TIIB OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON - SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 2, 1926: II IIP OH FOR lUTOUMi nspect,. Clean and Grease, -Is Advice to Those Plan-' s ning Long Trip b signal Of balmy weather Is the great spring JourijJ oJf .ilT8 and the ran- fnard of iana of car freed of winter" operating restriction are eginnlng to be seen on highways md byways headed for "parts re mote." ;The family car will be ave with maximum satisfaction n these expeditions. If treated to bit of cleaning up and tuning up fore the start of the season. aU lses the - Ford Motor company. his advice, although directed prl- arily to approximately nine mil- ton Ford cars now in service, is psllcable to'cars of all makes. f,Jprobably the first feature of -frhe car to be scrutinisea lstne f -!VlIng system, the Ford service H Tjulletin advises. Radiator and jacket should be flushed thor 1 1 oughly, and if there is any evi H'dence of scale, filled with a solu l tion composed of water and about fl Vone and one-half cupfuls of soda Ash and the motor run for a few minutes. 'This solution, in turn. A should be thoroughly flushed out. Aa inspection should be made of all connections of the ; system to make certain that they are tight and any evidence of looseness or poorly fitting connections correct ed, especially m la , the tan ; and bracket. . : .: . . 'i y In order to remove all particles of carbon from . the engine, it is good policy to remove the crank case bottom , cover and clean It thoroughly.. Gasoline is the life stream of be motor and care should be exer cised that the various features of the fuel system function properly. The sediment bulb sbould be drained and cleaned and any slight obstruction in the feed line should be blown out. , , The need of a thorough oiling and, greasing la particularly ur gent in the. spring because of the fact J that- - during the winter months, this attention is made unpleasant by cold weather. Here, Ford simplicity of construction Will be appreciated : by the owner for the i accessibility ; of chassis points , which require lubrication makes the oiling and greasing job the work of only a few minutes. Tires will also probably bear some attention before the long tours begin. Every small cut or break in the rubber may harbor some small stone or piece of glass which is steadily working its way in toward the tube. A few min utes of probing will prevent many a puncture. - These features of the Ford car which require frequent and regu lar attention have been so.simpli- A d j us t Cli a t, g e Rate of Gener ator for Sum-11 eWSt mer Driving Mr - The charge rate of your generator should I be adjusted for summer driving to assure the maximum life of your battery. Often the charge rate is too high or too low. This is detrimental to your car. Bring your .car. in and let 113 test it. ; tan Let Us Inspect , the Points on Your Car Batteries and Battery Testing We carry a complete line of Phiko Batteries and do Battery Testing E. H..BURRELL Battery and Electrical Service 238 High Street Telephone 203 r you should know about doCDQCiQir QBoirs GASOLINE TAXES BY. STATES Oaa Ta - : - . Oa Tax . . State pr Oak Col tact loaa Stataa . par OaU . Ccltactlona - - -. iSA . - 12S . 2 , 2S Ate. t 12.140.801 rt h. ; , S700.00 ark. ' .6l.9i N. J. None Aria, , I N. Max. S U74M CaJ. ' U.IS.m -H. Y. ! : None . - Cot t 1.864.621 N. C. . , ' - ' S.S7S.WS Conn. x -- l.Ot.got I. IX : 1 67.1S ttel. t tSS.fiM Ohio, t ,1X9.b4 Fla. 4 T.S24.30S Okla. IH S.143.61T Os. 4 421414 Ora. , X,ISCfi3S Idaho M.t7I Paana. J 1.20.0S m. Nona s HL JL . ; I . 1.6S4 lad. S S.79S.4S1 S. C. 1 , , i S.l5.7 Iowa J v S.tlS.44 3-D. t l.93.11t Kan. t l.7.4 Tana. .13.45 Ky. S.4.