- ' - - - f , -ST MORNING, MAY 13,.tS2S u? - . - - - ;- - 7 V THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY 5 311 4. 1 . t i f a WJT X Auto .Tops . GEE UB FOR, TAP AND PAINT WORK. O. J. Hull Ante Top ltd flist Shop. 267 S. Commercial. 5sl6tf Help Wanted IjjLXTT LOGANBERRY PICKERS. CAMP ArMin4. wood sad water furnished. families preferred. 197.', Phone 1252 R. Route 7, Bos Salesmen 15 WA'rr TWO GOOD LIVE SALES trW. sell Willy. Knights aad KJver- W j can. - Good proposition to two usra workers. f A. WILHELM AND SOXS. Corvsllls. Oregon. r 1S15 Wanted-r-EinpIojTnent 19 MATERNITY CA8ES BY PRACTICAL WW." Phon 2294-R, 19jl TOR GrDEX PLOWING, BABEMEX1 digging and team work. Phone 72F2. . I9ml4tf PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. 411 ORE gon Bid. TeL 7S7. 19ml8 For 1 Rent 21 FOR RE N T -Two-r m summer cottage. Phon 20441 IW. i 21ml2tf FURNISHED APARTMEXT--WITH Oar dea. lUt N. 4th. atmastt , . 1196 N. BEST -4 fOB BEST 4 HOUSES AND APART- Saents. Jf. L. Wood, 11 Stat Bt. 21ml2t. RINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BT T wording, "For Ken . ' pno iv cents each. Statesman Business Office, ground f toorv FOR RENT OR LEASE FOUR NICELY furnished room, garage and fruit. Adult. 396 8. 18th. Phono 1493-J. 21ml3 For Rent " SECOND THIRD FLOORS Of old Y. If. C. A. Bldg. for rent Immediate possession. Kirkwood . Motor Co. ' ' ' 21ml5 j : : : FOX LEASE A MODERN TIRE-PROOF garage, on the Bay aide of the city, close to Front street, machine shop, not equipped, has two pumps, on ex tension : of Roosevelt highway, for in farmstion write Lester Martin, New port. Ore. 21ml8 a . i ,. i FOB RENTNEW 3-RO05C "MODERN cottage suitable for two-people. - Alcove. Basement, furnace aad gas range. Close in, ready for oceupaney. Inquire of J. i A, Mills. Phone 17S day time; 1183-W 7 " ' evenings or look them over in the rear of 481 N. Winter St. 21ml3 GROUND FLOOR ON CHEMEKETA ST. In old T. V. C. A. Bldg. for rent. About 2040. ' Klrkwood Motor Co. " -; . - aintiS For -Rent Apartments 23 i . . W DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT. FCR- ..-?. nished. 4t N. Summer. House,, -N. r17 !Oiiul St.V Pbana 630 23ml5 .NRWLY AND BEAUTIFULLY FCR- niahed 3 -room apartment, at 359 pi. Liberty. Phone 1700 for appointment. X Z3nuzu FURNISHED FLAT-DO WS TOWN. $35. We recommend. Modern house with every . feature you want. 845. South. Plata 6-room north 25. Becke Hen dricks, 189 N. High street. 33m9tf KICELT FURNISHED 8-ROOM APT. DowMtaira. prirata batk. 1183 Court St. 3Sa22tf FhXlED CARDS. SIZE 14 BY T wording, 'Roatna to Bseat," priee It eents eaehv Statasmaa Businesa Offioa, 'BaSllBlBS ;For Rent -Rooms 25 SLEEPING ROOM FOR; GENTLEMAN. Phone 585-W. 25ml3 TWO STUDENTS MAT HAVE BOOM with sleepima; poreh priTUegaa, ta mod-era- heme, in aoavonfent loeatioau Ad draee A. D, earo Statesman. 3f8U BOOM FOR RENT FOR GENTLEMAN, in modern homo.. Close in. Refer ences. Address Home, care Statesman, 28f2t : .For Rent -Houses 27 t -- - HOUSES FOR .RENT $20 TO $45. Back Hendricks, 18$ N. High street. p, , V 1 27m7tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND FLATS Hendricks, 189 N. High street. 27ml3tf ROOM HOC8E. FURNISHED. OA water. Some fruit. rsre.- lights and 15. 7th 1470 N. 17th. Inquire 1450 N. 27ml3 1 For IUnt.Farms 29 I HAVE SEVERAL- IRRIGATED FARM! for rent. P. E, Thorns son. Turner. Ore. Phono 8XX. - - 29a Itf Wanted AlisceHaneons 35 FCRNrrURB PACKING FOR 8HTB meats. Oiese-Powers Furniture Co. ..." '' : '. $5s20t WOODBT THE AUCTIONEER BUY? used furniture for 'asb. Phono 51L . i -j ; . -' ; 85atf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB farm soans. .Wt havo several spplica tiona -on hsad. Hawkins aV. Roberts Inc.. 205. Oreewn Bldg. 35dl4tf For Sale 37 FOR SALE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE. See Clsnde Mix at O. J. Hnll's. 37ml8 liV OWfttt. HOUSE . AND LOT AT harxaia. - On Marion fcetwean High and I'lbertjr. Would eoaaider taking vacant lot at part payment. . , Terms. Phr Sti or 137-J. r i 7ml3tf SALE ON ALL POTTED 1 PLANTS. 2 for 15c. All bedding plants half price. a dnsen. Good tock. , Arthur Plant' k Green House, 1298 8- 13th. 37ml9 . " . i - JfOOSEBERRIKS FOR - CASHING. 4c t per lb.. Delivered. - Phono 14F15. - - .' : 7ml6 TWO--21-IXCH FANS SUITABLE FOB fur larger tunels. Gideon Btoli. ' 575 Toort. St. 37ml5 -FOR SALS ' Oonrpleto ' ulesnisiac outfit 1st good condition at a bargain. ; -MA0 DONALD AUTO .CO. .;- : . -: i $720g . FOR : SALE CHERRIES- 0!f TREES. . Will i ptl i crop to some one. , Coma and make offer. E. J. Watson. "Lives Vf Station. . . ; 87ml6 CO ?f CRETE BLOCKS, 1000 FOUNDA tk:;c4ewto blocks for sste. special low. price. -All or port. Calx at -the fair grounds, or phone 489. 3 7m ltf FOR ISALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. TEN oenta a pnndle. Circulation departmenf VrwiJCV1, -vTJwin, , KlataathT' Falla Southern Ib clflei rtn -relay Crass Lake line ronrrnlation system, in prune dryer. 