The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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1-. (5mwv U-iwx -H
a ti-5i?j.xU vimt;
lalem Socie
ri.XOTRED BUNCH lont $0S "I
MrsV Burghardt to Speak
Before Salem .Woman's Club
An exceedingly Interesting pro
gram Is promised for, this alter
:. nooa-at the Salem 'Woman's club
when Mrs. William H. Bnrghardt
will talk to" the group oh . "French
Gardens- Special musical fea
' tares, for the afternoon hare been
arrangements by Mrs. T. S. Rob
erts. - ' .V:'.i-v:-i'-4 '"i' -Tbje
' social 'chairman for the
aftertioon Is Mrs. John E. Brophy
who "-will be assisted by MrsT.W.
A. Marshall, Mrs. J. :H. Brewer,
Mrs. J. T. Whittlg, Mr. Max O.
Baren, Mrs. O. W. Shand, Mrs.-XL
O. Moll. "Mrs, C. B. WJllIams,'tMrs.
A. P. Majxttralfc"M.rTlni
Mrs. C: A:; LytleandJlra. Harriet
Durkhelmerrf -ri' '
Mrs. - Walter Sto and Mrs.
George P. Pearce will preside at
the urns. ;:
Plans 'Will be discussed during
the afternoon for the annual Set
ter Homes week wbieM'will be
managed this ' year by ' tie1 Wom
an's dub Not only Better Homes,
in the sense of dwellings, but bet
ter gardens and better books will
also be considered under the direc
tion ot the, Salem club.
A talk will be given during the
afternoon on ;; the ,clty planning
systemV 1 i ':"'.. r ,-4
Visit h &Jite '
Mr. and Mrt-' B.T.' BaTnes. accompanied-
by-rMrs. K. J. Swaf
ford, trftl Jieavey1. today; f or $ Wash'
lngton where ihey will be guests of
their daughters; "The daughter of
Mr. and , Mrs.". i T. Barnes,' Mrs,
Willard Seton Kaufman, is In Seattle--
where the Barnes plan to
spend a week.
Social Calendar
Tna i
Salem Woman's dab. Club
house, 2:30 o'clock.
Benefit bazaar and cooked food
sal. - Alpha X! Delta sorority. S.
P. ticket office. IS 4 N. Liberty
street,'".-' .'.n- "
Miss Bertha Babcock's formal
birthday dance. .Derby hall. ?
' Sunday " . '
Opening of. Better Homea week
under auspices of .Salem Woman's
clflb- Open garden a.t Dr. H. J.
Clements' grounds. 2S o'clock.
"Lest- We Forget Film at
First 'Congregational church. 7:30
o'clock.---' :.- -.;-:...-...-
American Legion Auxiliary
bridge ' tea. Woman's" club house.
ReseTTatlona--witV -Mri --Jesse
George, phone 19 60 J..- - 1
Chapter Afl of the P. E. O. sis
terhoods . Dr. Mary C. Rowland,
hostess " -r -
Social "Afternoon club of the
Eastern. Star. Cards. '
Mother, and Daughter banquet.
Jason Lee church under sponsor
ship of W. Fi M. 8. 4 o'clock.
new seajnlesSjhose rof rayon in aj . A
" sizes;' ' CoIorsTare. sunset, cham- A r
pafei;fcbfan, ' dawn, French nude, w b
8uriburn; and harvest. JUL
Kbrth IHtt
Camp Maqua to v- r r
Open School t ,. : ; v
; ' A' summer school to prepare
young women to do work iBTrural
and widely scattered communities
is announced to open late in June
at Camp near Poland,
Maine, . Rural social " psychology
and the orgaaizatlon pf Vasspcja
tions in small communities win
be among the course? glren.' Its
faculty Includes Miss Charlotte H
Adams, dean tbe. KatlQnal
Trainin School of thTl W. ?C.
A., and Miss Henrietf -Roalofs
jaeaa ox mo wort ood oj lae z.
W. C. A. in Rural Communities.
An expert on social psychology
will give' a coarse ' Miss Eliza
beth Herring and Miss Ruth Per
kins will giro course. ; -
A study of public . opinion as
manifested in small towns and in
the country toward economic, 're
ligious and-family Questions will
be made and their sources traced.
