.l.t- " THE OREGON STATESAI AN. SALEM. OREGON 3Lr ;w ;:- "a SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, 1926 (Jf Eldhomie inerican ? Teat 7 TkV ' jf.i1" ''w) If- uetaus Btv TJIOTASXAX ''. Msrfi i. reresnewan, numawi-. Ch nreB Class I If boat 10 a. in., traded instruction. Alor a.inrsi-srondocW by the snperintMid T.i rii! vi.k .T DcvottoBal.serv preach. Miy. Styles. wtH . 'Th Publics." sfri. W. A.1 Deftdoa at the rgan.. . Emerson cluh will meet usual i Thursday evening at the parsonare. 1 KNIGHT 1CEMOKIAZ. COHGBE- - O AXIOM AJi- . . --i South Nineteen tb and vJFerry . st-feet. fir. C, -Stever, minUte reemene ao South Kiaetreath. Phoa . - dajr seheol at 10 a. in. C. C. llama, rrintendent. Brmon on " Teacher." Morning solo by Boaaia crav.. en. Christian Endeavor at t: P. - Kv.ninr service at 7:3a -JLatnem oytne rhoir and a aermon on A . wnKiooi Need." Midweek service innxaaay at 7 p. m. INTERNATIONAL BIBLE BlTOEBIi A8SOCIAT1UM Meet' every Sunday in IJerby baiidinr, Court and Hie street, tor Bii?fqoyt I..-... i u , a m. and 3 to 4 V. m. All ' witCnmo to tndy with n. Funeral1:: ,' conducted tree ot cnarre in oa BUd vicinity by local BiWe class. .n-noo TlPTgD VTPHTAV' " ' f hurch street between Cheaeketa and enter streets. Norman Kendall Hr.li.Ji. Barrett, guperinwneestw a m , niorninr worship. SernJon, ' Tne C hristian Family" by Dr. TuJljW An- tliem, -From t-fypi oonuiji ueme, 1'age. Organ numbers: "Ctatilene m W Minor." Marcbant; - cnan a jubrbt; iill.tte- and "Chorale lnne eouibe ). Noble. 6:30 p. nt, youni; peO pie's sovieties, senior, advance intermedi: ate and intermediate. 7:30 'p.-, eve ning worship. Addresa by Dr. D. E. Jioste. director reneral o theCnina Iat land Misfcion. Aatfaem, "O JLord. Se; member Me," Kama, by the- .quartet. Organ numbers: ' 'Cantabile,' . Jongen; 'Pastorale," Bonnet; and 'Postlpde. ia .A," Ouiluiaut. SALVATION AKtfr "I wa glad when they, said qvU me, let ns jfo up to the house of ther Xiord. Tbere will be the regular meetings all day Sunday at the Salvation Amy, 241 State street. Holiness' . meeting -at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 2:SO,p. as. Young people a meeling at 4n enlltc at 8' n. 131 with nr. Knsign and Mrs. Pitt, aflicera in charge. Xineteenth and Marion, strata. , C.I K. Hopkina, pastor. Residente" 1960 Marion, mrs. Hopkina. assistant DaatoiL :imiinm service at 11. Sermon bnix "Tk. T i Treo Experience. ' . 4 Even in . . t 7:30. Bermon topic. "What Hath Pled lor Before." - Sneeia! mni . at hath nli. an.w ..v. . . 5 . CUUBT . UUVI BK anoerintefmt. FVtiV - T,i-i)i-.' Senior 7ung peoptea taeetinr 6:30- p. ml SnbieetT -Cbrist iini-.fY.r.L tn tJw. f-ciareiMie - Jit wilier. president. Junior vnnatMiit T.naeavor- R s r m Tj,.i.. AHc N orris. Weekly- service Wednes day, evening aty ;30r Prayer and praise MT'c-',led.b tK4,putor. The pastor will preach is the Wrint; Mrs. Hopkina in be eveing - 'Ot,-AT-'FTrTWni vrgiinv 343 ; Court street ; J. 8. Johnson. pastor. ' Residence KffiE Maple avenue, phone 191T-W. Servioes 8 and 8 n. m inday school 2 p. a, aapertntendent. SwJierkey. You or, people's meeting Pri !r"' evening. Meeting , every night Evangelist K, Field of Portland is with n.knd will preachi lie--is a man of ex- ertenee and yost' should bear him. Every ody isiTited. MARKET STREET FREE METHODIST CorneiHmth JiOrth-t' Wintr and Krk-t street. Mortimer' Clarke, pastor. Residence. 