The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 20, 1926, Page 1, Image 1

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f SAIJZIrOIirGOJ-TUESDAY HORNING, APRIL 20, 1926 ; . f ; . ;
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President Ccc!!dne Makes Exl-:
; ercisa Franchise
atlpflai UxecutlTe Declares Sjrs
" tern of ,OoVernment Iinperflec I
By KeVettee'Jp'CMt V
.-' : xunot -
AsBOciated Press. )--dt4zenlx!p in
America U not ' prorate enterprise
: bnt public tunctlox' President
Coolidca c aald ? In n address j'to
nlCht before the thlrty-fif Ui con-
cress ot -the national society of
toe Daughters, of the';-American
ReTolatioa dnrinf vnlc be nrged
the people to exercise a great in
terest In their groyernment by go-
V ' Ins to the polls 1 on election day.
"The whole ' system of toTern
r meat, asserted Crests on the bal
lot box. - Vple&s dtlzent perform
: 'their duties .there, such, a :system
of Korernment ia. doomed to fail'
i . Making a passing reference to
law obserrsnce as it relates- to the
. t duties of citizenship ; the presl-
AitAA ht It MBat bei denied
;U tXCt511 pleaJot and glamor ot
'P1!.. fe the jnoral sense is' some-
' 1 ' "It cannot bd dlajktedt, be said;
'that , in too naay anarteri there
is a lack of reTerence for author
ity and of obedience to law.; Such
occurrences are sporadic and pro
duce their y&wit - remedy. When
'society finds 'that its lires and
property ate in peril from erll
does they will be anick .to organ-
; lie in parties for their protection.
i That cannot fail to t done in our
Own conntry. for out people as a
; whole are; thorouly law abid-
. ; tag." .; r-'
- The president held bowerer
- that- It was not in Tlolence and
crime that the greatest - danger
tles for these' erlls are Quickly, ap
. parent and could be suppressed. A
lar more various danger, he said,
lurks in the shirking of those je
? ; sponslblllties ot cltlienahip where
. the eril may not be so noticeable
. but Is more .insldaous and ' likely
, to ba more detastating.
- The address 1 was delirered on
the annlTtrsary; of the battles 'of
Concord and Lexington and.after
referring' to theform of goyern-
; meat set up as a result of the rero-
lutlon Mr. Coolldga aaid: ' ;
. It- we are to keep our repre
'. i Isentatlre'torm of gorernment and
e i . -
' i (CoBtlaa4 frost pkgs 8)
The Italian debt settlement was
debated in the senate.
J -. -
The drys presented another list
of witnesses opposing liquor law
modification. y
n administration asked' for
further laws to ; lighten proUbi
tlon. enforcement!
John Philip Sousa outlined bis
copyright troubles before , a Joint
congressional committee.
; . '. - - 0 , i-
- Attorney General, Sargent anT
ftonneed the gorernment speui
S 81,312 In prosecuting Senator
."Wheeler. . t
.' : . y.
' j Secretary Jardtne adrqeated
' and the corn belt delegation op
posed the Tlncher farm relief bill.
t ' ThA senate asked tne snipping
5 fcoard to hold up sale of the aa
. mlral Oriental line to the Dollar
interests. : v 'yx ."
' The Daughters of the American
' IteTolutlon ' opeaed their conrcn;
? tlon' and were addressed by Pres
" Notllicallon was giren that the
i United States would not particl
- pate In the' Genera conference for
iiisr.nsslnz wcrli court reserra-
J. noonday i
I la WcsHaston
Molten Stream
Pele, :Goddesd of ' the Volcano, Is Unappeased;, Native Town
j Destroyed -Despite Sacrificial Of ferings of : ,
v Hawaiian; Eruption Continues; " '
,11110, T. H., April 19. (By Associated Press.)-rThe
native village' Hoopuloa lies under 50 feet of cooling lava to
day, desp.ite the sacrifices of Hawaiians tp,Pele goddess of the
volcano. The villagers off ered pigs,, herbs and distilled .liquor
to Pele, bt the molten rock stream fjom Mana L6a rolled over
the homes of the hundred inhabitants. , , A' .1 ''
'1 "Some of the residents fled, in canoes to the. sea. i Others,
warned by the clouds of smoke and steam had time 'to drfve
flocks of t sheep to other villages, i A f ew jsaved some of their
- '
; iri busiwess sect tori
- i. -
City CoRncllmes Discuss Problem
t of Shopper Congested i ?
V Tbat the congestion at the In
tersections ot. State and Commer
cial streets and at SUte and lib
erty streets Is serious enough, to
demand the attention of traffic of
ficers.' at least between 4 ' and 6
yclock ln: the aflernoon was the
contention made at the city coun
cil meeting Monday night by;Al
derman M Dancy.
