--THE OREGON STATESMAN; Salem, OREGON ' SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 9. 1926 Penney Dares Gplden Rule Declares Dr. D; A. tabling -.- -r-""' . - ;...5 . .-. f. ".'..; Son of Salem Pastor, in . Christian Hehold Article, Tells of Growth of Great Organization Founded on Prin J . .ciples of Applied Right . : This Is tl story of a man to w bom millions mean only the ep- portanity to serre his. fellow man. The- man' In question is - J. C. Penney, creator of the J. C. Pen ney organization. He la the man who ''dares The Golden Rule." Local interest attaches to the writer; of. this article, which first appeared in The Christian Herald. He irpr. Daniel A. Poling, son of Rey. C. C. Poling, pastor of the First Evangelical church, Salem. Rer. Polling's son, the author, is also - 'national ' president of , the Christian Endeavor societies. ly Dr. Daniel .A. Poling On the thirtieth day of March, . 1902,. young man landed in Kem merer, Wyoming, with his wife, an, infant', son. and, five hun dred dollars, in cash. He came, to open. ; a store, now called the "mother; store', in one,, of the greatest general . , merchandising enterprises of' North. America."!, By a? path of sacrlifce and ser ice Hhis young man of . twenty four years ; ago ; has reached, a .unique position of financial power and opportunity; j; C. Penney, the .founder of the J. C, Penney organ"? izatlon, with Its stores in ' nearly even hundred cities and towns of United States arid, doing a bus iness of .more than one hundred millichs. dollars, annually,' is an al , most -unique figure, in the business world , . His "father was a Primitive Bap tist preacher of classical culture , and deep consecration.-The char . acter of the man is indicated, by the fact that after thirteen years of faithful ministry, he bO stead - fas tly -declared hla belief that fin -anclal provision should be madia i for .preachers and that "his. cpni m anion ' should establish. Sunday schools and also train Its clergy in divinity that his congregation . expelled him as a heretic. Tfce lad. James, fromthe day he was ight, earned his own clothes. He bore the ridicule of hla made- overv garments. With" a bruised heart, he. suffered as a lonely boy. Butsioday he treasures the mem . pry of those childhood experiences and jbf his devout, nncompromis - ing father as his priceless .inheri tance!. . . I seerr,! oh V.. dewone 'dsba. - sErvm . Ho he battled . to overcome his early handicaps Is indicated by the fact that a few years ago he. closed fcif taMTifcelft tfrnftftWjTttf , eighteen months studied with a tutor. Today he speaks in lucid, precise English, and his language is 'as well ordered as his business. The story of his 'life is a' sturdy, " beautiful, though mixed, -romance mixed, for in it are chapters of - sorrow and tragedy. But the shad ows,! fill out the picture, even, as - the jgriefs have perfected his char- t acter.:,.- . :j : ' - ;f, Today Mr. Penney Is known as the ,'man with, a thousand partners as the owner of the finest herd of Guernsey eatle on the continent, as one of the. discriminating phil anthropists of America, and as the -founder of a back-to-the-land en . terprlse in Green ' Cove Springs, Florida, which promises to open a new era .in s constructive, agri cultural home development. To his -. friends he is increasingly the em bodiment of simple,' clean-living. generous. thorough-going; Chxis-v tian Americanism. To feel himself ' true td the Ideals of his , parents , and to do what his preacher father would have, rejoiced to do,' means, more to this gentleman than to amass millions Millions . mean, ' nothing to hlm-fceyond the oppor tunity they offer him to serve his: fellow men. What is the secret of his suc- -. . cess? He has built up a vast en- . terprlse, he has entered new fields and mastered their.problems. He has. held the companions of his years' of struggle so that today they 'are his close personal friends,; - as well as his most intimate busi- ' nes?t associates. ; . ;. ..; ; "What 1 the secret of ' his suc cess? The answer to the Question must Include many elements" but . the caption of this article covers them all "He Dares the Golden Rule.. In all