The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 05, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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1 1
A new preparation rich in al
mond oil. Instantly absorbent
not sticky or greasy.
mcnts fi
. r rain1 .;; . ' -
Unsettled, with local rains;
moderate temperature: fresh to
south and southwest winds. Max
imum, 67; minimum, 52; river,
0.4,. stationary ; rainfall, .39 ;
atmosphere,; cloudyj "wind; south
east. '. t" ''
H .
J Coffee Is Releaed-J-
yr 1. Leland Coffee, was ordered
iS tV el eased from custody Tuesday af
i'lVtcr being questioned concerning an
T inuan I inn nsuorv rau) in wnirn
j f , Alfred Rose was the Tletim. Coun-
- . . ...
ty omciais oeeiaie mey snow me
name of Rose's assailant and are
conducting a search for him: -Rose
uas attacked and severely beaten
orer the head with the butt of a
revolver. -v - ,
Don't Get the Wife Out of Bed
. Drop Into the Black Cat ' for
breakfast. , in 6
New Quarters Occupied . ' .
: The two women prisaners of the
county have been transferred to
the' nsw quarters in the basement
of county Ja5here, bringing
thejU-ll nnmbef" of inmates to
24, ' This is the .first time in the
history of the county; that 'suit
able cells . have been obtainable
for women prisoners. Heretofore
they have - been confined In the
cky Jalle f- x . :
Visit Sale
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg were
visitors in this city, Tuesday.- They
are residents of North Bend. :
Suit Cleaned ana
S 1.2 & Cash and' Carry Clean.
ksrs.' Down town receiving office,
'362 ChemekeU fit. . f21tf
OnerUcense Isnucl
, One marriage license, waa issued
here in the' county clerk's off lee
Tuesday; It .was applied fori fay C' Wallicfc of 1e' aBd
Thelroa .Ragsdale-or Salem, n'
; 8alems Lenaj
Pnys Oasli For Famltarw
' Residence and Star - -;
mo North Saraae .
r 1 pnoNEsii V"
IHcsiabUsfaed 8aee lnisT"
. V-C-C liberty Streets
LADD & DUSrT, Bankers
. .. . .......... 1 ! .1
General . Bnldncr Burxssca
Offtoa Hcmrs frona lO aw am. t S p. as.
! . '
' 'I
Ideal for Chapped, Rough Skin, for use after
V I shaving and as a face powder base
.Highly fragrant with a rare Jasmin odor
Jury Convenes Thursday-
The May term of the Marlon
county grand Jury will convene in
the ; county, court house here on
Thursday, May 6. A large num
ber" 'of cases are expected to be
considered.- fThe Jury will prob
ably adjourn on Saturday.
, J. v '
Comes to Salem ;
i Mr1. McNary of -Seattle is visiting
at the home.of .Mr. and Mrs W.
W. Moore of, this city. ...
Case Goes by Default
The action brought by II. B.
Burns against C. M. Burns was
defaulted in the circuit court here
Tuesday when- Judge I. H.; M5
Mahan signed an . order after
neither the defendant nor his at
torneys appeared; .Y
Why Look, .Farther.
' When you can buy a davenport
for S79.50. C. S. Hamilton Furn
iture Co. j . m5
Divorce Is Granted . - ;
Elisa Allbright was granted a
divorce here Tuesday from W. D.
Allbright on grounds of cruel and
inhuman "i treatment. They were
married in Nebraska in March,
1884. The complaint charges that
Mrs. Allbrightwast caused great
grief aad humiliation Tty actions
of her husband in lavishing-money
and his attention on other women.
The decree was signed by Circuit
Judge L- II. McMaban.
Wanted, Another Barber
At the Marinello Shop.
Visits feahn ,
Mrs. M. F. Ford was a visitor
in this city Tuesday. She is a res
ident of. Independence.
The Spa ' ' 1 '
Offers for sale light fixtures in
old annex as soon as new annex is
completed. About May 15. m4tf
Spends Day Here
Mrs. W. W. Ulroy of Rickreall
f pent Tuesday n Salem 1
Flowers for Porch Box
. And bedding out; large assort
ment best quality. We deliver
Flake's Peltand, 273 State, r m2tf
Services Beims'Planned "
. Services Jn observance of Moth
ers' day are being planned by Sa
lem 'BlBi lodge members. : The ser
vices will, be held at the local
temple onMohday-evening at 8
o'clock k thei lodge room. Wil
ftara ? Levens, state ' prohibition
commissioner, will be the principal
speaker of tne evening. An or
chestra will play; selections espe
cially appropriate to the occasion.
