The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 19, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    'tt the 6&g6n A'fii, kAiii,.bi36N
Rev, Kdehler Has. Made a
, GoO&Rec6rd;Jllness Cause
of the designation .
"VeT. G. , KGoeMcr, pastor of
Christ Lutheran church. State and
Eighteenth streets, has resigned
tir account of . illness. He has
serred the congregation 1 2 years
and three months. When he came
teM Ine Charge Vas Tsniall and
.had debts on the- property. Under
I his leadership the congregation
' grew to 325 members and the
debts were "wiped out and plans
mere made for a new church edi-
i T.ce, which will be boilt nxt year.
ReT. ; Koehler, was ,. also chaplain
of the state, penitentiary and the
state training school from 1914 to
1919. For the prepent time-he
- w Ell stay in Salera. Rev. E, It.
Pflueger of Vancourer, C, has
'.been called as his successor. , The
resignation is to take effect July
1st. ' ' ..L
r Walter H. Zosel, . automobile
tires, tubes and accessories. ,VuI-'
anixing thai holds, i High quality,
superior serrice. A trial makes a
customer.' 198 S. Com'l.- (.)
The Square Deal, Hardware Co.,
230 N. Com'l. Most elegant and
practical lines of mechanics' tools,
-builders' hardware, cutlery, etc. Go
there and aaTthQ dlffreence. ()
. Nelson Bros., plumbers and sheet
metal workers and heating..;-Best
'equipped fin, Salem. , Prices rand
'serrice and quality get $nd hold
business. 355 Chemeketa St. ()
.0 Al I f 0
Worse tfiah That, He Is a
CruePMiirderer and a
Wasteful Wanton !
J. H. Williams of Moralngside,
on rural' route 5. has -had a unique
experience in the chicken came in
the -past two or three, weeks. His
chickens had ' been disappearing.
Ills interest had : been, aroused.
He investigated. o did Mrs. Wil
liams and the children. Here la
-what they discovered ,to their
amazement: a bird called the Cal-1
if ornla blue jay would make a cir
cle J over their chicken , lot and.
"pyfng a real i Ice fryer, it would
wre "on Its back and proceed to
jSu ' , , ., - ,t - i, s
To Demonstrate New,
ji If you are ruptured and wear a
truss, now is your opportunity to
get a FREE TRIAL of the most
eieatlflcally constructed rupture
Support ever invented.
, .. William S. Rice, Adams, N.
originator of the Rice (Non-Surgical)
Rupture Method. - is send
ing his representative to the Mar
lon Hotel. Salem, Or eg., from Fri
day noon. May 2 1, until Saturday
evening. May 22. to personally ex
plain and : demonstrate his , won
derful New Rapture Invention en
tirely free to every man, woman
and child who Is ruptured.
It is absolutely guaranteed ,to
hold any rupture, large or small,
no matter where located and af
ford proper protection at , all
times. v. v
It is postively ' the mo
pick its brains out and" eat them
and then flyaway. j 4
- 'Mr. "Wiil!ang has lost; as nearly
as he can estimate at this time,
about 100 chtelctfns. - ' t
In the - meantime he - has pur
chased a shotgun and killed two or
three blrd and has them, hanging
ip ' in his- chicken yard as a re
minder of what will happen .to
future trespassers. . , , ' ,
. Vflbert?ei Todd' Electric Store,
High . at S'erry St., Everything
electrical. , Good service and low
prices are ' bringing, an increasing
trade to this store. ()
The Marlon Automobile Co. The
Stttdebaker, the world's - greatest
automobile value. Operating Cost
small. -Will last a lifetime, with
cam. Standard coach $1416. ()
Crown TJfuk: Store. 112 State
St., has many, new articles to show
you. Every, conceivable .thing in
the way of drugs and drug store
specialties are there . ()
E. E. Woods, of theiKingwood
Saanen goat ranch has sold all of
his milk goats but one. a pure bred
due,' and she 4a for sale. On Sun
day .last. Mr. Woods took by truck
IS bt his -igo&ts, Vrcm Salem to
Wapinitia, taakin r the round trip
In one day. " He had sold the 15
coats to Mrs. J.'1 E. Sinclair at
Wapinitia, hich is 50 miles south
of The Dalles; sold delivered
there. Mrs.;inclair Is jestabllsh
ing a goat milk dairy on an exten
sive scale.
