The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 25, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    - I -
- !
r..; i .
Spring daysare
' -': . Picture Chances Everywhere
" : - -Get Your Kodak Out!
We're readylf or you: Kodak Film in the yellow box is on our shelves
: in your size; our finishing service is "all set" for quality.
.7"""- May 2 "to 9 Is "Take a Picture Week"
- , , i.; . : J. H. WILLETT- Only the Best
405 State Street at Liberty ; .
Fair; gentle east to northerly
'winds. Maximum yesterday, 82;
minimum, 42; river, 0.6, rising;
rainfall, none; atmosphere, clear;
wind, north.
Visits Salem
Blaine McCord of Woodburn was
In Salem Saturday. . He is city at
torney of Woodburn. Mrs. Bert
Butterfield and daughter, Mildred,
also of Woodburn, spent the day
here, .. ,
Suits Cleaned ana ITosaed
$1.25. Cash and Carry Clean
ers. Down town receiving office.
352 Chemeketa St. flltf
Beautiful Art Tile Designs
In Armstrong's linoleum at
HamUton's, 340. Court St. , a23
; Hotel Sfarlon-,
I DffKr-dinner, terrad 6:4S to 4
Spends Day Hero
. Miss Marel ;.WgoBier; spent
Saturday in SaIe'nC.'STie Isa resi
dent of Gervais. ' ;
Wanted Used Furnltn
Phone 511. Woodry the auc
tioneer. ' ' j a25
Guest at Wheeler Home
Miss Frances Virgin ie Melton
is a week-end guest of Mrs. H. A.
.Wheeler in Eugene. They had
'known each other In Toklo, Japan.
She was also Mrs. Wheeler's guest
at the AAUW luncheon Saturday
at the University of Oregon.
Standard Electric Ranges
Oldest electric range in the mar
ket, sold only in Salem by Giese
Powers Furniture Co. a25
Hubbard Visitor In Salem
Mrs. Winifred Brown of Hub
bard was a visitor in Salem Satur
day. Drs. Morehouse and Lange
' Have opened offices at 529
South Commercial street. Their
phone number Is the same, 1198.
To Teach Mathematics
. Martha Leavinwerth, a gradu
ate of Willamette university in the
class of '25, has been named teach
er of mathematics at Washington
university, Seattle. -
Visit Our Demonstration
- Of the Universal Range this
week. H. L Stiff Furniture Co.
One license. Issued i
One marriage license was taken
out in the county clerk's .office
here Saturday. It was applied for
by Emil IL Fraasch, Salem and
Lydia Grausenlck, 488 North Four
teenth street.
State and
liberty Street
.Uridsrwood TypTitcr Co
Direct Factory Branch
Clt Coart Street - Phone
' Typewriters Rented. Bo!
E;ic!sl rs-Ul tatai to ttuL
Visits Salem
Mrs. J..W. Ransom was in Sa
lem Saturday. Her home is in
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture company. s20tf
Recital to be Given
Violin students of Miss Eliza
beth Levy will be presented jn a
recital on Monday evening in the
First Congregational church. " It
will be a costume concert, in keep
ing with the period of the music:
Misses Faye Irvine, Alice Skinner,
Ruby Norgard and Mabel Kullan
der will take part in the recital
and will be assisted by a 20-piece
orchestra. Misses Bernice and
Willamette Blakeslee will be heard
in a violin duet.
Exellent Buy 74 Motor and
Side car. Together or separate.
Free Cup of Coffee
And yd bits at our Universal
Range demonstration and sale,
commencing Monday. H. L.. Stiff
Furniture Co. a25
Erecting New Building
, F. Burger -t Is building a 50
by -150 structure on' the east side
of Capitol, near Fairgrounds road,
to be used by his furnace busi
ness. Want $250 on Good Security
Socolofsky, 341 State. a25
Come and Be Satisfied
Salem Restaurant, 75c, 12-8
p. m. a25
Fish Baskets
- They are going good. Drop in
and look over the new supply. F.
E. Shafer, harness supplies, 170 S.
Commercial. Nothing takes the
place of leather, .. a25
Auto Camp Attendance Better
Attendance at the Salem auto
camp is growing better steadily,
according to word from the super
intendent. " It Is expected that to
day, the attendance will be good if
the weather holds up.
