fhe'-:Orieipn::iateGmam leaaod Daily Except Monday by TEX STATESXA FUSUSBIXO COMTAJrT 315 South Commercial St, Salem, Orecoa : .- R. J. ITendrlek Manager IWJ. Too - . - Maaarnr-Kdito Loe U. Ifenimaa - - City Editor " Italia J. Smith - - Telegraph Editor -Aadrea Bench Society Editor , W. H. Hoaderaon Ctroalatlea Maaarer Ralph H. JCletziag Adertiiaj Manaicrr Frank Jaikoecl ,,. . Maaar Job Dept. E. A. Rhotea i. -r, ,. LiTMtock Raitor W. C. Conner s- ' ' . Peultry editor : - KXM3ES 07 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ; . ' - '- ?,TW Ataoeiatod Preea la axclnaiTely entitled the for pvblieatioa of all , Sbpatcnee credited to it or aot otaarwue credited ia taia paper and alao the. local " pahuaaaa aereta. - -. w : t . . . . ... BUSINESS OFFICES: 1 ; Atluirt Brn. tSS Worcester Bldr Portland. Ore. t ' . ' ' Tbomaa P. Clark Co, New York, 128-136 W. Slat Stf Chieare, Martrnette Bid. ioit e) reyae, saaren oiac eaa arancjaco. , iiiiiidi oa Jingeiel. Uanr Baal aeon Offlee-31 or 593 Society Editor .,: ,,1M TELEPHONES: ; Clrcalatioa 0ffleS8S' Kefwe Departmental) or 108 oa JJonnrtiiMmt aey Entered at tae Poat Office ia Salem, Oregon, a aocond-elaaa matter. - r April '27, 12 - - j , THE GLORY OF.fcOD "Then a cloud covered the tent; of : consresaUoou'and the,' glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle." , t 4Q:4, V" ; , ". the Ex. ,4a , COALS TO NEWCASTLE "LONDON, April 13.-The first shipment of sugar beet puip or JJrmstv ongin everjnade irom England to the United : States left the London docks today. The shipment consists of 500 tons of pulp from beets grown inNdrfblk, and is con- I -signed to Mobile, Alabama. It is to be used for feeding stock. This is the first time' on record that a call for this product ) has been received in Great Britain from the Xfnited States." The above is an Associated Press dispatch And it is a case of "carrying coals to Newcastle." In the s name of common sense; why should it be necessary for the people of the, United States to send to England for sugar ' beet bW' Yic;-, - ! -: -When, by- growing our beets .for making our sugar, we f'Jfcn.a.y9.enPu?H fetypulknd beet tops to make our country self sufficient not only in sugar, but in sheep io produce our , ..dwoovuid in live stock to -supply all our meats? And we are going to be importing ship iac!at of ' meain "tfie 'next "few J yes.nl if yre ;do not fjpo$.ucf our beets f oft our sugar. We import balf of our wool Aow, and five-sixths of our sugar. V What is jcongress thinking about?, , I 't ' f The fish hatcheriesof Oregon are doing great work. They are preserving our salmon fishing and canning indus- I tries, and restockirig bur streams with fish for the fishermen. They are applying the rules of common sense, and not leaving . things to chance. " , COMPETITORS PROFIT UNDER AMERICAN TARIFF? :. . (;:.: "-Vi; . . ..-v-:-.. . ;-; - J ' " "ThofiCO Marrln, chairman United States tariff commission, says I the lo'wi price of Cuban sugar products would warrant an increase cf dity to.protectmerican industry. ; ,, . v - "Mr. Marvin la a -believer in a protective tariff and declares the I law permitting flexible duties authorizes an increase to protect the " American beet farmers. -j j - "A survey has been conducted recently, and there Is difference of opinion on the tariff commission whether figures" for the average cost of prodrcingrugaf in the United States and Cuba shall be taken on i "a two-yearor a six-year basis . ? " rcmystktistreslo4ced at hftariBS, beJtpt ecirv-it -was shown that the dlirereneer in4 cost ipi:, proaucuon oeiween ur 'country and Cuba was $1.81, while .the Tawtproridea for a difference . . "Coat of production In Cuba is about'two cents 4a pound, and it 5 Is selling