' Alderman E. S. Pnrrlne brought
up the matter of congestion, I re-'
marking that there; should, be
some remedy tor double parking.
He stated- that a car double park
ing ln-; the business section will
hinder tvo or three cars regular
ly parked from tearing the-curb.
' Alderman George Thompson
aak. whaJUhJSjahopper, waa to do
If he or she could not double para.
Ho declared a shopper would hare
to park bla car flye blocks from
the business district and: tote his
groceries; that distance, because
during the day such a thing as
parking space is practically, nUMn
the business section. s
"The whole trouble comes from
extending the parking limit from
one hour, to two hours, declared
Alderman Dancy. : 'fWe should go
back to the old system of one
hour parking. . , ,
Herchanta are taking an unjust
(Coatiaacd mm pt S)
Permission to use Church
street between . ' Court and-State
streets was granted to the Asso
ciated Charities of Salem by the
city council at Its -Monday night
meeting, -
Harry ilevy explained to, the
council : that the - association Is
sorely in need of funds to jrellere
worthy .cases.. He' explained that
the Browning amusement ; com
pany. will -guarantee the associa
tion. $200 net out of an amuse
ment carnival as was held at the
same location; last year. ' There
will be a ferris wheel, .merry go
round and. the. trimmings as In
last year's carnival.
The council, besides granting
permission for the" benefit, voted
to grant the amusement, company
a license and to refund the' fee.
The Associated Charities will get
percentage of the receipts, but
byithe guarantee can receive not
less; than 9200.' This Is said to
be more than 'was netted last
year as the association's share.
auiLDina week: opens
Six building permits were Issu
ed Monday from the office of, city
recorder... - Lawrence - Schnuelle
took out a permit" to construct a
one story dwelling at . 1620 Cen
ter street at a cost of. $2300.
George Thomason was Issued a
permit to bund 'a one story dwell
ing at 10 70 Tlr street, -to cost
SI 4 00. i H. Snook received a per
mit to erect a one story dwelling
at 365 Owens street at a cost ot
$2200. i ' '
Nora ; L. Anderson took out a
permit'. construct" a twq. story
dwelling at 1491 Court street at
a cost, of $6500.. A permit was
given jo Mrs. Maria F Roberts to
fepalr for $700':thf .fene ;stor7
dwelling at 1196 Court street R.
C. Churchill took out a permit to
build a oner story dwelling at 835
North 20th street at a cost of
oiRccIt i I
Village In Ruins
smaii oeiongin gs. ; ? t
Ab the red - hot i lara poured
through the rlllage, it set fire to
thej. S buildings and , corered. the
iruinsiu.The beach' where the. na
tlres hadJaunched .their fishing
boats,; was oyered t'by1i smoking
rock. '-j From, the se arose; clouds
ot 'steam and. a roar ike the ex
haust' ot a' thousand locombtlres
a the lara ''formed a new prom
ontory on the ocean bed. :
' Thousands "ot spectators f com.
ing .by a'tttomobllea orer th orr
ernment road which encircles the
iskn4 of Hawaii iWlthessed ithe
scene Others from steamers, a
half : mile ' offshore, . watched - fire
and water meet. -. ' ' - -:
: Orerhead were army, airplanes
endeavoring to." photograph .the
phenomenon V for. sclpnce Profes
sor Th6mai, A, 'Jaggar of the Ha
waiian 3 rolcano obserratory hav
ing requested their aerrices. The
efforts of the aerial, photograph
ers were 'little -'successful tor as
they circled in stiffling heat; 3.000
feet above the river, of fire their
riew was obscured by.huge clouds
of smoke and steam. Occasionally
they saw: flames leap through the
smoke, as forests . rand native
houses were .destroyed!" .- s. '
The flow, which' halted for-; a
time Saturday nlgbtwbett.Tloopu-
loa was i destropsdWin creased In
volume . Sunday. The watching
crowds surged dangerously close,
but were drirea back by -police.
Others, eluding the police, leaped
Lake Lablsh celery .win be on
the market within the next: 10
days according to f a : statement
made -Monday : night by Roy
Fukuda ot : the Labish Celery
Union. : .. - '
A new store and service station
has been constructed on the High
way. The season sol far la de
clared to be exceptionally favor
able, and In r advance ; ot other
7' : ; ; - jack in the ballot box -v-'i-0 - -'- - -1
jt"' .. " . ' , " ' "-". I - jf- V "
i t - , - - V f - . Pi
Portland, Silverton, Dallas,
Albany Delegates Here f.