his plana, and, poli ' cleg; he has done unto others as he J. would , that, others ' should do - unto him. Indeed, i those who know, him hest 8ai that; he has -. generottslydone brothers- what lie i never Expected, , or desired, . others to. Att-lor him. : One caukiot be witbMr. Penney . fori an hojr without sensing the - " genius iu'J.i8 spirit In deallag with those .who have ; moved forward withn in' his -great enterprise. ' Invjtf iably -he": gives credit to' the it ;,jnen of -htrganlzatIon Speaking of the , president- of the 'company of which, he is now' chairman of 'the board",!, directory he said In a. public address, - VI Ani : tremen - on$Iy proud -of Mn SamiL was never a- teacher, ; feat " I haye watched- him; develop . And grow . . and Initiate those activities which - - have built hint , into the ' man he is. Alwaj I have received much - more from him than I fould pos- "V " f it ' ' " ,7E?.n FILLS . t W sibly give. I. have frequently been given credittJforiWork that has been done by Mr. Sams, Mr. Bush nell and my, other, asociates." - In a more recent . address, he said, "In the whole history of : this organisation- and . in all my life there never. was such opportun ities as there ! are right now, .The eall , is. 'Men! Give. , us men! Not .'full-hour-for-lunch' men, but con scientious, trained men; men of ability; men. at courage; men ready to make sacrifices to. gain success; a.mbitlpus men ; men of faith. To such .men with this or ganization . and. . everywhere else, the road may be . rugged, but., it leads to the top." Today the num ber of this company's stores Is conditioned only by the number of competent men it may secure to man' them. I spent an afternoon on the one hundred - and.- twenty - thousand acre tract, thirty, milea, south of Jacksonville, Florida, where the J, C.vPenney-Gwina, Corporation is settling carefully selected families on twenty, acres, of- land. These f families are giVen their first year's rent absolutely free. Should they fie satisfied to remain, and should the company be satisfied to have them stay; -thejp are then sold the fully developed, acreage, with a comfortable house and shed, at a price previously agred upon about four thousand dollars. The payments are so arranged that they can be met from the sale of the products of the soil. Also the company rents- farm machinery and farm animals.. at actual cost, fot.plowing and farm cultivating. The farmer saves the k entire ex penseoffarm equipment,- besides buying seed and fertilizer '.at cost, and has the. rare' advantage of a co-operative . market, , and expert advice, free of addltionalcharge. Mr. Penney and his associates must for years carry not only their original investment, butf the in vestments of the people; it is a great' philanthropic self-help en terprise., , ;,. : , 'i I met the men and women who are 'now on the land, thirty fam ilies, living in the first thitry of the two hundred houses, all of which are being rapidly gotten into shape for: these 'pioneers of anew. and., vastly alluring, agri cultural adventure. The majority of them come from Bere College la Kentucky, and have about them Jttnmhtakahle, atmOTpherafiipt that remarkable institution. I aw them in their.f ields and in their houses, rdined with them on the broad ( veranda of their : St. John Inn, Three You should always consider and weigh three important features of every investment offered to you. 5 t l'Earning power of the company 2- -Has it a growing market? 3 What are the physical assets be . - hind the investment? Appjy these tests to the . PORTLAND 7;2 , You will find a oi regular dividends. I. Yon will find a rapidly growing market for the essential services which this company supplies to a population of over 400,000. ... ,:.riv ..v,- . :.,..... , . pYou will find over $75,00f000 in physical property devoted to the Dusmess of serving its This tock is sodl checks are- mailed; to you prefer?. . , ,,-:, . i 'iMi-&3.i , ... - H..: - ' I ' Let us tell, you more about it. J TtrjX r V PORTLAND ELECTRIC 2L XJt VV 1LLUL : . " .TP1111 Salem, Oregon City, St. Helens and Hillsboro Oregon 'VV 'T, '-V' "' : Vancouver, ashington. . The Student . ' 1 ; - J . r ... . v . . ? . 