THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON . SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 192(5 7 s ifc I. i . . r - 5 i ? . J 1 Extra Good Quality Special G)o5)C Two for $1.65 G.W. CITY NEWS IN ' : - FAIR, .. - Clearing: fresh sothwest becom ing northeast winds. Maximum yesterday, 60; minimum, 44; river 2.3, rising; rainfall, .14; atmos phere, cloudy; wind, southeast. : Local Architects Draw Plans' Freeman & Struble, local archi tects, are drawing up plans for an English type residence, being built by William Nicol of Corval lis.., It Is estimated that the home will cost $8,000.' . :. :Ced Furniture Rale ' ' ' Now on at Stiff's used furniture " store, opposite the . court house. Would tTse Water ; E. A. Jones of Sale'm has filed An application covering appropria tion of water from Rickreall or 'W 1- M M M tvreoie crees ior irrigation oi VUing greens for Oak Knoll Golf Wurse In Palk county, at an esti mated cost of $1,500. See trick Bron. For first class auto painting. - i Make the old car look like new, or perhaps Just a revarnish to protect the balnt on your nearly new car. --..' ' , ms win visit East v i Mrs. DiUard A. . Elklns of this city will leave' In about two. weeks for the east where she will visit friends and relatives in Pennsyl vania. She will make the trip en .the Shrine special, leaving from Portland. . Two Licenses Issued V ; Two marriage licenses were ' Issued Friday in the county clerk's office here. They were taken out t hy Edward Lw.fiolf, lumberman of ; Milwaukle, and Theresa Krusicka, I Aurora, and by Albert C, Patton, (carpenter, and Mrs; "Anna Rogers, botl th of Portland. liberty' Streets F.N.WOODRY Salem's Lenfflbtg Pays Cash For FtermlUf Beaidenes) and Store 110 North BssuMS PHONE 511 TstabUshed Bine 191 r x 1 VvV-. CS State and LADD &BUSH,Banker5 . FstabTlshed 18CS t Gcnsr&l Banlnng Uuzhntd Office noon troaa 10 a. isk to U p. as, " 4 ' . s FULL CUT JFolinson 469 State Street Vist Salem- s '. Mrs.' Mary Adams was a business visitor in this city Friday. . She is a" resident of Falls Gity, - -'" f,. -- Mr. I. 'L. Patterson fc:r Candidate for governor,; will re ceive his friends front 9 to 12 o'clock Saturday morning at his headquarters on State St Every body invited to come In. mt You Slay Have a Recipe Book Absolutely free by attending the Monarch electric range demonstra tion. C. S. Hamilton Furniture Co. I ,m8 License Suspended v' Paul Plessinger of route 4, Sa lem, who was arrested Friday by Officer Edwards on a charge of speeding, received as sentence from Judge Poulsen the suspen sion of his drivers' license for 10 days. ;--V Theft of "Swipe" Charged -' Jim's. Carson and Eddie Clark, both of Seattle, were- arrested Thursday by-Officer Olson and are being held in the city jail in con nection with the alleged selling of a windshield swipe. Prize.. Candy . ,. Package free with every child's ticket, today's matinee. Bligh theater. " m9 Forfeits Bail E. C. Kimball has forfeited the $10 bail he had posted by failing to appear before Judge Poulsei Friday for his hearing. He .aa charged with speeding. Hotel Marlon . Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8 every evening. J2tf For Tonr Vacation Trip "The Write Package" contains 12 large sheets of paper, 10 large fancy lined envelopes, a neat package. Special 39c. Commer cial Book Store, 163 N. Commer cial. m8 Salvation Army Service A very special evangelistic" ser vice will be conducted . at the Sal' vation Army hall Saturday night at 8 o'clock by Adjutant and Mrs. Kooney from Portland. - Adjutant Ilooney is the divisional "command er for the state of Oregon. See Our Used Furniture Ad Today. H. I. Stiff Furniture Co. mS Major Schoof to Talk Major Qt H. Schoof , of the Can adian Mounted . Police, will give an address on "The Prohibition Question in Canada" at the Leslie