Hotel Marlon
Dollar dinner, served S:4t to 8
every evening, j . J2tf
West Salem Plar BookedW,
v The ladies of the M. BS church
of West Salem wilt present a play,
"Rebecca's ; Triumph,; in the
church auditorium Thursday ovc-
Undcrwood Typewriter Co
Direct Fnctory Branch '
S19) Oonrs BtreeC
Typewritera Rested. Sola."
- Hepalred-,
Special rental rate to stedesta
167 D Street Telephone CMS
nlng, May 13, at 8. o'clock. The
proceeds of the play will go to
wards the church tund. Sixteen
wjomen members of the West Sa
lem congregation will take : part
in rthe entertainment which has
been under rehearsal for several
weeks." The Mi E. church is the
ealy church in West Salem.;
. 1 ...
Il'attillton's Hne rlxiert- P
Furniture repair men in all de
partments. Phone 29. . mS
Comes to Clry
Tony Leverman was a visitor in
this city Tuesday. He is a resi
dent of Aumsville.
Hats Cleaned and Blocked
7 Sc. Cash and Carry Cleaners,
3S2 ChemekeU St. f21tf
Fined for Iatoxlcatloi
J. L. Nungester' of this city, who
was arrested Monday by Officer
Wilcox on a charge of being in
toxicated, was- fined $19 by Judge
Poulsen Tuesday upon having been
found guilty of the charge
For Sale ".
: Pedigreed Police Dogs, extra
quality.' Reasonable price. Flake'a
Petland, 273 State or Pacific high
way. m3tf
Visit City
Miss B. Borland visited In Sa
lem Tuesday. She resides at Che-
mava. ; i- 'iS.-'-, ' :'" '
Fnrnlture Upholstery
And repairing. Gleae-Powers
Furniture company. s20tf
Spend Day Hei
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hewitt spent
Tuesday in Salem. Their home is
in Portland.
The Sna
Fills all Mother's Day boxes
with their - own ,." fresh candles
' " " ' m4tf
Apprentice Work Started r
Fourteen girls have, been sent
from the ; commercial department
of the Salem high school to do ap
prentice work for local business
men. Reports received from the
business men speak high praise
for, the work shown by, the girls.
Six. girls out. of this- year's class
have already been placed in perm
anent positions. "Lola Griffith has
beett"' Disced "in the head office of
; T The Battery Man .
V. ebarra for abort cans
with sr Miric mt.
SSI Court St. ' .
Belknap Hot Springs
Camp Grounds Open May 1
. Competent, experienced mas-
' seur In charge
F. P. Blgelow r Belknap, Ore.
Operating' In connection , with
the Salem Navigation Co., from
Salem to Eugene.
.t Daily Tracks .
Salem phones, S7, Res. 2108W
f f Eugene phone: 477 -(In
no ' way connected with
General Transfer lines.) r
Treated by Osteopathy and the
latest Electrical Therapy In
cluding Dr. Abram's Electronic
No Charje for , '
-.. Coasullatioa ; y
drTb. h. white.
' Physician and Snrgeom 1 -Set
U. S. Bank BuUdlng , ,
Salem, Oregon
' We have a wondrrfol buy in
; a 124 Oakland Touring,
" that baa been well taken
: rare of aad runs and looks?
; like a new car. -This car 1
. loaded with extras and will
, make tome e happy for
- f 750. .
"S 11 1
Portland quarters. Merritt DaVla.
head of the department, announces
that he would like to hare more
business men call on him for the
serrtce being offered. . Only those
students who are considered fully
qualified are put into the service.
Dance at Crystal Gardens-
Thursday, May tV Artisan Bene
fit, as
Iark Report Submitted
.During the month of April 176
automobiles stopped at the Salem
auto park, according to a report
made public Tuesday. This is a
greater number than that attain-"
ed 4n April, 1925. During the
month of March of this year 97
cars were registered. The recent
rains have. resulted in a slump of
attendance at the park.
Don't Get tin? Wife Oat of Bed
Drop Into the Black Cat for
breakfast. m6
Articles Reported . Stolen
A diamond dinner ring, some
cuff links and a watch chain are
the articles reported missing by
M. ' Hart, 533 Center street, who
declares his house was burglar-
lied some time Sunday. -
Wonderful Display "
Of Monarch electric ranges at
C, S. Hamilton Furniture Co. m5
Seeks Home
Dr. Henry Morris Is hunting for
a home for a boy, aged 11 years.
The boy is without parents, and
must go to the reform school un
less a home Is offered him. Dr.
Morris declares. The boy Is said
to be more, than usually bright.
and willing to do such work as
might be allotted him In exchange
for a home on some farm.
