The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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i' ' 1 I v.; . - . ..-1 1 4 K I I-,.-. . -
I ' ' -., I . .... :j 1 I Til I I
' " ...-it VRA1N;, ;X--Rain
over west and unsettled
with local rains over east portion;
. con tinned., mild strong southerly
'winds, reaching gale 'force along
the coast. Maximum - yesterday,
62; minimum, 62; river, 0.4,
falling; rainfall, .5 ; atmosphere,
cloudy; w1nd southwest. . . .
Reports Theft- , . .
Mrs. M. P. Haldeman of route
8, Salem, has reported to local
police . authorities that some gro
ceries and beaded bag were
stolen from.' her car sometime Sat
urday evening. i
Seed Potatoes.'
lc per lb. Phone 23F11. W
Por.8ale --.--- . .
r Pedigreed Police Dogs, extra
tnalrty. Reasonable price.. Flake's
;tland, 27S State or Pacific hlgh-
'. ; ; m3tt
Vansactins Business :
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McAHIster.ot
Shaw transacted business In Salem
yesterday. ;--f-J ;-" h
Pontlao " ' ' r ':V. ,
The chief of the sixes. The
many new owners are enthusiastic
boosters. Notice how smooth they
glide along. Vick Bros.. High and
Trade streets. m9
Taur Licenses Issued ;
, Four marriage licenses were ap
plied for 4n the county clerk's of
fice Jhere Monday. They were taken
. 'oot by Frank F, Enns, mechanic of
' ? Beedly, CaL, and: Ann Wiens of
. ;r Dalla - Orria L. Gilleland, me-"--ctianitf,
Portland and Dorothy.- L.
!,h-3lolland T North Twenty-first
'T IK atftLeBlie CanSetd, farmer J and
IY Ida Colby both ofSalem route 3;
. Andrew.; FWhtte, 6aremn4"Mrs;
' f-teenth street "T.Tt
' W State and ;
,ff ySsSsSs?- 3Ubertjr Street:
hit: ' -
f realem'a Lealni
Pays Oasb For Fwralt
Beaideaee mmd Store
;. JolO Korth Samnse
' PHONE 511
"Established Biace If 1-
- ".:. glstahlliTied 1SS3 - y
-- General Banlnng Burissed
,y vOnet XXora froni 10 e. ka. U S. '
Spring Clothing':
: - - i : ' .- - ..- . -- ::V ' y - - '
' ' . :.. '"-V ' . ' . ' ' ' 4
You can sare 7 to $11 on any salt you buy. To
make money you mast Bare money. Ton can't ;
make money easier than this. Just look at these :
prices! ' '
Now .$33.85
Now i..... . ....$29.85
Now t $26.85
Now .. .. .... $23.55
Now l...:.L.L ........ .ri$19:85
These suits are the best we hare. There are no
better salts. . Many of them have extra trousers.
Single or doable breasted styles. All latest shades.
We're Orerloaded With 8ults! That's the Reason!
G. W. Johnson & Co.
69 State Street
Robe. Stolen
'Bob 'Newberr' of this city, has
reported to local police that a
Pendleton robe, colored green, red
and.jrellow, was stolen from
car Sunday while
on Court street.
was parked
Electric Hot Plates .
At;$i.98. C. p. Hamilton Fur
niture Co. 1 m4
Celebrate This Music Week
With music from the large stock
of musical , instruments, records
and sheet music .of Geo. C. Will
Music Store, 432 State St. m4
Arrested on Liquor Charge
E. Scott of Eugene was arrested
Sunday night by Officer James
and charged with being intoxicat
ed and with possessing intoxicat
ing liquor. According to Officer
James, Scott tried to break away
when James was getting the key
to his car out of his pocket. James
pursued. catching him when he
For Storage . .
Horgan Farriers, 190 North
Liberty., ' m4
Special for lO Days
Loots on Myrtle Avenue $400
to $650. Also 2 new houses, $50
fifst payment. Balance monthly.
Lone Star Realty Co. Phone 520.
Speeding Charged
Winfred P. Hart of Portland
was arrested Sunday by Officer G.
W. Edwards' and charged with ex
ceeding the city's speed limit. He
was released 'upon postlne 310
cash bail, and was cited to appear
at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of
May 7.