Educational psychology as ap
plied to girls in their teens and
young women will be' a matter
subject, to study. ." "
The school will be held at Camp
Maqua on Thompson's Lake June
29 to August' 10. Famous for its
beauty, Maqua' is fully equipped
with all the modern conveniences.
Information may be . had -from
Miss Elizabeth .JJgrrj, fO.Q. Lex
ingtoU Ayenue, New York.
Guests From California
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilson and
daughter and Mr, apd Mrs. Lester
Maddox and faintly, all'of Susan
iile," " California, ha.Te . been
guests during the week of Salem
Film at Church
"Lest We' Forget," a- film by
James E; Shields on the auestlon
of the 18; t a Amendment will be
featured at tbe regular evening
eerrice at the First Congregation
al church Sunday evening.
The following . press notice is
furnished- with the film:
Heredity and "environment play
a. great part In moulding the life
of Jimmy McNuIty. ' ' His arly
childhood is spent In the shadows
of adversity and poverty, for at
the, age of nine, Jimmy; becomes
the proVider of the family.' With
both parents addicted to drink, his
little brothers and sisters look to
him whs eager, hungry eyes for
thelAdaily bread and milk; 'and
these, necessities of life Jimmy
provides through the sale of his
newspapers.' '
John McNulty," their father, is
a worthless, shiftless, good-for-
nothing wh6 Is. found drunk on
the street and locked up, on the
night of Mrs. McNulty's death.
How the sins of the father are
visited upon the children, unto the
third and fourth generation, is
graphically portrayed 4a this grip
ping drama of real life.
About 100 Pairs
Slightly Imper
fect Silk
Including chiffons and
service" weights. Not
all sites or all colors.
While any remain
z Hendricks
of. All Kinds
Theater Lobby
Chapter AB ta Meet ? r S
, Chapter AB of the. PEQ sister
hood, will meet at the home jof Dr
Mary C. Rowland on Court street,
Monday evening, April 26.
Miscellaneous Shower
Honors Hay esviUe Couple,
w Mr. and' Mrs. George Starr,
whose marriage was an event of
recent date, were the honor guests
at an attractive miscellaneous
shower on Thursday evening at
the M. H. Starr home in Hayes
ville. Many, gifts were received
by the young people during the
delightful evening. ; A luncheon
was served at a late hour. ; Iris
and, roses were used in decorating
the rooms. Mr. Starr has lived In
Hayesyille practically all his life
and has a host of friends in the
Hayesville community. .,,
Those in the group on 'Thurs
day: .. ..' .--".
Mr. and Mrs. E. M; Bailey,, Mr.
and Mrs. David Greig, -Mr. and
Mrs. Ward Prescott, Mr. and Mrs.
Leets, Mrs. Prlvett, Mrs. B. J.
Teel, Mrs. Wm. Powers, Mrs. Al
bert Stettler, Mrs. Grant Warren,
Mrs. Gus Woren, Mrs. John Lep
hart, Mrs. Paul Cairo w, Mrs. A.
Zimmerman, Mrs. Wm.' Ray. Mrs.
Eugene Klser, Mrs. Ivol Utter-
back, Mrs. Wm. Fitts, Miss Joy
Grieg, Vernon. Gralg, Hugh Mc
Cain, Leona and Ruth Starr, Mr.
and, Mrs. Martin Starr, and; Mr;
and Mrs. Geo. Starr.
Social Afternoon Club
The Social Afternoon club of
the Eastern Star will meet on
Tuesday afternoon for cards. All
members of an pastern Star chap
ter are Invited to be guests. :
Mrs. Eckexlin. "Entertains'
D. U. C. Club s , 5
jtiemoers or tne u. u. u. club
were the guests of honor when
Mrs.' E. '"Eckerlin Jr. entertained
for their pleasure at ; the Elks'
club on Wednesday. French mari
golds and f or-get-me-nots eontered
the table where covers were placed
for two guests of the club, Mrs.