Dance Saturday
At Clemens Pavilion,- Haxel
Green. m
rtuildiniz Permits Issued ,
Four building permits were
iMtfed Tuesday" from the off ice '"of
the city recorder. W. W. Walfce
tnnk ont a. nermit to constsuct a
one story dwelling at 2475 Walker
street at a cost of $2,000. Becke
Hendricks were issued a permit
to build a one story dwelling at
i kso Fairmount : street - to cost
34 500. F. W. Sharpe received a
permit to erect a one and one-bail
ftorv dwelling at 1412 North
Sixteenth street at a cost of 34,-
K00. The Oregon Linen Mills,
Inc. took qui a permit to build its
$6900 warehouse.
''- -( - -i
Furniture Upholstery
. And repairing. Glese-Powers
sjnrnitnre comoany.
UiMwfef! From Wheel
tlnnAialn whn mnides at
, AUUIC w . , " "
the Fisher apartments, has re
.rtod that she bumned into a boy.
name unknown, knocking him off
Ma hirvcle. According to tne re
port he was slightly bruised, but
not seriously Injured.
Collision Reported
We Are Now Registering
- Women tp Work at the Starr
vmit Products Co.. Church and
VIII St. Phone 439.' m2tf
Maurice McCoy. 2503 Fair-
grounds road, nas reporiea iui
hi. ear collided with that driven
by M. B. Trester, 1285 Madison
troft - at the corner of Hood ana
Winter streets Tuesday. Slight
damage was involved, and will be
settled by McCoy, according to tne
Ant a Paintine
. See Vlck Bros, for first class
auto painting at right prices. Vlck
Rm.. Hiarh. and Trade sis. bj
Wned for 8needin
: Thomas Barry of this city was
Jnd Sa bv Judze Poulsen for hav
inr driven his car through Salem
streets at an excessive rate of
speed. . ! . . . .
Rtwwlal for tO Davs
; ; Loots on Myrtle Avenue' $400
to $650. Also 2 new houses,, sn
first payment. Balance montniy
Lone Star Realty Co. Phone 620.
f.Mwwl tnr l.lnnnr Offense
f ' W. B. ; Donelson . of Portland,
wh was arrested Monday night
by Officer, G.' W. Edwards S and
oharAd with beinK intoxicated and
with possessing intoxicating liquor
was lined $60 by Judge Poulsen
Tuesday upon being found guilty
of the two charges. - ,
?-i ' .. . y. ; y;
. Th rhlf ef the sixes. The
many new owners are enthusiastic
boosters. Notice how smooth they
glide along. Vick Bros., High and
Trade streets. 9
tTrhniAlr Mar 2 ,.
- At th late residence. Whitwood
Court. Marie, aged 62 years, wife
nf John Krhacek. mother of Mrs.
J O. Morgan of WhUwood CouM
Milos Ml Hrbacek and Mrs. H. E.
Perlot of , Portland, and . Anna
Hrbacek of Salem. Or., and sister
of "Mrs. Fronie Cixekof .Yakima.
Wash, : The funeral services will
he held Wednesday, May 5, at 2:80
p. m. at Finley's chapel, Montgom
ery at Fifth. Friends Invited.
Committment Portland cremator
lnm. . . . , mS
Rest Steaks and Chops
- In town at the Black Cat.
Management Changes .
Marvin L.. Shepherd of :' Salem
and Saul Jans 'of Portland have
taken over the .management of the
local .branch of the Sherman. Clay
& company store located on High
street, . between Court and Che-
meketa streets. The same line of
pianos and other musical instru
ments will -be continued. Shep
herd has had experienceln the
business, having worsted tor a lo
cal music store for several years.
Jans has 'been for some-time con
nected with a Portland music
Dance at Crystal Gardens-
Thursday, May 6, Artisan Bene
fit. OS
Fails to Dim
David Bailey of Portland oas
been arrested by Officer G. W. Ed
wards for failing to dim his lights.
He was cited to appear Saturday
afternoon at 5 o'clock.
Something New
In electric ranges at C. S. Ham
ilton Furniture Co. m5
Fined for Speeding
A. J. Barett or tnis cuy was
fined 27.50 bv Judge Poulsen for
having exceeded the city's speed
limit. ; R. Cross of Salem also
drew a $5 fine on a similar charge.
. t -
See Vick Bros.
For first class auto, painting.
Make the old car look like new,
or perhaps Just a revarnish to
protect the paint on your nearly
new car. m9
Salem Man Fined
C. Balens of Salem was fined
37.50 by Judge-Poulsen for having
driven his car in the city at an
excessive rate of speed.
