The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 25, 1926, Page 17, Image 17

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. tti .- a - 1 . -
T X - U glrea in an -editorial la the
: fwge-jewu Magazine,
"Whea taw ruWwr juices were
artificially raised" to an. exorbit
ant XigureVsays . the editorial,
"American ; motorists backed up
t Herbert Hoover in campaign to
, streMrnbber- tliat is to make
their tves last longer. A consid
erable break 4n prices resulted.'
- ' "U&w, let's not stop t rubber.
. Lets stretch: gasoline, oil," brakes,
engines and everything-in short
letB stretch"tho whole automo
.: -tile. '::? :; "; -
When ire stretched rubber, Iwe
prolonged the life of the tires; as
motorists " put it, . -we - got more
mileage .per lire, and ; postponed
rejlacements, by careful "use of the
tires.-; ...-. - ,
i VXJaref ul 'use ot i your antomtv
bile . wfll have .the same -beneficial
effects' on other items.' - ' ;..
- "Keep your carburetor correct
ly adjusted, and stretch your gas
oline. "f , v t- -::
' Arold abuses that cause crank
case dillutl6n,-and t etretch- your
ollf fiy prvv?.'-:
vvfDse yeur brakes with 4iaere
tion, -and atretcb your brake ' linings-
, .' ', '1 -'. - '
:. "Treat your car 'with ' greater
consideration, and ; stretch y out
automobile, i i ., . . t
"Ererybody ? stretch-nd ! iget
more mileage per; dollar! -
I ing; blossoms garnered .'to wilt
eren before they reach the homes
! they were intended to grace and
rhole , year -erf -unsIgHTHness for
all who -follow In the --wak ef
those first few who "so ruthleisly
selfishly serred themselTes. '"'
' Quick and Reliable Service on,
1 VliiAVUlA
1 L1k "si fV'
. .. vv . t
It Jv:i
This shop is equipped with'
excellent magneto testing
equipment vand , has the .
parts necessary For repair y
work which is done hy men
with J manjrears -expen- A
ence, - . . . i. r
; Rolbert Bosctt V
1 . . . - .
' ! ' X Original Bosch J .iij-
i f r. Sales antTi fPI 1 '
Service 'if"
.': .5-.' -. r j
No need lo send your Magneto -work
out of town. We can do if ?
'V--.' - , .- '
Battery and Electrical Serried - m
238 North High Street
Telephone i 203
"Juvenile Vehicle Is- New! the roadside, this spoliation Cot
Mame?T0r TOUnng?M0del j I Vlnt lite la due rather to heedless
Mr. Thomas, it 5 :.-
VerV ilketr but triit rnatter If
A marked and new demand - y r' i
Orerland tourIngraraas recent-1 ;M Mi i.Va', iric
ly developed ' among : students at I . " . ' "JwnV-
t,irv MMMfM -.hiPride no sense ot responsibility.
-JZZ""Z ;r;Zl no concern for the xighta of others
lw I tere Is their own ommon jense
Vestlgators vho liate been studyrl . ' i0nM
:.Lmi.. h - ee? By. their lack "ot fore-
they make it impossible to"repat
la pleasant experience.
parent group "have found the in-
Intant dAmRTid for the famllv car
fm'thA nrt -tit thn vamrer eener-1 oz ; ms Jtnowieaege isar.
tinn haii made two ears or -walk-1 inomas iniorms us upon anoiner
in fhAiurt I Point. It is the not long -distance
Where bicycle sparking racks I wiumwuu u uwa.M
once ?serred, parking Spaces ad-J r0,
lacent , to tho schools are now I Why? Most, the motorist least
crowded rwftn student cars, - I accustomed to luxuries be the van-?