4V Eac fan will rare for a nit if Tour iy tnnels of twenty four to thirty faat. -f I I sm reDlarinc these with lanrer laas y ' buuu.. wi , wiiu u -pound v steels -Ti , , , . JB : " r i FKOPOSAX. rOB COW8T8PCTIOM At'Iedord, Oreron. joffln, r u.1 rr o propettyrand disbursing officer, OregonI Salem. Oregon. Boated proposals will fc reeivoi -here from Mi is dauSa 4 JL eonstructio i mess kails, akonatioT' Jlliiy A?!? ,rw -at Csmn wsckson, Medford. Oregon. Further in. foroatloav on appUeatton. ; . Jt7- -j.i$-i4-i$. 37 PLANTS CABBAGE. TOMATOE. FLOW. -era. 110 Division.; 37ml8 rRESPASS KOTICES, SIZE 14x9 nrs f Tinted on good 10-oanee canvass, hear ng the words.: "Notice Is Hereby Given That -Trespassing la Stsnstly Forbidden on These Premises Under Penalty f Prosaeutioa." Price 15e each or 3 for 85c Stataamam Pub. Co, Salam, Ore gon. . 87atl . . ELECTRIC BROODERS Popular well-known make. . Three of tnem new, never uncrateo, size S50 and 80O chicks. Wilt maintain a uniform heat at lew ooaC Very t vlependsble and ao trouble to operate. "VS'iU sell at disoount. Can b seen at this office. Ststetman Publish ing Company. 1 S7al4tf i'For Sale 37 riHS 8ILYER PLATE. GOLD BELL, almost new O ssxsphoaa at a aacrifioe. See it at 849 Raral Ave. 87m21tf For Sale Livestock 39 EKED W. LANQE, VETERINARIAN Office 529 8. Commercial. Phono 1198. .Wood for Sale 43 BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 It. and 18-inch. Dry null wood. Green mill wood. Dry second growth fir. Dry 4-ft. ssh, and oak. FRED E. WELLS Prompt delivery and reasonable prices. 280 South Church. Phone 1542. 43fl8tf BRIQUETS THAT LEAVE NO ASHES. HII J.MAN FUEL CO. 43n21tf 16-INCH BLOCK WOOD, 83.75 PER load, 4 loads 814.0O. also dry fir and oak, any .length. C'hss. Chnateasen. Phone 142. . 43alltf COMPLETE FUEL SERVICE. TELEPHONE 1855 HILLMAN FUEL COMPANY 43n21tf WOOD 8 A WING. PROMPT AND CAREFULLY. HILLMAN FUEL CO. . 43n21tf COAL ALL THE BETTER KINDS. ULLLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855. 43n21tf 19-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH ak and ash. Phono 72F2. M. D. May field. 43fl8tf 8ALEM FUEL TRANSFER. 753 -l-rsae Street. Wood. Coal, Briquets, T.-ansfer and Moving. Phono 529. 43n20tf 16-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD. $2.75 lo-in. ynd fir per toad, $3.75; 10 inch old fir per fosd, $4.25. Prompt deliyry. Tel. 2318. Tracy Fuel Yard. 1067 D street. 43a22tf GOOD OOAL--DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL 0 0. TELEPHONE 1855. 43j29tf WOOD, DRY. SAWED ANY LENGTH. HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855. 43n21tf CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD 8AWIN0. aim old boards. Fisher Bros. Phone x'9 43lRtf Poultry and-JSggs 45 MINORCA CHICKENS, 63F15. ..45j7 TRADE PAIR BLACK MINORCA cflickens for little kid gost or young pig. E. F. Smith. Route i. Box 29. r 45ml3 Nursery Stock 49 PLANTS WE GROW THE FINER varieties of annual and perennial plants. Now is the time to fill your porch boxes. Let us plan) them for you. Wo furnish everything, call for aad deliver. Give s a call at green .honsa 1201 D St. or phono 880. Open 8 . m. 8 p. m. Also Sunday. Lots ' A Rinpo nnrseryj 49m25 Miscellaneous . 51 GRACE'S1 MIRROR. 80 A LP TREAT meats and facials a specialty. Ms reel ling 75c. $40 Union. Phono 1882. 61ml7 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE . pairing. GieseiPowatrt Furniture Store. . 51s20t( Lost and Found 53 LOST A BUNCH OP KEV8. PROB ably en 21st or State. Call 1136-W. 53ml3 LOST GOLD PEN AND PENCIL IN small leather ess. Finder please re tnrn to Statesman. Reward. 53ml ltf Money to Loan . 57 $100.00 TO LOAN. I. L. M. care States- 57ml FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5H. F. L. Wood. 841 Stats St. 57m7tf IF YOU KNEW THAT .YOU COULD borrow money on your residence aad in esse of your death, the mortgage would bo cancelled, you would be in terested wouldn't youf I make such loans. 6 interest. Chas. Hudkins. over Miller's Store. Phone 96. 57mlltf Wanted Loans 59 WANTED $3500.00 PRIVATE MONEY on 160 sere ranch. Will pay 8. . Guilt Edge Investment. GASKILL A . ' EARLE. REALTORS, 166 S. Liberty St. Phono 2242. i 59m8tf WANTED Money to loan on good real estate so ' enrity. ' W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. .Realtors. 134 South i Liberty St. ' Phone 515. ' 59ml3tf Business Opportunities 61 BUSINESS LOCATION RIGHT IN ttUb. , hcm diktrict, good house, $7500. Ger trude J. M. Pago. 492 N. Cottage St. . 6r-m-12tf BRICK .BUILDING $22,500. Excel lent income propertv tit path of pro gress. Beck ft Hendricks. 189 N. High street. , : 61ml3tf SOME LADY'S OPPORTUXITY to ae cure a profitable completely equipped .well located needlecraft business, BEE U8 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 81 N. Liberty. ; 61ml2tf BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR LEASE and sale.- From 25 foot lots at W50 on up. Becke ft Hendricks, 1 89 N. High street. 61ml3tf MINUTE MOVIES LCIOHIC MEN awawawamawawi - ; . - . 