FARM LOANS J PROMPT "SERVICE No Commission " SCHNEIDER-BELL - REALTORS 14T N. ComT.' Tel. 577 Underwood Typvvritcr Co - Direct Factory Branch mi Cowrt Street Phone MS Typewriters Rented, gold, Repaired - J Speelal rental rates to ktndenta Wood Wood TRACY'S FUEL YARD 167 D Street Telephone 81S & C o . BRIEF Methodist Episcopal church. South Commercial and Myers street next Sunday evening,, atr 7:30 o'clock. Major School is ai world traveler and lecturer. -e is a per sonal friend of , President. Hick man of Kimball school of Theol ogy, and comes highly recommend ed as a lecturer and, speaker. J splendid musical program will al so be put on in charge of Miss Gladys Mclntyre, director of music of the Leslie church. A cordial invitation to everybody. Hear Chambec's Latest Record "Only a Rose." from "The Vaga bond King." Brunswick record, at Stiff's. m8 Our Children's Hats- Are still on sale Saturday at half price. We have a large as sortment to select from. We have Just received a new shipment of ladies' hats at greatly reduced prices. Mrs. H. P. Stith, 332 State mS Ensign Pitt Writes Ensign Allen Pitt, chief of Sal vation Army work in Salem, writes from his ship now nearlhg Eng land that the journey has prog ressed well. Mr. Pitt ia to attend a summer course, ior tawauon Army' workers. He will be one of the first Americans to land dur ing the strike:. ' : V - Furniture Upholstery ; And repairing. Giese-Powers Pnrnlture company. s20tf Shipley's Have Jast Unpacked A shipment of hew spring suits to sell at $14.50. m8 TMt Meeting Held . . ' The public speaking class of the Salem YMCA held its last meet ing Friday evening in the direc tors room of the United States National bank. It is understood that no further class will be or gttnixed until next fall. 8n:iAl for Saturday- Fancy Valpak bacon 30c lb. Choice picnics 25c lb. Cross Mar ket Phone 1880 Free delivery, . vm8 Suits Cfeaned and i-ressed2 , $1.25. . Cash, and qarry Clean; srs: vDown u W recelf inaToff icei SKS Chameketa Stl f21tf Couple, Is Married-rr- , , v , h ; Albert G. Ratton, 'a carpenter, and Mrs. "Anna Rogers? befit of Portland, were married here Fri day by J. T. Hunt, Marion county judge. ' 1 i Eat at the - Lunch Box, 181 S. Liberty. m9 Asks Water Rights G. A Miller, of Salem, has filed annlfcation for water from the drainage ditch for . Irrigation 10 acres in Marion county, at an estimated cost of $50. Acme Ice Cream Free: 98c each, Saturday only, at S. Hamilton Furniture Co. m8 Experintent Successful The exoeriment ' to i determine whether or not tulips would hold by 'being put In cold storage has proven a success, according to W, DISEASES M Treated by Osteopathy and the latest ' Electrical Therapy ; in cluding Dr. Abram's Electronic System. . , No ''Charge for - i r Consultation DRl B. H; WHITE Physician and Surgeon : -; ,504 U. S. Bank Building- v Salem; Oregon JOE WILLIALIS The Battery Han . ' BjtttmttSe Work, Vet Omm 'Work. , - , 21 Cowrt e. . rtcne 1S3 r ' - Wo have a dandy 1025 Ford goupet with 85 per. rent rub ber, spot light, mot ometer, swipe, new paint end m car that will give real service - Come and see It . jilnia Franklin, Jirno made the ex periment . with . tnlips from his farm. The tulips "were put in cold storage about four weeks ago. It is thoughf they will be in excel lent shape for Mothers day. Attend the Cooking School At 2:30 p. m; Saturday. C. S. m8 Hamilton Furniture Co. Business Location Suitable wholesale and retail at one place. Excellent for cream ery, fruit, produce or automobile dealers. Includes two lots suxioo and 25x115. Price, $lz,oou. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High street. m7tf For Sale Pedigreed Police Dogs, extra quality. Reasonable price. Flake't Petland. 