,1 ft i 1 i .Py AUDREDJIUNCH PtonilOS Marian County Wbman's -i. Clubs to Convene in Salem One hundred women, represent ing .clubs throttghovt the ontr are, expected. to be 4a-attendance at ihe meetlnsr .-of the -Marion County "Federation Hof Wdrnif claba -ihkh opens tn Salem .tomor row at the "Woman' clttb house on North Cottage street. The morcUng geaaib-n, .wliich' wOl open at 10 o'clock, -will proceed fta " follows, "with ' luncheon" at noon, . andthe business .resuming- again at 1130 o'clock: ' Singing of Amer ica, by group; -luTocatlon fcy Dir. F. C. Taylor, pastaRot tfeepTirst three hosteatr clubs : MrsTTwni. Pordyce Par " Salem Woman's club; JdiirtU-K? OhJiagr Etekta . club; Mrs." Alice -pdninndBon, Sa- lem Heights club. Mrs. li. E. KlelnsorgQJ4f .jBUjrer toif'will glTe' the respons$. ,; ..' part leu Ur Interest w4Hfee the luncheon , at SL Joseph's auditor mm, wjucq aii saiem women may attend by making reservations withMra. C. S. Ham n ton before Thursday. , "" ' The afternoon session wlU open with a piano aolo by Miss Margaret Fisher, followed by an wxUlressJ "WBiMVa Respohsanilty jn.. rpb4 oy airs, muiiok. rrum bun of Portland.' f Mrs. Richard Slefe;eait df y&mn1 at :Reed college,lao,will give aawiaspira- hl.wlU sing. -MM.? Election of ' off Iceri will close thfrssusfness of tneafttt-ttdtm. '- lisa i Wattle. Beatty.a active is in charge of the program for tomorrow. to Convene The annual conyection of the Marion county WOTU will couvene in Turner April 28, -at" 9 o'clock Mt G. S. Buland of Portland will be, the speaker in the evening. She wilf also assist' in - the afternoon program. Subjects to be discussed ax& scientific, temperance ifmtruC- lion, legislation and anti-narcotic. anions in the county will be represented by delegates' and visi tors. -The public is invited. . Silver Tea at. j, "TK Christian Church 'J The Tsbuth -Tcircle tot lie. First Christian cinrch will meet 'in the church artoVS 'Wednesday 2 o'clock for a short business 'meet ing. Prom 2:30 45 ?(T p'cloclt thy. wm give a silver tea. tall ladies of the church are cor diallylJnYjted to att9d.v .:-- Social Calendar Today West' -Sid e circle ot - J ason Lee Hfdlea Aid Mrs. J.FVDunlap', hostess; ? ''v-.Tf;'::-. f Central circle. Jason1 t3ie Ladies' Aid society. Mrs. P. L. Frazier, 7 9.5 1. , Capitol street,', hostess. -' - Business and Professional Wo men's ' club. Chamber of Com merce rooms. - r St. Monica's Altar society. Card party,. St. Joseph's auditorium o'clock. - Health class. 7 o'clock. Mar ion Seuare. Leslie W. P. M. S. Mrs. Barker, hostess. ' Young Married People's class. First Baptist church. 6:30 o'clock. Salem Daughters of the Nile club. MaaoiiIc TenjDle. Standard Bearers, pirst . Meth- odist-jehtfrch. f;Mrsv Jj.prGoltra, hostess!" o'clockv -n South" circle of? FlrttChrlstlarf chffrch, jBoainesa meeting and ait. 4 'iri' Thursday Irfartonpounty. Federation oi WmP'f finis. ..AWimal, cqnven-?. tloMenWomn'CUnJ elfin w. R. C. Ladiea Aid. Old Peo ple's Home. " ' ' ' H " "rriday :. ' Harpv recital; - Mary Jean Por ter.1 St. Joseph's Audltoriuiu. ' " r 'Saturday ' Salem Woman's - club. Clib hoffse, :3fd V clock. ; ' Benefit bazaar 'and cooked food sale?4 Alpha XI Delta sorority: S'. P. t fcket I office, 5 184 N. Liberty Btreet'1'.