? for Evening" ." k
Class of 250 Join ' CwpUal Post,
'Bringing Membership Total
'. :' "to 825j Program. Endi-
;'?'.:r jtb) DanW';',y :'.' J a, special, train from
the north, delegates of Portland
post! American Legion, headed bf
Commander Joe Freck, Leland Gil
bert, executive secretary, and the
post drum corps. Joined command
ers and delegates from Bilverto'iL
Albany, Dallas and other nearbj
posts . In the : Initiation of a class
of 250. new' members "of Capital
post No. 9, American Legion, to
the armory Monday night. ' Jt
V Capital post " membership now
totals 825. ' -
' Portland Legionnaires, arriving!
at 7530, were met at the station;
by CapiUl post fife and drum corps?
and local members,! who escorted:
the visitors to the alem armory
. (CoBtiaBd a pax 6)
Governor Pierce . Monday
signed a proclamation calling a
special election 'on. May1 21 to
rote on the question of creat
ing what would be known as
the Grand' Ronde-Salmon rirer
highway Improrement 'district.
? The district would ; comprise
approximately V 2 0 0 sections of
land In Tillamook," Yamhill,
Polk and Lincoln counties. In
erent the district Is created
bonds in the amount of $125,
000 will be roted for the con
struction of a road from Grand
Ronde to Otis, on. the route of
the Roosevelt Coast highway.
Construction ' of this road
would reduce the distance be
tween .Toledo', and "Portland &
miles and between Salem and
Otis approximately 20 miles.
United States Will Hof Par
ticipate In Court Con-
f erence in Geneva
'No Useful .Purpose Wosld Be
' Achieved by- American Dele'
gation. President Cool- "'
. idge States
WASHINGTON, April 19. (By
Associated Press) The league of
nations' Invitation to", participate
In the world court conference in
Geneva next September was de
clined 'formally today by the Unit
ed States. . .. v
. An ackowledgement which was
cabled by Secretary Kellogg to
Alan F. Winslow, -charge of the
Berne legation, for transmission
to Sir Eric Drnmmond. secretary
ot the league, said It did not seem
"appropriate" for the American
government to be represented. : It
invited attentlph to the league's
circular to the 43 court protocol
signatories asking them to Indi
cate to the United States the dif
ficulty of treating the senate res
ervations by direct negotiations.
- ,'It would seem to me,n... said
Mjr.-Sftllogg;.rto-'be a matter of
regTBt If the council of the league
should do "anything to' create the
Impression that there are substan
tial dlfficultiesln'the way of such
- $
( 0oBtinae4 oa pass 5J
: I'
. Because the ordinance; was In
troduced at too late a date, the
matter of i making the office of
city recorder appointive instead of
elective will, not come up before,
the people on the May primary
baUot. . . :
.City Attorney , Fred Williams
gave the . opinion that the ordi
nance is a charter, amendment,
and that such an amendment must
be filed at. least 60 days 'before' it
Is submitted, to the people.
Still iW"ater Navigation ,1
- Move Seen As Objectiye
Congressman Hawley Asks i Item He Included lit. Pending
River and Harbor Bill Calling: for Estimates of . ' I
Cost and Means of Improving Channel- "
The Statesman of' April 10 contained an editorial article
a carbon copy, of which was sent to Congressman W. C. Haw;
ley, asking him to advise the proper Course to begin a cam
paign for still water in the Willamette river from Salem to
Portland to give Salem water connection with the wo? 1J
ports,' with only an economical transfer, to and from ocea
going ,vessels m the tharbbr of the metropolis, saving even
harbor charges by, having the river bdats or, barges transfer
their cargoes direct, and the ship cargoes unloaded to the
river barges and boats in the same l ! ' i
manner. . . ; , r
..: Congressman Hawley i .did not
even wait to give advice. He act
ed. " . The foUowing : paragraph in
a letter- received by the editor of
The Statesman from him ' yester
day. dated at Washington, D. C,
April '14.' shows what he did,
"right off the bat:
" T hare read' with Interest this
copy of the editoriaL I am 'ask
ing .Congressman Crumpacker,
who is the Oregon member of the
committee on rivers and harbors,
to- have Included? in the pending
river and ' harbor bill a survey of
the Willamette river - between
Portland and. Salem. This is the
first' step under existing law. I
think, this surrey will be agreed to.