273 State or Pacific hlgh- way. m3ti I. L. Patterson . Will be at the Patterson for Oovernor Club Headauarters, 38 w State street, this morning from 9 till 12 o'clock. You are invited to come in. 1 8 Pontiac t-v . The chief of the sixes. The many new owners are enthusiastic boosters. Notleer now Bmooth they glide along. Vick Bros., High and Trade . streets. m 9 Asks Wateir Rights A. N. and, Sally Bush of Salem have filed an application for ap propriation of water from Labish Drainage ditch and two springs for Irrigation of 169.77 acres In Marion county at - an estimated cost of $2,500. Doe Harness " ' All sizes. F. E. Shafer, harness BUDDlies. 170 S. Commercial. m8 Rent This New Home- Furnace, fireplace, hardwood. garage, etc. just compieiea . a n North. Will lease to responsible people, $40 month; 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Becke & Hen dricks. 189 N. HighJBtreet. m7tf Flowers for Porch Boxes r- I ' ' And bedding out; large aisdrt ment best quality. We deliypi i . Flake's Peltand, 273 State. m2tf When Yon Travel Use "The Write Package," con 12 large sheets, o paper, 10 large fancy" linen envelopes. Special 39c. . The Commercial Book Store 163 N. Commercial. m8 Boxing, Armory ; it Phil Bayes, Salem; vs. Jimmy Anderson, 1 Astoria, 10 3-minute rounds. Wednesday, May 12. Snappy Preliminaries. 24 rounds of boxing. ml2 Officers to Bleet About 35 reserve officers from Salem and' surrounding communi ties will go to Albany by aujto to attend the reserve officers' meet ing to be held-in that city.. The local group will leave from the Marion hotel 'this afternoon- at 5:15 o'clock: The present defense situation will be - discussed. The Spa Fills all Mother's Day boxes with their own fresh candies. m4tf Position Wanted . In Salem, by man graduating from college this spring. Box 429 care Statesman. m$ Having all the "Ear Marks" Of suits that formerly sold at twice the price, Shipley's have to day received a shipment of new spring weaves to sell' at $14.50 m8 Fred T. Zimmerli An expert ladies' hair cutter, has taken ; a position with the Model Beauty Parlors. m9 Would Appropriate Water ; Theodore Lengele of Route .2 Salem has filed an application covering the appropriation of wat er from unnamed " springs tribu tary to Rckreall creek, for domes tic supply! and irrigation of 30 acres in Polk county. Estimated cost Is $5,000. ; v t tnlrmonnt Hill Lot r: Buy how for 10 per cent down; balance over. SO months. Prices $950 on up. All sizes and facings. Becke & Hendricks. 189 N. High street. . ' . ,;m7t Card of Thanks ,t! : " We wish to extend our heart felt thanks .to our friends and neighbors tor their kindness and sympathy on the death of our son. Carl alsd the beautiful "floral offerings. ! flh J and Mrt Karl Poppe and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy. ' m 4-. Committee ADOointed Mayor Glesy appointed the rol lowing aldermen Friday to ? serv ion a special committee to iuvtsti- gate.the matter f bunding a dlk in the southeast part of-the, city ueorge wenaerotn, watson Town- send, and B. B. Herrick. J G. Merchon and several others re cently; petitioned , the council to build such a dike to check the flow of water over that portion, of the city during the flood periods. The petition contends that such a dike would hold the water from spread? log v until' the natural ' channels through the city could take care of it. ! Hear New' Brunswick Records Every week at Stiff's Furn. Co. m8 Graduates Appreciate ; Gifts that last. See the suit cases, hand bags, purses, billfolds. pocketbooks, key containers, at F. Shafer s. Nothing takes, the place of leather. 