The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 25, 1926, Page 18, Image 18

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    SUNbAY-ilOKNINGrAPKIl.-;S.VJ023 -
SETTI06 M 11
Albuquerque to Los, Angeles
Record Is Made by New,.
. -M' Series Machine . . "
The Cleveland Six fa at it again.
Last spring It was oat breaking
records and now it la 'duplicating
this performance.' " ' '
Continuing to lower cross-conn-try
records, previously established
by open cars,: the Cleveland Six
series 31 sedan is surely setting a
high' standard of performance.
The' latest record to be annexed
la that from Albuquerque, 1.
to Los Angeles. California. ,- v
The elapsed running time for
th4srtt was 24 hours, 2 6 minutes;
This is 1 hour, 42 minutes be ttet
than the previous record and ; 1
hour, 34 -minutes faster than 'the
best time of the west bound "Cali
fornia limited, the crack train -of
the 'Santa- Fe, .4 '-.--, -. "fc -"'
v In accomplishing this record po
trouble was experienced,-nor was
tKere any tire trouble. . Z
Front the car owner's . stand
point; the elapsed time consumed,
on this run is particularly Interest
ing; Inasmuch "as the series 31
sedan was a strictly stock model.'
An analysis of the record as com
pared to the time of the. previous
record and ; the running' time fof
the California limited; is convinc
ing proof of the , roadability and
sturdiness of the Cleveland Six. I i
It might be of interest to many
that this'sedanwas the same mo
del which set up a; new record be-'
tween Salt Lake City,' Utah, . and
Los Angeles;, California.' I
; , A - f
Salem- New Oregon Linen
Mills, Inc.,. plant I11 cost $600,-
f ; (Cob tinUd from pt 1 ) ' -i , ' , . i
,- . . - f . i . ;
locations for traffic control arise
As accident. records and studies of
vehicular and pedestrian ; traffic
indicate, the need for, new 'control
stations they may be established.
Traffic? control alternates jthe
direction of flow of both vehicular
and pedestrian traffic at street In
tersections. ; Thlsy results in the
movement of vehicular ? traffic
along the streets in groups with
Intervals between them. Except on
the -most congested streets these
Intervals will : be - maintained, or
dlnarily, for several blocks in eacli
direction from the control station.
Thus the influence of a individual
unit of traffic control usually ex
tends a considerable ' distance in
each direction from the station.
' "Of course, in extremely congest
ed traffic there is a tenaency to
quickly close the intervals between
groups of vehicles and the influ-
By use of standard scales, Overland and Willys-Knight dealers are
demonstrating the absolute equalized distribution of weight in - the
Overland Six Sedan. By placing a scale' under each wheel it Is found
that the reading on all four scales is the same, namely 865 pounds.
This is the answer to the exceptional roadability and tire mileage
found in this, popular automobile.' :
i :
t: - ' -r
" What is the secret of this
;.. . .'; -; ,.,.JL. .5.. ! . ' ' . !"
ence of any Individual traffleeon-iTje' followed by a green light at the
trol is. much more limited than on j next-the proper time f or ' a j ve-
Streets where traffic s can - more I hide traveling at the normal rate
freely, at a . normal rate . of speed
and will maintain a fairly consis-
to arrive at the latter points In
either or
'I ,
3 1
' I
You hear people everywhere f of speed, power, stamina sod
praise this aew -Oaklaad ix in. smoothaess ansurpsssed, evea
alososc exxraTsgaat terms i s by higher priced cars. .
Yoi hear then speak of it as del Simply the fact that it embodies
utstaniigHKrcaxaiaeld. advanced eogioeering features
What is the secret of this lavor? 5 not combined in any other car,
What is the reason for a demand ' - including Air Cleaner, Oil Filter,
that has placed Oakland in the i FollPressureOUingJFour-Wheel
very forefront of the industry? Brakes and Harmonic Balancer.
Simply the sct that this besuti- I Simply the fact that, at its amax
ful new Oakland Six. with Body & inrlylow prices, it stands abso-
r, oers a combtnadon ' luteiyaloae in quality and value.
i V
by Fisher,
OmUmtJ Sixtin $129 Pmrntite Sis. Cmmf,
h. S23. Ctmck mr CmAtt fntma ft Uctmry.
