The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 25, 1926, Page 20, Image 20

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li:ht s:.:all;cAr
(Continued fram jpege 1J - ,
motor (dimensions that we are us-ftij.-
- Already certain American
engineers have ., made t. very .treat
steps along this line. Higher torque
will give greater palling power at
slow motor speeds and will be a
pronounced factor . in reducing
gear shifting to meet the require
ments of American users. . i
"We hare been t content with
The ctr niurtrst-
dtttttS IX
CiltL Priced
1346 SaUia,,
r . W 4. , . - ' a I V
l -- V 't 1 -. i ' -n n -I-"- - -f
; - '.BUT MOV IT ; ST-r '
'A r'-':".. ,v- , : : ' -j
' - - . " It is ft Joy to drive a cat to con.
' : pletely at your control- It ia a
A ; , ; delight, to discover acceleration
v end braking, so positive and yeV
so smooth. It is a relief to .en-.,
r counter steering ease that does
away with the usual trials, of t
tra&ic and of - parking. 'And in
SOldsmobHe's luxurious comfort
you will find unending pleasure
U The growing praise of; Olds- -
motile is not only for what it
does-rfcuf how U does it
At. Salem $
- Biddy Bishop, Mgr.
Phone 2128'
870 N. High Street
fc x 3VCT f Cll 1 141 MOTH i -
i .
1 "n iijriii in Hi" , i in i ii hi 1 1 mil i mmm t'FX-i
narrow treads. Ton will require
a, car with the" standard 55 inch,
tread to meet your road conditions
especially. In the country where
the width of tread has ibeen deter
mined by the width ot the ruts in
the road.
"We Jiave been satisfied with
smaller .bodies than those which
the , American " car baying public
most have. .So I look for the light
ear in America to hare the same
commodious body spaed which you
have enjoyed in the past. s
"Braking, safety will also re
ceive ' the utmost consideration in
the development Of .your light car
design. Never have I seen such
traffic as I have witnessed In tyOur
major . cities. New j York. . Boston
Phlladeplphla, Chicago San Fran
cisco. Los Angeles. : The light car
with a. high speed" motor, capable'
of quick acceleration will speed, up
your traffic lines materially; but
it will require a high development
of the four wheel brake.' This will
be an important ' factor iq your
newer achievements in light car
design. ' ' " ' s
"The condition of stable equili
brium, or balance in the car: will,
probably result in lower Swung'
todies than have; yet been pro
duced in your great mass produc
tion, of light cars.- Steps "along
this line have' already been taken
but' they have not 1 even approxi
mated the final results which will
be in evidence before very long..',-.
"If I were asked to describe the
mail light: car of : the future . in
America, basing my description en
tirely on what I have learned' from
your own engineers with whom I
have - talked in the ' past f few
months, I should say that it will
ba entirely different from any
thing we. have In Europe In gen
eral body- dimensions and frankly,
considering ahead, of our production-in
certain basic mechanical
principles. 1 At the 'same time I
should say that it will be material
ly, different from what you are
building at the present. time.
" 'tWithin a year, perhaps within
the next few; months,-1 expect to
see an American light car capable
of speeds up to 60 miles an hour
with an average fuel consumption
under ordinary conditions, of
around .30 miles to the gallon
This car will be- powered with,, a
four cVlinder engine of small bore
and'; long stroke and. to meet .the
conditions under which it will be
operated.;:, this ' motor will be
equipped with a drilled crankshaft
and other mechanical features of
the finest quality and design. Tour
the finest quality and design.' Tour
engineers have already told me
this much.-
t "It will be lower In appearance
than any car yet presented to the
American car buyingpublic; yet It
will have' all the road clearance
needed for any 'driving , and' the
body will be as roomy as any you
have ever been accustomed to.
"The seats, both front and rear,
will conform to ; the dimensions
which have become 'standard In
your country. In comfort this car
will be far ahead of our standard
light cars. . t;';"; -
"In appearance It will be quite
unique for ; it ' will be IndlTidual
and I have every reason to believe
that It will be strikingly, hand
some In outline. V- -i; v ; .
li: "In city driving. It will present
parking advantages that are. quite
foreign to you at the present time.
i wiU' offer acceleration. which
will be considerably' different In
the flexibility of operation It wiU
afford.' I believe, I am within the
bounds of safety when I say that
It will serve materially to relieve
the present problem of congestion
In your larger cities. ' : '--t J' J
"In country driving it will be
found admirably suited for long
distance tours because of its econ
omy. It high speed, possibilities, its
great tire mileage and its notice
able hill climbing ability. " -. '
V "On your mountain roads it will
be aspecially pleasing because of
Its' ease" ot control short turning
radius and ability to take curves
at good speed .and with great road
stability. . ' . '- - '
: "Those features of European
design" which have come as the re
sult of road racing conditions will
be incorporated in your, new light
car design. Road raeing is a far
better criterion of design value
than track . racing. In Europe we
like to travel fast when we are
driving and so we have incorpor
ated in our cars the features which
have been developed through road
racing. v These advantages will
come to 'you in the development in
lighter, car construction and your
cars of this type in the near future
will be able to set road averages
which will be comparable with $.nd
' i
j fi .y jr
- f. o. a. r actort
WillysFinance r
..- -.... ,-
Smaller down )ay- ,
dents and smaller '
monthly payments;
7" the lowest credit
cost in the industry
! , FOR sheer abiHtyacceleratiori-hill climbing '
1 , toad speed this Overland Standard Sedan has no 1
equal in its price or size class 1 i 7
J The power tiiant is srnobtiier hinn
more flexible and more economicai than any you i
. I -' have yet found in the light car field. .