Mr. Woods Is going out of. the
coat business. He has foUnd that
he could not give It the attention it
deserves, owing to the fact that
he Is busy in his trade as a paint
er. Mr.-Woods win plant nis tract
in Kingwood park to English wal
nuts, filbert, grapes and other
fruits.- .That district Is getting
water from -West Salem new and
will have improved -roadie and
streets, .and .West Salem residents
hope .to get their, city, annexed to
Salem in due. course jot time. Mr.
Woods believes Kingwood : park
"will then terome one of the choice
and exclusive residence -sections
of greater Salem.
Hartinan "Bros, -Jewelry" store.
Watches, clocks," rings, pin a, dia
monds, 'charms,' cut glass, silver
ware Standard goods. State at
Liberty St. ()
Elker AuCo Col, Ferry at Liber
ty St. Autos stored, and bought
and sold. & C.ars washed day and
night.' Low -prices and service will
make long friends. ()
L. A. Scheelar Auto Wrecking
Co., oldest in the WUlamette, val
ley. New , and used- parts 'and
equipment. Low prices and dual
ity service here. 1085 N. Coml ()
The Mml STinrk mn a ton
dollar hill 'on every quality suit.
Shirts, hats, ties, collars. , High
grade clothihg,. perfect fitting,
long wearing. 4fi State. ()
' rimflr StAM hAM
creasing- numbers prefer to trade.
a varied stock is kent comnlete
and up to date. Tour needs Mr.
Tyler's concern. 157 S. ComML St:
The Cherry Cltv Bakin Co.
bread, pies and cakes are of high
est quality, ' One of Oregon's mofet
sanitary bakeries. Visit it. 'Worth
while. A Salem show place. ( )
Henry b. Miller. 184 S. Com'l
St.,, where. moBt people prefer to
get their auto parts for all makes
or cars. Trade there and - make
savings on all auto parts. ()
- Max O. Buren, furniture,' car
pets; eyerythlng 'for the f home.
Most beautiful Axmlnster rugs.
Beautiful line of pictures for your
home. 119 N. Com'L ' . ()
Fry't Drug Stowfe JSO'NrCqm'l
the pioneer store. Everything for
everybody in the d?ug supply line,
with . standard : goods and quality
service always. . - ; - ' ()
The Atlas Book and Stationery
Zo., 465 State St. High class literature-
and fine stationery. Complete
lines. Tou will appreciate the low
prices. , , :y. ()
Hallk & Eoff Electric Shop, 337
Court BWk Everything. electric,
from motors4 and fixtures and sup
plies to Wliihtr: -'' Get prices' and
look at complete stock. . ' . ()
. Cross Meat Market. Biggest,
busiest and best In Salem. .Choic
est steaks, bacon, , hams, sausage,
lard, eggs, milk. . Absolutely san
itary. 3 7q State St. ()
. '
The ; Malcolm Tire Co. Court
at N. Com'l St. . Largest liner of
automobile tires, tubes and 'acces
sories.' Prices never fall to bring
you back, s , ()
iol" com
fortable for every day wear, at all
kinds of work and cta be rn
nights and at "all other times with
no olscomrort. ,
It is guaranteed not to slip out
of place under any circumstances
and the pressure so easily ad
justs itself 'i to all positions and
movements of the body-that there
Is no cutting or chafing.
It' has proven tha only properly
constructed. Rupture Support ever
supplied for raptured Women, can
be worn with or without the cor-j
set and actually improves the ab
dominal outlines. t " . ..
It .is equally valuable' for rup
tured children as it allows for full
normal growth and development
without limiting youthful activi
ties or allowing the slightest pro
trusion of the rupture. j
Pads are made of soft," resilient
material, light, durable nd com
fortable. Hug the flesh snugly
yet do not irritate. They -ere de
signed and shaped to fit and give
'pressure at the right! spot so the
bowel cannot possibly escape. -
' Hundreds of thousands In use
all over the civilized world, and
thousands are throwing all trusses
on the scrap heap after ft brief
use of this scientific Rupture
Is or every man, woman and
child who Is' ruptured. . So don't
frsto call and test the exceptlon
snerits of this guaranteed Rup
tlne and 'Weakness Support. It
has no equal and Is being recom-j
mended , by physicians and hos
pitals everywhere. v Call any time
from 9.10 42 . m.,Jto B p. m.,
or 7 to evenings The test, re
: member, . eqsts you ' nothin g.
- t--. 'Adams,. N.YZ-iJ : Adv.
