1 t . ..-..- Vi t f i.f ' THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON SUNDX MORNING, APRIL '25, 1926 U', . Mi. , fHv; . - r" Ifta . -OJ - ,111 Four Rooms . . St .- , .-.. eV A5i-f'"'.j"',' etaanchly-bullt one-story house offers ample facilities for comfort in four rooms. The aim ' pie lines of its architecture insure ' moderate construction cost, and the stucco exterior called for in .the design, cuts down expense of upkeep; i , Two good sized bedrooms, with ample closet space and cross Ten tilatlon, afford sleeping quarters for small family. The living room is well proportioned, and f part of it is intended tor use as 'a dining, room.', The kitchen, as . well as the other rooms, is bright and cheery. , The. small hallway, connects all ' of the rooms, and a stairway leads from It to storage space in the at tic A large ' linen closet is con 'Tenlent to the bath a bedrooms. PLANS -r f - "A - ' SPAULDING LOGGING CO. ; I . I Telephone 1830 .HT .ICK CREAM RIVALS VODKA t;PARIS.-t;Ic9 cream shares with P" rodka an eTer-Increasing favor -- with Frenchmen. Many cafes ad i - '' - : : , V IMli! Fireproof Storage Fuel Transfer N 4 Coal and Dry; WooiJ at Reasonable Prices Cratrng--Local and Long Hauling---Moving 143 South Liberty Telephone 930 1 . Enaild Youif .Air;.. Let us help you build your home economically not cheaply- but at the greatest possible savings in the cost of good materials, Avhich, like everything else that's good is cheapest in the long run. This Community has good carpenters, contractors, bricklayers; plasterers, plumbers, electricians and all others Who are needed In home building. And it has the very best materials available for your use at reasonable prices. Therefore . .1 iJ - i BUILD ;'y Call PAINT, SHOP AND STORE . 175 South Commercial K; TeIephone:728.;v;.;:,:;- . Plan Number 508 Prove Ample for Comfort ii ' " Y T i ,i ... " - - t. 7v j3W L ,i J "1 " " I J JtHt-t 11 AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED BY Salem, Oregon vertise ice cream by special signs posted prominently over the cash ier's desk and the once insur mountable French aversion to "glace americain" is passing. Odd J MS Sto I . I , -, li ttfl YOUR HOME THIS SPRING on us for anything you need, ';,. 1 c IF ricot riAit rui ia yos ly enough, ice cream often is classed as a beverage. Small cafes carry it in such a list as thte. "Tea, Chocolate. Coffee, Ice Cream, Vodka, Whiskey, Gin." Worth Capitol and; Union f. -i Telephone 2248Lii.i HUE OFFERS MARKED SURPRISE Intricate Decorations Will Make Theatre Model on Pacific Coast Salemites are due (or a real sur prise when they enter the Elsinore theater after its completion. The theater, owned by George Guthrie, is located on High street between State and Ferry streets. . Most of the decorating has been completed, although the Intricacy of work will demand the attention of the decorators for about two weeks yet. For Instance, the ceil ing is stenciled off in squared, and each square is hand decorated. This work alone will require in all nearly a month's time.' The front, or lobby of the thea ter, is one of the most impressive in the northwest, according to tra velors who-have inspected theaters throughout the section. Columns and walls, hare been finished in a brown tone that gives them the appearance of being the stately walls of an old castle. Rubber tiling has been set on the floor of 'tbe room at the rear of the main balcony. The tiling is ready to foe set on the stairs leading to the balconies. Work of setting the red tile floorings to the entrances of the theater was completed last week, the red tile bases the ' exterior front wall as well as the columns and walls In the lobby. n Stage workers will start InstWU Ing the curtains and other stage equipment thi3 week. EDGAR POE NOfeniS (Continued from page 1.) ' door activity. Eve served first. She was sfelf- conscious and. made a. bad, Job of it, and the strangers got the game. easily. The other woman put over a strike to begin her service, and Clay stepped in after that and hurled jher shots Ttack.at, the pair with such force that the man could do nothing to check him and the game evened the standing. Eve trotted over to pat him n the back. He glowed' with exultation. "At least," he reflected, "I'm not such a rotten tennis player." But things were less easy for them in the succeeding games of the set. Eve was still playing bad ly and both of the other -pair seemingly were improving r it was like two to one, and Clay 'had to keep his feelings in check when the set ended 6-3 in the strangers favor.