i t 1 I i 1 I- THe Oregon iMoad Daily zefl Honda? hj TBM ffXATZSXAH PTTBLIilOTa COXPJLXY SIS 8oat ComiMfcUl Bt, Sataa, OrC9a ' J ILJ.HnirUkt - - Miim rrt4J.ToM . - Kaaarlac-Editer Lm H. Mwrimu City Editor - Ln J. Smith , . Ttlagraph Editor Aodrod Baaea . ; Boeiaty Editor - Tfca Aaaoeiotod Praaa U axetaalTal? oatitlod to too aao "T6r pablieatioa of all Mil 4 i .dtopatekoa credited to it or Mt otkorviao eroditod ia taiaaapr aad alao tao toeaJ ' ' aow. aakUakod aarcta. . , BUSINESS ATWt S3f 'Woreootor Bldg Portlaad Taaaaaa r. Clark Co. Now Tork. 128-138 Doty Payaa, Bkaroa BMc Baa Fraacuee, ; TELEPHONES: ClinUUra Of fioo-MS Boaiaoao Of fWat or 509 Bocioty Editor i. , r IPO Eatorod at tko Pott Of flea ia Salaaa, - May 8, 1026 -,. , -' ' REVERENCE "And ye shall not rwear by my. name falsely, neither ahalt thou profane the name of , thy God. j I am the Lord." Lev. 19:lt.. : 1 THOSE POOR, DYIG HONEY-BEES t i - A nice, humane, sympathetic man came to the States : man off ice yesterday afternoon hunting for the honey bee nut of the force, to complain'about the dead and dying bees ' in the. United States National bank window And he wanted this paper to get after the bank, officials V for allowing such a tragedy to go on. '. The nice man did not see the bee nut, and he did not give his name or address, so it is hoped he will read the following: A .full sized colony of Italian bees has about 100,000 bees. i. Their queen, in the working season, lays about 3000 eggs a day; so about that many new bees are born every ,24 hours. The life of a worker (female) bee in the busy.season f Is about six weeks; she" literally works. herself to death; Is a -' working fool, i S0 not counting the drones ; (males) R .which do not work and liv longer, some-1500 to 2000 worker bees in such a colony die each day; die of old age, if you want to put it that way. 5 t ' ? " . . Dd you get it? j, . The .-bees in the bank window were put there, for a week's exhibit of the bee industry, by H. M. Mead, our bee .king. It is only a small hive; rather, a small half a hive. It had about 6000 bees on Monday, with a pure bred Italian queen. This queen "would fay about 3000 eggs a da, if she saw room for such an increase. The quarters being cramped, she has been laying about 1000 eggs a day. So about 1000 new ? bees a' day are born in the bank show window space. J And the bees that are dying of old age are comparatively few, ' s Vku.Ai-ok aw ov?iAontr -faA anil gra nnt wrkilrnrf vnlv spending part of their energy trying to get through the plate.vglass window to go out and work. Probably not more than a tenth the number are dead or dying that would be passing or passed on out in the open, with sunshiny days and plenty of honey flowers on which to work '; And so there will be a good many more bees inr the hive when it is taken away, today or tomorrow or Monday' than Were in it when it was brought for exhibit the first day of , this week; 1 . "' sl ' The nice man who came to complain about those poor, flying bees ought to study bee lore. He will find it most interesting. ; , ' - ' EYeryone in this fruit district should1 study bee lore It should be taught in our schools--- ' , For we must have; honey bees to pollinate our fruit blos soms. Without pollination fruit growing cannot be a success ful calling. ; 7' ARE YOU A Wlute the Salem. Mass,; debaters are with us is a good time to mention a discussion that is going on as to what is a Puritan ; . r . r ; : For a Puritan is generally thought of as a thin (whoever heard of a fat Puritan?), austere person who frowns on all fun-atid gaTetyCandt persecutes if possible all persons , who dare to disagree with him on religious matters. 4,,.,But Stuart I?.. Sherman, one of our modern essayists, disagrees with this estimate and quotes from early docu ments to prove 'that the Puritans who helped form the early history of our own United States; were not only men of great f courage, but foresighted men, embued with the average or ;- perhaps a trifle more than the average amount of tolerance, and with a lively affection for family and friends , i ," 1 li&tt in that respect, they were like the pioneers who f " laid the foundations of our own Oregon.. So the two Salems hark back to people with like spirits ; men of parts," the pick . of the older communities from which they, sprung,' and their women of the same type. . 