'VIBBaISBaBaBBKaM For" Sale bviTlT. FRAUt ?l WE CANT- Vj; .we must Stfc v 5Cksr-.-' "TT: CREATURE ; AHt rrZftZ A ; r ; Real Estate Directory 62 BECKB HEXDRICK8 189 S. High. , , , l ei. 169. A.'C. BOHRNSTXDT 147 K. CommareUI. TeL 57T. BU88ELLB ft A8PINWALL , 222 M, Commercial. . Tel. 86. CUILDS ft BicHTEL i 820 State St. . , TeL 1727. ' FLEMING REALTY CO. $41 State. Room 7.- -TeL 803. ' W O. KRUEGER .. 147 K. Cpm'L Rm. I. TeL 21T. " GERTRUDE 3. M. PAGE 498 N. Cottag. - Tel. 1186. ' SQUARE -DEAL REALTY U. S. Nat l Bank Bldg. TeL 470. TIBBJTS ft ELLIOTT . ! $41 State. - - Room 7. TeL 803. . TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 218 N. Uberty. Tel. 651.. XT.RICH ft ROBERTS 122 N. Commercial. Tel. 1354. Real Estate 63 JOwn Your Home FOR SALE New foor-room. all modern, basement, furnace, garage. Terms. Phone 1571W, 63ml4 FOR 8 ALE B owner. Five-room house; lights, water, bsth, garage ; street paved, cement sidewslk, good shsde trees. One block to bus line, three blocks to school, near store and Par rish high school. Cheap if taken soon. 1168 X. 18th St. Phone 710J. 63m 16 $10 DOWN BUYS LOT BALANCE $5 . luoma. a a Baiem wiiu ADBiruci. Good ground, lights, water, etc. Avail able. Priced $200 on np. . Becke ft Hendricks, 189 N. High street. CSmlStf LARGE COOL SHADE TREES on both sides of this 7-room home, modern ex cept basement, lots of berries, hsndy to bus snd school. $3150. Terms. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 218 N. Liberty St. Phone 651 ' 63ral2tf Come to our office aad let us show you a fully modern 8 -room house on Center. St, for $7000. Good terms. say the least. Salens has the brightest fntura of nt ritr .Ion T the coast. Bay a new fully mod- ern 5 -room bungalow on D St. for $3600. $300 down. Balance $35 per month. Salem' s business opportunities are very good. A neat little grocery store with lunch, room snd living rooms. A money maker. Good fresh stock. Invoice will not ex ceed $1600. Will take some trsda. Marion 4 County bsl homes, farms, rosdij and a rood elati of people, why not buy a 25-aere tract with good improvements. On the highway. 8700O. a arms. County Court of Marion "Co. will soon complete one of the best road pro gram ever carried out An any County in Oregon. Bay a 200 srre grain and clover farm in Marion Co. at $110 per sera. Easy terms. Oregon is coming to the front by leaps and bounds. Buy a choice dairy ranch with modern house and barn. Close to town. Pries $12,000. ULRIOH AND ROBERTS N. Cora'l St. Phone 1354. 63ml3 122 64 'ACRES, 5 MILES FROM SALEM $9000.00; 80 seres 5ft miles from Salem, $4000.00. 1 Ressonsble cash payment and easy terms' of payment on balance. Excellent diatriet. A. C. BOHRN8TEDT 147 No. Com'l St.. Salem. Ore. 63ml2tf OF INTEREST TO PROPERTY OWNERS If you wish to buy., sail or trade, Salem Realty Co. can serve you beat. We have a large list to select from, and it- is a plasaure to -show property. We specialize in Exchanges. Write insurance. SALEM REALTY CO., 462 State St. 63mlltf Wo Will Build You a Home ONi tOUR) LOT. TOU PAY FOB IT LIKE RENT. Bulgin & Bulgin 275 Stat street. 63sl8tf BEST BUYS IN MODERN HOMES $7250 New stucco, English type. 6 rooms, very attractive; sightly location. $3750 New stucco, 5 rooms, up-to-the minute: very desirable location. $2850 New stucco that's s beauty; two bedrooms, combinstion living snd dining room, kitchen, nook. $200 extra if you want a stucco garage. GOOD HOMES CHEAP With a small payment down, balance like rent. Some have modern conveniences. Why psy more rent! $850 Only $200 down; 5 rooms. $1000 Only $300 down; 4 rooms. $1500 Only $500 down; 4 rooms. $2500 Only $5O0 down; 8 rooms. $2 lOO Only $675 down; 5 rooms. $2350 New. modern, 3 rooms; snap. For Good Homes SEE CHILDS ft BECHTEL REALTOR 320 State St., First Door East of Bush 'Bank. 62ml i tf WE ARE OFFERING ON COMMERCIAL street sooth, a very good modern 4 room new houae with garage for $2500 and only $250.00 down. We have a close in .V room reHidenea with garage, worth $2850.00 and can take a lot as part payment. We would like to show you what we consider the best 5 -room house in Sa lem for fhe money. Strictly modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, very attrac tive, showing class ail over and the price is only $4500.00. We have on the highway in talking distance of . town. nVt seres with good 7-room nous aad a bargain at $8500.00 and we can trade it for a house in town. We have a large '10-room house close lu. on valuable lot, rented for three years at sixty dollars per month and worth $850000. Will take a small farm np to $6060.00. , -We have , 10 acres 'with a lot of buildings. Only a few blocks from t the edg of town for $3000.00 and the owner will take a flock of cheap MeGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209 U. 8. Nat l Bank Bsdg. PKnne 140. - . . S3-m-ltr. PROF FRAUD. I . HAvfN& PLAHTel HIS MISSING- WtLtS .m. feAt:, , RETURNS TO . . AMER'CA ANP .ANrtovMces HIS tXSCOVERV "Tt THE " "SCIENTISTS' CLUB "y-? :- WtI C A..ir a . v. - wsa ir- s t-i-." : - f J . a Real Instate ' 63 CHOICE XJOT FOB SALE AT COST, 1124 . K. Summer. Owne living- on premises. ' - ' : I.,.: : i : , 68m. SNAP BEAUTIFUL SHADED grounds, good . 