In our country at four cents a pound, lndicating-that Cuban sugar, producers are making a good profit under pur low American an rar tariff. This nermlts competition, wWch la pfoper. - ' verabovis from :-the Industrial Nes BureaU,'B7.Hofer Sons, publishers, Salem 1 The chairman of the American tariff , commission ;is right' The dutyon sugar should be increased, to encourage i ttheiugar.bet growers and the sugar, manufacturers of this -country to make the united states sen sumciem in sugar- ..'i ' tBuVas to the tariff on Cuban sugars, it would be auto- .! " . . i ai r:i ; matically increased oy mereiy aoousning me preiueuuw arate of 20 per cent that was given to all Cuban products after , ' the United States had freed that island from Spanish mis- k ? .j--t ' ciatedV ecdiisliwf deprived of iti:tlie!hap-'i? piness of eating when he was hungry, of drink . , A . ;V' iiig wheri'he was thirsty, "or sleeping when he ' , was jsleepy,;-and oi, 'talking when. he" felt' the ; ; ; desire to exchange some words. Later in life he always recurred with joy to this month of cap tivity, and never failed to speak with enthu-. siasm rof the power and ineffaceable sensa tions, and especially of the moral calm which i .he had experienced at this epoch." William James observes that the occasion and the ex perience are nothing -1 r ' It all depends on the capacity of the soul to be 'grasped. to have-its Iifexurrents absorbed by, what is given.- Life is always worth living, if one has such responsive sensibilities as Tolstoi's hero . And the reason most of us do not enjoy life equally well, it seemed jo-James, is that most of us have got far, far away from nature. He says: - " - 'f - are strained to seek the choice, the rare, "- ' - 'theexquisite exclusively, and to overlook the . common, t. . - ' 'We are stuffed with abstract conceptions and glib with yerbalities and; verbosities; and . , in the culture of these higher functions :of ten! ; ' , . dry up; and we"grow stone-blind and insensible - ; to life's more elementary and general goods and joys. ' - ... . "Ah, my brother," said an Indian chieftain to his .white guest, "thou wilt never know the happiness of both thinking of nothing and doing nothing. This, next to sleep, is. the most enchanting of all things." v o r, n! Bits Tor Breakfast I ' A preference still enjoyed, and giving no benefit to any ojie, as; far as ' sugar. duties axe concerned,, excepting the Wall 7 Street sugar barons, owning the refineries of raw cane sugar i -along the Atlantic coast. - -, - ' -2i71-3e!'barnsItf5port itheirr sugar f rpm- CJuba raw, and they ' pay 1.764 cntsoa'j)oundr under thispreferential rate, rwhereastbey should, pay ,20 - cents a pouiid on their raw sugar;"That :k what importers from other countries .would A . pay, if there were any. I i v This preferential rate has allowed.what has amounted to r a protective tariff to these American sugar barons; a protec tive tariff applying to Cuba, but in their favor - . ij Not protecting the American4 sugars beet grower an4 ;, sugar manufacturer, -but; tjie Wall Street owner of Cuban 'caneplantations and mills for grinding their product into raw ji jsugar for shipment to their, refineries in this "country., f ": Not giving any benefit to the laborers of Cuba. "No f. benefit to any one, excepting" these Wall Street3 kings- of 4Cuban sugar supplies r , s. - : ti . If is wrong; absolutely.