- : Miss Bertha Babcock's orjnal blrthiay. dance. Derby nail. ; , S CI CHEST OEOP tPPFRfflR r"t(JL0 mmm m u s? Daseyoor tight, aching cheBt.v; Stop ; the paia" Break np tire ewiwtioa. . Feel'ar'ba&eoid looen 'up- ia jusTtf .' short'time-'.- - r- -. - &m - - -.-i. - t - EfidV Pepper Rub is the cold rem edyvthai brings: quickest-relief. It cannot hurt. you andjt certainly seems iron,d the tightness and drive the congestion and soreness, right out. Nothing-" ha- such1 eoaevatrated, penetrating heat as red peppera; and whenraeat penetrates right down Into colds, congestion; aching muscles and v eorirstlff joints relief comes at oneeV ' The moment you apply Red Pepper - , Hub yon feel the tingling heat. la - three -minutes ' thecongested spot-Is " warmed through and through. TlVaett josfare suffering from a cold Vheu V mat is; baiJcache,-stlff neck' of sore muscles, just get jar of SowIetf Rec Pepper Rub, -miuie front red peppers, 1 at any drug store. You: wili have the - rvii.:. est relief known, . 7 .M tw n.,i r. - jt-'-i 5 .1 A mericdn-teuton "tA uxiltatu.. to Sponsor Attractive Particularly delightful among the affairs scheduled for the' corn- lag -week will k-e -the - benefit br!de"teah;tr-4AiiserIcaii Legion Auxiliary wiilHiponsor- on Monday 'nf t&rtobn In j the veglpn Hall. . Reservations ' are - already being made f pj Ihe ayterlliooihd inose wismng laoiea are assea ie call' Mrs. Jesse George at 115 Q-Jt Mrs. George, 'as chaTrtna'n , SjUtae affair, "will f be ably assisted by v Plana for stfce ererad7at the bTfwesseeting'ef theArsxll Jary, ontWdnMySyehlng ipcedr Ing the Initlatioai; at-the 'Armory which the Auxiliary tmjBmber at tended en . inasse f.!-The, evening was -particularly enjoyable to all present. MrsJfiCi Ciirrie Enlertains YWCA GirfrtiJIjbtHifd Farm The group of tfrlsVho are real dents of 4h ciyYWgA were the honor gueats-at a" delightful- affair of Monday evening when Mr. attd Mrs. JC- Carrie entertained' for their pleasure at- -dinner at the Currie. country home, Hibbard Farm;': . t" ' . :'! ;The;rpom were" altractlrely dec orated wlthmaeBes of - dogwood and fnnwnsloa ofjfrarden' ffowqri, A,owl,ef3ovely pink, and 'yellow bljitttetjegAtered thet dinner ta bl. YeXIowjjpiiAdleavKere nsed in tM marked bv SA .ioo, MissuJ&abeUBartlett JMIss Flotetie L4ke MfB Gladys Paul. Miss Clara -Heater, .MIb ..M izpah Palmer ton,' Mis' Jtflia Cuttle; Mrs. Pearl Arnold,, $r. and Mrs.'. Harry Lorens and. eon ' Robert, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs." J.C., Currie. ' Following' the dinner Mr,, and Mrs, David ltaniaeyer. ;an)J,7ittie son,' David Jr., who are neighbors of Mr.' and Mrs. Currie, Joined the group additional guests. ' FIvel hundred ''at "three'tabletf ' was the diversion of the evening with'Da vld Ramseyer winning the - high score. " Miss Mitpah - Palmertop won the' consolation award: - . Guests ateskowin 1 Mr. and- Mrs. H4 G. Mas& and Mr. and Mrs. -A.