7 -room plastered resi dence, fireplace, j basement, garage, ' large cherry aad t- nut trees, grapo arbor. 8 big lots, $3500 or with six lots aad barn $4500, asms with 18 tots one acre potatoes, H cr full bearing Bsrtlett pears $8,000, or will divide to suit purchaser. ' Joins new ' Taxed Park high school site. 449 Raral . avenue. South - Salem. W. , C. Conner, owner. Call at horn or Statesman office. ; TWO LARGE LOTS-$500 CASH. SEW er , in. both lots. Close paving, schools, car. etc. Excellent garden. Beck ft Hendricks, 189 N. High twt. j 63ml3tf GOOD INVESTMENTS Lot 35x85, 5 room bouse, a food business location, 529 south Commer cial.' $4000. Terms. 16 rooms, modern,! 430 North Liberty, $10 009, terms; this is a good busi ness location ana must d seen to ts appreciated. . . . i .- -8 rooms, modern,) garage, large, lot, fine shsde, paved ; street, would make two (me (lata. :4uo. szau easa balance $30 aad interest monthly. . ' 6 room, strictly modern new bunga low, north Salem, $4250. Terms. SOCOLOFSKY, 841 State. 63-m-U-tf FOB SALE OR TEADE Lots from $260 snd up. Some for trade. 6-acro farm close to highwsy on gravel road. Good barn, close to town and only a short way from Sa lem. North. A bargsln at $5500, terms. 40 fin acres well improved, 1 mile from town aad railway. Will tsk part in city property. Price $8000. : 5 roora bouse at bargain, if taken soon. Near school. Immediate possession. 7-room house nesr school. Csn give possession now. Very good for f oick sale. Good terms, non-residents $1500. I need more money to fill my loans, a good rate of interest. A good class of trades always on : hand. See me soon. G. W. LA IT LA R, 410 Oregon Bldg. t 63m7tf GOOD BUYS OR INVESTMENTS Good modern 6-room home Union street, fro it, large lot $3750, terms. . Fine lot on Union St. $1650, terms. Extra fine modern ! 7-room bungalow, close in, $7800, good terms. All modern 4-rooml bungalow, N. Sa lem, $3600. $500 down, balanc easy terms. ( 9-aerv tract near town, bldgs fruit, borsa, oow, fowls, tools, $2000. &-cre close in, bearing prunes and cherries, dryer, gsrage, new bungalow, $45ri0,wa-at residence. Fine .little Dairy ranch near town, eows team." fruit, good bldgs., want residene property. For good buys or exchanges Se PERRINE ft MARSTEBS, 212 Com. Club Bldg.. , 63mtf 5 ROOMS SOUTH. LARGE CORNER lot, basement, well built in kitchen $2100. j 4. rooms aad nook, new sitd well lo cated, furnace, garage, $3500, easy terms. i 6 rooms, modern, lot 75x150 corner psved boih streets, fine shrubbery and fruit. $6900. 8 rooms, well located north, modern $5250. i 8' rooms modern, ope block to Stat Capitol, $7500. . Excellent lots $250' snd up. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 216 Oregon Bldg. 63m6tf "YOUR DOLLAR HAS lOO CENTS" North 8slem 7-room Igood home, east front, paved street, close to school, bus; A jflod boy at $3250.00, term, Northeast Salem,' 5-room honss, cor ner lot, east front, paved street, close to ' bus, school and j business center. Price dat $2500.00, terms. East Salem, new stucco house, east front; 4 rooms snd bsth, electric quipped, psved street, close to car. Priee $3506.00, terra. FAIRMOUNT HILL. BEAUTIFUL view. 7 rooms, modern in every wsy, garage, paved streets. Priced below value at $5200.00. gome terms. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Bsealtor. - - Loans, Insurance. 147 No. Com'l St. s Phone 577. . 63m2tf BEST PAYING RESTAURANT IN SA - lem. For sale at a sacrifice. Doing about $3000.00 a moath. $5500.00 $500.00 down buys new 5-rpom modern bungalow. Full cement basement, furasce, fireplace, laundry trays, hard-wood floors, dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement walks snd on , paved street. New 6-room modern stone stneco bnngslow. Close in. f Only $5000.00 $500.00 down. Balance like rent. New modern 4 -room stone stucco bungalow. - Close in. $3200.00 . $500.00 down. Balance like rent. A snap. j New modern 4-room bnngslow. Price for quick sale. $3200.00 $500.00 down. Balsnce lik rent. . 4-room boos strictly modern, ready to step in. At a sacrifice $4000.06" $300.00 down. 20-acre prune orchard. Wonderful prospects for a big crop. Will trade . for a house in Salem. If you are looking for a real buy in acreage in North Ssletn at a real priee come in snd let us show them to you. 100-acre ranch all in eultivstion, 16 miles out, will trade for a amall acreage nesr Salem. $1200.00 $200.00 down buys new 4-room house on psved street. Best grocery snd tmest market in Sslem for $ale, at a sacrifice for quick sale. j $3500.00 buy a &H-0 in business doing $1500.00 a motitli. See GASKILL ft EARLE FOisw PROPERTY. 