The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 05, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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Ttir n An v
hundred basic industries of
your. page.
It Is Made Up'of Enthusiastic
Eola Section Has a Leader wno is txpenenceu in
. the Industry aftd Takes a Great Interest in the Work
. -of the Members
Th Kola Bee-Club No. 1. the
ized February 1. 1926, by H. C.Seymow, .state club leader, Oregon
Arrlcultural college, with B. I. Ferguson as ocal leader. .The Eola
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the rntA BEBCLUB. NO. 1
boytf and girls bee clnb was the third to be organized in the State.
.The members of this club are enthusiastic in their work, and
they hare a sympathetic and able Ideal leader in Mr. Ferguson, who
; i. i th JndnRtrv in this section The boys
glX T&rto- th.-Mtd work of attending to
fhVir apUrteJ. and there is no doubt but they will gire good accounts
i. . 4 ..nmnntii inns, and in their earning capacity.
?In the accompanying picture, reading from left to right, are,
fjt-t. tmrothr Mead: second. MaxJne' Ferguson, secretary.and treas
urer; third. Edward Antrican; 'fourth. Lewis Hal r bo n presi a e ni
Tf.MajHtnfl' r fiTe8ident: sixth. 'Curtiss Ferguson, ana
seyenth B. I. Ferguson,' club leader. Chas WUson. a member, was
wKav thA Tiirtnrft war taken. -r ' u
Linie HSs Been Used ir Crop Production Since-Early AgrU
imi uictnrv -Tho fihiftf Reason. for Use lsTnat
t, . of Correcting Soil Acidity
the .Willamette Valley ana uoast uouniies. wb-huiu
. c(Most readers of The Statesman
know that recently -the state lime
plant was removed ffom Gold. Hill
to lSalanv where it was installed
at the Oregon; sUte penitentiary.
It Is, now. being ... operated there,
"ijxd ft ta turning oat more agri
cultural lime than it was first ex
pected. The capacity of the plant
was supposed to be about 3 0 tons
a day.": The. machineryVas gone
orer and put ia,"tlMrough -order,
with the result-that ' its capacity
has beejnr Increased to about 1 0
tons aTday: practically a car of
a day. VThe prints ol sthe
at the DfenTUfttlary hare been
lime at
fixed, for the time being; at $4.75
a tbn n,blk. tfcod, $i.60 In sacks.
the- sacks to be returned. " This
makes the cost much less to the
ralley ' farmers, especially where
they call with their trucks and
-haul awayV their, supplies. The
cost to them, Including freight,
was J6 to $7 a ton when the plant
wai at Gold Hill, and they were
obliged to buy in car lots, in or
der to secure eren such costs. The
state " buys the lime rock at the
quarry near Gold Hill at $1.25 a
toiu jjlt pays $2.0 5 .a ton freight
to the 'penitentiary; the' rate haying-
been reduced from $2.50 a
ton, under an understanding with
the state lime board when nego
tlatloni ; were 'on wlth Governor
Pierce: for .the removal of the
plant to? the penitentiary and its
operation there as one' of the
prison Industries.'';; The response
oi : the farmers has been ' gratlty-
f I log. They hare been .taking.; the
I I lime as fast as it has, been turned
i. out; ; and there are many orders
i ahead. ' There is another phase of
I I the matter that cheapens the sup
l I plyJurther- Tha lime at Gold HiU
f I wap r SO iper centSpure .That
I i turned out1 at the" penitentiary ,1s
f sg'per cent: pure,: making a gain
lof nearly a fifth In lta potential
raise. . Facets are being assembled
for " an 'up "to date and authorlta
tire circular for general dlstrlbu
tion. on the usee of agricultural
lime, with' directions forapplylng
it,?.In the mean time, the follow
ing excerpts from the circular of
thB state lime board that was
used while the plant was at Gold
Hill will be of Interest, pending
Ilia assembling of facts for the
rrc?5?ed issw circular)! 1
4 ' WLy Coils Eecosie Bovr'
"Ii!n ta been u;s?4 (a Cjp pro
Help make Salem grow.
