The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 25, 1926, Page 14, Image 14

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    Mammr. BkiMimg ";ear; W4fMi!WiiM Maine Comstwuctiom 'SiHm&
A Homa Where Beautyr ancP Cqmfort iRcign:
iunt tiffin i iiiTrn
Yqufre, cure
Double Shift to Set to Work
Constructing Theatre
. and Stores
Tile Setters at Work Lining
Sides,. Ceiling and Walls
Get Stucco
Walls to Be Freed From
Forms by End of Week,
Roof Work Starts
Seed Ik
U.o. . ft.
BEN one Is-able to- obtain good archi
tectural, effect comhined with an in
terior arrangement beyond criticism
he la attaining' as nearly perfection as is
possible in any home. And if you will care
fully analyze this- floor
, plan conceding at tha out
set the attractiveness of '
the exterior, the only conclusion-
possible is ' that
here, tea truly; ideal small.
home ..
' Built of ; common brick
- its2 appearance is greatly
enhanced by the roofing of
variegated; tile while its;
fire, safety' is increased
even more. It is the. sort:
ofr home that one may
Tleaver with- confidence, and:
-enjoy, complete peace of
mind while awayi And
just as it is fire safe so is it
' durable and economical of
upkeep. There, are very
f ewH exposed-spots, that ,
.will require painting.'
V ." Beauty in this , house is
permanent In: bothr brick,
andtUe it is. a. burned in
beauty which neither the
- elements nor-the flight: of
time "will: ever, cause to
fade. There is every-rea
son with this home to
count upon its looking just
as well half a century-hence as it does to
day. It is the sort.ol home that i3 built for
ience. From the entrance, vestibule to the
rear service entry there is not an Inch of
space wasted. And its utilization has been
unusually well adapted. " l
Living and sun rooms, when occasion de
mands, can be" thrown vir-
I I 4 tt. L ' tc - ' B;
tuflllv into one. well II eh t-
ed and with an open fire
place to add to their cheer
iness. Between dining
room and kitchen is. a cozy
little breakfast room, and
beyond the kitchen a ser
vice entry for the refriger
ator. Two large bedrooms
with the bath between are
across the hallway. AH
are well, lighted and closet
room is amply provided
throughout. J
This home is particu
larly suited to a, section
where the winters are se
vere. Its construction is
substantial throughout of
a character best designed
to insure warmth and ease
and economy of heating. It
also has that other very
necessary feature for the
boisterous winter weather
a vestibule of ample pro
portional and: fitted, with
a closet for. the disposi
tion of the wraps that in
such a climate: are always
indispensible. v
This altogether exceptional little home is
camnaign this year. Anyhow, it's
liable to be a cloBe Race.
ANiOtlTSTANDING feature of
the school for crime is the fact
that a lance proportion of the
graduates return for a post grad
uate course,
about all the three R's stand for
now is Rah! Rah! Rah.
a T-OT of these candidates who
are makin a . big clatter about tax.
rcwlnction would swine a bis per
centage of the. wimmen's rotes if
they would come out wun a plan
for waist reduction.
of that class, which imperatively demands
' And just as long as It stands It will be adequate landscaping if it is to appear to
the personiflcatloa of comfort and conven-, the best advantage. -
Tin Oiiiiwii ftrtrfr- Winfft' Association. CI' Obi, cm foroiih eompJwt drawles (or tbU 4niva.
1 Set orwk. cooatrwctioa at npo QUU . .
But the Upkeep Expense of Such House Is Small
See us for -common brick, face brick, building tile, partition tile, silo tile, sewer
pipe, drain tile, vitrified sewer pipe.
ShbSr Windows Finished, in
r0ak AU Metal Marquise
tor Will Store
A nevcf ront has been construct
ed to the entrance of John Rottle's
shoe store on State, street between
Liberty and High streets. The
show windows are finished in oak.
The base of the show windows on
the outside. Is finished- in blue.
A new approach has been laid to
the store.
An all metal marquise is being
placed in front o fthe George C.
WiU building on Liberty street be
tween State and Ferry, streets.
Except for the final painting,
tha. marquise around the building
on the northwest corner of Ferry
and High streets, been completed.
(Continued from. pc
This Week's Bong Title
"I Call My Girl Sweet
Cookie Because Se s Been
a Wafer So Long.
. . , A
Busy Readers' Newspaper
(OnUaatUna w l
rThe Oregon Statesmanj issued its annual grape slogan
Tfcerninistration of Willamette University brought to an
abrupt close the inter-class fighting that resulted from the
sudden departure-of- sophomores on a stolen "flunk day."
Upperclassmen were not allowed to carry out their intention
of throwing all sophomores into the Mill Stream as punish
ment cuts in privileges and grades being adopted instead.
Peclaring that the cost of , the survey of Salem residential
districts will be not less than $10,000, and probably nearer to
?20,000,: and that, the insurance map which must serve the
city for. the next 20-years-will? represent an investment of
nearly. $60,000 aQ of which will be made by the insurance
company, AVilliant H. Schaeff er, Thursday, pointed out the
extreme simplicity with which a uniform numbering: system
can be introduced here fc the nrHUnt. tfTna.
