The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 19, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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Innt Daily xept Mooaar by :
: SIS Booth Commercial St, Baton, Orafoa
IV J. Hn4rieka
y4 J. Tmm
Lm at. aforri aa
Italia J. Smith -AidrW
Baock' -
. . afaaarfaf-Editar
- - - City Editor '
Ttlccnpk E4ir
, Sociaty Editor
W. II. Harder oa -. Clrealatioa If aaaf
' Ralph H. Kletsiaf aVartiainf Hti(r
Frank JaakoaU w . Maagr Job Dwp.
B. A. fUvataa j ' , . Uvaatoek Editor
W. C. Canner ".-;-.; roaitry EditaT
Tla iaaoelaffrl PrM U azelaslraly aatitla to tho as for sabUeatioa of aU m
ttepatebaa credit to it or ot otharwuo croditod ia this pa par and aiao tho local
a aabMabaaS horoiaw -. .- , . , t- . , ..
1 - : . r;:; BUSINESS OITICES: - , '
Albert Bran, S3 Worroator Bid, Portlaad, Ora. V 1 i .r -
Thamaa k. Clark Co, Naw Tork. Ha-136 W. Slat Sts Cbtearo. atarqaatto Bid.;
: Xoty Payaa, flaaro BM(, Saa fraaciac. Calif.; Hirraa Bids. Laa.a.acalaav Calif.
Baataoso Of flea SI or 53 .
Booloty ' i
CfarealaUoa OISmJII
Henra DpartMfttSS or 108
' Job Dpirtit af
. Eatorad at tho Post Offieo ia fialaaa, Orocoa, as aacaad-alaM aaattor.
, May 19, 1026 rtr-v-- ;
A-QIFT OPvTHANKSGIVINGrAnd when ye will offer sac
rff Ice of thanksgirliisT. vnto th& Lord, offer It at your owni. Ley.
south; salem junior high school
. The South Salem people are entitled to their junior high
j - j - It was provided forjn the bonds voted three years ago.
The propd newtbuilding is neededi t The present ones
'(. . are overflowing. There is not enough room for the hew build
; in; 6n the old site of the Lincoln (South Salem) school
v yHence somenew location must be tMovided. . ' '
, ; i The new'site to be voted on today is-the only one avail-
j .k fkere is n alternative. t . i
'v 'the purchase1 of the new rsite is 'not 'authorized at' the
election. tbisternoon, tomort will be forever too late, for
flhj owner of one paohe' trjct (the key- to the situation)
already has1 it staked to sell for buUding lots; he will not
K t K!7ijy9 m 'Wfifh Jt but such property
i-worth what its owners 'can realize in some other way, and
; iiri'y ondvgrlhai' 4b,ere' iamow- ready, sale for such
:prDperty, and that prices are- advancing. ; ' r-
v - The South Salem people want that tract, and as they are
'.iot askingof additional money, there is no reason why they
. -duld. not have it ' r . ' . ,
u ' And the school board has investigated the situation and
iilOO per cent in favor of that site. And the members of the
School board are not crazj There is nothing in it for them,
nthey arejgodd business men. You would trust the business
judgment of any ione. of them. - .V: .
f' The vote 4his; afternoon ought to be 100 per cent yes.
iTiere is no'other vrayr in justice to the South Salem people,
pacd in consideration 5 all the. rules of good business judg
nlent; to'sajr nothing of good common sense and expediency!
X -' .;-'
, Jhere wUl be a very small Tote polled at the primaries- this month
t-itho presejouUook.JiThe .TOteewhyeararlrDwing
smaller. , Frequently yoa hear people say they. willot go to the
- polls at all. Others say they intend to vote for but one or two per
sons oat of two or three hundred candidates on the sereral ballots.
There are ton or a dozen candidates for United States senator. Most
western states that hare built up bis Influence and got bis results
keep their senators oa the Job. Washington does that: Idaho and
Utah and California har kept; their senators so long they hare be
come men of national JinfluenceJ Has anyone heard a good strong
lair argument lor. making; change in Oregon? 1 McNary in western
Oregon and Stanfleid In eastern" Oregon."' Hare they failed at any
point to represent the staievdr-;thelr " 8ectionl,4 Stanfield is only a
sheep and cattle man, Bnt what else, haye. they in eastern Oregon!
His bill to refund flye million dollars to eighteen Oregon counties that
:wa toggled away from hem by annullng land,granU to pu them In
ttt forest reserves, has een ?.f arorably reported tor 'passage in the
"senate and tha iewer house ot -congress. It wiU help those mpoyerj
fished counUeswl The same wajp Boh Stantield is fighting a successful
TidUle to preTent. Jhe state losing ait tne saies xaaue oi uBBen
tte forest resenres. Will some new and Inexperienced person who
has no places on eommitteea'be able ' to -helphe people of Oregon?
