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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1926)
Portland Beavers Victorious 7 to; & in -Hard -Fought Contest SEALS DEFEATED IN SflSilG BATTLE Bitterly Fought Game Put on 1 Ice When Smith Knocks Homer in Sixteenth : .... Portland 7; Bwrts SAN FRANCISCO, April SO. (By Associated Presa. Portland enatched aj hltterly fought gam from the Seals today. 7 to 6, when Elmer Smith right fielder for the Beavers, knocked . the ball over the; right field , fence In the 16th Inning fora-home run. It was his second circuit drive .of the day. tTeorge v Payne pitched the entire 16 frames for Portland, Sam Ag new, San Francisco catcher, pre viously had tied the score at 5-4.11 lit , the; ninth with, a .homer and each team gathered another run In the 12th. ; - Score-'- ' : -Portland ...... . . San Francisco ....- . Payne; and Tobtn; Moudy and Vargas. ; It. II. E. 1 17 2 6 18 4 Mitchell, Hollywood 2; Senators O SACRAMENTO, Apri 30 (By Associated , Press.); -Frank Shel enbach proved tod. good for the Senators today rand lolywood made It three ii .row J?, to 0, A pair or.Iast double Iny.jcut off whatever rallies Ihelqcajs started. y o'jly wood . , .I . . . , 2( S 2' ....'- ... M n ' rot ; ? ?;-i;.yjiro? DENVSR ....S69.25 ;C OMAHA ,. 77.65 g KANSAS CITY... 77.65 I DES MOTNSS S3. 60 I ST. LOUIS.... 87.65 I hx CHICAGO 92.35 b - - k J DETROIT 111.97 g . CINCINNATI 1M. 45 i A E CLEVELAND 114.91 '4 fli j TORONTO........' 120.10 ATLANTA 123.70 Pittsburgh.... 12s.11 I', vv. WASHINGTON . . . 147.91 I V O PHILADELPHIA. 151.17 - NEW YORK 153.75 ff V e BOSTON .. 159. SI la Elfect Dally Between May sa a4 September If Return Limit October 31 ABOVE art examples of the . generous low round trip excursion fares which will ob tain: daily on the Union Pacific to all Eastern Points from May 22 to September IS. Final re turn limit October 31, 1926. hip iiitonwfii nxvnxQMM COXXO AMD RCTUKXXNO rimwi in thm Worii mnd .c.i. U.P.TiL W.'U 4 trips to ZiM Ifafawl Pwk, Y.lWw ttw a otW wrioa lm, lb mS iWonM&M.Mk7Mr NMrvatioM d yat ywr tick.. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT 637 Pittadt Block Prtlu4. OraM Y. satrnuicu iu ...... Shellenbach and Peters; tng and Koehler. 5'-2 Keat- Mission ?; Oakland 2 OAKLAND,. April 30. (By As sociated Press. ) -After dropping j three straight games to the Oaks,) tha Missions came out of their . Seattle ..... slump this afternoon to score a 7 to 2 victory. Johnny Stuart start ed on the mound for the Oaks. but was chased to the' showers. In the fifth inning when the Missions got six runs on five hits and some loose fielding. i , Score r (' -rf-j.R.rJt.E. Missions ...... Oakland , . . . .J2 . 8 3 ' Cole and SchmldT; Stuart, Gould and Booth. ? Seattle C; Angels Ji LOS ANGELESr Aprir '-3d (By Associated Press. )--Tbe, Se attle Indians defeated "the Los'An geles Angels 6 to 5 here today, the Indians winning the game in the ninth when Caliaghcn : singled with the bases full, scoring 'two runners. The Angels Bcored one In their half of the nfhth but Bra- zlll was out at the plate trying to score from first on Jahn's double. Score It. : II. E. Seattle' 6 .8 1 Los Angeles ......... 5 11 1 MUjua and Baldwin; Glazner and Sandberg. Los -Angeles Oakland - Hollywood Sacramento .. Missions ..... San Francisco Portland ... ... Pacific Gout W. 14 11, 11 12 11 11 10 11 L. 11 10 10 11 11 11 13 14 Brooklyn New York ... Cincinnati .. Chicago St. Louis Philadelphia Pittsburgh .. Boston National Lcairue VV. L. 9 5 6. 