The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 25, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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Salem WomtinGluhJPlatis'- 'Observance
Monies weelc
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. Social Calendar
"Lest We Forget " Film at
First Congregational church. ?:30
o'clock. ' ' -
Better Homes week. Auspices
Salem Woman's club. Open gar
den at Dr. II. J. Clements grounds
2-5 o'clock.
American Legion Auxiliary
bridge tea. Woman's club house.
Reser rat ions with Mrs. Jesse
George, phone 19 50 J.
Chapter AB of the PEO sister
hood. Dr. Mary C. Rowland, host
ess. Better Homes observance. Aus
pices Salem Woman's club.
Social afternoon club of the
Eastern Star. Cards. Masonic
Jason Lee . WFMS Mother and
Daughter banquet. Church par
lors. 6 o'clock.
Jason Lee WFMS. Mrs. Marie
Putnam, 2515 Fairgrounds Road,
hostess. 2:30 o'clock.
Curtis Cross home on Lincoln
Hill open to visitors In observance
of Better Homes week 2-5
W. C. Allen home at 901 Capitol
street open to visitors in observ
ance of Better Homes week. 2-5
"Art in the Home." Lecture by
Prof. Leo Fairbanks of OAC. at
Salem Woman's club house.
Chemeketa chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revo
lution. Election of officers.
Upper-left: ' 'Miss ,Bertaa UabcocK, daughter' ollirz. - ;;oSB-V.Babcock,'who .wag theihQnpr guest
it a formal dancing party Vast night! at Derby Hall, in -celebration Of her sixteenth birthday anniver
aryuMissBabcock. a student, at .the Salem High school, is a popular, member, ot the younger .set.
Upper, right: ' Mrs, J. M.. Clifford, prominent, In clul and ,Salam Arts' League circles, who left last week
for Portland to" make her hope. t Mrt. Clifford, wttj in, the Jforthweet Poetry'society and Writers' clubs
of' which she Is' -a' member. Is known as Isabel Gray Cliff orti,-"will; make her new home at- 959- Council
Creat -Drive's a: host of Salem friends regret her departure;--Lower left: Miss Gladys Mclntyre, daugh
ter or Mrs." Ota Mcln tyre, who has been selected by Governor Pierce to represent Oregon at the 8e
Qulcentennial lu a Philadelphia in July. Miss-Mcln yre, a graduate of the Willamette-University School
of-M.uslc. ts, a senior this year ia the. college of libaral arts. Lower right: Hoteer Ooulet, Jr., son of
Mr. and ;Mrs Homer Goulet, Sr. Homer Jr. is. a talented young pianist, having broadcast a successful
program, of numbers over radio station KOAC in Corvallis on a recent date. The progranf was well re
ccived, jjOhany Salem homes. ' ' . . ' . .' ,
A garde is a lovesome thing,. God
- woU, : : :
Ros plot, ; ,
Fringed-pool, .
The veriest school a
Of peace; and yet the fool .
'Con tends that. God is not r
Not Ge4;ta gardens! when the eve
. Is cool! .
.Nay; hut; I have a sign;
Tisjery. sure, God . walks in
.-' vnin.;
i 'ieC.-i Thomas. Edward Brovm.
Mr. and.Mrs. G. Ed Ross
CeUb'rate Silver
Wedding Anniversary
The silver wedding anniversary
of MraVd'Mrs.: G. Ed Rosa of
1453 'Court street -was celebrated
in an exceedingly" delightful man
ner on Saturday evening, April
10 at the ROss home. A gorge
ous basket of iris, tulips, spirea
and stock", arranged for the occa
sion by Mrs. W, E. Anderson, cen
tered .the serving table. Pink can
dles in silver, holders and a huge
bow-of " ptakj tulle oa the basket
of Hbwra gave " delightful eta-phasi4.0-th
pink and white color
scheme."" Many tulips were used
throughout.t&e rooms. ' -
Mr. "and 'Mrs. Ross, the bride
end gToora.Tjf 25 years agp, re
ceived the congratulations of every
guest jpre&ent. following the play
ing of Aha- wedding march by-Miss
Faye Sparks, as Rev. E. II. Shanks,
pastor of h First Baptist church,
formally, introduced the couple.
Mrs., Ross was charming in a gown
of Javender georgette heavily em-Lro!
self color. . ..",
A feWgames were followed by
musical.! numbers. . Miss Paye
Sparks tang "An Old Fashioned
Garden? v aaI Miss Sparks and
Mfca Ruth Jtoss aaog "A Song.ot
Older-. Days, with old-time- songs
by. tb grau-a'f ollowing
.Many beautiful . gifts in-silver
were received ly the honor guests.