Dr. Goffrier
Chiropractor - Naturopath, Ore
gon Bldg. a25
Have Yon Seen the View
From Ben Lomond Park Hill.
If not you have missed something.
3 Salesmen to sell nationally
advertised product.
Telephone 547
Thm Battery Bfaa '
BUry sad -StecMcal
SSI Gout St. Fhome 1M
Salem's T parting ' . '
Fays Cash For
10 North
i PHONE 511
"Established' Eince ltlt
LADD &BUSH,Bankers
vj;" :.. 1 ' CstshHihed ISO ; . '
: , General RnTnng Businsc ' V
! 4 omes ZXonirs troni lO a ta, to I a, am ' , ;
Goes to Rosebnrg
H. S. Gile, resident of this city,
departed Saturday for Roseburg
on a business trip.
Hats Cleaned and Stocked
75c Cash and Carry Cleaners,
352 Chemeketa St. f21tf
Giant Cement-
Proven by test to be the strong
est cement known. Will mend
shoes, belts and all leather goods;
also glass dishes and . wood. Get
a bottle for 35c at F.,E. Shafer's
harness supplies,, 170 S. Commer
cial. .Nothing takes the place of
leather. a25
Herrick Refrijreratoi
Sold only at Giese-Powers Furn
iture Co. a25
Spends Week-End Here
Members of the Delta Phi soror
ity of Willamette university are
entertaining Miss Eugenia Baker
of Aberdeen, Wash., over the
week-end. Miss Baker was a stud
ent at the university last year, and
is a member of the sorority. She
has been spending the winter in
San Francisco.
Herrick Ref rlgeratoi
f Sold only at Giese-Powers Furn
iture Co. a25
Eaton's Hat Shop
Blockers of all kinds of hats.
cleaning, pressing, repairing. 141
Liberty, phone 1919. a25
Lunch Box-
Sunday dinner, 181 S.
Attends Music Tournament -
Robert Alexander, pianist at .Sa
lem high school, journeyed to For
est Grove Saturday to render a
solo at the state music tournament
being staged by Pacific university.
He is the sole representative of
Salem at the. tournament.
Don't Fail to Attend
The Universal Range sale at
Stiff's Furniture Store, commenc
ing Monday. a25
Armstrong's Linoleum
In all the latest patterns. Ham
ilton's, 340 Court street. a25
The Monarch Electric
The most for the money. Ham
ilton's, 340 Court. a25
Visiting in Sale
Mrs. T. E. Forster, Mrs. D. D.
Young and daughter of Portland
have been visiting at the home of
their sister, Mrs. A. F. Goffrier,
since Thursday. The visit was
Good Seeds
Acclimated seeds that cost
no more than the ordinary
tviie. Gill Bros, seeds in
i-foulk. Vegetable and flower
plants. Sprayers ana spray
materials. Fertilizers. Gar
den hose. :
178 S. Commercial St.
bod Wood
167 D Street Telephone BM
nan !j w
We have a '1024 Oakland'
touring - which looks' and
runs like . new. It has
hampers, spet light, motor
meter, swipe, sun vizor and
about all the service left in,
it. This Is a dandy bay for
some one. a f750.
prompted by the fall of little Alice
Goffrier on April 17 which result
ed in a broken leg. The child is
recovering well.
Dr. Marshall, Osteopathic-
Physician and surgeon.
Herrick Refrigerat
.Sold only at Giese-Powers Furn
iture Co. , az&
A Ton of" Ice Can be Bought
With the money you save on
refrigerators at Hamilton's, 340
Court street. a25
Comes to City
A. W. Holmes spent Saturday
in Salem. He is a resident of Mt.
A Few More Walnut
Iviry and siivertone bedroom
suites at 25 per cent discount.
Hamilton's, 340 Court. a25
Investment, Brick and Concrete
Building paying 9 per cent, net
6zie, 4 2x1 b 5, in location steadily
increasing in value. Price, $21,
000: reasonable terms. Becke &
Hendricks, 1S9 N. High St. a25tf
Hear Artist Violin Student
Of Elizabeth Levy in compli
mentary recital at the First Con
gregational church Monday even
ing at 8:15. Public invited. a25
Spends Day Here
A. L. Peck, a resident or cor-
vallis, was in Salem Saturday.