- Mickel motored to NesXowin r 'frherje'they yrere guests over - tae 'weea-enav , Business ' and Professional WomeW Club, v;-:- a particularly interesting, meet ing of the 'Salem ' Business 'and ProfeailoharW take place at 7:S0 o'clock this evening tri th$; Chmhei; ,of -Ctma-mefee rooms. ! m- ' Five members of the club; wHb are prominent in professional wdF4reshments were served at-a 4ate In the city, wtll gtre snort, interr esling talks covering v the scope of their individual type of work. In the group" of fii&Q ctrairlbut- lng talks .will be Dr. Mary Rf Pur- vine, physician:; MIm jJraSUsii beth SmUlk, ? assistant attorney general: Mrs.'. .Lola .BelleBetlln- ger, high-. bcWoI librarian; Hjm Grace Taylor public health nurse. and Miss Lillian Shroeder, special teacher at Parrish junior higb school. , . WRC Ladiea-Aid. The Ladies' oAid society of the Woman's Relief corps will meet on Thursday afternoon tat the. Old People's home" for the regular so cial meeting. . A special committee is In charge of the refreshments, ReeivTrTfrS3lm Tetty-'TWCA, of which Mis Mar laif'Wym'ans cretary, is fre- queBtyB-veoeipt-of interesting f news items c5n9eVing the' work In ft$ international cope. The fol lowiwg' is'ah ezaEhipie:. -?r-. Alany business , housa In Con stantinople are. opening ;oir. Sune aays roiiowing- tne example -of the banks which have adopted seven da 'office hours at government re- cuest. This means; less lisure-f or the. young women jeinployed tn the city, - according;; to :M iss Dorothy Brown. Miss Brown, is a secretary i at the. Per a service -center-cf the YWCA in ( Constantinople., - . .1 "Public opinion and dark streets mik.e it rtiftifHiIt for -even our old or gils t o ttn out In the eTen injn."i. writes Miss Brown. vWe have 5 1- girls -enrohed. In . dak Uaases, .all. deeply, irf earnest and ambitious. H pur jpjfaryi'iall Ipo 8m all for othes girls' who wish-te cbmejandtndy there - 'IAb fey jscrjtatlondanclng has beetf 'yery-rJOrmlarTiisis the only honof Able prawe "Eave "to dance,' Jtin esttusiastie, girl said '-' ''.J ' -. --a. , AO wxa . iiia - ;,kM 7 , 14 ar -s-tt 1 A a ' id to strong-. traditioa,:alow co giver. wayrvstill denies . thentBefrerf- outlet ' that glcls haveialaost eferywbere. So we are thankful thAt' the. service center- can 'give them opportunities for "healthful self-expression." Mlss -Br6wn, who .Veit ;to 'Con stantihople .In November,. 19 2 5, fa irominaon .?..tl, Bethel DorcaslClub Mrs. Harry-Rolen, and Mrs. Art Johnson will be. hostesses-Thursday afternoon for members of the Bethel Dorcas club, entertaining at Mrs, 'Johnson's home,;. Mr. and Mrs. SauierAre Guests at Reception Mr. and. Mrs., J. Miles Squier, whose marriage was in event of recent date, were honored at aa attractive reception-on Saturday evening. Anrtl i 7.' when Mrs 'Alma Aiatuici nu till p. r . , J.. JUCVUI were bos teases. - The rooms were profuselir'. decorated 'wlth roses, iris,..white