- . ; i ' 'r'JT vbT. Two things should be. done, to make the United States self sufficient in "sugar. .First kill this Cuban preferential rate. . Second, raise the rate of dutybn ,all Sngafsf brought into this country. Raise it as much, as the flexible provisions of our present tariff law will permit; 50 per cent Then the United States will soon produce all her -own sugar ; in con tinental and insular territory, including Porto Rico, the Phil ippines and Hawaii. " VIIEN LIFE IS WORTH LIVING i Life is always worth living to those who enjoy reading the great book Life is continually ' writing. In Tolstoi's "War .on Peace," the hero, Peter, is supposed tr be the richest man in the Russian empirev during the French Revolution he is taken prisoner and dragged through much of the retreat Cold, vermin, hunger and every form of misery assail him, the result being a revelation to him of the real ccal? of life's values. "f : -. , . , ,,:i:r-".c-!;vau:d for thV first tisie, hj 2ZX&;':: -;Dump the -city dump .-, . v' : "la- m But where shall it ba dumped? : Ij,' far:.;,'.'.1 Tber1s 'A lot of !waste-going to the city 'dutitpv and downthe sew. ers. iJtnavitnaay Kuropean ana otherdcitics would use. . . Tho great city of,, Berlin treats all its sewage, making fertilizer for the farms. The city of Berlin itself owns gardens, growing great crops on account of the fertilizer being used; made by treating the sewage. There is an af in the classified columns " of The Statesman thjs morning for berry pickers. From C. Ramseyer, Jefferson, Route-1. This is the first. . Presumably for strawberry pickers. V)i . S V'-' Evidently the Salem canneries are going to be obliged to' start up soon, for. strawberries and gooseberries, unless we get a lot of rain and cool weather pronto. The deficiency iiTour rainfall up to Sunday, since September 1, is 12.62 inches. Rainfall since that time, 25.08. Normal for the period, 37.70 Inches. Jupiter Pluvius Is a welcher. Every farmer will' tell you that he is needing rain. Just got to have some rain soon ; and heavy downpours would be preferred. ' :mm .i- Mehama hatchery is going to work on Rainbow trout this fall; a million and a half of them, for A HEIIilG Tuesday IVlay 4th Geo. White's Scandals ,-,'-5 Company, of J.00 ' --'Chorus f-. 50 , Biffgest-JVlusical !ShoivrWest . . Box Office Opens May i MAIL ORDERS NOW; PRICES IXCLTJDIXa TAX t Lower Floor . . i . . . . .$3.75 1st 3 Rows Bal.. . , , . .92.75 Last 3 Rows Bat.. . . .92LSO Gallery, 1st 8 Rows. . .91.63 Gallery (not reserved) fl.10 Marlon county streams. . That sounds good. " m v ' Sunshiny weather Is , helping the scutching mill at the peniten- : Tiers "Seven Sinners" il t sx3l . Marie Provost, with Clive Brook;, are featured in the latest .Warner Bros, screen classic. "Seven Sinners." now playing at the ' Oregon Theatre. The. picture' is everything that joyous entertain-. ment should be. i. . . tlary to get ahead of the Miles j mill on long line fiber. Needs to be a month ahead. Should be-two monies aneaa, in ract, or even more, for getting back the "life' J in the retted straw and (he scutch- ea riDer, ror best results. LISTEN IN . DUrWEB CONCEKT 0:00-7:00 1CFWV (S12) Tortland. 6r00-7:00 KGW ('49 1.5) Portland. KtTSIC 8:00 12:00 KFWV, (212) Portlaad, trio. -ocaetra plta orcaa. 10:00-13:00 -KQtY ..4491.5) Haiwe orchestra. " . f." :45-10:45 K.IVB -(?93) Maaie of. the Vlaatera." v' :0o-y.eo koix ; (3i), .v Haaieal program. . Portlaad Portlaad, Tort land. EBIiiKTAnraLlLST " 6:00 KMTtt Hollywood. -T, ta- , dio program ;! 7 :45. . commaoity aiar; 8:30-10:30, KMTR coaeert orchestra, ;00 KUO (SSt.2). -OakUnd. , Aa phios trio: 8-9. Ea GrainreT Atkin- aoo, Eastoa Kent; 9:10-10. Hawaiian player: lO-lt, Hadson'a Midshipmen. :30 KFW'B (353), Hollywood. :30 -, .7:30, dtnarr hour;'" 8-9V prograai; The Little AotvMaa :l5-i0:15. daore . oreheatra, Bttr Patrick, aoloiiit; 10:15 - 11, frolic. - l .. . 6:30 K.NX 53.8. HoIItwoo. -:30-7. orrheatra; 7-7:d5, . jnroaraa. 8-9, pro-'l ; -rm; v-i.u, progTaa; aapce or eheatra,-h . .--- - ' :80 KPO (428J), Saa Praaeiico.' 