.. - ' ' ' 1 mmm mm mm J. . . . .. ' - : I -. JL ." . . ' . ,1 . . , . ;i - i - :,'
tent; grouping of vehicles over' a
considerable distance. Consequent
ly, In areas of extremely congested
traffic, such as the loop district of
Chicago, an extensive system Nf I ,iw . .
co-orainaiea iraiiic control is ne
cessary to meet the demand of I
safe and expeditious moving of i
traffic. .
On streets carrying considerable
traffic, where conditions are fa-
vorable to is rapid movement, such
as a thoronghfare .leading : from
the congested district to the out-!
skicis of the city and there con
necting with a through route to !
an important: city, traffic, control
becomes ... ; necessary ; at certain
points to assure the movement of
vehicular traffic n groups as ex
plained above.' To cause the traf
fic to flow In such groups," traffic
control is not orinarily necessary
at every street Intersection except
on the very neavily traveled
streets. In fact, the stations may
be located at some distance apart.
In many cases.
This kind of traffic movement
Is particularly Important .for the
these two systems the
vehicles flow along : the street in
groups-- with, intervals between
them for the safe movement of
pedestrian traffic, v. ' 1 '
Accident statistics and traffic
the; only;' sate
guides for. the proper location of
traffic -control devices." Without
such, "studies, visualizing at once
the volume and hazard of the traf
fic flow, control station's must be
established largely by-gues work.
If pedestrians are : found to be
struck frequently by automobiles
while crossing heavily traveled
streets and studies of the traffic
flow t indicate that its practically
continuous without sufficient op
portunity for pedestrians to cross
in safety, it Is evident that some
traffic control is needed at certain
points alne the Btreets, particu-
larly"at those points where impor
tant, streets intersect.
If accident studies indicate that
there is considerable contesting
for the right of way at a given inT
tersection there is evidence that
regulation of the traffic must be
provided at those points to deter
mine"- arbitrarily the - interval r of
safety of pedestrians in crossing J time' that shall be allotted to the
4 1 HigK Street at -Trade
' . V IN NI N G A N D
LDI N G G 6 O XW ILL - '
Hupmobfa Six
- "-tVdaa. fr pmtm inter, lour-dnor. SIMS.
- Tottr jic few p inr. U25- auiacat
fcuOe 30 hf 5-2S- bkWaa dm, tour
. wbci kokn, chcica of two colora. Ail
pclcaa i. o. b. Dvtxotl, plua twnmam tax.
- J
m - mm w
Hupmobils Eight ' ,
BmUn, fi tmrain, S2MS. SmdiO, B
laa. SM4S. Coupe, two-uHilinn. with,
nbiea.SZMS. Tonia.h n mn.
S144S. TonB4, imtpiaimi, SZ04S. ,
Ail peka Lch. DatoU.ploatavaaCa.
uwrn laf
streets. - Even in the: absence, of
traffic rules regulating pedestrians
automatlccontrpl has a beneficial
effect upon ? pedestrian safety.
people on foot are usually willing
to wait, a fraction of a minute un
til the "go" . signal Is flaahed rath
er than to rush 'Into "moving Jve-
hicular , traffic , In an attempt-' to
cross at the risk of serious Injury
or death: But without traffic con
trol, upon -such -streets the pedes
trian soon despairs of an oppor
tuUity to cross the street In safety
within a reasonable length of
time and takes a chance on .cross
ing through the dense traffic
V IiV.vcases v of extremely 'dense
traffic along Individual thorough
fares controls stations at widely
separated '- intersections may be
quite : inadequate for proper pro
tection of , pedestrians and of ve
hicles entering the thoroughfare
from side streets. . On such streets
traffic control may become neces
sary at practically, every nntersec-
tion, in which event it is desirable
to co-ordinate the signals at the
various stations in either a syn
chronized or a progressive system.
In the former type of control jeys-
temsy Hustrated by the Michigan
Avenue Installation In Chicago.
the lights, along the entire length
of the installation flash " green.
amber, and red; In1 unison This
requires vehicles to move at . the
same time throughout the entire
length o fthe system and, likewise.
to stop at the same time. In the
latter system as Illustrated ; by. a
recent installation, on 1 6 th street
and Massachusetts avenue, "Wash
ington, D. C. vehicles traveling: at
a predetermined rate of speed may
pass the entire length of the sys
tem without stopping. This is.due
to the fact ' that ; signals
flash the same eolor simultaneous
ly throughout the system but are.
ratner, co-oramated so , tbat t a
green light at one Intersection will
movement of traffic in each of the
different directions. However, In
cases of the latter type Investi
gations should be made to deter
mlnsL if some other measures of
traffic regulation, such as estab
lishing-a "stop" requirement for
vehicles coming from one or more
directions, will not suffice. Some
times; such measures will postpone
the need for actual traffic control.
with very little expenditure i of
funds. , ....