National Baby Week
Specials In bonnets, dresses, lit
tle boys' wash suits this week at
the Margaret Shop, 250 N. High
St. , - m4
Electric Irons; Special
At $3.98.
nlture Co.
C. S. Hamilton Fur-
, mi
Mention. Mill tners and U. p.i
' Dressmakers! . Excellent- estab
lished location for rent.t!?Write
Mral Cf. BTaylor; Staytoni Oregon.
Fnrnltare Upholatery
- And repairing. Giese-Powers
Fumlttre company. :
Hats Cleaned and Blocked
?5c Cash and Carry Cleaners.
352 Chemeketa St. fltf
Will Sell Wi
.The Associated Charities an
nonnce that the Haag electric
washer, value $147, recently won
in a contest, is on disnlav fn
Stiff's Furniture store and will be
sold at some discount to any one
wlsning' to purchase. The moneV
thus realised will be used for char-
Underwood Typewriter Co
; Direct Factory Brmach -1
Conrt Street ; Phone aea
Typewriters Rented, Sold,
v -i. : i Repaired , - - ;?.
Special rental rates to ktadanU
Wood Wood
10T D Street Telephone C31S
ity. At the same time need is
felt for.r furniture and , kitchen
utensUs; to be turned over to
family in dire need. Agents of the
organization will call for any ar
ticles volunteered for charity use
Th Spa-
Offers for sale light fixtures In
old annex as soon as new annex Is
completed. About May 15. m4tf
Sewing Machines
And sewing machine supplies.
lien u me neeaies, oils and new
parts for all makes of sewing ma
chines at Geo. C. Will Music Store
432 State. m4
Visits Here
Miss Amanda Matthews of Shaw
visited Mr. and Mrs. Cornforth of
Salem Heights on Saturday.
Suits Cleaned ana
$1.25. Cash and Carry Clean-
Bra. Down town receiving office,
352 Chemeketa fit. f21tf
Visit Andersons-
Mr. and Mrs. M. Bibby and
family of Brooks visited Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
J. Anderson at Salem Heights. '
Flowers for Porch Boxes
And bedding out; large assort
ment best quality. We deliver
Flake's Peltand, 273 State. m2tf
Hotel Marlon-
Dollar dinner, served 5:46 to
every evening. J2tf
Visit Ccrvallfe ..
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Covert and
little daughters of this city spent
Sunday with friends at Corvallls
Extradition Granted
Governor Pierce Monday author
ized the extradition of Harry Kuhl
who is wanted at Missoula, Mont.,
for the crime of forgery. " Mr
Kuhl is under arrest in Portland,
The Spa .
Fills - all
Mother's ; Day boxes
with their
own fresh candies.
:u ; J-m4tf
Call Hamilton Furniture Co
For ;furnl tore, upholstering,: re-
finishiac andf repairing. -. mi
i j
Markham Jjetter Received-.
An interesting letter from Ed
rln Markjiam, wrltte on his 74 th
Dirtnaay., nas been-s received by
Edna Garfield, together with auto
graph copies of Xwo of his most
distinguished poems, which have
been translated ; Into many laug
uages, "The Man With the Hoe
and "Lincoln, the Man of the Peo-
Belknap Hot Springs
Camp Grounds Open May 1
Competent, experienced mas
. seur In charge ; :: . .
F. P. Blgelow Belknap, Ore.
Operating in connection wltb
the Salem Navigation Co., from
Salem to Eugene. :
Daily Tracks
.Salem phones, t67. Res. 2106W
" Eugene phone: 477
(In- no' way connected with
General Transfer lines.)
Treated by Osteopathy and the
latest Electrical Therapy In-
cludlng-Dr. Abram's Electroala
System. J '
No Charge for
' 1 ' Consultation ; i
. ;: rf-r!-
DR. B. H. raiTE
1 ' Physician end Eurgeon -SOI
U. S. Bank Building
Salenu-Oregoa- ":- .