earnatione, snowballs, and columbine. Readings j and musical -numbers entertained- the guests during, the evening,' " with delicious refreshments . following at a late hour. The honor guests were made the recipients of a number of gifts. tMrs. Squier was Goldle Shaffer before her mar riage. In the. .group for the evening were Mr, and Mrs. H. E. Rideout, Miss Reta RJdeout, Miss Lorraine Rideout, Prof, and Mrs. Vendon, Arthur and Rex Hartley, William Darling, Miss Neva, Sundin. Miss Lillian Wyman, Miss Ruby More- head, Miss Carol Irans, Lawrence Veaton. Mr. and Mrs. CaH Veaton, Mr.- and Mrs. Edward Sproed,,Mr and Mr- Theodore Madison, Mr. and Mrs. Claude? Ashby. Mr., and Mrs, A- E. Free, Clyde Madison, Mies-Helen - llutchins. Rimer"-and KeaneUiHutchins. Fred'jWaAner, Mr. and Mrs.: N. C. Ernston, Misa Doris. "Haley, Miss Ruby Kennedy, Miss Lois . Reed. ' Misa Virginia Shand, Miss F. A. McCalvin, Mrs Alma 'Huddlestoti, Mrs. F. A. Mc- Call, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. Alma Harmer, Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel Schoffer, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. McCall and family', add the hos tesses and honor guests Happy Dozen Club Is Entertained Mr. and Mrs.' Art J." Johnson en tertained -the Happy Dozen 590 club with a novelty hayseed party at their home last Saturday night. The - guests came dressed in old- fashioned, hard-times costumes which afforded much' merriment Theorize for the moat ridiculous ly dressed .-couple went toMr. Harty- Y&uhg and Miss Mclhtyre. Several stunt wef-e played, 4a addition to the four tables of 500. 'High scores lh;ardtere :Won by Mrs-.P. Stevens and Mr. Forward, while Mrs. Bryant and Mr.' Boles won the consolations. . '. In dltlonrrofelafr raemWra of the club. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed For gard. Miss"-' Ahifa Mclntyte and Rnlh Kitchen were. BrueftUft Rt. hourand the club adjourned until the fall season. Young Married , People's Class - . . 4 The Young Married ' People's class of "the First Baptist church .will hold their regular meeting this evening in the church parlors, with a pot-luck supper at 6:SQ o'clock. A social hour wiir fol low. All members- are invited to be present. Daughters of the Nile The members of Salem Daugh ters of the Nile club will meet for an all-day - meeting today In the Masonic temple. .The noon lunch eon will be followed by a business meepng. Today,, the - third ' Wed nesday' of the month, Is the regu lar meeting day of the cluh, ? Better Homes;, Week?.., r . to oe uoservea " .April 25 to May 1 IwHl .belOb- Lserved this year as. Better Hom.es week,lth tife aeWWdhSan's club in charge oftheans for the open homes. "Mrs. 