The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 1
. ' " I """il-MI. I. 1 11 -IHBI I I- II I III -H.lllll ! 1 "Mil ... , ' - - Itf
- - . .
!DviV W. C. aKntner Willvon
- Tomorrow Celebrate" His;i
.. Golden Jubilee v;
v. - x' ' '
. It will be fifty year tomorrow
since Dr. W. C. Kantaer came to
Salem. For the first year after
h Is arrival: he was pastor of the
.First Congregational church 'in
this city. Of the fifty; year he
jiaa served as a minister,4 19 5 of
-them were with the First Congre
"gatlonal church of thla city. :
$ A. year ago the last Sunday of
.this month, he resigned his pastor-
r ate here, but for the past : six
jnonths he .has been serving : a
church - In Portland, and he hopes
to be kept busy and to have a long
time of service yet. ; " . ;
In celebration of his golden
Jubilee,' there will be a dinner at
the .Kantner home, SS3 North
Commercial street,' attended by a
few very old' friends,' at 8 o'clock
tomorrow evening. ; , v. ' . ".
, There are few men la this conn
try' who:' can " claim such 'a long
service, nor la there one who has
more Sincere . friends than Dr.
Kantner. 'And he' has every pros-1
pect of benlg able to douseful
work ' in ,his chosen field for. ; a
long time yet. - There is no old
citizen of Salem who will not wish
to be included in expressing con
gratulations on his golden jubilee,
' Miss Cordon; Holmes Is the only
woman member of a bond house
In England. She recently .visited
thla countrv and exnressed herself
as surprised at finding so many
women in tne oansung easiness.
- Part of National Forest closed
to smokers, because of fire has
ard. - . ; ,
( 1
Damoii Grocery Co.
cm a asm
Mm cm
Rrm IsNow Drs. :Steeves,
Findley, Clement 'and
Baum, Specialists ;
Dr. R. N. 'Avison Will; Ad
dress Six O'clock piub
on Monday.
Dr. W. Wells Baum, from Den
ver, is a new arrival m baiem.
with Mrs. Baum: They ; are al
ready in love with the capital city.
They are living in the "Fisher
apartments, on South Commercial
street. - - . ,
Dr.' Baum has become a member
of the firm that will hereafter be
known as Drs. Sleeves, Findley,
Clement fc Baum. Beginning with
the first named, this; firm of spe
cialists in eye, ear, nose and throat
has been .extended to its present
nersonneL-. Dr. Steeves started a
longer time ago than he would
like to be reminded of, perhaps.
and : Dr. Findley has been a mem
ber for a good while. , j,
" Dr. Baum comes from' Denver.
He got part of his training in the
Washington university of - St
Louis, a leading medical school.
He worked In his specialty in the
North Chicago hospital, and also
in Denver. He was for a time In
practice at Marshfield, until com
ing to Salem a few days ago.'
Salem Eastman Brothers, of
Sllverton. buys " nronerty to es
tablish sheet metal plant. -
For men and women
We have a complete line of all the hew things in this won
derful line of Shoes. Colored Kid and Patent Leathers
for J-adies Tan Calf and Black Kid for Men. ,
Most Styles
Florsheim Oxfords for Men
We have all the new lasts and styles in : the most up to
date Young Men's line on the market. Every pair fits and
We guarantee them to give perfect wear.
Most Styles
Silk Hose
All bur new Spring: shades in this fa
mous brand of Ladies Hose are now
in and ready for inspection.
You will have to wear a pair of these
superior Hose to fully appreciate their
.exceptional value. They still hold
their luster after being laundered a
number of times.
; Prices range from
$1.95 to $5.00
Euite Mose" for -Men '
Jiist arrived in all the newlahd exclusive patterns.v See
them now as they are different. , . - '
, -50 75c;and'$ijbp "
V- Rubber heels put on your shoes for. half
nrice everv Wednesday, i Brins . them-any
,W day and leave them for Wednesday.
do .ront FEET HURT? ,:
Corns and calluses re- .
moved without pain or sore
ness. Ingrown nails removed .
and treated Palss in feet,
weak-foot, flat foot, foot
strains and fallen arches ad
justed. ' Do not suffer. I will
"give you the best' that. -science
.can- produce in scien
tific chirojKdr. "Consult
En. V ILtIAiI3 -, ,. v . ."-
About Your Feet -'
' Hours 9 to 6:30 Phone 61-
: Y 7
Usui Sua
E$t2i Boots
imrAm detartsient
- Our shop is equipped with
all new machinery. "We use
nothing but the very best
grade of leather that money
. will buy. -, ... ' -
. Mr. Jacobson, in charge of
this department. Is an ex
pert in his line has spent
years in factories and repair
shops and will' do nothing
but high grade work.
Vivacious Star Is Now Seen
"Irene,'- Playmg at
Oregon Theatre
I George White's Scandals to
Be at the Heiiig Theatre
Here Soon
The regular monthly meeting of
the Salem Six o'Clock club will be
held in the basement of the First
Methodist church, Monday even
ing, 'April 19 at 6:30 o'clock. The
Salem Six o'clock club1 was or
ganized . when Dr. R. N. Avison
first came to Salem about 16 years
The club was Dr. Avison's idea
and : has been funectlonlng ever
since its organization. It will be
the privilege of the members of
the dub at the April meeting to
hear Dr. Avison on a most inter-
esting subject; "What Ails Our
Host of the discussion upon this
subject recently from the pulpit
and press has been along the lines
of -finding something wrong with
oar youth. Dr. Avison does not
agree with this trend of modern
thought and will defend the youth
of today, and promises a very in
teresting and profitable discussion
of the subject. i -,
Dr. Avison was for ten years
pastor of the First Methodist
church, and his many friends in
Salem will be glad to hear him
again. The atendanee and mem
bership of this club is not limited
to the members of " the First
Methodist church, or to' Metho
dists, or to any other denomina
tion or creed, and all men are In
vited to attend; -Dr. Avison's
friends are particularly extended
a cordial invitation to hear him
upon this occasion.