1 " v r;i V'-Z ittwT- ' " And Mr. Sherman also contends that we; have had Puri tans in all ages and that, the very first one' was that faraway ancestor of ours, the anthropoid ape who first - decided to walk upon his hind legs and founded the human race." - Here are some of the contentions of '. "Dissatisfaction with the past, courage to break with it, .a vision of fa better life, readiness ' to accept discipline. in order to attain that better;$fejiand a serious, desire, to lnake that better Jife prevail a desire reflecting at once his sturdy individualism and his clear sense f or the need of social solid arity. " In these respects all true Puritans, in all ages and places of the world, are alike. Everyone is dissatisfied with the past; every one has the courage to revolt; everyone has a vision; everyone has a discipline; and everyone desires hi vision of the better life to prevail. "If we have inherited, not the Puritan heirlooms, but the lmrsr Puritan tradition, we enter into the .modern spirit . . Th? modern spirit is, first' of all, a free spirit open on all sides to. the influx of truth, even from the past. ! But freedom is riot its vcnly characteristic. & The: modern spiritf Is ;rnarke4 further; by an active curiosity, which grows by what it feeds Upon; and goes ever inquiring fnntion to" be had anywhere.- "Since it sceks'.only the best, it Is, by, necessity, also a critical sDirit, constantly sifting, discriminating,rejecting, r.r.l holding fast that which ' :tt:r H within sijht.--- 7.. hi 3 Statesman "W. H. Handaraoa - - Circa la Um Maaafar Ralph H. KWtxiaf - Adrcrtiainf Uaaag.r Fran Jaakoakl - Maaacar Job Dapt. B. A.Bhotaa, " 14ataek Kditor W-.C. Coaar Pomitry Editor OFFICES: Oro. w. Ilt Bt-t CkUace. Karoaotto Bldr. Calif.; Htnlna Bid. Lot Aagoloa, Calif. Hor Doaartaioat-tl or 10l Jok paxtataat S8S OrofoB. m aoeoad-olaM lAattar. PURITAN? Mr. Sherman : - - for fresher and sounder. infor- is good, only .till that, which is . . ' " . - . quires a. measure of courage ; and scTthe mbni spirif 'ithl Puritan spirit) is an heroic spiritipc it'i i'' !-' K- f ; MAs a reward for difficulties gailahtly undertaken the gods bestow on the modern spirit a kind! of eternal youth, with unfailing powers of recuperation and growth.' Qfc EDGAR POC tMQPRIS TWKXTY-XrXE i Clay . Wales had no Idea of where they would go it. his mother should happen to be disagreeable about; their, staying there for a few .days. t He. didn't think she would be. however. He Imagined she would .be rather glad to see him back. It. was the first time he had been away from her so long since he was in the army. ' And even though at times they 1 got along at' swords' points he know that she loved him. He always won these litUe wars, anyway, as child dren usually do. And he loved her, after a filial fashion. "I hope we won't Inconvenience your mother," said Eve doubtingly as the tazicab neared the Wales bungalow. ; . 1 ;.- "We won't. We won't be there but a few days, anyway. "I wonder if ever a married cou pie were so unprepared to live together! You'll think we " HAD to get married." .. .; , "Perhaps that is what other .peo ple do thlnkr," Clay .remarked,. bAlf aloud. ., ..!. t- .titH .o ; Eve whirled around to look at him; flushing. He i broke into laughs, i'-'! .1. -ijk . , "Clay! You don't tKRik " ' they "Of course not, dear,' I" was just being funny." His wife's frown did not disap pear. "People might tnink tnai. We did get married in a rush. Ton never can tell what people are going to say." "Ah-h! Let 'em think it if they want to. we don't care That's as good a reason for getting mar ried as any other, and better than the one most persons have. At least R's a reason." Eve didn't understand what he was driving at with this remark, and did not reply. She still was worried. She knew how utterly foundationless such malicious gos sip was. And there were girls like Mary Sullivan who would start just such a story. The taxi stopped with a jerk in front of the destination. Clay thought he saw a figure get up and leave the window of the house. What if his mother locked jihe door pn them? He was so tak en up with this thought that he gave the taxi driver seventy-five cents more than be Intended to. The curt thanks he got for the tip did. not make him regret the mis take the . less. He hated having to tip people. The door opened as they rang.; "Well!" "Here we are, mother, dear." "Well!" : Eve stepped forward to kiss her mother-in-law. Mrs. Wales submit ted stiffly. "We want to pile In on you for a lew days, momer. jusi a xew days. We're going' to look around today -for a place to live in." Eve regarded the elder woman apprehensively. Mrs. Wales did not respond Immediately. "I guess that'll be aH right. You'll hare to wait though until I get the room In-order. I've been using it. for sewlng.U.. ." 