We neve several one-1
tracks. Jnst the thing f ot
berry hanilng, for ' on tings,
fishing, berry ,. pickers. We :
have cars from $50 up. Be
sure and see Vick Bros, esed
cars before buying else"
where.-7. x,
pie.' The latter poem was chosen
oat of 2 SO Lincoln poems by Am
erican poets, the committee head
ed by Chief Justice Taft, and was
read at the dedication of the great
Lincoln memorial erected-by the
government at Washington. D. C.
in 1922, at the dedication of which
there were 100,000 listeners on
the ground and two million over
the radio. President Harding de
livering the address. .
Fourteen Inch Girdles
SDecial $1.50. Howard Corset
Shop, 165' North Liberty. m4
Regular 913 Electric Waffle-
iron, special at $9.8 5. C S.
Hamilton Furniture Co. m4
Divorce Is Obtained
Frances Chance was granted a
divorce in circuit court Monday
from Walter Chance, alleging cruel
and inhuman treatment. Tney
were married in Vancouver in
July, 1924. Chance defaulted the
case and the decree was signed by
Judge L. H. McMahan. The plain
tiff was granted the custody of a
Furniture Upholstery ,
And repairing. Glese-Powers
Fnrnltare company. 0ti
Regular, 95 Electric Iron
Guaranteed, special at S3. 98. C.
S. Hamilton Furniture Co. m4
Conple Is Married -.
Leslie Canfleld, a farmer, ana
Ida Colby, both living on route 3,
Salem, were married here. Monday
by J. T. Hunt, Marion county
We Are Now Registering-
Women to Work at the Starr
Fruit Products Co.. Church and
Mill Sts. Phone 439. ' m2tt
Auto Painting .
See Vick Bros, for first class
auto painting at right prices. VJek
Bros' Hieh and Trade Sts. m
Carl Pante Dies-
Carl J. Papte died at Hoqutam.
Wash.. Sunday, May 2. He rs tne
son 'of Mr. and Mrs. "Cart Pafcte,
S52 North Twenty-first street
Funeral announcements
made later. He was on employe
of the Cherry City bakery of this
city lor a number of years and was
well known here.
We Are Now Registering
Wnmn tn Work at tne Starr
Fruit Products Co.. Church Unid.
Mill Sts. Phone 439. mZtt
Accessories Stolen .
Herbert Wright. 260 Center
street, has reported to local police
that a Good vear tire, an s. a
spotllghV and a Boyce motormeter
were stolen from his car Sunday
night while it was parked near
Court and Liberty streets.
Attend tne Monarch-
Malleable electric range demon
stration at C S. Hamilton Furn
Itnre Co. m4
Blcvcle Stolen '
Cart Lachelle. 189 South 13th
street, has reported lo local ponce
that his bicycle was stolen from
his back , yard sometime Sunday
night. ; , : .
See Vick Bro ;r'--.5";3
' For' first class "auto "painting.
Make the old car look like new,
or perhaps Just a . revarnlsh to
protect the paint on your nearly
new car.. m9
Arrested on Liquor Charge
C. G. Damon of Newport was
arrested Sunday evening by Offi
cer Edwards, who followed him,
it Is charged, because of speeding
and reckless driving. When Da
mon was arrested, Edwards main-
. when
I s
Summer Issue Now on Sale
: , A tJu ExtelU PsOrrn Omnif
" Corner Gonimercial and Court Sts.
tains, the circumstance warranted
the placing of additional charge
of , driving while Intoxicated
against him. . Damon is held at
the city Jail, all three charges be
ing placed against him.
See the Monarch jaectric
Ranges demonstrated at C. S.
Hamilton Furniture Co. - ml
Wetjcn In Accident
. A Nash ca driven by Albert
"Ichard Wet jen. local author, was
in collision iih a Ford driven by
K. B. Purbrldge of South High
street, last night. - The accident
occurred at Chemeketa and Win
ter. A fender was damaged on
Mr. Wetjen's car while Mr.. Pur
bridge's car suffered considerable
damage, both front wheels and
fenders being smashed. The acci
dent was due to skidding, it was
A Real Hoe Down-
Old fiddlers contest starts to
night for 3 nights, Bligh theatre.
Fire Damages House t
Fire In the 900 block on High
land avenue between 10 and 11
o'clock Sunday night did serious
damage to the building before
brought under control. The
house was unused but owned by
Conrad Dlllman. Cause of the
fire is unknown.