Carl Shbrtridge and Mrs. Mort
Pilkenton, and the following mem
bers: Mrs. E. A. Skelley, Miss
Alta Jones, Mrs. Ray McDevitt of
Albany, Mrs. Lester Schlosberg,
Mrs. Ed Viesko, Mrs. Victor Mac
Kenxie, and the hostess, Mrs. E.
Eckerlin, Jr.
The prizes of the afternoon
were won by Mrs." Pilkenton. for
guests, and Mrs. Skelley, for mem
bers. In two weeks Mrs. McDevitt will
be hostess for the club.
Adolynk Club Meets
at ZeUar Home
Mrs. Oscar ZeUar was hostess
on Wednesday afternoon for the
members of the Adolynk club,
with Mrs. A. C. Gragg as an. ad
ditional guest. Baskets of lilacs
decorated the rooms.' Mrs. Jesse
George won the bridge prize of I
m. '
ine aiteraoon.
Guests for the afternoon were:
Mrs. A7 C. Gragg, Mrs". Jesse
George, Mrs. James Teed, Mrs.
Reed Rowland, tyrs. E. A. Paul
sen, Mrs. Oral Lemmon, Mrs.
George Nelson, Mrs. Carl Chapler,
and the hostess, Mrs. A. C. Gragg.
Many Tables Reserved for.
Auxiliary Bridge Tea
More than forty tables have al
ready been reserved for the elab
orate bridge tea which the mem
bers of the American Legion
Auxiliary will sponsor on Monday
afternoon at the Salem Woman's
club, house on North Liberty
street. Mrs. Jesse George is gen
eral chairman for. the event, having-
as. her assistants Mrs. Cyril
Nadon and Mrs. James H Jen
nings,, each of these having addi
tional helpers.
Mrs. MaricS. Skif f apd; MraMR.
-t. ji
- . - - r- .. - - J
40. inch Pririted Satin Canton
lt i
: Spiral Crepeii Foulards
Attractive coloring and -designs for sum
mertime frocks. A great saving on every.
.yvd... "
Satisfaction Guaranteed1
4f On ;Urerjrr Purchase or Your
-k Money; Cheerf ully Refunded.
J.'. Hendricks; will be asked' to -pre
siae at trie . urns at the .tea' hour
When additional guests will calL
Violin Pupils in '-"'". l
Recital Monday
Miss Elizabeth Levy will present
a group of her advanced violin pu
pils in 1 an interesting recital on
Monday evening at" 8: 15 o'clock
at the First Congregational church
LoveJy Heroine of "Dance
Madness" at Heiiig Sought
Operatic Career .
Claire Windsor,; the lovely
blonde heroine of "Dance Mad
ness," at the Heilig theatre to
day, which was directed by Robert
Z. Leonard for Metro-Gbldwyn-Mayer,
was born in Cawker City,
Kansas, where she lived until her
parent's home? 'was wrecked by
one of the well-known Kansas
cyclones. Her father immediately
decided to move nis family to
Topeka. Claire, who was then
seven years old, was placed in a
girls school. When she had fin
ished her academic training, she
told, her mother that she could
not stay at home, but must go
forth in the world and earn rec
ognition. New .York, the goal of
all youthful boya and,, girls, was
of eourse. to he her'a. .
Hfe'ij.'J mother 'J frustrated ' this
rather ' ambitious plan; and put
young 'Clajre , in a , school where
she took' up the study of voice
culture. When in the "high school
she had a beautiful soprano voice.
Her appearance - at-concerts by
charity and benefit organizations
attracted considerable attention.
A professor of one of the vocal
schools in the city offered to train
the child. Claire gained ' much
favorable recognition and ad
vanced rapidly in her classes.
Within two years she bad given
up all thought of leaving home.
She devoted much of her time to
improving her voice -a voice
which was soon to be silenced in
sofar as a-career on the concert
stage wax concerned.
Basketball Makes Bid As :
National Game of Italy
NEW YORK Basketball 4 un
in Italy before the. war. bids fair
to become the national game of
the country, said Samuel Ybar
goyen, physical director of the
Turin Y. M. C. A., on leav in this
sponding to the A. A. U. here, has
been formed. Last year 2000
members received cards entitling
them to participate in the national
championship games.'