A Simple Application
That Dissolves Blackheads
No more squeezing and pinching
to get rid of those ugly black
heads. . - Get .a little Calonite pow
der from any drug -store, sprinkle
a little on a hott wet cloth, rub
over the blackheads, and In. two
minutes every blackhead will, be
dissolved entirely. Adv. i:
Sh i
' ,
Wo. A.' Carter
Candidate f or Rcpubli-
. can' Nomination for-
Bd'rn ' ih Marion' County He
Would Enter Senate for 4
Jncreased Service j t :
Otta J." Wilson, candidate f civ
the state senate at the primaries
on Friday, was born , on a farm
east of Sa
lem, in
Sept 1868.
He httend
ed 'the Sa
lem iVublie
schools and
After fin
ishing! at
school,! Mr.
Wilson: was
with in e
, , banc Tor 7
years. - He then engaged In; th6
bicyelp business. He brought the
iirst automoDiie to Salem; 24
years ago. "
His civic service has been 'pro
tracted and noteworthy. He -was
city councilman for three years.
served as mayor of the city ton
two years, was representative
from Marion county to the state!
legislature in 1923 and 1925. and
now seeks to enter the senate.
f4The Midnight Flyer," Story
Uf Railr6adr Will Show t
Last Times' Today
.With two train wrecks, a race
between & freight, locomotive and
ft runaway special driven ; by
CTasy mah? a . lap f rom ,6ne en
gine cab to anfther ; at t7 9 - miles
an hour, and a fight in tmf sway
ing, lurching cab v of the ' wild
"Special' that will go down in
film history. ."The Midnight Fly
er" deserves Its : claim to the title
of the most spectacular of melo
dramas. This compelling F. B. O.
production 'is based on two 'stor
ies by Arthur tSuy -Empey, ; and
the 'plethora of sensational mater
ial ' has been knitted into a taut,
Interest-gripping whole by J.
Grubb Alexander, who wrote the
adaptation and' screen version.
The Midnight I Fiver" will - end
today at the Oregon theatre. Char
acteritatlon has by no means teen
neglected In developing the 'story.
and" the quaint, (unusual types of
Virginia mountaineers, conspiring
in , their; ignorance against the
coming of the hated "railroaders'
have been-beautifully done. Direc
tor Tom Formah and his excep
tional cast deserve the rreatetst
credit for their fine skill and un
derstanding in making "The Mid
night Flyer" what It is : a clas
sic in railroad tales and an ex
cellent human document as well.
it j ' ' 1 '
The Capital Bargain House and
Capital Tire-Mfg Co.. and Mike's
Auto Wrecking. Three in one. Bar
gain center of Salens ThousahdsJ
of bargains. H. Stelnbock, propri
etor, 216 Center. ( )
v.- . ; r -r
Nelson & Runt, druggists. ' Lib
erty and Court. Convenient, for
your every day drug needs. Toi
let articles: druggists' notions.
doney saved on fountain pens. ( )
A. H. Moore, 235 N. High' St.,'
apartments,' and store where 'you
can get high quality furniture and
furnishings for every room in your
nouse. (
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co-.lead
ers in complete home furnishings,
priced to make you the owner. The
store that studies your every need
and is ready to meet it, absolutely
First National' Bank, the bank
of friendship and helpfulness ; in
time of ;. need: Interest paid on
time deposits. ' Open an account
and watch your mohey grow. ()
at ie o;i
I General I Xdkets
) WOOlfci HIDES .
PELTS 8HE&P, ions ry, 1B; sort,
Bominal : ulted, SI 01.25; abort, 25a
80e; Mltad oU, Ions, 75cSl; ixj
INtir tnt, lt Pta. ...
- VABOA&A. BARK4-Sted7, 7 pobldj
Oregon frp root nomiuikl. ,
HOPS 1925 eropi eluiter 30 cento;
8 femr eoDtrkctc, 22c : pound.
j HIDKS 8lted, e; tJetn,' 5o Mil
MUla, fie; pwa balls, 4e; esU, 12e; kip
o; flint dry, 12o; SlUd 8e; hoi-M kidaa
T5e81. i -: . f ..
' WOOLr Hlf fcWl kaa VTfty tl,
83; tkrec-oigbth blood, . , 83; Urw
qarter, , 31c; Eastern Orefon, -, Wash
lagtoa &d Idaho ranch clips. SO 20c
' j
TBUrtSi OTTS .. ,
FKTJITS Oranea.i f 5.50 8.50 crate t
lemons, 88.00 7.00 bananas, 809e;
pears, nominal; grapefruit. . $8.50:
strawberries, loeal 82.002.50 crate
rooseberriea, 8 6e. bound ; eaotatonpes,
f68 crate; pineapples, S3 doses.
