THE OREGON saTT&MAN, ALEM, OREGON i -j' u TUESDAY MORNING,' MAY 4, 1D26 jf.ok:i.ii 1 II It v3 I. i The Oregon Issaad Daily Except Haadar ay t . i THB RATES3Ur.n7BUSKXJrO COKPAST SIS Boat Commercial EL, Salasa. Orafaa " Rl J. Haadrteka Fr4 J. Tow w - Lm H. Marrftaaa , -Laalia J. Smith ' AaaraS Bah - . Ifaaarar Ifaaartar-Editar City Editor Telarrapa Editor Soeiaty Editar HXXBZB OF THB ASSOCIATED : - - Tka Associated Press 1s zahwlraly aotitlad to taa asa (or pubUeatioa at atl awa skpatdtaa credited (a it or sot ataarwiM credited is to is papar and also taa local : aava vabuahad aereia. ' y. -' BUSINESS OFFICES: Albert Byere. SS Wareostar Bid- Portland. Ore. xoasaaa r. (jiara ua, New zork. 128-138 Daty Payne, Bharoa Bid., Baa Fraaeisco, TELEPHONES: CJreaJatioa 'offleaSl Baslaaaa Of flci Society Editor. .Star Btn . 104 : Entered at the Post Office ia Salens. Va-- -Slay 4, 1028 .-! . 4 f- ;OLTNESS-i-I m the Lord your God . Sanctify yourselves, and 3Fehall Jba holy J for I am holy Lev. 11:44. i'-'' - - " ' ' ' ; ; . SALEM'S DRINKING CUP - t 'The public service commission i ' Willamette rlrer water at Salem. . v. t - . . . . - - , ,t i. . "The Willamette Is the source ' feared that the acid and waste of a pulp mill have reduced the safety ' . margin of the water for domestic use. ' There hare arisen questions of the quality, of the water due to. sewage poured into the river by C V-l. towns above., v - - , ; . :. .? ,Thls Inquiry, oughi to have results.' For, surety, when people "... hare cause .to, fear their drinking water has become a polluted or ' poisoned stream .they will take no chances. 'rSalem has a right to demand that the Wllamette. be freed of jtflkj t'e menace from industrial or municipal waste.' Nor need new laws ; - . 1 be passed. , Oregon has alaw. -It forbids stream pollution. '.;fl ' "Has it occurred to the public serrice. commission, or some other '".' sge,ncy,stnat? it rnght enforce the. lawx.agains pollution? II ji were Enforced thei'costMof;yiolatIon might be. made too great for any ?dus I. 'iirtitay:oriow 'aqieonUii,i..-V '"'ttr, i"-,J' ' ' -j t i "How long'wtn itbeiho manyhtiran liTes must be sacrificed ' '"r before we brlng our elrlllratlon to a point where we cease to poison the rirer we. lire on and the cup The above from the Portland1 Journal of last evening V1' V puts the case i stronger than the facts warrant For. the Willamette is not the source of Salem's water supply.; The source of Salem's water supply is wells sunk ! in the sand and gravel near the Willamette, and the water is I 1 thproughljrfiltered; and it is also treated to prevent any ' ; . chance of disease germs getting into .the; pipes that supply t Riii the city, the same as the water supply of most modern cities L is now treated. The same as the mountain supply is treated at Seatlleairf-numerous other cities. Ct . " The system of ' drawing the Salem water supply 'from the wellsiis being changed sty that there ,willf within a few weeks, be no chance of contamination whatever. ' ' " ' i t,r The matter of , river pollution is another question. There is sewap ponutibn at cities, like l" Eugene, 'Albany, Coi:vallis and Salem.. ' ' ' t K ;;. . ? The time will come .when this will not Tbe allowed, and Salem already taking steps having a sinking fund that disposition of her sewage. x. The' state "lime " plant ' at bigger thing: than it was anticipated that it might ; become, vi when it was removed from Gold Hill to Salem. The plant is ; capable Ol preparing lony tons a oay oi wne, ana as uomg - that now-and still it is not able to keep up with the'orders. When the fact Js considered that practically every acre of land in the Willamette valley and our. coast counties need lime, one may visualize a tremendously big thing in the state lime plant. It would not be hard .to. duplicate it, and much i more. :;: ' ' ' t-v-'. -- ,.'-.. 4r t 1 Bits For Breakfast I ' i A? million dollar rain : wV --Aiid "weather Waa- iredlcts iaore IXiet it. ,- With a little more rain now, and a few showers along through May, then our "regular June rains, ar crops will be made ( we will have bumper crops. . b ' ' : The state lime plant at the pen itentiary : shipped a car of agri cultural lirae Sunday evening.: an- - other last evening,' and a third will go this evening. The cars contain 35 to 45 tons, and go to Benton, Washington and Clatsop counties. w:V - Then a lot of lime is going out in . trucks; some of the v five-ton trucks. There is a constant sur prise at ' the v demand. No one looked for, such a general desire to use line