We Are Now Registering-
Women to Work at toe taiarr
Fruit .Products Co., Church and
Mill Sts. Phone 439. m2tf
Case Dismissed
w. M. Funks appeard Derore
Judge Poulsen yesterday to answer
to a charge of driving with tnree
nertnna besides himself in tne
front Beat. His case was dismiss
ed. -
Old Fiddlers Contest
" Sdnie" real- fun tonight, Bligh
ttheatre: - JJ m
Practically all of the contracts
for 'the yearot 1926-27 have been
signed by teachers- now In the
Salem school system, and turned
In at the office of the city super
intendent of schools. The con
tracts will become legal as soon
a a fhpv are- siened by Dr. H. H.
OlingerV chairman of the school
Combination Garments
At reasonable prices. Howard
Corset Shop. 165 N. Liberty. m5
Guthrie to Address Rotary
George Guthrie, owner of the
rtreEhn theater and of the Elsl-
nore theater, now reaching com
pletion on High street between
State and Ferry street, will be
ntnoiniai aneaker at the Salem
Rotary club luncheon to be held
this noon at the Marion noiei. x.
is expected he will tell the Ro.
tartans something ot the problem
presented in the construction o
the new theater; said to be one
of the taost beautiful In the north
west. Host Steaks and Choi
In town at the lilac a cat.
Road Bid Awarded -
Grading and surfacing of 1.63
miles of road on the Wheeler sec
tion of the Roosevelt Coast high
way In Tillamook county, Tues
day was awarded to Lair & Co.
of KelsJb, Wash., on their bid of
$47,500. Bids for the project
were received at a meeting of the
state highway commission in
Portland April 29. There were 12
bids received for this work.
Jet a Davenport Now
- MM, It
- s At reduced prices, a. aui
ton Furniture, Co. . . .. 111 5
Fares Reduced . - :
Fares on the Howard Grimes
stages between Klamath Tails and
Ashland have been reduced from
$5 to $3.20, according to,an order
issued by the public service com
mission Tuesday. The new rate
t - & 'cents per mile. The fares
were investigated by the public
service commission on Its own
motion. i
For 3 f others Day
Hand painted handkerchiefs and
Flower In the Bottle" toilet wa
ter. ' Swart Specialty Shop, 453
Court St, , ; , n7
Commission Makes Rulings ;
' The nubile service commission
Tuesday denied the petition of the
Spokane, Portland Seattle Rail
road company tor. reopening of
the , case involving the establish
ment of .a grade crossing over the
company's tracks at Warren. The
application, for the grade crossing
The Oregon theatre offers the
n -
f - '
I i V
theme of the great bootlegging "Industry" In "Red iDIce," now play
ing here. The picture opened Monday and will be seen today, closing
with the last show tonight. Marguerite de La Mott.e and Rod La
Rocque are -starred in the picture.
was filed by the" Columbia county
court and was approved by the
commission two weeks agt. In
another order the commission of
dered the Cloverdale Telephone
company and the Grand Ronde
Telephone company to construct
andUmaintain a,metalic circuit line
between DeLake and Cloverdale.
The application of the Mowry Log
ging company for permission to
establish a grade crossing over a
county road in Washington coun
ty was allowed.
Practical in the .Art of Fur
Remodeling. Horgan Furriers.
x' m5
To Hold Open Meeting
The music section of the Salem
arts league will hold an open
aieeting at the Unitarian church
Thursday evening at ?:30 o'clock.
The public has been cordially in?
Henry Murhammer, Jr., aged 2
years, died at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mux ham
mer, Saturday at 4 p. m. He bad
been suffering with whooping
cough when complications which
baffled the physicians, set in. He
bad convulsions for 24 hours be
fore he passed away. The grief
stricken family have the sympathy
of the entire community.
At Pringle last Friday afternoon
the Pringle and Liberty school
school gfrl ball teams played a re
turn' game. The result was 12 to
7 In favor of Liberty.
' The spelling match and hard-
times social held at Liberty hall
Friday- night was well attended
and much enjoyed. The . eighth
and ninth grade pupils again were
successful in spelling down the
adults. Mrs. K. Anderson was the
last parent to go down, while
Magdalena Schmidt, Dorothy Judd
and Janett Dasch remained stand
ing. Many hard-times""costumes
were there, but Dorothy Judd was
awarded the .first prize for the in
dividual, .; and Floyd and Ellis
Barnes for the, group best repre
Too T-ate To Classify;
mired for 9200. -Will fire highest legal
ttd bonut. Addre&
EUttmaa. . 59m5
No Commission
14T N. Com'l. ' . Tel. 577
' Breaks up your cold in -
24 hours or your money
y, reiunueu v ,
Sold Only. At
The Yellow Front Phone 197
185 North Commercial Street
'The Penslar Store
first film produced around the
senting poverty.