4 ' ' - ' ' " W r i , X. ' ,i -' - - The Messrs. Shubert's "The Student Prince," which has proved the musical sensation of a decade, opens its four day engagement at the Heillg Theatre in Portland beginning Wednesdayi May 12. Ev erywhere this. organization has played house records have been broken and the indications from the advance sale would indicate the same is going to happen in Portland. A company of; over one hun dred people is In the cast. Many Salem people are expected to drive to Portland for the production. It will not be shown locally. where Mr. : Penney entertained as his guests the delegates and friends of a Southern Baptist Bible conference.; I heard them sing and speak in their Union Sunday school, and I rode with one of the superintendents -'across the vast acreage, which is approximately twenty-two miles square and in cludes more than a third of Clay county. Everywhere I felt the thrill of the same spirit that this man and his associates have thrown about their hundreds of stores the spir it that makes their patrons walk extra blocks to trade at their coun ters and that prompted that fa mous speaker to men, Fred B. Smith, after attending one of their national company conferences- for store managers, to say, "I came away feeling that I might have been with business men, but that they were certainly holding a re vival meeting." To define 1 the spirit was not easy, but presently I before a gateway and listened to a story that made the matter somewhat clear. Years before the J. C. Penney-Gwinn Corporation took over its present Florida holdings another company operated in the territory and attracted many men and women to its development. Eventually these people lost their all. The Penney-Gwinn Co. did not purchase the ancient liabilities and the unfortunate people were already widely scattered. But one man who had invested more than five thousand dollars still lived, in Green Cove Springs. He no longer i hadJihope that , any , of . his -& lost savings would ever be returned to him. .: Imagine his amazement then when the new owners invited him to come back, to accept the full ELECTRIC POWER First Preferred Strong steady earning power as a guarantee of the payment ' . i; 83,000 customers. j at $100 a share, for cash or on easy terms. Dividend you regularly each xaonth or every three months "as Investment Depa irtment N. Uberty St.,, Salem Prince" Listed value of his former holdings and In some of their finest acreage! I confess to a mist in my eyes as I read above the brightly painted arch of this farmer's gateway "New Hope Farms." There are other! stories similar to this. Later in the day I listened to a score of aged clergymen from half a dozen denominations, and to the companions' of their years of labor and sacrifice, tell of how this quiet man had brought them to the little cottages they now oc cupy free of all charge. Seldom have I experienced such emotions as stirred me that night. And as I watched and listened and as I pondered other words that I had the man Penney speak, I understood at last, I had the answer to my question. He has succeeded, he ha4 won a great place in the world of business and a greater place in the world of service because from that first struggling store in Kemmerer, Wyoming, to these present vast Undertakings, he has practiced the principles of his Christian faith He has dared the Golden Rule. One evening we stood looking Into the depths of the famous spring that boils j out and flows away at the rate of three thousand gajlons to the minute, a spring that Mr. Penney hopes some day to make the center of health a ministry. Already! it has been given a beautiful setting just across from the Qui-si-sana (Here is health) Hotel, Springs, under - -, in Green Cove the . moss-hung trees,: with a tiny park and fully equipped po.oi;;iTe hanks pfethe St. John River are. scarcely' nun- d re f yards away-. -!As Jwe"stJOd to gether there, he told me .of the memorial, to his sainted father Poiits COMPANY Stock ' . bnd and mother, .of'- the apartment borne which even now is under construction. ' , which will ; house when' fully furnished, . in . three room private house-keeping apart ments, one