Undergoes Operation
Miss Ada Rankin, teacher at
the state mute school, underwent
a. minor operation at a local hos
pital Monday.
Assumes Business Name-
La Vera McCOnnell, 622 North
High street, has filed the assumed
name of Willamette Valley Clip
ping company for the business he
conducts there.
For Sale
Lockers, 1 gym parallel bar
1 horse, long. Prices reasonable
Inquire at YMCA. Salem. mi
Awnings Catch Fire-
Awnings on windows on Dr. C
X. Beechler's offices at the Unit
ed States National Bank building
caught fire Monday, little dam
age being caused. The ' fire de
partment was called.
Gas Meter Robbed
Robbers entered the home of
. A. Chandler., 1171 Chemeketa
street Sunday and quarters were
removed from the gas meter.
Nothing else In the house was'tdis
turbed. Jail Cells Enlarged
' A partition being placed In the
city jail will increase cells by one.
Citizens to Arm 1,
Plans were announced Monday
for the formation of a Vigilante
Association of Salem Heights, ded
icated to the proposition of fight
ing , all ..night snoopers, chicken
thieves, rabbit clubbers, and van
dals. Officers will be elected in
the near future. The organiza-
Sold Only At
The Yellow Front Phone 107
13 North Commercial Street
The I'enslar Store -
rmrclid with
ay Ezcells Printed
Pattern, or tc cents
V including a 10 cent
. patters coupon.
tion is the 'result of frequency. of
night 1 lawlessness : in the section.
Shotguns will be used. Shells
have been purchased. -
Old Fiddlers ' - -
Contest starts tonight.
theatre for 3 nights.
Debaters In Good Spirits
. Salem's debate team going east
is reported in good spirits, ac
cording' to a letter received Mon
day from Miss naze 1 Browne,
chaperone. It was written from
WillistosV N. D. .
Strawberries Come In
While strawberries of the ear
lier varieties continue to come
mto barreling headquarters, ac-
State of Oregon, county of Mar-t
ion. School District No. 24, ss.
Notice Is hereby given that at
the school district bond election
hereby called to be held at 230
232 South Commercial St. in the
Hotel Marion building in the city
of Salem, in and for School Dis
trict No. 24 of Marion county.
reenTh dayVMa;;
iween iub uuurs 01 iwu u ciuca. p.
m. and seven o'clock p. m. there
will be submitted to the legal vot
ers thereof the question ot con
tracting a bonded Indebtedness in
the sum of $120,000 as follows:
$19,250 for the purpose of pro
curing funds with which to pur
chase a school site in Tuxedo
Park addition, being lots 2, 3, 4.
S and the west 79 feet of lot S;
$100,750 for the purpose of
procuring funds with which to
erect and furnish a school build
ing on said site: In and for said
Bchool district.
The aforesaid Indebtedness, If
authorized, to be created in lieu of
the bonded indebtedness hereto
fore authorized for the erection
and equipment of a permanent
unit at Lincoln school and im
provements at McKinley, Engle
wood, Garfield, Highland, Yew
Park and Richmond buildings and
the $500,000 bond issue author
ized March 12, 1923, to be re
duced by the amount of this is
sue. The vote to ' be by ballot upon
which shall be the words "Bonds
Yes" and "Bonds No"; and
the voter shall place a cross (X)
between the word "Bonds" and
the word "Yes", or between the
word "Bonds" and the word "No",
which indicates his choice.
The pells for the reception of
the ballots cast for or against the
contraction of said indebtedness
will, on said day and date and at
the place aforesaid, be opened at
the hour of two o'clock p. m. and
remain open until the hour ot
seven o'clock p. m. of the same
day when the same shall be closed.
By order of the District School
Board of School District No. 24 of
Marion county, Oregon, made this
27th day of April, A. D. 1926.
Chairman, District School Board.
Attest: W. H. Burghardt, Clerk.
April-30 M-4-8
' No Commission
147 X. Coma. Tel. 877
Phone 727
1 a-
- i r
tive work is notj expected' to start
much before May 10. The biggest
season In years Is expected.
Sf onarch Home
Cooking school
Service- V?---
let our store May
3 to 8 th, Inclusive.
C. S. Hamil
ml ton Furniture Co.