Including -gifts from many whose
homes are -at a distance. A group
of five friends of the family whom
Mr. ana "lira. Ross : knew ' In Eau
Claire. WI.. -'where the' original
P. W. Brown and Miss Edna Gar- tune, 'Mr.
field. ' - f.j? J " (soavyMrs.
and Mrs. Robert. Simp
.Battell, Miss .Eleanor
Miss Garfield read a -series of j Luper, Miss Christaine ' Larsen,
timely verses written to,land-con- Mrsi P. W. Brown, Miss Edna Gar-
cerning, the honor guests, -which
were very appropriate to the oc
casion. - - -: "' '
Miss , Ruth Ross,' Miss " Faye
Sparks and Miss Dorothy Ross as
sisted in the serving of the de
licious refreshments. The large
wedding cakes were baked by Dor
othy Ross, who is 13, and Marion
Ross, who is 9, daughters of the
honor guests.
Guests for the occasion includ
ed Mr. and Mrs. Will Pickens, Mr.
and' Mrs S., Willis, Rev. and Mrs.
E. It. Shanks, Mr. and Mrs. David
Willis, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Nep-
field, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Higgles,
Miss Eva Mackey, Miss kFaye
Sparks, the sons and daughters of
the honor guests, and Mr. and Mrs.
G. Ed. Ross. The eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ross, Webster, who is in
Lakeview Or., was-unable to at
Chadwick Chapter of
the Eastern Star
A particularly enjoyable meet
ing of Chadwick Chapter, Order
of the Eastern Star, was held last
Tuesday evening in the - lodge
rooms' when members from Venus
-was celebrated, were
guests ct the"sllver anniversary.
In thirr.i. 3 were M,f and Mrs.
IrvlB3 4n'S-aa of - Eugene, - Miss
Eva Tiye of Portland; "Mrs.
y f 0
. ft ' n i v
. r :fcllu-, V 1,," ..... r ;
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c - ' - f
all th year
Inciottr intn mur Ikl a trw fli
- :
jt growing puna, .ua as oeip
t&e aowea ana punts tar
- C. F. BreithauDt V '
123 TSL Liberty Street " . ' Telephone 88O
chapter of Donald. Victoriachapter
of Turner, and the Gervals chap
ter were entertained as special
Pupils from Mrs. Ralph White's
dancing academy gave the follow
ing program: Indian slave dance,
by Elizabeth Waters; Gavotte,
Maxine Myers and Cynthia Dela
no; shadow dance by Marjorie
Webb; gypsy dance by Edith
Haun and Grace Day, and Pixey
ballet by Zoe Daniels. Mrs. S. E. !
Mercer gave several enjoyable
The committee in charge for the
evening included Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Miles. Mrs. Belle Brown,
Mrs. Daisy Mclntyre, Miss Anna'
Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Erickson and Miss
Violet Peters. j
Miss Leila Johnson, worthy ma
tron, and Rev. H. D. Chambers,'
worthy patron, occupied chairs.
Spring flowers decorated the
rooms. A luncheon was
served following the program
Mother and Daughter . .
Banquet . , , ..
'"rt. to r n . n n ' M t if 1 1
af y society of the .Jason Lee Meth
odist church will hold a 'mothe
afd daughter pot-luck supper at
the church on - Tuesday evening.
Each member of the society is re
aaested to bring a Standard Bear?
e or girl of that age for the event:
American Legion Auxiliary to
Sponsor Benefit Bridge Tea
; What promises to be one of the
largest benefit affairs sponsored
in Salem during the entire season
will be the benefit bridge tea at
the Salem . Woman's club house
which the members Of the Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary are sponsor
ing. Mrs. Jesse George, assisted
by Mrs. Cyril Nadon and Mrs.
James H. Jennings, is general
chairman for the afternoon. Mrs.
George also has direct charge of
the serving details and has as her
assistants for this work Mrs. D.
R. Ross, Mrs. Albert Anderson,
Mri. R. C. Stvenin, Mrs.
S.' J. Jirak and Mrs. D. S. Rich
mond. Mrs. Cyril Nadon is in
charge of the decorations, with
Mrs. Lloyd Demarest and Mrs. S.
J. Ostrander assisting her. The
entertainment features have been
arranged by Mrs. James H. Jen
nings and Mrs. Earl Paulsen.
More than forty tables of cards
have already been reserved and
additional guests are expected at
the tea hour.
Mrs. John H. Carson and Mrs.
R. J. Hendricks have been asked
to preside at the tea urns.
Among those who have made
reservations for tables are: Mrs.
John Carson, Mrs. J. A. Bernardi.
Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mrs. Victor
MacKenzie. Mrs. Breyman Boise,
Mrs. R. W. Lewis. Mrs. Darrell
Proctor, Mrs. C. G. Miller. Mrs.
Frank Spears, Mrs. George Myers,
Mrs. Fred Powell, Mrs. Walter L.
Spaulding, Mrs. G. E. Terwilllger,
Mrs. E. P. Thom, Miss Hazel
George, Mrs. George R. Vehrs,
Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mrs. E. C. Pur
vine, Mrs. Aubrey Johnson, Mrs.
Albert Smith, Mrs. L. C. Chausse,
Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. Glenn
Gregg, Mrs. Earl Paulsen, Mrs.