hundred superannuated ministers : and ther wive. . -It is to be a great and unique interdenominational p'roject not an Institution, but-a homefor the 'needy, worthy and 'representative heralds of the cause Mr. Penney's father . loved , and v saorif Iced for. Perhapsthe m an's ,voice trembled as he spoke, "but it was deep'and strong t when .he satd: . "I have never, done anything - that has given me as much joy as this. I feel that this is just what my father would want me to do." And on the night the announcement of the plan was made to the clergy men in their little cottages, he said, "This is one of the happiest days of my life." J. C Penney believes that in the critical moments of his career, when important decisions have had to be made, and always when new enterprises have been entered upon, not his "judgment" but his "leadings" have brought him to success. When a man so believes, his judgment is very likely to be Divinely led. Eiker Auto Co., Ferry at Liber ty St. " Autos stored, and bought and sold. Cars washed day and night. Low prices and service will make long friends. () Drive slowly past children. Over 7,000 little tots were killed by automobiles in 1925. f - - ' - " ME MI11IITI 1 felP CillF K 1 i 'ROOM F'WIlWlIU - ...... , STARTING MONDAY, MAY 10th ' 7 Must have more room. Our floors are Dining Room and Bed Room Furniture naving been reduced and must be moved ster Rugs in beautiful patterns and colors. One.Lot of Axmimter Rugs, size 9x12 9x12 feet high grade Seamless Axministers $75.00 grade on sale r $67.50 8.3x10.6 highest grade Seamless Axministers $69.50 grade on sale $62.50 8.3x10.6 Axminster Rugs, regular $40.00 now $34.50 7.6x9 Axminster Rugs, regular $36.00 jiow....$31.50 6x9 Axminster Rugs, regular $26.50 now .$21.85 4.6x6.6 Axminster Rugs, regular $15.00 now.... $12.75 20 Worsted Wilton Rugs 9x12 regular $85.00 and $95.00 values on sale at , - $76.50 Size 8.3x10.6 regular $77.50, now.. 67.50 Hundreds of Small Rugs 27x54 in. Axminster, regular $4.50, now $3.65 36x63 in. Axminster, regular $7.75, now $6.45 22x36 Wilton Velvet, regular $4.00 $3.15 27x54 Wilton Velvet, regular $7.00 $4.95 36x63 Wilton Velvet, regular $8.50 $5.95 Hall Runners 3x9 feet, Axminster, regular $13.25 now $9.85 3x12 feet Axminster, regular $17.00 now $13.50 27 inches by 9 feet Rugs, regular $15.00 now..$12.75 A Nice Showing of Tapestry Rugs Suitable for bed rooms, living, rooma and dining rooms 9x12 sizes, regular $24.50- - - $19:85 8.3x10.6 sizes, regular $21.50 $17.4S Fibre Rugs for Sun Porches, Bed Rooms In beautiful colors arid patterns, reversible regular $16.50, now - $11.4 regular $16.50, now $11.45 Heavy wool fibre reversible rugs, suitable for living rooms, bed rooms, etc., plain colors with borders, regular $40-00, now. I 24.85 9x12 Klear Flax Rugs, regular .$39.00.....--. -$23.50 FLOOR LAMPS Arrived 60 days later than expected. All good new designs with highly v decorated art metal bases and beautifully trimmed silk, shades.. The best values ever offered in Salem, Priced for quick selling $16.5,0 up, complete". ' A great many used pieces in our used goods department included in thiat sale i Gt a Cavaliere Re frigerator now Get a summer's use of it. TIHE VAUDEVILLE Whirlwind Skaters Featured on Program Offered Sa lem People Today It's the Robbins at the Bligh theater today. That's not paging the birds, either, for the Robbins do everything but fly on roller skates. In fact, the girl of the ensemble does fly as her male partners do twirls, whirls and spins fast enough to make one giddy. They're a wonderful act. The Carmen and Dardon revue features capable dancers in terpsi chorean solos and ensembles of picturesque interest. Their Apache is lurid, their Spanish numbers, vivid, the oriental sensuous yet refined, and their Russian best of all as a. grandstand finish. One of the men whistles. He's good! Al and Mary Royce sell slap stick. Dressed as jailors, they spar on intimate subjects and end with a domestic prizefight which leaves the house in an uproar. Morlen and Mason "surprise for 12 min utes" as entertainers on the ac cordian and violin. Bill Burke, juggler, makes hoops and clubs wiggle inconsistently and tosses coins and balls. "Darkle," the horse ridden by RUGS MM t 1 I T mm. Art -Acord-fn fcfa - latest starTing" Play, "Western If luck," is consid ered one of the best trained horses in pictureji and that is say ing a whole lotj. "Darkie" does about everything but talk and. he has ways and 4eans of almost getting that over. Acord under stands him, andjafter all, that is all that is necessary. In "Western rhuek," Universal Blue Streak Wejstern coming to the Blight theater commencing to day, j ick Bros, are! selling the Oak land and Pontladears. Agents for the valley counties. Pioneer Arm in autos. Oaklanjd coach now only $1290. 