SUnfleld is on the two" big ' committees-tinance and lands, and he
IS v friend of Coolidge and Mellon. He is also on the claims com-
mlttee ajjd 'the "citil serrice and postoffice committees. What wUl
Oferoir gain by retiring Stanfleid?- i
: awJLa,-?. i'Ai 'S'S . i ' - - - commok sense.
Salem, Oregon, May 18. 1926.
ly to 'the aforesaid ' realtors; who
hare cheap tracts" io sell at. high
prices to the dlsgnlshed crows,
and to the merchants down town
who selfishly want to force eyery do all their baying: from
them and would have all -little
neighborhood stores officially for
bidden. r j . '
' How large a city wUI the Salem
commission plan? - 50,000? 100.'
000? 1.060,000? Can they locate
with reasonable certainty the logi
cal location for Ladd dV Bush's
new' 30-story bank building out
on Highland avenue twenty years
from now,' And satisfactorily pre
scribe what shall and shall not be
built between here and there?
Ridiculous! ,
I am not 'a taxpayer in Salem
and fully realize that this fact will
Immediately brand my opinions as
worthless with the powers' ' that
be.- - NeTertheless." I brazenly In
sist that the very fact that I have
nothing at stake enables me to
riew this proposUion more sane
ly than wonld be the case if . 1
Qwned a little property which I
fondly hoped would be endowed
with a fictitious ralue through the
kindly offices of the zoning com
mission. - ;
I f expect to some day buy a
home in Salem, and I shall want
it to be within a block of a nice
little neighborhood store where , I
can buy things to eat and a cigar
and a Sunday newspaper and stuff
to make sandwiches when I want
to go fishing, without haying to
go clear down town for hem. It
will be nice, too, if there is a
little garage there where I can get
so well acquainted with the man
that he wUl fix my jitney with-,
out being, Inspired to gyp me so
extensively as the hard-boiled gen
tlemen who occupy the large es
tablishments down town. Ano of
course there must be a filling sta
tion. Trying to prescribe Salem's fu
ture is as silly as was the ex
pectant mother who fondly en
visioned tie golden haired lad who
was to look just like his dad, eag
erly purchased Little Lord- Fount
leroy clothing and a rave soldier
costume with cocked hat and tin
sword and then , gave girtlT to
twin girls.
545 N. 13th St.
The following letter in refer
ence tovthe endorsement of Mark
McCalllster. was received t Tues
Editor. . ..May 18.
Dear Sir: ," I notice in , ..this
morning's Statesman you have is
sued. in big letters the following:
Review' Endorses Mark McCail-
ister." Where , did you get it?
This is an -error.-1 have not men
tioned Mark MeCallister in any
issue of the ' Review, and I don't
like to t. misquoted. I -did: en
dorse Mark Paulson of Silverton,
and expect to support the nomi
nees of the " Republican party.
Please correct.
Yours truly, f
H. D. Mars.
When questioned last evening,
Mr. MeCallister stated that the
clipping had appeared in the Stay-
ton Mail. " ' -
An editorial writer in the Portland Oregonian has finally
found out that the Willamette valley may have a great crude
druir' industry - . , -r
But he writes as though he fears we rhight. have a boom
in that industry, to the injury of other farming interests.
He need not be afraid of this.1 There are many things to
be done before there can be a crude drug boom
, And , the first thing should be experimental crude drug
gardens at tne vrejsuu jrvK-u' wucui..., vuv -
must be cured properly, as well as grown In the right ways.
ijio farmer is going to grow crude drugs till he knows all
'about the game- . : '
But it' would be a great game for western Oregon ; a
great industry, for we have the right climatic and soil con
ditions. Nature has done her part. - . , ,
V It is possible'to make" the crude' drug industry here one
of the biggest ana oest paying unes in yregon.
AS corrvapandattco for tats depart
atoat naat bo aisd t7 tko writor.
arass bo writtaa on oao aldo tao
aapar arjy. and saoalA aot bo laagot
taaa 160 word,,.: , . v '
tlon to
: - Salem. Ore., May 18, 1926. .
Gentlemenr -s v-
There is only one small objec-
the idea.of official city
planning and soning, which is that
it doesn't - work : -doesn't secu re
the Ideal resulfe hoped and expect
ed -never has and never will.
It is perfectly ytrue that many
eastern - cities . have had sotting
commissions for twenty years or
nor?'; -Those -commissions are
iusl.r "tzzx ever now-tryla; to
correct the mistakes cf the com
r2kil:r3 wt!:hrirecei2d them.