ASnona the -younger Sfeneratlon, I dal of loTelineaeT We should hate
the ODen car is still the great pop-1 to believe it. Yet it must be those
ular - fayorlte with fihe i freedom 1 new to liberty who mistake it tor
it affords as compared witn tne l ucense. - ,
enclosed body type. "A study ot I "Be good to your onntry.. Keep
any ,-Scb.ow area, in .any. city , pi i it looking as lovely-as God-ratraiM
slxe at. the tiineoolJpenlnglJt ftkJelojrJtCUI
or closing -wui revea-aa mwuuw xot neauty ior one nor. lor a
ing number of student; body ar-1 few! .Beauty lor everybody! Share
riving or departing in groups inland let others share it! An-altru
their automobile. ' I ist's appeal.
from tne viewpoint oi xne pr-1 : c(WsTa.tnla.tloB tfT th Inert
ent who "buys the, car. the invest-l A,ntomwi AMnniatlan Thn
ment in jtb.e Overland Is vUi&ev!-fheTmboaj the Golden Rule
ly low tq iwarrannis consiaexawoa i t . - - '
f the sclent wh aarasjhlswn tJJ 1
A A iii I i'i T nf- wmim mm wa vu va aa uuuaiu r x
vttif uo tamo wiv i . - . .
a compelling attraction , and from "SVJ1""'J www.
ine viewpoint i muse w uu : uw
cars, the big car performance albil-
ity and -control features - ft tne
Overland are deciding .factors
The .use of an automobile by
the" aeheol agoing modern - genera
tion Is a natural ; follow-up of: the
growing tendency., to- build, names
in the suburban section. It has
been accentuated first bythe de
lays ox street car accommoaauons,
then the. -inconvenience ; of bus
transportation. ?
In the long run It Is an econom
ical Investment in health, ' satis
faction and convenience for the
whole family. '
t XQontiald twit psf 11
a season before only to find It laid ;
waste by the band -of Jhe fle-1
spoiler. , -
, In a hurt amaze we look about j
us. Wbat of the dogwood and laur
el that bloomed ' in the spring?
Nothing remains but ' bare and
broken branches ' " -
' The grass whichii we- , remem
bered so freshly green is troddeu
under ruthless heel.
Egg shells and banana skins,
boxes and bones and broken; bot
tles strew the ground. Torn papers
flap' in the tree tops, for all the
world ' like 'unpleasant " birds of
prey haunting a scene of carnage.
An ugly - picture' and, of1 man's
makings ;..:
A day of unbridled merrymak-
now at the rate of 1000 a day and
faculties- are being rapidly made
to bring this no to 1 5 (H - ly
within the next two months.
c Present Indications are that a
dally average' tor the year of not
les.than .1200. units in; the four
general lines, will be necessary
to satisfy, dealer." demands which
will be considerably in excess of
the-50 per cent increase In manu
facturing schedules which was set
early vin January. - ; , , , ,
The production " of the Willys
Knlgkt Six Seventy will constitute
a large percentage of the total out
put despite the fact that demand
for the Overland Six Is already at
a rate . of approximately 50 per
cent increase ver-the total busi
ness In this model for last year.
..a. . .
r (Continued Irom g 1.)
dealers. " Cxt , .
-Communications received by
Mr. -3lorey from automobile deal
ers state that ' the writers - are In
BTrapathy with, bis views-onthe
subject and believe that some ac
tion should -fee taken to prevent
reckless 1 driving ot tnia ; nature
over the public, nighways. "- Some
feel that stunts of this kind cheap
en the ear that 4s being advertised
In this manner. Others are opposed
to : tHls ixnethod gof trying to sell
antomoblles. ,
'. Commenting on a, drive made
by one motorist from Kansas City
to St. Louis, at an average speed
of 75 miles per hoar, one automo
bile dealer declares that the driver
had been a menace to public safe-,
ty for about 265 miles and should
have been apprehended before he
started the wild race.