A program was
rendered, ref reshihents served and
ull.Tivfre glad they bad attended.
E,,D. Rand'ell land family fromT
Washington have moved -onto the
Stntcfcutter- place'4 "r ' ' "jM
Mr, and Mrs. Willis Mtlntyre of
Corvallis visited ;at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Browning last
week. j - '
Mrs. G. W. JorJ-, who was taken
suddenly ill two weeks ago, is now
at the home of her son, J. V. Den
cef, in Salem, under the care of a
physician. j
Miss Ida Blxby, who has been
visiting Mr. and jMrs. J. W. Fair,
has returned to her home In Port
land. ' j
Mr. and Mrs. (jlonditt of Aums
ville were honor guests at a family
reunion dinner given last Sunday
at the home of j their daughter,
Mrs. Carl Gibson, j t
A well attended community pic
nic was held at SCrystal Springs
Sunday. I
Mr. and Mrs. itrnest Force and
Mr. and Mrs. M. Iporman and fam
ily spent Sunday Visiting relatives
at Jefferson. j
A majority of members of the
Sunday schpol attended the con
vention at Hall's jFerry Sunday.
The last "Pareut-Teacher meet
ing for the year rill be held next
Friday, May 7." ' :
CHICAGO, May 4. (By Asso
ciated Press.) The pet parrot of
Michael Goetz of Morton drove.
is less loquacious 'than many of its
kin. but as a walker it is winged
Waston. ; '
"Johnny" staggered into Evan-
ston today. mudjy and fatigued.
' The Farmer Boy
l . r . i v ' ' "
"Here's a milk fart that ought
to interest yon!!
In the United States some
thing like fortjl billion quarts
of milk are used yearly."; Yet
this is only about half a pint
of milk a day for each per
son not enough. ' Each child
should have at least a quart
a day mature!" ages, a pint
or more. Drink more milk. ;
'suac rrMMtrnrill T MMtsm
. ' 1
' - , i
.- !.- !-
Mlay L Farmsr Hardivcre Go.
J 204 N. Commercial , -
The bird had walked 15 miles, bid
clipped wings preventing the more "
facile- mode Of locomotion' era-
ployed by his ancestors.
When Goets went to Europe.
some, months ago, he left Johnny
with Mrs. James Nugent ot Evan-
Eton, who brought him back to:
GoeU. uoott jthe latter's return
with a bill for $28 for sunflow
er seed and other accessories. .
Goetx failed to pay the bill and
Mrs. Nugent, jreplevlned the par
rot.; An-Evanston constable went
to serve 'the writ," confiscated
Johnny, and started with him to
Mrs. Nu gent's home where on the,
road home, the bird left the car
without even!: thanking the con
stable for the buggy-ride.. : , .
This morning it trekked into
rianilAK vhlm l will oncni
next few weeks in recuperation ,
and litigation1, . ,;
Associated Press.) United States
Senator James E. Watson, appar
ently had been returned a winner
in the republican long tern sena
torial primary on tne race ot in-
night.-;:": V :f ' ' ' :
Senator Arthur H. Robinson was
maintaining a slight majority oer
the combined vote of all his four'
Ination,- while the fight for the"
democratic long term nomination
between William A. Cullop of Vin-
crnties, and)
John E. Frederick of
INewpettLrahf r,ahlpments: by
water haye increased ,4 0 tt per. cent
since 19i2Sr ' " ' " 1 14 " '
The living
are the only dead;
live nevermore to
The dead
And often
we mourn
fled. '
They nevrewere so nigh!
W. T. Rigdon & Son
..1 "L1 i.
' Rheumatism
- ji-y." - .'Vj
Thoifsands have found Chiro
practic to be. the very best and
surest wjiy to get well. - yj
j- -'iy.- : -- Z i
Fee Consultation ! .4
The Best in Chiropractic '
828 Oregon Bldg. " ' v Salem
., tj Ranges. TjOqIs , i
Rugs, Linoleums
, and Everything s
Every Wed. Nite
7 P.M.
Summer and Norway
Tills is the place where yonr
money bays the most.
Cash paid for used farnitare,
tools, etc. Always phone the
Hummer street : Woodry,
phone 511 when yon .have
anything to sell. This is the
IVoorlry everybody knows.
lO years- Salem's leading
auctioneer. -;
afw A I E"
l. tin r-