186 8. Liberty Street. Phone 2242. Si :-. . I 63mlltf COME GET THE KEYlTO YOUR OWN hornet. " We have homes for aale from $50 down on up. Ths ownera who are ANXIOUS to sell, give you . the best priee and terms. We specislize ? on Estate properties snd properties priced rea&onsble. Becke ft Hendricks, 189 N. High street. 63ml3tf SPEC1AC 1 $10O Down and $20 per mot.tb boys a good 5-room bnngslow, north front. Pric $l70O. , $200 Cash and $25 monthly takes a - new modern 4-room stucco bunga low, close in. price $2850. ' $2UO Down and $20 month buys a furnished 4-room house in good - condition, price $1700. jit MELVINr JOHNSON . 109 8. Commercist St. f Tel. oS9. -' j 63ml3tf GREATEST TRADISO ORGANIZATION . ON THE PACIFIO COAST We have over 80O0 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, , every price, every -location. We-can mateit your exchange EXACTLY. If ' you, would like to trade your property : TODAY, come la TODAY. Kee . , Successors to Psrker' Jealty CflL V- 16 8. Liberty. -1 wphon 2243. t 63ml2tf ONE lW I CAU6MT A fiUMPSE I SwHAR;i S EuTi. EMEr4, ir -TUAT IS ALL ; inurfrtiWTM.il utuuu vrf i JsaanFaw a aa n I n a isu n w-tssMssv )" I Si " n M si -,- -a, --.-.! . - ' .... . ,--;-r ' . v t . I rfHAT vE FORM A PAWT OP SCIENTIFIC rzi ;r.i "rrtej xaii . t j 1 riu iniw , f-TCs:trfAV 6lVlN3rT& 1HA1: incv". boes exists 63' FOR SALE LOT8 ON MYRTLE AVE- - iiw, $450 to $7oa Easy terms. Also, tw new houses, $100 will bsndl eitb- - r. Phone owner ' 620, 2025 Fsir : grounds Road, Long Stag Sarvic Sta tion. ...r. 63a21tf TRADE TWO 7EW HOU8ES - $7000 1 for small farm ' sana. value. $IOOO : equity in close in modern bouse value $1000 for car. 84-aer farm for city property. Seven-room bungalow for small farm. Apartment house $8500. good income for farm.. For sale, bunga- low. $850, $1500. $2750. $3500. easy tonus. F. L. Wood. Geo. F. Peed. 341 Stat St. 63ml2tf K MODERN K . BUNGALOW K K ; FOR SALE K SPECIAL: Tbia property eon- K K . sists of a strictly 'X' K modern 5 -room bungalow, well K K , located in south Salem. Full K K cement basement., furnace, ga- K ly rage. Full sised lot. Must be K K. - seen to be sppreciated. Posses- K K sion may be hsd st once. Easy K k, 'terms. Price $5250. K K . K K FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS K K SEE K K K K W. G. KRUEGER. Realtor. K K 147 N. Com'l St. Phone 317. K K 63ml3 K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKJKKKKO GROCERY STORE, STOCK, FIXTURES, Trade and furniture $1600. Trsde 6 1-2 seres with shade fruit trees, 6 room large - frontage on highwsy, $7500. Trade equipped chicken ranch for Salem property. Trsde gasoline - station in good town for Sslem pro perty. Trade furnished seven room houae, large, corner lot for small house close in.' Apartment house $7500. Furnished apartment house. $5800. Furnished rooming house, good buy, Ea saw r.nt, $7560. Attrac tive corner residence on North Sum mer street $8000. Close in property large rooms at very attractive price today. Beautiful residence close in, $20,000. Corner lot and small house, $1650, elose in, easy payments. 21 acree, all in fruH and equipped, trade for Salem property $6850. We write Fire and Aoto Insurance. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage Street. 63 m-12tf. NEW MODERN HOMES New 6-room modern in every way, $300 down and pay like rent. 4-room new, your own terms. For low prices and terms, we havs real bargains. Outside homes for city property. We csn give you the best. Smsll. farms snd stock ranches to ek cbsnge. We have an 80-acre farm and $1,000 cash for a bouse in Salem. Some bargains right-now. See BARBER, 200 G'sy Bldg. 63mtf Real Estate Trades 65 WILL TRADE MY OREGON FARM FOR southern Minnesota property. Min- .- nespolig property preferred. No Teal estate agents wanted. Write for psr ticulsrs. Route 3, Box 90, Dallas, Ore gon. 65ml5 WILL ACCEPT OLD HOUSE on a trade for 5 aeres good ooiv, elose in, new 5 room house, barn, chicken house, etc. "Near school snd car. "See us about -4 this.' TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 218 N. Liberty St. Phone 651 65ml2tf NEARLY NEW SALEM HOUSE to trade T for improved firm to $6000. NEW HOUSE AND 3 ACRES LAND to trade for $3000 farm. 1 1-8 ACRES 1 MILE FROM OREGON - CITY to trade for what have you. $500. 3; ACRES AND SMALL HOUSE 5 min- utes from Sslem to trsde for camp grounds or fruit tract to $1800. ; BUSSELLE ft ASPINWALL 222 N. Commercial St. Phone 36. 'Branch: 1851 State St. Phone 2283. 65m13 1 SPECIAL , 2 fine fruit farms joining. Both have '.good buildings and good crops nesr Sa "lem. -Will trade both for large farm. S acres with stock crop aad tools, will trsde for West Salem property. acres close in home trsde for city property. -A fine 5-room modern home just ready to move in at a bsrgsin. Let ns show vou. THOMASON. 331 State St. 65ml3tf Real Estate Farms 67 BARGAINS IN FARMS 6-scre prune snd cherry orchsrd $1750.. Terms, 3 miles from Salem. 5 acres fine strawberry or fruit land, $1100. Terms. 51 acres, good 7-room bouse, barn, chicken house. 