6! T 8 9 10 10 American lncue , W. L. VACATION ROUTE Xew York Cleveland Chicago Washington i'hiladelpbia .... Bostoh St. Lquis Detroit 12 10 11 9 6 5 5 3 5 ft S 10 11 12 9 Pet. .b60 .524 .524 .522 .500 .500 .435 .440 Pet.. .643 .600 .571 .533 .500 .438 .412 .333 Pet. .800 .667 .647 .529 .375 .313 .294 .400 OHi BASEBALL TEAM IS OEFEITED -? ALIEN LICENSE STRICT Ml'ST PAY STATE BE FORE ENTERING SPORT MEES 11 FPf.l I'MSHIHSTfiii TEW Open Conference Game Won by Washington Nine by r Score of 4 to 3 v SILENI WALLOPS ALBANY 14 TO 4 SEATTLE, April 30. (By As sociated Press.)- The University of Washington baseball team open ed the 1926 Pacific coast confer ence season here today with a 4 to 3 victory over the. University of Oregon. The Huskies took a two-run lead in the first Inning and were never headed. The losers rallied in the sixth. Score B. II- E. Oregon 3 10 2 Washington 4 12 1 Ashby and Bliss; Tesreau and Walby. EUGENE, April 30. The Ore gon Agricultural college rook base ball team defeated the University of Oregon freshmen this afternoon by a score of 19 to 7. Most of the tallies made by the visitors were chalked up on account of errors on the Oregon side. Siegmund, Kelly and Olin ger Get Homers, Fabry's Armstrong The fact that aliens may not ob tain either a hunting or fishing license- in the state of Oregon without first applying for and ob taining what is known as a gun license was pointed out Friday by the state game commission. Some difficulty has been caused by fail-" ure to understand the law, Henry Stevenson, local deputy said. The state- law provides that a fee of $25 must be paid by all aliens before they shall be per mitted to obtain a license for fishing or hunting. This fee is paid to the state as a"gun li cense tax. Foreigners who have become naturalized or those who have taken out their second papers and made the oath of allegiance, ar not required to take out the gun license. Those, however, who have fecured the first papers only, or who have made no application for naturalization, mut pay the re quired fee. , 7 11?-.. H0B0 "GATHERING OPENS: HIT ORGANIZED CHARITY (Continued fron p'l.) Introduced briefly by Pres'ident Hlrschberg, the several speakers of the evening devoted much of their time to disDassianate '"crltl- - - . cism of organized charity jand pri vate employment agencies. ' The diction jand delivery 4 of these speakers was,-for-the most part, more scholarly thatf that of the Chamber of Commerce lunch eon orators', but not so exuberant. The word -'agenda' was nsed'-Jn ref errins c to A the convention pro gram an dthe - problems of the migratory nyorker were closely linked, in the words of the speak ers, with national budgets and world economics. , " B. C. Anderson, a delegate from San Francisco, declared ? the; cob ventioo will have achieved 'some thing if ; it but calls the public's: attention to the plight of the mi gratory worker, i whom" the cir cumstances "of ' seasonal employ ment drive from place to place and who frequently Is oonfused in the publle mind with the loafer and the tramp: T ' Champion Senators Defeat ed 7 to 2; Ruth Hits His Fourth Homer New YH-k 7; Senators 2 NEW YORK, April 30 (By As sociated Press.) - The Yankees slugged their way to another de cisive victory over the champion Senators today, 7 to 2. Ituth hit his fourth homer of the season. Scpre R. II. E Washington 2 7 S Xew j York 7 It 0 Cqveleskie, Marberry and Tate; Shocker and Collins. Athletics R; Boston 2 PHILADELPHIA, April 30. The Athletics defeated the Boston Bed! Sox today, 5 to 2, behind the wiriing of Sam Gray, who pitched shut-out ball until the ninth in- Score R. H Boston 2 5 1 Philadelphia 5 3 1 Ehmke, Lnndgren and-Wiltse; Bischoff, tGastop.; Gray and Coch rane. Poultry manure mixed - with gypsum Is a powerful and effect ive fertilizer. .You can get .gyp sum from the big seed houses. It prevents the evaporation of am monla in the i poultry manure, dries it out, and puts it tn shape to' handle. HEILIG THEATRE SALEM Mav4 Company of 10O Chorus of 50 