6:80- -.7 oreheatra ;4 7-7 :3.. Rody Seiger'a . oreheatra ; 8-9, trioT- hanatoay tean, Gypay aadOtfartar 10-It, daoea orchea- tra. s . . ' - - . . . . , 7 :0O OX&a,U76).JBesia. .7 atadjo program. , . l 7:0 KT '(dT,ta"' ABalatCv-7:8'0 , oreheatra ; 7:30-6,. .poptikar - aong - pre : rram; S-9, Sereea. Artikta' quartet- 8-10, variety hour; 10-11, fiadi elah ' i popular aoag. - - - e T:O0 kOWW (358). , Valla Walla. 7. . 7 :SO, , weather, - markrta. borne helps"; " 8-10, atadio program;" 10-12, oreheatra 8 :00 K1XI ( 33 2 )lLoarg - Beach. . g.o' tadMv.vaadavilla acta f .fl it, Aero club frolic. - ----- - --ii-.-i 8:00 KH (40SJV LoAogaloa, 8-10 atadio detazo prograou.' " , 1 S:0 KTAB (239.9). j Oaklejki. s lo' collage pregram. v j " 8.-00 KPSN ( 9 1S.S ),'-. Paaadeaa. -S-o, Adotph Tasdler inrmrarntal groap. 8:80 KJB ,(384,6), 'Seattle, 8:30-10. or ; eheatra..' - . y v-f . , .... . 11:00 KFWI (226)," fin Pranciaco. 11. I a. aa Paol TKelH'a rheatra, later . aaiaaioa' aoloa 1y Jack &ee4 and Mar- jo;ia Reyoolda. U ; " , '- . ' - ' " V- i Oregon: high war commission win oil 400 miles 'of majlam highway this year: .' CXNTIESZiT ia An alio dm : - au.iK..w ' id . r . fostuvo tn Action -1- It begins immediately to &ka oatT : ue Inflammation ; and reduce all - 1 Swelling The. first application hAnga OrcMt HeUet Stops Itching ld ; siarxtly and Quickly Believes Irritation ' Severe tests in cases of long standing; V r have proved that PAZQ OINTMENT ;: can be . depended upon , with absolute i certainty! to Stop any, case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud ing PQes, and in the shortest 'time possible. ; Recornmended by Physicians andDruggista in United States and Foreign Countries. 1AZ6 OINTMENT in tabes jvith P ;Kpe 'AlHchaent, 75c and in tin boxes, 60c. . The circular enclosed, with eacli tube end box contains facts about Pfles which everybody should know. . . . PAKI3 MEDIdNB CKX. Beanmopt aad Plao Strceta, SC Louia, ICo. . IS 7 mm "1 1 7VAY celebrated treatment fof JJX Piles and other Rectal 2nd Colon ailments Is so sore, so safe, an easily .obtained that it is folly to pott, pone proper care until your heaKa Is en tirety broken down. My new lOO-raee llhatrated book, which is yours for tht sklng, discusses those diseases, contains scores of letters front patients, describes my methods and states my unquaLSed V GUARANTEE to per- manectly relieve you- of rues or remna TOUT ice. Write or call today. y'ATTie c. i sT i I t t . r A J:.. ar t ai w i 1 , P BROUGHAM I'. ! j o -t'V' Jt-wiajL- Jayuyi Aiwg c W drily . N ' Easy and Coavrniciat Terms of Pajmeac ' ' ..; ,. -a ". ; . . . ...n,,.r.; ri,, ...... . .-am..; v:.lv,vf,;;v:fe.i.::tTJ,, .' . ' . t-, ,x -.. - .. ' - ,s.,v., -v. .;;a A"v-o.v " r '""-lT -V-j- Hudson Super-Six Prices Equipped and Delivered At Your Door . Nothing Else to Pay list of Efjuipmcnt . Front and Rear Bumpers; Automatic Wind shield Cleaner; Rear View MirronTranimis-ionIdc(bniUt-in;RadiatorShutters;Moto-Meter; Combination 5 top and Tail light. The Coach . 1 - 1379 7-Pass. Sedan lsU - Based on ted output, Hudson prices Would have fW adran "many hundred of dollars. TJ. js whjr-y . except in the costHcst cars: :'-r- - C 7 Easy PurcxM Te-cms Me 'It A aU these Hucn adv gives custom built smartness, beauty and cruality. c body is all aluminunand is;hanA inade by famous rrX Seats arc deep,irifbxtabl The exdmivc SuperfSix prindple has given more than ien 7ean ofmeSsremi. i ' , ? In everything that; o performance, riding.easc, smoothness- and tdiabOitTnicha ' pncesbuv.;no; Lowest Hi Lfnces at Wmicn 4 .' J3 r i. 050 v 1 - '. 4 nEver Sold :-t :V' . - o ; , .v-j . . . . . , ' ' J? - ... . . -- - . ..x u , i ... xx. ... . -s . ... . - . . . . . .x. . - i-,. . - .- . - . .