1228 North "Winter. Phone 1356-W. Jforninar aerriee at 11. Reman topic, "Separation With Jesus." Evening service at 7:30. Sermon topic, "Our Heavenly Record. Special singing at both of the services. Tb,e pastor preaches t the Old PeopleMlomevt t o'clock. Sunday school at 9:43. superintendent. Dr. Prank 8. Schafs. Toansr . people's meeting at 6:30 prdbededf a half an hour of prayer. IWlc. Therlloly Spirit Hi Work." Emerv Gosdii i th leader. Jottaga prayer meetings each til hi SEVENTH DAT ADVEHTIST Corner Fifth and Uaines, North Salem. Sabbath school at lO.M'and preaching at 11:30 a. Bi. Young people's meeting 4 p. m. Prayer meeting weanesaaya t 7:30. Tbere will only oe two more bundiy night lectures. Subject for San- .) "Wkat Mlt 1 1M TO SSTeO I " "he pastor promisea to min. it so piaiu - T a Jims cn lid can hmuxb.suw sg begin at 7:30. FIRST CHRISTIAN BdEKCE ner Liberty and Chenieketa ttraen. Snndmv mornrnc services r" 11 o eiocK. : tiunday evening at . Subjeetof-' lesson : aermon, ""Probation After JLeath.'. Sob ! day school sessions convene 'At .9:30 -and 11 a. m. Wednesday evening, testimonial J meeting- at So'cloek. ' Reading reoaa 209 ! Masonio Temple, open every day except Suadavt and holidays from 11 to 5:S0: i every evening except Wednesday and Son dav from 7:30 to 9: Sunday afternoon A from 3 Jo 5. ff.art lln.it hattla Coras andonnrpL-BLeanesaay aitfrnoon a.t o cioclc at thel aome oi Jtrs. Caroline Jaecson, 1403 North Winter street Church prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. All will receive welcome at the, services and you will enjoy the splendid spiritual atmosphere of this church On the corner, 1 BETHANY' REFORMED Corner of Capitol and Marion. Streets. Sunday .school 10 a. m. and English scrv I t 'Y-v M. Jnny, nyimter. SIPTR.TTO A T.T ST The Vir iritalit church-ci 8afec wiU hol fc3rie sit r theftf - .halL vr Millers sto this Sunday -evening at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Bern Cato of Portland will be speaker and message bearer.. The public is cordially Invited. EV ANGELICAL LUTHERAN Eighteenth and State streets. &. Koeh- ler, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. nrlish- service at 10:30 a. m. Rev, Lndwig of Portland will- preach. Luther League at 7 p. m. instruction for cast dren on Saturday from 1:30 to 3 p. m. ST. JOSEPH'S CATBOUO Corner Cottage and Chemeketa street. Ker. J. &. Buck, pastor. Kesideaca 751 Chemeketa. street, phone 89. Services 8 and 10 a. m. Sermon topic at. 10. o'clock mass, . j a lour raita untnau , or. j-i vine! Special sermon for children at 8 o'clock ma&s. Beedictiol aftor Jaat iass. Everyone cordially welupte. EVANGELICAL- " Seventeenth and Chemeketa street; V. Residence 268-North 'Morn' 'HoH Sermon br the cnotr. bunaay scnool vo 'a, m.. rapeztat tendent. O. R. Strsusbaueh. Mrsv O. fi. StrsuSbhngh will be leader of the-.-yowng people's meeting. The.' monthly aocial of sue .Bwangeucai Lago will. Do Beta Xues- aay c-vening at tne norae or yJ. ic tstxatU' &aLgh, 1030 Broadway. Week-da texT' ice Thursday evening. ' s W Launer, pastor. ' ft (-seventeenth street, phoa 1008-W.. kH inr aemeA at 11. flurmAn trmif f - - r l Ees. Evening service at 8. it topic, ' "A Resl purpose.'