Beautiful Girls THE SUPREME MUSICAL ATTRACTION SEAT KALE KOW BOX r""" ' Prices Incluf Iower Floor; $2.75; 1st 8 Row itTO; Sml Ualc. 1st 3 I tows, 3 E 2270 t 2 Rows BfJCn ! Rese'vd) fl.lO E, ONERS CONSIDER BUG 0 w ST Deliberations Result in Post poned Action, Reports to Follow Salem high school defeated the Albany high nine Friday afternoon wih a sore of 14-4. The game was played on the Albany lot. Members of the local team at last hit into their batting stride Friday, walloping the pellet all over the lot. Siegmund, Kelly and Olinger boosted the ball for four bases each. In the seven innings Fabry per formed on the mound he allowed but six hits, and marked up 10 stnke-outs. Lyori relieved him for the last two innings, allowing no hits. Although Fabry was pitching a strong game, Coach Huntington relieved himbecause he was being troubled with a sore hack. Salem started the scoring in the second inning with two runs. She repeated with two more in the fourth. Albany, after making one run in the second, tied the score in her halt of the fourth, bringing in three runs. Salem took the lead with four runs in the sixth, and the game was theirs from then on. Five more runs were gained in the seventh, and one run in Sa lem's half of the ninth ended the scoring for the game. Salem's battery consisted Fabry, Lyons and Kelly. Pacific Coast : Portland 7; San Francisco 6 16 innings. . Hollywood 2: Sacramento 0 Missions V, Oakland 2. Seattle 6; Los Angeles 5. National League Boston 5; New York 4. Pittsburgh 1 3 Cincinnati 4. . Brooklyn Philadelphia 4.. Chicago 10: St. Louis 9. American League New York 7 : Washington 2. Philadelphia 5;. Boston 2. Chicago 3; Cleveland 2, Detroit 7; St. Louis 6. crews threw up fire, -walls and dykes cloudbursts iould wash them out and obliterate the barrl cares of earth. Afer midnight the field of battle became a sea of mud. The Bakersfiejd forces of the oil ermpany wer augmented by relil crews rushW 4 5 miles from TafJo the scent of the fire. By early inbrning a 4,UBand men were at the tank farm, 600 stand ing by for relief and S00 working. At 12:30 today the tank boiled over with dramatic suddenness, the oil driving jthe workers before it. : There was a moment of in tense suspense; as the hymning oil seethed up the steel tifYll, but they held, j The lo aVproxl mated 1300.000. V Y. M. C. A. STONE PLACED RECORDS SEALED IT BRONZE ROX UNDER MARKER of i Cfticago 3; Cleveland 2 CLEVELAND, April 30 Chi cago made it two straignt irom the Indians today, winning In the ninth. 3 to 2. score Chicago , 3 12 0 Clevfeland 2 9 1 Lyons,' Connally and Schalk; Smith and L. Seweil. . Detroit 7; St. Ixul& O St LOLHS, April 30. The De troit Tigers took the second game of the series from the St. Louis Browns today, 7 to . Score R. H. E. Detroit , v 7 10 1 St. Louis 6 1Z 1 johns, Daiiss and Bassler; Da vis, Giard, Wingard and Schang. BOSTON BRAVES WIN FROM GIANTS, 5 TO 4 Defeat in Ten Inning Came auses New York to Drop Front tjrst riaceA Boston 3; Xew York 4 BOSTON. April 30. (By Asso ciated Press.) The Giants drop ped a 10-Inning game to the Bos ton Braves today. 5 to 4, and fell from first place as a resut. Score R. II. E. New York 4 8 6 Boston 5 12 1 McQullan, Fitxslmmons, tJra ham and Snyder: WerU, Gene- wlch, Hearn and Sterner, Gibson. ! PirafM 13r Reds 4 HtTSBURGH, Apr! 30, '(By Associated Press.) Pittsburgh swamped Cincinnati today 13 to 4 Wright hit two home runs, i Score ' R. H. E. Cincinnati-... 4 17 2 Pittsburgh ........ ...13 17 3 ; Mays, Day and PIcInlch; Mead ows and Smith. Members of the city zoning and planning commission devoted Fri day evening to the attention of various building petitions that had been presented. A remonstrance, bearing the names of 12 property holders, was submitted voicing objection to the structure recently built by Adam Engel. Engel, when he took out his permit, stated that he planned to build a house and garage. The garages, according to the remon strance is being used for a ware house in alleged violation of the city's ordinance. The commission will recommend to the council whatever action ne cessary be taken to urge Engel either to tear down the structure or to cease using it for a ware house. F. H. Bereger seeks permission to erect a furnace factory on Cap itol street between Hunt street and the Tile road. The commission deferred action until the next meeting, to give surrounding prop erty holders a chance for a bearing. Willamette Grocery company seeks permission to construct a 330,000 warehouse at Cottage and Trade streets. The commission will recomntend to the council that permission be granted. The struc ture will he of concrete. Foster and Kleiser asks permis sion to put up an illuminated sign hoard at Mill and Commercial streets. The commission's recom mendation will be that the permit be granted. A Kay's second addition, located north of Market street east of 18th street was submitted to the commission. The commission ap prove of the way in which the lots have been portioned off. ELECT OFFICERS Next Two Weeks Will be De voted to Securing Addi tional Members Members of the Salem Rifle club, meeting at the Chamber of Commerce Friday evening, elected the following officers: President, Arthur Oldenburg; vice president, C. L. Allison; sec retary, Don Wiggins; treasurer. John Waters; range officer, Ray Betzer; custodian of equipment, Bert Adams and Roy Remington 'Tho next meeting will be held two weeks from last night, mem bers meantime . seeking to in crease enrollment In the club. A full progra mof activities will be outlined at the next meet. Reminding Salem residents the YMCA building is almost ready for occupation, the cornerstone for the building was laid Friday afternoon. Judge O. P. Coshow of the Ore gon supreme court presided at ceremonies conducted by the state lodge of the A. F. & A. M. A bronze box containing various records was liad inside the stone. The list of articles placed in the box follows: Holy Bible. Salem YMCA con stitution and by-laws, Oregon Statesman copies and Capital Journal copies, the year book. Association Men, copy o fthe Asso ciation Forum. Pioneer manual, list of Salem ministers and church es, association nymnai, picture oi the building, list of members of the building committee and of the board of directors, names of sub scribers, campaign literature fi nancial account of campaign, names of contractors and archi tects, and general history of the building. Scheeiar Auto Wrecking Co, 1085 Notth Commercial ! Telephone 819 GALE SAVAGE . ORES AND TUB ES Effective from 1st to 5th of each month . TRAILMAKER Reg H.D. ARISTO 30x3 ... 30x3 H SS . 30x3 teCom 31x4 32x4 Itl.e $12 'JO . 15 35 . 1535 . 22 35 . 24 30 33x4 . 25 30 Sale f IO.OO 12413 11.65 16.75 18.25 IO.OO 34x4 . 32x4 Vk 13x4 34x4 33x5 . 35x5 . 26.95 ! .... 33 70 S4.S5 . . . 38 .45 . J. . 45.05 . 440 30x3 31x4 . 32x4 . 33x4 . 19.55 32X4 25.30 33X4 26.05 ajwu. 33x5 , 35x5 . 20.00 S3.SO 85.10 ByP. Price. $19.55 31.18 34.40 35.45 . 44.70 45.60 . 46.85 , 59.80 , C2.65 v Sale fl4.00 22.43 34.73 23.55 82.20 32.85 83.75 43.05 45.15 SAVAGE TUBES GRAY and RED;. Reg. Bale t RS. Sale 30x3 $2.60! '81.85 rf 9-. 30x3 2.S5 2.05 3.65 2.65 30x3 C ....... f " 4.55 S.IO 32x3 , . . 3.25 2.3.V ' 4.2S 2.90 31x4 4.25 j 2.00 I 5.00 8.40 32x4 ; . .. 4.30 j 2.05 6.05 3.45 33x4 . . 4.35 ; 3.00 5.16 8.50 34x4 v.. 4.40 h 3.05 , 6.45 3.70 32x4 6.85 4.00 33x4 w.. T 6 00 4.05 34x4 -20 4JSO, 33x5 .. 