Oysters Catching Cold
Cause Loss to industry
TOKYO Because oysters like
humans are subject to bad colds,
a loss of more than 600,000 em
bryonic cultured pearls . is esti
mated to have been suffered by
pearl raisers of Ago Bay near Na
goya. Ago Bay is the center of Japan's
cultured pearl Industry. Here
tiny seeds implanted in oysters
grow Into, rich necklaces. "The
season's drought is said to have
caused the water to become ex
tremely cold and the change in
temperature, experts said, result
ed. In the. parent' oysters? catching
cold any dying. -
S"oflk Sale
The; balancexoE Silks left,- :
: over from Ftidav'a salfe--.
mras coin IS
!'She's My Baby,M .Starring
i Douglas MacLean, Opens
3-Day Engagement
. por syncopated action, for high
pressure thrills and for : riotous
laughs, "That's My Baby," Doug
las MacLean's new Paramount
comedy, which opens, at the Ore
gon, theater today. - deserves the
blue ribbon award as the week's
finest entertainment. It is uproar
ious fun from the hilarious begin
ing to the delirious finish.
MacLean, as clever a comedian
and pantomimist as the screen
possesses today, is always funny,
no matter what the material he
has to work with. In this in
stance, .however. George J. Crone
and 1 Wade Boteler, the authors,
have created a story, rich in farci
cal situations, chock full of comic
complications, with an abundance
of humorous gags and a climax
in the Bhape of an airplane-automobile
chase that is the last word
in thrills and suspense.
Under the deft direction of Wil
liam Beaudine, the picture loses
no . time In getting under way.
MacLean, jilted at the last mom
ent: by the girl he was. engaged to
marry, turns right around and
fail? in, love with another. The
second charmer is Margaret Mor
ris, whose father, Claude Gilling
watef, IsTDoug's hated business
rival. ''' ' ' ":
In trying, to conciliate the old
man, MacLean only succeeds in an
tagonizing" him still further, he
find? himself suddenly burdened
with a baby. His efforts to press
his romance and at the same time
rid himself of the youngster are
Notice of Improvement of South
- Winter Street From Cross Street
to Howard Street.
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of Sa
lem, Oregon, deems it necessary
and expedient and hereby declares
its purpose and intention to im
prove South Winter street from
the north line of Cross street to
the south line of Howard street at
the expense of the abutting and
adjacent property, except the
street and alley intersections the
expense of which shall be assumed
by the City of Salem, by bringing
said portion of said street to the
established grade, constructing ce
ment concreta curbs, and paving
said portion of said street with six
inch cement concrete pavement in
accordance with the plans and
adopted by the Common Council
April 5th, 1920, now on file in the
office of the City Recorder, and
which are hereby referred to and
made a part hereof.
The Common Council hereby de
clares its purpose and intention to
make the above described im
provement by and through the
street improvement department of
the City of Salem, Oregon.
By order of the Common Coun
cil this 5th day of April, 1926.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder.
Date of first publication hereof
is April 14, 1926.
Date of final publication hereof
Is April 25, 1926.
apl!4 to 25 inc.
to No cure for ft, but welcome
w reuef is often brought
V Vapor
w i r Mm
Ji I,
Portland Silk Bboj; -4
w - :
provocative 6i.much"."BpIritod - ac
tion ahdj hearty laughter, - '
K)0-T;00 KFWV-213), Portland.
6:00-7.:00KGW (491), PortUad.
7:00-12:00 KOW 49i) PortUad. Quar
tet, dne frolic
11:35-1:30 STUB (.263) Portland. Sat
urday program. '
:00 KMTB (238). Hollywood. 6-7. tn
dio program; 8-10, KMTB concert or
chestra, Loren Powell, directing; 10
11, motion, pictnro jolif iction.
6:30 KKX (36i), HUywood. 6:30-T,
orrnettrm; 7:30-8. &tmdio profcram; 8-9,
program; 9-10, program: 10-11, dance
orchestra; 11-2 a. 'm- Hollywood night
with the itmland frolic.