17 acres of fine prunes, sll fsnn equipment, $17,000. $6000 cash will hsndle. 60 acres, 6-room hoase, barn, silo, $9000, will consider Salem property. MELVIN JOHNSON. 109 S. Com'l. St. Phone 550. 67mlltf WELL EQUIPPED SMALL RANCH 18 acres, ideal for Summer Camp, good fishing and hunting, 8 seres cleared, irrigation 'system in, water piped to bona and barn, $2500 cssh. Geo. T. Graves, Blsek Rock, Ore. 67m24 "DO YOU BELIEVE IN OREGON I" . We 8pecislii on Farms. 10 "acres of good land, berries, fruit and garden in best of condition. 6-room plastered, modern houae, garage, poul try house, barn, drier, live water. On good roads, phone tine, close to- school. A good home for those growing young sters. Price $4309.00, some terms. 80 seres in best of condition, good boildings on good roads, alt in crop, some irrigated, close to good trading plsces. A resl buy at $9000.00. Half cash, balance easy. See us for suburban horn sites1 aad Oregon fscms. VICTOR 8CHNEIDER, Realtor. Loans, -Insurance. 147 No. Com'l St. Phone 577. 67m2tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Some Choice Acreage Tracts Best of location and improvements. 10 acres, lot of choice fruit, berries, balsnce all in crop. Price $6500. BH acres, best of oil, located on highway near the city. Good build ings. Fruit. Price $6500, or will de vide to suit purchaser. 6 , acres. . All La bearing fruit and berries. A resl money maker. Good Improvements.- Prsrc $52 50. IF IT'S A LARGER FARM Fine 52-acre fronting on the high wsy.. Price $10,000. S acres, halt in crop, balance tim ber and pasture, $100 per acre. Fine 100-acre farm, stack crop and imple ment. $100 per acre, or the best 225 aere farm on Howell prairie for $30,000 terms.. :' ' : ' . ., For Farm Lands i . See CHILDS ft BECHTEL '- -Realtors 320 State St. 1st Door East of Ladd ft Bush -Bank. 67ml2tf OF IT AND SFWT IS AlGt THE T SSIM ;TRe" HYPNOTIZED DUPE THE- . FAME xSEgKING: . . . : ; v ; TA-TREr": -.r" - AND HORE'rM v j DAy,T5"WE ; , 'i OF A SIMIA1 . Real Estate Automobiles Wanted 77 BEFORE YOU TAKE THAT TRIP, LET nt grind your valves and tan up your : motor. Th old baa will kav asw lif and you'll save the cost on gas and oik Mike Panak, Brake Specialist, 275 S. CommnreiaL 77j7 GASH PAID Aoto Co. FOR FORDS BIKER T7ml3tf Used Cars for Sale 79 SEVEN -PASSENGER TOURING CAR with license.- Call S77-J. 79ml5 GOOD USED CARS Ford tourings ........$95.00 to $325.00 . Ford Coupe ; $450.00 Ford Tudor Sedan :. $495.00 Jewett Coupe - : $750.OO Olda Coupe $595.00 Buick Enclosure $1350.00 Dodge Touring $775.00 Chandler Touring $975.00 Packard Coupe like new" at a bargain. "After We Sell We Serve." F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. S65 N. Commercist St. Phone 1260. Cadillac Hudon Emx 79mlltf Eiker's Guaranteed Used Fords 1925 Touring -$315 -.$255 $245 -$220 ..$325 -$445 1823 COUp 1923 Ford Sedan 1923 Roadster 1925 Touring 1925 Coup 1919 Touring ..$ 70 Stock complete. 62 other ears to choose from. Some as low as $45.00 EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Ferry, Phone 121. 79a23tf Reliable Used Cars W kav a eomplet stock of good standard makes at all times. It will Day you to look them aver bfr you V Fred M. Powell Motor Cars $50 N. High. Telephone 219$. 79m9tf Fords Fords IF YOU OWNED THE&E YOU WOULD NOT SELL THEM SO CHEAP. 1922 Sedan, good rubber and upholstery 1923 Conpe. new paint 1924 RosdsVri oversize rords ...$235 ...$265 Ruckstel snd glass, closure $295 Truck. $100 t $285. 1924 Stsr Roadster Chevrolet Coupe, like new Ford Delivery, box in bsc-k . ... $315 ...$385 $ 90 TERMS WHICH ARE AGREEABLE TRADES WELCOMED Valley Motor Co. Salem, Org. 79m5tf. Used'Car Bargains BNY NOW 8 AVE - MONEY OUR PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU MacDonald Auto Co. SALEM. OREGON 2 pass. 3 pass. 5 pass. 5 -pass. 5-psss. 1926 New Oakland Landau Coupe never driven. Lste model Msster Buick Six Sport Roadster. Light Six 1924 Studebaker Se dan.' Special six Studebaker Touring Gruss Shock absorbers, and glass tnclosure. Late model 4-eylinder Knight Sedan. Late model 4-eylinder Knight Sedan. Buick- 'I'ouring. Overland Touring. Maxwell Touring. Franklin Touring. Cleveland Touring. Maxwell Touring. Willys-Willys- 5 pass. 5-psss. 5-psss. 5-psss. 5 pass. 5-psss. 5-pass. 5-psss. Liberal Chevrolet Touring, and convenient terms. MacDonald Auto Co. Cottsge and Ferry. Phone 409. Opea Snndsy snd Evenings. Sal err, Oregon. Marmon Willys-Knight Overland a - 79m8tf SCHOOL SITE MEETING CALLED FOR HIGHLAND (Continued from paga 1.) the growth of the city, the school board decided it would be better to erect 'the .building on Tuxedo Park. According to law in such mat ters, there must be permission to change the site, just as there was in the erection of the Parrish junior high. And it is for this reason that the school . election will be held next Wednesday af ternoon. It ia not. voting bonds, according to the school board, but lust transferring the building to be