Then when," it is " being' made we
can submit to the engineers' pro
posals' for the improrement,' in
cluding locks, wing dams, etc j
' ' That action is characteristic of
Congressman Hawley. ; He Is not
at any time asleep at his post. He
has never been. In all .the years
of his service as representative ot
the Flrst Oregon congressional
district. And be has always got
ten results; He has always been
oa the 3ob.and JxeiBtands out-in
the halls of the national law mak
ing body-4lt waaysfaid a year or
two ago, by a man who knows,
that he Is among the, first fifty of
the great workers and members of
influence In the lower house. (
' Congressman Hawley will bare
the help of Congressman' Crum
packer, and of Senator- McNairy,
wno are concerned ln the cam
paign for still water navigation
from the Willamette river to ocean
going vessels! ' 1 j
This campaign should hare, and
no doubt will hare, the support of
the people ot Eugene, Co rrallls
and Albany, and of all the other
cities and towns of the Willamette
valley, and' ot 'the people on the
lands In this yaUey.
If we can get still water from
Salem to Portland, with two sixteen-foot
dams, r-with locks. It is
likely .that Eugene can get still
water to Salem with a half dozen
such -dams and locks, 'and per
haps less, than slx..
. A far, risloned, man In Salem
said yesterday that this would do
more than any other one thing to
wards getting new . factories In
Salem.v The same thing would be
true of the 1 pper rirer towns and
cities. ; t . ... ;.j
''.For the. benefit of any one who
may : hare missed - the . eBitoiial
article referred to, under the head
;' ". : . " "' ' f
(Ooatlnn a pg S) i
Correspondence courses for pen
itentiary Inmates hare been Inaug
urated at the prison here, pnder
the supervision of federal'au thirl
ties, 1 it was' announced -yesterday
by W Golden, ' deputy warden.
Foriftohie time ' experiments
have been made with, federal sup
ervision:; ,bf educational workv In
reformatories and penitentiaries
with the result that the placing ot
a teacher, within the 'institution
has been foundress ftffectlTe than
the typical correspondence course.
All prisoners are eligible to take
this Instruction by mall. -J Blanks
hare been " furnished all prisoners.
Those desiring to enroll giro their
name, ge, occupation before Im
prisonment, number of years spent
in school and state Ado they
would ,; like i to learn, hey are'
also asked to check particular
courses of study among whit a are
reading, writing,r.arlthmetic, hLs
tory, bookkeeping, poatry raising.
dairy . farming, truck gardening,
shoemaking,: , cooking," baking,
laundrying,' tailoring, electricity,
machine work,' wood work or
printing. - N;
.According .'to, .Deputy. . 57arden
Golden the blanks will be sen at
once and. correspondence courses
will be creaed Within the next fw
weeks, " - : ' ' . '
Procedure Is Said to Be Courte
ous Way of Informing i
, ... -
CaL, April 19. (By Associated
Press.)-! Colonel " Alexander S.
Williams today drank the, dregs of
the cocktail he. offered to Briga
dier General Smedley D. Butler
last month' when the ' military
court trying him on a charge of
Intoxication preferred by the' gen
eral . adjourned today under cir
cumstances leaving no doubt as to
his eonVictlon." 1 ' "
" While the, .court made
mepror announcement, other than
that it f had ; adjourned. : the," clrj
cumstances of . its adjournment
were a teclt admission that It ber
Uered ihe colonel guilty of ap
pearing drunk In the public rooms
of the Hotel Del Coronado. the
night he gare a dinner party , tp
honor of General Butler.
Offlcira familiar with court
matrial procedure explained as
the court departed tha( adjourn
ment wunouc aeiuuce announce
ment ok acquittal is a military
court's courteous way of Inform
ing a defendant he has been con
victed. I Findings and recommen
dations ot the court will be sent
direct to the judge jidyocate. gen
eral, of j the navy at Washington
and communicated by him; togeth
er witU I his recommendation for
sentence to the secretary of the
nary. .The rerdict is expected to
CniBttd from pr , '
7 f -
,-V'T i T i J ,
j f .WASHINGTON,-. April i9-
i CA.p.)-M3al of the American-
Orient mail a line of R, Stanley
Dollar was held up today by a
senate " resolution of protest.
Chairman 'O'Connor of the ship-
ping ooara was preparing t sign
the vhlll ot sale when the resolu
tion of Senator. MpNary, recom
mending Dollar's bid of J$ 4,500,-
oeO i bej 'thrown out. was .passed
unanimously. The' chairman said
he would - withhold; bis signature
untu tne snipping Board, had con
- The Resolution set, forth that It
was the sense of the 'senate that
the sale should be stopped, new
bids called lor,: or' ships allocated
to persons interested, in the north
west, rrhe Shipping Board was
charge4 wttt. accepting the Dollar
bidwhen it had a larger bid, but
refused to open it. Later Senator
McNary said-W.:B.Bener'replre-
sentingf - Portland and Seattle fi
nanciers: bad; v offered 'V 1 100,600
more for the ships, than Dollar.
but tnat tne board refused to con
sider the, offer because It came in
' LONDON, April 19. (By As
sociated Press. -Earthquakes re
curring- with Increasing' riolence
bareT'dpne. much-damage to nous-
es, aal ;other property In; the
Azoresf says a Lisbon dispatch to
the Dally Express. These violent
shock $ were felt i yesterday after
a, series of earth tremors. Great
excitement prevails.'