Perhaps one of the best illustra
tlons of the application of the
principal of locating traffic signals
first where they are most needed
Is in the city of St. Louis, Missouri
where a considerable number of
signals -were placed at Important
Intersections outside of the eon
gested business . district, where
theyt operated independently for
the express purpose of breaking up
the flow of traffic, into groups for
the safety of pedestrians, in cross
ing the streets,, Recent Investiga
tions in the city of Philadelphia
showed that the establishment of
traffic control -ascertain , individ
ual' Intersections resulted In a
marked reduct3oa of traffic acci
dents not only at those Intersec
tions but for some, little distances
around. ; These locations had been
determined . from a study of the
problem s created by, tthe .frequent :
occurrence of accidents at Impor
tant 1 street - intersections. ' :
In 'the location of traffic con
trols, municipalities should . par
ticularly aVold the. determination
of such locations- upon - the basis
of sectional, influence or political
expediency. - Facilitating the safe
and expeditious moving of traffic
is a problem that must be solved
In terms of-the entire municipal
ity and upon -the basis f thorough
analysis of the problem: ' .
Neighborhood .petitions - for . the
installation et traffic contrtol de
vices eannot be considered as any
more than posible indications that
a material -traffic safety problem
exists at a given point. Often, the
popular conception of a hazardous
location ' is ' not substantiated vby
statistical facts. - Epot maps -. of
serious traffic accidents have, for
example, shown that the most ser
ious accident hazards are' not In
the most, congested districts but
are, rather, wnere tne traffic
breaks' away from the restraint
of "congestion and flows rapidly
through densely populated dis
tricts. Consequently, from an ac
cident prevention standpoint auto
matic signals, are most likely to
be' necessary along heavily tra
veled . streets ' radiating from : tne
congested " business district. At
the same time, from a congestion
standpoint they are most ' likely
to' be necessary, in the congested
business' district.' - To' most 'suc
cessfully meet the two-fold- pur
poses of traffic control it is evi
dent therefore, that . the most
economllcal and efficient use of
automatic signals In any city is
not to ' be realized in theid con
centratlon In districts in ' either
of the two classes described above
but, rather, in comparatively wide
distribution over both classes of
'districts ''and ' at those, points
where either .extreme congestion
or extreme, hazards prevail. i
' t ' r ' - . y ' - . - - f
Portland Fleischmann Yeast
company buys site, and will build
I $35,409 'plant here. ; f v
Full Size 1 Dimensional Rer
quirements: Meeting Gen- ;
eral Public ApproYai .
An examination of the general
dimensions of the "cars now being
offered In the .light. six;field show
that the Overland . Six has - the
Jongest wheelbase,tlhe. greatest
amount: of body and a: greater us
able amount! of horse power: from
the jnotorfthan is: found In' any
other car In its price class. ? . .
- It most nearly meets the dimen
sional reqnlments of : the " fun
f ive passenger , sedan and on this
basis has "Tound a general public
acceptance vWhich. has outrivaled
anything' lea Int the'fleld; X- Jv.'.
In Its first year It stepped to
second - place in sales, (volume
among all light sixes and the per?
eentage Increase ihelnar registered
this year Is greater than that be
ing shown by any other light six
on -Ihe marktt xsf J,-' 'i
With a compact power plant as
sembly, the additional .wheelbase
of this car Has been employed to
give ; a surprising amount of leg
room both fdr the driver and for
the occupant of the rear seat.
rThIs has naturally increased the
amount ' of room y nside ; the body ;
and occupants find it convenient
and comfortable to carry baggage'
Tuslde the car when' going on long
trips rather than to expose-it-to
the dust and dirtwhtch are certain
if it is carried on the outside.
jt- The - usable horsepower , ts the
result of the- low5-, swung , motor
which gives the closest approximay
Uon to a straight; line drive yet
achieved in any. light .six.