'John E. Bro- phy fa acting: as general ehairxrraa for the project. r - Among the beautiful homes which will be opened cfurlng the week will Te the Curtis - Cross home on Lincoln Hill. ' - ', - : - '" - ' Standard: Bearer 90 'Meet - The-i Standard Bearer s-ot -the atsJ.;avd'cIock this eVening'ktlhe home jofMvsif J :-f Qoltra: 7t$ Court "street. ' Assisting hosTeaaes will, be - Maxlne Maxwell, Eogenia Savage and Lois. Taylor. Mlaa Neva Stolihelse will- have-' charge of -the devotions.' while "-MrtL tleo. H. -Alden wlll conduct -the, study hour Echoes from the taitfyiear branch : meeting willbe.lglven. by Miss Bernice Williams and Miss Doria Haogerpyoe. Attention is called to the change W 'date, the meeting being ori Wednesday this week' . . ' ' I TT WOOl.- HIDES' PELTS Sheep, I. long ary, 20ej skert, ml:, Mltea, s, T5asi; dry roata, lonf, ice pou.a. . . t. OAAGABA BATU--Sta4yj tm sound: Orecoa crape root aosMaabr " HOPS-125 crop eluitera 24 25c, S-year contract. Sue a poaad. Haitea. oc; jTeeB, ; aa 5c;-reen bullae c i air, i kip 8; fUat dry, 12; aalted Se; horae biAea -wooir-Bait -r pmoa xno vaiiev line. S2e; t breeze ifthta blood.' SUOS2e ; low quarter. 380 SOe; Eastern Oregon. Waab- toftoa and loaao raaca cupa, aoe. HEW TOM nSXED TaTTIT NEW YORK, April 20 (By Aaaoei4e4 Proas.) EVAPORATED APPUCS - Steady: Choice H(12a; extra iboice. la le. . - a- PRUNES Steady: .cjaiKoraia-' so ISttc; Oregon, 30-40, 12e. AFKlUUTfl -Firm; alaoa, - tMSZe: eboieav 84a5; extra choice,-S3 rEACHcs iTIKHs standard, iveezoe : choice, lKCp2etef extra choice,. 20 21c - DULUTIt Minn, April 20. (By Aire- eiated Press.) Close:: Flax, My, 2.8S; July $2.3414; September 92.3a: Octo ber 12.31. .' ; "BW TOBK HOPg .v - UJWYOltK, N. Y.. April 18 By Aa socfated Press.) Hops steady: '-' state 1925,-SSeoe-r 124, 80(&Sej3 3fBeifi oast, 1825, 28 30c; 1984, 2tS5e. - ' VEGETABLES 1 1 -POETLAVD, Ajprit 8a (By Av1ated Press) Oregon potatoes S4feM.o; NetWd Oetna. S4 fa 4.50 ' cwt : rsb ioa( to; f4.80(j e.00 clrt. BuncB TecUb)e: . Green a- ton. 80W35e dos. bunehe;- onias Si. 50 f3.00; beet,": 35 0 40c; Xurnip,. 50c; earroti, xOT4ue ,ao. oaoenei; grivc 11 O80e ' Cb.; , "eppH. iOe per U,; quh, 2 3c lb.; elery,! f8 Vet erte; ergplot, tOe lb. ; toi,'Koet f5W $6.50 luf; lettuce. Imperial Tlley. CeliT orai, 4505 crate;' 'artlthok.es. 75 4oz; (Teen beanr SOe H;tiew peea 12 i W 15c; itrntaels ipronw, lOe lb; rhubarb, 3H( 4c )b.; bo onse encumbers, $1,500 S.50 dos.; asparagus, 1013c ib pa s. local. 91.S5 per doi. bimcbev; wtn otaVoearJ efiSfte lb.; new poutoea, 15 7Ve. FRUITS, KUT8 PORTLAND, snees. S6.! April .20. r Fruits Oranges, S6.25tJ7.50 crate; lemons. $530 6.50; bans 809; pears, toomi- nal; grapefruit, $68; - atrawberrias. $3.75 crate. ? '. Apple Wash ib K ton Wiaeaapa, ' extra faney, $2; fancy, $1.75; O grade, $1.25; Oregon Spitxenburgs, extra fanej, $1.50 M.75; fancy, $l.a&(tpl.35; c grade. fancy, $I.251.35; C i tcAi o X . u ...... .. ti tin Newtowns, extra fancy, $22.25; fancy. U5W2; C grade, $lJi3 1.50; coolccrs. 7e$si. , . ., , . , Nuts Walnuts, No.'.l, 1926o pound; filberts, nominal;' almonds, 304'34c ,Jt). Brail nuts,' 2t)27e lb.: Oregon ches.tr ants, nominal; peanuts, 10 llac. v xktjbx rauii ' " NEW YORK, April 20. (By Associat ed Press.) -ETaporsted apples easy' choice 11 3-4c to 14e fancy 12 Vie 13c , Prunes Steady; California 6c to lSVie; Oregon. 