6:30 KLFWB (252), Hollywood. 6:30-7-:
80 dinner hoar; 8-10, program; 10
XI, frolift.- e.
6:3o &m (58.3). San FraneUco. 6:30
7:30,:orcbeatra; 8-9, 80th T7. S. Infaa
try army band : 9-10, KFI program;
10-12, daknc orchestra; Maurice Gua
sky, tor; Mertoa Borieff, pianist.
7:00 EFOH (232.4), Long Beach. 7
7:30, atttdio program; 7:30-9, munici-
?al band; S-10, program; 10-11, frolic;
1-12. organ.
7:00 KFI - (467). Los Angeles. 7-8,
dance mnsic ; 8-9, popular program ;
9-10, program; 10-11, radio club; 11
3 a. m.. KFI midnight frolic.
8:00 KHJ (405.2), Los Angeles. 8-10,
Notice of the Improvement of Lee
Street Between Twenty-Second
Street and Twenty -Fourth
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of Sa
lem, Oregon, deems it necessary
and expedient and hereby declares
its purpose and intention to im
prove Lee street from' the east line
of Twenty-Second street to the
west line of Twenty-fourth street,
at the expense of the abutting and
adjacent property, except the
street and alley intersections the
expense of which will be assumed
by the City of Salem, by bringing
said portion of-said street to the
established grade, constructing ce
ment concrete curbs, and paving
said portion of said street with
six inch. cement concrete pavement
In accordance with the plans and
specifications therefor which were
adopted by the Common Council
April 5th, 1926, now on file in the
office of the City Recorder, and
which are hereby referred to and
made a part hereof.
The Common Council hereby de
clares its purpose and Intention to
make the above described im
provement by and through the
street improvement department of
the City of Salem, Oregon.
By order of the Common Coun
cil this 5th day of April, 1926.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder.
Date of first publication hereof
is April 14, 1926.
Date of final publication hereof
is April 25, 1926.
apl 14 to 25 inc.
Notice of the Improvement of Mc
Coy Avenue Between Hunt
Street and Erixon Street.
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of Sa
lem, Oregon, deems is necessary
and expedient and hereby declares
its purpose and intention of im
prove McCoy Avenue from the
south line of Hunt street to the
south line of Erixon street at the
expense of1, the abutting and ad
jacent property, except the street
and . alley intersections the ex
pense of which will be assumed
by the City of Salem, by bringing
Bald portion of said avenue to the
established grade, constructing ce
ment concrete curbs, and paving
said portion of said street with six
inch cement concrete pavement in
accordance with the plans and
specifications therefor which were
adopted by the Common Council
April 5th, 1926, now on file in the
office of the City Recorder, and
which are hereby referred to and
made a part hereof.
The .Common Council hereby de
clares its purpose and intention to
make the above described im
provement by and through the
street improvement department of
the City of Salem, Oregon.
By order of the Common Coun
cil this 5th day. of April; 1926.
' M. POULSEN, City Recorder.
Date of first publication hereof
Is April 14, 1926.
Date of final publication hereof
Is April S5, 192.
apl 14 to 25 inc.
Notice of the Improvement of
Kineteentb Street Between
Ferry' Street and Bellevno
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of Sa
lem. Oregon, deems it necessary
and expedient and hereby declares
Its ..purpose and intention to im
prove Nineteenth street from the
south line of Ferry street to the
north line of Bellevue street at the
expense of the abutting and ad
J&cent property, except the' street
and illejr tntersections the expense
of which will ha assumed by the
City of - .Salem, by 1 bringing said
portion of said street to the estab
lished grade, constructing' cement
concrete curbs, and, ' paving said
portion of said Street with six Inch
cement .concrete pavement' la' ac
cordance with the plans and spec!
ficatlons therefor which ' were
adopted by the 'Common Council
April 6th, 1926, now on file in the
office of .the City Recorder, and
which are hereby referred to and
made a part hereof,-? --
The Common Council hereby de
clares, its purpose and intention to
make ; the : above described im
provement by - and-' through the
street Improvement department of
the City of Salem, Oregon. '
By order of the Common Coun
cil this Sttrday of April, 1926. x:
JSfi POULSEN, City-Recorder.