With him was his son Elliott.
Herrick Refrigerators
Sold only at Giese-Powers Furn
iture Co. az.
State Street Lot
Just west of 23rd St., 50" ft.
frontage extending to creek. Fine
building' site. Becke & Hendricks,
189 N. High St. a2tr
Rhubarb for Canning
Mrs. A. Mix, Aumsville, Or.
Fined for Speeding -
v,nk. Van a At-will of Portland
was fined $5 by Judge Poulsen
Saturday for baring exceeaea tne
city's speed limit. He stated that
he had been a member of the traf
fic department of the Portland po
lice force for four years under
Capt. Frank Erwin.
Lnnch Bo
Sunday ' dinner, 181 S. Liberty.
Don't Fail to Attend
The Universal Range sale at
Stiff's Furniture Store, commenc
ing Monday. a25
Sleeping Room
With twin beds for $10 apiece.
Close in. Phone 241-J. a25
Albany Visitors Here-
Mrs. J. N. Johnson of Albany
was in Salem Saturday. H. C.
Harter of the same city was a
business visitor here. Mrs. L..W.
Ryan, also of Albany, was in Sa
lem Saturday.
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture company. szoti
Gilberts for Gifts
Upstairs 147 N. Commercial.
Strictly Modem 5 Room Home
With sleeping porch, hardwood
floors. . beautiful lot 50x150, all
landscaped, all pavement paid. See
at 1776 Fir street. Becke & Hen
dricks. 133 N. High St. a25tf
The Monarch Electric Range-
Line for Salem at Hamilton's,
340 Court. a25
Forestry Board Leaves-
Members of the state board of
forestry left here "Saturday for
Klamath Falls where they investi-
1 - foJlave It Done - ! ,
- j We can quote you the best of prices .
We can give yon the best of service
Our "BAKALL" baked finish,
Our "Satin" oil finish, or .
: Our "VitraliteEnameT finish.
They give , maximum Durability
They give maximum last re and beauty
Reliance Auto Painting Co. .
21 Q Rljit Street
gate slashing conditions and con
fer with the timber owners of that
part of the state. A. business
meeting of the hoard will "be held
in Klamath Falls Monday. Among
those In the party are Ernest F.
Johnson of Wallowa, C. E. S pence,
Portland; C. W. Granger, Port
land; F. A. Elliott, state forester,
Salem, and Governor Pierce. The
board later will hold similar meet
ings in other sections of the state.
Herrick Refrigerators
Sold only at Giese-Powers Furn
iture Co. a25
Why Don't Yon Get a Uome
On Ben Lomond Park Hill. a25
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to the friends and neigh
bors, the members and pastors.
Johnson and Ferguson of Glad
Tidings mission. Drs. Saurman and
Steeves, and Mr. and Mrs. Terwil
liger, undertakers, for their kind
ness to us during the illness and
death of - our beloved daughter,
Celia; also for the many beautiful
floral offerings. . Mr. and Mrs. H.
K. Bushnell. a25
Speeding Is Charged
F. L. Hoyg of this city was ar
rested Saturday by Officer W. O.
Edwards and charged with speed
ing. A 824 Aluminum Cooking Ret
With each Monarch range. Ham
ilton's, 340 Court. a25
Visits Salem
Mrs. F. H. Morrison. visited in
Salem Saturday. Her home is in
Bridge Prizes at Gilbert's
I'pstairs, 147 N. Commercial
Xnu-Suit Ordered
A voluntary non-suit in the case
of the state industrial accident
commission against Allan Bellin
ger, was ordered by Circuit Judge
L. H. McMahan Saturday, follow
ing stipulations between attorneys
in the case. The non-suit was en
tered against the plaintiff.
Standard Electric Ranges
Oldest electric range in the mar
ket, sold only in Salem by Giese
Powers Furniture Co. a25
Scio People Visit City
Mrs. J. K. Johnson of Soio was
a Salem visitor Saturday. Miss R.
Watson, also of Scio, spent the
day here.