Young Bee Keepers, in Jhe
first, in Pol county, was organ
. . . '
Practically All the Soils of
duction since early agricultural
history. . The chief reason for "its
use is now recognized, to be that
of correcting joll acidity. As soils
mature and age under, humid cli
mates, the degree of acidity tends
to increase. Boil drainage bins at
the - Oregon experiment station
hare, lost a't the rate of from" 50
to 160 pounds of lime per acre a
year. Good crops' of legumes such
as clover and alfalfa remove 200
to 300 pounds of lime per acre.
The decay of" organic matter" Ind
the ageing of mineral soirxnater
ial also" tends to derelop - acids
which require lipe for nu
tralization. W. lj.; Powes . ;
Acid Western Oregon -Soils
rrm-Hfn v ait of the soils of
the . WnjametW iraller arhl
coast counties are acid J The soils
In sputhern.Oregon are also - found
to be acid to aome' extent, wniie
the soils east -of the Ca8cades,..ex
cept in limited aree.5 marsh ttreas,
are not acid. Excess isbir acidity
will be corrected ' With Approxi
mately one ton f ground lime
stone an acre applied to the na
turally drained lands of the Will
amette valley floor or tne river
bottoms. Wet soil types that re
quire drainage, : like our wnue
lands, may need 1 to 2 tons or
ground limestone as an initial ap
plication.- fled foothill soils may
require Stons of lime as an Ini
tial application! to 'correct exeess
acidity, though subsequent appli-
cationa may be lighter,
Tbe soils department of the cx-
neriment station . or . the county
agent can; test representative sam
ples of soil taken according, to di
rections, to determine the -approx
imate lime requirement, upon re
quest. ATrough "test can b made
with litmus naner i or " by other
methods in the'i field. (W.
Powers).- ? ,i,f. .
. ' , Results From Liming Soilsj1
- :ynfortimately recent jstatementa
circulated "in tn eastern agricul
tural Jou rnal gave the m islead Ing
impression that r western Oregon
soils,are. abnormal In that they do
not respond to liming." All the
exact 'experimentaf' evldence of
the Oregon station lias shown that
liming is fundamentally important
for: acid soils -in -Qregon and that
they respond t ; this treatment.
Lime is 'found to be helpful on
acid sotls of poor ferinily-par
tlcularly where legumt-are 4o be
grown. At the home station en
"wfcH UaJ" Uao -tas. ?ai3?4 w
WHcates two
tbe Salem district. Letters and articles from people with
Increase, of 'one-half ton Alsike
clover at ond cutting and lime -and
manure have Increased, the yield
by nearly, a ton per acre at. one
cutting. In the coast hills vetch
has failed without lime and has
made a vigorous growth on the
sane kind of laud when, lime was
applied: The lime at the Astoria
branch experiment station gave -u
gain In vetch hay of 1.15 tons an
acre. Limo has paid in a 12-year
trial on naturally drained soil at
the home station. In liming trials
the percentage of clover surviving
has-reatly increased. Moderate
increases have been noted on the
other crops grown in rotation as a
result of liming, probably due to
improved tilth and fertility.! iTests
show that? liming has' corrected.
acidity on these iplotef oimproved
the soil structure iand- aided -nltrfci
flcatlbn; vw. PowersK '"4 .
h f KindRate anft AicJhodli1 r;
Lime can oe appueo, ai any ciUB-
venlent - timp when the surface, is
fairly dry. Where clover Is' seed-
a on winter grain, ume wj neeu
to be applied ahead of the grain
seeding. Lime can be hauled di
rectly : from the car to the field
and applied with a ground lime
stone spreader, or with a manure
spreader, which is partly filled
with dry manure then coated with
lime, or with a shovel. Better
returns are realized .from lime,
and from manure, where these are
used together than where used
ajone. From one to two tons an
acre can be used, depending on
the degree of acidity of the soil
One year is not long enough to
demonstrate the value of liming
as the fullest benefit may not de
veloo uHftil the second year and
will be distributed over many
years. Lime will not take tbe
place of drainage, manure, ? fer
tilizers, or the proper preparation
qf the seed bed, nor can, these fac
tors; take the place of lime. Lim
ing is one of the.-necessary steps
in keeping up fertility in our fer
tile, humid soils and: in building
up our "run down" acid soils
( W. L. Powers).