Translation ot Alexander's
Letter Starts Treasure Hunt
7 LENINGRAD Professor, Ben-
ike and: Professor Massalskl have
discovered , In ; the library of the
latn Khsn nf KIta a. maniiRrrint
i A ...... '.V. . ."I
at Aagry puDiie opinion against containing a translation from
automobiles nd , the automobile Greek into Arabic of a letter sent
: r
Why notbnjr now and make motiey?
Myrtle avenue ready to be paved. For Sale 16 lots,
J $450o S700. Two houses, $100 will handle either. See '
Fairgromids Tload -
Telephone .S20
by -the 'Great -Macedonian Prince,
AIexanderthe Great, to one of his
generals. -yr ; :t: , "; -V J .
The Utter -lve a full inven
tory of the hero's treasury,on-
slstlng ef ji pflo of -soli L'rJUn
walch '.Utfa engravad iraaiUf: qa
medicine? and morals, .Tne
ernment will make--excavations oa
the spots mentioned la the-letter.
yd u c houl d ikn oc q bpu t
. 11. .
' -4 ' - S.-
Heavy ISteel Fenders
Put your wliole weislit on imy Stud
ebaker fender. Compare 'tfie weight
oF the Ateel used; the width and depth
oF the -crown end sldrt, the 14 holt
Fastenings, the; rigid strength of the
mountings. You will find them un
surparsed. Studebclier fenders are
Unit-Hunt Uliehe rest F flie car 4
to .stay Firm and keep their graceful
Form the JiFe of the car;
"235 South XkvBfusX 3trect--Telephone 362 t
Xssy and Ccn
it ;
snt Terms cf Psgcisnt r V
1 . 3 '
. ,
f-. a
. -iffi flft lr. 'i. i. r
111 i ti. ml u UK All
.1 .
" t
I j
; 1
1 Jl
1. li
.. ,
r,iTDL - ; . :i
Foil force feed Inlirleadoa, 7bearlng crankshaft, 64earlag
: fsmtKfi ft, 4-mliml brakes, fiiU ballooa tires, 5 disc wbaeb,
new kCalld Ottf finiK- mwr Vglocrr ppholatefir, .ntwuMf
wiAdshieki-wfper; dome Ught, cowl vcntilatc and cowl Dghts,
Just drive the Ajax Six one mile r
rK100--acd you'll ezqpetience .a, 1
quality of performance never
known before in the $100C) field f
Hudson Super-Six Prices
Equipped -and Delivered
At Your Door
Nothing Else to Pay
list of Equipment
Front and Rear Bnmpers; Antomadc Wind
shield Cleaner; Rear View kfirror;Transniis
sion Lock(buiIt-in; RadlatorShutters; Moto
Meter; Combination Stop and Tail Light.
.The Coach - - 't-.t- U379
7-Pass. Scdin V-..V-;V- ' IS75.
Easy Porducscr Tetms
Based on limited output, Hudson prices would hay e to be ' Jtdvanssd
dollars. That it whjr' yoiL nowhere nd ccnipariblc jaaIiry, pccrzyiC5 cad "-7
except in the costliest cars. 'j . . i V
n Built with all these Hudson advantages, the Brougham gives custom built frfR
beauty, and quality. The body js all aluminum,5 and is hand cade by trrnocs rdTn.
Seats arc deep, , comfortable, well arranged, adjustable to tny anlc 9d with' plenty of
leg room.
s--' t ,'.1 ---' 1 " . , ; :
THe exclusive Super-She principle has ivta rncre than ten jesrs of mttfdl r-rr-fy ' '
In evemhing that counts-porrnance, Tiding eas smoothnss and tr-V- hiJbtr '
prices can buy no more.-. -There pn; be no. .better proof that Hudson is the M7cdd's
Greatest Value than what owners say for it, and that its slcs leadership .csndnnes ycir
after year, the outstanding success of motordom.
TAe Lowest Prices at Whicht Hzieko:zsE73r- Sold
5 -t'S
t -
- ; - J
1 ; j31X'NCmxnejdal Ehone 31 1
- v- 1 m .