280 S. Hjigh St. ) Aumsvillc to belllost A meeting of till Marion county candidates for tie offices of state senators and stae representatives, uas Deen cailed. fr Friday evening STOP THAT COUGH By Using s Herbal Cure Only At Schaefer'i ' Cough: On Sale GCHAEFER'Q DRUG jlTORE O The YelloW Front Phone 197 135 North Commercial ! The Penslar Store crowded. Upholstered Davenports, Chairs, along with our immense stock of j' Rugs all to make our floors less Overstuffed Furniture DurinCT the Imst Wflr T7A haVP VnM O- VioLf rn-ntr iitu holatered in'eceslR e -xrrjrs- cprpe9 and vnlj rijiie sepingthee suites at -very much belo'a Now is your opportunity to room. Evei-y davenport and chair on our floor -re duced in price to make Tfcmi. ( a .piece uving room suite; in priced to sejll at . ,1...., Mohair davenports in ros sell, at J Jacquard velour ols arid codibinatiohs ot at Bed dav enpprts with mahogany and cane ends cov- ered in at bluie and taupe velour reduced '. to sell ......; .....$89.00 Three piece ! Pullman ti X I ' cnair, rocKer ana bed davenport, upholstered in blue and taupe, telour with mahogany frame! Priced to sell at, for the 3 pieces.:...;;r..$1190 Fireside chairs and Cogswell chairs upholstered in velour and iacquard velour, also reduced to make a remarkable j saving. Priced to sell $42.50 to $58.50 . Bedroom In walnut, lyory, mahogany All very beautiful; Big prices to maKe room. Tnree piece ivory and blue bed room iuite. r-:..L-l-.$57.00 50 other suites reduced accordingly. . If in need of bedroom furniture . do notl sale to pass without coming in and gett share at a $aving in cost. ; Dining Room Suites The largest showing of dining room f urhiture;ever- shown in. ilem now placed floors less crowded. You from 10 per cent to 30 per mture in dirk or light walnut, mahogany ; or . oak. of this make-room sale. - v! 1 - Take advantage ' Ranges and Parlor.Furnaes - Da not think pi buying a range,' either wcjod, coal orv electric without seeing our line- The best all line of. - stoves-in Oregon. A number, of good used ranges at remarkably jlow. prices,, several heaters,: radios and -Autona Circulators (parlor furnaces) carried over from last winter must be sold now to make room in our over-crQwded stojre department. . ,They are all new and in rood shape. Buy money. jto an per.ceni - v 77'rr'' s Eimm Mar14."atAumstme." The Elect ing Is under! the aaspices-of-- the community federation of, Marion county. ; .Twelve , canamaies, iorw for senator ajnd nine for represen tatives, are exaected to be present.. ADoroxImateiv 33 communities of Marion county wHl be represented at the gathering. .Speeches by the candidates Will be the feature of the meeting. Nelson Bros., plumbers and sheet metal workers and heating. Best equipped in Salem. - Price and service and Quality get vtbold business. 365 ChemeketiJ Ulrich &y Roberts, realtors, 122 N. Com'l St-i know property vai- ues and make f or yon profitable investments. Will both save and make you. money. (?) Drive slow 7,000 little automobiles Jy past children. Over tots were killed by n 1925.. - . crowded. Axmin- 8 brighten up! your living blue and taunc velnur ...$189.00 and taupe, priced to ----- - ..$990 SLS St. ft5!?Vfl?f3r"4 ' fLT-LjM I covered davenports in various col- colors reduced to sell $79.50 WW A 17 t,iW"VVMU4U V Jk Suites and Bilvertohe finishes. reductions from regular allow this ing your, on. sale to 1 make our- may enjoy a saving of cent on dinina room fur r now for fall and save aiscounc. -v 1 i Seethe Fibre Fur ; niture now on display. . Something 'nWv , J:.