They, find that, tracts which were
solemnly set aside as factory dls
tricts now Insist upon becoming
select residence : zones, while the
Imposing mansions of the 400 of
those' days must now be torn down
to make room for, modern bus!
iuess sky-scrapers.1"
No man. : nor commission of
men, .nor T'englnee,". , can - en
vision the Salem of even ten
years hence. ; Human enterprise
cannot be standardized, and at
tempts to do so sBimply hobble it
to 'the detriment Tot all - and the
benefit of none.
The zoning idea was born about
the : time . that - barbers became
tonsorlal artists and land sharks
became realtors, and merely illus
trates the "tendency-o the Ameri
can human crow to blick a colored
feather in his tall and pose as
peacock. Its benefits accrue sole-
Hits For Breakfast
School election today- k.
And the Sooth!! Salem people are
entitled to yoarfvote , '
Because they are" entitled to
their school ". bflilding. totW to
them three years-ago, and ; there
Is no other site"for it?? There r Is
no other wayT'no alternative J - "
V ....
Free employment office of the
.VMCA sent 48 ppfppie to the straw
berry fields yesterday. The labor
situation is i better, in :the berry
fields. People have been coming
in from every direction.' But they
are all . needed. There Is aNplockfl
order for fi 9 loran berry pickers
in one yard, tho Vincent yard, for
an early f utu re date. . j v- t "',
- m m ;U . V?V
r Then the canneries are wanting
moee women r a tot more of them.
"W S '
This Is women's day for the
YMCA opening wek.-'The Women
of -Salem have their share, and a
large -one, in the' activities ot the
magnificent new building..
i ' ' . - "a- ; .4
Annual irrigation Slogan num
ber of , The v Statesman tomorrow
That Is one of the' big. things for
the future of this valley. Irriga
tion Is crop life insurance. If you
ran help the Slogan editor, please
do so: today. ....
Did you see the eastern skyline
last evening If ou did not, yc-u
missed one of the most beautiful
nature pictures-fever -painted by
the hand of the Creator.- ' The sky
was i - peculiarly clear, the moun
tains unusually Verttant, and the
snow peaks Deautjitul beyond hum
an power -to approximate or pov
erty of language to describe.,,
Spjectatots ; See-and I Hear
: Film Drama, Action Is j ?
Turned Into Sound
The Bake-Rite Bdkery. Busy
every day supplying best homes
with bakery goods of all kinds;
baked In a kitchen clean as your
own. 34 S State! St.
The Commerctal Book Store has
everything you need in books and
'stationery and isnpplies for the
school,! office or jhomev at the low
est possible prices. , 1
.' - v,T :
Parker Col 444 S. Com'l.
Don't fail to talk to -Parker about
your nsed car.' Follow the advice
of Henry Ford. Keep used cars as
good as new. Ask prices.? . ' ()
Woods Auto ttTop Co:, builders
of the most elegant and durable
automobile tops In Salerno . Repair
ing of aU kinds. Curtains with
lass enclosures.Qet onr priceai ( )
i -ijrheise .who have seen 'The Big
laradef at.the HeUig, theatre here
have seen .what Is without doubt
the " moat remarkable and most
remarkable and most stupenduons
production yet f ilmed tor the mov
ing picture , screen. . Those who
hare not yet seen it will have an
opportunity r this afternoon and
this evening an opportunity that
should not be lost. ;
!The Birth- of a Nation" was
an -'epoch-making film, t as was
"The Covered Wagon. But both
of those productions are far sur
passed by "The Big Parade." And
the comparison does not; belittle
in the least the two former pic
tures. " J i
To describe "The Big Parade;
is impossible- one must live it
must feel It on the screen.
It is impossible to describe the
feeling one receives when a huge
airplane swoops down at you from
the -picture, with the powerful
motors roaring in your ears. Or
to see and hear a machine-gun,
hidden in a pit, the' short, stubby
barrell sweeping its sector clean
with a stream of lead. Lumbering
tanks, rolling fatefully towards
he front all these things are
F. W. Pettyjohn. S65 N. Com'l..
sell the Hudson car, giving the
greatest six cylinder value. Hud-
son coach.' $1790; seven pas"-
ger. $1875. ()
Buster Brown Shoe Store. High
class, stylish looking, comfort giv
ing, long wearing shoes for the
leasf. money. Go and be convinc
ed. , 125 North Com'l St. ()
The Salem Hdw. Co., most pro
gressive. Every accommodation
given : to those in need ot best
hardware supplies. Work and pros
perity the motto. 120 N Com'l. ()
C. F. Breithanpt, florist and
decorator. 123 N. Liberty.; Phone
380v Flowers, bulbs, floral de
signs for all occasions. Pioneer
and leader in Salem. i ()
ttloyd'E. Hains"den Is having, a
splendid trade on bicycles, kiddie
cars, speed wagons, bicycle tires,
bicycle accessories, etc. "Store and
shop. 387 Court St.- !'.:.()
VlckBroa. are selling -the Oak
land and Pontiaccars. Agents for
the valley conn toes.. Pioneer firm
in autos. Oakland coach now only
$1290. - 280 S. High St. . ? ()
The Electric Restaurant serves
elegant meals and lunches. Try
them; you wlU come again and
bring yonr friends. Best in Salem.