.' Mnsick FIRST EVAJJOET.TCAT. Liberty and Center street. C. C. Pol ing, pastor. Residence 435 Center, phone 891-J. Morning service at 1L. Sermon lopic, nat to near." Evening aerriee at 4 :ou. nermon topic, "Vaita la. L-naeen Savior." Special musio.. by the noir. bunday school 9:45 a. m- anper- .inuciik, ij. ij. x nornion. jsinwr-' Jua- aeavor -at 11 a. m. Beator and iater- "T?11 " 6:30 P- - Mr- Oover win address. the senior society at 6:45 p. m. on "Ciliienship." a fall attendance if expected. Week-day service Thtfraday evening first 30 minutes devoted- to Bible nudy and then devotional. Bring CASTLB CHAPEL UNITED BRETHREH nevenieentn inrf N.hn b- n a u C. Hoffman, pastor. Residence 1743 Ne- ". .norninr aervice' as 11 Itraska 5eB,i,, topic. "Redeemed in Heaven.' Evening servieo at 7:30. Sermon topic. ASH Ores Unwaliaea- PBrpoae.iv Bahday chool 10 a." nt. nperlntendeii W. W. Kom brough. Junior and senior young people at 6:30 p, m.- Ladiea Aid aociot Wed nesday afternoon. Prayer meetiazl and Bible study Thursday arreting. rTRST TJKTTEO BSCTHKtaj' 1155 Mission street. A. 8. Henderson: pastor. Residence. 1155 Mission, phone 1903-W Service at 1 jk r.m. aid 7 :io p. m. Snaday scbool 1 a.' to., snperin- tenaeni. jsrs. .Nettie Tibbet. eetin at :3 each Bnndav eve ning. . egniar - C. E. lonjeav disensmed. Veek-day service each j Wednesday eve ning at 7:3.. Rev. O. jL Rifivn.k. win preach at 11 a. m. HAZAREHE phone ..188.. .'Morning errir at X. Sermon topic, "Our Debt to Christ'a World." " Evening serVice at 7:80. Ser moft topic, "Oar-' Inheritance and 'Pos session,' . Mr. Mason Bishop will siag 'Hold Thorn My Hand' by Gounod; Malcolm and- Lena Medler will render an organ 'and piano duet for evening; the chorus will sine at both services. - Sunday school 9:45, aaperintendeat, B. A. Rho ten.l The Epworth Leagues at 8 :30. Midweek-service en Thaiaday 'evening at 7:80. Sribjcet, "Gifts Divere, but the Same Spirit." ' CENTER STREET MXTH0DIST Thirteenth and-Center streets. A. P. Kilmer, pastor Residence 684 North Winter street, phone 680-M. Morning service at 11. Sermon-topic, "Jeeam. Onr High Priest." Evening service at 7:45, missionary program. : Special . music both morning and evening. Sunday school 10 o'clock, . superintendent. . H )1 . GraUap. Epworth League at 7:15,, Aug. Carl, lead er. ' At 7 :45 - the extension member of W. P. M. S. will give a program. These evening services are rn English. The morning preacning service ia in -German. Cottage prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:45 at the Grabcr residence on D street. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Corner Church and State streets. - Fred C. Taylor, pastor, residence Ci 6 State street, phone 974. Mia Mary E.-Findley, director of religion education, offiee-126 South Church street, phone 872. Morn ing service at 11. Sermon topic, "Happy Homes." Evening service at 7:30. Ser mon topic, "Can Sins Be Forgiven." Junior sermon, "Hidden Springs," Miss Findley. Wesley .eUss meeting at 9:15 a. m., class reader, B. A'. 'Vaeelwright. Sunday, school at j 9:4a av..nufc:,nperin- tenaens, shhdiu me three chap ters of the Epworth'Leagna-will meet at 6;30L..p..m. in thUr irespectiv . Jaees. leaaers: nrst ensprer. gcob4 . chSriter. Glenn Huston, and third chapter, Virginia Bisson. fioneer club lhursday evening at 7au in r.