Fined for Possession
E. Scott was fined 360 by Judge
Poulsen Mondajf upon being " con
victed of having been Intoxicated
and of having
possessed intoxi-
casing liquor.
Dr. Winter Has (Luck
One hundred and two trout, sti
ver side, native brook and eastern
brook, weighing! 150 pounds In all
and caught 1 najday and a half of
fishing on East Lake, ' 4 S inJUes
from Bend, is t,he report of five
Pendleton citizens who returned
tp Pendleton " recently. ; Among
tihs group was Dr. Ross Wlmer,
formerly of Salem, whose parents
still live here.
(Continued from pas 1J
as la being
It is apparent that the bus is
to take the place of the street car,?
he said. "Opposition to the buses
seems to have disappeared. While
we are about it! we should change
Mrs. Bell Herblg dledmt her res
idence, 669 North Front street.
May 2, at the age of 58 years. She
is survived by one daughter, Mrs
W. Watts of Portland, Or., two
sons, D. S. Herl!g of San' Francis
co and P. L. Heroic of 1 Salem:
also three sisters, Mrs. Bessie Carr
of Portland, Ms. Martha Messen
epr and Mrs.! Luella Dean of
Grants Pass, Ojr.; .three brothers
Dick, Jeff and James Lindsay all
of southern Oregon. The remains
will be forwarded to Portland by
the Salem mortuary, where funer
al services and interment will take
place. Grants pass papers please
Funeral services for Carl J
Poppe who died in Hqqulam. Wn.
on Monday, May 3, will be held
from St. Joseph's church here on
Wednesday, May 5 at 9 a. m. Rev
J. R. Buck will officiate. Inter
ment will be in! St. Barbara's cem
etery. Salem Mortuary in charge
There is no djeeper grief than
Our . sharpest anguish at the
death of friends
Is lonliness. j '
Charlotte Perkins GUman
- , 1 - '
W. T. RIgdon & Son
Starts 10 a. in.
Eleven Rccms of Furniture r
' WHERE? v:
Summer and
Cash Paid for Used
Ybu are Cordially Invited
To Attend a ' I
Monarch Home Service
Wjiich Will Be
May 4th
340 Gourt Street,
Thesej classes will be under the su-r
pervisiort of an experienced 'Home
Economist from the Home Service
Department of the Malleable Iron
Range .Company
Automatic : Oven
Oven 1 Meal ; Planning and Econo
my Receipts the principal
subjects covered and demonstrat
ed during this cooking school."
Remember the date and take ad
ivaritage if this' exceptional oppor-
1 .
w air jatytajigia.gKjBirt
Miss Salzman "will ex
plain our free offer -on
Photo Medallions all
this week. Ask for
.caTd todayv V
Mala Floor ;,
-. ' .... I .; ?
. n
So &w-
the whole system Instead of piece
ing it out as we are "doing."
A motion made by Alderman
Patton to lay the ordinance on the
table was lost, however, and -the.
ordinance, .withaut a single , re
vision was passed, only Aldermen
Grabenhorst, Patton and George
Thompson recording negauve
Wife and Husband
Both m With Gas
For rears I had gas on the
staniachi -;The first dose of Adler-
iKa. hefped,. s I now sleep well anI
aij gas is' gone. It also nelped my.
nnsDana. . igignea; wr. .
Brinkley.1" One spoonful ?Adlerika
removes OAS and often brings as-
UmiaMng reliaf , to the ; stomach.
Stops that full , bloated, feeling.
Brings out old' waste matter you
never thought was in your system.
This excellent intestinal evacuant
is wonderful for constipation. J
C. Perry, Druft; 1st. 115 S, Comi
11 I M K HI r f 1 Mill.
The Battery Mae '
CaiX Vf, then Uo Quick
, W Get There.
' .trrxiLAKD
531 Oourt St. Phone 108
CHOICE of Trnub Genuine
Orange Blossom engage
ment and wedding rings is a
tribute to the judgment and
good taste of the wearer.
Squ&r Dal - Jwlrs. Coxast
BUU aaA Libsrty, -
Norway, Streets
Furniture Phone 511
" 1 , it
' t ..'J3
Held in Our
to 8th
Salem, Oregon
Heat5 Control,
m rrr 9 rrvt
: 1