479 State St. . ()
" of Eola Polk County '
Republican Candidate r
for ;
Reduce' taxes by reducing cost of
Government. .
Place penitentiary under Board of
Control. .Make Board of Con
- trol the Parole Board: fewer
' pardons. -
Enforcement of -Prohibition by of
ficials who believe in enforcing
tbe law.
Hasten construction . of Roosevelt
Adequate provision for', retiring
. . bonds, i Issue no tax free bonds.
Fish and Game Commission tunc-
'x- tion for people and not as poll-
r tical machines. t
Play fair with ex-service men.
Maintain high standard of public
schools and institutions of high
er learning. ,
I do not believe in. taking any
.political "power from the -indi
No discount on the taxpayer's dol
rlar. , . . . j
- i (raid Advert Ibeaent)
1 rL-iJ
Through Reclining Chair. Car Service Three
. Schedules Each Day; With Stop Over Privileges
Leaving the Terminal Hotel .
10 A. M., 7:30 P. M.t. 1 :35 A. M.
"One Way -Round
One Way
Round Trip
- For Information Call At -
or Phone 696 J
Y Let us play,, these marvelous
' ' new records for. you. ; ; Better music
I . and more music than you ever Heard
; ?-' before. No increase in prices, .
JStartlin& ' development in
- -Umusical recortlinga'f. ;',v;r""
HeartHemttblday in , our
pleasant music rooms. '
tion to purchase.
No obliga-
- -v s- ill v '
- t 7 '
brought to you vlsuaUy on the
. - . m -v m
screen ana at tne sameime 10
yolir ears. v'-Aii ' C V,
The mechanical effects : alone
are sufficient to make The Big
Parade an epochal film. - The
spectators sees .and hears the: ac
tion, every move ; la accurately
translated Into sounds Whistles,
bombs, airplanes, tanks, machine-
guns, mortars, trucks ana motor
cycles, all are made real in the
great picture. A- crew of- twenty
men behind the scenes work with
machine-like precision in trans
lating cues from the picture into
sound. , ,.
"The Big, -Parade" is not a
graphic description, of the " world
war in the same manner ' that
"Flanders Fields' Is. John Gil
bert. Is starred in this production
which was filmed "in-a studio and
hot upon the actual battlefield.
Th story is beautiful and the
acting Is superb
- A sixteen piece orchestra ac
companies the lilm. ' "The Big Pa
rade": will . be shown here today
and tonight only. " " The matinee
will stkrt at2!20 o'clock and the
evening performance . at : 8:30
o'clock; ".!.... .' , ...
-.- --
Three of these coupons and 98c when 'presented at or
mailed to the Statesman office, 215 South Commercial
Street, Salemregron, entitles yoii to a beautiful Amer
ican Flagj size 5x3 feet as advertised. . . . .
NOTE -If flag is to be mailed add lc additional for cost of
mailing nd flag will be sent postpaid to tne address siren 1
Ajnd Every Day at 2:30 and 7:30 Until NoUi Remains
Saturday an $85 Diamond sold for $20. A 26 piece 1 847
Rogers Silverware with hollow handled knives and stain
less blades went for $21. I Ejght dollar watch chains for
$2.50, etc. etc., ask your jneighbor bargains galore for
everyone.. - K - i- r-di:jU;
' 7 ' i '
Osi WasE
That's just how we feel, all torn up and tKings in a litter,
intr going: merrily on,. ; But we invite you inor after all,
Tot of Bean Soup" on wash day don't go so bad and it is
with our reinodel
the old proverbial;,
enjoyed byVgxwdL
- b W V. wvwas-r V mmj vva w Ov ww! " w aaf v wa wvw ,
many who won't admit it and so it is when company' drops in on wash day.
If you can put-up with
' ' our house -in . the condi
? , tion it's in we!! be hos
? ; pitable to tfie best of our
; ability ant as an extra
V:'H, inducement we will have
twp pots of real good old
fashioned 'pargains. One
' ,-of silk frocks" and "one of.'
' r - i - . - '
y oress coats.
' :.
All of our, silk dresses com-:
- posed of, crepes,! satin face '
. crepes,' printed crepes in fact -.
every silk dress in 'stock at a
. special reduced price. . '- "
Dress and novelty, coats . includ- .
ing flares and coats straight" of Vi
line. . Some have the bell sleeves . Xu
A while M others '-. boast f the -i new "r
pouch sleeve elaborately em- v; .
broidered with metalic and silk-
All at an extra low -
.t. en braids.'