170 S. Com mercial St. m8 We Are Now Registering- Women to Work at the Starr Fruit Products Co.. Church and Mill Sts. Phone 439. m2tf Anglers Are Fined' Frank Shirer and Fred Hoch- baum, both of Newberg, Yamhill county, were fined $25 each in the justice court here Saturday following their arrest for fishing without a license. The men were arrested by Henry Stevenson, dep uty game warden, when they were fishing in Skookum lake in the north end of the eounty. Shirer's tackle, was confiscated by the fish commission. Prize Candy Package free with every child's ticket, today's matinee. Bligh theater. .' m9 Try the Lunch Box 181 S. Liberty. m9 The Spa , " Offers for sale light fixtures in old annex as soon as new annex is completed. About May 15. m4tf Defrauding Charged Clare Young will be arraigned in the justice court this morning on a charge of defrauding an inn keeper. He was returned from Bandon, Coos county by Walter De Long, Salem constable. Young is said to have left Salem some time ago, owing Mrs. W. B. Chance, of this city, $47.50 for lodging. After I Say I'm Sorry". Popular foxtrot, by Abe Ly man's orchestra on Brunswick rec ord. Hear it at Stiff's. m8 Down Town Apartments For rent, 241 North High St. Arthur H. Moore, the bicycle man. m9 Cities Want Water The city of Warrenton Friday filed with the state engineer here application for the appropriation of water from the Lewis and Clark river for domestic and municipal purposes. The cost of the proposed development was estimated at $500,000. The city of Monroe would appropriate wat er from Hewitt Creek for a munic ipal supply. The cost was esti mated at $5000. Sunday Is Mother's Day- Give her "The Write Package"; 12 large sheets of paper, 10 large fancy -linen envelopes to match. Put up in a neat package, special at 39c. Commercial Book Store, 163 N. Commercial. m8 All at One Price Shipley's new spring suits in gray and light tans. Herringbone, block and sack weaves excellently tailored, $14.50 only one rack. m8 We Are Now Registering t. Women to Work at the Starr Fruit Products - Co.. Church : and Mill Sts. Phone 439. m2tf Requisition Is Asked - Governor Pierce Friday issued requisition papers on the gover nor of California for the return to Oregon of W. N.Freauff, who Is under arrest In 'that, state. Freauf f is wanted in Multnomah county on a charge of violating the pro hibition laws. The governor also has requested the return to Ore gon of Edward Bramef who is un der arrest in Illinois. He Is want ed in Union county on a burglary charge. . , ; . Hamilton's Have Expert ' Furniture repair men in all de partments. Phone 29. m8 Data Cleaned ana Blocked f 75a, Cash and Carry Cleaners, 452 Chetneketa St.1 -1 . ; Mltf Ruling Given Out-r- V I viA person? eligible: for examina tion by 'the Cosmetic' Therapy reg istration board must hare served at least six months as an appren tice, according to a legal opinion prepared here Friday by the at torney generaL' i . ! Special, for Saturday Fancy Valpak bacon 30c lb. Choice picnics 25c lb. Cross Mar ket Phone 1880 Free delivery. m8 Fur Trimmings -i Horgan Furriers. m8 Andy Willis Appointed . '. Andy Willis - of North Power Friday was appginted water mas ter of water district No. 3. includ ing' Union", county and the North Powder! rirer country. 1; Under an order issued by the state engineer recently :?!. 00 'acres of land formerly Included la: the Baker SPIiJIT OF CITY H0STS PRAISED BY DEBATERS INTEREST IN COXTEST SUR PRISE TO HIGH SCHOOLS Student Fellowship Held to Outcome of Coast to Coast fleeting Be Those decrying the emphasis placed upon sports in high schools and colleges, of the country, had an agreeablvsurprise in the In terest shown in the coast to coast debate which took place here Fri day. In the opinion of high school officials no event in years has so taken the interests of pupils as the contest here, and ' no event has been marked by more enthusiasm. "The actual sportsmanship of the people we have come in con tact with out here in the west is the same fine spirit we find at home," said Coach Barry to the Salem Lions at luncheon Friday. "Our 'school has. been very