Fancy Rod Apples for Sale
Reasonable. Warehouse, by the
bridge. a25
Free Cup of Coffee
And tid bits at our Universal
Range demonstration and sale.
commencing Monday. II. L." Stiff
Furniture Co. j a25
Mrs. Laubnar Here
Mrs. George Laubner, whose
home is'in Halsey,' spent Saturday
in Salem.
Call Hamilton Furniture Co.
For funtu're upholstering, re-
finishing and repairing. a25
Building Permits Issued
Three building permits were is
sued from the office of the city
recorder Saturday. L. P. Back
took out a permit to construct a
one story dwelling and garage at
260 East Lincoln street at a cost
of $3700. A permit was issued to
Treated by Osteopathy and the
latest Electrical Therapy In
cluding Dr. Abram's Electronic
No Charge for
Consultation ,
Physician and Surgeon
60$ U. S. Bank Building
- Salem, Oregon
Operating in connection with
the Salem Navigation Co., from
Salem to Eugene.
' Daily Trucks
Salem phones, 967, Res. 2106 W
Eugene phone: 477
(In no way connected with
General Transfer lines.)
Dr. F. S. Schurtx to erect a one I
story dwelling at 1250 North 1 7 thf
street, to cost $2700. Maurice
Werner was given a permit to re
pair the one story dwelling at
2717 Cherry avenue at a cost of
$400. . . '-
Standard Electric Ranges -
Oldest electric range in the mar
ket, sold only in Salem by Giese-
Powers Furniture Co. a25
Gilberts for Gifts-
Upstairs 147 N.
Divorce Applied For
Juanita Kennedy has filed suit
for divorce from Eugene Kennedy,
charging desertion. They were
married in Kelso, Wash.. February
5, 1924, and he is said to have
left her on February 21, 1923.
The plaintiff asks the custody of a
The Purest of air is on
Ben Lomond Park Hill no
smoke. a25
See the Apple Gi
Dolly Madison bedroom suites
just received. Hamilton's, 340
Court street. , a25
Speeder Fined
G. V. Anderson of this city was
fined 85 by Judge Poulsen Satur
day for having exceeded the city's
speed limit.
Standard Electric Range
Oldest electric range in the mar
ket, sold only In Salem by Giese
Powers Furniture Co. a25
Bridge Prizes at Gilbert'
Upstairs, 147 N'. Commercial.
a 25
Fined for Parking
A. F. Chult of this city was fined
$1 by Judge Poulsen Saturday for
having parked overtime.
Monarch Electric Ranges
None better; few as good. Ham
ilton's, 340 Court. a25
Mandolin Stolen-
Mrs. Delia Riggs. 2178 North
Church street, has reported to lo
cal police that a band made man
dolin was stolen from her party
holding a picnic in Painter's woods
Visit Our Demonstration
Of the Universal Range this
week. II. L. Stiff Furniture Co.
Students Seek Office
Among 36 students entered in
the annual race for office at the
University of Oregon are Edgar
Wrightman of Silverton, for stud
ent council, and Richard Syring of
Silverton for editor of the Ore
gana. You Should See the City
At night from Ben Lomond
Park Hill. a25
Asks Water Rights
R. H. Scott has filed an applica
tion in the office of the state en-
Too Late To Classify
draran. I'sed S months. Will larrifire.
Phone 2026-M before 12. 5125
Shoe Repairing
for all members of the
family.Modern Equip
ment i- prompt ser
viced . .
Salem Shoe Shop
J.iR. Pollock. Prop.
Opposite Crystal Gardens
Salem Highway
' Beautiful Suburban-Homes
Four rooms and breakfast nook. One half of; an acre' of good
land with each house. All city conveniences. I have three
houses left out of a unit of eight. These rwill be ready -for oc
cupancy the end of this week. We will build another unit- of
eight as soon as contractor! can get ready. - .t v r-V-
I will be put on these tracts Sunday afternoon be
tween 3 and 5 o'clock .
147 N.
gineer covering the appropriation i
of water from an unnamed spring, j
a tributary of , Willamette . river,
for domestic use. including a small
garden, stock and Irrigation of two
acres, in Marion county, at a cost
of $640.
See Our Ad on Page
This Issue. C. S.
Furniture Co.