-The.' state, lime plant at the penitentiary shipped its first
w wa car or lime, pricea 4.v a . a ton to iarmers. w armers
can haul their own lime from the pen plant in sacks priced
at. $5.50 a ton. Cost of lime to farmers here was approxi
mately $7 when shipped from the former, plant at Gold.Hill.
k -Residents of Salem Heights, who -arose in. active protest
at rumors that the new. city dump was to be in their section
of town, came in for another surprise' Friday with the revela
tion that an option? has ; been secured on the Warren Con
struction company'sold quarry with the object of converting
the aite into the .new city dump Harry Walker, head of the
City, Scavenger, company; Friday confirmed, the rumor that
an option had been secured, on five acres. iU p:. r c - -
Joel Berremari, a non fraternity man, was elected president
of the associated student body of Willamette university Frit
day. . Ha is the first non fraternity man to be; elected; in
I - Full accounts of Saturday;' and early Sunday morning
D'YE REMEMBER when about
the CUTEST, little thing on the
boolyrard was the 1908 flapper
with the slit skirt?
LOOKS LIKE Salem Is goin' to
hare a Lire (s)ly mayorality
With the completion of the ex-
cavatlon for Frank Bligh's $250,-
000 theaterr store and office
haildin on the quarter block at
State and High streets cornea the
announcement that- the - contract
has been let. for the construction
of the building and, that-a, double
shift is to be maintained to get
the building completed as soon
as possible.
Laborers are at work laying the
cement foundation for the Cham
bers and Chambers building on
Hiarh street between. Center and
Chemeketa streets, the excavation
baring been finished.
WHICH LEADS me to remark
that there's more attention paid
the girth of, a nation i than the
birth of a nation.
WHEN THE color, leaves a
girl's cheeks nowadays its quite
likely to be found, on some fel
ler's coat collar.
A five days' water test revealed
that the , walls and bottom of the
swimming tank in the new honi
of the YMCA, on Center street, be
tween Cottage and Church streets,
are in perfect, condition. Tile set
ters are at work setting the tile
along the sides of the tank, and
will, probably begin on the work
of setting, the tile on the tank
itself by the end of this week.
Ceiling: and walls of the tank
room, are to be finished in stucco
of the. same quality and color as
that which covers the exterior
walls of the building. The lower
portion of the wall, from the base
to a height of 5 feet, will be
finished in white water proof
Final coat of stucco has 'been
applied to the lower portion of the
outer walls last week. It was at
first planned to finish the lower
portion in smooth stucco, but fin
ally, it was finished in the same
style as the remainder of the
Work of plastering in the base
ment has been finished. Most of
the woodwork is completed. Fur
nishings for the locker rooms are
expected to arrive this week.
The entire first floor has been
sanded. Linoleum has arrived and
will probably be laid this week.
Furnishings for all the floor are
now in the building. For .the lob
bies over stuffed davenports have
been purchased in addition to
easy chairs.
There still remain a few fin
inshing touches before the con
tractors are through with the
three floors. When these are done,
the only work remaining will be
that of setting the tile in the
swimming tank.
What Would Fire
Do To Your Roof
See Our Display in Patton
Brothers Window on
State Street
A&U us about a fire-proof
roof for your house j:
140S N. Front St.
Distributors for
Johns'-Manville Asbestos Roofing
Taking advantage of
our specials enables
you to save on lumber
This WeeU We Are Offering
1x6, 1x8, 1x10 and 1x12 at $14.00 per thousand .
Just Received a Car of
All Grades, at 514 and Upward
We alio have a large assortment of
SCREEN DOORS. All Standard Sizes
l I .
A. B..KEI3A.Y, Minacer 3,49-S. 12th Street
;-.! -: .; phone 813 . . . .
Pouring of (he concrete for the
walls of the Welle r building, un
der construction on Center street
between High and Church streets,
has been completed. Some of the
forms have already been remored.
The. walls will probably be com
pletely freed from their forms by
the end of the week.
The building is to be the future
home of Wood's auto top and
painting establishment: The roof
of the building was being con
structed Saturday.
Windows hare been placed in
the. front of the R. X. Meyers val
eteria building on Center street
between High and Liberty streets.
The furnishings have been mored
in. The building will probably be
open for business in about a
week's time.
Buy a Want Ad It Pays Big
m ft a s v- , u r r t s1-- xi
'ill I iS 1 1? "ri-i! -!--
tPCV build: it!
Our years of experience covers a wide range of homes. You,
can- place explicit confidence in our ability, na matter what your
plans call for. Every, detail of the work will be looked after in;
a careful, conscientious way. every possible saving wUl be, ef
fected. . I
Bulgin & Bulgin
275 State Street
Telephone 375
The flies are coming!
T wi
Keep these disease carriers oijit of the house and
live in comfort with open doors and windows on
hot days.
We make several designs of screen doors and
window screens. The wire is securely fastened
and stays tight and smoothi The woodwork is
of selected, old growth fir finely sanded
that takes paint smoothly.
Call at our store and make
your selection. Special de
signs and sizes, made to .or
der. 1
Chas vSpauiding
A Safe Invesftmeait '
WM Good Divideei
Why You Should
Buy This Stock
1 The business is
firmly established,
well managed and
A permanent.
2 Tour savings will
bo safe.
3 Yonr Income will
be regular and de
pendable. 4 Dividends paid by
check first of each
month, or quarter
ly, as you prefer.
5 Exempt from State
personal, property
6 Dividends exempt
from Normal Fed
eral Income Tax.
7 Price 100, to yield
t - - :.
Our First Preferred Share
Your Moheu
WKere can you find a Kettcr, saf err
and more attractive investment than,
to , put youj: savings intt Oregon's
Greatest Public Utility; and be sure
of getting- 7.20, onryrour money
Dividends Payable moTithlii or
Investigate our Easy Payment
Plan which pays, interest at 7 on
your payments till' he shares are:
Shares $100: each, cash or on easy
terms; 10 down and 10 montldy
237 N. Liberty Street
Write or Call fbrInfbrmafion
Portlands .: Salem - OrcscaCitv . . yancouvervVashV
- ., .... -torJ.. m,,.-