SAI DIEGO,! April 19.(Cy
Associated Press) A slight earth
quake jwas felt Jn, San '.Diego tnd
vicinity shortly after 1 o'clock
this" morning. . ' The tremor vas
brief ,nd was so slight tftat most
Cia Dj2-aia dii est tc;I It.
ran a m
" i1' - .' . -V. . . . il-r- M
Three Uill Levy to. Provids
$5fO0a'Annua!Iy to Ap-V
pear oh Ballot 5
Ordinance Providing Funds Frorx
WbJch' Secretary-Engintct' " ;
. Wonid be Paid, Wins
In Stormy Debate ! :Vl h
It appeared as though a, break
between the' city council and the
city zoning and, planning commta
slon was Inevitable at. the" council
mating Monday; night, when the
ordinance creating, a '.J milt'levy t
for the maintenance ot,the'' com
mission 1 waa". reported. baQk from
the ordinance committee with it a
recommendation ' that it r4q ' not "
pass. ' ' : . '' ' " 't -i
. But after member of, the corai
mission had been' heard, from" and
the : project explained, "the; report
ot the committee' was; rejected as.2
later when the ordinance came up
for passage only two' alder me a,
Ellis Purrine knd J; IL Galloway,
roted -against It.' "i-; ,
The matter irill now be placed
before the, pepjjle. on, the ballot in
th May. primary for acceptance or
rejection." The S. min lery would
provide thocomril3si6n with;. sr
proxlmately 5,00o a yea to carry
on Us work. ' The ordinance pro
rides that this lerybe' made fori
- (0Biias4 o pat 5)j -
Pitt jf4iqq Trjpori
local head" of ' salvatiojt
army to Attend course :
' Ensign Allen Pitt, In charge of
the local Salration ' Af my in " Sa
lem, has been selected by division
headquarters" to represent ' this
secUon' Of tho Northwest ! In " a
summer training camp to ba held
ia London, England. He. will leave
todayv: fc- .vv'"ii-a :
; Mr. Pitt's appointment came aa
a complete surprise and is in rec
ognition Of the' quality of his' ser
vices here in Salem.0 In corartny "
witht so tne-A 2 0 "Other rsalratloa" .
Army workers from the States In
will: ship from New York, t
summer school 'in England be!r t
made np of distlaigulsbed wort.
from' all countries In which anr:7"
activities are being ' carried .J
H Es, 'expenses will ,be. pi i by , the -Armjr,v;and
-durlag; hu :?,
.Mrs.-"itt will reciala ia char
herel Fcl'owir-3 tLa . f-rr. 'r
training, be will resune'fci3 Iwcrlc
here;, :t
;'A hew numbering system for
Salem, was ;, recoranend0 last
,,nlsht by .a special ' coranlttee
consisting or,cotiEcnmen, cnam-
bfr 6 1, commerce men! :rs and I
reaests.te men.".'; ' "' I
a 6rdlnanco;.creatipg ' '.the .. rw
system was Intimated. when ti.3
report o f -the special committer a
was adopted. '
'. An attempt was made to bus- g
pend rules and carry the mea- I
ure 'through Its third reading, j
But the. rote of Alderman C. O. '
Engstromragalast ; suspesEl- a i
prevented the ordlnanca frc -reaching
Its .third reailrj
nights '.;-"'-. ';"; v ;
-i !By the new . numbering .srs
tem streets would be huxnberc 1 .
east and west according to t!r 'r
distance , from the "jlrzr a; I
north and south' accord: r to
their distance from Etata t r-ct.
V Wna., II. Schaefer, ,1.5 re to
work out a new insuran:3 r:sp
for the city told the "co-inc"-J
men It has been over SO ye"s '
sinee an Izsarazce map. wa.3
made here. , A ew elition Is j
to be made .imsaedlately, an 2, '
he said, .unless, ti,3 new err era
of nunberizs ia alerted t
tors' the IzT.zz'zr: ct the rr.
It".wm.prohat!y..,t3- 23 -yc
more before the numtcrlr c
be corrected.