The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 12, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    " mmmmmm - 'III II . , ,
Take Second-Game by 9 to 7
Score, Locals Score5 First,
hr.': Then Lose
Woodbnrn high school's base
ball hlne was once more victorious
over the Salem aggregation, de
feating them 9-7. The game was
played at "Woodburn. The Salem
boys permitted several of the runs
by dropping pop. flies and falling
to gather them up. In time. .
Runs on both sides were scat
tered throuRhout.the game, Wood
burn having the tallest inning of
the game in the fifth when they
scored four runs.
Salem started the scoring in the
911 at iiiuiug 111111 lwu 1 hub. xvtri l y
got- to ' first, and Draper pounded
oat a home run. Two more runs
were made in the second, but
j Woodburn tied the score at 4-4 In
I the third inning.
Lyons pitched for Salem, and
handled the mound work satisfac
torily. McKenzie, star pitcher for
Woodburn, was knocked out of the
box by the Salem lads.
This afternoon the Salem- high
school track team will hold a
meet with the Benson high school
team of Portland.
Fry's Drug Store, 2S0 N. Com'l,
the pioneer store. Everything for
everybody in the tdmg supply line,
with standard goods and quality
service always. ()
C. F. Breithaupt. florist and
decorator, 123 N. Liberty. Phone
380. -Flowers, bulbs, floral de
signs for all occasions. Pioneer
and leader in Salem. ()
Vibbert & Todd Electric Store,
High at Ferry SU -Everything
electrical. Good service and low
prices are bringing an increasing
trade to this store. ()
, . Continued frem page 1.) ....
System Wherehv Portland rHnnspa
uwu text books, wmcn auier
irora inose usea in otner scnools
of the state, making it necessary
for families moving to or from
that city to purchase a complete
new set of books for children.
. Mr. Tooze Is declared to favor
practical economy and flatly op
poses special favors for any group
organization or individual.
! Opposing candidates frankly
admit that new strength is rap
Idly marching into the Tooze
camp many teachers of the state
admitting the logicalness of his
Thirty-six wonderful days
on an "all-expense" Mont
real to Montreal tour.
Cross the Atlantic on a
Canadian Pacific liner
visit England, France, Bel
gium. Holland, the battle
fields, Oxford. The Hague,
and the Shakespeare coun
try Extensions to Switz
erland, Germany and It
aly at moderate-cost.
'Hotels, meals and travel
ing expenses included in
tour price. Canadian Pa
cific thatiagfimcnl througit
owf . Local agents ; will
3ve complete details and
? literature .
i - i V- "
5Snir4SL Portlead . . ottHe4iiofc(iB
I " I I HI I " I MM I i" I.' '
s t365
m ww
At the Theatres
(iweiHb-"Th Cohens and leT
lys. with-! Charles. :Murray, Vera
Gordon and George Sidney, rrom
the story "Two Blocks. Away," by
Aaron Hoffman.
Hcilig Shannon's band and
Charles Murray, Ford Sterling and
Sally CTNeil In 'Mike."
BUgh Jack
Hoxio la "The
candidacy, f Their conclusions are
based on careful comparison of
statements In the voters' pamph
let wherein each has , set forth
either concrete programs or mere
ly voiced the old phrases, not sub
stantiated by definite proposition.
The Marion Automobile Co. The
Sthdebaker, the world's . greatest
automobile value. Ojlerating cost
small. Will last a lifetime, with
care. Standard coach 91415. ()
Cross Meat Market..- Biggest,
busiest and best in SaHem. Choic
est steaks, bacon, hams, sausage,
lard, eggs, milk. Absolutely san
itary.- 370 State SI. ()
Pearcy Bros, have the finest
garden, lawn and flower seeds.
Poultry supplies and fertilizers.
Lowest prices. Seeds of high
quality. 178 S. Commercial St. ()
Question of Securing Dean
of Girls at Senior High
School Up '
At. the meeting of the Salem
Bchool- board Tujesday evening the
question of hating a dean of
girls at the senior high school
was discussed. Action on the
matter was deferred until next
Three new teachers were elect
ed to the system. Mildred Star
rett of Cottage Grove was elected
to serve as a grade teacher. Miss
Kubin will come from South Da
kota to teach in the junior high
school. Edith fierce, graduating
from JLTniveraJtygtOregon, , will
also . - teach . in the jun ior high
school. '
Signa Paulson, teacher of civ
ics at Parrish junior high school,
was advanced to head history, civ
ics, and geography in the junior
high schools. "She succeeds W. L.