Date- of 'first publication hereof
1 April 14. 1926. ;
Date of final publication hereof
U ApriT2XB2Gr '
grrTsTfloJTCart "BrsTidPBfc'OTr." tettor. "
8:00 KGp (86L.22),- Oakland.' JlO,
Odd Fallows' reunion V &-4 5. ''X Step
On the Stairs"; 10-12 midnight. Mad
sob's Midshipmen; : ' "
S:0 KP8H 315.), Pasadena. - 8-,
concert hoar; 9-19, dance orchestra.
8:30 -OR (384.4). Seattle.' " 8 :3oil0.
stndio program. ' .. - ... .. .
S:0 CSRV (21.1, VancouTer. 8:80,
string quartet;! Tiolins. cello, soprano;
10:30, orchestra; Bebo It ullar, so
prano, - '-i ' i '-.r - ?-:
After midBight programs on the air are
scheduled from the following stations:
13:0O-l:0O, KFRC.' KRE.-KFL KNX;
1:00-1:30. KFI. KSX; 1:80-2:00,
KFWL SFV.ipur.; 2:00-3r00 KFWI,
KFI. , - ? ' ' -
NEW YORK -Lacrosse, a com
paratively new intercollegiate
sport, has gained firm foothold
in twenty-five American universi
ties and, in the opinion of P. M.
Touchton, Yale - coac. Is threat
ening the popularity of r baseball
as a spring college .pastime. T
Toledo -3. H. " Bogert plans to
build modern 5 6-room hotel.
Sraopsts of the Annual Statement of
of New York, in the State of Saw York,
on the thirtT-first day of December, 1925,
made to the Insurance ' Commissioner of
the State of Oregon, 'pursuant to law;
Amount of capital stock
naid op : fiO.OOO.OOO.OO
Zaconte :
Xet premiums received ' during-
the rear - $26,543,583.45
Interest, dividends and rents
received during the year 3,536,832.37
Income from other sources
received during the year 5.8Q2.475.45
Total income S35.932.99l.27
Net losses paid' daring the
year including adjustment
Dividends paid on capital
stock during "tna year... .
Commissions ' and ' salaries
psid during the year ..'
Taxes, licenses and fees
paid during the year ...
Amount of all; other ex
penditures j .
Total expenditures $25,649,970.88
i Assets
Value of real estate owned
(market value) ........'.."...$ 1,688,345.65
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market value )
Loan on mortgages and
collateral, etc.
Cash in banks and oa band
Premiums in course of cot
lection written since Sep
tember 30, 1925
Interest and rents due and
accrued :
808 465.74
Total admitted' assets..$67,774,523.19
- ZJaoiUUes
Gross claims for kisses un
paid S 2,698,448.63
Amount of unearned pre
miums on all outstanding
risks 26,213,990.64
Due for commission sad
brokerage .. 153.804.56
AU other liabilities 5,447.523.52
Total liabilities, exclusive
of caDital stock of 810.- -
000,000.00 . ....$34,513,768.35
Business in Oregon for tae Yea
Net oreraiums received dur
ing the year - $ 87,947.82
Losses paid during the yesr 41,689.65
Losses incurred dunne the
year .-. 43,153.77
. Paul L. Haid, President.
W.! E. Lamm Jrn Secretary. '
Statutory resident . attorney for service:
Insurance Commissioner.
District Agent W. A. Liston,
307-8 Oregon Bldg- Salem,- Oregon.
Synopsis of the Annual Statement "of the
f Los Angeles, in the State of California,
n the thirty-first day of December, 1925,
made to the Insurance Commissioner of
the State of Oregon, pnrtoant to law:
Amount of capital, stock
paid up ;.
Total premium income, for
,- the year . .v. $
Interest, dividends and rents.
received daring the year
Income from other sources
received during -the year
Total income .. $
Paid for losses, endow
ments, annuities and sur
render values '. $
Commissions and salaries!
paid daring the year.