- "Another set?" The others chal lenged. , ' Again Eve looked askance at Clay, but no so enthusiastically as before. She was feeling very bad ly over her deficiency and she ould see that her mistake had an noyed her husband. "Of course," Clay replied. When they had lost three straight game? Immediate Delivery r f i 1 r The New OHhoihonic Victrola : A wonderful new musical instrument that has revolu tionized all previous ideas of music in the home. Imagine an instrument which gives you the rich" nat uralness of the human voice an eveness in the range of the full instrumentaljensemble, from the low boom of the bass drum to- tha treble ririntr nf t r rWr1r oil I-coming to you as though the B ii ' w . ,ia me room, imagine ?uiav ana you merely guess at Orthophonic Victrola- music. i ? tWe can make immediate: delivery of both the f 275 and f 30O CredensA models, the one shewn above Is the Credenza 275 model. If you are Interested In the Orthophonic Victrola we Invite you to call at our store, or write Tor- demonstration or catalogue. :. y -'., .-"!.' MOORE & BEERS DRUGGISTS and WOODBUIW; ORE. J k zih th i RED BAND mmXZZfi a fury seized him. He took chanc er and played wildly, and did some brilliant shooting, with the result that the score was five-five half an hour later.. It was Eve's service. The first four balls she hit failed to clear the net. The second two, returned to her territory, she missed. The score was six-five. "I'm so sorry, honey," she sa.d, close to Clay. "That's all right," he replied unconsolingly. "Flay the game!" His eyes met those of the woman across the net. The other woman put over two strikes to begin with, then re turned a shot from Clay's racquet to his wife's territory; plainly, she was taking advantage of Eve's weakness. Clay dashed across and got it back across the net miracu lously, but in so doing, made It possible for the other man to place it in the unprotected terri tory out of reach. The score was 45-6. The woman stranger failed to deliver either of two balls to the proper territory in her next ser vice, and the score was 45-15. But immediately afterward she put one over that barely grazed the chalk-line before it plumped upon Clay's racquet and went sailing back to the woman. This time she trickily pasted one just over the net and he had to strain himself to reach it, getting it over to her partner. Again Clay got the re turn, by moving back at break neck speed, and whammed it at the woman. Had she let it go, it would have been outside, anyway. But she leaped high in the air, a precious looking goddess reveal ing silken bloomers in the manner of Lenglen, and hurled the sphere back. It missed the outside by an inch while neither Clay nor Eve were within two feet of it and the game and set were lost. "Thank you for the awfully gotfd game," the woman called cheerily. Again her eyes met Clay's and his glance dropped. There was a sort of challenge in th4 tui Ld TH H4 wi as se se? tw te Iri said Court this 10th day of Arrtl 1926. - U. G. BOYER, Clerk ' By A. F. TASTO, Deputy Clerk. All-18-25 M2-9 Immediate Delivery singers and musicians were STATIONERS Ing to condole with each other. That was what was in their glanc es. He saw her speak to her com panion,' and in, a moment the lat ter came toward them., ."Would you join us for refreshments?", "We would be delighted to," Eve replied. "My name is White," he Intro duced himself to Clay. "Mine's Wales. . . This is my wife," he Indicated. "I didn't know the prince was married," , remarked the man, smiling. Clay did not smile, but Eve did. The other woman came up too late to hear this. "Miss Johnstone." Mr. White announced. "Mr. and Mrs. Wales- not the prince." Miss Johnstone did not smile. Her eyes were upon Clay's search Ingly. His glance dropped. (To be continued) In the next instalment: Violet Eyes. . Notice of the Improvement of Lee Street Between Twenty-Second Street and Twenty -Fourth Street. Notice ia hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its jmYpose and Intention to im prove Lee street from the east line of Twenty-second street to the west line, of Twenty-fourth street, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley intersections the expense' of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing ce ment concrete, curbs, and paving said portion of said street with six inch cement concrete pavement fn accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the. Common Council April 5th, 1926. now on file In the office of the City Recorder, and jtM"Iim- " r April 5th, 1926, now on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the,' above described im provement by and through the street improvement department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil this 5 th day of April, 1926. M.-POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is April 14, 1926. Date of final publication hereof is April 25, 1926. apl 14 to 25 Inc. Notice of the Improvement of Nineteenth Street Between Ferry Street and Bellevuc Street. Notice is hereby. given that the Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to im prove Nineteenth street from the south line of Ferry street to the north line of Dellevne street at the expense f the abutting and ad jacent property, except the street and alley Intersections the -expense of which will he assumed' by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the estab lished grade, constructing' cement concrete curbs, and paring said portion of said street with six Inch cement concrete pavement in ae- eordanee with the plans and speci- B cations therefor which were adopted by the Common Council April 5th, id 2 6. now on file in the office of -the, City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, .The Common Council hereby de clares its .purpose and Intention: to make the . abore - described im provement by- and - through the street improvement department oT the City of Salem, Oregon. ' By order of the Common Coun' cil this 6th day of April, 1926. L?POULSEN. City Recorder. ' Date of first publication hereof is April 14, 1926. . Date of final publication hereof Is April 2S, ins. pi 14 to IMaa. 1 ! - UrdonsRosten CAPITAL . TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION Ko. 210 President, O. F., Evsaa; .mc retsry, H. V. PilkAtoa.; U(U lee- - ond Saturday, t :00 p. m. ' CARPENTERS UNION NO. 1065 .Meets Thar, evening. Arthur Tucker, president; . Wm. Peitit. secretary. Skilled echanjes fnrnisMd. Pnonc 17V. j , i SALEM ; UNION LABEL , LEAGUE Meet at Labor Hall a call of presi dent. F. "Wj Bears, secretary. Box 443. Salem ' tire. ' : Lodae Roster FRATE&NAL 'ORDEB OF EAGLES, meet rrery- Wednei4y. Fraternity Hall, 8. M.-WiUett See'y. i Tel. 88-R. KNIGHTS OF TTTHIAS MEETS- AT Fraternal Hall every Tneaday eveniag. Visitors invited. Fred Dennam, C. V.; Walter Lenon.1 K. of B, S. tXtit trtgon &tateman Pnbliaked every morninr' (except Mon- Omji ii sticuif ine capital ox uniuo. Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or Sunday One thne 2 cents per word Three times -4 5 cent per word Six times 8 cents per word 1 mo. daily and 8nn. 20 cents per word In order to earn the more than one time rate, advertisement must run in consecutive issues. No. Ad. taken for less than 25e. Ads. run Sunday ONLY charged at one-time rate, .j Advertisements (exeept Personals and Situetions Wanted) will be taken oyer the telephone if the advertiser is a subscriber te phone. The Statesman Will receive adver tisements at any time of the day or night. To insure proper classifica tions ads. should be in before 7 p. m, . TELEPHONE 23 OR 583 Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE T.I K. FORD (Over L4d A Bush Bank) ADtERTISING HONEST ADVERTISING These eol- iuma mast be kept free from anything tat a questionable nature. Misrepresen- ttatiODS will not be tolerated. Infor tmation showing any questionable in tent on the part of the advertiser should be reported to this newt paper or the Salem Ad club. Auto Tops EE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. J. Hull Aqto Top and Paint Shop. 267 8. CommerciaL 5al6tf Help Wanted IAKE YOUR SPARE TIME PAY. HAVE easy selling article. Call at 429 Ore gon Bid g., motning. 