en thusiastic in the past year in its amieuc program. we naa a championship team in football and In basketball. . Our coach is the highest paid high school football coach in the east. "I believe that this debate will have a genuine constructive result in increasing the interest in de bate work. Dignity of student speakers will be increased. This contest will stimulate fellowship between students of both states. A debate, between no other two states-would, be more productive of good feeling and good fellow ship." M i ; ., . -A delegation consisting of R; H Reeves, Dr. J. G. Gill and Rev Vaslterrille- were present at the luncheon and invited Salem Lions and friends, to the Lebanon Straw- Derry -air on May 14 and 15. Mr neeves siaies mat mere were more than 1,000 acres of straw- county water district has been transferred to the North Powder district. Gpeclal for lO Days Loots on Myrtle Avenue $400 to $650. Also 2 new houses, $50 first payment. Balance monthly. Lone Star Realty Co.-Phone 520 Cooked Food Sal Ladies First Christian church. Saturday, May 8, S. P. Ticket Of fice. m8 Saturday Is the Last Day Of the Monarch electric range demonstration at C. S. Hamilton Furniture Co. m8 Train Hits An Oregon Electric train struck a car driven by Paul Haywafd of Portland at the Commercial street crossing : Frida afternoon. The car. was considerably damaged al though Hayward escaped Vithout injury. Hayward claims he was going slowly, heard the electric bell warning and saw the train, but because of the wet pavement, sk4dded onto the track. Mrs. Hodgins Dies Mrs. Eva Hodgins. 2S5 North Commercial street, died early Fri day morning. She had been taken to a hospital -after having been (-found unconscious at her home. Auto Painting See Vick Bros, for first class auto painting at right prices. Vick Bros., High and Trade Sts. m9 Columbia Portables Shipment just arrived. These portables are considered by music lovers the classiest and most high toned portables made. Geo. C. Will, 432 State St. m8 Furniture Upholstery . And , repairing. . Giese-Powers Furniture company. s29tf :( n.fV . 'r . Farmers!- Stop In And see us about your harness needs this rainy -weather. Nothing takes the place of leather. F. E. Shafer,: 170 S. Commercial. m8 Today at 2:30 p. Is the last opportunity of attend ing the cooking demonstration at C. S. Hamilton Furn. Co. nS ' SCHEFFEL'S Master Hand Dipped Chocolates . - -'.,'- . . -. -S - : i i- .t"j;"j;t' -- In light and dark, soft centers, also nut cen ters. r 36c a lb. - 2 lbs. for 70c We reserve the right ' to, limit quantities ONLY AT - ; -r - - r . " -, - 4 . : . . : ..- . . - - " . CCHAJEFER'C DRUG 8TORB The Yellow Front Phone 197, 1S5 North Conunercial Street . ' The Penslar Stcre ' berries in this district and would be at their pest' during the fair. The Schubert Octette furnished music: f---'r-t. 't; Dfl. J. 0. SPiEIH TO GIVE ADDRESS Noted Educator to Deliver Final Message to .Uniyer-. sity Grads UNIVERSITY OF OREGON; Eu gene. (Special.) Dr.'J. Duncan Spaeth, noted educator, profes sor of English at Princeton; uni versity, will deliver; the com mencement address at the Univer sity of Oregon June 14, It was announced! today.' Dr. Spaeth is well known on the coast, having taught at the Unl versity of Oregon summer sessions for five years. - He is much in love with the western country, and this year will teach at Reed col lege. I Since 1911, Dr. Spaeth has been professor of English at Pririceton. 