'I11 be glad to straighten it for you. Mrs. Wales. We aren't going to let you go io anTirouio ihj- cause of usr .1 hQpeL wwbnXJn- convenience you loo mikih. ; i1 Mrs. Wales.aa not put at eaW hr EveTa ' stt5sM6n7 "NfE I'd rather 'it. YntJwe4idn' Itnow where to puthlngsTYW'rHrojust sit down; It won'tnake me but a minute." She bustled ofTttpstalrs. You see. she doesn't mind hav ing us," Clay said, relieving him self. . Eve was not convinced, we 11 have a place of our own by Mon day or Tuesday. . .We mustn t let your mother go to any trouble to provide food for us. We can eat downtown." i ' !Yes." : - lJ ' 'i .' n 'iClay wanted to lo that. His mother, to save herself work, did not observe many of the formali ties which, usually attend the serv ice of food, i Usually she served her husband and son their meals in the kitchen, not bothering to lar ; thei table ia the dining-room. This prietloe alwiya. annoyed Cay but his offers to set the dining table. nd even carry the food; in there,; ha no effect,, "You're al- ways trying, to make more wprk for - me," she " .would complain. crushingly. "Your father is sat isfied to eat in the kitchen. On Sundays, however, dinner was Al ways, served in' the dining-room. Now. ts Clay began to consider it, ne was sorry . that ' he ; had brought Eve here! His mother was not always as presentable In. ap pearance" as ; she- happened to be this morning, and sometimes when she was not feeling well, the house got in a rather, disorderly shape. He didn't want Jils bride to kttow that he had been brought -np In such surroundings: He .was still trying to give Ere a better Impres sion of him than "she was likely to- have, if she saw things aa they really were. It Is always so; In marriage.- - f Where shall we ' look . for a place T" . Eve aked suddenly. "Well Tjiveno' take a furnished p-rtt at f'rt.l rT?T,",oVi ; ; "Some real estate agency , will have lots of I places listed.;-,. And they'll take 'us around in n auto mobile to se them. That will be the easiest, Ij guess." T "Yes J : . . But we'll have to be able 4o. tell vthem ;how : much e want to pay. v f ' "I don't knowj I Son't know what houses cost.f ; "Well, they say your rent shouldn't be more than a fourth of your Income, but that seems too much to me." "Seems to me like fifty dollars a month ought to be enough." "I don't think bo.... Oh, Clay, If I work it'll be much easier for us to get along."; "I don't think i you ought to work," he replied but hot as forte fnlly as he had been sayfng it. Ere patted his; hand. "I'm go ing back to the office Monday. Now, that's settled." Clay did not protest. If she were working, there wouldn't be any danger of her running around too much . . . .On the other hand, there was John Ingate. .But he had lass apprehenslveness : on that score now. .He wondered if John Ingate was still in Chicago paying court Mo Ilss Johnstone,; , "I think I'll run down to the office now for a little while," Eve spoke up, "to1 see how things are, and let them know - I'm coming back." She rose and kissed him. "IH be back In an hour of two." (To be continued.)' What does) John Ingate say to Eve when they are alone in his private office? Don he allow ber to resame work as his secretary? See the next instalment. a Bit For Breakfast I Cheers for Salem, Oregon And for Salem, Mass., too For the team isent from the witch city to Oregon displayed wonderful ability, also ' good sportsmanship. The advertising value of the debate to Salem, Oregon-,' ' was great; and Its value was' about. doubled by the successful' issue in both cities. I 1 .' ' :' Some city residents think they have had enough - rain for this hitch, but you hear no farmer making any complaint. ' " John Schlehuber, Route 9, Sa lem, and Archer Rice ot this ity own the White Elephant mining claims about two miles above the Lots-Larson camp, on' the Little North Fork of the Santiam. Mr, Schlehuber brought to the States man office yesterday a number, of specimens of iheir ores. Mostly, the