on the- farms. - -It is found, however, that the capacity of the plant is larger than " was expected. " Forty tons ' a day re now being turned out. 1 Five - ;' cars of the lime rock came In one shipment Saturday, and they will have to keep coming at the rate of about one a day, from present indications. - , . a The retting of nax t the penl- tentlary plant goes 'right on. A few showers will do no harm to . the retted- flax in .the field; only .take a littlo more worklia handl ing 4t. A considerable surplus of the dried : flax has been piled np in the-sheds. . J : . . La- Grande--Eastern Oregon fruit . and grain" crop promises to equal best ever known. - - ,'"IDD!2SC0LDS . L " should not ba "doaad." Treat ,!J J them oxtornany whh & can Statesman W. H. Handaraow - Ciraalatlaa Iftum Ralph H. Klatsias; - AdvarUsinc Miitgtr Frank Jukotkl ;'-, Msasf r Jab Dp4. E. A. Rhotea , ; . . , j. . Lirratoek Editor W. G. Caaner ; - Poaltry fcditar W. 81st fits Celesta. Vamnatt. TIU. . Calif.; Hirrias Bids;. Loa Aacetas. Calif' "Bttrw DepaHa)aat3S or 10a Job Ieartniea t f g Oregon, as aocead-elass aaatter. . ;- , has ordered an Investigation of t i of Salem's water supply. It Is we drink from?" ' looking to this future time, by will be used in making scientific , - - . ; the penitentiary :fs already a CIRCLE TOUK e"-" 4 aaasaBWBSBSBBBBaaaaal , , i .O. L. Darling,. Agent, Salem, or A. A. - ; : LlickeV V.'F. & P. A'l84 Liberty. St. I 'J. ' EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE An earrcrpaadeaeo for tals depart saen mat bo aisaoA by tha vrttax, -aas bo written oa osto aide of Ute paear only, and saonld act bo loafjet xou woroa. v, .- Abont Tnxedo Park Editor, Statesman: - j ; ' ' Tho Statesman has undertaken the task ipf instructing the .yoters of our school district agiinst their own . Just convictions. -T The chief question of Oregon is, first, an equitable tax levy, and,, second, to reduce taxation. The first can be done .by an income - tax - and : the second by reducing the expendi tures of 'state, count,, city and school districts .to an efficient, competent and just administration of public affairs. As long as a set of public officials are mere feed ers at the public crib, we will not advance. All oratory, sophistry and propaganda Is mere bunk to catch the- unaware, unthinking, careless or trusting yoters. ' We knowth e results thereof. A. well greased propaganda '? bunk - ma chine is a mighty power, and the feeder at the public crib knows it. Now as to this Tuxedo Park af fair. . Granted, that South! Salem should have a junior high school. But do they want it In Tuxedo Park? . A tract of land, that 12 years ago, with an excellent horse hitched to a good strong buggy. I tried to cross. I had to back out twice, and only on the third endeavor got across through mud and water and . up a steep bluff. And this was in the ? t glorious month rot; May. And .now this is the "jjreferrsd; school, iie,'j---and o,r.besnre JLhe .whole t,hln$. IS acres , of, it. ; lias 4" to be .jtaken 'or noneat SI 500, an acre and the owners are the philanthropists and public spirited - citizens to ' make us. the taxpayers, this . generous offer only up to June ,lstj 1926. Then we are lost. This generoua lty, according to your view of the matter, was turned down twice, because the voters are too ignor ant, as you put it. On account of this we get into semi-monthly school election system, and if the Ignorance of the voter or his ob stlnancy to "See the "light" con tinues we shall soon have semi weekly exercises, a very efficient. economical and sensible procedure. The continuous propaganda, bunk and oratory is finally, to wear out the opposition. I voted for ev ery member of our 'present school board. In their private and bus iness life they are number one citizens," "successful ' in their busl ness and respected. - But, did they, do they, or would they, carry on their own business in. a like manner?