1 He was graduated from the University of Pennsyl vania in 1888 and took his doctor ate at Liepzlg four years later. He is a member of Phi Beta Kap pa and a number of societies for the recognition and promotion of classical learning. In 1912-13 Dr, Spaeth studied in France and in Italyi I During j the war Dr. Spaeth wrote a camp reader for Ameri can 'soldiers which -went into 15 editions, j He was also YMCA camp educational director at Camp Wheeler and Camp Jackson- In 1918. ""He was active In organi zing work iof instructing the Illit erates in army camps. ' He has j written a number of books and; pamphlets on scholarly subjects, j Dr. Spaeth is a big man, of broad shoulders. breadth oi I OBITUARY Manley city, May, 6, John W. resident of Salem for In this Manley, a 30 years-, father of Mrs. Delia Pot ter of Salem, Mrs. L. D. Spencer of Oakland, Cal., Mrs. J. D. perry of Hejnlt,) Cal., and Mrs. Maud Vinofent of; Taft, Or; also survived by one brother, Charles Manley of Caseville, IMo., and sister,- Mrs. Irene Robbing of Seattle. An nouncement of funeral later from the RIgdou mortuary. - ; j Hodgins ' - ' i In this jcity early , May 7, Mrs. E valine. Hodgins, age. 55. years, wife of Oscar Hodgins. Mrs. Hodgins has been a resident of Sa lem for 36 years. Funeral ser vices Saturday, May 8, at 1:30 p. m. from the Rigdpn mortuary. In terment City View cemetery. j Argetsingar At Aberdeen, Wash., Mrsi Ethel Argetsingar, age 30 years; mother of Earl, Elma, Ivan and Eola Ar getsingar;! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.i Oliver of Aberdeen, and sister of jWalter Oliver . of Aber deen. Funeral services will be held Saturday, May 8, at 3 o'clock from the iRiedon mortnarv. In terment iiTIOOF cemetery. , j " Parker At a local hospital. May 6, Chas. W. Parke, age 53 years. The re mains, accompanied by his broth er, were ;f orwarded by . the Ter- wllliger funeral home to Yoncalla, Oregon," fbr funeral services this morning. -'DQ NOT : GRIEVE We ought to assemble .and lament at the house where one has been born, having regard to "the varied woes of human life; - but when .one has by death finished his weary labors, him should all his friends fol low to the! grave . with honor and rejoicing. Cicero. W. T. Rigdon & Son FOR CTFORMATIOJf L ABOUT RA2LROAD TRIPS Plione 727 : . OREGON ELECTRIC FOUMTAIW Darby s Drag Store Specials Fresh crushed Strawberry j". Sundaes .V Malted MillT i -' - . - - -,. - Try Our Service j DONT Forget Mothe rf .Sunday, May 9 Sepd Her. a Box of ! Candy thought and ample vocal, powers Ilia vigorous personality rand abil- ity In public speaking made him. one et the outstanding features of j the' summer -" sessions. He keeps fit by coaching the Prince ton!' rowing crew - In the -hours when he is not writing, reading or lecturing. Powder River fitting Name; it Will Respond to Match ARVADA. Wyo. Powder River Is a fitting name tor the stream which paSses through the noortheastern section of Wyoming t burns. Burning water" exists in sev eral places on the river where na tural gas is found bubbling ud through water. Some bubbles will Ignite when a match is a.pplleJ. During the winter -peculiar for mations are .caused by the gas seepages. When the river is froz en j over, gas accumulates under the ice and as pressure gathers. It forces thin sprays Tf water through, the weaker spots in tha Ice and these sprays freeze in cur ioua pillars. . . .The gas does not make the" water unpalatable for drinking. In Arvada there is a drinking foun tain, the water of which can be set on fire at any time. :v..1lIddle--State'.;Bank.-r8old . to owners of' Umpqua- bank, at "Rose burg. . . i CHOICE c Traub Genuine u Orange Elossom engage ment and wedding rings is a tribute to the judgment and . good taste of the wearer. HART3IAX BROS. SaarsXat Juei, vrar TKi . - - . ' .. .: . Daytime j jj. IS THE IBuyirig:" .- i ime Use the Morning Paper WOMEN i i read in the I morning Reach the women 1 ; through the " Oregon Statesman .Home -..' People OS" 11 m oaiem as well as elsewhere use the morning paper for their - buying guide rr.. i ton tuC r Mornins the people wit h money to : spend read the Statesman . ,r ... " , '.-.: " v . - .1 . "V . Statesman cdz pull