ores bear gold, silver, copper and sine, with a trace of lead. They have an assay that shows, per ton," values like this: Gold, 2; silver, S2.40; zme, 140 lbs.; copper, 120 lbs.; lead, a trace: Copper la worth about' 14 cents' a pound how, ilnc about the same, Mr. Schlehuber has been a mining man for 40 years, In Idaho, Mon tana,-- Colorado" and other states. He declares "that all the Santiam region Is mineralized; that it lias fast hidden - wealth," and that it must be developed, and he thinks this will begone soon. The White Elephant claims have something not ' found' else where in that region, a talc, in a two" foot vein,) white in color, like lime, and which is really lime, but containing gold and stiver concen trates; natural concentrates, made by -volcanic "action in ages past, putting the metals in a free state. The concentrates . come out by .merely panning them. - The White Elephant mine 'I is the furthest east; nearest to the summit of the Cascados perhaps '- not' much more tlian five miles as the crow nies. I - Did You Ever Stop S To Think? . - J17 m. av. waua, aaerwaij ; C. jC. Howard, publisher of the MonroTla (Colifornla), Dally News saysj ?v -;-;i.;' v- .,V' r That the man who is too modest to cry nls wares to the. public us-" ually finds a sheriff who is not too modest to do so. ;i : : t , i r That the man who does not see any good In advertising probably does not see any good In his stock. f That the crowd follows the meg aphone, and the man-with the big voice J at ; least secures attention and an. opportunity; to sail , his wares. .. Th .crowd likes " to "be Invited Into lyotfir store and likes -to. hear "yon tell of the, merit of your merchandise. ; That the general public believes what It reads until it has learned to discredit; the author, and the way to! keep that credit Is to tell the troth a.nd tell it often... .. will wear away the' stoniest" op- positlon of Indifference. .; , f i;Tbat JBobody eve - learned , the multiplication table by reading.it once, -'and no one will remember the many good things you have to say about your goods it you say it but once. , That no store is big enough to neglect the public, andMf itdeos it will not be long until the public will neglect tlje store. iVTnat constant repetition carries conVictlon. ; That, a statesman would not make' progress if he were' satisfied W State his position once in & cam paign: :v; ' - That a minister would not build up a church by one sermon a year. ' Tha a merchant will not be long remembered who satisfied himself with, an-announcement of his ope ning and then quits. That the soul Of success is re petition in advertising. That commercial prominence caff not be maintained or sustained without, carrying the message of your service to the public often. Advertising pays big dividends -no advertising leads to bank ruptcy. Advertising pays big dividends no Advertising leads to bank ruptcy. The young man, who was no torious for the reckless driving of" his car, was at his home in the country, when he received a tele- phone call, and a woman's voice1 asked if he 'intended to go motor ing that afternoon. 1" "No, not this afternoon," he re plied. "But why do you ask? Who are you?" "That doesn't matter," came the voice over the wire. "It's only that I wish to send my little girl down the street on an errand." ,On his arrival at San Francisco, a well-known man who was very fond of playing practical jokes Bent a friend in New York a tele gram with charges to collect, read ing: "I am perfectly well." NOW! ON at Our High Street Store ' ' l .. .r. ' -: .. . - i - - .- -i V---. :i--' , THE USE JRORNITURE BARGAIN CENTER OF SALElViy r Come today take advantage of our reduced prices on reconditioned Furniture., There are plenty of courteous salesmen to show you around. If you think you eyer.:made a - good purchase in used goods come in and we will give you a better bargain and besides, everyone buying'$5.00 worth or more will receive a valuable household article free- Jf you purchase $50.00 worth or more we will make ypu a present of a 27'piece porcelain : kitchen set that will Ranges ....$15.00 Dining Tables .53 Pianos ......