- Let them purchase a block of suitable land or interview the -Bush estate - for ..a - suitable tract of land and the coat thereof three to ; five - acres and : that Will be enough. The- more the frills and nonsense is cut out from our school system the hetter edu cation will fare, and put a stop to waste, extravagance, , bunk and Incompetence and graft out ; of public funds. These are undebat-able- facts. I do not accuse any one of graft or willfulness in' this thing, but like Caesar's wife,eny public , business . should ' he above suspicion. ! , ... P. A. English. Salem, Or., April 28, 1926. . (Mr. English, In the above,' used these words! '.'Because the voters f EKcctivo T.loy 22 ' f Rotmdtrip summer excursion fares effective all summer; rxturti limit October 3 1, Take advantage of these substantial reductions in fares to eastern places. . r ! ; : D6 and see more this summer than ever before See California oh your way. Know the whole Pacific Coast. It costs so very little more. Have the Southern Pacific agent help you plan your trip. Thus get tne most for your travel expenditure. - . . are too Ignorant, as yon put it.? That ls, Mr.? English says " The Statesman said the voters are too ignorant. The 'Statesman never said thatT Does not believe that. Never has said it. No one bnt a fool would say it. There was a misunderstanding as rto what the wording of . the ballot meant, ! in the vote to authorize the school board to divert some of the , mon ey, already voted for the building for the purchase -of a site. It was largely the fault of the wording, which said: ' f For : bonds; yes against bonds, no, when it was not a question of bonds at all, but only one of diverting some bond money voted three r years ago. Some of the other statements of Mr. English are worthy of dis cussion and explanation. Ed.) ' "RED DICE" IS NOW AT flREBOIa THEATRE Picture Starring Rod La Rocque, Tells of Great ;. Bootlegging Industry Bootlegging America's huge criminal industry, until now care fully disregarded by motion pic ture producers because of the ne cessity of taking sides was chosen as plot material for Rod La Rocque's new star picture, "Red Dice,' which starts today at the Oregon theater. ; sj v The activities of a tremendous bootlegging : ring, have been real- Feverishness arising there frpjfn and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels: aids the assitnilktn o Food ;! giving, natural . sleep.. To avoid imitations, always look (or the signature of Absolutely Harmless - No, Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend iL Oh Boy, Some Real Fun . OLD TIME Fiddlers All "Prize Winning Fred Thompson In "THE BANDIT'S BABY" ' With the marvel horse "SILVER KING" ' Action" Comedy TONIGHT SMALL DIAMOND BRIQUETTES V ; WE CARRY ALL from the large furnace to tho smallest .nut sixe. Tell : ns for what purpose the coal Is required and well point out the proper is to use. .Bat although we carry all 'sizes, weihandle. only ohe quality) the very best coal :, . from the very besmihes. Our coal service is yours ' - -. to command. , - - ' " - ? v. Prlcee rSngevfrftm f lO to S14JSO t .Aloo Madle the besS Diamond Briqnetles fl5 1 p- . i- PHONE 930 iann8rjransferf& istically represented in the story. which was prepared, for the screen under f the - supervision of Jeanie Macpherson. Miss Macpherson spent most of a recent visit to New York studying the methods of big bootleggers, the federal officers assisting her. to obtain data by per mitting her to go on board a rev enue cutter to chase rum runners, and to oe present at the raiding of huge liqr or warehouse. Al though - she describes several of her experiences as to6 melodra matic "for- the movies," she obtained-much valuable material tor '-'Red Dice," which is a frank pres entation of-the situation confront ing' America today. In collaboration with Douglas Doty, Miss . Macpherson adapted "Red Dice" from Octavus Roy Co hen's thrilling story. - Marguerite De La Motte is featured opposite Rod LaRocque, and both acquit themselves creditably. The pic ture is novel and thrilling and. ful ly deserves the success it achieved. The supporting cast is excellent. POLK PRUNE DRYERS TOUR IS ORGANIZED Caravan to Leave Wednes day at 9 0'Clock, Mar ion Men Invited ' An inspection tour of prune dry ers in Polk county has been sched uled for Wednesday morning, ac cording to Information given out Monday by the Polk county agent. A record crop Is predicted and MOTHER: Fletcher's Castoria ia . especially pre ' pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allay in? Contestant . Romance i LIGH vs Contest avre exceptionally good for Chlckwn Brooders as they are smokeless and . have, more boat units. . SIZES OF COAL all interested are- Invited to join the tour which will leave Dallas court house at 9 a. m. and proceed to Fred 'Ewisg's dryer near Brush college, where persons from Mar ion county are invited to join the -crowd at 9145. Mr, Ewing's dryer has four long tunnels with no fan, four long tunnels with a fan. and four short tunnels. From there the tour will lead to representative Dallas dry ers, George Schroeder's dryer be ing of the new type known as the "Puccinelli