APPLES Washington Wtuesaps, sx
tra fancy. 2. OO 6 2.25: fancr. S1.75: tt
trade, 1.25l.50;j Newtowfls, ettra
fancy, $2.00 2.25; fsocy, S1.752.00i
graoe, l.w, cookers. 75cSl.00.
,'OT Wahrats. t Me. I. llfH26
pound; fllbertc, nominal,' elimnde,
Sc 10.; Jtrasil nnts; 2027e Ik.; Ore
ton chestnuts, . nominal ; peaautv . 104S
H c.
VEGETABLES Otleron etatoes, 2 73
3.25 cwt.; Netted Kfems, f 3.503.75 j
esbbsce, $3.50 per ejwfc . Bunen ed , rere
tables: Green onions. S30e dosan TinnehM
onions, $ 1.50 2.75 tests, 8540etur
nips, aue; carrots, issavc aos. bnncnes;
csrlic, 35c pound j peppers, SOc -pet
H.; aquask, S3e lb.; celery. $9629.50
Ser crate; tomatoes, $6 Inj ; lettoc,
ornia, $4 4.56; d local, $2.738.25
jrsts ; . aWwhoks,-. 35c dosen;
4eaBSo-bTT:-lWW. 10912e Ah.l
,bo 11 uc. wJ,T ugui
rnnoartt, s (s4 Yds t notnonse en cum-.
serv t.30S)8.5 aoafen; asparaKUa; 10
13c per - lb.; . local, V $1.7501.90 dosea
bonches; sweet poU toes, Q0c lb.;
sew potatoes,, 8c ,
PORTLAND. May, la. (By Associated
Press.) U,. 8; Department of AgTieul
tare.) Hog. t hesfrweirht 250-300
pounds, -mediofn,lcTM)4 and choice $12.50
14; medium weights 800-350 pounds com
von medium, j footfjfknd choice $139
14.25; lirht-weight fO-200 pounds com
mon, medium, ood nd choice $14.25,
14.50; light, lifhta 30-2 60 pownds com
mon, medium,- rood.: and, choice $143
14.50; packing thogsi roufh und smooth
810012.50; slaughter pigs 90-130
pounds, medium,- good and ehuiee .813.54
1; tfeeaef r sua stocker pffs 70-138
pouhds tnedfum, good, end choice $13.54
IS 13.29.
inx piss.
Cattle and eslres steadr: reeeints. cat
tle 2,055.- (107 through). CaWes 118.
Steers,' food '$8,258; 'medium $708.25
common $8.50 Cf 7 ; csnners and cutters
steers. $80657.25 Seifers. . rood $T
7.75; .common and- medium $5Q 7; cows,.
(Soft or oily hors and roast'
xciaaea in above quotations.)
Advocates j the. direct
ptriaiy! attd stands for
enforcement bf all laws
Vote at the Primary
u xJW
Is the
Mdre f than 40;
newspapers in'
Oreg6h" have
indorsed, Fred.
Steiwer -for the
republican i nomi
natibn f6r United,!
Stated : Senator.
What! would 1 be.
a better indica
tion of ktrentrth? 1
All of the other candidates.for th"e:.nomina-
- tdon have centered tKeir f iref u4 sSteiwer
and contend tiiat he4s the man theymust
defeat. No one everattatks aeafeman..
Democratic leaders Vire exerting j their ef
forts against Steiwer. -They.; feari him.t
They know they caiitiotdefeat him in the
general ' election. V " ; ': :j i -V-!..;
? A Vote for Steiwer Friday, is a vote f orre- 'n
publican victory in NdVember. ,
VOTE 20 :
jPald Adr. Steiwer for Senator CwiaJ SUrlck'ChalrmaaV
good 8.2? 75; Common Sad medium
4.&e.i; eae,cr stad -ewtsere $2.50
g' e.50 : bulla. good , beef. - yearlings ex
claded $5.50(518.50; common to ssediusS.
cawuers and bekcne $ 5.50; calves,
mediuui te choice milk , feds excluded)
IM.oO; culls nd common 6tj'9;
era Yaedia'm to rhorre su.50 11.50; ruHa
and ontMU $8.50 .5t.
- Sheep, and lambs. steady; receipts 2,
870; .Lsmhs , medinm to f hoi-e $11
12.75 ;i culls and common $911. Year
ling wether asediuja t ehetee 88.50P 1 1 ;
"" t'eheiee $57; caaaers
and calls $ 5. Sheep and lamb Quota
tions, except on spring lambs -on shorn
basis.' i
. PORTIASD. If ay 19. CBy AssocTated
Pi-eec) Wheat, BBB hard white, hard
white, BS. Baart. May $1.38; June $1.37;
do federation. May , $1.38; soft j.white,
western white,. lUy $1.45; June $1.4J.
