prentiss of th Oregon Agrlcul
tural College waa the speaker of
the evening, taking, as her sub
ject,. JHow , the Child Keeps His
Mental Health." :Mrs. Prentiss
barClcularly emphasized that the
child's 'inenlal health pattern - is
man' s Samples
' jffinroiffliffliiimiiiBM!BiKniaKaoiufflUB4.-i
SeU Rcitarly. $7;50 fcoSlOTOO
Salem's Leading Department
- l5a"ughters of the Nile. Masonic
temple, AU day .meeting, . -
Barbara Frietthie Sewing club.
Mrs. Joseph- 1 Bach 450 S. 25th
street,, hostess. . , ,
. Women's, night. T. M. C. A.
newvbuilding.. i j I I
i.; Ladies ., Handicap tournament.
Illahej. i Country . club. 9:30
o'clock, ti -. ! . ,
1 Salem Business and Profession
al Women's club banquet. Gray
Beile :,30 ' o'clock.
! CounDon-Me class of First Bap
tist church. : Mrs. S. W. WilUs,
Haysville, hostess. Meet at church
from to 2: JO o'clock.
. Thursday
. WRC Ladies Aid. Mrs. ' I. D.
Bennett, routf 9fc hostess.
. . ; . Friday, ' - ' ; i . ; ; . '
. .Annual flower" show under spon
sorship of Salem Garden club.
Gardens of Dr. R. -E, Lee Stelner
and Dr. Frank Grimtn. z to a
o'clock. ' ' r. 1
. Saturday
Salem Woman's club. Installa
tion" 6t officers. ; 2 : 3 0 o'clock:.
firmly laid by the time he Is five
years old. She spoke of the. Im
portance of developing outside
contact early through day nur
sery Bchools. . In dealing with the
subject of punishment, she .pre
sented the ttrictly modern tenden
cy of allowing the child to devel
op the ability to, make,. hi own
choices, and the avoidance bf ul
timatums, exacting . invariable
obedience. A round table discus
sion f611owed with the parents
taking an active -part.
Covers, at the banquet f were
placed for: Mrs. Sarah Prentiss,
Professor and Mrs. L. .A. Wood
worth, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs,
Dr. hnd Mrs. : Frederick . Hill
Thompson, Mr. and . Mrs. Ross
MlleIr. and Mrs.. Lewis, Mr.
andf. Mrs. Shade, Mr and Mrs.
Dougherty, Professor and- Mrs.
Horace Wiliiston,4 Mr. . and Mrs.
Robert Dann, Mrs. G. F. Cham
bers, Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mr. and
Mrs. Goef frier, and Mr.. and Mrs.
Lyman McDonald.' -A
Dinner at Taylor's Grove
A lovely birthday dinner was
enjoyed at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Taylor of Taylor's
Grove on Sunday, May 16, in hon-
Cobiiil Calendar
or -of Mrs. Taylor's birthday.
Beautiful bouquets or Aroses and
snapdragons adorned the tables.
Thelfolio'wmg friends' and mem
bers of the family, rwer present:
Mr. and Mrs. Marion irayiorMlr.
and Mrs. Ed Taylor; Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Taylor Mr. and Mrs-'Elvle
Taylor, Of Silverton r Mr; and Mrs.
Harvey Taylor, Macleay, Oregon;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patton Mac
leay, Oregon; Mr. and; Mrs. Harry
Patton .and "daughter, Shirley,
Mill City, Oregonr, Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Patton and two sons, Mac
Mrs. Remo Mosler. and daughter,
ter GerUel, . Portland.'.. Oregon;
leay, Oregon; Mr.- and Mrs. Wal
Jerry, Portland Oregon; . Miss
Marie Sweitser, Fern' Andrews and
Marian Taylor, all of -Portland,
Oregon, ,
Ever Ready Birthday Club
Mrs. T. W.'Hall will .entertain
the members of the Ever Ready
Birthday club on. Friday afternoon
at her home, 1496 Ferry Street.
The birthdays ' of Mrs. Han and
of Mrs.-Jennie Martin will be ob
served at this time. Mrs, Hall's
home is oh the corner of Ferry
and 16 th streets.