State Lime Board ,
, To enable Oregon farmers to
obtain agricultural lime at the
lowest possible cost, the legisla
ture of 1917 created a state lime
board, the members of which , are
appointed by the governor. The
legislature also made appropria
tions for the' construction of a
plant- for producing the agricul
tural .lime which has been con
structed at Gold Hill, Oregon.
The state lime board consists at
present of the following members:
Sam H. Moore, chairman, Corval
Hs; A. B. Cordley. secretary, Cor
valli8; John Shimanek, Scio; M. D.
Bowers, vjold Hill; C. T. Gilbert,
From Lime Users
I base my experience of the use
of Lime-on prune and cherry -trees
on. tests made for a neriod of, five
years, applying 9 Vfhfxtvr of
ground limerock and hydrated
lime. I consider flif ej goedfjn
vestment for trees, especially
cherry trees. The thirty-ton car
referred totI had spread v oyer
twenty acres -of" my f orVV acres of
nine-year old prune orchard with
a land plaster spreader. I expect
to use another car next year.
Gideon Stolz, Salem, Ore.
The car -of limerock was cer
tainly very beneficial to the land;
it has increased the production at
least one-third to one-half, and I
believe it a very profitable invest
ment. - John Benedict. Aumsvllle, Ore.
I bought two carloads of lime
from the state lime board last
year and have secured better re--j
suits with lime than from any of
the commercial fertilizers Lime
is the only-' fertilizer I have ever
used from which I have seen any
real benefit. - i
. - ' Ilomer Gouly, Shaw, Ore.
' : - . 1
The cars of lime that we bought
were for our own use as a fertil
izer and we applied them all on
our own ground. We paid $4.00
a' ton f. or b. cars. Gold HIU. Onf
production was Increased twenty
five per; cent by the -use of this
lime and we consider ; It a most
profitable ; investment ' because
lime Is the best fertilizer or our
soil. v
; . . . . E. demons. Horst Co., -''J
' -Independence, Ore.
H. N. Ord, Mgr.
We have used between 500 and
600 tons of lime bought' from the
Oregon "state lime board. ! This
has bees used oa our farm , one
mil west of Chaw, red hill solL
The price for several years has
been f 4.00 per to f,"p. b. wit
or more
DID YOU KNOW that the lands in the Salem district
are as well adapted to the growing of sugar beets with .
high sugar content as the besCbeet sugar lands of Ger
many; that the great Salem fruit district; using and due
to use. vast quantities of sugar annually, can raise its
own sugar beets and establish and maintain its own
sugar beet factories, and can do it at a prof it that, in
the service of a self-contained prosperity and growth,
this ought by all means to be done, and done as soon as
possible; that there is ample capital here how, if as
sembled cooperatively under the right sort of auspices
and leadership, to accomplish this very desirable end,
and that it would not be a difficult matter to secure
sufficient sugar beet acreage in the Salem district to
supply a sugar beet factory, properly financed and man
- aged ?
Dates of Slogans
(In. Twlce-a-Week Statesman Following uayj
(With a fete. poeefMe rhananO
IxganberiHteswOtbber 1, 1935
France 0oJr 51 ,W' -dairying,
October "15
Max, October 23 ;
Filberts, October 2 ,
Walnuts, November f , ,
Strawberries, November 13
Apples, November 19
Raspberries, November 2fl
Mint, December 3
Beans, Etc., December 10
Blackberries, December 17
Cherries, December
Pears, December 31
Gooseberries, January 7, 19S
Corn, January 14
Celery, January 21
Spinarh, Etc, January 28
Onions, Etc.. February 4
Potatoes, Ftc., February 11
Bees, February 18
Poultry and Pet Stock, Feb. 25
City Beautiful, Etc, March 4 .
Great Cows, March 11
Paved Highways, March IS
Head lettuce, March 23
Silos, Etc., April 1
Legumes, April 8
Asparagus, Etc., April 15
Grapes, Etc., April 23
' Drag Garden, April'
plant, freight $2.00 $6.00 deliv
ered at Shaw. We have secured
good results from the use of two
tons per - acre and consider the
money paid for the limestone a
good Investment. Clover with us
on land not limed is not very suc
cessful, but on limed land we grow
good vigorous clover and a mark
ed increase in grain yields follows
the clover.