Dehydrator." All joining the tour are asked to bring their lunch which will be eaten en route. Prof. Wiegand, OAC, will accompany the group and discussion of prune problems will be featured. GREAT SHOW COMES TO HEILIG THEATRE beorge wmte's bcanaais, llll I. I aN Iff Magnificant Production, to Be Here Tonight A mighty interesting event in connection with the theatrical sea son is the engagement of George White's Scandals, considered the best of all of his revues, which comes, to the Heilig theatre to night.5" After' a full year at the Apollo theatre "-in" New York it played to Immense ' business in Chicago for six ' months " at the Selwyn theatre, after which fol lowed engagements at Boston, Philadelphia. ' Pittsburg, Detroit, Cleveland, St." Louis and Cincin nati. Too much stress cannot be laid on the fact that the entire New York and Chicago production win oe seen nere, inciuaing me famous George White Beauty Chorus. The chorus members of the Scandals' can actually dance.. In the early days of the theatre the chorus girl was supposed to dance, and she did, but the vogue soon lapsed and finally through disuse vanished entirely from the Ameri can stage. The chorus girl of the ordinary musical comedy is chosen primarily for her ability to wear smart clothes, or to show the con tour of her ankle. George White has long been familiar with the inability of the native chorus girl to dance if not inability at least unwillingness- so when arrang ing for his revue he hit upon a novel innovation. He decided upo.n a genuine chorus, ope that could do everything and then in unison and with actual rhythm. How well he has succeeded will be demonstrated when his big revue i3 shown here. The production of George White's Scandals entails a large roster of players, among whom may i be mentioned Nyra Brown, Zeima O'Neil, Johnny Gets, Tom Patten, the,De Nardos And their seven Sheiks.'' Ace Brown, Fred Lightner, Sonia DeCalve, Maybelle Mellon, . Brown Elwood, John Grove, Mary Leland, Astor Sisters, the Harmony Four, Madelynne Billings, Sally Eaton, Jeanette Burns, Lester Booker, Billie Fan- Grocery ii i t . - . : . b m ei m i ll n n n n n n rl H v saving1 i opfanin'MiD mcoy&gzr'k: stores j -r LETTUCE Fancy Labish - A J. PpTATOES No. 2 Bur- 7Q 2 heads ..-XaC banks, 100 lb. baff..I .:)W. I V : TT" . " 'J'.'" " KELLOGG'S REDI COOKED OATS, large Pkgs.,.. 23c HONEY Pure Idaho v AO : CAL. VIIITE FIGS Ex OQ Quart jars .. tOI, cellent quality, 2 lbs...: LoZ 5 lb. pails :..79c - - r ' PINEAPPLE, large No. 2 tins, 2 tins:....;:... L..;-.....39c 11 1 ' . . 1 1 " " 1 ' iii CX)FFEE Skagg's our finest blend - 1 lb. 1! 3 lbs. .1 ' aa LIBBY'S GF PEACHES- J-7 f 3 tall cans - D I C ' ; ; - " - : , PURE LARD, No, 5; Parff.:!.! PEANUT BUTTERin v "i n I ? PEERLESS MALT ' hrf bulk, pound liV - hopped, qut. tins L C The very choicest cuts of IfresK Meat at our meat counter It 1 162 ik ning, Alice Brows, Mercedes Phil bert, Katherlnej Dougherty. Made lynne Bent, Nell Reese, Lois Lind valle, Gonda Hs worth. Jean Rich- mond. Roselld Quinn, Dorothy Evans Eva NoIL Muller, Madge Greathouse Sisters, Jane Chap heilig. in&jr&k -Tonight aTC a Curtain 8:30 Sharp jl iSeats Now Selling Phone 2270 Prices Including Tax) Lower Floor and 1st Balcony. , .'. ... . . . . .82.73. ' Last b Rows Balcony; .. . . . . . J. S2.20 ' First! 3 Rows Second Balcony. . J). ....... 1S1.65 Gallery Not Reserved; . . .vr. i . . . .-. .Sl.lO - -10-! you should know about Standard Six According to the rating of the Society of Automotive Engineers, no other car in the world of its size and weight can equal the Studebaker Standard Six :in rated horsepowe r. Twenty-eight makes Have i five passenger enclosed models which cost from $ 1 00 to $ 1 890 more than the Standard Six Sedan yet have less rated horsepower. fi'Sjtude' baker cars of fer abundant powei)at a One;Profit price. - -K ' i - MARrON AUTOMOBILE CO. 235 Sonth Commercial DAY AND NIGHt SERVICE - a-i-iN. i.u IT in Hify.i.11 .i J. I u -ui. .; m "II Prices .Good Till White Wrap,! ; -1 -, - ; ,r A j X 11 As1 A JL. A ... DUG $1.45l 3r tins 1 - JAPANESE 4 large N. Commercial Phons 470 - - ' m i man, Peggy Scott, TSarah . Burch and many others. : : The 'icompanycftrrles its own special orchestra under the per sonal direction of Mr. T. L. Cor- well, formerly associated with the Manhattan Opera company. ' -- i. 'I ---- -' - it airs Excels In Power Street-rTelephone 362 Thursday mm S- AiUIII fc? UUilClUCsv F " finest Hawaiian pack - rro 1 r L... ..... CBErE- Toilet paper . . : " 25c J l0 HUM fW IT ' Jm9 Y in i -'V