July $1.84; herd whiter, northern spring.
May, $1.35; June $1J; July $1.30;
western red, hfay $1.35; June $1.32;
July $1.23. .- u ,t
Oats, No. 2, 36-poond White feed and
gray May. June 27.50i u
Barley Ne. 2. 46-pewnd May, June $23;
do 44-pound May. Jnne. $23; July 20.
Corn, So. t EY shipment May, Jane
$34.25. d
Millrun. standard Xay. $23.50; June
$23.75; July $24. .
PORTLAND. If ay Net pHces:
Butter extras ,38c; standards and prime
firsts 37 &c; firsts ItHc
Eggs, extras 27e; firsts 28e; pullets
24c; current receipts 25c,
PORTLAKO, Kay 18. Buying prices,
alley timothy $18.50Q19; do eastern
Oregon $21 22; alfalfa 318.50 (g1 18; eat
hay $15; oat and vetch $1718; straw
$8 per ton. Selling prices $2 a ton mere.
NEW.TOBJC, May 18. (By Associated
Press.) Evaporated "apples fsir; prunes
steadier; California )4l3e. Apri
eets and 'peaches scarce.
fearcy Bros., bars) . the finest
garden, lawn- and flower, seeds.
Poultry supplies and, fertilizers.
LoweBt prices. Seeds of high
quality ITS 8. Commercial St. ()
Mr. 'H. S. Sttth, miilfnery. Most
beautiful -selection in Salem. Su
perior quality and low price will
bring yoa back.twlth your friends.
The place of welcome and service.
333 State St. ()
A live-wire mayor is heed
ed who will do for the Sa
lem of today "what George
Rodgers did for the Salem
of .16 years ago, when he
launched - the program of
improvements which trans
formed the town from a
mud-hole into a ?well paved
sewered aridf lighted .city.
The future of the commun
ity depends to k -great ex
tent upon the direction she
is 'guided in these next few
crucial years. '
The above is from the
Capital Journal
For Mayor
13 X Earl Racfe
df -
) . - - . - -
' . i 1 - ' - j
Endorsed by . thousands of leading citizens over die
entire state. Urged uniform textbooks tor en
and will cooperate with ALL schools, teachers,
tf ons in educational welfare
ire state
and pa
Please compare his Statement In-Candidates9 Pam
phlet with those of his Opponents. "
If you want a school superintendent who is under ho
obligations to any political machine, clique, or individual
arid thoroughly trained In 'Normal,; College, a'rivl XJniver-
sicy, experiencea ana succession, m rurai, kvniage ana
City bchools, -
Vote for FRED J TOO
ir j'
Paid Adr.
. ; t . -
ing and
i-sisE our Windows
iwsjsjSMaRi). nvasiL'. wit' LaawL- v -
: -H
MIL -I cNjr i- -f .-yy ; Kir.Z i - ii
V- k.
Borne Very extlusive designs in the. well Imown Bitwell
oed Davenports instil .'colors and combihdtions V
I JAs usual our stock is very compete (over 80 patterns to choose from). Our
l-.tset thet pace for price. jYidu kre fortunate indeed Jf you have not recently1
we largesi assoruneni ever snown m &aiem at prices never Dei ore quoted. -
volume in burchases enahfeir us tb
purchased asVe afe ttow showing
'A A very attractive Davenport and hf! Cfl An exclusive model in
, Fireside Chair in Jacquard VelourVl 1 u U -j Jacqtiard Veloiir
'A very; beautiful; Mohair ta:lafestshadesregvTar;
'size. Mast ha seen to ha
'' T 'Appreciated ' jzl.
See the very latest in imported Velour and Mo-
nair. . A new -combination 'urtrt erowinr in riorsn-
5 CG ,7C ' larity. . Davenport and Fireside. nCA'l
..OVV.iO . Be sure and see this - .pZ3!J,tJ
. . i m. - s ' . - ; .r v c - - ruu weUf. veiour, iuii overstutted JKJoenier aea
- Extra mce Velour Davenport in . 'OVO'OC DaVenport, - ' j OOC
sK-Ztx latest designs '.-i i fjD Nationally advertised lv0s.J
The Store
; With the
j Friendly
epiric '
t V
.1 1 I 11 1 'lt II ll I
. .I
. . . .l .sjsJ -
I ' tTo Lilcf wS .
- ' - i . i
" . -'.' -i ; .
't -
'mtyf'"'rV " "V 1