C. T. Gilbeg. Shaw, Ore.
I have used 75 tons of the lime
rock during a period of four years.
Production, especially on' the le
gume crops, was Increased on our
hill type soil, which is very acid,
from almost total failure to very
good crops. ' Even the small grain,
crops after the first year of ap
plication, were increased from 25
to. 100 per centAs't certainly. con
sider limerock pi acid soils one of
the Very best investments. on re
turns the Willamette t'alTey farm
er, tan make.1 -The .rock was of
gpJd-.qualttyrund crushed to re
finement -considered desirable for
land distribution. -,
; ' J. J.rTJoerfleV7silverton, Ore.
This Can Be Done by Adding
the-Chemical Properties
I Which It Lacks, ,
jj (Fred Lbckley, the well known
staff writer of the Portland Jour
nal, who knows everybody,, and
whom everybody knows.1 and r whw
formerly worked for 4 The "States
man and The Pacific Homestead;
has been interviewing J. C. Kanp
isch, of Canby, Oregon, who is a
sort of Oregon Luther Burbank,
who breeds Chinese pheasants and
does high class gardening, mostly
for the love of the work' The
work of Mr. Kauplsch is an in
spiration to any farmer, bf this
section. Following is one of the
Interviews of Mr. Lockley with
Mr. Kaupisch, published Jn - the
Portland Journal of last., Satur
day): ' -.
; Recently. I visited thevhora of
J. OjpKatfpisch at Canby. Some
men work because they have to.
Mr. Kaupisch works because he
loves to. .His work is his recrea -
each week
r :i - - ' ' i 1
in; Daily btatesfnan;
Sugar Beets.
Horgnum. Ktc
v May 6, 1028
Water Powers, Blay IS
Irrigation, May SO '
Mining, May 27
I .and. Irrigation, Etc., June S
Floriculture, June lO
Hops, Cabbage, Etc., June 17
Wholesaling and Jobbing,
June 24
Cucumbers, Etc-, July 1
Hogs, July 8
Goats, July 15
Schools, Etc. July 23
Sheep, July 9
National Advertising, August 5
Seeds, Etc, August 12
Livestock, August 19
Grain and Grain Products, Aug-
ust 26
Manufacturing, September 9
Automotive Industries, Septem
ber 0
Woodworking, Etc, September
Paper Mills, Sept. 23, 192
(Back copies of the Thurs
day edition of The Dally Ore
gon Statesman are c- hand.
They are frr sale at 10 cents
eac. iaailed to any address,
current, copies S cents).
tion. No golf bug is ever more
enthusiastic about getting out
upon the fairway than is Mr.
Kaupisch in getting out into his
garden. No fisherman ever
whipped a stream more enthusi
astically than Mr. Kaupisch works
with his pheasants.;
"I have eight lots here," said
Mr. Kaupisch. "I use six of them
for garden. I dug a well 60 feet
till it came to the 'gravel. The
water . never Changes level, no
matter how much I pump. I have
a one-horsepower electric pump.
I have 14 hydrants on my place,
which enables me to control irri
gation. It costs me about $2 a
month -for electric power. When
I took this place the neighbors
told me the soil was so poor I
shouldn't be able to raise much of
anything on it. Look at the soil
now; It Is as fine as flour, and
wonderfully fertile. I am a chem
ist. I analyzed the soil and found'
out what it needed. I added lime,
sulphur, phosphate, bone 5 meal,
nitrate of soda, ' sheep guano-,
chicken manure and barnyard
manure in proper proportions. No
soil, no matter how sandy or how
mufti clay it contains, but can be
made as rich as this soil, by pro
per treatment. Last year at the
Clackamas county fair I took 43
blue ribbons and nine red ribbons.
I raise beets, carrots, pumpkins,
squashes, celery roots, lettuce,
radishes, corn, asparagus, onions
-r-n fact, several score of vege
tables., .