(K Tea. 1 S.744.0T Law t 3.S39.64I Utah S 475.55I Ma. I t.UO.SO VU I S1S.20S Md. t.a21.S4 Va. s S.S15.874 Maaa Nona Waah. S S.OM.OOS Minn. t S.m.MS W. Va. 3 J-16S.7 MlUk f t.400.000 Wta. . I 1.447.234 Mtaa. .43.C89 Wya S 480.S71 Mo. 2 4.t4.2 Oiac ot Co. a 787.854 Mont. 7 3 S. woo 4 'VST. Total 142.987.749 fled as to make It possible for tbe owner to keep his car constantly "In the pink." But for motor ad justments, replacements or other rital aery ice, the owner is ad vised to place his car in the hands of the dealer from whom he pur chased it and is best qualified to know its needs. BUCE PERFECT Novel Method of Obtaining Perfect Balance of Motor Car STEEL PILLARS ft GREAT SAFETY Mil "Blind Spot" Menace Is Re moved and Safety Assur ed, Dealer Says When the subject of equalized distribution of weight is brought up by a prospective purchaser of an automobile, dealers in Overland and Willys-Knight motor ears have the answer right at their finger tips. They have employed for the occasion," four o fthe most convinc ing, though silent salemen that "perfect motor balance" has ever permitted to operate. The exceedingly great tire mile-i ages secured by the new Overland Six and its noticeable non-sway- Ino vno A a ViHtti of nil onaatta brought up the question of "bal-1 ance," or rather "equalized weight distribution," during a re cent sales meeting. ' To prove their point, Overland and Willys-Knight dealers are se curing four 1000-pound Standard Fairbanks scales for the experi ment and placing one scale under each wheel. The result is 100 per. cent perfect diffusion of weight recorded, 665 pounds being shown on . each, balancing . beam. . "A wonderful 'development in automobile weight design has been in our hands for many months without our realizing it," said one Overland dealer. "We, like the average motor purchaser, accept these giant-like strides In design ing much, as we accept our coffee at our morning's breakfast mere ly something that we expect, with little or no comment." Interest is being shewn by the motoring public concerning tha much talked of European influ ence in future motor cars. "If we could only see that little 8 pot just about the corner we would be assured of far greater safety in driving." says Fred Kirk wood, local dealer. "Cars seem ingly' come out of 'no-where merely because the driver's vision is restricted by the old-style front pillars. The number of accidents resulting on this account can be decreased through the wider use of the newer type of body con struction such as is now used on the Hupmobile Six which provides full vision both to the right and left of the driver. - "This Is one way mannfactuers can cooperate with automobile clubs to make driving sarer. "It has been pointed out that the majority of mishaps are the result of the driver's inability to quickly detect cars that are ap proaching from either side be cause the. front windshield pillar forms a 'blind spot on the line ot sight. Also, the normal eye can- .not discern objects coming from the left as readily as from the right side. - "The narrow window pillar as specially designed for Hupmobile closed cars is a slender steel col umn which combines safety in clear vision as well as furnishing tbe necessary strength and stabil ity as roof support. This pillar in tbe sedan makes it possible to readily detect any car thac is ap proaching in ample time to pre vent collision. "In the balance of the car the combination of wood and steel gives this body advantages of both kinds of construction. It retains the quietness, strength and flexi bility of wood at the points where those qualities are of foremost consideration. . The steel supports enable the body to retain its shape even with roughest treatment and guards against any possibility of its breaking out of lfne. It is mounted on a well braced frame having four torsion resisting tub ular cross members and one chan nel cross member. "Together with this feature of full vision is a complete list of equipment providing adequate safeguards for every emergency--the one-piece windshield and front windows are composed of clear plate glass, also there Is an auto matic windshield cleaner, rear view mirror, and sun visor'to aid in giving clear vision. - Other con veniences of Importance are the handy arrangement of control lev ers and switches po that tbe driver does not have to look away from the road at any time while operat ing the car. Also St recognized value are the four-wheel brakes X ; by ..which.' the car can jbe stopped so quickly that a larger percentage of accidents are avoid With the - coming summer, months and anticipated vacation ahead, many motorists f Qf the hot the much season just are tuning BRAKES C ANNOUNCING BRAKE Is the Only SERVICE Brake Lining WITH A FUIX YEAR'S GUARANTEE OP SATISFACTORY SERVICE TO BE SURE that you get Raybestos lining as well as Raybestos Method of Applying take your car to