7.65 55 35x5 ......I.. 8.20 5.35 OIL FLAMES CONQUERED; FURTHER DANGER IS PAST (Contionrd from page 1.) setting ever observed at a Kern county oil fire. The intermittent illumination of lightning threw the workers and skyhigh pennant of smoke into sharp relief. Then the thunder ing rererbation attending the elec trical display would add its roar to that of the tire. The heat was blistering and despite terrific downpour of rain workers were scorched by the proximity to the flames. Almost as rapidly as the oil TRUCK TIRES AND TUBES RED ?.0xf 34x5 32xC 36x6 29x4.40 31x5.25 30x5.77 33x6.00 32x6.20 33x6.20 33x6.75 Meg. $ '.0.80 . . G3.90 90.00 . 100.55 Bale 840.05 46.00 05.20 72.45 Reg. $ 6.85 7.65 10.80 12.00 Bale 84.05 5.25 ' 7.SO 8.10 BALLOON TIRES ANDTUBES $16.80 8120 29.80 22.40 33.90 25.45 35.50 20.05 38.90 202O 40.15 SO. 15 ... 50.46 37.85 SUNSET TIRES CARAVAN TIRES Ree. I Sale ' Rec. Sale 765 1 86.5 30x3 ..17.25 I86.50 2.50 1 lOJSO 30x3 i. 8.00 7.Ci $4.90 6.46 8.15 Sale 835 r 4.40 5J53 30x3 32x4 , 1 MISSION TIRES Reg. Bale 30x34 $ 9.95 8 .25 30x3 i SS. . 13.50 - 125 30x3 i C... 11.85 10.03 i PARHISHTO MEET BROWNSVILLE IK The Parrish junior highschool baseball team will meet the Brownsville nine here today at 2 o'clock on the Oxford Park field. The, Salem boys defeated this team on the BrownsTille diamond by score of 12 to 8, and today's match Is a return game. ine rarrisn nine is baring a successful season after getting off to a bad start. The boys have some fine matches lined up for future dates. LATE FIGHT NEWS I Brooklyn 8; Phillies 4 I BROOKLYN, April SO.CBy Associated Press.) The Brooklyn Dodgers won their: sixth straight game and advanced to first place In the National league race by de feating the Phillies, 8 to 4. today Score i; ? : ' R. - II- .E Philadelphia ......... . 4 10 2 Brooklyn '. . '. . .'. . 8" 1 1 4 - Pierce, Maun and Wilson; Crimes and-Hargreares. ! Cltlcago 10 Be. LouU O CHICAGO, April 30. (By As sociated Press.)- Chicago defeat ed St.. Louis after- an : 11-lnnlng struggle today 10 to 9. -Score ' R. H. E. St. Louis ... V It 0 Chicago V 2 ; I Sothron, eRinhart bar rel!; Blake, Bush, ; and IlartnelU. I SAN FRANCISCO, April 30. Jack Silver, San Francisco welter weight, won a ten-round decision over Ted-Krache, Hoquiam, Wn., at Dreamland auditorium here to night. After a fairly even first round. the San . Francisco boxer stepped out tq take a shade in the other nine rounds. HOLLYWOOD, Cal., April SO Ceorgie ; Rivers; San Francisco, bantamweight, scored an easy de cision over Billy Hart of Phila delphia in a 10-round fight here tonight. SPOKANE, Wash., April 3 0 John Kilonls, Boston light heavy weight wrestler won two straight falls from Sam Clapham, Chicago, here tonight. Kilonls took the first all inj.20 minutes and the second In Tlf teeQ, minutes. . BAKErfMTLI . CaL, April Yonng I i i f Los Ang( got a decis Johnny Jor here tonig' - 30. Angeles, a six rounds over n Tacoma. Wash., Why Your Summer Horn Lake-Ocean Company's Devil9 g fLaEi& Will Be On Tract at Closest beach resort to Salem. On Roosevelt Highway, the eventual summer play ground of America. t ' Sites oh the lake are situated to protect yoi from cold sea breezes. ' .-.( Close accessibility to ocean beach Warm fresh water bathing. Boatincr. fishincr and duck h Twenty minutes from good fishincr iirrouids on? four wonderful streams. v. v. . , X.',j Located adjacent to one of the best land npt pictur-; 4wc guu vuuiera iu uicijuu, UUW DUlg COlSIrUClCa.4 1 - ' Lot values will materially incre- J " iulurc vbil a profitable investment. V. 3 DONT DELAY, AS ONLY 226 DESIRABLES ! IS A HEAVY DEMAND IN PORTCAND A TOWNS OR THIS PRO j HOUSES ! and LOTS, ' 150.00 Down, Balance EasWl , ACREAGE TRACTS AT MODERA LAKE-OCEAN LAND BECICE & HENDRIGI 155 IN. High . Heilig Theatre Lobby ; . - 1 Salem, Oregon IE LEFT. THERE ER VALLEY v.- 1 i" :es PANY elephonelGl r V 1 1 1 i"'St