Roma Hunter, Mrs. G. F. Cham
bers, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs.
H. T. Love, Mrs. R. D. Byrd, Mrs.
Allan Cleveland, Mrs. B. A. Victor,
Mrs. S. J. Jirak and Mrs. Curtlss
Women Gather at Golf Club
The Portland Golf club was
host today to more than 100 wom
en members of the 10 private golf
clubs in the first annual invita
tional sweepstakes for women.
Players representing Waverly
Country club, Lake Oswego Coun
try club. Portland Golf club. Tual
atin Country club, Columbia Coun
try club, Alderwood Country club
and Multnomah Golf club. Hood
River, Salem and Oregon City
clubs participated in the tourna
ment. In the afternoon there
were driving and putting -contests.
This tournament Is the first
Just Dip to Tint or Boil
to Dye
Each 15-cent pack
age contains direc
tions so simple any
woman can 'tint
soft, delicate. shad
es or dye rich, per
manent colors in
lingerie, silks, rib
bons, 8 k 1 r t s ,
wajsts, dresses.
coats, stockings,
sweaters, draper
le's, coverings.
hangings every-thing!
Buy Diamond Dyes no other
kind and tell your druggist
whether the material you wish to
color is wool or- silk,- or whether
it Is linen, cotton or mixed goods.
Sees to
Yes, There Are
Different "Types
bf GlaSSeS-
StapIes glasses are
featured by a splendid
quality from' which you
get the utmost in STYLE,
These features combined
with the scientific
accuracy 'of our fittings
and. the Staples guarantee
'-of satisfaction assure
f you of rhaving the best
' "Optical service possible
to get anywhere. .
PHONE 1200
; With the Red. Cross Pharmacy 1.
V-, - Oreso ; . ;
of a series of interclub events to
be given during the season spon
sored thy the Portland Women's
Golf league.1 Mrs. Pat Allen,
women's team captain at Portland,
is m general charge of the tourna
ment. Portland Telegram.
Wedding Announcements
Salem friends of Wallace Schei,
son of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Schei.
were surprised to receive an
nouncement of his wedding to
Miss Ruth Frailer, the ceremony
having been solemnized three
weeks ago and kept a secret. Mr. j
Schei is a graduate of the Oregon)
Agricultural college and is a mem- j
ber of Tau Kappa Epsilon. Mr.
and Mrs. Schei will make their j
home in Salem. , J
- 1
Ever Ready Birthday Club
The Kver Ready Birthday club
wlU meet at the home of Mrs. D.
S. Adams, 255 E. Washington
street on Tuesday afternoon, April
27, Mrs. D. S. Adams and Mrs.
Hazel Barholdt will be the honor
ed guests.
Professor Fairbanks
to Lecture
An interesting feature of Bet
ter Homes week will be the lecture
on art for the open meeting which
Professor Lee Fairbanks of the
Oregon Agricultural College will
give on Friday afternoon at the
Salem Woman's club house. The
lecture will be open to the public.
Lake Ly tie Hotel
Mrs. George Watt, Mgr. .
Twixt Lake and Ocean
The largest and most mod
ern hotel on Tillamook
Surf and lake bathing,
boating, sea and lake fish
ing, clam digging, hiking
and hunting.
Open All Year
Post Office
See Kafoury'o -
Show Window; Display of
Rayon Silk Underwear
In a variety of styles, splendid values
Made of!
an excellent erade of lustrious Rayon
Billc You will enjoy the softness and
of this gown and its reasonable price
within your reach. Colors are Nile, Flesh,
Lovely Stepin
Fine lustrous Knitted
Rayon that will give sat
isfactory iservice. Dainty,
and has 4 clinging soft
ness, so appealing in silk
en undergarments.
Colors Peach or Pink
French Stepin
Made ot Knitted Rayon,
neat and will give splen
did service. Cut full and
. Colors Pink or Peach
Rayon Vests.79c
Same quality as drawers
Rayon! Knit Bloomers at 1.29
Colors, Nile, Yellow, Orchid
C TMe ot out ton, rite peopm
Salem Store
466 State St
Portland Silk Shop
383 Alder St.
Statesman Classified Ads Bring -Quick Results
The New Summer
' ... . 1
Wash Frocks
Probably the most charming are the new
Tub Silks
In all of the pastel shades and white. Beauti
fully made to be sure workmanship far
superior to anything we expected foir, the
Then too there are the .broadcloths,, the
mopacs and rayons all of which launder over
and oyer again and come hack, fresh and
bright as the new frock. They are priced at
$2.98 to $7.95
j t
yie ate showing one rack of silk dresses com-
.,...prislrig georgette,' crepes and figured silks at ,
Yestearday we received another shipment of
linen.i V . x . , .
Those whb were disappointed in not securing
any last week can now be supplied. These
too,-xome to the plain pastel shades ' "
$1.48 arid $1.98
" tj
- i i
r '- J
A ; f . . - - -