9m28tf Help Wanted Male 11 AN USE A FEW fORE WOOD choppers. John H. Scott, 30a Oregon. Bldg. Ila25 LE LI ABLE MAN IN EVERY TOWN and city to distribute free aamplea, ad vertising matter, etc. No selling. Ex perience unnecessary. Outdoor work. $3 to $6 daily. Write quickly for con tract. Supervisor Colombe, 5153 North Clark St., Chscago, Illinois. Ila25 IOLLYWOOD HAY GIVE YOU . I chancel Rash photo Frederick Pant 1531 N. Mariposa, Hollywood, Calif. " - .- i - 1U2I 4- i PAYING POSITION OPEN TO REP- resentasive of cnaraeter. Take orders shoes-hosiery direct to wearer. Good income. Permanent. Write now. Tan ners Shoe Mfg. Co, 332 Mohawk Bldg, Portland. Orej lla25 Help Wanted Female 13 Women teachers wanted to travel aunng summer vacation, inter esting work, 1 congenial teacher- com panions, and at least f 80.0O per week. Salary to start and railroad fare paid. Give age, education and details of ex perience In first letter. Address 8. J; GillfilUn, 1091 N. Wabash Ave.. Chicaro, I1L .- . ... "- 13a25 ADDRESSING EN VELOPES EXPER ence sssseeuarT. earn sis.uu-su.uu weekly daring spare time at home. Wgniued work for honest, sincere per sons. Fmnklya Products, 1032 Vsn isurea, Chicago. a 13a23 WOMAN WANTED FOR TRAVELING position. - Mdst be entirely unincum bered, with high school education, b ' tween . area iof .25 and 40. Salary. bonus and transportation. Give full - information first letter, r. K. t-omp- ' ton m uarlana Bldg. Chicago. BaBsaaKacssnannaKcxaaa Notice of thej Improvement of Mo Coy A venae , Between Huns Street ni Krlxon Streets Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon deems , Is necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose And intention of im prove McCoy -. Avenue from the South line; of Htint, street to the south line "of Erlxon street at the expense of the ' abutting and ad jacent preperty, except the street and alley intersections the ex pense of which , will be ' assumed by the Cityt Salem, byt bringing said portion lot said avenue to the etabliahed jrader cnnstructlng ce ment' concrete -curbs, and paving aid. portion of said street with. -six inch cement concrete pavement in accordance Iwith the1 nlunx and specifications therefor which were adop'ted "by the 'Common Council April th?lS)2Sr now on file In the onice or tne utty Kecorder, aad which are - hereby referred to and made a part hereof. - ' The Common Council hereby de clares. Jts purpose, and Intention to provement by and through the street improvement department of the City of Salem, Oregon. r By order 61 the Common Conn cil this Sth dav of Anril. 182. 'iLrOUlEN City Recorder' V Date of - first - publication hereof is April 14. 26. ... ..Date of. final publication hereof la April 25. 102 S. - -' - apl 14 to 25 Inc. Chile tuins-Foreat Lumber r.n buys machinery for elecrical plan dg Salesmen SALESJfEN SELLING SUPREME fihirta aeaas.bi( baainess. bit repntt, bis.comnaiMions. . Write today for fr kit.. Supreme Shirt Cc. 27S Fifta Ae- New York.' - - -.- .- 15s2S' SIDE :LINE OR FULL TIKE SALES men. .$50 , to. $20O weekly.- Largnt xclusiTe mannactnrera - celluloid d- ' Tertisiaf noveltiea. Many piVnted. . Weekly checks. Fullest hoe fp,ri. tion. Parisian Novelty Co.. (ir4rf.8i 137 West 22nd fit.. Chicane. T I5a20' LIGHTNING STRANGE BATTERY compound. Charges, discharged batter ies ' instantly. . Eliminates old method ' entirely.. Gallon, free to agents. Light. . i o n. . 1 Lf . ...... rwtr . rniro a nnrvrTD at. a crarn H INTENDENTS BEST PROPOSITUS EVER OFFERED SCHOOL BOARDS i PLEASANT.. EASY TO SELL. VERY REMUNERATIVE. HUGH L. NICH OLAS 4750 SHERIDAN, CHICAGO - " ' ' 15a2S' Wanted Employment 1 9 A' POSITION AS TTPIST BY YOCNO Udy. . 610 South 25th St. Ia20' tOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT digging and team work. Phone TiF:. ipmi4tr 21 ,WE BENT AND COLLECT RENTS Busselle ft Aspinwall 222. N. CommerciaL Phone 36. 