Altar Society to -
Sponsor Card Party
The. members of the St. Vincent
du Paul Altar society willsponsor
card party at. the parrish hall
at 8:30 o'clock this evening,
Prize for high score will be award
ed. Refreshments will be served,
The public is Invited.
Mrs. Charles Maxwell
to Give Proaram
Mrs. Charles Maxwell, a favorite
local soIoiBt, will give a program
on Wednesday, May 26. at Waller
Hall, with the proceeds to go to
he Willamette University' library
Mrs. Maxwell has arranged a par
ticularly Interesting, program for
the evening.
Oregon. League Wdmen to
Hold Annual Meeting
Todav tn Portland
The annual meeting and elec
. - .-.J
tion of officers bf .'the - Oreeon
branch. League of Women Voters,
will take place Wednesday, begin
ning at 10 a. m., at the Congress
hotel, and all members are urged
to attend. Reports of the presi
dent, secretary, treasurer and
standing committee's will be read
and election of officers will take
At 11:30 o'clock .the debating
team from the Salem; Ore., high
school which won the debate from
the Salem, Mass., high school team
s i Best ' LaxativB
"California Rg Syrup"
Hurry .Mother A.teaspoonful
of "California Fig Syrup" now will
thoroughly clean the little bowels
and in a feir hours you have
well, playful child again.. Even if
cross, feverish, bilious, constipated
or full bf cold, children love -its
pleasant taste. , '
Tell your druggist , ton want
only the genuine "California Fig
Byrup which has directions . toi
babies - and children- of all. age
printed on bottle. " Mother, yet
must say "California.!' Refuse aft;
Size 27x54 Inches
Lj 2 ?-5-srl -.ceptionar quality, durabl
IJfHfti saving during the Make
r i . t . - s:- ' - TT -v
f"""""" BassasBBBsnBSBS mmmm tmm mmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmm,
on? the ' child labor
amendment. , ,
At 12:30 o'clock a luncheon
wilt be served , In the. faew dining
room or tne congress notei - ior
members of the league and their
triends.-' ,rwo nationally 1 promi
nent women," honor guests, will
. : They are Mrs,' Ernest Mott
of San Francisco, the .'seventh I re
gional director of ; the National
League of Women Voters, - and
Mrs. : Raymond Brown of ' New
Tork, managing .' director of the
Woman ' Citizen" magazine, 'a
national publication! with head-
Quarters in New York, and pub
lished -by women, for women, to
interest women- in public affairs
and to supply them with nonpar
tisan information about -the world
outside their own homes. Mrs.
Brown is well known as a lecturer
and is an honorary director of the
New York league. During the war
she served as director general of
the " Women's Overseas Hospital,
under the French war department.
She will have an inspiring . mes
sage for the women of Portland:
. Mrs. Charles Carver, Jr., presi
dent of the Portland league, will
open the luncheon program with a
talk on the work of the league In
Oregon during, the past year, and
Mrs. Rex Sanford, president of the
Salem league, will give a report of
the national convention held re
cently 'in St. Louis. I
Members of the league are'urg
ed to invite friends to attend the
-Portland Telegram.
Royal Neighbors to Sew
The Royal Neighbors, sewing
club wiU meet today at the home
of Mrs. C. F. Loveland, 2016
North Fifth street for" an after
noon of needlework.
Return From California
Mrs. J. H. Cradlebaugh and
Mrs. M. J. Wheat have returned
from a two weeks' stay in south
ern California.
Guest at Newberg
Miss. Eva Miles and Miss Har
riet Hodgen entertained as their
house-guest over the week-end
Miss Pauline Terrell of Newberg
Miss Terrell is a member of the
Pacific College faculty.
Woman's Union to
Sponsor Shower
The Woman's Union of the
First Congregational church will
hold a benefit shower on Thurs
day, afternoon In the church par
lors at which time gifts of rugs
pictures, books, toys, clothing,
and towels will be most accepta
ble, j
Miss Creighton Changes
Date for Open Garden
Instead of opening her garden
on Thursday, May 27, Miss Mabe
Creighton will be hostess to local
Itlower lovers, on Thursday, June
3. one week later than the date
first given.
Miss S'chultz Plays
Over Radio
Miss Mary Schulttz had the dis
tinction bf playing from radio sta
tion WEAF in New York City on
May D before the New York Fed
eration of Churches, according to
word received by Salem friends,
Station WEAF is the largest in
the United States.