Taxes, , licenses and fees
a paid during the year....... .
Amount of all other ex
penditures 002,951.79
Total expenditures ....
f 408,659.57
Value of real estate owned
(market value) S
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market or amor-
tised value) --
.. 382.650.OU
Loans on mortgages and
collateral, etc. '.. -.i.
Premium -notes end policy
loans' ...
Cain in banks aa-d oa hand
Total admitted assets $1,809642.02
14a Dili ties r
Gross claims for losses un- '
paid . . 40,000.00
Lia brlity for reserve at S
Amer. Ex. Tabl 853,704.00
Surplus reserved for con
tingencies (7.,...-- i 815,938.02
Total liabilities ; $l,809,64S,O2
jbbmm in uregon jot via sar
Gross premiums received
during the year. 1..S . . 7,216.00
Louses paid during tbe year 10,000.00
Aj B. Taylor, President.
O: F. Btevensbn. Secretary.
Ststatory resident attorney for seryice:
Bynop&is of t'he Annual Statement of the
oi 'ortiana. la tne etate ot Oregon, oa
the thirty-first day- of ' December, 1925.
made to the Insnranee Commissioner of
tae Bute ot Oregon, pursuant to law:
I - Capital
Amount of CSnltsl stock nald
up 4 12,681.89
, i income
Net premiums received dnrtng
ing the year 5 $76,223-54:
less 1456.95 nlnii .7S,76L0
inieresi. aiviaenaa ana rents - r
4 receired, djiriug Jbeiyesf.' fj 8IS.71
r - ' 'pawMKaana
Total Income'...:: 'Z.'.j, 89,387.80
. - wowrsements -
Ket loases paid during the - , .
f year includinir adiustment
expease vri-88,14$.6
Commissions' and salaries-paid ' - -r-
, daring the year . "22.326-14
Taxes, licenses and fees pail .
i during the year -t..,; .: '-..;,.?-t
Amount of all ether expend!-
tures .... .,, - . 8,310.23
. Total expenditures
$ 64,088.81
Valae of real estate owned
' market wlne) , stationery -J$
Value : C stocks "-and - bonds
owned (market value) office.
Cash in banks and on hand 25,735.44
TeUl 4mitted asets 27,141.44
! LUbilttiei -.
Due for , rommissioa -. and t
Irokerage 4.
ToUl Ualillties, exclusive' ot
caplUl stock r $12,681 JJ-S "'605.90
Business tn Oregon for the Year . r
Net premiums received' during '-..- 1
'h'th'-rear-i-i;v.-. S 75.766.60
Losses paid during th jear $7,571-33
Lossee; incurred duriug , the, -!
yeer. : tr f -
etitutorx tetideat tUoroey lar service;
Cjlpitai. ttpogeaphical ukion
No. 210 President. Q. F. vaaa: see--
; . retary, M. D Pilkenton. Meet ese-i
1 n oasuraax, :vv m. -
Ksets Thurs. evening. Arthur Tucker,
president;. Wm. Pet tit, secretary.
Skilled mechanica furnished. Phone 179.
Aleets at Labor Halt oa eall ef presi
dent. ; F. W. Sears, secretary. Box
443. Saleta Ore.- v ;
Lodge RosUr
everr Wednesday. Irateratty .Hal), B
II. wnietV See'y. Tel. 8ffd R.
Fraternal .HaU every Tuesday evening.
Visitors invited. : Fred Dennam, C O.;
WaTU Laassw. K. of ft. 8. :
Published every morning (except Mon
day J at Salem, the capital el Oregon.
r Lckl Rates
For Classified
Dally or Sunday
2 cents per word
One tune ... .
Three times
a cents per word
Six times 8 cents per word
1 mo. daily and Sun. 20 cents per word
In order to earn the more than one
time rate, advertisement nut ran in
consecutive issues.
No.-Ad." taken-for lesa than 25e.
Ads.' ran Sunday- ONLY charged at
one-time rate. , . ,
- Advertisements (except Personals
and Situations 'Wanted) will be takes
over the telephone if the advertiser is
a subscriber to phone. -.