The ladies of the church will
serve the regular evening meal at
6:30 o'clock after which, Dr.
Avison will deliver his address.
At hear she Is just a kid.
Beneath the veneer of fame and
fortune thrust upon her the flame
of youth Turns. Life to her is no
different today than it was yester-;
day.' Her-veins are filled with
young blood. It Is doubtful if she
will ever ' grow old, for at heart
he's just a youngster, the young
ster she used to be.
That, you may believe-, is the
reason why Colleen Moore enjoys
such a wonderful time in her lat
est First National picture; "Irene,"
now playing at the Oregon theatre
- Laid In the tenement district of
New York, where kids are kids;
the opening scenes of "Irene" are
enlivened by a gang of twenty-five
youngsters with Irene (Miss
Moore) as the ringleader.
And, oh, the fun they have in
the streets. But that isn't the
Between scenes during the mat
ing of the film those twenty-five
youpgsters surrounded Miss Moore
and called her "Colleen." They
worshipped her, not as their favo
rite picture star, but as their play
fellow. And she knew them all
and could call them by their first
names she was just one of the
Recently they were playing dolls
and eating lollipops with Colleen
in the center of the group, a big
ger kid than the kids themselves
and having a great time. She was
turning back the pages of the
Book of Life and living over again
the days of her childhood.
And after all, though she's one
of the biggest screen stars, at
heart she is just a kid.
Everything that one looks for .In
a musical revue beautiful set
tings,' costumes, comedy of all va
rieties, excellent dancing and sing
ing will be found in George
White's Scandals, the sixth edition
of which comes to the Hellig the
atre Tuesday, May 4.
Myra Brown and Zelma O'Neil
drops (inn
Fails to Secure Necessary
Signatures to Place Name
on Ballot
Although Sargent Brown of
Chiloquin, Klamath county, filed
witfc the ."secretary of state for the
office of .United States senator at
the democratic- primary election,
he had failed to complete his pe
titions when the time for filing
expired at midnight Friday. His
name will not appear on the of
ficial ballot at the primary elec
tion as, a result of this omission.
the secretary of state said.
Belated filing accented bv the
state department Saturday includ
ed those of A. W. Peters of Hood'
River county and B. B. Goodman
of Portland. Mr. Peters is a can
didate 1 or representative In the
legislature for the ninth district,
comprising Hood River county,
while Mr. Goodman is a candidate
! for representative in the legisla
ture for the 18th district, com-,
prising Multnomah county.
There were a total of 252 f nines
for the primary election. Of
these 196 were republicans and
: 57 were democrats.
To avoid that run-down feeling;
cross crossings cautiously.
Yhat Sleep Is to Your
Body Geaning Is
A rest f roan the constant
grind of the wear and tear
of daily use. As constant
activity uses up nervous
energy, : so dust particles
eat up the best fabrics.
Send your clothes in for
Recrular Cleaning and
Lengthen Their Life!
231 North High Street
Telephone 934
In The List Price of
Bi?aike vIJimiBg
Watch for the ThermoidiAd in Next;
Week's TSafaur day Evening Post
m:m pabieec
Ths Brake Specialist
are the show's headline, assisted
by a cast of unusual excellence, in
cluding Tom fatten, the DeNardos
and their seven sheiks. Ace Brown,
Fred. Ughtner. Sonla Uecalve.
May belle Mellon, Brown KIwood;
John Grove, Mary Leeland. tb b
tor, Sisters, together with a chorus
of SO that excels anything ever
seen here. The girls are shapely
c-t figure, pretty of face, vivacious
of manner and! sprightly in person
ality. , . , - . -
Many of th impressive scenes
In the show are obtained ' by the.
use of curtaini, snch as the silver,
gold and dlamoud -curtains, drawn
by appropriately .attired ladles of
the ensemble, Is the Year After
Year We're Together" number, the
"Mah Jong" set. which is an Ori
ental fantasy,! the "Rose of Mad-'
rid" scene and the "Araby" num
x . ,
The Public Water company with
headquarters In Portland and cap
ital stock of $25,000, haa been- In
corporated by iWIUIam Vawter, T,
E. Daniels and Leon JHaskins.
Other articles tiled In the state
corporation department Saturday
follow: . ? . J
Oak Ridge Gun elubv Portland,
6 000 ; V.iW. Taylor, yred Taylor
'Uill and Mine Supply company,
Washington ; corporatiopQ 1250,-
000; Vernon Cleary,,Portin. at
torney-in-fact yp-
" Policemen and laws are a poo
substitute for the Golden Rule, ob
servance -or wmcn cuoawi
precious lives and limbs. ,
At 87 years of age, Mrs. S. M.
Wainwright of Rye. N. Y.. recent
ly . completed her ninety-second
crossing of the Atlantic ocean. Her
first trip was made in a side-
wheeler in 1868.
s -.-
? . i
TpHIS . store enjoys quite a Jdb-
tinction in this community
for the character of its-merchan-dise
and service
: . : . i . -
Satisfied customers-talk about U3
-that's- the way- oxur - reputation
growsre More and more men arc
discovering hat we have the
right goods-our pick of the best;
that our prices mean real econo
my; and that we help a man ce-
lect the clothes that are moct be
coming to him
' ' ; it - -
1 -