10 3-4e to 12a:' AprJeota Firra slabs 20t to,,.2J3fl tbotce 24 t(c to 25c; extra choice 25o to 25Hc- ' i Peaebes Finn r stsndard lc.o'20 cbolce ISV&e to 20c; extra cHo ice 20 p tO SIC - NEW YOtRK. April 20. (By associat ed jressj -steady; state. I92ir ioc -to SOe; 1924, STJe to 33e; Pacific coast 1925, 26c to 30c; 1924, 22c to 5c ... : . ' t rs . UYESTOCK i , . -..-' PORTLAND, .April &!). (By ( Asoisk ed Press.) Cattle and carreer mondQaiir steady; bolls, good,, beet, ,( yearlings-a, eluded). $4,5046; common to medinm (csnners and bolognas.) $3.73 4.15.. -- Hog . nominally steady ; keayy weight (250-350- pounds) medionu . good and cl 3 boiee S12 13.50: medium weiehts (200 50 -pennda) ommoa. -medtnsm; jod and Choice ei2.5014 ' Sbeep attd lam bs reee'ipti75lb t5S0 tbrangb). GRAIN PORTLAND. Anril 20. (By Associat ed Press.) Wheat: BBB hinl wkitn April, May $1.48; bard white, .BS, Baart, April, Msy $1.47; soft white, western white, April, Hay $1.50: bard wintsr. northern spring, April, Msy $1,41 1 wes tern red, April, May VI. 40. uats, Tko. 3 -pound wnita feed,,. do gray, April, "May $28. ' Barley, fo. 2. 46-pound, April. May. Jiine $25fao 4 4-pound' April, May, June $24: . . r : , f Oara.'Nv. 3 ET ahioment Aorlf 133.25V Msy $33.50; June $33.75. ,. ' Mil (ran. standard. Anril. Ms. JVne $22.50. - ' - '. . ' -BAT -TP! PORT LA KD. Ai.r.. a (Hi tHArio. ti Press. )r--Byiiig Tricetn VaUey tim othy $30: - do esstera- Oreronr S29 5r alfalfa -1907 20 1 clover nominal : -est nay. aao j oat. and vetch S21 j' straw 89 I par ton. Setting prices. a as1 Sao ran ' ' 'Tfc j: V ' ' vc'' , jJLahS -r- -' r ' , ' . s . , .-t V,-S. ! i v " s;- YORTtaiii ii-JBy Asaociat edPTsjaa. ) ' Bwaporatea -applee dall omS 1 eaajof --.-raoa . steaay.-r . Aprioocs aaa 1 paannsa scare.; - . . ,..-' , mSW TORlC Aprir ?0.i-(B'' AaadMat ed Presa.) Steadyr Pacific coast li5, 2Tjp31e; 1924 226e. CBXCAOO POTATOES ' : V CBICAOO, 111., April .20. (By Asso- eiatet Prase.) Potatoes Receipts, . IDA cars; total united Stataa shipments. 287; .pa track, 446 ; practically no trading or demand ; market weak and dull ; Idaho sacked russets, tew eales, $ 4.75 5.00. ' iXXXXT PROSTCS KOTSS. . : ' Demand .for- strawberries is increafclng and ' good 'stack f irom ' Bacrameata,. 20 pint crate. , brings $4,50, 4th prices ranging down to $.5U for some Slightly isUarior 12-pint crates. Oregon berries are appearing in small -quantities from savers! - sections. A 24"pint - crate"f rom Oawego oW ir $10.50.,- ... -. Asparagae supplies contfane -limited and prices 'are rirra-B $1.4t?4.6CI r aaaen nunrnes. -The- cabbage market is-Btrong-nd" stip-. pbe Iight.i Texas stock is expected ' to ! on tbe' market1 later today ' aroond -be per pound.-"- . .. , : Oregon lattuee' iH be id rgtt)V slip ply soon, a few ermtea baTa:ppearet'oB t a. farmers' market. SacfsmiJntd' stick isr aelling; t Sd.arf4.75 per crate. ' -Oreen peas, California stock, move at 16c a -ponBd.