- , The largest valve areas in any motor of its size carefully
V honed cylinder walls the wonderful Overland system ot '
labfication-the highly develoDed carburetion system -'
these are all features of advanced design that are exclusive
.... intheOverlahd. .. '; - ,
. j In body dimensions it offers full room for five occupants -I
. withoutcrrjwding and in design and finish it is a car you ?
' . . j can well be proud ofin any company. - ' ; . '
; ; j Try it putlearn what you can buy for the lowest price''
- i ever asked for an enddsedjC
. ..
ii: V;'" LlacBOMLDAUTO GO. : ! j
very likely better than many of
your large car performance re
cords. ' f - .
"The' absence of. a big , home
market for cars produced in Eng
land has resulted in a lack of ne
cessity for planning far ahead, oh
production " in 'our country. We
have been able to incorporate, de
velopments almost as soon as they
have been proved worth? adopting.
In America, especially in the light
car field you have always planned
construction on the basis nf a min
imum or cnange tor a long period.
Naturally you did this tor eliminate
the necessity for frequent change
in elaborate and expensive tool.
Jig- or die : equipment
Tour manufacturers will enter
into the production of this new
true of liaht car in the same man.
ner that you lavehld on in the
present types. Tou will go in for
great quantities. Tou will also go
in" for low j prices " which hare al
ways been characteristic of your
productions. expect that the
light .car of Europe which readily
brings the equivalent of $1500 will
see its brother in America priced
at somewhere around half this
"With certain - very minor
changes, this ear will be admirably
suited to the European market and
will undoubtedly be disposed of in
great quantities here and in Con
tinental Europe.
We have always admired Am
erican tvi lit cars for their comfort
and luxury while deploring their
woeful lack of economy as judged
by our standard.
"We will have nothing to de
plore when the car, which is loom
ing just ahead of you in your own
country, finally makes its appear
"Tou will have a light car
which, in length of life and in ex
cellence of service will conform to
our cars which are bought by their
owners as a long time investment
in comfort and convenience, quite
like all other things are bought.
"It will be interesting to see
which one of your larger manufac
turers IsAhe first in the field' with
this new type ot light car.
' "I have no doubts as to" its ac
ceptance." I ? have ; heard'? many
Americans In Europe admire our
light cars and express the belief
that they must sooner or later be
duplicated, at least in performance
features, in America. Tou will like
the increased reliability just' as
you will be surprised at what the
power plant .will do JuidL pleased
with what this car will show you
In' reduced operating costs'
for Eemi4nt Trmtpart0tin
r. r '
Concentration on JwoStyIes
in Cars Is Accompanied
by Lower Cost :,:
f Thomas Edison, the inventor
and manufacturer, once gave' the
following rule on how to give best
value In business: '
"If I were a manufacturer;' I
should go over my lines to dis
cover what the public most want
ed out of what I was already mak
ing. ' - i
"If I were making five, styles
and found that 75 per cent of my
business was done in one style
(and that is usually the case),
then I should manufacture! two
styles, certainly not more than
three, and should turn my atten
tion to making my selling price
the other fellow's cost.
To which is added by P. W. 'Pet
tijohn, Hudson-Essex dealer:
"Hudson-Essex adopted and
aeted on this poMcy long before
Edison phrased it Efforts are
concentrated on the fewest num
ber of body types in the industry.
The public has followed with great
interest the wonderful economics
which this specialization (combin
ed with. big volume) has brought
about." -
-. The Coupe
All. the distinction and smart
appearance that you would ex-
Eectto find in a car with body,,
y Fisher. Swung low, grace
fully proportioned, finished in
attractive Amnniwwiv Flnrn
Touring! -510 wtn Smart Landau-bows, this '
Roadster- 510 coupe despite its low price ;
Coach V" 645 13 at home in any company, on
Sedan f - 735 anyoccasion,businessorsociaL
LSddah - 765 In addition, it provides Chev
Ton Trucic395 . rolets characteristic economy
c4Mf r and the superbly smooth oper-
ationof the Improved Chevro.
lo.b. mni, Mich. let valve-in-head motor.
Newton Chevrolet Co.
525 Chemeketa Street
Phone 100Q
mm mm Mm m
Camping Equipment Headquarters offers during;
this week dependable Camp Goods at reduced prices.