-pwortn nan. Jjeader. Mr, Crary. Mid-week devotional service. Thursday evening at 7:30. Pastor's sub ject for atndy, "What King of Jjoil Are i ou r Mother and daugater of the church are to be the. nets of the, men of the church at dinner Friday evening, May 14. This occasion ia one of th outstanding events- on our church calen dar hence thia advance . notice,. FIRST BAPTI8T Liberty and Marion streets. Ernest H. Shanks, pastor, residence 549 North Lib erty, phone 1920. Morning service at 11. Sermon topic, "Thw Enthroned Christ." Evening serviea at 7:30.- S'ermoni topic. "Shall We Know Eaeh Ootner in Hea ven!" Evening worship begins with a fine musical program including: Anthem, "Just As I Am." Parka. Cbom choir and obligate solo by Mrs. Dale Taylor. Soluv "His Grace Ia Sufficient.',' EboralL Miss Grace Fawk. Violin solo, "Album Leaves," Wagner,- Mrs. Helen. 8etig O'Neill. At the mornin? worship the quaret choir will sing "The Lord Is My Strength,'' . Wooler. Soto, "The Wsy of Peace," Idoyd, Mr. Ermine Fawk. Sun day school at 9:45, superintendent, Ed Kahaaka. - Mid-week prayer aerriee eat Tharsday eveaiaf at 7:30. FIRST CONOREGATIOHAL Center and liberty." Charles E. Ward, pastor, residence 440 Center, phone 591-K. Morning service at 11. Sermon topic, "Soldier of Christ Evening service at 7:3a Sermon topic. "Let We Fer- ?;et. Sunday school 10 o'clock, super nteh&ent, Mark MeCallister. Thursday, 7?30, prayer meeting and Bible study CuntioPing the Story of Our Bible. The moving picture used this Sunday i Rer. James K. Shield' great temperance film. All , people who would, like te See the saloon oa the corner again should see this picture I ' - ST. PAUL'S (EPISCOPAL) .Church street at Chemeketa. Rev. H. D. Chambers, rector. . Holy Eucharist at 7:30 a, nv in the chapel. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. Church school at 9:45 a. m.. superintendent, the rector. Young people's fellowship will Join with the Toainr people of MeMmnville and car will leave the' church at 4:30 p. m. for McMinnviTle. CHURCH OF 600 1846 North Cbnrch street. ' J. J. Gil lespie, pastor, residence . 1315 North church, phone 187S-M. Morning, service at 11. Sermon topic. "Salvation' by Re pentance and Faith and Not, by th Worka of the Law." Evening service at 7:30. Sermon topic. "Why God Gave the Jews the Seventh Day aa a Day of Rest, and Why God Gave the Christian the First Day of the Week a a Day of Worship." Sunday school 10 a. m., superintendent, Mrs. Walter Barkus. Young people's meeting 6:45, leader, Ella Hahn. Sub ject, missionary lesson. Regular weekly -: i i 1 - m 1 1 First Congregational Church Center and liberty KEV. CHARLES E. WARD . 11 A. M.-"Soldiers of Christ imMlst We Forget" -. This' T jgr.eat temperance film sa 5 WITH A HEART CHRISTIAN JJSTD MISSIOITABT H " : ALLIANCE ' - Tabernacle 655 Ferry street. Pastors, H. E. Caswell and Mrs. CaswelL 2660 Oak street, phone 943-M. Sunday school 2 p. m. Lesson, Gen. 4:1-12. Golden text, "Am I My Brother's Keeper!" Afternoon preaching service 3 o'clock. Dr. T. 8. Winey of Portland will preach. Evening service 7:30, evangelistic,,: Dr., Winey will again preach. Serricea 4a r- 'ing the week Tuesday and Friday -art 7:30. Saturday evening young people service. Salem Height Sanday school 16 a., m. Followed by preaching service at 11. Mrc. Caswell will give the word this Sunday. -; :-' ' ; south saiJe;m friend ' ; Commercial and" Washingtoa streefai. Carl F. Miller, pastor. Residence 1655 South Liberty, phone 183-R. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school tlQ- a. m.m superintendent B. J. C. Patton. Yecng people meeting at 6:45 p. to Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. sv - LESLIE METHODIST EPISCOPAL- . South Commercial and Myers. J. Wit lard De Toe, pastor, residence 848 Myers, ?wi?Jr,vidnrsy evening 7:80 ucauci, natter uarKna. BURGESS FORD MEMORIAL M. B. Weat Kalpm p I. t- ii n Res tdence 97 S Front atreet. nhona i3al." Service at ila. m. and 7 -8ft n n, A special snng'serviee will be given at 7:30 by the choir, tinder the direction of Alvin Mead. Sunday scbool 9 -4:V af, D. C. Sebern. Epworth League 6:30. Jamor League at the same hour. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. FULL GOSPEL MISSION i 2 57 State i. street. Ralph it. Bnlloek. pastor. Residence 251 Mission street. phone ,1439-W. Harry J. MorrtSs. aasut- aat pastor. "Residence Silverfon road, phena. 13F14. Services at 2:30 and 7:30 p.' .m. Sunday school at 2 :3Q p. m. Bible study or evangelistic meetings every night except Monday and Friday at 7:43. We are very careful to conform to the Bible precepts and practices of the first cen tury church In every detail and the Lord la 1 : .m : . . TT- 1 . ... kvnuiuiiiK ino tiuiu wiiii aigna ioi- lowlng. ' Mark 16il5-20. 6U6. Ne collections. Observe Jer. JASON LEE MEMORIAL U. E. North Winte'r at Jefferson evanir. Thomae Aeheson, pastor. Residence 1060 aeiierson avenue, pnone 772-W. Gilbert Wrenn assistant paster, Residenes 1461 Ferry street, phone 2327. Morning erv ioe at 11- Sermon, topic, "Godds That Satisfy Cheerful' 8ervice." -Evening service at 7 ;80. Sermon topic, "The. Be lated Christian." The Rev. Wren preach es to the jnnior church at 11 a. m. down stairs. Special musle by th choir morn ing and evening. Sunday school at 9:43 a. m superintendent, Harry Carpenter. Three chapter of the- Epworth League meet in separate rooms for devotional meetings. Young people always welcome. Fine fellowship enjoyed. Open forum for adwtta ia the sunex at-7 p. m. This in formal meeting is open to all. Mid-week devotional and training services for chil dren of aebeol grade age at 4 p. ra.; for yoang people and adults at 7:15 p. m. Dr. Leech, district superintendent, will preach Sunday morning at H- Evening service will be evangelistic. 4'he. choir and orchestra, will lead a heaV. warming song service. The public .warmly Wel comed and made to feel at 'home. FIRST CHRISTIAN 'Center and Hrgh afreets. E. C. Whit aker, pastor, ' pho'Se 294. Vivian U. Whisler, 'assistanfe'pastor. Residence 444 North Winter, Kbone 481-W. Morning Service at 1 l.V Sermon topic, "Worker Together Wit God.;' Evening service at 7:30. Sfrmoh topie, "Somethint for Ma, Pa as-i-the Kids." Morning, an them, chofr, "O Come All Ye Faithful," Carrie E. Adams. Evening,, nolo, John Orr. "My Task." Ashford. Sanday school 9 :4$, superintendent. Dr. H. ' C. Epley. Young people' meeting 6:30., -Topic, How Can We Help to Make Onr Cities Christian!',' Leader, Rosalind Hull. Spe cial music. . Sunday school ,9:45 a. aaperintend ent, the pastor. Young people's meeting 7 p.- m. Prayer1 meeting Ehursday 7x30 p. m. You are all cordially inviteu to oar services. SCANDINAVIAN M. B. Fifteenth . and Mill streets. Patrik Dahlin,' pastor. Residence 2095 Trade boie 377-J. Swedish service at English service at 8 p. m. street, pt Jl .! . , Round the World Cruises 'Our Travel Specialty. Frank Clark's Cruise, Thos. Coolc and Sou, Canadian Pacif ic, : Jffnujed . American, Raymond Whltcbmb, Red Star and Amer ican Express Royal Mail Great African. .