-atitt--wiir soon B x ; - "' ' ' x NEW INCORPORATIONS I The Red Boy Mining and Mill ing company with headquarters at Gold Hill; Jackson county, has for i J3rinq:uk your b&ttered Why spoil the fragrance and the delicious flavor of your coffee by boiling it in an old, worn coffee pot when you can have a shining, new, fresh electric pecolator on such attractive terms? , Thf,' percolator offered Is a JMan-nirig-'Bowman, nickel-plated, 7-cup size (hai makes the most deli cious coffee! Bring in your old coffee pot it's worth a dollar to you and the special price is the : lowest the terms the most attractive we've ever been able to arrange ! Special Offer in effect for 1 month April 15 to May 15 Supply is limited so we advise you to take ad van tage early . 95c DOWN BALANCE PAY ABLE $1 EACH MONTH Portland Metric Power Co. tl lonSurpltts . - Don't icalliitsviiigs. dida't.needtosi)end. -'v.f iTfi a SuVblua&yings Account at therUnited States National" you'll be like a strong, successful business. I ItwiD-MfetMresent - urhiffldrvWexr' -tiroflfcwhat you -didn't: divide with em-rent outgo. ' The'interest we pay keepsy6u Interested. .'u - '. - - . t . - ,- . v' i!".... r '-ft - united tiled-articles in the state, corpora tion. department iiere. The capital stockla . $10 6,0 tibliicorpofatiiMrs ire Ay Fnge, tnge hnd 1 O;' Aanpei , - w . ' J Other artJeles filed" follow: ,c j . Angora- Club of 'Astoria, Astoria $100; Charles M. Johnson, John E. -Berry nd Charles .Husturlck. s John E. Flurry, Inc., Roseburg $ 5 0,0 0 Q ; John ;'E". . Flurry,., Adama Flurry ntfd. Hazel Flurry. ASalexn Marskets GRAIN No, 1, wheat, white No. X. red, sacked ...... White oate Oray.pata , Barley ..tI...... .....$t.38 1J87 .O . .42 .42 Barley .8ff P0RK. afTJTTON AND BEEP Top bogs 18 Hows 9H.10 Dressed hogs .18 Top steera l!Xlt-tiiZLaiti .oo 4 .oo . . , 104 BulU Spring; lambs under. 8 lbs. 43H HearietJ-A-u . 9ie , PQUXT-RZ Ligbt bena ,.. i., .19,, HesTjr ben .-.t,. .23 Old roosters ..r..,. 8 0 8 Broilers. , T . ... .85, EOOS, BTJTT&sV'AKD BTJTTERPAT Butterfat' . .42- fVeamery butter'. Milk, ewt. Medium eggs Standard eggs .43(.44 I 2.44 .18 .19 J39 Electric Percolator i'k lis,. TZSSW W 'l.'S Letlit Tae. the htlerhrt yon' ' a " f i t - A " a " -:i J, s .- rVV XHi' sir- tStaty j LlSt!? IN DINNER' OONCERT kx 6.KKI-? :00 K(W (491 N fcortljind.. 6)0-7 :Oo - Ktf WV t8 12), rorUand. - ... .1 .jut A i.4-iii mmC -- IS-Jf! . )- snhr:J- ' -'' S:0U ia:W HXJTS ,T.3r9r- rdrtlaVd Pro gram.-.- f;- ' - " - ; - " 8:30-9 :30-3-t2!3'). PortUnd Program. 8:00-11 tOO--KjdW 49Uji Portland. Con- s eets.- . -: .j ""..'""-... 8:00-11:70 IvP WV (212), Tortlsnd: , qoartet. Windjammers. r - '- ' 4i--jrToiY- 7:30-8:3O-T-KPJR. 8la) Portland. Even ing, story. . i"-- '-' ' ENTERTAINMENT - 0:3O KFWl- (2-U),-Ban Francisco. 6:30 7:30, dance niusia; et, .ntudio program: 8:30,,-Truvatore orchestra; 9:30, west ing, of "Torn Cats"; 11-1, orchestra. 8:30 KQW (B31), -Bait-Jose. 6:30. rift farm fla&hea; 7, farm bureau program'; 8-9:30. prsjer serrire. 6Dt KPO (428.3) San Franoiaco.: 6 :30. 3: oxvjvantra ; 7-J7t30; . Judy Seisrer's , onsboatraj .8-9. art mis' program; 9 10, orebetrai! W-ll. orchestra. - ' - 83lVNX .,336.9) KoHywood, - :30,7, .