Your opportunity to complete your outfit to get
the many little conveniences needed to gve you more
solid comfort to make your camping; trips more en
joyable. A .
--'.:'.- ii
-.. . '; - ., 6
Eliding May 1st
" Plan S now the many ' happy trips ,yorf dreamed
about all winter. Enjoy the freedom, the pleasure!
the health, Mother Nature off ers you. . t .
You save with safety; at "Western Auto." Every
article, is gruaranteed--our regular stock.' Added
savings if you. buy diiring this Season Opening; Sale.
Folding Cots
A real bargain in quality cots
A ft. lncnes long: by 27.
inches wide They are well
made of high quality hard
wood frame, covered With
canyas. Folds lntd a" backape
only t feet 2 Inches Q AJ
lona. Only .iV.k. lJtTl
f " ,- -
All-Purpose Food Jar
The wide mouth of this i jar
permits the Insertion if. meats
or ice It keeps the contents
either hot or cold. The ca
pacity la 1 gallon PQ flf!
Our price reduced to vviwll
; Folding Skillets:
Always Plentyot Oil, Gasoline; and
Water in an. Emergency "
$2 10'
On the running board of your car. always ready.!, ! one-gallon cans
red few gasoline, blue for toll, gray for water. CO f? fl '
Complete unit reduced to ..........,..........&.. ...... AiUU
easr to carry. The han
dle folds acrose the back,
maklmc a flat, compact pack
age. 2-lnch alxe QQ.
reduced to ............ uUC
Flat Bottom
Two-gaUon sise,
blanket 'covered,
TiV. ST.55
Same canteen, ; 2-
K&Uon size, reduc-.
ed from
1X15 to
t Camp Stools
Regular type-
ft-allon $1.05
Sanitary type
gallon $1.17
Banltary type
Three CI CO
gallon I lUU
These stools are of dur
able duck eeat - and.
hardwood frames rlce '
oack0?.....;.:. 60c
With back .72
Same stool,
.braces and
without back
With back
with steel
Water Pail
Made of - water
j proof duck with
wire frame, rope
handle and wire -I
strainer at nose
f of bucket reiru-
I -Special S1.00
; Folding WasK
I Basin .-.
i Also . made T rf
heavy waterproof
i duck. - It folds
small enough to
I fit the door pock-
it-'R.e?- u nrii
Cooking Is Easy;
. Just like cooklnsr at home, tho
same well-prepared appetis
ing; meals ar made poaslble
In camp wtthi this folding gas
oline . stove. Safe, ; ; dnrable
and compact two 'burners.
Without wind-break regular
155. Specially Cl CO
priced-. gHiDO
Medium : size with ' wind-
Sk!;.: $6.28
( Special
Folding (Table
.Just like eatlnar at home! The '
table Is lUrht weight, strong;
and sturdy-Hiow offered at
, the low price : 23
Vacuum Bottles
A nice cool drink or a piping;
. hot cup of coffee available at
. any time oi the trip. Our
social price for the pint
enameled i.mux... $1.50
Quart QO OR
enamel, laVisCU
.. Pint size, brass, nickel cor-
- ci qn
finish ..... m.. . v liwU
Quart size.
same finish c
."'' -" .. i
Tents that are Light. Strong and Compact
Standard PrsASf Palmetto
Auto Tents i5 k yLTt. fc Tents
One person can
erect It In a few
minutes no hit
-7 ropes are : neces-'
Xi-J sary only one
A real value 7x7
ft-" white. 7-ounce
duck tent . with
Mu' imp. Ttnlea - v-
and stakes, at our
: v
ana staaes, at our. . s pole, - which is
expuonallylow .gJQ t ianeU "f
................ , j Srd!..":.L.:..JS23.B5.
V T 1.
. s a place for extra
- ' 1 - luggago -, '
It clamps securely on the run
' ninic : board of the car' and
" folds' up- completely when not
in use. Kegnlar price Cl O fl
- $1.65.- Special V ItOU
Extra Quality ' Lucsaas Car-
- rier with end g;ates. Reduced
from 12.70 . . J jj
, ; Utensils in One .
Aluminum '. dishes consisting;
of three cooking pots, size C,
4 and 1V quart, one two
quart coffee pot. - 4 : cupa 4
plates and two heavy frying;
pans. Pots and. pans fitted
with detachable "cool handle."
1??.......:... S8.05 X
Accessories and Tires for All Cars
1 wi aava wi mma jisa ... AbtvuuiiO 4w? JWilO
PcncIiD LI .uJJus
It makes a small roll and Is
easily -carried on the run
ninjr - board of your car the
pantesote rack covering; "pro
tects It from the dust. The
. mattress la cotton with khaki
top. Reduced CO IK
from J3.75 to gUi 1 0
All-Steel Bed
-Aer- . w ates easily two largw
. ttr? ..s .folds Into a small
unit. . Reduced Offl 1Q
Prlca ...... Ills 10 :