Van Loan, wh ois going""? to study
at Stanford university next fall.
A report ; from MWi'Ht Davis,
treasurer of the Salemfgh school
student body, showed that ' there
Is now $3154 in the 'tu4ent-body
fund. Out of this must come the
money to pay for the Clarion An
nual, and finance the baseball and
track seasons- ' i ,
Dr H. H. Olinger, chairman of
the board, signed ail the teach
ers 'contracts that were 'on hand.
Some of the teachers failed to
sign for another year because of
the low salaries. . '. ' ,
Three teachers 'received posi
tions in Portland high schools, at
higher pay. . Hazel Browne, Eng
lish instructor of the local high
school, Marjory Minton of Mc
Kinley junior - high, school, and
Lillian Schroeder of Parrish jun
ior high will all teach in Portland
high schools next fall. Miss
Browne is at present in the east,
traveling with the local debate
team that went to Salem, Mass.
The members of the board dis
cussed the coming election in
which the taxpayers will vote on
the matter of purchasing Tuxedo
Park as-the South Salem school
site. No action was taken, how
ever. -
The Midget Meat Market never
fails to give you the finest meats
and fish. "There is but -one place
in Salem to get the finest fish. The
Midget Market has it for you. ()
The Atlas, Book and Stationery
Zo., 465 State St. High-class litera
ture and fine stationery. Complete
lines. Tou will appreciate the low
prices. (
!.. -m. All . . .J I JL-f s --. , Ii:-7V;;-Tl
Portland Battler ls"Credited
; With 8 of 10 Rounds in
' Nationalista Fight i
l PORTLAND,May 11. (By As
sociated Press.) Chuck Hellman
of Portland, retained his Pacific
coast bantamweight title by easily
outpointing Young Nationalista
Filipino in the 10-round main
event here tonight. Hellman
piled up a big lead in the fight
and waa credited with winning
eight of the' 10 rounds.
V Kewpie 'Riley and Tim Calla
han, Portland welterweights, box
ed a six-round draw in the -semi
Cobbs & Mitchell" Co.. lumber
and building materials for every
purpose. Get estimates', ' look at
quality of material,, then you will
order. 349 S. 12th St. ()
Mrs. H. S. Stith. millinery. Most
beautiful selection in Salem. Su
perior quality and low price will
bring you back, with ybur friends
The place of welcome and service
333 State St. ()
Ulax O. Buren, furniture, car
pets; everything for the home.
Most beautiful Axminster rugs,
Beautiful line of pictures for your
home.. 179 N. Com'l.
(Continued from pag 1.)
lar of the assessed value of all
taxable property in the dity . of
Salem, Oregon, for the purpose
of constructing, repairing and
maintaining ipuonc priages ana
bridge approaches . in the; City of
Salem, Oregon.
Vote Yes or No." V
Proposal Number Four.
"Shali the Charter of the City
of Salem. Oregon, be amended by
adding thereto Section 85, which
will authorize the Common Coun
cil, each year, to levy a tax not to
exceed one and. one-half, (1)
Mills on each dollar of the assess
ed value of all taxable property
in the city of Salem, Oregon, for
the purpose of repairing, streets,
alleys, culverts and crosswalks in
said city, v c . .i
v Vote Yes or No."
These proposals, calling for a
considerably sum of money, are
demanding as much attention as
the problem of deciding between
Clean Child's Bowels with
"California Fig, Syrup"
Hurry Mother! Even constipat
ed, bilious, feverish, or sick, colic
babies and children love to take
genuine ' California Fig Syrup."
No other laxative regulates . the
tender little bowels so nicely. It
sweetens' the stomach and starts
the liver and bowels without grip
ing. -.- Contains no narcotics or
soothing drugs. "Say "California"
to your druggist and avoid coun
terfeits. Insist upon genuine "Cal
ifornia Fig Syrup" which contains
directions-wAdw s,:.,?L;; f
candidates, and warrant-careful
consideration, on the part of
voters. - .J- " "" '
T. A. Livesley. on a slogan of
"meet progress and encourage and
anticipate it," gave out his formal
declaration of platform yesterday.