-.- . r- ' i ' "No Additional Cost 210 Ore. Bldg. ' i K. B. Kuger Artists May Starve But Most of Them Reach Ripe Old Age LONDON. Artists may starve in Chelsea garrets, as Sir Joseph Duveen suggests, but starvation does not shorten their lives, if one may Judge by the longevity of many of England's painters. Sir Luke Fildes is 82, Joseph Farquharson is 79. Both Sir Da vid Murray and Sir Aston WeTb are 77, and Walter Ouleas is 78. Sir Frank Dieksee, the president of the British Academy, is a mere child among academicians, being only 71. Claude Monet, the celebrated French impressionist, is ,85. Titan lived to be 96, and so many of the other old masters reached a ripe i have plenty of precedent for age that the present-day artists jgevity. V ii, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH LIBERTY AND MARION STS. 1 ' Rv. Ernest H. Shanks "' ! BETTER HOMES WEEK A. M.-1 -1 " a" "Hie lthrc-ned Christ sv; In Heaven V Splendid musical prtrgrarn. both mornino; and evening VISITORS INVITED T . J-:- ' C. NEW HAT BQXE Brief GacssV Wardrobe Triinks, Suit Cases Hand Baps 4 , - vr The best and -cheajes I have everhbirVTifc Pon,t Miss This Actual fighting war as it is! HEILIG - n. - f ' - ' April 28 29 Or Less SY . av i iiacyswnawei charg-y to mike yottr old sillc dress, lbpc like, new . r - rt -' -'. . Cherry City ; Cleaner; 231Nortlr;ni-jIr , Telephone 934 Kafotorys Silk -;Sw Ends Monday 6 P ni. poFtunity Very speciau 7. 49 A Yard ) ; 6 inch Plain RadiumrSilk. $1.49 yd. oiT-'T-- -! ?c?:ii. fi in .,J OQ lncii p aiicy xvctuiuxu - oiik.. a. 7 y u TIV iilVtt A. A.4USV kJWAU VttMV4a.w.WAS Js,ay J - - - 40 incli Print Crepe de Chine-$ 1.49 yd: 40 tocklpiain Crepe de Chine....$1.49. yd. 40 inch? plain Sports iatin $1.49 yd. $1.49 yd. - V-, 40 inch" Print Sports Sa;ti Silk Stxipe '; Broadcloth...... j ' I a . a, . MONDAYlSi THE VAST AY Sfee Window Display; ' W-pV" . SatisfadbaGna VycAir ''tnonecheerfnl; , refunded ' '. ; '' CP ft w U a v" it - . ; I , - ' I a. r .. ' V " sawrn -am m T- O TOftro 7h'FOP 7 Special school children matinees Wednesday and Tharsday, 3:45 pj to each pupil holding special ticket. "(TDM ANDERS Fl ELDS" Official Pictures of the World Var Taken by; the Signal Corps Also 3000 ft, of film captured from the Germin submarine, the U-35, shows the sinking of over 20 allied vessels. Edward A. McGrathV Jr., tenor soloist will sing: the prologue ADMISSION 50c Children's Matinee.. ....lSdT A f... The Picture that is Rocking America to its Foundations .i t "Bafem'. Store 460 State St. "CAN AND- DO" V f , . ' f ' - ' Portland Bftfc Sherry V ! 883 Alder St. : jjZmH Tret?' wa ic wnpRriRfi sTJ 5 1 J R--- a.w ; . v .Troopsv huddled In the .wet, muddy trmnes, wauiins .xor the zerobonr.i'A low command from tb of ncer in cbArge fcnd vatf ovt the top lato Uurtr heU of idiell fire, laachlne gvm' baliet : avnd' pu laden sjr. A baddy Mt a inoment to niAke him bl inow coxiafort-Wble, then shoTinK on again. That's war that- rON VFIiA1-163 PTELD shows von fm will new coatceptloii' oT the, real horrora 11 . ' sVW r Sa. Swat aW , Do You Really Ilnow "ON FINDEIlsS nD'V ; i nnd know for yocrseUI, ; X lOlH I : mi V i ' ; 1 1 1 f ii; - . r M. . ". 1 , 1 . ,W le O'li.-i- h V;.-" ill V " ft