2U8tf FURNISHED APARTMENT WITH Gar den. .139Q N. 4th. 21mx4tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND APART ments. F. L. Wood, 341 SUte St. 21ml2t. PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14 BY 74". wording, ''For Rent"," price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, ground floor. FOR RENT STRICTLY MODERN 5 room fist 769 Marion St., furnace nod garage $40. ' . 5 -room house end sleeping porch,- garage-5Q N. 16th St, S30. 3 rooms and ateping porch, strictly modern. 1550 S. Winter "St., 30. BECKE ft HENDRICKS, 189 N. High Bt. - 21a25tf For Rent Apartments 23 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED apartments. 1311 Court street. 23a30 S-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. 1492 Court. 23a28 COMPLETELY FURNISHED APART - ment for rent. " Uae 01 piano, telephone, bath, $15 per month. 1581 N. Front. Inquire at Valley Grill, 156 8. Com ' mercial. 23s22tf NICELY FURNISHED 3-ROOM APT. Downstairs, private bath. 1133 Court St. 23a22tf 2 ROOM APARTMENT, LOWE TI.OOR and sleeping for rent. Phon 1809-R. 428 N. Church. - 23a25 PRINTED CARDS. BIZ 14" BT TK' wording, "Rooms to Rent," pries i1 cents each, i Statesman Business OtfTea, ground-floor. . ; For Rent Rooms 25 2 ROOM CNFURSISUED APT. MAIM floor, near cannery. . f 6.00 a month. Telephone 1066. 25a25' TWO STUDENTS MAT HAVB BOOM with sleeping preav privileges, in mod ern homer in convenient location. vAd dreas A. D., ears SUtesmaa. . I5f3tl FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO. JnWIM beds. Breakfast. Reference "nuired. Reaeenable. 845 Markat ajt- ,5a2.' ROOM, FOR-RENTryOR CENvJEMiN, In njiJ.Mk I. n n. a I lv. M InW P.Iiim eneea. Address Home, cara'SUtsmsn, 25f2t For Rent Houses 27 HOUSE, NORTH CAPITOL, GARDEN, fruit. 15. Downstairs apartment. .411 North Summer. Phone 630. 2Ta25 NICE CLEAN 5-ROOM . HOCSE. 50 S N. 17th. - STaaa FURNISHED AND CKFURNISHED koaaea.t Brown and Johnson, 10a 8. Cam's. -.- - - -STJ17tf TWO-ROOM SUMMER) COTTAGE, lights ana water. Phone 2044-W. - 2Ta'21tf For RentFarms 29 I HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS for rent.- - P. E. Tbomason, Turner, Ore. Phono 6XX. - laltf WantedMiscellaneoas 35 FURNITURE PACXINO FOR . SHIP- ments. . Oiese-Powera Furaiture Cat.' . . S520tf WOODRY THE AUCTIONEER BUT 9 used furniture for cash. Phone 511. ' . . . ' Matt WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB (arm loans. We have several applica tions n hand. Hawkins A Roberts Inc.. 205 Oregon Bldg. 5dl4H For Sale 37 SMALL HOUSE INQUIRE AT - 82fi4 uaxel Ave. STaza WAGONS AND FARM MACHINERY and aet of harness for sale. John H. Scott, 805 Oregon Bldg. B7s2j IF YOU CAN USE FIVE ROOMS OP new . Jomiture. that is the ry best, at a real bargain Call F13. Xa3 GARLAND WOOD AND COAL BANG! like new with roils and pipe. Rea aonable 555 N. CotUga. Call 1547-R. S7a2a PUREBRED ENGLISH BULLDOG PUP- Kiea far . aale. 1055 Bauaoat St.,- 6a sm. SfaSOtf 7 - -'; . r TRESPASS NOTICES, SIZE 14x9 INS, Printed oa goad 10-euace eaavasa, bear ng the words, "Notice Is Hereby Given Y That Treapaaaing Ia Strictly Forbidden n . These Premises Under Penalty of Prosecution. Price 15o each or for 11- ' 25c. SUteunaa Pub. Co.. Salons, Ore- W gon. , - ---STatf MY 91400 EQUITY FOR S1SOO OK KEW 4 room at 1290 Medieoa Ave. Write Rt. 7, Box S2T. , 7m7 FINE SILVER PLATE, GOLD BELL. '. almost new O eexapbone at a aaerifice. ' See it at 84 Rural Ave. . S7m21tf ' FOR BALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. TEN ; . : cent a- bundle.- Circulation department ,; ' - Oregaa Statesman. . : f: - ELECTRIC BROODERS -Popular well-kaowa snake. . Three of .thena new,' never naecate4 aixe .150, 250 and 500 chicks, r maiatain very iependabla aad no 'tronl' v o operate. "Will aeil.ai a diaconnt.-in be seen . at this . office. PuWish 7sl4tf leg- Oempany For Sate-Li vestock 39 GOOD WORK -HORSE,. WEIGHT" 1250 lbs. alo gorfd Jersey eoW, giving' milk. - Phone 108F14. , . .... 8a27 DRAFT, HORSJ5 . WEIGHING ABOUT 1650 ' pounds, 8 -yaara eld. Phone V72F2. .. . 9929 FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAil . Office 420 8. Onmmereial. Phone 118 Re. Phone 1S66. - Sm23U DRS. MOREHOUSE AND LANGE HAVE opened emcee at 639 Boat h comaer eial street. Their phoae namber Is the n sa r. i a J 7 I: ST" , ? ' us mm, coiUng 138,000.