; ! guess the love of the soil Is
natural to me, I attended a school
of agriculture in Saxony- when I
was a boy. I was born In Saxony.
August 14. 1852. After attending
school I went to the agricultural
college, where I took a four years'
course. Later I took post-gradu
ate work In chemistry and crop
rotation. When I was a little boy
no higher than so high. I -took
care of rabbits and pigeons and
had a Shetland pony.- I learned
the creamery business in Saxony.
From there I went to Switzerland
to learn to make Swiss cheese. s I
also learned to make ; Hmburger
nHlTrrnrh cheese. In Holland I
learned ' to make Edam cheese
From Holland I went to Belgium
to learn to make Roquefort
' cheese. When the czar of Russia
applied to the German government
to have an expert sent to Kussia
I to teach the Russians how to ln-
stall creameries, I was selected as
the man to go. I went to the ag
ricultural experiment station near
MrMMiw. 'That .vu In 1872. and
l :taught them cheese-making and
in the interests
also about creameries, -
"I served In the Franco-Prussian
war but that Is a long story,
and has nothing to do with my
work: here in the United States.
Tes, my face is somewhat scarred.
The scars under my eye, on my
cheek, on my chin and on my neck
were caused by thrusts from
swords. In those days in Ger
many it was the custom to fight
duels and I have fought a good
many. When an army officer was
challenged to a duel he could not
refuse without losing caste among
his fellow officers. I do not like
to think back to those days.
"I Installed the first De Laval
separator used In the United
States. This separator was invent
ed m' Sweden, and this particular
one was0 purchased at' Hamburg.
I installed 1t at Elin. Ill.J for the
Elln Buter''cpmpany, owned by
Billy' Hindee and John Newman.
I was manager' of teir creamery.
tWe also made butter and cheese.
Because ' of my knowledge of
creamery methods Gail Borden
ments in condnsing milk. I start
employed me to conduct experi
ed the condensed milk industry at
Elgin. That was the first con
densery in the United States. In
1887 I went to California and
started a creamery there. ,Later
I owned and operated one in Ne
vada. In 1892 I came to Oregon.
I ran a creamery at - Vancouver,
Wash., for some time and later I
operated one at Portland. I start
ed the first pasteurization milk
plant in the United States. If you
will read the dairy and creamery
journals you will see I am looked
upon as a pioneer along these
various lines. I ran a creamery
at Corvallis for some time. Later
I gave it to my son, who is now
with a creamery at Portland.
When I came to Canby, 14 years
ago, I bought a creamery here
and operated it for some years.
"With my pheasants, my chick
ens, my , garden," my cow and my
other outdoor enterprises I keep
busy the year round. I can hard
ly wait for daylight to come, to
get out into my garden, for gar
dening is never drudgery to me;
it is a keen delight. The alchemy
of nature is fascinating. Two of
the things that you must mix with
the v other ingredients In garden
ing, to make a real success, are
love for the work and pride In
producing the very best product
It is time well spent to visit the
fine new poultry plant that John
J. Roberts is just having complet
ed on his farm. First jot all Is
the poultry house with a, capacity
for 400 hens.; Itjs a modern, OAC
laying house. . . .... .. .
;Mr. Roberta f qd Will Pettyjohn,
who 'Is1 thq principal carpenter,
went, to Corvallis before construct
ing the building and got , the plans
from the hew laying house Just
recently put up there." The one
on Mt. no Deris larm is me oniy
one in Oregon outside of Corvallis.
The house measures 20 by 76
feet and is built entirely of first
class flooring. There are three
divisions. The first is a room for
feed and all poultry supplies, in
cluding a desk to keep accurate
accounts. The other two rooms
have each complete equipment for
200 hens. Many new devices are
used for food hoppers, . roosts,
nests and green feed holders. A
track carrier which is suspended
to the height of the dropping
boards makes disposal of all clean
ings an easy 'mater. An acre of
ground around the poultry house
will 'be divided into three sections
and , planted with green stuff to
provide runs that can be used al
ternately. . ,. - ' v"
: In addition to this equipment
for laying stock Mr., Roberts has
also had built modern houses for
young chicks, built after plans
from OAC. A brooder' house with
warm pipes and hovers-takes care
of 500 little chicks. Connected
with this fs a run for the chicks
which is 50 by 120 'feet: When
the chicks are partly grown they
are transferred to movable range
houses which have a capacity for
106 chicks. Three- of these are
already built. Each one measures
about '8 by - i 0 " feet. The roof Is
made of flooring and shingled.