- - '. y .. y 6 .. J ' r- fy- j i ; ' -
Chrysler received, from all pa,rts
of the United States reveal a. wide
range of opinions about the most
effective means of reducing acci
dents. He commends to everyone
interested in this whole' sub Jeet of
street and highway safety the re
ports' of the National Conference
on Street and ; Highway.. Safety
which was beld In Washington in
co-operation with the , department
of commefcei It is .intended that
this national conference shall be
f ollowedj by , state- ad regional
meetings and that those who at
tended the Washington conference
shall constitute committees on or
ganisation for local meetings.
Mr. Chrysler ik of the opinion
that not enough attention has been
given to the actual progress made
In reducing accidents. The ex
perience of . rseveral cities and
states shows that there are avail
able means of reducing accidents
and it follows that communities
are obligated to make use of those
means of conserving human lives.
: PugeneA-Fruit canning season
opens. ' " . ' t I-
laEi ILa&oEP?dccttc
ilk clfoM&t M
It's t fie
to Buy your.
Used Ford Car
This Label
is your
of Value.
i I
Go Gqc? ; cac3c?Qoi? Sp CQnn3':'cSri-';:
co -- coaad . bad - noocl. fla
' . ' , ' ... . .
fled )&3g'zz&,zgC- E-HarpzioDOIlo .
- r .' 'clodL'anOtiGrjGcavQ;; r '
rvr r r 1 n r r?r
t nf r r- "r
M-iO r r-j r
- IN! . 31 '
iccicwood r.ioTo co.
311 Ncrlh Ccnnercial Telephone 211
. Here Is Something
New . " V i
Baby Tender
ICiddie ICar
...... - -. . -
r . , All Three in One
Every Haby Should Have 'Oner
.I',-.. . ; . y. - . ' t
t SAVES your time - f
TEACHES Child to walk
BUILDS Health ;.
Far ahead of anything : you
have ever seenCome In and
see It and let us show yon It's
advantages, . - ,
- - : i
"The "Cycle Man" .
147 S.-Ccanerdal SL
i -
's., y:'-y
Ford cars are built throughout of the
finest materials that can be produced.
The veryibest steels available are used
in Ford manufacture. The plate glass
for windshields 'and windows is as
perfect as can be made. ; Upholstery :
material contains a larger percentage of
wool . than Is ordinarily spedfied-eveh
for much . higher priced cars The basic
features of Ford design have never been I A
improved upon by any. manufacturer, f
; - ';y J- -r--lf. ? 'Xy:': .";
No, other car offers gre'ater depend- -
ability. ; The Ford car has won the favor
-of millions of users under every con-' i
ceivable motoring condition. Its con
j venience is known and appreciated the
world over; its performance is . taken
for granted.
Such quality is possible at Ford prices
of ore to final assembly is under direct
controL of -theFord Motor Company.
Iron is taken from Ford mines in Mich
l igan;. coal from the Company's mines
' in Kentucky: and West Virginia.; Glass
comes ; from Ford glass plants;' wood'
r from hkf:. Ford, timber ftracts in the
; North. , Raw "materials and finished'
products are i icarriedverthe Com"
pans own transportation routes; coke'
ovens, blast furnaces, a steel mill, foun
dries and saw mills all' are part of this
complete! organization. There are even
-salvage plants; paper mill, cement plant,
v etc4 to transform waste materials into
useful byproducts, f ; m ym r:-
In this way every possible . economy
is -. effectecL Under no other - circiim-r
stances could ; Ford quality., be had at '
f -
because every operation, from mining , pordrices.
- ; - 1 - q-.,y 'y-.s..- r;yy ;'i -y:t
Features That Maintain
Simple, Dependable Lubrication
Three-Point Motors Suspension
- :UMuliiple Dts&iiuOil Clutch
. , . 1. : v-.- r - - , VV'J'j'-r'-'?''--' J'v v-.-i-- if . -J
AWSteel Bodies
Planetary Transmission
TdrqueTube Drive
"Dual Ignition System .
... 4 ,
310 500 ;
, CImmi cor prices imimm wrier ana aenuMmtaotc rimAU Prices F, O. 3, Den-pit
T V E N T Y - T W O JVJrA R;S O L; E VAlt)T ET
t ....