-concert ferchmtra; 7-8, program; a-9, proaun; 9at, program) 11-12, dance j rehestra. ,6:30 iKLX ($08.2). Oakland. 6:30-7, or- 6;SOfXnvBh (25-j)tnollrwod. V:30- 7:B0r.duuir .psograsa ; -9, program ; I 9-9 ;3a,, orchestra; 0-lQ, r mirths can ,tst: 10-11,! frolic, , . , . 7i9HW i4i, f.onSi.ies. 7-8, rogram; 8-9, studio program; 9-10, Um. bonc.aOUJ Oriolx nrrht-ntrm. TiPttyKl 148? V-;bos- Angeles. 7.7 :.m reaseBbJe;,.7:30.8, Niclc- Uarri& ',v Ttn; 8'.--Psrain; 9-JO, -i TS'V P,iuJar ho"'- iJft,,(384.41, Seattle.-7-8:30, pro- -detecti progrsm : 7;0O--KJR t!r. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS Biggest Jnd Best. Assortment "in This City Our Prices Are theLoWest ' ."Weive You Best1, Values wlWeF Than Sale Prices! Z'XSticfotte of Beautirosy far the best, display, in, our : ton AssoitSieiAte a 10c, 15c, 25c;,35c, 50c, 75c Brihg'vyour millinery troubles o us-Expert ' . . milliners ready to advise j'au;. ' LADIES' KNIT UNDERWEAR . Special Clean Up Prices ! Ladies',, Union Suits Various Kinds fo f Clean Up j 32c Ladies' Sleeveless ( Vests ' ' - , to Clean Up' - at 19c and 15 c NEW COLLAR AND CUFF SETS NEW NECKWEAR ,1 Special Good Values "I LADIES' HQUSE DRESSES $1.98 Values Special to Clean Up ' i - - - - ."mm .mm .., . ati;3s5.: 36 inch Figured 32 Inch Ginghams u "J?8f!?e . 25c QuaUty , v ( Yard 34c . J t . Yard 18c - 240-246 North Coiiirnercial St. i !- .- . . ; , ft-"A. ' - '- ; :.v.-. .'A' : ' '' ' ' ""'' . ' ' ' ,. !. . .- ; ;-j.t , H W .i ' - -- ---; Giever Orl taHoreci JcwatS are! I - i -'-T f)' iijtV9siTatgnr. or line. wniie otners are liar- ln'brommence. 4 - ahdto $34:75 a? ar . -S.f"f 7 '' ' Sb 4 a. ii u ' i Ji " "'"' ""imii'i ' , I..I..H. i lima , I r -i ' i - r- . 1 1 I ' unerai services .xo. neia at 2 O'clock Wednesdays Afternoon JEFFERSON, April--. 20. Mar. tisha Curl died Very ' suddjity orr Monday Jsst. t She Is surv lied by' her ? hdahalftlUi a brottieljl tu glf Bllyeu, both i of Jefferson, and a host of-'friends- !" . , " " iT She1 near 5cio, May 4, 1S56, aad was the daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. A.kJ. 'Bllyeu. She was a'member of the' Maccabee lodge and also a member of the Eran gelical church, being one of" lta Funeral,, servlcejijlbe heat 2 o'rtoek' Wednesday--' afternoon!, with: BurlaT in'the 'JeffersOn ceme--tery. grain:' Bab's Lady orchestra ; 8 :3&-ib'. I program. i - ? - ' " v f 7:00 Kill (405.2) Los Aneeles. 7 7:3b,, t 4 high school orchestra; 8-10. Joe Arisa.N,. I and his- Mexican enrerUiners. , feGREENBAUM Flowers : Ladies .? Union Suits 75c Line to Clean Up at 39c Indies' Knit Panls ... . t , . . . 35c and 25c ,1 For Chilly Evenings -Coats , oLtifcVilLlchar- Goats . vmine and - poirecme i exauisitelx made-and vtnrrmeaf'TvVim0?' run buttons, metallicimd ;Aei5j.tjp'at the,; vefy lie fcfell sleeves witH tie wristlets. and up to $54.75 i '; ;'; ' t . a.-. . ssr , .1 aa V v- -. ST bs VIA m .;'-tfife; . - v ' - I .' " r VsVl t. ir- J "a ' F! Pi LI t i V-! n re s IV U 5:1 1) ? Wj 4- 'Ft! sf f?4. . f . . --a. "V Ml