Count-On-Me Class
The Count-On-Me Class of the
First Baptist Church ' will meet
this afternoon at the home of Mrs,
S. W. Willis at Hayesville. Mem
bens are asked to meet at , the
church between 2 and 2:30 o'clock
and transportation will he provid
Women's Night at YMCA
Salem women WiU be given an
opportunity . to participate in the
interesting activities of. the week
at the new YMCA building this
evening, the occasion having been
particularly designated as "wo
men's night." The women's or
ganizations of the city have been
Invited to participate in the ac
tivities, of,, the evening. 1 ,
The president of each organ!
will debate
f Axmirister Rugs $27.50 -
Rich, deep pile?, high grade Axmirister ragsaH per-
feet, all new, room siie
uuruij; uur iuoai: iwum tjaic-
75.00 ira
Worsted Wiltdn
ri'tW ?;,9xl2Lizea kplendid
Hegular $77.50 Values 4n 8.3xi0V6 slze. PXVondeflul
iine of patterns for selectionV Take aivantage oi -w
i - -the Make Room Sale now
:i- -'j-(' i "'"'
zafton will be introduced by Mrs.
F. tA.: EUiott,' who ; president of
the Woman's Auxiliary, of the Sa
lem YMCA, and. given an . oppor
tunity to tell of the aims and acf
compllshments of 1 her specific? or
ganization. ;': r "'H'.'-i ' vf
Participating organizations will
include: YWCA, the Daughters of
the , American Revolution, the
American Association of Univer
sity .Women, the Salem Arts
League, the Salem Woman's
club, the P. E." O.- sisterhood, the
Etokta club, the MacDowell. club.
tne saiem Heignts club, ana the
Salem Business - and Professional
Women's club. .
Ladies Handicap Tournament
to Open today at Golf Club .
"Salem's most prominent sports
women will participate in the lad
les handicap tournament at 9:30
o'clock, this morning at the, RliheO
Golf pi ub. Mrs. Gus Hixon is cap
tain of the ladies team.
The two flights include
First-night, Mrs. O. C. Locke
vs. Mrs. J. H. Farrar, Mrs, Gus
Hixon vs. Mrs. Ed Gilllnghm,
Mrs. H. V. Ollnger vs. Mrs.
ROome. Mrs. H. H. Grady vs Mrs.
E.' L. Baker
The second flight, Mrs. Donald
YOung vs. Mrs. L. C. Farmer, Mrs.
J. H. Garnjobst vs. Mrs. C. E.
inner, flirs. a. 11. Hurley vs.
Mrs. E. P. Thorn and Mrs. Pau
Hendricks vs. Mrs. Daryl Proctor
At Shipley's the ladies of Salem
have satisfied themselves that they
can get tne finest spring and sum
mer rrocks, coast and dresses ever
shown in this city.
Gabriel Powder & Sunnlv Co.
lumber, building materials, paints
ana.vanusnesi roonng paper. Get
prices there and make a, big sav
ing, Office, .176.8. Com'l. ( )
; Ira W. Jorgenseh, 1 90 S. Itlgh
St. parts for ail makes of cars
Best equipped auto accessory store
in mis section, rrompt ana re
liable service the rule. ()
White House Restaurant, 362
State St., where hundreds of peo
ple prefer to eat. All you want to
eat for less than you can eat at
home, quality and service. ()
W. Q. Krueger, realtor; progres
sive, fair; equitable. Growing city
and country make possible buys
that will make you good money.
Complete listings. 147 N. Com'l.
6:00-7:00 KOW (491) Portland.
6:00-7:00 KFWV 212) Portland.
8:00-10:10 KGW (491) Portland.
7:15-11:30 KFWV (212) Portland.
Trio, quartet, program. Windjammer.
7:00-10:00 KOIX (819) Portland,
Xanc oreheatra, political program,
jitndio iBBBie..' -8:30-1030
KTBS (263) Portlairtl.
- , tosie anil feat area. . . .
. polmoAi,
9 :00 : 10 KGW - (491 Portland.
9:00-9:05 iKOIN (319) Portland.
7:30-8:30 KFJR (263) Portland.
Palmer and his "Z" Pale.