erected this year from the incoln site to the Tuxedo Park Bite, which4 is three blocks south and one block cast of the Lincoln school." . The .first four meetings to be held are as follows: Thursday evening, May 13, at the Highland school. Friday evening. May 14, at the Richmond school. Monday evening. May 17, , at the Parrish junior high school. Tuesday evening, May 18, at the Lincoln school. The very youthful son of a hen packed father was in a gloomy, rebellious mood against the con ditions of his life. He announced a desperate purpose: "I'm going to get married. .I'm bossed ,b'y pa an ms, an teacher, an' I ain't going to stan' for it. I'm going to get married right smack off. A married man ain't bossed by nobody "cept his wife." JrCfc. VEAR.S I HAVE &EEN VVKING-ON THE THE5Rd . 1HAT THE PRE HI STCRt C MaN MHAE4TfeZ SOUTH! AMER ICA .AND MY TRIP Cif EXPLORATION UP THE AfWPN.liAS CONVINCED MELTrwXT I AM RISHf X AWQULO HAVE refn lCFr Pre? TUP AND MV fW a Vt W 3 X , -CWs-' Vi , I ., . , i . - I CLASSIFIED BUSIiIESS rDinECTOiiY s . -, . . ... . i - f-' ' - - ' j . ' ' Of Sellable Buatnetw $m& Prrteasloiu& FirtiaM Amnged In , Alp caJ Order 'ijpgBS ATcmo: rN. WOODBT . -dijg Expert Uveevack, Fur- nJtwsw and Rfal Estat Auetianawr ad Appraiser. t Koa. aad 8 tori, 1610 N. Sum mar StrMt. Phoar51 1 Fog Sal Dst - ' ' 5 EstsbUahed Sipc 1916 6tf ACCOUMTAJri G. ED. ROSS, AOCOUKTAirr AND And- IVOr. S Ji. JWn. pssas a-w..-. , . i I - - alT.$6 BATTERT AND atLEOTRIClAKS R. D. BARTON EXID BATTERIES, starter aad sanratr work; 171 South vommerciau Will Phone 198" COURT ST. joe"wT BICYCLES AJn! XETAXaJXa LLOYD RAMSDEM COLUMBIA. Bi cycle and repairing; 887 Court. CHXNXSB REIODBT L. L DICK U M- HUM 3iiaa Medicine Company-.. Hlp any know dUeas. 420-42$ Btata. . . 4 ' - 80tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. SCOFIELD.P. 8. C, 828 Ore gon bldg. Phbn 31$4. - : DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSd CHIROPRACTOR a so nt-nignj riis o.a- w v ELEOTRICIASS DOMESTIC ELECTRIC CO. KLKCTRICAL WORK 263 8. Coumrclsl. j Telephone 1720. asxti FLEENEB KLECTRld CO. HOU8E wiring by hour or contract. Eitimat fornisnd. Phone OHO 171 Court St. FARM PAPER IF TOUiWANT TO GET farm psper send ll5e 'a THE BEST tb Paeifie Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. ' POULTRYMEN BljND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months trial forth best and oldest Journal in tb west. Th Reticles and .adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders oith Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com- mareisl street, Piieaj, uregon. , rrHAJTCIAL INSURANCE MONEViTO LOAN OH- BA lrm homo, busiaeaaj blocks' and apart r.ent b (ruses. Sehnaider-Bell Co., 147 Worth Commercial St. Room 4. Phon 577.-" "'" ' t---- - m28tf FOft SALE FIRST AKT SECOND Mott ga tea'. Trust Deed. Contract o hous Will net so 30. BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High 8k ' -. t Jl-tf A- FARM LOANS PLtirTY OP MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS Wiar loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money a elty residences and business property, at 5H. plus a commissi on. Hswkins ft Roberts, Ine-. 30 Oregoa Building. -I- . - d-t4tf sBSssassKBamnBaBawMHW rLOKI$TS FERNS, CHOICE RO8E8. GLADIOLUS, perennials, shrubs, weeping bireh, iris, etc. Bennett Nursery Co. Falrg round Road. TeL 1280. j fl5-88 TUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, - deewratlow. O, F Braithaupt, floriet, fl28 N. Liberty. Phon 880. 1 E7STJ&A37CB LOANS, REAL ESTATE, GENERAL IK an ranee. G. W. Laflar," 410 Oregon Bldg. ' Insure Tur bom or ear aow, BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilig Blda.. 189 NJ High St." 1t-tf LAUHsiixsR THE SEW 8ALEM LAUNDBI. THE WEIDERjLAUNDRY Telephone 25. - 2o3 S. High, SALEM LAUNDRY. COMPANY 188 8. High street. Phon 25, oldest, larg est and bast. Established 1889, TRY THE HOME dry. Phon 17 L CT WASH LA UN $9 B 8trW- . J17U OAPITAL CITYj LAUNDRY f : "The laundry of pure material."' Telephone 165. j 1 264 Broadway. aIxo LADIES' T Rjjro D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN snd Women. 474 Court St, MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY -'THE Capitol :City Bedding Co.. 1190 North CapitaL Called for aad delivered. All work guaranteed- Phone 19. f!9tl ME9I0AL gT MOUNTAIN BALM Phon 517-W. COU REMEDY i KTJSI0 STORES GEO. a WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewleg machines, sheet masi aad plan studies, i Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines, 432 8tt treetJBalem. 