In response to business men who
have been urging ' his . candidacy
and who continue to work for 'his
election. f ' '.
Among projects conslderedf of
primary importance, Mr.v Llvesley
points but the necessity of keep
ing pace with Hhe city's - rapid
growth during the past few1 years,'
building for the development of
the future. ,
"I favor Immediate steps to es
tablish a commission or city man
ager form of government as an.
economical and generally desir
able measure of needed reform."
"If the city Is not to own its
water supply and distributing
system, and make provision for
the necessary large mains to in
sure an abundant supply at all
points of use, then the city should
give the present water company
sufficient guarantee that they
will not be molested in proceeding
with the installation of a system
adequate to meet present needs
and care for the city's growth."
"A permanent bridge program
should be laid out. -
"I favor thorough, fair and Im
partial law enforcement."
These are- the main planks of
his platform.
Vick Bros, are selling the Oak
land and Pontiac cars. Agentsfor
the valley counties. ' Pioneer firm
in autos. Oakland coach now only
?1290. 280 S. High St. ()
JElker Auto Co.. Ferry at Liber
ty St. Autos stored, and bought
and sold. Cars washed day and
night. Low prices and service will
make long friends.. ()
Nelson Bros., plumbers and sheet
metal workers and heating. Best
equipped In Salem. Prices t and
service and quality .get and hold
business. 355 Chemeketa St. ()
(Continued fromypage 1.) -not
only virtuous but above sus
"No judge has a vested right
to sit in a particular case. Nei
ther has a litigant nor an attorney
a vested right to have his case
heard by any particular judge.
We agree that a fair-minded judge
cannot be transformed into a
biased or prejudiced one merely
by legislative fiat. However, the
Statute does no t purport So to do.
Call Gifese-Powers Excharfge Department and ask for an appraiser
a vaJuaUonn wtever you nsh to dw
...- furnishings you majr take advantage of Gieae-Po wersf "Exchange
No question of fact Is involved.
! we ate not fnmindful that
this law has "been abused. In
some instances it ha enabled des
perate criminals to u delay trials
and bandy courts about because,
perhaps, the judges were prejudic
ed In favor of . law enforcement.
Circuit judges are being ordered
about the state at the expense of
the taxpayers and 'it may be, as.
counsel for the defendant contend,"
that courts generally are being de
layed in the trial of cases on ac
count of the operation of this law.
However, these are matters which
may be more appropriately ad
dressed to the legislature. We
aire not justified in declaring a
statute unconstitutional merely
because of its abuse."
The opinion was written by
Justice Belt in mandamus pro
ceedings filed by W. S. U'Ren,
Portland attorney, to compel
Judge George R. Bagley of Tilla
mook county to grant a change of
venue or call in another judge to
preside at a divorce trial in which
Mr. U'Ren was one of the attor
neys. It was said that Judge
Bagley refused to recognize the
affidavit of prejudice. ;
: With the exception of Justice
Burnett all of the members of the
supreme court concurred In the
: Other opinions handed down by
the supreme court here Tuesday
k J. J. McCarthy vs John Kier
nan et al, defendants and appel
lants; appeal from . Multnomah
county. Appeal from decree en
ing with plaintiff's rights under
joining defendants from interfer-
and by virtue of a contract. Opin
ion by Justice Belt. Judge Louis
Hewitt reversed and case dismiss
ed. John Deere Plow company vs
Silver Manufacturing company;
appellant; appeal from Multno
mah county; action to enforce
contract. Opinion by Jutice Belt.