$75.00 Dressers.. ...;$8.50 Springs $1.25 up up up up up The information was gratifying to him,' for about a week later the joker received an express pack age - on which he was obliged to pay $4 charges. Opening It he found a large street-paving block, upon which was' pasted the fol lowing message: "This Is the weight your, telegram has lifted from my heart."", f Two girls were discussing their future prospects and their "young men," and one said: . "Don't you just hate to have him 'talk shop'?' ' """ "Why; nolndeed!" said the other. "I think it is too lovely for anything ,Ybu see Charley is a conductor on'a trolly car, and when he proposed and was waiting for my answer, he said, 'Be lively, there, please! And: whenever' we are alone he says; Sit, closer. please." 4 4'tt '.v. A concert had been arranged by the workers ot a certain fac tory, and all the local - "stars" were booked to appear. Miss White, the favoriate so prano, was announced to sing, and before she began she apologized for her' cold. Then she started : "I'll hang my harp on a willow tree e -e ahem ! "On a willow tree e e oh! Her voice broke on the high note each time. She tried twice more. Then a voice came from the back of the hall: "Try hanging It on a lower branch, Miss!" A'aart who had run out of gas oft the outskirts of a New England town saw a young boy "coming along the fbad carrying a big tin can. ' ' "Say; boy;" he yelled, " I hope that's gasoline you have In that can:" "Well, I hope it ain't," returned the boy, with some heat. " It would taste like sin on ma's pan cakes." An old gentleman from the California hinterland, on his first visit to San Francisco, went to the Presidio, where he had his first glimpse of soldiers going about their mysterious affairs. His at tention was caught by the spec tacle of two Bentries passing and repassing eac.h other in silence. He watched them intently for several minutes, with growing compassion. Finally it was too much for his kindly instincts. He stepped up to them as they were passing once ; more and said, "Come on now, boys, why don't you make up and be friends?" gladden the heart or any housewife. . Rugs...... $1.50 up. Beds.. ....1.50 up Organs..$10.00 up Rockers.. $2.00 up Chairs ....75c up DON'T FORGET ON HIGH STREET OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE RESERVE OFFICERS TO CONFER TIICST Caravan to Leave Marion Hotel at 5:15 0'Clock for Albany Local reserve officers of the United Stated .Army will partici pate a joint meeting with officers from every section of., western Oregon to -night -at the Albany Hotel. Albany, Oregon. ' 4 Betwen 30 land 40 officers from Salem and vicinity will leave" the Marlon Hotei by auto caravan it 5 : 1 5 p. 'm. , jit 'is estimated that 200 members, of the third line of national defense as well as several members of the regular army and advance students of the R. O. T. C. Trom-the jCnltersity -andAgri-cultural college, will be in attend,? ance, 3 , j V'. ) : A banquet served by the' Albany Hotel management will be fol lowed by a program dealing with the present defense situation. y Officers frlom every branch of 1 S?Y WILLIAM FCX'isentt MM l Electric Ranges all prices. I i SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY - VC I ! With ITS A RIOT! low cost. Oil. Stoves all prices,! Musical Instruments, Library Tables, Buffets, China Closets, Kitchen Cab inets, Chiffoniers,' Washing' Machines, Davenports,, Dishes; etc., etc. ' In fact everything to completely furnish a house at prices lower than has been offered in Salem for a good many years. " , - ; ; i THE LOCATION the service are J urged to attend. Transportation will be available at the Marion Hotel. Jaf t'sJLincoln statue to Show oung and Hopeful ' OREGON, 111. A cheerful Lin coln, young and hopeful, is the Lorado Taft statue of" the Eman cipator now in the making In the sculptor's shack studio on Eagles Nest 'Bluff, overlooking Rock River. J , 'sJy ' "I had rather tired of tbVhd bowed-headed 'Llncolns'," he said. "I am making a cheerful Lincoln. I have backed the gaunt figure against a,! desk-like object and shown him resting his hands upon it. It gives a monumental mass and he holds np his head as if he were really grateful to Btraighten out his neck, j As Lincoln never wore a beard until after he went to Washington as president, I have shown him without iti following prstty faith fully Lepnard Volk's admirable bust made from life In 1860." A -Classified ad in the Mdrning Statesman! will pay big dividends. Read the want-ads carefully. Ear gainsarej(i&$ed. every day. Ji l s )l -jVs4 1. Remnants of Linoleum be C S ....... -i - "i . 1