The sides are entirety of wire net
ting. The houses are built on
runners so a food clean range can
he provided easily., . .
All the buildings are painted
.white. Itrjr. aeaj in appearance.
of onb of the fifty-two to a
solicited.:; tiu
- . . . .
They ShovM That This District
,llv' w . .
11.. n f.h irtnF 1 nnTnrn
ny, iom 1 l!'wl".-""7":
1,11 nipn inai imr x 1 1 1 1 .-v
High though to Make ine
Tests in sugar beet growing in
the Willamette valley have been
made over a period of nearly
twenty years They have shown
that we can produce the beets with
the proper sugar content and per
centage of maturity to make the
industry -successful here, and with
high enough jtonnage per acre to
make the growing of sugar beets
prof itable ' to j our farmers, aside
from the culural advantages In
rotation crops, and the value of
sugar beets t dairying and gen
eral stock breeding, with the tops
and molasses jfor feeding
Indeed, theire were tests some
fifteen years ago that showed
beets with a BUgar content as high
as 25 per cen4 which Is a remark
able showing.
The past' to crop years made
good showing on several of the
tracts tested; nd 1924 was a very
poor year for Jbeet growing owing
to a long dry Jspell In the growing
season. j
Last year a! better showing was
made, on the average, one tract
producing beets with an 18 per
cent sugar content, 89 per cent
pure. I
Railroads Fell Down
There wasja project to grow
this year 500 acres or more of su
gar beets in the Salem district, to
be shipped to the factory at Bel-?
lingham. Wash., belonging to the
Utah-Idaho Sugar, company. The
proposition was for the growers to
stand 50 cents a ton of the freight
rate, the company and the rail
roads to absorb the rest, the con
tract to be the same as offered to
the growers iround Belllngham.
But, after a lot of promotion work
was done, the railroads fell down
on their part of the understanding.
They would not absorb their share
I ,, , TT
Prof. Hyslop of the Oregon Agricultural College Says It
Should IBe in the Western Oregon Farming District
- Where There Is a Large Farm Area and a Large Total
Population of Farmers And There Are Other Reas
ons, Top
j- -
From, 4j statement given out re
cently iiy G. R. HyslipV agrono
mist kf fthe Oregon -Agrieultural
college, the following excerpts are
taken! Prof. jHyslop being per
haps the best Oregon authority in
this field: j
Sdgar beets were a very Im
portant ' topic In agricultural dis
cussions in the middle 90's in Ore
gon. , The experiment stations at
that time conducted a great many
trials on the feasibility of sugar
beets In different sections of east
ern Oregon, in southern Oregon,
and in the Willamette valley. , A
very few tests were made In the
lower 'Columbia and In the coast
Beets Practicable
; These tests! were principally
small plantings of the best sugar
beet seed available. - In some In
stances yields were secured, but
principally beets were . gathered
and tested as to their , sugar con
tent. A great jmany of these tests
showed that the various sections
pf Oregon were capable of produc-
1 1 . 1 .
ins uee oi aigooa enougn suar
content for successful ; manufac
ture.- , i ne . sugar content was
somewhat higher in the eastern
Oregon ..districjt than In most of
the western Oregon district, but
in practically every ; section the
sugar content iras high, enough to
make ' manufacture commercially
feasible, .
TThese trials were carried out
through a considerable number of
years. After that time a factory
was located atj La Grande. This
factory was situated in. the heart
of, saMMg farm country, 'where
grain, bay; and -livestock were the
principal features.' Practically no
farmers had had experience In in
tensive crop cultivation. It did
not prove to be a satisfactory lo
catjorj because I at 119 lmi did th9
a fr I. . 1U. Onniit tfitl-
uan iTuauce uie dw . s
1 iu. Drama Tact nf.v Pi.,'1'1
viiiii mr: i i uu v. . -
11 ui wn rtw wsj" ... .