the following authorized station for your next brake reline. "The Raybestos Way Is the Best Way" At this station you will "find modern methods, mod ern equipment and men who know how; backed by a lining with a full year's guarantee. STARR & WHITTEMORE 343 Ferry Street Phone, 2130 Salem, Oregon 2 BRAKES C Ulil-r i-A-"a IT J If w i .i ir i f T Vf' L.eaa me noria 4k u bix IM i Morcftl Fully Waterproofed Ignition Rain cannot interfere witK the igni tion in a Studebaker. The wiring to the engine is doubly insulated in fi ber conduit. : Rubber shields cover each sDark pluer. the distributor head and the coil. This means a fully wa terproofed ignition system. ; ON AUTOMOBILE CO. 235 South Commercial StrtetTelephone SG2 . ' DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE '.j.-.-r M; MARI in Motor Car Valnt 16,265 Cars Greatest Nash Months Greatest Ajax Month , . j February ivith Nash-Ajax sales totaling 14,148 cars set a new high mark for both Nash and Ajax but March, with 16,265 cars, swept beyond even that great record. '.') And still factory production was not sufficient to nil additional bona fide March orders for 1,518 cars. For Nash it was the 19th consecutive month that sales haveexceededthe figureachievedby the correspond ing month of the previous year except for No vem ber, 1925," when production was slowed up to bring mto manufacture the new "Enclosed Car" motor. This great and growing national trend among buyers toward Nash and Ajax cars is assuming the propor tions of a veritable landslide . if U All becauseNash'Ajax means greater Quality, greater Value, and far finer Performance and people 'can't be told otherwise. It is only too apparent when you -look at the cars. Kirlcwood Motor Co. x 31 1 N. Commercial Telephone 31 1 , up their cars, for season. v - i ' the. hummer - The beaches are aaticipaMns a . . - greater season than It hsa ever known. '. Tbe . roads are reported to be in excellent condition for the eaVly Tarationistsi' --- - An k. Mil If f d e i r tf!. L 11 JH F j ' " I II Jot Economical Transporlntion & Brae jiinii Jg. Low Prices amaxins values ! or ? sue Coach or $ Coupe Four Door $ Sedan (54 S Landau $ 72) Vi Ton Truck (CKouia Only) 1 Ton Truck (CiuuaUCMy) AU prices f.o.b. Flint, Michigan 395 550 In Chevrolet you get more for your money than in any other car built. j . ; You get every essential improvement developed by automotive engineers during thje last twelve years of progress. You get the greater flexibility of Chev rolet's $-speed transmission - the greater power and smoothness of Chev rolet's vatve-in-head motor the easier, safer handling of Chevrolet's semi reversible steering gear the greater comfort Jof semi-elliptic springs. Buy no other low-priced car until you have compared it with Chevrolet. Check point for point feature for feature. Know what you are actually getting for the price you pay. Let us give you! a demonstration. - I ' ; so Smooth so Powerful Everyone Is Talking Chevrolet Newton Chevrolet Co. Opposite City Hall QUALITY AT Telephone 1000 LOW COST jfcPthe yVbrld and Sales still mounting During the first three months of 1926 Dodge Brothers, Inc., built and sold more motor vehicles than any other "manufacturer in the world, except Ford and Chevrolet. j 70,599 were delivered by Dodge Brothers Dealers in the United States mtonm between January second and April third. This represents a gain of 37 ' per cent over the same period' last year nd 69-per cent over the first quarter of 1924 1 Third largest in the world! And sales CONTINTJ ING to mount week after week to new record break ing levels. -. -V". - . In fact, during the week ending April 17th Cast . figures available) retail sales reached the remark able total of 9,435 the greatest single week in Dodge Brothers history I j These figures are all the more significant when you realize that the gain of the industry as a whole over ? last year is only 12 percent. : 'r.'- ". There could be no more convincing evidence that today'sproduct is regarded as better than ever before and that the present prices make it the most im- pressive value Dodge Brothers have eve offered. ' y Touring Car Roadster - - 1- i - $962 Coupe - - - - S1014 -$957 Sedan S107C Delivered e v BONESTEELE MOTOR CX). 474 South Commercial DODBE, MOTOR - Telephone 423 CARS i . its -3tfcia-J -