4 KXW8PAPEB8 : ; ; THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency Th Ac. T$L 989. V THE OREGON STATESMAN, 60 CENTf per moath delivered to your bom. early earn morning.V Tel. Ta or sua VTJR8EXT STOCK FRUIT.j HUT'' AKry", SHADE TREI8 Paarey Bros, 178 h. commercisl. ; PACKTMO AJTOfAtHlPPTJrO 'VV- FOR EXPERT FURNTTURB PACKINf and shippmk," eailf Btift'a Furaitart Stora. Phoa $4LJ ' By Etj Wheelan - 'i "TUP. TUtN ft T BUT FATT I -XiAS ALONE- BRAZILIAN OyiDCi. LLIAMS I BECAME STRlCkEN.;L EPISODE ONI "(HIS , ST- 5 I for Qvick Refereaco rApzRBAxanto ajto inraa PHONE GLXNX ADAMS TOR ttUU8S , doe rating, psrsr hangiag. tlntlag, eta. Ratiabl work- . piAjro TxrszRs EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Plan tuner. Lesv orders Will's VI ssie Store. srjmwo FOR STATIONERY ' CARDS, PAMPH lets, programs, bosks or any kind at printing. CalTai th Btatasmsa Print lag Departmsat.). 215-,8.; 0ssreL PLUMBING AND I GENERAL REPAIn wrk. Grabw Bros, tk iS. Mrir. Phone 850. . - )- titTX RADIO ? Onrl Inlntt : For SvryPuros Every Purs ? j ?T"V : ";; AH StaadarV aUaw ' I f U Radl Tkf? - HALIK' ft EOFT ELECTRIO SHOP $3T Court St. Phoa 488 - '- ; ' atRAl,;X8TATB ' IF TOU HAVE PIWPfcRTY.. TO SELL or if you ar looking for a koma, fans r businest property tea $.'- BECKB ft HENDRIOK K 189 W. Hth St.. ' Heiltg Bldg. Itr w'-- 8t. AfWMS 41 r H - . . fsJai W fttav "T .-i A - WORTH DOUBLE. THE PRICE 4 to acre near nrthi.-Uy limits , on beat macadam rad- and. Oregon Electric. $1400, essy.tarms, or less far cssh.. -! -"' '". ,,- ' , ' 960 PARRISH itrxteti afeeptlnal loca tion u new. moaern, 5 larga rvtrms, best constructioo: ttekutuui , aurroaadings ; LOTS I. and -2f Block . ,Englewd. cor ner D and 16tb. cbr .68x8t; i prlc $850 and $70O, Fine location in grow ing secHon. - , NHh vlront a paved ; .tret,, Te..,V v? , TWO-THf RD8 eommisslo t aayMiasd broker tasking ale: -.o . .; HARRIS, MA9iMii Ti705, 1497. : B0ATBKffii-i V.-i. CITlV 0ARAQB - CO. OFWCs"--! FrTO JfB . $i. ,157 S. . Cetaatrciai, ' FOR GOOD BCAVENGBR SEJtVIOE Oal 167, - Salem -Savagr;..Cumuua ao Trotter.-. , ' - . -. k-- ' nf aawASwisssasBamssMBSswsnsaBBsasasaBsnasssBBaB -v tfiOO&D XXAVS 0Q0DI ' " ' i ii WiNTEn r E VERYTHI N O ' I tf CLOTH ing snd .Bbost. Best pri? psld, OapV I tal Exchange. ' 842 Bprth Commardat, Phong 1368-W. f ; - '..'". ' - TRAItSFT AMD HATATJfO TRANSFER AXD JUULINO OF ALI kiads. Pboa T2Ff v 1-, WE MOVE .STORE i AND. SHIP HOUpf hold goods. Our Specialty is plan avnf furnitnr moving. W hi msk oa try trip. Wft ka$dl the bstt coal as wood. Call en' aa for pric, VW glvi good msssttr, good quality and good .serviea. Larmer Traasfsr C. Pha 93j - CAPITAI CITY TRANSFER CO. t2f - Stat St. Pha 933.- Distributing. 14 Warding aad ttorag ohr gbactalty. G " our rate. ' .- - '. ' - ' ' sssassssBwjssBssnsWAaassssastfsaBWjassssflaaassan R A. West, Rt. , Bo 108-E. Phent 110F5. S miles east Gsrdsa rsd 8ALEM WATER, HOHT r POWER CO Off, 804 -South Oammereta) fit, T per ent 4isoont en domeetie .flat rate paid in ad vane. - K dsductio tor abseae- or any aus males wstel I shut off '.your prsmtses. v '. t -TRAVEL ' Y: Safely, Swiftly and ' Comfortably fn buses f tb Parks Stag Liass. StSgSS LV for-" 8ilvrton T a ml,. 11 a. at. f. gs. ML. Aagl-ll a. I b. m. DslUa 7 a. m, ta. mJllXS ft, . -tilOs.meiUh, m., " - ' , t Falls Oitywf a,, aa tslO . : $:i-p. s.'-:J-:"-2' ," - L.' ' In4epanda--7 i. m 9 a. - mH - 11:13 a. 8:1 4 p. m $:1S a. as. Sunday oft)y tilOj p. at- Monmouth a. m.. 11:15 a., m-, 8:10 p. Uh 8:13 . at. 8aadr smlFi - TilO p. s4 fi80 p. m. -:-, McMinavillo 8:80 a. a :10 p. ta, Ktwberg 80 a, 1:10, B , - :1 t,..; - - ' ' ' s. ' , Tillamook- $:$0 . 1:10 Call St$ -or -69$ for laformatlon. NORGE ISltEMTH r - 5 IS NEARIfiG HOME (Continue froO)- pg l.Jh planes.' notftblr. Ihoso 'or tiiw De rolt Arctic expedttlQir led by" Cap tain George HjWilHins.., now at Point Barrow. . I ''irJ. i ': ' But the thought and s!shrtf a fiant flying shjpr ' coining from across thaf nnexplored vaifneti.1 th north polar region were so novpl; that neithar sourdon gr) nor Rsktmo conla, sappresg their enrt- 6Itjr, knd excitement, beitdes . with the eun shining! nearly 24 ' hours a day" at this tlmeixo trje -year there waa .no. use going noma to bed. early. X'r' i '. - :-. ; H .. and,'., watchful - Preparations' waiting! tor !6i i Norge; 'centered around Nome, i AUhoucb Point Barrow 1 $ 0 mile of tnbre north was .expected: td. sigat lhOj dirig ible first l is Nome; that, is to mark- the -end of: ths historic four- ' Tbs airship- ,Wit td Taobred and deflated bere and . -shipped -tJ the atatejsw r Th-reW wflf leave by HMtt.;-ir.; XV-J A ;.: J4uch curiosity ! has been 4x presse4 oyer JUsi whit was found around ,the .poI. ;Arnund8ns ar rivat was expected to aatlsty that curiosity. : Nomw , Is !in the far north but the poll fs as" far north of Nome as KaKhsas.City 1$ north of Mexico. City.; 'Vt.-.-O' '" Are herfcjniabitftntnV here? Could 4 the fllersf tell- if j ths pol was really f latlyOl qw : does . It feel to be where ithQ oaly direction- is south "rid thel -bnf y time nothings o'clock,'-uDles8'- br.Q e hi$ "Watch bythejpricie jcfe;!dlan? These were Bom4 tjf'the ijucstiona tbat-''mwa!teiAc! undsi;''t - v.; Lo.n4';,fctf7r: ''tliffif - re-ra of ' tf - NorgBz-ncrUicii. it ad;, i - were i't t tile be .41 by amatirs was aT$Uat! R EAlZi ES!TsTE a- ! I I) j 1 F i ii' It f I ' r. ! ' -' --4 -w-t'-