. C.,Mi.i.e. fA thai
inauwy a omuww ..y i
of the
rate.- Our farmers were
They .would have taken
the ,5010 acres.
and more; likely
2000 acres
flolowing are the records.:.
for the
tests madehere in 1924i
and last year; rAs A
The 1024 'Results " 'V '
Ksaw atid .1 rIV .w.C. ;!Bt J-urttyr
r.CW Pr.CU
U O. IpTTOld,
RUm..:-1 3.5 ' ' K7.1
Bird Rir4. Jntintv Oity 16.3 ' ;7.4.
H. Ik pjMk. Slrinirfield,::. I.T , 7.3 , ,
Pnol Myr.' BpriniffiHd .. !. H9.7
lpljonjr i& Bonn, Btw4m4 14.2 '.1 H5,i
O. O. Hjrshberger. Hubbard 14.5 S.VS
O. A. BHar, Turner 15.5 SS.6
H M Briva. Orraia 1S.3 H4.4
G.P.. Hari'wv Grfrw -----
I The 1925 Results
SagaT Parity
Pr.Ct. rr.Ct.
H. M. $tand if er, Balem 13.7
C. P. Bates. Salora 13.5
F. A. Iorfler. Macleaj 15.2
R. E. Jfines, Halera 15.9
C. J. StMpfel, Balrra 15.7
C. W. Jensen, Salem 16.6
San Inngen, Jrfferson. ....... 15.1
M. P. Biiren, Halera 15.7
P. A. Ross, OerraiB..... 15.7
K. C. Ha libera. Independence 14.5
Hitnon Barnes, Gervais. ....... 15.2
Koyce Allen, Salem. 13.3
Harold Clfstrom, Salem.: 14.4
Frank J. Klurk, Salem.... 15.0
A. Schermacker, Salem 17.1
A; W. Powell. Salem 1 6.2
J. 3. Doerfler. SiWerton . 1.0
, (There were records of tonnage
per acre made last year as high as
24. by C. J. Stupf el, Salem; M. F.
Bllven, Salem, and Sam Inguen
Jefferson.' Royce Allen, on Labiah
beaverdam land, made a record of
16 tons, to the acre. The tests
were mkde under the direction of
J W,, Timpson ,t , .manager ; of the j
factory at Belllngham. After the
tests of the two : years, he , was
ready to contract for 500 acres or
more (as m'uch as the growers .
wanted), as stated above. .
other effort will be made for
year, either to grow beets tor gh
Belllngham factory. If the rail
roads will absorb their share) of
the freight rate, or for one toAbe
erected in Salem).
factory, have sufficient acreage to:- :")
give it a long: sugar making cam
palgn. .. , f n?" ,'y-.
- Wrong . Locations : ib "
"Some years after Its establish'
ment the factorr was moved to an
Irrigated district In Idaho where
intensive farming was carried out. '
tater on another sugar beet fac
tory was promoted - and built in ;
the southwestern Oregon district, :
Jackson, (Josephine and Douglas
counties contributed the beets for '
this furfnrv hnr hora'ap-aln whlla
the sugar : content was good there .
were not 1 tnough intensive farmers
or total land area sufficient to 3 ?
assure the factory enough beets
tor profitable production. v
-' Our District .Best
"la order to be successful a su-
gar beet factory must' have a;:
rather large ' acreage of beets. i
The inyestment in the faclory Js '
a large one and It Is in use for a :
relatively short" period, of time of
during t le year. Consequently ; i
the production of beets '. Is only ' .'
feasible lu a section where there
Is a large enough body of land and l
a large nongh ; group of farm-,..
en to ast ure a constant acreage
For this reason It appears that
of, a; sugar factory is in
the western oregon farm
ING DISTRICT " where there Is a
large farm area 'and large total
bopulatlori of f armers; v r,s
. Good Sugar Content i w
"TTlA Alnarlmniita eanlsil T .
the Oregon experiment stMion
many years . ago, showed that in
the middle 90's the sugar beet
produced fairly good yields and a
good sugar content, running any
where ovet 16 j per cent sugar.
The sugar content . was ambly
(, Continued on page 9. f,