Free shampoo with each mar
cell. Phone 2118, Mrs 'Garner;
1S3 S. High Street. a25
ttaiularil Eleejtric Ranges
Oldest electric range in the mar
ket, sold only? in Salem by Giese-
powers Furnijnre Co. a25
Buy a Ixit on Hen Lomond-
Hill, east Of McKinley school.
' a2:
In this city, Mrs. Mary E. Pal
mer, wife of Cabel Palmer. Fun
eral services will bo held from the
Rigdon mortuary Tuesday, April
27, at 10 a. n).
Harry H. Hill, aged 51, died at
his home here Friday night. He
is survived bV his wife, Delta, his
f.4k. f TT f ' TTITt n ft 1 J .
a son Kobert, 17 years old; a
daughter Helen, 13 years old: a
sister, Mrs. Charles F. Moody of
Bismarck, N.iD., and two brothers.
Frank Hill. Minnesota, and Leon
Hill of Berkeley, Cal. Funeral
services will be held from the Rig
don mortuary Tuesday, April 27,
at 3 o'clock, j Interment will be in
City View cemetery.
William ML Sullivan, in this city,
April 23. at! the age Of 32 years
Beloved husband of Dorothy Sul
livan. Prayers will be offered this
evening at 71 o'clock in the chapel
of the Salem mortuary. Funeral
services will , be held Monday
morning, April 26, at 7 o'clock
from St. Joseph's church. Inter
ment will bei in Eugene.
3o let the way wind up the hill
or doyrn.
O'er rough! or smooth, the jour
ney will be joy;
Still seeking what I sought
when but a boy,
New friendship, high adven
ture, and a crown; '
My heart will keep the courage
of the! quest.
And hope the road's last turn
will bje the best.
f-Henry Van Dyke.
W. T. Rigdon & Son
CHOICE of Traub Genuine
Orange Blossom engage
ment and wedding rings is a
tribute to the judgment and
good taste of tne wearer.
Sqaara jDcU Jewelers, Corner
State atut Liberty.
Mm Git a in
Tues., Apr. 27, 1:30 p. m.
1 145 N. Liberty, Comer Market ! '
naveiport, bed' lounge, rug's and carpets, linoleums, bedsit
springs and mattresses, dining chairs, chest of drawers,
glass china cabinet, screened cupboards, kitchen safes, heat-
er, 41 hole basement stove, coils, fall, leaf tables, sewing
machine, antique solid walnut organ, catrot ana other wal
nut pieces, a number of rockers, matting, stair carpet, pil
lows, bedding chiffonier, dressers, marble top dresser, wash,
standi and stand table, sanitary couch, stools kitchen uten-'
sua ana aisnes ana everything that goes to furnish a sevea
house. Terms cash.
a. nuuwii, iu lean
WThPTi vnn want in oalf tahf
-T " " j w sui uikUIV JUDW Call lUfJ rM fTl
Street Woodry,. Phone BIT, only one store,' Summer and
Norway streets. The Woodry everybody knows ' C
Why... pay rent if you can buy
homes on terms like rent
Visitors Here
t .Mr. and Mn. CrrRC
wero visitors in this city
T. Gravel
Their home is in l!la-k
Lives Depend on
f & Your Eyes j
EVERY time you drive
your car your own life
and the lives of those Von
hold dear are entrusted to
those, two faithful lookouts
. your eyes.
Are you sure of them
every waking minute? Do
they, always afford sharp,
clear1 vision near or far
without strain or discom
fort? If you wear glasses,
have you had an examin
ation recently ?
These are pertinent
questions for all of us to
consider if we would drive
and live and see in comfort,
mm mm a mm h a mm m -
eye insurance, itiul lakdi
but a few minutes of your
time. Why not arranjro
for it today? , -.J
Phone 231) Vi
Health w-ih
ENJOY it free from
RheumatLsm,- Neural
gia, Neuritis, Ar,tljriti
tis, etc.. Chiropractic
will free 'ytrtr from
these dreaded diseases.
No Charge for
The Best in Chiropractic
328 Oregon Bldg. . Salem
Deceased, A. C. Arnold, AdmC.
Salem's .Leading Auctioneer,
n w.twh. 'it. r
T ,5
these fine
Phone 21