6:00 RGO (361) Oakland, 6-7, dinner
i concert. .
6:00 KMTB (238) Hollywood. 6. Ha
waiian string qnintet oreheatra; 7, or
chestra ; - 8,- concert orchestra: 10-11
6:0O KRW1 (226) San Francisco, 6,
program ; 6:30, dance mnsic; 8, har
monious program; 8:30,. orchestra;
:S0 meeting of "Tom Cats;" 11-1
6:30 Kl (467) Ios Angeles, 6:80, pop
ular program ; 7, string orchestra ; 8,
musical program; 10, popular program
6:30 KF9D (246) Ban Diego. 6:30 or
chestra; 7:30, program; 8:30, studio
program; 10-11, orchestra.
6:30 KHJ (405) Is ' Angeles. 6:30,
children's program; 8, studio progress.
6:30 KLX (508) OakUnd. 6;8Q, or
chestra: 8, eoucational; 9-10, program.
6:30 KPO (428), San Francisco. 6:30
orchestra; T, oreheatra; 8, musical pro
gram; 9, studio program; 10, orchestra,
6:45 KFOA (454), Seattle. 6:45, studio
program: 8:30, studio program. -
7:00 KNX (337), Hollywood. 7:00.
eoartesr program ;, 8. program ; 9, pro
gram; 10, feature program; 11, orcbes-
tra. . . , -.
7)00 KF0X (233), Long Beach; 7, program;-
8, progrtm; 9, prixma hour; 10-,
12. KFOV artists.
7:00 KOWW (256), Walla Walla. 7, re
ports; 8, program; 10-12, orchestra.
7:20 KOA0 (280), Orovallia. 7:20.
piano solos; 7:30. educational; 8-8:3(1
Capital City Laan (try- treading
first class laundry of Salem. Gives
you. best servlee in city. . Clothes
laundered here lasts longer; Al
ways on time. 1264 Broadway. ()
9x12. A remarkable buy
. . .
pattern and color range., lj&x- .
3, beautiful rugs, at.a great
EopmSale., 4 .
RUUs C67h50
on. - V r( :i . r
8:00 K.TBI (fi4).
Ijo : Xafltm. 8-9,
wmaial program.
- ttiMlia prof rm ; prcsran.
0.W Dayt "tires, tubes and ae-
cesories.' Has the Goodyear tires,
the- standard of the world. Mr.
Day can give .yon more mileage.
Corner Com'! and.Chemeketa. ()
- i '
SU VyiW- uw v .
bile sit coach and sedan are sur
passing . beauties; finer perform
ance, lower j prices. - Look them
oyer. , uiaay ; juisnop. t v J
A Dozen Reasons
U. S. Senator Stanfield
Oregon is in great need ot
development "and
must seek federal aid, which the
state can Obtain only through
such .men in Congress as, Sen
ator 'fttAnfield. with his com
manding position in the Senate
as Cludrmatf f! the JnbUc
Lands Committee and high
rank on the powerful Finance
Ctommitteej . v '
By reasoh ot his important
Senate Committee posi
tions,: which a new man could..;
not obtain! in 10- or 12 years.
Senator Stanfield has been an ,
outstanding factor in obtaining
Government .appropriations for
Oregon duTlhg the -past five 4V
years amounting to S32,695,
978. i - '
3 Senator Stanf ield is lead-,
Ing the fight in the 8en-
ate to establish Oregons right
LU UHn 11 SM ' aTTT WIII UM lnilll UCr
natural resonroes. to develon the
ially the taxes now burdening our pebplef i His grailng. Bill, Bow
before thej Senate for passage, is the "entering-: wedge to restore
4 For tie farmer Senator Stanf i'eld"waa. Ruccessf nl fn "urging Ihe
enactment of the Emergency Tariff-law 0f ;May J7, 1921.