Judge Walter II. Evans affirmed,
j Clara Heinemann vs Soloman
Heinemann, appellant; appeal
from Mtlltnomah county; suit for
divorce. Opinion by Justice
Brown. Judge Walter H. Evans
ta May Githens, also ; known as
gtta. May Routledge; appeal from
ultnomah county; suit to declare
Void a marriage. Opinion. by Jus
tice Burnett. Judge Robert
Tucker affirmed.
i Grace Kelsay, appellant, vs
Charles E. Hutchinson; appeal
from Multnomah county; suit for
accounting. Opinion by Justice
Bean. Judge George F. Skip-
w6rth reversed and case remand
ed. ,
i H. L. Ekerson, appellant, vs
Josephine Ekerson; appeal from
Distinctly New and Different Greater- Thah-Ever
A Chamber Group Which Has Been Approved By
Who Have Seen It
Dainty of Design Finishes Warm Ivory, Silvertone and Walnut, .with
pretty hand painted decorations on all pieces - A
r it
furniture or home furnishings selected m any part of the stort.
When Cannerymeh Think of
Graders, They Think of
Salem, Oregon
Salem' is becoming Increasingly
he city to which cannery men ail
over the country turn when they
think of fruit graders.
C. J. Puglv & Co., with their
factory and office at 550 South
Twenty-first street,, yesterday
shipped a grader to South Haven,
Mich., to. the South Haven Pre
serving company. This company
bought from the local plant a
stock type of grader, which will
be used in grading strawberries
and other fruits,
. There are two orders in from
California for graders to be used
in grading figs. j
Last week, C. J. Pngh & C.
delivered to Libby, McNeill &
Libby, at their big plant at The
Dalles, a 1926 pear system that
is capable of handling 50 tons of
pears in 10 hours.
And thus the 'orders for grad
ers come in from all over the
country, and the work of turning
them out piles up.
Darby's Drug Store, where qual
ity service and low prices meet.
Everything In the drug line, noth
ing wanting in high class service.
Court at Liberty St. ()
Chas K. Spaulding Logging Co.,
lumber and building materials.
The best costs no more than in
ferior grades. Go to the big Sa
lem factory and save money. ()
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. have
led for years in large and small
realestate deals here. Complete
listings in city and farm property.
275 State St. ()
Gabriel Powder & Supply Co.,
lumber, building materials, paints
and varnishes, roofing paper. Get
prices there and make a big sav
ing. Office, 17P S. Com'l. ()
Marion county; motion for appeal
of application for divoYce. Peti
tion overruled.
Petition for rehearing denied
in Jackson vs Boswell.
F. L. Wood and Geo. F. Peed,
real estate, 344 State. Farms and
city property. They bring buyer
and seller together, for ihe bene
fit and profit of both.. ,
Lower- Than-Ever Prices
i iL-i n. o-!a 'a.
IFwirniElttuiE'e un Qaffom
(Continued from pag 't. (. -
. I : v.
ocrat by radio in the first message
pole. ; ! " " , ;
NOME, Alaska. May 11. (By,
Associated,! Press )r A telegram
received here' today" by Ralph Lo
men, Norwegian vice consul from
Roald - Amundsen, who left ' this
morning I from -King Bay, Spiti-
bergen ,ta fly across
1 i '.' " ', r '" 1 : 1 ; .
Meairlw-Evssy Uns
0 .
! .. . , '
! " 1 1 it 1 rrr'"""' 1 1
m m f j 1
! U
Old FashictTtsd Bar
Double Strength Peppermint
: ' - . . .'cv '''., '."j. '' ." j. !V
then get fhes y V;
HANDY PAatj y--gi-
n '1 1 ' 11. I ' "e La
1 ! m :,,-r,' ,-b:,... ,1 i
- .11 - - j&m r
if m J'
- .i'
to be sent to your home to give
Service" and apiily . it on new
wastes to Alaska, -via tie . North
Pole1, asjked Lomen to havtf 100''
men ready to lower the- dirigible
Norge toj the ground, at Nome.-1t,Lrt
Amundsen srfid he wottd ekf j
Nome "advised by radio as t that t .
time of fier arrival feete.? ' rMr-Vl
Four anchors known as "dead
men" ;to J which a circular, ca tie .1
attached J.o hold the- afrigUle
have f been placed . " around the
Nome landing field. ; .
' Amundsen -said he "would "de- x 3
flate thej Norge here ; and ; ship 4t
to the United: Stateahy- vessel, 1. j.
.7 .
I 'i.v
.r5:7V4W vf
.1 r : f
itiire Cfcrripamt
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