The Statesman w4fl receive adver
tisements at, any lima ot the day or
night. To insure 'proper classifica
tion Sds: should blf in before 7 p. m.
' " ' 'TELEPHONE, ,23 OR 583
Money to Loan
T.-K. TORD "
(0er Ladd Bnsh Bank)
urns must be kept free from anything
of a questionable nature. Misrepresen
tations will not be tolerated. Infor
mation ahowlng say questionable in
tent on the ' part , of the advertiser
should, be reported to this aews
paper or the Salem Ad elub. '
Auto Tops
O. J. Hull Auto Top- and Faint Shop.
267 8. Commercial. 5al6tf
Help Wanted
easy selling article. Call at 429 Ore-
gon Bldg., mornings. ' 9m28tf
Help Wanted Male 11
chance I Rash photo Frederick Paul
1531 N. Mariposa, Hollywood, Calif.
cultivate, and look after awjfi place
or would-reat it. River b-t Jin near.
UServaie. - - Carl Francis, . ijt Grand
Ave.. N Portland. Ore. - fT A n24
Wanted Employment 19
lady. 510 South .25th St, 19s25
digging and team work. Phone 72F2.
For lent
Busselle k Aspinwall
222 N. CommeroiaL Pboae 36.
' ' - 2Ia8tf
den. 1396 N. 4th. 21m24tl
meats. F. L. Wood, 341 State St.
- ' 21ml2U
wording, "For Rent". price 10
cent each. Statesman Business Office,
Synopsis of 'the Annual Statemenf of the
of . PhUadelphia, , ifi the" SUte of Pennsyl
vania, on the Ihjrty-firtt day vt December,
1925. 'made' to the Ingnrafrre Commis
sioner of tha Btate ot OregonV'ptrsuant
o law ' ' '
? v i f Capital r wvV
Amount - of cspitsl . stock
paid up s-4 MOO.OOO.OO
i; -t s - Zncom
Set prsminma received.-dor- . '
ing the year-c.:,-ji.f 8i406,586.79
Interest, dividends and rent.
received during tbe year 279.340.13
Iseome from other- seurcee-
received during the year 72,519.42
Total income - $ 3,753,446.34
Disbursements .
Net losses psid during the
.Year including adjustment
expenses ww--.l-1,708,144-81
Dividends paid' oa capital
' stock Coring the year 200,000.00
Commissions end- salaries
paid during the year- - 1,060,526.90
"Taxes, 'licenses and feea
psid during the yesr... 123,051.16
Amount of all other ex
penditures 31)346.26
Total expenditures -..$ 8,427,069-23
!- - - " ' ' AsseU '
Value of real estste owned
(market value) -
Vahae of stocks and bonds
wned (market value) f 5,750,
Loans oa mortgagee and,
collateral, etc.
Cash in banka and on band
Premiums in eourse ef col-
leetioo written rinco Sep
tember 80. 1925 .
Interest and rents doe and
Amount recoverable - for re
insursace on paid losses
704,286.1$ v
T6 2U.8
,13.241.72 .-
.Total admitted ssMta.j
" ' .. . . r ' XJabillUaa
- 756,466.85
Gross claims' for-tosses -paid
IuabbI ft BiiMraMt
I snioras a all- oatstendinc t
:- brokerage d . .
- i25.000.AO
AH other Uahilitis
122.075.00 I
ToUl Habillties. exclusive .
of espital atock of . ,
"""uu Vr 8 3-VS10.5O
Net premiums received dur- V
ju,ui .m ub I irarnn vaw fr. ....
wA"5 'f?-- A4..308.0
et losses- ineuireddnrlng
iumin Kush, Preiident. 1
lAlin k r n. t! J f.
Statatory -resio-wnt attorn.. f
?a?T G. Allen, 308 Lewis Bid, t
..... . . V 'Portlsri, Ori.
. ., Local srent; W. A. Liston,
rt 1 ' ZV'8 efwBW, 8sln;
Klamath, Palls Weyerhaeawr
Timber company -"'pays almost 'lO
rer cent of ' aU JCUciath tounty '
t k-
v --
i w ,