Through the Nprris Bill he obtained ;c,000 for Oregon from
the War finance Corporation for the relief of. agricultural banks
And personally supervised this aid for the Treasury. Department.
f During the past five years Senator Stanf ield has aided Sena
tor McNary in obtaining, $d,631,o6o for OregonrUmatipn
projects, j'lh hearing on .the 'attempted 'saleof the Oriental ,LTne
to the Dollar interests. Senator Stknfield jis assisting roe in very
way he can, wired Senator McN'uy on May 4, N v
ij Senatpr Stanfleld, as member of "the Senate Pluance Com-
) mittefe, was largely instrumental in rociirihg f 7,350,000 for
the Improvement of fivers and harbors 14 "Oregon, an d, is in posi
tion to assjst materially in securing a 3 5;ft. channel from Portland
ps The lumber business, Oregon's' chief industry, has been re-
f lieve4 of an annoying handicap thrpugh the repeal of the
Capital Stock Tax, the- main credit for whose repeal ts given by
the National .Lumber Manufacturers Association to Senator Stan
field. - - 1 -
8 One pt Senator, Stanf ield's leading achievements is his sue
cess in obtaining, and laying before! the Senate,-a favorable
report from his Committee on Public Lands on his 3,000,000 O.
& C Tat Refund Bill, restoring the taxeejlost to, 18 Oregon coun
ties ami towering thereby the taxes of every taxpayer In Oregon.
QThe Stanfleld Home Loan BUI will benefit thousands of city
4 . dwellers desirous of building and owning a home. It pro
vides . for Government-supervised loans on residence property..! in
amounLS 01 uw ,10 tiv.vuu at
exceed 6 per cent and payable
15 years. I... ' : . .
H - Senator Stanf ield is a consistent supporter of -the Coolidge
1U administration and is Btauding with the president in the
latter's enforcement of the prohibition law and reduction of fed
'-4 Aa! a staunch friend of
I Stanfield has publicly
language, j Hesays: ' "Conventions,
wul be open to the same objections as the old "convention system
Because he has proved himself during; his -.entire -term -in
the Senate to be a friend of iabor," Senator Stanfield has
been officially endorsed by rjwnfnti-wtilti3vii mrgitffn"n. fti
eluding the Central Labor Council of. Portland on May 10 and
Sunset. Lodge No.. 130, of the Brotherhood of Railroad -Trainmen
on Mar 1. . Also by the Bayonet Clnb, the political organization
of the Disabled American . Veterans of the World War, for his
Support of legislation for veterans
Keep Oregon to the Front
staniieia 11 w ouia iaxe -a n ew t Alan lu or
j 12 Years to Match His Committees.
;L (Stanf ield-fqr:Seator Campii
s. ?'"V'
: NEW.XilkLfib
81x108, Blue, Fink: and- Apricot.' striped . fr
A beautiful Rayon spread 81xl03,"BIuef Pirik'CC Ofi
or GoldJ regular ?7,50; , Special.JL:....X....,1. dd.D U
LADIES' ONdiwear arg Air4s
Ladies'; Union Suits
-Regular 75c-7-to Clean .
up at.
39c and 32c
.Regular, $1.95 and $2.45, io
ice uoliar.and Cuii'
i Children's Hixts,
very special 1.UU
CHldreitoTa Hats, "values " to
Artificial Flowers
'-.Big Assortment
ilibwTWces. I
, v Reduced Prices on all Millinery
Bring your Jlillinery Troubles to ;.us. , fcxpert Millineb
y'"'J 'v ready to advise with you; . - ; ?
fimf f h '. Sr. Watklns. Court and w
High Sts., auto tires, tubes and
accessories ' McClaren ahd Fisk
tires. Of ter. the most mUea for j
Vomeroy - & Keene, Jewelers,? 'V
never fan to gire you 1 09 on V
the nolla .Watches,' clocks' pins.
charms, H Standard . high ,'; grade
stocJt inaU departments.; t. ()
The Rolph steamship line, e- g
tween Portland and Los tajig'eles, i
starts with three steamers, -i -
r : j , -. , , I . ' . , - ,
State aiid therebreduce mater
a.raie 01 inieresi esiunaiea jgio
in monthly installments over 5 to
.-. -
the Direct Pr&narywSenatdr
stated his aUItude In unmistakable
called without authority of law
ot all wars. ' -
in the -Senate by lie-Electing
. 'Xadies' .Vests '
. . Keduced Prices , .
. . - 25e 19c - 15c
clean iap L
Pretty Dress Crepes
Vara &Scv
Valuss xm to E3.0
"$1.75. Priced aL.
Ladies' Dress Hats
; ; Big 'Assortment
Lowest Prices
f -